PC 05-09-66 .
1C�:��1 South Sarato�a-Sunny F? Roac�
Cupertino, Califo��nia, 95�1�� phone: 252-�5C5
pc-H9 - - ------- ----- ._ __....___ _ ___ - - 80, 000, 3
May 9, 1966 8:00 P.M.
Held in the Board Room, Cupertino Elementary School District Office,
10301 Vista Drive, Cupertino, California
II ROLL CALL� Minutes of the previous meeting, 1 ' /25/66
Comm, present ; Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
Comm, absent: None
Staff present: City Attorn.ey, Sam Anderson
Director of Public Works, Frank Finney
D:irector of Planning, Adde La.urin
City Engineer, Bob Shook
As:�istant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Recording Secretary, Lois InU�ards
Moved by Comm. Horgan, secon�ed by Comm. Traeumer, to
approve the Minutes of L!/25/66
P!Iotion carried, �-0
5- U-66 Communicat�_on from t�l. Downing, Manager of Plannin� and
Development for Kaiser Sand ar,d Gravel: "tnTould you please
place our appli�ation for a rock processing plant on �he
inactive f3.le, We have no plans at present for pursu3ng ;..
this project." The Planning Director pointed out that if
and when this application is reactivated it must be re-
advertised, posted, e�c. _
Mrs, Anthony Voss, lOLi Stevena Canyon Road, said she
would like to be notified if and wher� Kaiser has a fiearing.
A l�_st v�as sent through the audience for those interested
persons who would lil�e to be notified if and when this
application is reactivated. It contained 1 -l3 si;na�tures,
86015 Mrs. Caroline Jagiello, 22�!08 Balustrol Court, Cupertino,
said she has a petition, signed by 116 residents in the
S��evens Canyon Road-t+oothill Blvd, area pertaining to the
traffic situation in �hai� area; heavy truck traffic not
obeyin� speed limits, e�c.
PC-Ry Mir_tztes of the May 9 1966 Plann�n� Commi�sion r2eetin�
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm� Traeurner to
forward this petition to the City Council.
Motion carried, �-0
There were none.
�J- A. CARNATION COMPANY: Variance to allow additional sign
on s�_de of buildin� - 1007� East Estates Drive. First
The Assistant Planner rev�.ewed his memo of May L!th on this
application. This is a request to exceed the square
footage allowed by the Sign Crdinance in order 'co permit
the applicant to erect his standard signs. Two sides of
the buildin� face streets and they would like to have
signs placed on both s3des and, thus, would �o over that
square footage alloin�ed� Letters are to be fastened
clirectly to side of building: CARNATION ICECREAMLANll.
Mr. Gus Gobel, Carnation Company representative, said all
but the last 2 or 3 letters of the last word eould go on
the buildin� without a Varxance. Comm. Traeumer asked if
the vaord ICECREAi�ILAND could be put up without the word
The Planning Director said this would be an inoffensive
Tl1e City� At'corney said, under Section 6, we do have ex-
ceptions. This could come under the dimini.mus rule,
Comm. Frolich said we ma�T be defeating the purpose of
the Si�n Ord3.nance if we apply too strict an application
to it, creatzng something that is not intended in the
Ordinance. In the case of a small shop v�hich depends on
a large number of small spenders rather than a small
number of big spenders, on-site advertising is of para-
mount importance.
Moved by Comm, Horgan,�seconded by Comm. Frolich, to close
The Public Hearings.
AYESs Comm. Frolich, Hor�an
NAYS: Comm. Traeumer, Hirshon
Motion tied, 2-2
Chairman Hirshon said he was concerned about precedent
settin�. He would like to know a little more about this
before making a decision.
PC-R9 Minutes of the May 9 1�66 PI�nn3_n� Commission Nieeting
Moved b�r Comm. Traeumer, seconded by ChairmZn Hirshon, i,o
close�the First Hearin�;.
AYES: Comm. Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Frolich
Motion carried, 3-1
The sta�f was as��ed to come up witn specific f i�ures on
the allowable si�ns and the percentage of increase re-
5-v-66 B. NORTH HOMEWAY COMPANY (BONAI�SZA): Variance to allow
retail finished lumber and nursery products sales
opera'cion in a roofless area, as an integral part of
a departr�ent store of do-it-you:�self goods in an 8.3
acre shopping cer�i,er complex, I�JWW corner of Homestead
Road and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, (Planning Com-
mission report as to proper zoning re Bonanza to be
completed prior to this Public Hearing,) First
The Planning Director said his department has submitted
t?�o memos regard.�n� 'chis application. If no processin�
.is done on`the p�emises and no truck pick-up operation
is present; only a super market type check out; then it
could be a commercial use. If' this is the case, the next
question is wlzether or not a Variance is n�eded. The
eleven-year-old County Ordinance (NS1200) U�hich we are
currentl�r using does not expressly say that retail sales
must be in an enclosed building, but if we consider this
to be impl3ed, a Variance w ould be needed.
The Director saic� that he would prefer to see the lumber
area roofed, but if a Variance were granted, conditions
should be imposed, The corral should.be Tiaalled, with the
�op af it slanted .in, loo��ing like the be�innin� of a roof,
Lumber, etc., should not protrude above �he top of the
wall or be visible throu�h windows.
Mr, Michael Briski, Att�orney, displayed a render3ng of the
proposec� Bonanza. He asked if there were any questions
from the Commissioners since they have now had a chance to
see the Campbell operation.
Cornm, Horgan asked if they intended to have pallets of
fertilizer in the park�ng lot in Cupertino. Mr. Briski
said this only is a seasonal promotion. If they are
objecti�nable, Bonanza is willing to confine them.
Comm. Horgan asked if they will put a sign above thei_r
corral in Cupertino. Mr, Briski said they would no�e
_ �
PC-R9 Minutes of the May g, 1y66 Plann�_.ng Commission Mee�ing
Comm, Ho��gan asked if they intended to put sub�tantial
quantiti�s of lumber behind their store here, as they have
don� in Campbell. Mr. Briski said they have been apprised
that there can b� no stora�e of lumber. If a problem
arises, they will just have to increase their deliveries.
The only lumber cut in the Campbell store is for the con-
venience of the customer.
Mr. Gratan Hogan, 11067 Linda Vista Dr�ve, said he looked
at the Campbell place. If this requires a Variance and
Industrial Zoning, it seems that the type of operation would
not be a credit to Cupertino.
The Cit,y Attorney said the Ordinance we wor�c under now
only permits the Use Permit procedure under specific
Ordinances. Chairman Hirshon asl.ed if the current County
Ordinance could be pers�asive to the City of Cupertino.
The City Attorney said it could not.
Comm. Frolich said the Commission must establish if this
is a commercial use oi the property. The City Attorney
said one element of a'lumber yard is lack of a roof.
Comm. Frolich could not see anything different be�ween
Bonanza and Bicicell Bros. (which require� a rezoning to
ML) than the matter o� degree. They sell a number of
thin�;s that Bickell does not sell. Bickell's has out-
side stora�e of lumber.
Chairman Hirshon asked �he City Attorney if the Planning
Commissi on has �he power to determine that part of this
use is commercial and another portion should be rezoned
to ML,
Comm. Traeumer felt Bonanza could be considered a CG use.
Chairman Hirshon felt that, in light of the Ord�nance,
sa�ling �o size is processing and stora�e of lum�er makes
it f2� into an ML ra�her than CG use. Comm. Traeumer
started to make a motion, but was interrup�ed by Atty,
Briski, who wished to rebut,
Mr. Briski said Bonanza is willin� to give up the saw if
it is the determining factor of this application. He
challenged the thinking �hat this could be classified
as a lumber yard, .He emphasized that this is a major
tenant in a shopping cent�r. The b�sic idea of this
type of inerchandisin� is that if a person has a backyard
project, he could �o��o Bonanza and make all his purchases
to complete the project. H� sug�ested a restric�ion be
made that aIl lumber must be in the corral. He repeated
that the corral is only a part of the total concept. A
roof is not really necessary on that portion of the build-
in�. It would spoil the outside of the building and serve
no real purpose.
_ L� _
PC-P,9 Minutes of the Nlay a, 1.966 Yla���r.ing Commi �: i�n ?`'1''ELlrim
Mr. I3riski said this business is not objectionable-- no
noise, odors, etc. I'c is something that will be en�oyed
by the community. La�er, they hope to put in a bank,
a super market, etc.
Mrs. Ja�iello asked what kind of zoning Bay Mari, has and
equa�ed this operation �o it. The City Attorne�r said Bay
Mart is in another jurisd3ction, and w� do not have this
Mr. Noor Billawalla, of Cu�ertino Real'cy, made comparisons
between a lumber yard and this type of operation. For in-
stance, a lumber yard usually is not paved.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hor�an, to
repor� to the City Council in response to the request that
the Flanning Commission determine questions re�;arding
Bonanza: That the Planning Commission has determin�d the
Bonanza operation is basically a super market; �cype opera-
tion whose main function is not to process, store or
merchandise items mostly rel�ed to a Light Tndusi,rial use;
furi,her, the square foo attributed to such use that
might be considered Li;;l�t Industrial is less than ?_5/;
and consequently �stablishes that the merchandise of
Bonanza is commercial ra'cher than light industrial.
AY�S: Comm. Iior�an, Tra�umer
NAYS: Comm, Frolich, Hirshan
( ' Motion tied, 2-2
E ,
k Comm, Hirshon commented �hat in his vote of NAY he did not
, mean to imply 'chat the fact the corral has no roof is the
` cr3.terium here. His vote is based on going ou� to the area
and seeing the �;eneral character of the operation. It
looked to him like the stora�e of bu3.lding mater�_als and
� therefore fall�ng in�o ML Zoning category. The.balance
of the use h� felt was commercial.
� MITNTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comn�. Traeumer,
thati the Plannin� Commisaion finds that, ti�ere thzs use to
be found proper for commercial zonin� , tYie Planning Corn-
mission f_inds there is rio prohibi'cion of a roofless corral
such as 'che one bein ; proposed here and, th�refore, no
provision for a Variance is needed.
� AY�S: Comm, Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Motion carried, �!-0
` Comm. Frolich asked that the Cha3rman, in his repor'c 'co
the City Council, make sure �the Council understands this
means only that the Planning Commission feels no Var�anne
is required.
PC_Rg___Mirn�tes _1966 _F1 ann�.r.��: OtT1T?'1��51.011-t-tcC:L�-i ��__
MII3tTTL JRDER: Moved by Comm. F'rolich, seconded by Comm� Horgan,
that the Planning Commission's report to the City C�uncil
show that the Commission was split, 2-2, on whether this
was an ML or CG use .
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Motion carried, �I-0
Chairman Hirshon called for a break at 9:10 P.M. Meeting
reconvened at 9:30 P.i�i,
5-U-66 C. KAISER SAND AND GRAVEL: Use Permit to allow sand and
gravel processing plant at Stevens Canyon Road, 1/�}
mile downstream.from dam on west side of road. First
This application has been pl�ced ir. the inactive file, at
the requeut of the applicant.
�l-Z-66 D. VALLCO PARi�s Rezoning to Planned Development {P) of
tUao parcels �one near the SE corner of Homestead
Road and Linnet Lane, the other at th� south end of
Linnet Lane) to conform with zoning of adjacent p.ro-
perties owned by Vallco Par��. First Hearing.
The Planning Director poin�Ced out that these are two
separate �arcels; ��2 is a routine follow-up of previously
approved Use Permit and Tentative Ma p, but ��1 is a new
Mr. t�Jalter Ward, General Manager of Vallco Park, displayed
an aerial photo of the area, and pointed out the traffic
pattern. Ordinance No 255 gave P Zoning to all but Mr.
Mine's property. There is no specific use for the tri-
angular piece of property yet. Mr. Mine is not ready to
sell his property; he wants to stay there until his
children are.out of school. It is premature to decide
the traff ic pattern at this time; perhaps this could be
done together with the Use Permit. Mr. Ward as�ted for P
Zoning at this time.
The Planning Director said it is proper at this time to
ask for both a Land Use Map and a Tentative Developmen�c
Plan; the Linnet Lane access should be discussed at this
time because we should reassure the people in Sunnyvale.
The City A'ctorney �aid, if there should be an amendment to
the original La.nd Use Map, there should be some'ching in
the Minutes reflecti.n� this amendment to the ori�inal Mapa
This is how it was handled in the Town Center.
PC _i966 _Plaran�_ng_C�mmission_Pnee�ir�g___
Chairman Hirshon asked what the urgency is to rezone
Parcel 1 since the Mine property can't be purcllased at this
Comm. Traeumer asl�ed 'che Plannin� Director about the re-
quirement of Develop�nent Plans at the time of rezonin�.
H� feels a Development Plan should be required wi�ch the
Tentat�ve Map, because the traffic pattern should be
wor?�ed out. The City Attorney said we need 'co work out
wha� con�titutes a pre3iminary plan.
Moved b�� Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to close
The Public Hearings.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hor�an, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: None
1��0� 1_on carried, �i -0
Moved b,y Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, that
application �! -Z-66 be recommended for approval, sub j ec�C to
the condi�ion �hat the two parcels be identified thus:
Parcel 1= Adminis�rative and Professional Office �OA) Use:
Parcel 2= General Commercial (CG) Use; and that the Land
Use Map be so amended, '
' AY�S: Comm. �'rolich, Hor�an, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAVS: None
Mo'cion carried, L! -0
81,00� continueu.
The Planning Director presented his fourl�h draft, and
the Commission began a review of revised or sti11 contro-
versial items from the top. The first ?2 pages of the
four'ch draft were reviewed and the fourth draf'c approved,
except �'or the followin� changes:
2:O�t Change "proposed dedications, easements, restrictive
covenants and/or documents providing for maintenance;
public and priva'ce streets, with cross-sections;" to
"proposed restrictive covenants andjor documents pro-
vidin� for maintenanc�; driveways;''.
2:09 Eliminate P.G. & E. Alt.
3;1 Chan�e "service within any new construction and deve3op-
ment in" to "service to any new developmen� area within".
3:3 Insert "related" after "other" on second line.
3;3 Eliminate Builders' Alt.
5:1 (E�Jordin ; still open for discussion. )
5:1 Eliminate Builders' Alt.
PC- Niinu��s �f. �he May 9 19�G Plar�ning Cr�mini��.. or1 Mee t�_rig
--- -------------�-------�-----� ----------------------------------------
There Uaas considerable discussion of whether or r�o � street
widening constituted a new development; therefor�, requir-
in� the util.ities to �o under�round. It was detei^mined
that street widening does not constitute going underground
even thou;h they are a1on� a new development, if the
u�:ilities are transmission lines. If they are distribution
lines, anything on the development side of the centerline
would ;o underground.
Mr. Bob 1�'IcArthur, of the Telephone Company, said this
would be a very expensive job for sma11 subdivisions. He
feels under�rounding should be restricted io � wi'ciiin new
developmen�CS at this �ime.
Comm. Traeumer suggested the City staff study the street
widenin�; aspect in Section 3:1.
Mr, Jim 0'Brian, of the Builders' Association, said i'c is
their feel�.n� that Sec'cion 3:l should be delei,ed. The
intent is set forth in the earlier part of the Ordinance.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm, Hor�an, that
Ordinance No. 331 First; Hearin� be continued to the next
re�ular meetin�.
AYES: Comm. Frc�lich, Hor�an, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Motion carried, �-0
There was none.
S1,OO�I A. SIGN ORDINANC�: Se'ctin� a date for Worlc S�ssion and/or
Public Hearing.
It was decided �hat Hearings on the Sign Ordinance would
not l�eUin unt:�l after the Underground Utility Ordinance
has been completed.
The Plannin� Direc�or explained the staff's proposal for
McClellan Road. Ther� is reason to pl�n t'our moving
lanes; parkin� lanes are not necessary unless you have to
provide fronta�e. A 90' street is more dangerou.s than
a�0' s�reet with the same traffic volume..
There is general a�reement that Bollinger Road should be
ex�ended to Stelling, but improvements that would add a
lot of traff ic to Bollin�er might not be worthwhile be-
cause of the residential character of this street.
PC-•R9 Minutes of �he May 9, �966 Planning Commission M�ef,ing
Comm. Frolich feels the southerly connection (tl�e red
line on the map display�d by th� Director) was �:he best
The Director of Plannin� su�gested that they be allowed
to present these points of view. If the County and San
Jose want to go ahead with some extensive pro�ram within
their area, Cupertino should go along, but not �ake the
The Director of Public t�lorks said the County's G�neral Plan
never intended Bollin`er Road to continue west of Hi�hway
85 . Foothill Blvd, was proposed to extend to Prospect
Road. Two 60' roads would serve the area be�ter than o��e
90' road. De Anza Colle�e does not serve much area beyond
Prospec'c Road, which is the Saratoga City Limit,
Comm. Frolich brought up the problem of access to the free--
way from McClellan wi'ch sou�chbound off ramp and northbound
on ramp. This was su��ested about two years ago, but
somebody d�°opped the ball. The Director of Pub7.ic Works
as�ced if McClellan should be 90'. Comm, Traeumer said
i� should be four movinU lanes, and No-Parkin� restric'cion
on the north side of. �he street.
MINU�'E ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Traeumer,
that the two west bound lanes be provided from Ste].1ing
to �he freeway and Bubb Road: 60' after tha'c. Fr�eway
ramps should be shown on the map.
� Motion carried, �I-0
� Moved �y Com;n, Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
` adjourn the mee�ing �t 12:07.
�s/ Jack Hirshon __
V3ce-C asrman
��t/�(�� i f ,r �' ' � ��
� �-' `'
Adde Laurin
Plannin� �irector