PC 01-10-66 10321 Sou�2Y S�ar_�atogawSL.rin;��ra� e Ro�.d
Cupertirio, Californ��., _.9501�__ _____.�.�_.____�,_���r�or�eF����2_��?�5_-____
___.�_ _ ____ �� L
C I T Y O F C U P E R Z' I N O ,
January 10, 1966 8 :00 P
He1d in the Boar.cl Room, Cupe Elementary Schoal ,Distr.ict,
10300 Vista Drive, Cupertin.00 �
II ROLL C.!�I�L<: Minutes of the p:!'evs.ous meetings :
� Dzcember 7 and 13 1g65
CommO present: Frolich, H�.rahon, Horgan, Traeumer (8010),
Comm. absent� ilone
Staf� pr�esent : City I'-�ttorney, Sam Anderson
Diro of Public Works, Frank Finney
Dira of Pl4.n.ning, Adde Lauri;l
Ci �y En ;ineer, �3ob Sho�k
Ass�stant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Planning Dept. Secretary, Perry Gough
Recardin� Secretary, Lois Inwa�ds
�omm. Frolich had the following corlections to the MinuE�:�
of Dec�mber 13 1965
�Pa�e 8, a£ter his statement about mixed feelings on this
latter mo �ion, add the following, ". . ��.izd also so tYlat; ii
� the City Counci�. chooses to not require the Alp3_ne co.1-
nection the school path would not be lost
Page 6, on the advi:e of the City Attorney, the third
paragyaph from the bottom was stricken from the M3.nutes e
The Assistant Planner r_oted that the last page of the
rough draft, cont�,�ning the Unf:inished Business, was in-
advertently omitted from the final copyo Chairman Joh�z�on
re�,d it aloud, It wa,s as follows :
The D3.r. of Public I�Torks said he has a problem with Ord ��7
. - Revised, w:hich he thinks he can solve, with the Commiss:�.on'.�
� help., He referred to Sec, 3.3� lzn'cative AZaps� He � �;.��
Tentative Maps t�ust be in to. City Hall for review one wQ�t:
before the schedu7_ed Iiearin,go Quite often a developer wi�.l
bring in one that is incomplete and promise �o have it
completed by i�he time of the Hearing. This gives t11e
staff no time to r.eview it.
-. - -
PC-R1 Minutes o.f the Han, 10 �966 Plannin� Commissio�i MP.Pt y.rsg
The Director suggc;sted tn? follow ng : '?'ne Chal?�mar� could�
at the beginning of the Hearing, �sk 'che C��.�cy Pl.a.nner an�:
City Eng3neer i f the � Tentative �Iap conf�rr��s with �t�he Ord•-
inanceo This will give the staff the opportunity to brir.g
out the facts of the case�"
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to ap.prove
the Minutes of December 13 1g65 as correetede
Mo'cion ca�rried, 5-0
Comm. Frolich wished to add the following to the Min�ates
of December 7, Zg65 at the end of the fl.rst sentence,
first paragraph, on page 9: ",o.�o require in this
particular case."
Moved by CommQ Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to
approve the Minutes of December 7, 1965
Motion car ,�+-0
C�mm. Traeumer ab�tained
There were none,
1. Letter to the Planning Commission from �ohn W. Cecil,
in regard to a service station application for
McClellan and Stelling, �eing reviewed by the County
Planning Commissiono
Chairman Johnson suggested this be referred to the
City Manager and the City Council.
Commo Frolich would like to call this to the atten-
tioi� of �he City Council so �hey can, if they so
desire, call this to the attention �f the Board of
The staff might respond to this, indicating �he ob-
�ections raised by the Planning Commi�s
Comm Traeumer felt a Planning Commission member
should be present at the Board of Supervisors'
meetingo The AssistaMt Planner said it will come
up in 3 or � weeks He will apprise the Planning
Commission of the definite�date.
The �ity Attorney cautioned that all our '!nstructions
to represent the City should come from the Cii�y Council
since there is no "�oint powers" clause in the Ordinance
PC-R1 � Niinutes of the Jan 70, 1966 Pl�.t���i��� vomm:..� nRA�ti.�j
Comm Frolich askea 3f tYi:is also 1nclt��.ec1 �.ctce:c�s
wr�_tten by the Pl�.riring Corrimiss3or.lq The C��ty Att�rrley
said it woulc� be best to obza.in auth�r�_zation from
lche City Cou.ncil m � ,
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm, T?^aeumer, seconded by Commo Frol�cli,
to inform the City Counc� 1 the Plannir�; Commission
would appreciate thA Cotzncilmen's attendance at
the 13oarc� of Supe.rvisors' meeting so they might
. voice Cu�ertino's views on this applicatj_on, aizd
to authorize certain members of �he Ylarining
Commission and sf;aff to go to the meet�ng, alsoe
Motion carried, 5-0
M.IrNUTE ORD�R: Movec� by C�mm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm, Fro].ich,
'co request the Cifiy Council to write a letter to
�upervi�or t�alph MEhrkens, voi.cing the City's
opini�n on this appl3.cation.
PR�tion carried, 5-0
It wau suggESted that somewhere on the agendas there
should be a place for the Plannino Director to give the
results of A'I�.nute Urders sent to the C3.ty Councilo The
Chairrnan felt the Direc �or has been �oir.g an e;Lcellent
follova�up �ob, .
Cornm. Hirshon noted that it is the function of the
Planning Commi:ssion to m�.ke recommendat:Lon� to the Cour.cil,
H� added, however, that this does no��preclude Plannin�
Commissioners, as individual citizens, f.rom stating their
A. The Director of Plannin� introduced the new secreta�y
for the P3anning Department, Mrs. Perry Gough.
Bo A new compilation of Reaidential Zone Ordinances was
pre"sented to the Plannirig Conmissioneru, They wel°e
asked 'co retur.n the old copi�s,
C. The Assistant..Planner has been working on a new Zonin�;
M�p for the City; samples have been mailed to the
YC�Rl Minute� of thP_Jan � 1966 , _P1ann7.ng Meetirg
9�Z-65 A. B�ATTY; Application for Rezon�.ng of one acr.�e from
7-TM�65 R1--1.0 to Rl-7 e 5, at Scenic Blvd, t�lso Ten'cative
� Mapo Postponed Hearing resumede
Mr Hal Provence, 188� Pendergast, Cupertino, represented
the applicanto
Comm. Traeumer asked what is going to be done with the
surrounding lots; only Lot l0 is be3.ng d�_scussed at this
The Assistant Pl�.nner read the previous pi�oceedings frorn
the Minutes of May 2� 1g65 He said there are large
areas of 7,500 sq ft. lots near here. He feels the
zoning �hould be considered separately from the Tentative
Map. He has physically chec��ed the lot anc� it is possible
to construct a smal]. hc�use on thia lot with the stand�.rd
The Director o:t' Public Works asked if the impi�ovements
would be requirEd at this time, aizd to whafc extent should
they be ins'calleda
Comm. Hirshon �.�ked about the 3' setback between Lot 1
atld tlie exist:ing ga.r.ag�, The A�sistant Planner said th� s
is in accordance with the Oz�dinance.
Comma T�aeum�.� asked �f Lots 13 and 13�1 have been sold
yet, Nr. Provence did not have this informa.tion.
Comm. Frolich asked if the street alignment has been
decidecl upono The City Erlgineer read a letter. from the
County regaraing this. The County feels this alignment
is feasible.
Chairman Johnson asked for commen'cs from the audience.
There were none.
Moved by Comm, Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to
close the Public Hearings.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Traeumer, Johnson
NAYS : ldone
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comma Trueumer, seconded by Comm. Hir.shon to ap-
prove application 9-Z-65 with the 12 standard conditionsa
AYES; Commo Frolich, I-�irshon, fiorgan, Traeumer, Johnsor�.
NAYS: None
Motion carr3ed, 5-0
PC•-Ftl Minutes of the Jan. 10, 1y66, Plann3ng Commia�ion Meet:i_ng
7-T1�I-c�5 was Continued to the n:e:�t regular meet.Lrlg and the
applica.nt is to get together wif:h the staff, since the
�l'er�tative Map does not comply w�.th tkie regulations m
19-U-65 B, RICHFIELD OIL CORP : Application for a Use Permi_�,
for a Service :Station, nortriwesterly corner of Wolfe
Road and.Richwood Dr3ve. First �Iearinge
Mr. Bill Malpis, Richfield Oil representative, said tha_s
is part of ,a neighborhood complex; a market and an ice
cre.am store are being constructed here; Mayfair Market,
a drug stor.e donut shop, etc., �,re already in busines:
here; there is professional office zoning across the street.
Mr. Ma].pis sa3.d they are pr.oposing a rustic architecture
and displayed a render3.ng of this proposal.
The Assistant Plariner said this is the remaining vacant
I.ot here. The median strip on Wolfe Ro�.d would elimir.ate
possibility of lef�c=hand turns and would control the
ingress a.nd egress,
Comm. T:��aeum�r askec� hoU� mar�y gas stations are pre�ently
in Cup�rtino� The Assistant Planner sa3.d there are 22.
Comm. Hirchon a�ked w�iether the applicant's company has
made any surveys as to what business volume to expect here�
talc�ng in�o consideration.there�are already 2 service
statior�s 3.n very close proximity. Mr, Malpis said Rich�
field has no stations in. that area and feel the need for
Chairman Johnson asked for comments from the audience.
N�r. David �i3.11, 10461 Davison Avenue, Cupertino, reque�,tEd
this application be denied, on the basis there are alre�dy
2 service stations at that intersection. He does not feel
this is a prope� place for one, He saw no benefit to
the City to have this property developed now, since the
street improvements are already in.
Moved.by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by�,Comm. Horgan, �,o close
the Public Hearings.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Traeumer, Johnson
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm� Hirshon, seconded by Comm, Horgan, that
application 19-U-65 be denied because it does not promote
the health, safety and welfare of Cupertino.
AYES: Comm, Frolich, :H3.rsrion, Horgan, Traeumer, Johnson
NAYS: Nori�e Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Johnson advised the applicant of his right of
appeal� _5_
P�-�Rl M°�rlutes of the Jano 10 '1y66, P].anri3r.g G�mm:i_ssiu�i Meeting
20-U-65 C, DR, JAMES L P�1LI�IERe A�plicat3.on fo_r� a Use Per_mi_t to
conduct an Electronics Research and Development oper�,tion
in an existing building, in an R1-10 zorie, First
Mr Archie Siver said he is the owner of this property ar.d
has spent a great deal of money 3.mp}�oving it, He said
Dr Palmer will make his residence at this same address.
He said it would create a hardship if this application
were denied
The �lssistant Planner said it is a very well constructed
slzop. It is up on a hill and is almost impossible to
see from the road, It is neat and clean appearing,
There is an approved Use aa a Plumbing Shop here, The
staff recommends approval with a 3-year time limit, since
there may be development of the ad�acent praperty within
that time.
Mr. S��ver said the lease wI.11 be for 2 years� The
Director of Planning said that, normally, w2 try to get
rid of non-coniorming uses. However, this could be a
good way to encourage �.n industry in the City by letting
them u`e an e�,isting building for a limited time, say,
for 2 or 3 years This electron�_cs research would be
an improver,��nt over the previoua plumb3_ng establishment.
Dr James Lp Palmer, 216 Creekside Drive, Palo Alto,
said he proposes to do research and asserrbly of small
electronic devices, w;_th possibly 3 or � employees,
He emphasized they will use only the existing facilities
and will use very small machlnery There will be no
noise, dust or smoke, and all work will be dc�ne U�ithin
the building There �,re adequate parking facilitieso
The Director of Public UJorks recommended a dedication of
10' right-of-�way, with improvements to come at a later
The Assistarlt Planner sa3d there are two means of access
to this property and the shop area is b�acktopped.
Chairman Johnson asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Edward Cooley, 22291 Cupertino Road, stated thut,
because of the abandonment of the plumbing shop on
this property, it has reverted to reside�tial use.
This is primarily a residential area and he does not feel
a light industrial use belon�s here.
Mr. Harold Duerer said he has a�ot next to Mr. Siver's
on the north, and feels it should be kept Rl, Tr�ey are
teo close to a schocl and the proposed city park He
does not feel the.additior�al traffic should be allov�ed.
�-:,-� :�Tinutca of ti.zc Jar�, 10, �.966 Plarining Commiusion P'Ieet;i.rig
Alice Cr�,nst, 10090 Ii:Lllcrest Road, was against :t;he isst�--
a,nce of the Use Permit and asked about TV rece�tion with
an electronics f9:rm in that area
Mr, J NcCormack, 10160 Hil�.cresf sa�.d the General P1an
ca11s for low denaity here, and �;his m3ght set a precedent;o
Mr. Morita, 1186 Mi11er Avenue, said he owns a �ot near
the proper�y in question. There i� a group o�' $30,00 to
$35, 000 cusi;om bu�ilt homes nearby, The proposed use
would be financially detr:Zmental to the area.
P�Irs, Hart, 10201 Amelia Court, said that her driveway is
ad�acent �o thi� property and wondered about delivex�y
trucks. Dr. Palmer said most 3.tems would Ue �icked up
or delivered by car. He added that there would be no
inte:rference v�i th TV.
Comm. Traeumer said that, cansidering the allowed Us�,
if this is turned do*�an thE alternative might very we11
be iess desirable fc�r the neighborhood.
i�re S�.ver stated that he has not abandoned the property�
He citec� two existing businesses on Crescent Drive -- a
saddell�y and a car wrecking operation.
Comm. Frolich asked �lr. Siver if he would be tivillin� to
abandon the County Use P�rmit for the plumbing shop if
this lise Perm�t for an electronics research and develop-
ment operation is granted, Mr. Sivers said he would.
Comm. Frolich was in favor of putting a time limit on
the Use P�rmit
The Planr�ing Department wi1.1 check on tlle status and
conditions of the County Use Permit.
Moved b�r Comm. Frolich, seconded by Commo Hirshon, to
close the First Hearing,
AYE� : Comm, Frolich, Hirsho:l, Horgan, Traewner, Johnson
NAYS: Non� �
Motion carried, 5-0
81, 00�4 D, CIT�.' COUNeIL: ORD_T_NANG� 321, providing regulations
for Home Occupations. Second Hearing, continued.
Chairman Johnson expressed his appreciation of havi ng
o�her cities' Home Occupations O.rdinances available. The
Planning Director suggested the Plannin� Cori�mission might
indicate requested changes; he would theiz revise the draf�.
-7 -
PC-R]. Mir_utes of the Jano 10, 1966 Plannin� Commissio�z M�eting
Mrs Juanita McLaren, local realtor, sa�_d she has, for many
years, worked on land sales only, operating out o� her home.
She would li:�e to set'cle in Cupertino again, if Ordinances
allow her �ype of real estate business as a Home Occupation�
The City �t'corney adv�ised that excluded occupa�ions be
cited. He said County Ordinance NS1200 dates back tio
1956, and in some areas it is inadequate, Cuper�ino
adopted this Ordinance when it incorporated ten years a�o,
He advised the phrase: "such as not limited 'c00
wherever applicable.
The Planning Commissioners discussed and agreed on the
following changes in the Second Draft:
Section 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.. Insert "residen'cial"
before "character."
Section L� E�CLUDED OCCUPATIONS.. Add (quoting Saratoga's
Ordinance)o "Doctors, dent3.sts, osteopaths, chiropractors,
and other practitioners of the healing arts." Also add:
"T�Iinisters of r�ligion."
Section 5 STANDARDS.. (a) "Home occupations shall be
confined w�'chin the dwelling; occupy not more than one
half of any one floor and not more than one fourth of
the 'cotal floor space. They may not occupy such space
required ior other purposes such as off-street parking
(b) "Home occupations shall involve no commercial
sales or storage of inerchandise on the prem�seso
(c) Add: "on the premises." at the end of the p�.ra�raph.
(d) Acld after "vibrations": "TV or radio interference,"
Add: "No mechanical equipment to be used; except such
as is needed for housekeeping purposes, and office equip-
ment necessary for the conduct of the home oceupation."
(Milpitas' O�dinance)�
(e) home occupation sha1.1 not creat�, pedestrian,
automobile or truck traffic or parkin� significani,ly in
excess of i�he normal amount in �he Zone (Saratoga's
Ordinance). Business which normally attracts more i,han
one car at a time shall not be considered a home occupa-
tion. Parking of commercial vehicles which may be
incidental to the home occupation shall be permitted
only.wi�hin an enclosed structure upon the premises."
PC�R1 Minutes of the Jano 10, Zg66 Planning Commi�sion Meeting
(f ) "No si�ns i.r�dicating a Horne Occup��.tion sh�zl]. be
allowed, except where required by law, in which c�ase the
sign shall contain the minxmum required information aizd
shall be a non�-illuminated sign, no larger than one square
foot, and shall not be placed on the roof of the Uuilding
or in the required setbacks. There shall be no windova
displays oLher than such signa"
(g) The entrance to the space devo'ced to a Home Occupa-
tion shal� b° from within the main building. There s���.11
be no internal or external alterations or construction
not customarily found in residences. (FremontYs Ordinance,
with some change.)
Section � INTERPRETATIONa. "Whenever an application for
a Business License is filed for a Home Occupation, the
City Planner shall be notified, and shall make a finding,
whether tlze proposed Home Occupation shall be allovaed in
accordance W1.th the inten'c of this Ordinance, and shall
make a repori; to t;he Building Inspector, A list of these
findings shall be maintained, to ensure consistency,
Uecisions by the City Planner may be appealed in writiiz�
to the City Councile"
Section 8 P?JBLISHI�TG CLAUSEo. Delete the words
"verbatim or condensed."
Section 9 INTRODUCED AI�TD �NACTID.. "Introduced" and
"Enacted" on different days,
There was further discussion, withou'c any final conclusion
Comm. Traeumer said, that the more specific you are
about excluded occupations, the more chance there is for
something unforeseen and: undesirable f�o occur; a c?efini-
tion such as Milpitas' Sec�ion 1 would be bezter.
Comm. Hirshon concurred. On the other hand, Comm. Frolich,
Horgan and Johnson, and the City Attorne3r, felt tha�
guidelines in the form . of examples Uaere n�eded.
Boarding Homes may be considered as an allowed horne occu-
pation, iF limited 'co not more than two boarders per
Comm. Frolich wondered if real esta offices should be
suU�ect to a Use Permit,
It may be advisable to specify, that �arage or other
accessory area shall not be included in area compu�cationa
PC-Rl Miz�utes of 'che Jan, 10 Zg6� Planning Commissi.�n Nleeting
-----___�----------------------------___.�.�_..__---- -.
5ection 5�(c ). It was su�gested 'co subst:i'c�ute San Fran-
, cisco's Section 11�L! (c) : '`Phe �mploytnent of any person
not resident in the dwelling unit, other than a domestic
servant, �ardener, janitor or o�her person concerned �n
the operai:ion or maintenance o.f 'che dwelling unit.."
(shall be prohibited�}
Section 6, In�erpretation: Referral to the Planning
Commission of all home oceupations�not specifically men-
tioned in the Ordinance, or otherwise listed, was clis-
cussed, It was also discussed, as an alternative, to
institu�e a periodic review of findin�s by the City
Planner; but it was pointed out th�.t such a revieta by
the P3.anning Comr�ission or the City Council can alU�ays
be initiated, even if not mentior�ed in the Ordinance,
81, OOZ!� �. CIT'�' . COUNCIL: ORDINANCE 002 (U-1) , amending Ordinance
002(b), by re�ulating loca�ion of Veterinarian Offzces,
Clinics and Hospitals. Second Hearing.
The City A�torney suggested �he followin� wordin�:
".,,sub,�ect to the securing of a Use Permit in each case"
wherever there is a reFerence to ;etting a Use Permit.
Fo1low,ing are changes to the draft of Ordinance 002(b-1):
Section 6 i'URPOSE., Add: "health, safety, welfare and
property values of those in the�neighUorhood."
7.1, �h��rd line to cox�clusion of the paragraph should read:
a house call.s, b) for clerical and similar work and
c� where he may consult with other persons, but �vhere he
receives and examines no animal patients.
7,2 Strike whole paragraph.
� 7,3 Veterinarian Clinic, Veterinarian Hospital, Animal
Clin�_c, Anim�.l Hospital are defined as a facility Uahere
animals may be received, examined, treated and retained
Page 2 Strilce whole page.
Page 2 alternative -- OK with the following changes:
8,3 MP (Plannec� Industrial Park) Zone /M1-PH/:
Veterinarian Offices, Clinics and Hospitals may be al-
lowed, sub,jec'c to the securing of a Use Permit in each
separate case.
8.5 Strike �he words "�hrough a Use Permit procedure."
in the second ].ine,
PC--Rl Minutes of the Jan. 10, 1.966 Planning Commission l�7eet�ng
8.6 P( Planned Development ) Zone /PC-�i/: Vetc�l�inarian
Offices are permitted in areas desi�riated for CG, ML, MP,
OA or OP uses; Veterinarian Clinics or Hospitals are per--
mitted in areas desi�nated for M.L or MP usesg
� 8,7 Add this Section� R(Residential Zones): Veterin--
arian Offices are permitted; �Teterinarian Clinics or
Hospitals are not permitted�
9.1 Fi:�st line, delete: "...for a Veterinarian Ofiice
in an MP, OP or P Zone, or"
l0 BEAUTY SALONS FOR PETS .. Third line, add."or
hospital" af'cer"Veterinariari Clinic."
X�4 PUBLISHING CLAUSE .. Delete the words "ver�atim or
condensed" from third line.
15 INTR011UCED AI�TD ENACTID .. "Ini;roduced" and "Fnacted"
on different d�.ys,
Moved by�Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. H3.rshon, to
continue the Second Hearing �o tk�e next regular meeting.
AZotion carried, 5-0
81,00�- F:.. CITY PLANNER: ORDINANCE 220(g) regulating heights
of buildings and eonstructions. Second Hearing
� con��nued.
Mr Alf Modine, representative of County Civil Defense
Organization, showed the Commission the recent front page
article on him and his TV station. He then used the
blackboard to illustrate Uahy hams,�operating with 70t
antennas, would be muc�i ].ess likely to interfere wi'ch
ne3.gYiborin� TV reception. He said the FCC has sta�ed an
area �0 miles from a transmi�;ter 3.s considered a fringe
Mr. Melvin Peterson, 11590 Elms.ford, San Jose, wondered
if this Ordinance is really effective. Isn't it ex-
cessively permissive?
Charlene Evans, 11096 Linda Vista Drive, does not feel
these antennas are compatible with residential use. She
� presentec� pictures of some of the structures in questione
Mr. Bob Ro'ainson, 11016 Linda Vista, submitted li�eratu.re
substantiatin� his objections to Ordinance 220(g). The
home in bacic of him is below the level of his home; . an
aerial with a large array could very well blo�ck his whole
view of the valley.
PC�R1 Minutes of the Jan. 10 1966 Planning Commissior� Meeting
Mr. R. Fitzgerald, 10 East Estates, qtzoteci from the FCC
Rules and Re�ulations,
Mr. Dan Connant, 22Lt�3 Balustrol Court, feels these structu
do not hurt property values. He cited such structures in
Los A1tos Hil1s, Palo Al.to, etc., whe�e property values
have not decreased.
Moved by Comm, Frolich, seconded by Comm, Hirshon, to
close the Public Hearings, �
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm, Hirshon and Johnson were not a� a11 sure that 60'
is the proper height. They were in favor of a postpone-
ment so they could look into this fur'cher,
Comm. Frolich said that the horizontal array is going to
be in somebody's view, no matter wha� the height. Unless
we are willing to go to a Use Permit for each one, he
questioned whether we are accomplishing much by limiting
the heighf�. �
The staff was requested to prepare a report listing
reasons tivhy the height limi'c should and should not be
60' , 55' and �-5' . The Director of Public UTorks will
take pictures of antennas in the area and prepare the
report, Comm, Hirshon requested this be placed first
on the agenda oi' January 2�th.
Moved by Comma Traeumer, seconded b� Comm. Hirshon, to
continue the Second Hearing to the next regular meeting,
Motion carried, 5-a
VIII NEtnT BUSINESS -- Presentation of suggested Light Industrial
Zones was postponed to January 2LE, 1966
It was unanimously agreed to ad�ourn at 12;35 P.M.
/s/ Robert Johnson
/' t f
�� � 1 ~ ,.f �. '�� � �ll �`�./T/.,! `� j y . it it . .
l r fi
Director o annin�