PC 02-28-66 10321. South Sa:ratoga-=Sunriyv�.1�� Road Cupertino, California, 9501 pholze : 252 � 1 a5o5 Pc-�.�r----------------------------------�-_______------- 8a,000 1� � � C ITY OF CU.PERTINO California MINUTES 0�' THE REGULAR ME�TING OF THE PLANAtING CUMMISSION February 28 1966 8 :00 P.M. Held in tne Board Room, Cuperi,ino Elementary School District Office, ]_0301 Vista Drive, Cupertino, California I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL: Minui,es of the previous meei,in�, 2/1.L!/66 Comm. present : Frolich, Iiirshon, Hor�an, Traeumer, Joi�nsozl Comm. absent: N�on� Staff presents City Attorney, Sam Anc�erson . Director of Public Worl�s, Frank Finney Director of P�ann3.n�, Adde Laurin • Ci�y En�3.neer, Bob Shook Assistan�,Planner, Jim Nuzum Recorr�inb Secretary, Zois InT�vards Co►nm, Frolich had t}ze following corrections to �he P'+I o He fel.t the las� paragraph on Page 5 was incomplete and felt the following should be addecl: "Since Ordinance 220 requires a lot Uaidth o� a'c least 70' in order to be a legal lo�, tl�en �:his one must be 70' tiv i_d� (at least); thereiore, side yards must to'�al 1�;' total � side y�rd. Also, minimum`side ya�d of 6' means that th-�re musL be a 6' wide strip in.side the fence Uahich must not b� � encroached upon b� �che Y�uildingo So: the pertinent dimen- sion is 6' measure�t perpendicular to the fence on one s�_de, and a total of 1�, ' so measured on the tUro sides ." Page 7, 3.n the second motion of that page, the word "desi�ned" s�hould instead be "designated." Pa�e 10, �para�raph LI, add to tk�e end of the first sentence � ' ''... as has been suggested by Comm. Traeutnere" PZoved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to approve the Minutes of Feb. 14 ig66 as corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 -1- ���` '[� �' n �` , ;�fe� � f' the I�egulaz� P1.ar, �ing C ,�rii_ �c ' • r.7ee�i_r��;, ''�-`,c5��`;� .l J"J.L f l I.�_.L: .l .l J !.. ()Il .!_,�_ G r_C, :C �T7NUUNGi�iEN'I'S OF P�ST:['�I��MENT�, e�co There were no postponem°nts. IV t��,;RITTEN CGT�IMUNICATIUI�iS A. Letter from Va11ey Title Company with �10Q check for applica'cion �'or RezoninF� property at SE corner of Miller AvenuP and Stevens Cree�c Blvd. 80,02�4 B Let�er from Creston Improvement Association, protestin� proposed rezonin� for SE corn�r of Foothill Blvc�, and �.;r�e Junipero Serra Freeway. 80, 024 C. Mr, titiTalter S. Ainsti��orth, 1062� AinsUaor�h Drive, Los !�1'�os, le'cter requestin� that the Cupertino P1.anning Comrr.issioYi w.rite a letter to the Los Altos City Council, e:�pressirz; its op�.nion on �his rezor�in�, The Plannin� Dix�ector had been informed by the Direc cor o�' Planning or Los Altos, that this City has now received a. formal application for this rezoning. Ch2irman Johnson as?�ed the City t�ttorncy if this case coulcl Ue ec�uat;ed to a s�rnilar request made re�;�rdin� the DiNapoli rezoning in San � ose , The City A'c i,orney said tha � i�c 2� soraetivhat �� ff eren.,, and could concern Cu�ertinoo P�Ir. Ainsvaoi°�1�� said he ti��as spea�cing fo.r residents of Rivez�•- crest aiid Prinolevaood, as ���ell as Cres �ori; some 2G0 resi-- dents, iie drew a map on the blackboard showin� the �roposed development, to �ahich Starlir..�; Drive `��ill be the oniy acress. They are opposin�� the proposed re- zonin� along lioothill Blvd. , sta�in�; i,llat the 'crafz"ic. wi11 become 17azarclous, I+ur�her, 'chey do not subscrive to the idea �na'c residen�ial is no� sui�able adjacenf; to freevaays, Chairman Jo�znson read Mr. Ainsvaorth's letter aloud. The City At'col�ney said there is no Joint Potiaers Ac� o If tne Ci'�y Council elects to en'cer ilzto thi s situa'cion, or asks the Plannin��; Commission to du so; it would therl be in ordero T�oved by Colnm, Traeumer to forvaard this informatior� to the City Council. Mo�:ion cliec� for l�ack of a SeccnJ , Comm. Frolich suggested the Cit;� Council instruct the si,aff to cizecl{ on this and to presen�� Cupertino's point o�' viey�., as expressed by the 1`�Iasf;er Plan, to the City o=" Los l�ltos. -2- � PC-�RZi Myriui;es of ti�e Regul�r �'i_anninU C�mr�.���:�i.��n T��ee �C�.,'1��)9 2/'�3,�`c�o t�r, Ainsv�orth said the Los A1tos P1.anning Corrmicsion �s meetin� this Thursda3r to inspect the si�ua�;ion and wi71 make their decision the follovain� Thursday. Time i� of trle essence. PiIiv'UT� Ot�DER: Maved by Cornm, Traeumer, s�conded Ly Comm, Froi�_c��. to request the City Council to hear �he report o�` our staff re�arding the proposed dEVelopment at the SW corner of Foothill Blvd, and the Junipero Serra Freeway, which is ad�jacent to the Cupertino Ci�y Limits, and possibly ta�te sotne action to ir1- vestiga�e ii,, or ins�ruct i;he s�Caff to check into it. Motion carried, 5-0 �J VERBF�L COMMUIVICATIONS A. A�plication for Use Permi'� v�ithin Vallco Park. This area is the Sl-�l corner of Homestead Roacl and ?�'olfe R.�ad, ad�acen� to Linne`t Lane, vaYiich is in Sunnyvale. The City of Sunr�yvale til�ould like the Cuper�ino Plannin; Commissiori to l�a�e an extra session so one or more of the �unnyvale Plannin� Comrnissioners could �e presenL. The Di��ector of Plannin� asked if a meetin� could be arranged for t�:lednesday, Ma� ch 16th, ai, �he Board i�oom Comme Traeumer would li�ce to see �he City of Cupertir.o enter into a reciprocul a�reement v�i�ch neighboring � cities in re�arcl to rezonin�s of adjacent or abuttin� properties. Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded b�r Comm. Frolich, tha�c any property that borders the limif�s of Cuperf �.r� being considered for rezoning should be considered �;;T our Plannin�; Uepartment to see if it is in coni'ormit� U�ii,h �he Master Plan and we would appreciate comment,s from other cities. This Minute Order vlas abandoned in favor oi' i,he following one: MIN�JTE ORDEF: Moved by Comme Frolich, seconded by Comm. Z'raeumer, that our staff should bring to the at�cention of �he City Council the need for a recipr_ocal arrar.�ement U:ith nei�hbor cities, to have rezonin� near the �oint boundary revieVaed by the Planning Commisszons of both cities, Motion carried, 5-0 -3- }'C�-R Niir��u �;es of tize Re�ular Plannin� Co ,�mission P�Iee t`ng, �/2.8/6F --- -------__ __ _ __ _-----� �_ _ 1 . - -- . . ------. . . - ; --- . ---•- -- _•_ _• _ _ _ _ _-- I�, The Plannin� Direetor ; said there are..z�4 appl.icaLions for tn.e March 1L!th m�e'cing. , Moved by Comm. Froliclz,:s:econc��d by Comm. Traeumer, tha� th� firsi, regular m�e'cin�- in Nia.rcl� b� held on WednesdasT, March 16th ratl�er. tl�;an on Monday, March 1 Motioxl� carried,. 5-0 VI H�ARINGS SCHEDULED: 1-Z-66 A FREMONT UNION �i�GH SCHOOL DISIRICT; application for Rezoning from R,3-2o2� to CG, 5022 acres, southeast eorner of Mi11er �lvenue. ancl Stevens: Creelc Blvd. - Second Hearing, ; , ��r Don Bandley, 21.L!96 Colum'bus Avenue, Ci,lpertino, and Mro Robert L. Kirig, V�c.e-President of Valley Title, ;2]_5 Stevens Cre�l; Blvd o , "arita Clara, U�ere presezit to discuss this rezonin�o Mr. Ba.ndle�r said �:,he applica'cion ori�trially in the name o�' Fremont School District, is now in the name of Valley Ti'�le Companyo Ci�airman JohriS011 recapped �r�e hi�hli�;hts of the First Hearinge The Ci�;y At'co,rney said 'che Coun�y Council says the proper applicant her.e is V�11ey T3.t1e Compan�. The City of C�pert.ino assuines no responsibility for any problems, legal or oth�rwise, that migl?t come up; As to Ordinance Lb7 Revtsed : The C�.ty 'A�;torney said the property abu�s Si,evens Creek Blvd,, and'Wi11 involve dedica�Lions. A puUlic agency , can dnfer put'cin� these im�rovements in., A deed from either Va11ey Title or the Schoo7. Board is valid. As to Ordinance 220 �f), 'che Planning Director said the question is whether or not the City can impose conditions on rezonin�s. Many other cities do. The City o.f' Santa Clara h�s a system of their own: They rezone ti the lower-case l.etter "e" added to the sym�ol, indicating "e�ceptions", require a development p1an, and make a fir_al. rezoning �vithout "e" vahen construc'cion starts and it is clear that the development p13n vai11 be follo�aed. In the case of CL�pertino, we have a tool �'or attachin� cond:�tions in Ordinance 220 (f), urhich �s a result of an ini�ciaLive by the San'ca Clara County In�er-City Counci7_ and of conferences betvaeen the Plann7 n� Directors oi �:le Counzy, Th�s Orc�inance ullows changes of s �andards v��hen justified by the i,erra�_n or other faci,ors; chan�es or condi_�ions shall be noted in an appenc�i� to i,he Zon�_����; p:7�p, and o� the map itself by one c�r more low�r--c�se letters added to the Zo.iing SSTmLol, ' _ 1 .I - .. . . . . . . � � �'C-kLE rflinu'ces of i,he Re�L�.la.r_P1.annirig_Gor��rr��..'�s_�_ony�?ie�iY:i:r.���s,_2j2�s/�� The City Attorney's position �Nas 'chat A�Itanicipal I�ava �_s a bonafiae �.t'c�mpt �o n�a3.ntain cl��t a iir�e �xzs �s bet�a�en ' private and public interes'c . Iie questi.on�d whether yol� can impose a condicion on a man's propert�ra He said such conditions must U� related to the p.roper�Y; must be f'air � and can be class�fie.de .. Chairma�� Johnson read the letter from Fremon� School Dis�,r�.ct, The prop�l�ty llas been placed in escro���, s.o i;hey bel.ieve � " the application can be placed in th� name of Valley Z'i�c1.e, The Plannin� Direc�or summarized his memo of' February �J�}. a'ctached as Ap.p�n�ix._.A. He cautioned a�ains� strip com- m�rcial, and recommended condi�ions be ai;tached to the rezoninE;, to ensure that �;h� area be planned and devel.o��ec1 as a unit; this does not preveni. subdivision into 1ots. � Tlze Director of Fublic tirJorlcs statedSchool�Boardsforctlze`� 'che necessary dedications from �h -� for some Si:,evens Cr. eek Blva. Ir��provement Dis �ric �. I..- , reason, 'che pro jeci, should fall i,hrou�lz, the Plannin� Director' s Item 6 r��;ardin� comple�tion of mL�nicipal im�- provemen�s could Ue vi�al. Ivlr, B�rc�ley s�i�1 fhey i'eel the�r have. compli�d vaith t?:le star�dard condi'cions and Ordinances. He feels thc condi- �cions su��;ested by the Planning Direc'cor are covered by the Bu:ilc�in� P�ri,li�c, etc; He feels t�1ey are over az7�� above ;,ne normal cor.di�ions imposed on a rezonin;; hovaever, theST ti�:�ll be given due consideration. Mr, Kin� as��ed if Condition ;;'1 means a complet� develou�»eni; plan. The P7.annira� Director said it means only the ��nera� locazion or par�cin� , btiildin�s, etc ., but not comple�;e en�ineerin�.and archi'cectural plans. Ful^ther, chan�es can be r�ade in a development plan by consultin� v�i�h the C�.t� , The plan can be revised from time to time. The idea is to �ive thou�ht to the entire 5 acres at or�e tit7:e rather than �ust lot by lot, vahich woulcl resul`t in strip comrnercial, of f;he t�rpe existin� jusi, to the east of' 'che area, Mr. Bandley sa:�d 'chey could not approve Conc�ition ;�10 They are not prepared notiv for a Tentai,ive Map. The P�.�r.n:�n,; Director said tha � �he c�eve�opmen:t pyan �•aould not be rc•- c�uired until a Ten�a.tive Map is submitted, The Director of PUb1ic Z•�dorks asked if i�c is th� intentio��. of' tl�e applicant to ciev�lap this as one pro j ect or to s;� �.z � � `it up. Mr. King s�.ia �they are plannin� a U��ildin� at �;i��e corner. It Uaon' � ta l,e .� he e n t i re 5 acres, but they �: rl �- ltnow a'c this �il�ne hoti�� m�ch� it will ta?�e, Present thi.�?�lii�:� is for a one-story Uuilding. They d.on't 1{notiv aL i,li�_s ���.me valzat they will do ����ith the remainaer of �;he prope.rty� _ _�` �C-�. NinL.i,es of the Regular Planning Gomm:i��s��.on Me•�t:i?��; of' �'%.?�%�>'= ---------------------------�___.______-------________.___________ As to Condi�ion „'2, 1`�Ir, Bandley said tizey �n�enc� to conforin to the Ordinances He feels the principals shou7_c� l�e �iven time to revieti�a these condifions beforE com�nenting on them The City Af;torne;r sa�.d a c�evelopment plan �� ves the Ci'cy a chance to step in and protect �he En�ire d�veloprnent to see thai, one area does no'c act as a detriment to the other areas. Mr, Bandley asked the Cit,y A'ctorney if �these Planning Director's recommenda�ions ar� covered by Ordinance, The City Attorney said 'chey are, He then said they a�ree, tia��h r°servations, to the conditions, Chairman Johnson explained and elnphasized the conditions sev�:ral i,s.rnes during �;ii� Hearing, to maltie c�rtain tha � �;here vaould be no ►nisunders�canclinb ���itlz the applicani, . i�oved by Comm. TraeL�mer, seconded by Comm, P.rolich, tha'c t'.ze Public Hearings Ue closed, Mo�ion carried, 5-0 Comm, Traeumer �.sked abou'c the entrances and exits onto Mi11er. Avenue m The Planriin� Director sai�. l�e dic� not �.�e13.eve any res'cric'cions Were necessary t�here. `l�he Director of Public ���orks askecl the C1 cy Aztorney for i�.�s irl�;erpre'caLion of Ordinance �!7 R�vis�d, The Cii.y �l�torney said tne School District �vas no'c subject �o the Urclinances of Cuper�;ino, in ii,s ori�inal application; �.ny sul�sequ�n'c split l�y the subdivider, hoUaever, Ulill noti�r be sui� jeci, - co �c�7e Subc�ivision 0 o Motied by Comm� Traeumer, seconded by Comr�, Frolich, tha'c app�_ieation 1-Z- by Valley Ti'cle Cor�pan�, be approvec�, subject to the 12 S�andard Conditions, plus the conditions s'ca�ed in the Planning Director' s memorandum (�` ppendi3� �'� ) e AYES: Comm. Frolic�z, Hirshon, Horgan, Traeumer, Johnson NAYS: None AZotion carried 5-0 2-z--66 B JO-DEL, INC Rezonin� of 1005 acres from R3-2.2� and �..-�1N1-65 R3-2 .7��na to R2-Z� e 25i, north side of Voss Ftoad at Lockwood Drive. Also Ten'ca�ive Map, First Hearin�o Mr. Gene Martin, Civil En�ineer, presented 'c?ze Tentative l�Zap., He said this propert�T is across the s �r�et from t�le parl� ��te o This plan r�duces t�ze dens�ty to 7 uni'cs per acre, It is i'or duplexes ra'cher than apar'cmen�s. -e- ,r� �i.' E�� r'/�C>%ut> PC•-�t! Minut�s of the Re�ular Pl.anni.rzg �cm��,is.�.iotl s�l�_e -1 � , The Plannin� Director called ai,tentiolz 'co Lo c 7, which �_s a flag--shaped 10�. He said �he planning Comn�ission sr�c:�uld noi,e there is nothin� in the Orclinance to deal with f1aQ;- shaped lo�s. Fur'che�, if the apar�m�nt zonin4 to the wesL is realized, ii. ���i.11 create some. trafi'ic. This shoulcl not all go down Voss Avenue, past the parl: aricl schoole The terrain is very steep here, so poss3.bly Pamela ti�Jay could l�e extended to Stevens Cree�c Blvd (Permanen�e Road), eventuall.ye Another factor the Director of Planning wancad to call to �he atteni;ion of the Plannin� Commission was that the lands of Voss nave been deeded to the County for a Po7.ice Academy, ��rhich may affect 'che streeL systema - The Planning D�rector recommended the Planning Commission approve the rezonin�, but pu� over�the Tentative Map for 'cwo tiveeks t;o give i,ime 'co pursue trese findin�s. Mr Mastin Uaas agreeable 'co �his, if it is necessary. �he Director of` :?ublic t^1or�is �o:int�d out some details needecl� on the Tentat3ve Map: dra�na�e from the .ou�cfall line to PZarcia Court; Lo'cs 7-1`T on th� sou'ch sic�e are f�en "Theisner--type" lots o The map should indicai,e hoW tl�ey vaill be �raded. There was CZISCL1SS10T1 ak�out; fla�-shaped lots. The Director of Pl annin�- sta'cecl i,hey hav� been approved previously by �he City9 he did no1� ob�ect to a limi'ced number of them, The Direc�or of PLl�11C lflorks said they iiave b�en outlati� in some citics � P�r. ,, P�ias�cin sa��d Lot o could pro:vide .som� additional froi��.a�e. Mrs. Patricia Pri�chard,�who 13ves on Lockwood Drive, said she lives nearUy and Wan�ed to lmow a 1it'c1e more a�oL1L 'che apar'cm�nts , planned here. She t�aas told f;he plan is :for duplexes instead of apartmenLS. Mrs. Juanita McLaren, 10101 N, Bl.aney, Cupertino, hi�h1.�,� endorsed �his plan. She said it would be very �ood for Cupertino. Moved by Comm. Hii�shon to close the Firs� Pt.lblic Hearin�; on 2-Z� .and 1-TM-66, Motion died for .lac�: of a Secoizclo Moved by seconded by Comm. Tr�eumer, tha�c �che Public Nearin�s be closed on 2-Z-66, Motion cai�ried, 5-0 Moved by Cor��m. Frolich, seconded by Com►�n, Horgan, that application 2-Z be recommended for approval, sub�ec'c to the 12 Standard Conditions, AYES : Comm, Frolich, Hirshon, Hor�an, Traeuiner, Jorr� �on NAYS: None Mo'cion carri�cl, 5--0 � _7_ ' lC.�'.--R�'� N;.:���'ces of' the Re ;ular. Planning Cotnr�issi_on n�iec:f�_in� 2j28��6 Moved by Commp Frolich, second�d Uy Cornm� HorUan, that ap�lication 1-T1�7-66 be continued to the nex meetin�; 'che applicant is instructed to �et toge�her with �ne sf.aff �co conform v�7ith details on the Ten�a �ive Map; the staff is to look further in�o �he lands of Voss and ma�ce .sv��- gestions about tne s�re�t connection 'co the north. �`.T.�ES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Hor�an, Traeumer, Johnson NAYS : None Motion carried, 5-0 �1,00L1 C. CITY PLANNER: ORDINANCE 331, requirin� underground utilities. �he Plar..ning Dii�ec�or said P.T &�'o has reviewed this �r•r�inance and is agreeable �;o it. P.G. & E made some comn�eni,s s Santa Clara County Builders' Association tivill �:ave comments to malLe. He suggested we �o to the audience i or comments ai�cl '�hel� defer t�iis Ordinanee to a vaor�c sess�on, I�Zr � Don Bahl, oi' I+'ranl~lin--Bah� Developers, �.s ked if the tivorl: sessior� tiaould be open to the pu�lic . Z�Tl1en told �ha'c ii, Traould Y�e, he preferred 'co defer his comments un'r� 1 then. The Planni_ng Director suggested tha� if ariy ir�terested pal�ty Woald get their comments to his office durin� this ti��eek, he wi11 incorporate them into the draft tv��ich Will be discussed at tl�� meeting on the 16th, M Jim 0'Brien, representa'cive of Santa Clal�a County Home Builderso �lssociation, hop�d they would schedule a worl� session for i,his item alone rather 'chan schedule it in'co a regular meetin�, Mr. Gunn, of P,G. & E., said they have made somE comments and have forv�.arded them 'co �he Plannin ; Department , Tlzey would like very much to be present tivhen tizis Grdinance is reviewed, It was then discuss�d whether to �o ahead ti�a:i�h 'clze regular Plannin� Commission meeting oiz P•�onday, tize l�! th, and at that meeting ad j ourn to 'c �ze 16th to cover the Vallco Par�c-Linnet Lane situation, and anything else �hat m�gi�t be held over. P��oved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Gomm, Hirshon to re-- f�urn the next re�ular meetin� to March 1`!th, tid1'Grl the in�ention, at the completion of �hat mee�inJ� to �djo�a���n to the 16th, Motion carried, 5-0 -8- PC•-Ftl! P7iriu�e � of the ReJular Plannin� �omm,iNsi.on rYieec�rig, 2j2u`�6 VII UiU'FIPiISHED BtJSINESS �31,00�- ORDINANCE 220(g) - Height Regulations The Planning Comm�ssion has been asked by che City Council to stud��r three sections of the Orc�inance, The Planning Director had, at the request of Cha�rman Johnson, further inquired into Ordinances of this kind in neighboring cities. He found no common denomina'cor. Woodside ha�s a limit of 50' for all aerials. Los Altos Hills limits heigh� to 30 for any structure - building or aerial; with exceptions through Variance proced���°e� Los Altos allows 15' above the heigh� regulation for a particular zone (Rl = 30' + 15' _�!5'). They do allow masts higher than 1 15' if they are retractible. Atherton allows 38', gene�al limit for all constructions, aerials as well as bu�.ldings� P Park lost a court case on this. San Mateo has no restrictions (Information by Director of i'u�lic Works). Redwood C:�ty tried to restrict the height but are backed b,y no Ordinance. (Information by Director of Public tidorks)� Carmel h�.s a franchise for the City for a caule for TV reception, Thes� have 30' and 35' maximum; anything over tha'c would have �o be a Variance, and they never grazi�L Varianceso Palo Alto says l�' above building heighL limits (R1.= 3r' + 15f = 50') The Planning Director fee?s it would be logical to have tvao different res�rictior,� -- one for ZV and one for ham radio antennas. Chairman Johnson suggested this matter be reopened to Public Hearings at the next regular meeting� The City Attorney had advised that a new advertisement would be necessary �o reopen the Public Hearings. Comm. F�olich r.equested the staff acquire cost informaryon about the various services. The Plannino Director said Section 68,7 could be deleted because it is duplicated in the Underground Uti�_ities Ordinance. Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. I'rolich, to de�_�i:e Sec, 68,o from the Ordinance on the basis that it; is v� r•J difficul� to enforce, not that We shouldn'� include the aesthetics aspec'c �ere� A�?E.S: Comm. Fro.lich, Hirshon, Traeum�r NA.YS : Comm. Hor�an, Johnson Notion carried, 3--2 -g- _ � ,- ?'C�-R M:i YiL:f,�S U.i the R�gular Yla.rin Cu�r;rii�Nic�si Nt�� �i.i�� �; ��:�,C�u Comm, Horgan and Chairman Johnson voted against.thi� motion because they think it has not been s.ufficiently `studied a� this time. Chairman Johnson said the Planning Comrriission had some con- vict3ons, but the City Gouncil has asked them to study it and he hasn't had a chance to study it enough; �he staff will have some additzonal comments. Moved by Comm. F seconded by Comm. Traeumer, that sec�ion 68 .7 be deleted fro.m this Ordir�anceo This matter will be separ.ately controlled by the Underground Utilities Ordinance. � � AYE�: Comm, Frolicn., Hirshon, Horgan, Tra�umer, Johnson NAYS: None � Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Commp mraeumer, seconded by Gomm. Frolich, that the Planning �ommission has spent consider.able time examin- in� what the hei�hts should be, the definit�on of a lot, and the dim�nsion of' the horizontal circle, therefore, it is moved that the findings be forwarded to �che Ci�y Counc�l. Comm. H��rshon would.like additional comments from the audience. He su�gested 1�he Urdinance be reopened 'co the I'ub13c and wou�d also like to hear further from the staff. Comma Frolich was not su.re the� have clearly answered a11 the ques�ions of the City Council. Comm, Traeumer wants to send the infarma�cion to the City Council,.�ust for a r.eview of the facts. Comm. Froiich withdrew his Secondo Comm. Traeumer withdrew his motion. Moved by Comm. Hirshon, aeconded by Comm. Horgan, to reopen �che Public Hearings at the next regu7,ar mee'czng. Motion carried, 5--0 � VIiI NEW'BUSINESS 2_•�TM�66 A, J, W. LOUGHLIN. Application ;for ; Tentative Map for Lots 75 and 76 Tract 3577: south�ast corner of Stevens Canyon Road and Riverside Driv�, Cupertino (combining two lo'cs into one). Mr, J. W, LougYilin, 10672 Deep Cliffe Drive, said the main reason they want to combine these into one lot is that the;� would like to have the entrance from Riverside Drive and have underground par�cin�,� They could�ther� stay with one- story rather than tvaa-story bizildings , _ -10 � , :iCCi�.:-:ltj� �/ZV�'C�:J PC;_Y t� — � _ ��1Y1lAG�� — O r �t:� 1 � _gC � U.1.d7 = `_ � 'icU.i - il � i1.11 � ^ Cit -� c � ti;S. ���� .Vti ... _ u __�_�_—...__e__..� 1 The I'lanning Direc'cor recommended granti.�zg o� the applica� 'cion, with the condition that vehicular entrance Sr�oui�� be from Riverside Drive. The Director of Public Works saicl the rear yard is backin� up against developed properties. IIe would like to see a �rading plan prior to Building Permit, The Assistant Planner said there would be no increase in density; it will just allow a better arranr�ement of the s�cructures on the 1ot. Mro Conlin, oU�ner of Lot 78 , said that he and the oWners of Lots 77 and 71 have discussed this with Mr. Loughl�_n and they are in complete agreement with what he is plannin� i,o do . Moved by Comm. Hor�an, seconded by Comm, Frolich, to approve application 2 - TM-66 U�ith �cwo c�ndi'cions : vehicular entraric� to be on Riverside Drive, and grading plan to be submi'c'c�:� to the Dir�ctor of Public Works prior to issuance of a Building Per.mit, AYE:S: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Traettrner, Johnson N�YS : I�one i�totion carried, 5-0 3- TM-66 B, VALLCO PARK: Official Plan Lines. Exhibit to be attached to 'che Planned Development Zoning of this area; Crdinances 255 and 256, (This is not a Tentative Map, but has been given a Tentative Ma� number for file purposes.) The Director of Publ�_c �^Iorks said it was felt that to keep coordinated, a neighborhood plan should be adopted so fuLure cledications U�ould fit the overall plan, This should serve as a�uide �o all subsequent dedications. Mr. Walter Z��tard said that before formation oi an Ass�ss- ment District comes up, they feel City action should be 'caken on tnese sel.ect streets. Moved by Comm, Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to re-- commend to the Ci�y Council that this map be incorporated wzth the other exhibits for the rezoning of i,��e Va11.co Park to Planned Development. AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Traeumer, John�or NAYS : None Motion carried, 5-0 -11- YCd-I�4 Mi.n��tes rf : the Re�ular Yldrarl�r�� c�t�����i,�,����� ��c�:Lng, �;"28�6i� IX ADJ�URNMENT Moved by Comm, Traeum�r, seconded by Comm, Hirshon, to ad�ourn the meetinu at 1�:�5 P,Me � A PPROVED: �/s� Robert Co Johnson C airman ATTESTe f '. . •t t fl� :..�'� �'a/`.. P�anning -12- • ���.. �CiO„�E APP�.'i�D �X A to the Minutes of the regular meetin� of tlze Planrl�_ng Comm�ssion on Februar_y 28 196� ML1�70 ° February 25 1966 T0: The Honorable Chairman and Members of �che Planning Commiss3.on FfZUM: Adde Laurin, Director of Plannznt SUBJECT: Application for rezoning to CG at the S� corner of Stevens Creelc Blvd, and Miller Avenue. (See also minutes of the P.C. meeting of February 1�; 1966 lower half of p 8, upper half of p. 9. ) This property can be developed for commercial use in either of t�nlo ��aays : It can k�e rezoned to CG Urithout conditions, divided into lots, i;l��,� sold and developed separately, with no guarantee abou� the qual�_t�T of the development, As there is more area zoned for com- mercial use in Cupertino than is likely ever to be needed, it is also a considerable �is�� that part of the area no�r� under consider- a�ion will remain undEVelopedo Municipal improvemeni,s may not be co�mple'ced unless through SLevens Creek Blvd. Local Improvement Distr�ict, ��.r, the following conditions coLi�d ensure that the enti.re are�! ��ai�1 be des�.gned ar�d constructed as a unit, of good quality. �u_p;�,ested Resolution; Further findings and concli�ions: �THER�AS, the area under considera'cion adjoins Stevens Creek Blvdo for vahich s'creet an improvement plan is in pro�ress in order to rnal�e it an attractive entrance to and thorou�hfare in Cupertino; I��HERE�'�S, the area is located across Stevens Creek Blvd. from � Planned Development Zone (P), intended for electronic indust:r�.ec� or similar uses ensurin� attractive appearance; and titiTHE�.EAS, a piecemeal developmen� of the area Would �.ncur a grave risk that th� resul'c will be an unattractive commercial s'cl�ip mi�ed with unimproved lots, vahich would counteract the effor'c to improve Stevens Creel� Blvd, and which may make the Planned Development across the Boulevard less desirable as a location for a high-class indus�ry; I3E IT itTRTHER RESOLVED: tha'c the general welfare requires a�;ua.r��,n�- tee, i;hat the area will be developed with high func'cional and aes'chetic standards; this to be ensured by the following condi- tions in accordance tivith Ordinance 220 (f), Sec. 57.1.. -1- A P�'FND'�:�'�. E1 'co t�-�.� i�Iinutes of f..r re�u'�.ar mee `�!.n� of f.ri� �:'la r�:;�x rl� �or��rnissio�l un Februa� y 2 3, 196� � con� inued ) 1 e A i�eve�opr:�ent Plan, shovain� location anc� general 'cype of build- ings and general arrar�bement of parking and landscap3.ng shal.l a.ccompany the applicat3on for approval of a Ten'cative Map� � Adh�rence to a Development Plan, approved b;� tl�e Planning Com-• miss:ion,. shall be a candition to approval of tl�e Tentat�ve �iapA Proposed revisions of 'cne Development Plan may later be sub- mitied i;o the Flanning Comtnission, 2 T��e�:�e shall be only one entrance f`rom and exi'c to the eastbound �-r.�oa.away of St.evens Creek Blvd., not requiring a bi�eak in the � median strip' of that s�;reet, 3� ��� the ar.ea i,s.�o be develaped with a parking area between the buil.dings and Stev�ns Creek Blvd, , this par�zing ai^ea shal � include landscapi,ng 'co the satiafaction of the Archi- tec'cural and Site Control Committee; a landscaped area at lc�?.s : ttaenty (20) ft. tivide, in�errupted only by the afore- men.�;�onecl entrance-e�if� and by necessary pedestrian passages ;�.z1_1. ad�join the sideU�al�� of �he Boulevarcl, �, If �he area is to be �eve.loped with parkin� in 'cn.e rear, the facade towards Stevens Ci^eeic Blvdo shall be interrupted only b,y one vehicu3ar entrance-exit, Other interruptions, for pedestrian passa�;es or 'co create variation, sl�all be arranged or landscaped so as f;o screen the parlcing area from the �3�u1� Jard. �, A combina�ion of the aforementionzd arrangements (3) and (L�) may .be pe=�mit;ted by the Planning Commission. 5. Developmer_t ma,y take place ix� sta�es, but the first stage sha11 xn�lude complei,ion caf municipa7, improvements along the entire frontage, of St�vens Creek Blvd. and Mi1�er Avenue. If the area is in'c�nded �co be �evelop.�d, as.set forLh under (3) above, the required 20 ft� wide strip of landscapin;. shall be,completed along the entire fron�age of Stevens Cr�ek.Blvd. 7, These conditions ��zall b� stated in an appendix,�co the Zonin� I�iap oi the_ Cit� of Cupertino under i,he heading "fa" ; and reference to the appendix shall be made cn the Zonin� ' Map its�lf by the lower-case lettErs "fa"; as se� iorth in Ord�_nance 220 ( f) Sec , 5.5 . 2. y A.L. -2-