PC 04-25-66 10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyv��e Road
Cupertino, California, 95o1L� phone 252-�505
� - 80,00003
April 25 1�66 8 :00 P.M.
Held in the Board Room, Cupertino Elementary School District Off ice,
10301 Vista Drive, Cupertino, California
I� ROLL CALL: Minutes of the previous meeting, �►/11/66
Comm. present: Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
Cemm, absent: Ttone
Staff present: City Attorney, Sam Anderson
Director of Public Wor.ks, Frank Finney
City Engineer, Bob Shoo��
Director of Planning, Add.e La.urin
Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Recording Secretary, Lois Invuards
Moved b�r Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
ap��ove t;re Mir.utes of �/11/66.
Motion carried, L!-0
There were none.
` 81,005 A. Santa Clara Cc�unty Planning Commission - File 6
Rezoning from R-1:B-2 to C-1. East side of Stelling
, Road between Hazelbrook and Gre°nleaf Drive.
Th� Planning Director said it was the recommenda.tion of the
Planning Dep�,rtment to not expand the C-1 area here.
Moved by Comm. Hor�an, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to ma�ce
a recommendation to the City Council of Cupertino to ob�ect
to the proposed rezoning to C-1 which is before the County
Planning Commission, and to enclose the memos from our
Planning .Department ,
Motion carried, �-0
There were none.
PC-R�� M���nu�es of the Planning Conimission Meei,3ng of April 25, 1J�6
3-V-66 A. Bedford Associates, Inc. - Variance to inerea�e th�
neight of a sign; Short Stop Market; Richwood Drive
and East Es�ates Drive. (Second Hearing)
The Director of Public Works said that at the last Council
meeting, a report from the Chief Building Inspector was
requested regardi��g pole signs.
The Chief Building Tnspector said the whole structure is
supported from the ground, so it is a pole sign. However,
precedent has been set by similar signs at the Nite Kap and
Red Vest Restaurants, which were granted variances by the
Planning Commission. To make a roof sign out of this would
mean more engineering and possibly beefing up the building.
Comm, Traeumer questioned whether this would create a loop-
hole for future sions of this type, since pole signs can
only go to 20' above the ground and roof signs can go 20t
above the roof.
Comm. Horgan questior.ed whether the City Counc�l or the
Planning Commission granted those two previous variances.
He was told it was done by the Planning Commission.
Mr. Bedford said they put the sign up, not realizing that it
was not con�idered a roof sign. Physically, they cannot
construct a roof si�n without spendin� a 1ot more money,
accord3ng to his engineer.
Moved b�T Comm. Traeumer, secon�ed by Comm. Frolich, that
the Second Hearing be closed.
AYES: Comm, Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: None • �
Motion carried, �J-O
Comm. Horgan felt it would be a lesser evil to grant this
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded.by Comm. Frolich, to
deny application 3-V for the following reasons: The
applicant can put a pole sign away from the �tructure that
will accomplish the same purpose, Moving the sign out is
not i'antastically expensive. Thi.s hardship does not warrant
granting of a variance. Comm. Traeumer thinks an analysis
should be made af the Sign Ordinance in regard to pole signs
and roof signs. ..
The City Attorney said one of the �rounds for denying the
variance was that the applicant could use another type of
sign, It was his opinion that it would be in the Uest interesi;
of everybody if the applicant put up a sign.complying with
the Ordinance, since this is a possibility.
PC�n8 i:�inutes �f the Planning Commission Mee�ing of Ap ^c5 �966
Comm, Frolich agreed that the height of roof signs in the
Sign Ordinance should be re��iewed. The City A�ttorney said
the 20' Iimitation of the pole sign should probably be
maintained because it could interfere with public ri�ht-of-
way otherwise.
V3.ce-Chairman Hirshon does not feel there 3.s sufficient
hardship here and variances should be �ea�.ously given,
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, �raeumer, Hirshon
NAYS : None
� Moi:ion carried, �-0
The Planning Director was instructed to put the Sign
Ordinance on the agenda and have the staff give a report
at their earliest convenience. The Chief Building Inspec-
tor offered to work with the Planning Commission at a work
session to review the Sign Ordinance.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
instruct the staff �o put this ma�ter on the agenda for
the next regular meeting, and at that �ime it will be
scheduled for a study session or for another meeting.
Motion carried, �!-0
Vice-Chairman Hix told the applicant this wi31� go
automatically to the City Council at their n�xt meeting.
81,00� B. �.rdinance 331: Underground Utilities. (First
� Hea�^ing continued)
The Director of Public Works said a list af proposed com-
ments and/or changes were received this day from P.T. 8c T,
They are fairly extensive and the staff has not had time
' ico go through them, Copies of the list were distributed
among the Commissioners and interested people.
Sec . 5,1 TYie Planning .D3.rector su�gested the P. G. 8c E wording here,
except that the warding perhaps should give the City Engineer
the power to approve a deletion of the screer�ing. Mr. Gi1
Gunn, of P.G. & E., vaas asked why the section on screenin�
was inser�ed here. Mr. Gunn said there may be cases where
there is some pad mounted equipment in shopping cent�rs
where it could be seens there.fore, it should be screened.
Comm. Traeumer aslced if 3t is very inconvenient to have the�
City hav� a voice in the pl�,cin�; of this equ3pment. He �.s,ked
what conf licts arise when as�cin� them to place �he trans-
former�s in a more aesthetically compatible place. He cited
a specific problem in De Anza Verdes. The Ci�y Engineer,
in addition to having control over the landscaping, sha11
also approve the location of the transforme"rs box as set
forth by the P. G. & E. or whoever is instal].ing it.
PC-R8 MinL�tes or' �he, Plannir�g Commission ;�Ieeting of Apri? %5, 19b6
The Director of Public �orks said tha.t if the facilities are
located in the street right-of-way we should have no problem,
and added that the City has always enjoyed good relationships
with P.G. & E, and P.T. & T.
Mr. Dick Gullion, of P. T. & T., questioned their abili�y to
follow through on the provision of the City Engineer checking
al1 the appurtenances. The Director of Public �Iorks agreed.
Comm. Frolich said the discussion is based on the assumption
that the underground utilities will be in the front of the
homes. Perhaps the lines could i°un along the fences a� the
back of the lots, and where four #'ences meet �here could b�
a diamond-shaped area where the transformers could be enclosed.
Mr. Gunn said such a system would be very difficult and ex-
pensive because sometimes trucks and heavy equipment are re-
quired to install and�or maintain this undex�round equipment,
and it would involve di�g3.ng up people's back yards, etc,.
The lines must really run along the froni, where they are
more easily accessib�e,
The D3_rector of Fublic Works said the utility companies want
a 10' easement from the back of a subdivision sidewalk. They
pad mount terminal boxes every 8, 12 or 16 lots. The P.U.C.
is currentl.y studying this, also. This part of the Ordinance
could be left open until such time as we get a decis3on from
the P,U.C.
Comm. Horgan asked P.G. & E, where they�put terminal boxes.
Mr, Gunn answered they.put them on the property, ,�ust behind
the sidewalk. The City Attorney asked if this isn't a matter
for the P.U,C, rather than the City. The Director of Public
Works said it is too early to te13.
It was decided to defer action on this section until the next
Sec.5,2 The Planning Director suggested Palo Alto's wording heres the
Builders' Associa'cion's wording is inconclusive.
Sec,6 OK
Sec,7.1 OK
Sec.7.2 Strike "less than 5 acres"
Comm. Horgan questioned whether all bu'c Sect'ion 7.1 could be
elim3nated here. Mr. Gullion said they will not go underground
without an agreement with the developer. The deve].oper is
going to pay the difference between the cost of the under-
ground over that of �he overhead.
_ L; _
PC-R8 Minutes o� the Planning Commission Meeting of Ap.ril 25 1966
Comm. Frolich questioned the specific five acres for a Use
Permit. Perhaps we should be more vague here. The staff
was instructed to reword this section. �
Mr. Jim 0'Brian, Builders' Association, said�this section
could hurt the small builder.
Sec.7.3 The Planning Direc'cor suggested the wording of the Second
Draft here. Iie feels this provision is necessary in the
hilly areas. Mr. Gullion said P.T. & T. has asked for a
change in wording in Section 2.05 to make certain that they
are included in Sec'cion 7.3.
Sec.7. The Plannin� Director said that by ma�or par�cs he intended
parks bigger than the Cen�ral Park, at least 20 or 30 acres.
Comm. Frolich and Horgan would like to deiete Section 7,
Comm. Frolich commented, �hat with the exceptions through
Use Permit as specific as proposed, it would be little
choice left to the Planning Commission but granting the
Use Permit. It may be better to specify at least some
exceptions without requiring a Use Permit Hearing. The
staff would enforce the Ordinance in these cases, but when
necessary, they could be referred to the Planning Commission
for inte�pretation.
The City Attorney was of the opinion that the Use Permit
procedure kept the control better with the City, and that
detailed specifications would help an applicant to �udge
if he can qualify for a Use Permit. Comm, Frolich did no�
Comm. Traeumer feels the utilities should be underground
in the parl�s in the City. People in a subdivision with
underground utilities could be overlooking a park with
ove�head lines.
Mr. Burrel Leonard, Homestead Road, said the City does not
at present have a ma�or park. It does have much open
orchard land which is served by wells. It would be ex-
tremely expensive to put their lines underground. The
major problem is to protect productive land, not discourage
orchardists from continuing their work. Comm. Traeumer
said the Ordinance is not going to be retroactive.
(Planning Director's no.te: The proposed Ordinance is not
so worded that it would require underground utilities in
The City Attorney said the Use Permit would serve, if
applied proper�,y, as a protection to the devslopers and to
the City,
Com�n. Horgan said tha� between Sections 6 and 7.3, Section
7,�! is taken care of; it is redundant.
PC-N8 Minutes of the Plannin� Commission Meeting of A�ril ^5, l��h
Vice-Cha.irman Hirshon felt "ma,�or par. ks" siZOUld be deleted
and "all parks" inserted. The stai'f is to come up U�ith re-
commended k�ordin� i'or� Sections 7. 3 and 7. �` .
Sec.7,5 The Planning Director proposed a revised wording (the las'c
column). Comm. Horgan felt that the paragraph should end
with "....minimize obstruction of view." Mr. Gunn said it
isn't a case of being excessive but a case of letting the
developer ��now where he stands.
Sec,7.6 Delete.
Sec,7.7 Mr. Gullion said the Builders' Association's version is bes'c
here. The Planning Director recommends the second draft, as
revised; the Builders' Association's wording is too wea�{.
Mr. Bob McArthur, engineer for the Telephone Company, said
there are occasions where they should �o in separate trenches.
The City Attorney sa3.d the word "undue' should be inserted
before the caord "hardship."
Mr. Gullion would no'c like it to be required by the Ordinance
that utilities must all go in the same trench, There is a
problem of coordination.
Sec.8.l OK
Sec.8.2 OK
Sec.8.3 Mr. Gullion asked vuhat about if.the developer doesn't follow
thrcugh with the complete development. The Plann3ng Director
suggested this be discussed at the next meeting.
Sec.8.t! Mr. Gullion would like more discussion on this, too.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
continue the First Hear3n�; until the next me�eting.
Motion carried, �!-0
Vice-Chairman Hirshon ca].led for a recess at 10 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 10:10 P.M.
There was none.
�'CpR8 T��inu'ces of the Planning CommZss�.o�� MeeCing of Apr�l 25, 1.965
81,031 A. Bonanza Center - Referred from Citiy Council for repor�
as to proper zone.
The Planning Director said there has been an application for
a Variance filed. As it must be published, it must be place�.
on the May 9th agenda. The Planning Commission could dis-
cuss the Zoning, e�c:, in principle ton3.ght and re�ort to
the City Council; or the de��ision could be postponed un�il
�he Variance comes up, The Variance is to permit the corral
to be roof]:ess .
Mr. Michael J. Briski, Attorney for North Homeway Company,
would like to discuss �his tonight so they will know where
they stand.
The City A�torney�recapped the I�-Control and City Council
proceedings on �his application. Mr. Briski emphasized
that this is a cocnmercial operation. There iollowed some
discussion of the ou'cside storage of materials.
The Planning Director said we depend on Count� Ordinance
NS1200, and the version we refe� to does not specifically
cal�. for enclosed buildings for retail business. However,
the City has made it a policy f;o require thi�, in accordance
with the current version of NS1200, and to enforce this
requiremer�t throu�h the Architectural and Site Control.
He recommends the Variance procedure be used here, as Use
Permits should be applied only in cases specifically
men�ioned in the Ordinances.
Comm. Frolich felt that if this is considered a commercial
use we will run into future problems. Comm. Traeumer would
ra#;her not have it come under th� Variance procedure be-
. cause then they must prove hardship. He ask�d about
deliveries. Comm. Traeumer felt it wculd be necessary to
categorize this type of store.
Mr. Briski sa3.d Sears sells everything, including lumber.
The total idea of the store is a one-stop center to �urcha.se
anything you need �o make, say, your own plan�er, includin�
�he tools, buildin� materials, planter mix, and the plants;
this is par� of their philosophy, There will be an arts
and crafts center in the store which will offer free in-
structior�s. The corral comprises 9000 sq, fi,. out of the
�ota2 of �+0, 000 sq, ft .
The Planning Director said the Variance woul.d be on the
ques'cion of the roof, not on the use of the property. Comm,
Frolich would 13ke a chance to go out to see the Campbell
store .
_.� _
PC-I�8 Mi.nvfes of the �Zr����z���� o�a17���i��lon �Zeeting of April ��, 196u
Mr. Jerry Callner, president of tne Bonanza, said the cus-
�tomers and the clerlcs must check everythiz7g out at the
check-out counters. Vice-Chairman Hirshon feels this use
belongs in a CG zone, and the stora�e area should come under
�he Variance. The Ci�y A�torney said there should be some
certification of where their warehousing is. Mr. Callner
said the Bonanza is of the same character as a supermar�ce�.
A11 of the stock in the corral area is for sale and is marked
individually. There is no storage here. They buy their
materials from dzsi;ribution yards .
The City Attorney said the proper version of NS1200 for us
to use is the one in effect �.t �he time of the City's in-
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
continue this matte�° to the next meeting.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hor�an, Traeumer, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Motion carr3.ed, L4-0
�i-TM B . Vallco Park Tentative Map: Vallco Village Shopping
Center, Shell Service Station, and E.U.B. Church.
The Director of Pub3ic Works pointed out that the corner
cut oi'f from the chureh which has been purchased by the
commercial center will require a rezoning. This will
come up at the nex� meeting. Since the church_has split
their property, he recommends.including tlze church pro-
perty in this Tentative Map and the dedication on Home-
stead Road by the church. Since this is a commercial
use, it requires a commercial sidewalk, which is� 10' of
pav3.ng along side the curb and cutouts for street trees.
This does not conform exac�ly with what Vallco has in
Mr. Walter Ward, General Manager of Vallco Park, said
Vallco must have the Tentative Map approved before they
can sign leases.
Comm, Frolich said that since this has been a3red so
tnoroughly recen�cly, perhaps the normal requirement to
file 17 days in advance of a Hearing is not important here.
The Director of Public Works said the staff had no reason
for delaying this.
Mr. Ward said that they would like a minimum of asphalt
and concrete, per.the landscaping plan by Mr. Lawrence
Halprin. They feel a 5� sidewalk on the curb and the
intense planting behind the sidewalk would suffice, lhe
Director of Public tinTorks said he would go along with the
5' sidewalk but not placed next to the curb, outlining
?'C�-R8 P� 'Iinutes of the Planna..n� C..c�mmi.ssieri Me�Ling of Apr'il 25 1966
the reasons for a planting between the s3.dewalk a.nd the cu.rb
to protect pedestrians from movin� lanes of traffic. The
Planning Director concurred.
The City Attorney q�oted Section 1L! of Ordinance L!71�, which
provides for the ex'cension per an agreement between �he Cii,y
and the subdivider. The subdivider shall agree to put in
all improvements as shown on Tentative and Final Maps.
Section 1�:1, Para�raph C provides for the �ermination of
the agreement upon the completion of praceedings und�r an
Assessmen� District Act for construction of improvements
deemed by the City �ngineer to be at Ieast the equivalent
of the improvements specified in said agreement, and re-
qu3red to be constructed by the subdivider.
Section 15 requires the securing of a periormance bond.
Section 19 provides �hat the Flanning Commission may recom-
mend to the City Council ehceptions of any requirements,
He asked if there would be performance bonds on Homestead
and ��Jolfe Roads in lieu of the work being done at this time.
Mr. Ward sai_d Va11co has produced $99,000 for Homestead
Road improvement. Anoi;her �'allco. representative argued at
greaf; length in favor of the monolithic sidewalk.
The Plarsnin� Director and Director of Public ti��orks bo�h
t feel tha.t for safety, tY�e planting should be ad�acent to
` the street. The Public Works Director said the purpose for
a sidewalk is for pedestrians to walk, If you allow parking
� you must have room to open car doors without bumping people.
In addition, you must allow room for fire hydrants, mail
t boxes, etc.
Mr. Burrel Leonard said it is the duty of the Planning
' Commission to review their Ordinances to keep up-to-date.
If you must have a sidewalk, separate it from the road�aay
� by 25', On Wolfe Road there is no need for a sidewalk, but
on Homestead Road a s3dewalk would�be needed because of the
church. The Director of Public Works said, that if the
sidewalk is set back 25-30', it will require an easement
or a private sidewalk.
Mr. Ward was in favor of the 5' sidewalk on easement,
i separated by 25' of planting from the roadway. Comm. Frolich
� felt Mr. Leonard's sidewalk idea was bold and imaginative.
Mr. Ward suggested letting Mr. Halprin work this out and
the H-Control pass on it, The Director of Public Works
agreed that tr�is item should be left open. The City Ai;�orne�T
( said the Ord� nance says the staff c�n approve the Plan; 'che
Planning Commission.can make recommendations for exceptions
to the Ord3.nance; or the application can go forward witl�-
out recommendation.
-9- .
PC-R8 Minutes of tne P1_annin� Commission Meeting of April 25, 1 966
I�r, John Brawn, �962� Homestead Road, representative of the
church, said their sidewalks and fence on Homestead are com-
pleted, and they are ready to dedicate. They feel a sidewal.k
is not necessary on Linnet Lane. Paving will be done at the
same time as Vallco's on Linnet La.ne. They have cobble-
stone on the outside of the sidewalk on Homestead Road.
They would prefer to have the Vallco sidewalk on the in-
terior side� rather �han monolithic. Comm. Frolich asked
if they were going to include the lanas of the church on
this Agreement? What is being proposed about the perfor-
formance bonds?
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, that
the lands of the church be included on this Tentative Map
as Parcel 3.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon
I�TAYS : None
Motion carried, �-0
Moved by Comm. Tra.eumer that the First Hearin� be closed.
He would like to see wha� Halprin has in mind for the side-
UTa?k location. The Director of Public Works recommended
the Tentative P�Iap be approved �t�d to let the City Council
decide that. Comm. TraeumEt� withdrew his motion.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, that
the Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, �-0
Moved by Comm, Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, that
application �-TM-66 be approved with the exception of
"Section A-A", but the church property to be included; the
decision of the sidewalk is reserved for the City Council.
Amendment by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to �
recommend e�.ception of 'che sidewalk width to 5', the loca-
tion to be approved by the City Council after recommenda-
tions by the lanclscape architect.
Comm. Traeumer would like to send the Tentative Map to the
City Council completed; let the minutes speak for themselves.
Vote on the amendmen'c:
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Traeumer
Motion carried, 3-1
Vote on the Motion:
AYFS: Comm, Frolich, Horgan, Traeumer, Hirshon ;
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 4-0
PC-t�8 P�irtutes_of_the_Planning_Commission_Meeting_ofrApril_25, _ 1966
C. Comm. Tr°aeumer would like to move that Vice-Chairman
Hirshon be appointed Chairman. There was some discus-
sion and it was decided they would defer the election
of a Chairman un�il such time as the Commission is
Complete. The City Attorney said Section 1 ' of Ordi-
nance 5 does not say this appointment must take place
at any certain time,
D. Comments by the staff on the Underground Utilities
Ordinance to be sent out to the Commissioners and
other interes�ed parties,
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to
adjourn the meeting at 11:50 P.M.
/s� Jack Hirshon
� f _ pC_.C�i(�l�1/�"�
M Adde La.ur n
Director of Planning