PC 03-16-66 • 10321..Sout.l�--:�ara-toga.-�Suimyro`ale Road Cupertino, California, 9F01�' phone: 252- �c-sl------ ---------.----------------------------- 80,000.�.; C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0 California Minutes of the Special Meetin� of. the Planning Commission wednesday, March 16 1966 8:00 Pl`�I Held in Room �'�?, Collins �School 20195 Vista Drive, Cupertino I SALUTE T0 THE.FLAG II ROLL CALL Com.m, present. Frolich, Hirshon, Hor.�an, Traeum�r, Johnson Comm, absent: Nane ' �' Staff present: � Dir�ctor of �.b13.r. .ti+lorks, Frank Finn2y Direci;or of Planning,. Adde Laurin Assistant Planner, Jim Nuz�.�m' Recordin; Secretary, Lois Znwards III HEI�RINCTS SCHCDULED : . 2-U-66..A, V.4LLC0 PARK: Use Permit to construct a Shoppin� and Gommercial center in a Planned Developtnent Zone. Southwest corner of Homestead Road and t�lolfe Road. First Hearing. h'Ir. Z�Ialter Ward, General Mar�ager of Vallco Park, first thanked the Cupertino Pl�.nning Coc�nmission for holding this joint.meeting so the Sunnyvale Planninc� Commission could be present, �ince this property borders Sunnyvale. Mr, Ed Moore, Sunnyvale's Planning Director, and Sunnyvale's � Planning Commissioners Ross and Muir were introduced. Mr. Wa.rd then review2d the 1�60 Santa Clara County General Plan, in relation to the geographical location of Vallco Park. Vallco . Par�c has had an economic s'cudy made, which shows an imm�diate and substantial n�ed for the proposed cen�er. It is approximately one mile in any direction from competitors of any kind, includin� seryice stations. In recent studies, it has been poin�ed out that the greates'c : number of employees a'c IBM travel 17 miles to work. The greates� number of Va11co employees will be travellin� only 6 miles to. work. Mr. UJard sa�id they are applying for a ' shopping and . commercia�l center. At 'chis �ime, i�c would serve the neighborhood, but would probably chan�e later to serve mainly ernployees in Vall�o Park. -1- PC-S1 M� :�utes or" thz S�eci�.�� Plar�hing Comrn, Meeting 3/16,%�6 Buffering was discussed r.ex�, The nearest corner o� the shoppin� center would be 232 fezt from the nearest resi- dence. There w�.11 be 3�' of landsca�ing along ti�olfe Road, S�Levens �reek Blvd., and Homestead Road, and 20' of heavy landscapin� adjacent to residenti�.l loi;s. The Iandscaping was planned by Iavurence Halprin, the �nternationally-known landscape archi�ect. Vallco Park will put iri � or 10 feet of additi:onal pavinm along Linnet Lane (Sunnyvale fee1S it should be 1?_ feet), plus 16 or 15 feet of plan�ing, including 'cwo rows of staggered trees and three rows of staggered shrubs, The width of the additional paving line on Linnet La.n� should be resolved at this meeting, if possible. Another fac'cor which should be resolved ati this �ime is whether or not there should be access from Linnet La.ne to the shoppin� centEr. Mr. kTard asked the people in Chateau West i�' they would like an access street or path so they won't have �co take the circui�cous rouze to ge'c to the commercial cen�er from their homes� Varian's industrial complex will have no acce�s to 4�o Road; only to Homestead and Pruneridge. The chur.ch parking exchan�e agreement ti,�as �hen discussed. l�ir. U�Tard displa�ed elevations of the struc�ures for �he commerci�.l cente� � There will be covered vaalle�vaSrs , A Safeway grocery store is planned. Va11co Park would . � like tne shopping center to start construet3on in May and . be in operation by Thanksbiving. The proposed She11 servic� station would probably be ready first. Cupertino's Planning Director gave his report next. He feels there would be no cont?�oversy aUout the shopping . center itself, because it is better planned than most in i;he area. The problem of entrance and exit from Linnet Lane should be explored, hov�ever. �t is a decision for �he Cupertino Planning Commission, vut since it will larbely affect Sunnyvale residen�ts, their interes'cs should be the main considerat;ion. It is unlikel�l that through �raffic would take a shortcut through the comrr� rcial cen�er to Linizet La.ne, but such a rou�� could be made even more difficult than is presently proposed. �-le also recommended �hat a condi�ion of the Use Permi� should be 'cha� a traffic light . be put in f'or � tne proposed turn ou� of the commercial area onto Laolfe Road. Commenting on the proposed service station, Cupertino's Planning Director said i� would be convenient for emplo��ees in Vallco Park, and he was sure it would Ue included in the o�rerall p1.an for service sta'cions . In principle, hov�- ever, servicE stations should preferrably not be located at corners with heavy traffic, and if they were, en:�'rances -2- � P�-Sl PZinu�t�es of the SpPCial Plann�n� C�mm, Maetin.�, j�:16�66 and exits could be arran�ed in a safer and still a5 con- vznient way as the conventional . HoUaever, a possible ch��.�zk e of the system should not Ue made in an isolated case, but as a re�ult of a deliberately s�udied city-wide policy; or considerin.� that th�s would b� a breaking of a mor� 'chan sixty-yesr-old tradition, it should perhaps be a concern of the President's proposed Depa�tment of Transportation and Trafiic Safety. The Planning Director, therefore, withdraws objections a�ains� including the proposed sta�ion ir th� Use Permito Mr. Ed Moore, Sunnyvale's Dir�ctor of Plannin�, said tlze,y appreciate Cuper�inots scheduling �his meetin� so they ►�i�ht be present. Sunnyvale �s pa.rticularly interested in the matter of Linnet Lane. Their original u:iderstanding wG.s � �hat there would not be an openin� onto Linnet I� ne, and they Y�ave been approached to se� zf they are willin� to relin��z�_sh their position cr. th? s openiz��, ihere is sorne merit iri Mr, T��Tard 1 S su�;gesi,ion that this v�ould provide z mo�e coi�venie,�.� route for the residents �o the �ho�pin� center. However, aecess to LinMet Lane v?ould introduc;e rr��ach tx �ff. i c ��o i.h�s � s�creet . Nr.. M�or�� z eels �ha#:, a shopp�_ng cent°r tl�at wi31 be r�ore than ��st a rieighbbrhood center chGUlCl be served orly bJ major streei�s, Stznnyva�e P1.�.�Zr1in�; Commissioner Ross said h� concurs vaith Mr. Pfloore's st.�.'r,er«ents. Sunnyvale Pl�.nning Commi�sioner Ni�_?ir said he does no�c pai°f�icularly U:ant the commercial cenf,er, As f�.r as the service sta �ion .is concerned, tne�T vaill l�e faced ver'3r shortly with app�ications for service stat�ons on two of �he three other corners of �his ini,er- sec �ion, zahich v��ould be next door to residential hornes � He suggested that the service �tat�_on shoulc� be movea to the co.rner of Prunerid�e, in order not to �ive SunnyTvale such a problem in their resid���tial area. Mr. Moore said there are now tvao applica�cior�s i�� servic�: statior.s at the in�ersection on Homestead �.oad. When tr�Ting to uphold Sunnyvale's policy against servi`ce staziol�s in r�s�dential areas, 1�e mi�h�c be err,bar by t��e eri�t- ance of the now proposed station across Homesteud Road. Mr. Chris W�lder said he served nirie years on the Coun�� Plannin�; Cornmiss�.on. He said service s�ai:%ons can U� ei�hei^ an ey�sore or pleasin� to look at, They are a nzcessity a�d tlle�r open �che corner, visualiy. H� feels She11. sertrice s'ca �ions ar. e an asse'c to t'r�e neigl�.bor�zood o Z'he corners are the best places for serj,ri<:e stations. PZr. Roy �aT��ite, real estate aclviscr for �he11 Statiors, sa:ic7. tha'c, in the final anal.ysis, each �p?�17_catiorl musf be judgP�. on the basis of its own merit� On �his siae oi 'che � s�treet is a P Zone; acress th� �treEt is an Rl Zone. _3_ PC-S1 Minute� of the Special Plznnin�; Comm. Meei,in�, 3/lf�/66 i�ir. Pa�terson, Gh�� :;ertl Iti�st :Lrt,n�:�oz;err��nt pss' n.. s�:_'`c ��:a fz .ls th e r e` s G e�:' :i. n i � e s ��' e l; y�' �� �_° ��? r in d urnp �. t i�; i; r� �+ f' �-' :. onto a residenziai street. He saia che,y cto izot mind travel- in� a few miles �o a shopping center. Th� resL2lts of a vote by both subdivisions (Chateau ti•�Test ar.d Serra Garci.ens) showed 3 tv 1 a�ainsi, the access to Linnet Lane. There was also fairly strong prefer�nce for a fence. They don'� lcnow how they are going to keep i.he children out of the commercial development. A walkway 3.s very obnoxious to them, too. He doub'cs that the shrubs would �row because people, particularly chi].dren, would cross i,hem. He was opposed to any aceess to Linnet Lane, and s'crongly recom- mended a fence. Chairman Jchnson read the Cupertino City Couiicil Minu�es in regard to tiZe fence, It clearly sta�es that there was no fence proposed along Linnet La.ne. Mr. �^Tard said that Mr. John Blayney, �Nho made the remarks at the City.Council meeting, was as�ted about a fencE and he recommended a�ainst o�ze because it would become a problem, catchin� papers and trash, etc. If the-fence is made a eond�tion, they wouid prefer t� have it next to the street, ar.d the plan�- ings between the w�.11 and Vallco's parlcin�, lot. Sunn.yvale would li��e .�t to be just the opposite, 1�Zr. PattLrs�n said they have a total of 7? ballots. Nine ol° these were rej�cted because they were not signed. For�y-six were against iandscaping in lieu of a fence, He said if ;�ecessary, they wuuld take another vote or a petition about the access problem. - Ml. Casey Clar�t homeowne� on Linnet Lane, said they are in accord with Mre Patterson. They don't a�ree with the location of the shopping center, and would have preferr�d an office area i7ere. They would prefer some sort of a solid barrier bei�ween them and Vallco Par?�. An 8' ��all is r�ot unusual in Sunnyvale, and the�T are not unsi�htly. They would li�e assurance that th� landscapin�; would be maz�tained. Mr. Clark asked if the va1u� of their hor��es is �oin� �o go down? Would their homes be a refuge for robbers running from the shopping center? There are many shopping cen�ers i� the area already planned ar.d in existance. Is another needed`.� He noted t hat there wi11 be 30' of planting alon� j�)olfe Road, whereas their homes are only get'cin� 15' of pl�ntin� for a bu�'�'er. He does not expect the trees to do a lot of good. He said nobod;r in �heir neighborhaod v��ants the shoppin� center access. Th�;� would li�ce the planting on their side, if well taken care of, and the wall on the Vallco Park side. � _ L� _ PC-S1 P�Tinutes of th� � p�cial Plannin� Ca.mm. Meeting, 3/16 P+Zr. Vanderford, wno said h� is on f;he �3aarc: cf the Chateat� West Imprcvement Association, said the cr�ildren in their neighborhood have no nearby play�rou�ids, so they play out in front of their home �. If a 1oi. of traffic is dumped onLO their streeLs, they will not be able �o play in their front yards anymoz�e. PZr. �pperson, of Liniiet L�ne, said he i eels the 7-10 year olds will �1«y Uall, fly kites, etc,, on the Vallco parltin`, 1ots. He does no� feel a small rence �aould accomplish safety f'or the children. Hom�otr�ners woul� 1.ike landscapin�; on both sides of the fence. H� sai.d 'cha'c the ver�T last sentence said during the rezoning procedures was that this zoning vaould be contin�ent on a fence running alon� Lir_ne� Lane, tIn checl:in� the �linutes; and .Urith tllose presen at tr�at meetin`, i� v��as est�blished tha� this was a mis-� un�erstanding.j ifir., Karens a hom�own�r on I�inr�et Lane, ��ointed ouf: that;, ti.nce Mx�, i�1�,rd had s��.d �hat 3_n the long run t�he eommerc � C'. center v�ould m�.iri� y serve the �ndustrial par-Ic rather ��han the nei�x�bo,^'�ooc:, �he access,� to Linnet �an� would l�e su�e� - i luous , ile feels "tl�e �°asidents wYia mi�hv shop �here WOL?� C� drive ove� �h�re anz�vay.. Mr. i��luir h«�� ��h compromi�e pro��osa? t]iat a 6 ar 8' concrc-�° f�nce could be instG l7.ed for about �>2500; split the 17' of p1�11t�I1r' �.nd pu� the fence in the center oi it, screen- in� the 1i�;��ts shining .from the shopp3n�; center.. He w�,s r�o� a�ains� service si,ations, but the fact.that fhe develop- rne��� is so clo� e to a r•esidential area bo�h�rs him. Service statzons are nozsf and tlieir li���i,s can be annoyin�;. Mr 1�1ara said 'cl�at La�i� ence Halpr�.n, �.n expert in the field, c�es�gned the landscapin� i�ere. Perhaps there v�rill be a little berm and plan�3.n� on top oi' i,his. I-ie assu:��ed �he people that V311co Parlc is their nei�hbor and wants i,o � be friends wiL'.n �chetn, Irri.��tion is no problem. Mr, Burre3 Leon�.r�. sa:ic� the,y hav� farm�d this proper�c�T these past ye�.rs, laut oY�criards are now priced ovt of buainess , Mr. Leonard said a lae.rm is bein� put in arourid the tem- � porary office buildin� be�n� consi,x�uct�d nova on Vallco property. He has been told a ver� fine ,�o� c,a�z be done with less than 25' of iandscap�.ng. He citEd several of Halprin's accomplishments in various plac�s in the Ur�:I.�;ed S�ates; a mixture of planting and pavinJ and �r.ound gz°adin�, � T'ir. Leonard pointed o�tt �hat doinp ii, �raell mu,st no�: be confused v��ith doin ; it in a ti��asteful way. As 'co chilclrcn and safe�ty: a different a�p.roach to recreation and perl�a�s tighter controls by the parents a.re in orc?er. Exchang� of some land c�own 'cotivard 'che freeway, near tl��e preseri� svai��-- activity ar��. coulcl be �:xplorec� . Thei�� is a home in fa.il�l.y �ooct condition that cot?ld serve �.s a club riouse. _5_ P�-S1 Minutes oi the S��cia1 �la�:znin� Comm� I�Ieei:�ng, 3/1��,l��f� i�%ir. Leonard suid a t-ve11_ run commercial �.ev�lopment tti��_11 relp reduce 'che trouUle the children c.ause in the o.rchards., He i eels that if they a11 put i�heir heads to�;ether�, �nd don't ,e� ernot�_onal a�out it, same'chin�; compatib7_e for all could be ���ox��:ed out . T��;�. Melvin Brat�n, af' the Good Samarii;an Cnurch, said their pro�erty fronts on Linnet i�ane. �'hey are wil_lin� �o �o along with �he 8 or 10' street wiclening, wi'chou� parkin;;. They would �ike to have their chu._rch Uuilt within 2 or � years, and p12n �o have landscapin�; tah�ch is cc�mpat� b�.e � and harmonicus �ritY� that of Vallco P�rk. They are ae�.�_nst; a cyclor.e fence, which is difficult to 1{eep clean. A sol:td, masoni�y wa1 l �vould reflect tr•af'�fic noise < He suF;- �ested h�.vin� a loVa fence durin� the forma'�ive years of �che landscapin ; so no pa'chs woul.d deyelop. L'hr:�l.rman Johnson called for a��rea��� at 9: �!5 P.N. The meei;ing recorver_ed� a� 1�:00 P.M. . 1�'It'. Bob ti�orces�ter. , Director of Propert;r for Varian Assoc ,, ���.id 'ne atten��.ecl. the Plannin� CommiSSion ar�d City Counci_1 me�ti���s several Sr�ars a�o, durind the r.ezonin�; of this . �rope�^t;�, T�!.e .r.�as�n wh�r t'rae fe.r�ce probl�m �aas not re� Colvcd vr�s �ec�us� they did not �>: ow what �ype of fence ���s �gr�eab:tP i,o th� res�.de�ts� He add�d: "If you do�z' t t,aant acc�:ss, f. ine; if you do, WE wi11 p��'c bne in. "� l�ir. Moore, �unn�vale Plannin� Director, saicl if the matf:er : of f;he roa� 2cc�ss is cl.osed then the onl�T oth�;r is����� is the fenee. He aLt;; �ested wordin� i.t: "an impen^trable i�arrier, " and 1At� tY!e apN1i can'� :vork th� s ou wi�h the H-Control. NIr. Muir said, if they are willing 'cv �ive us ingress �ara egress, he feel� a reasonable a�;reement could be reach�d between Mr. Leonard dnd �he residen��, ��o be presentet� to the Planning Co►nmissi.on. . Mr. Leonar�. feels th.at a year after the center �is openec� there will be a request for acces�s, if n�t provided fror� the beginnin�. It would be better to hav� an open'in�; and close it later, if �.esired. Sn any case, trucks would be excluded from a Linn.et I,ane entrance. T�Zr. �•�Tard said tha'c p�rhaps a common openin�; Vaith 'che church coL?ld }ae wo� ked ot2t . Mr. A1 Spi�rs said he has lived in Sunnyvale for 20 years. tor years, �eople have ��aanted access �hrou�h the tall fence across the stree� from him, into t�7ashin�tion Pa�k. He saiu if Vallco puts in a fence there �wzll probably be the addec' hazard of. �he children attemptin ; to cli�nb it . � •-o- PC-Sl� l�inutes of the Special Planning Comm� Meeting 3/16/66 Mr. Moore recommen�ed hav�ng planting with no opening, bu�� to put in a gate.in case access is requested at a later da�e. It would be easier to decide an opeMing is needed than to close an opening that is already there 1�Zr, Ray White, representing Shel1 0i1 Company:, urged tha'c the Use Permit�be �ranted for the proposed service station because t.here is much planning to be done. H� suggested the questions of access to L3.nnet Lane and 'che buffering be left to the Final Map stage. He �commen�ed that it has been his experience that property values increase rather 'chan decrease next to a shoppin� center with service station. The Assistant Planner said that any wal7: built vaill have to end at the church property. The Vallco Park-Church parking agreement was then discussed. Mr..Braun said they have agre�d to no parking along Linnet Lane. Eight feet of buffer landscapin� wi11 be continued along Linnet Lane. They feel the masonry type of fence would be undesirable because of the noise factor. The parlcin� a�reement is con-- sidered acceptable by the City of Cupertino Planning Department. Chairman Johnson said that, since a s'cudy is being made by the Ci�y on service stations, are the Planning Commissioners prepared to make a decision on this service s�ation Use Permit at this time. He asked if the Commissioners are in favor of tY opei�ing in the median strip of Wolfe Road between Prunerid�e and Homestead. The Planning Director said that -he never liked it, but detailed plans had been approved by the State at the time it was brought to his a'�tention, and it was too late to d� anything about i .� . , Comm. Traeumer asked if the entrance ontQ Han����e��' ���r� the ��Y�v��e sta�ion was too close to t�e turr� z�l��r�.�. I�� �,sked if it could be deleted and let the pa�pl� gm ��'�T��� - Mr. ��te said it was absolutely necessary �Qr ��o�ac��:?-c re�,sons . He said st�,ndards for entrance anc� ����� ��`��'� fir�ly established �rr� sixty years bac1�. Comm, Hirshon asked the staff if there is a risk that through traffic would take a short cut through the com- mer�ial area. The Planning Director 'chou�ht not, bu'c 'co be safe, a provision allowing an entranc.e-exit at Linnet Lane, if given, should be worded so i� can be withdrawn if � it creates problems. -7 - PC-Sl �Zinutes of the Specia]. Planning Comm, Meeting 3/16/66 Comm. Frolich said, re�arding the access problem, at the time of the rezonin� �here was coricern about the indus�Lrial, not the commercial use of the proper�y. The Sunnyvale people have made it clear there is a lot of pressure for two additional serv3ce stations at this intersection. He submitted that to deny the service station on this parti- cular corner would not diminish the pressure for stations on the other ttiao corners; conversely, a service station on Vallco propert�, already zoned to accommodate one, should eliminate the need for service sta�ions on the residential side of Home�tead Road. Comm. Horgan does not feel the fence is necessary. He feels the opening belongs on Linnet La.ne, someplace. He agreed with Comm. Frolich on the service station situation. Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm, Hirshon, to close the First Hearing. � Mo�ion carried, 5-0 Comm. Traeumer sug�ested the Second Hearing be held two U�eelcs from Wednesday, with advice that Mr. Leonard and the home- owners reach some sort of agreement. He did not feel a decision �hould be made on the service station until the overal'1 Survey is completed. Comm. Hir�hon said he still has some unanswered questions and, due to the fact that the meeting should be concluded by 10:30 (by request of the school), that it should be pu� over for two weeks. Chairman Johnson`asked the Sunnyvale Plannin� Director if �� taould be all right to have the Second Hearing at Cupert3.no's re�ular Plannin� Commission meeting rather than a special meeting again. Mr, Moore sa3d they have had a chance to express their views. Tf they wanted to submit some sor'c of brief, theJ could mail it to Cupertino Plannin�; Commission, prior to the:lr next mee'cin�. Comm. Hirshon urged additional meetings between interested persons prior to the Second Hearing. Comm. Traeumer as�ced the Planning Director and the Director of Public tiJorks to tell him what Linnet Lane requirements are for width. Do we leave the street open and have the people tell us to close it or vice versa? What have others done in similar situations? What about the parking agree- ment with the church? tae need a comment irom our Plannin� Department about the service station feasil�ility study, -8- PC-Sl T��inu�;es of the S�ecial Plannin� Coc�m. P�'Iee'cin�, 3/io/E�6 Comm. Hirshon uaid he Uaould be intere��ted in �,ny survey regardin�; traffic �,oin�; west on Homesteac� Road. Would it be feasible to move the service station �CO the south end oi the shoppin� center? Wou1d this solve some of �he problems with the City of Sunn�Tvale? lrlha'c about crea�in�; a left turn lane fl�om Homestead, �oin� into the shopping center? IV UNFINISHED BUSIPIESS There was none. V ADJOURNr�1rNT P�Ioved by Comm. Traeur�er, seconded by Comm, Hirshon, to adjour�� �he meetin� at 11:C0 P.M. AP�ROVED: /s/ Ro bert Jo hnson ` ��ia irma n I�TTEST : . ` �- % � ,�,.'� _ . . �_... _ . ;-.'_ � _ . t.. f; - , ; fV Dsrec or o .Ianir�; � ► � -9-