PC 07-11-66 10�2�_ South ��.ra�tooa-Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, California, 9501 phone : ''S
------------------------------------------. _ __ _--. ____
PC -R? 3 80, 000 e 1 '
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
July 11, 1966 8:00 P.M,
Held in the Multi Purpose Room, Portal School, 10300 North Blaney,
Cupertino, California
TI ROLL CAI.,L: Minutes of previous meetin�s; June 27 and
29, 1g66.
Comm, present: Bryson, Buthenuth, Horgan, Hirshon
Comm. absent: Frolich
Staff preseni: City Attornqr, Sam And�rson
Direct�or of Public UTor?�s, Frank Finrie�,T
Di:rector of Planning, A,dde Laurin
Assistant Planner, Jii�� Nuzum
RecoLding Secretary, Lois Inwards
Mrs. Ann An�er, 10185 Empire Avenue, questioned the last
sentence of the las�c paragraph on page 2. Chairman
Hirshon said it should read: "Chairman Hirshon said this
would be a matter for her to check w3.th the applicable
tax authority."
Moved by Comm, Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Bryson, to
approve the Minutes of June 27 as corrected and to a�prove
the Minutes of June 29 as read,
AYES : Comm. Bryson, Buthenuth, Horgan, H3.rshon
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comr�1. Frolich
Motion carried, L}-0
There were none.
There were none.
There were none.
PC-R13 Minutes of the Ju1y 11, 1g56 Plannir..� Commission �ee�ing
7-V- A. COPPOLA' S PIZZA PARLOR: Variance �co determine if three
existin� signs 10 square feet in excess of square
footage allowed by Ordinance may remain - lOLI00 South
Sarato�a-Sunnyvale Road. Second Hearing'continued.
The Assistant Planner referred to his memo, introduced at
the meetin� of May 23 ig66 which �eflects the staff's
views on this si�uation.
Mr. CopPola a�ain went over the previous hearings with �he
Planning Commission, the Architectural and Site Control
Committee, and the City Council. He asked if the Commis-
sioners had any questions.
Comm. Buthenuth, rzferring to the Minutes of June 13'ch,
asked the applicant if he was told when he applied for
his sign permit that he was over on the square foota�e.
Mr. Coppol� reviewed the H-Control proceedin�s where he
was allowed f;o put �he sign on t;he side of the buildin�
and the sign on i,he front of the building, with the
stipulation that he re,�nove the roof sign. He said he
needs all the advertising he can get ai; this location,
and it woulcl cost him �50 to have the sign removed. He
said that as soon as funds were available, he would f�ake
the roof si�n down.
Chairman Hirshon asked the City Attorney whether a time
limit could be placed on this request. The term used
in the Sign Ordinance is "variance" rather than "excep-
tion." The Ci�y Attorney said that if tile wall signs are
not cumulative, he questioned whether th� Planning
Commission can approve the wall and roof si�ns.
The Ci�y At�orney suggested an extension of the present
use of the roof sign would be in order for, say, six
months. At such time the new Sign Ordinanee comes into
effect, the applicant would then be required to qualify
under it. Incidentally, it should be considered to term
exceptions from the new Sign Ordinance "Use Permits" rather
than "Variances,"
The Assistant Plann�r confirme�l that the total square
foota�e of th� pizza parlor signs is over the amount
legally allowed.
Comm. Buthenu�h asked the Director of Public Work� wh�n
the anticipated building will be cons�ructed on the corner
next-door to �his pizza parlor. The Director of Public
Works said this corner is current7.y being used as a parking
lo� and the owner is considering puttin� a building on it
but we know of no specific date as yet,
PC-R13 Minute� of the July 11 1966 Plannin� Commission Mee��ing
Mr. Coppola said �hat when the City Council referred his
case back to the Planning Commission, tlzey waived the
application fee.
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Bryson, i,o
close the Public Hearings.
AY�S: Comm. Bryson, Buthenuth, Hor�,an, Hirshon
NAYS: None �
ABSENT: Comm. Frolich
• Motion carried, �-0
Chairman Hirshon said he was not stron�ly opposed to this
application, but if it were held in abeyance, the ma�c�er
could then be solved once and for a11.
Comm. ButYienuth felt that Mr. Coppola Yias a hardship here,
to which Crairman Hirshon agreed. Comm. Bryson commented
that Mr.Coppola is on a corner �hat is not a corner.
Comm. Horgan said he has always been and still is a�ainst
this application. Mr. Coppola was ins'�ructed, almos� a
year ago, to remove the roof si�n, whicl� he has not done.
There is a violation here.
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Bryson, 'co
allow the Coppola Pizza Parlor signs to remain, staLus
quo, for one year. A'c the end of one year, the applicant
will then be �udged under the new Sign Ordinance.
AYFS: Comm. Bryson, Buthenuth, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Hor�an
ABSENT: Comm. Frolich
Mo�ion carried, 3-1
6-U- B. WATSON 8c ASSOCIATES: Use Permit for self-service
car wash and retail automotive store; SW corner of
Saich Way and Park Avenue. First Hearin�.
TYie Planning Director has made the adminis�rative decision
that a Use Permit is needed here, both for �he retail
automotive store and for the car wash, because they are
in the same ca�egory as automotive service stations. If
the Planning Commission agre�s that a Use Permit is re-
quired, the Commission would have to then consider
whether this is a proper location for this type enterprise.
The Director feels �chis type store should be concentrated
in certain areas. We have the be�;innin of an auto row on
Stevens Cree?r Blvd. be'�ween Blaney Avenue and Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road. This location proposed by the applicant
is too close to a residential neighborrood.
YC - ?";13 Mirlii�Les of the Ju1y Z1, 1g6G P�annin� COIT]ITll. Me�i;ing
The Assistant Planner referred to his memo of July 7th.
The Plannin� Director said the Architec�ural and Site Control
Committee has approved buildings A and B, and has approved
buildings C and D sub�eet �o a Use Permi'c being grantec�,
The Director of Public Works stated that a12 the street im=
provements are �caken care of throu�h i,he Tentative Map.
Mr. Reynold �1a�son, 1260 Windimer Drive, Los Altos, reviewed
the propert�r, i'cself. The Stevens Creelc Blvd, fronta;e is
112' and the Saich �r1ay fronta�e is 720' , which means 'che
front view mus'c face the Gemco nursery and parking lot.
Buildin� 2(B) star�s 250' ba.ck from S'cevens Creek Blvd,
The proposed colonial architecture allows proper use for
retail outlets. The reason they are aslcing for automotive
is that the last 300' back from Stevens Creek Blvd. is not
acceptable for retail operations, due largely to the view
looking into the Gemco nursery.
Mr. UTatson explained the car wash operation next. He pre-
sented pictures of the view,. as it will be seen from S'cevens
Creek Blvd. and f rom the Ger��co Nursery area. Mr. Watson ��
said they are reviewing this operation v�ith three national
firms at the presen� time. The archi'cectural activ,i'�;; is
f�o make this a�'irst class operation. They will be more
restrictive i,han the City as to how t31is is run. It must
be a�clean, we11-run operation or it would destroy their
development. TheyT are planning a"Goodr3.ch-type" operation.
The four buildings have basically a colonial design. There
will be 3' hi�;h shrubbery in front of all buildings. For
the self-service, coin-operated car wash they have followed
the same coni,inuity of design. There will be no heavy
mechanical equipment or noise,- Mr, tnTatson said they are
proposing 8 bays rather than the �ypical � bays, to elimi-
nate any traffic congestion.
Mr. Watson su�;gested that the bi�` fac`�or here is thai, this
last 200-300 fee�c back from Stevens Creelc Blvd. makes it
almost impossii��le to develop this property as a ret�.il
operation. He had lunch with Board members of the YMCA,
tiaho will be his nei�hbors, and he explained each building
in detail to them. He received 100� receptiveness from
a11 six Board members.
The Laurentic�e building on Stevens Creek B1vd. is Mr
Watson's f3.rst experience in Cuperi,ino. The two buildin;s
for Use Permit comprise about L!0� of - i;��e entire devel:op-
ment. Mr. ?-Ta�L•son said this is an "e��i>r�me problem child"
property to deal with.
Chairman Hirshon asked for comments from the aud�.ence..
Th�re were none.
� -�-
rU-�ttlj l�i�nu'ces of' �i�e �luJ_�T 11, ly6b, Planning Com►nission Mee'cirg
The Plannin� Direc�or said tha� if a part of a CG property
is not the best business location, 'chis does not constitu�e
a hardship justifying us�s no� compa�ible with �he nei�h-
borhood. A Use Permit should be judged on its own r�erits.
Perhaps the property owner was too optimistic when he
applied for commercial zoning; a rezonin� to another zone
might be considered.
Comm. Bryson asked if Cup�rtino presentl�� has any car
washes. The staff said there is a Use Permit for one on
Stevens Creek Blvd next to Autorama, but Lhat it has
remained unused for almost nine months. It wi17. au�o-
matically expire af�er one year if unL�sed by that time.
Mr. Watson said he ha� been in contac�c Uaith the holder of
i,ha� Use Permi�c, and was informe� i� is not going to Ue
used. He is proposin� selling part of Iiis commercial
property to Mr. �rda�son for another offic� buildin� similar
to the Lauren�ide buildin� across the s�ci�eet.
Mr. Watson was as�{ed if he was prepared �to go ahead wi�h
buildings A and B even if the Use Permi'c for C and. D
were refused, Mr. [�)atson said buildin�s C and D repre-
sen'c 40f of the development, and if the�r v�rere denied he
would have to drop 'che whole thing. He said 50� of
buildir.� C tivi11 be commercial sale oi aui,o accessories.
There wi11 be no car repair activities here; only insta�.-
lation of trze auto accessories purchased here.
Comm. Horgan and Chairman H3.rshon were of the opinion that
the car wash and building C should come under a Use Permit.
Mr. trlaLson said he would concede 'chat � Use Permit is
needed rather �chan have th�s con�cinued �co a Second Hearin�;.
There was some concern that no YMCA representative was
present, a1�;Yzou6h they were apprised of 'chis meeting.
Mr, Wa�son said there will be a full-time maintenance
man on duty aL the car wash. He stated 'chat nobody from
the surroundin� subdivisions have contacted him abou�
this developm�nt. Mr. 4�latson said the YMGA is seriovsly
considering purchasing a portion of his property for an
access road.
Chairman Hirshon fel� that a Second Hearing would be
justified on �;l�is applica�Cion, noting the magnitude oi'
the proposed clevelopment and the impact it could have on
the area. Comm. Bryson would lik� to hear from the Y1��1CA.
Moved by Cornm. Bryson to close The Public Hearings.
Motion died �'or want of a second,
PC-R13 Minutes of 'cne July 11 i966 Plannin� Commission Mee'cing
Moved by Comr��. Horgan, seconded by Comm. �uthenuth, to
continue the First Hearing.
AYES: Comm. Buthenuth, Hor�an, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Bryson
ABSENT: Comm. Frolich .
Mot3on carried, 3-1
Chairman Hirshon stated the Commission ti�ould�like addicional
information on 'che impact this development would have on
the surroundin� nei�hborhood.
A. Joint meeting of City Council and Plannin�; Commiss3.on,
to be held 8 P.M., Ju1y 26th, PorLal School Multi
Purpose Room. The a�enda wi11 be forthcoming.
8-U- A. �3ARNER M. �•JILSON: Use Permit 'co convert single faii�ily
residence into antique shop,�20730 Stevens Cree�; Blvd.
The Plannin� Director recommended Lhat i'c would be excellen'c
if we could preserve one of the older Cupertino buildin�s,
if it is in such condition of repair i,o warrant i�. It
would give a pleasant change of pace to 'che area, and relieve
'che sarneness of �he newer developments.
The Assistant Planner presented �hotographs of the o1d home
and stated tha'i, i'c was formerly approveci by the H-ConLx�ol
and a Use Perrnit was �ranted by the City Council for an
exclusive dress shop to be located in �his old home. This
Use Permit has since expired.
Mr. lr'ilson said this is a 35-year-old ti•aell-buil� s�ucco
building, not a Victorian home. He said it is his hope that
this would be cleveloped into a quaint lit'cle v�llage of
attract�ve shops. He spent much money on plans for the
dress shop and tl�e narl{ing lot, and af'cer all that expen-
diture, the dress shop chose �o no'c follow through.. Since
the home has remained vacant, triere have beeri acts of
vandalism, suc�1 as hundreds of dollars tivor�h of windows
brol�en, motor cycles driven around in �Che livin� room,
and beer part�es on the patio. Repea�;ec� reports to the
police depar�cmen�c have not prevented recurr�ances of
these acts of vandalism. �
PC-R13 P�iinutes of �he Ju1y �1, 1g66 Plar�ning Commission Meeting
P�Ir. Wilson said a local wholesale antia�ue dealer° woul�
like to under�ca?�e a venture, runnin� an antique shop c^ritY�
a partner in this house. Mr. t�lilson said the rent for this
operation wou3.d be $250 per month (even t;hou�h �his com-
mercial location could command $600 per rnonth) but at
least this would put someone on the property to take care
of i�c and guard it from future vandalism Lx21�11 he can
pursue his or��inal plans.
In the meant3me, he is ne�otiating 'co l�uild another shop
in front of �he old house and aL tha'c �ime he would ex-
tend the �stree'c improvementis from trze post offiee wes�c-
ward to �che eas��ern end of his preseni, development. The
main thin� is - co �et somebody in the house to preserve it
until he can bvild a series of "English cotta�es'!.
Mrs. Ann An�er, 10185 Empire Avenue, said she would very
much like to see this buildin� preserved.
Comm. Buthenu�h fel�C that it would neecl some work as far
as pari�in� and roads are concerned. He tvent - co loolc a�;
the proper�y, and was a concerned aUout t�1e laclt oi'
visibili�y 3.n �ettin� out onto Stevens Creek Blvd. frorn
the property. Mr. ?�Jilson said Y�e evidentally went in and
came out the t��lron�, wa�. The vandals have destroyed 'cY�e
directional si�ns.
The Direc'cor of Public ti�Torks said that, as a conditiion of
a Use, we norii;ally request dedication and improvemen'cs.
In the past, ��ae nave required dedica�.ion and improvemen�s
of stree�s. Mr. Z�:Tilson said �here is a 180' frontaUe by
th� house and a�otal of 1157' Stevens Creek Blvd. fronf;-
a�e from the pos� of'fice on down to t:na'c portion already
developed. The Direc�or of Public �.�:�orlcs posed the question:
"What por�ion should be done at this time to �uarani,ee
�he remainder bein� done a� a later dai,e. Some guaran�cee
should be made to n�ake sure we �et 'chese improvemen�Ls at
some t�me."
Mr. T�dilson said tne antique clealer does not want any ti$aor1�
done on �he driveway. Mr. Buthenuth fel� �hat rin�ht now
there is an un�afe traffic condition there becat;�se yot.�
can' � see, �;et�;in� ou�C onto Stevens Creel� Blvd. Mr.
1�lilson said thati in a few months there will be a new
� business next; door to the Post Office. The Director of
Public Works su�gested �. temporar�T t,aaiver could be arranged,
pending the ou�come of the local improvemei1t district or
un'cil ad�aceni, properties are clevelopecl. Mr. Wilson said
he did not ti��an'c �o be committed to the local improvement
district. He feels he has done a firs'c rate �ob so iar
in the developmen�c of his property and vaould lilce to
continue independently.
_7 _
PC-R13 Minutes of the July 11 1966 Plannin� Commission Mee�ing
Chairman Hirshon asl{ed the City Attorney if we have on the
books an Orc�inai�ce �overning a public nuisance. The City
Attorney said tiae have noi. invaded i,hat f�eld. This ti�lould
be a case for the Fire Marshall or the District A�torney.
Chairman Hirshon was concerned abou'c the ineffectiveness of
police protec�ion, feelin� it was the responsibility
entirely of �he Sheriff's Office.
Moved by Comrn. Hor �an, seconded by Comn�. Bryson, �o approve
application 8-U-66, sub�ect to the follo�ving condi�ions:
].) S�Lreet improvements to be postpon°d for the period of
one year; then Lo b� reviewed by the Planning Commission
at that time, or �o be installed a�c an carlier date,
depending on �he development of �ha'c property;
2) Subject i,o review by the Architec�;ura1 and Site Approval
Chairman Hirshon d3_d not feel that, even thougl it is
temporary, that i,his is a proper use oi 'chis property and
� did not feel i'� �vas justified. He feels 3.t is a policin�
The Assistant Planner read thz Buil.din�; Departmen�'s report
on this buildin�, made at the time of 'che ori�inal
AY�S: Comm. Bryson, Hor�an
NAYS: Comm. Bu�henuth, Hirshon
ABS�NT: Comm. Frolich
1�'Iotion tied, 2-2
Moved by Comrn. Hor�an, seconded l�y Comm. Br,yson, to have
applica'cion �-U-66 carried over to the next re�ular rneei,in�.
AYES: Comrn. Bryson, Buthenuth, Hor�an, Hirshon
NAYS: None
A�SENT: Comm. Frol.ich
Motion ca L! -0
81,00�l- B. A wor�c session on.the Si�n Ordinance is set for 8 P.M.,
Jul� 19'ch, in the Building Inspector's Office.
81,025 C. Neighborhood boundar��s and names. '
The Planning Director would like 'co i,ry �co get a small
commi'ctee to�ether., perhaps 1 Cicy�Councilman, 1 Plannin;
Cornmissioner, 1 City Historian, '�o accomplish this �oa3.
Comm. Hor�an offered to part3.cipate �,n this.
PC-R13 Minu�es of �he July 11 1966 Plannint Commission Mee�in�
81, OOZE C. A draft of Ordinances for A, A1, CG and ML Zones ti��as
presented �;o the Plannin� Commissioners for their
study and commen�s, particularly c-lhe�ther the Commis-
sioners feel it is vuorthwhile to go �hrou�h Public
Hearin�;s for an intermediate ordinance. However,
the Plannin� Director feels a definite need for this
intermediate Ordinance, since it� v�aould be at least
ox�e year before complete Zoning Ordinances would Ue
in effec�c, and we have acute problems in the meantime.
Moved by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
adjourn the mee�ing at 10:30 P.M.
Motion carriec�, ��-0
�s/ Jac�� Hirs hon _
������ �:,�� �.,
� cld��urin, Dir�c ror o lanning