PC Reso 505 80, o00 . 6
File No 6-z-68
a Residential Duplex single-story (R2-�+,25i) 'Gane
to a Residential Duplex one or two story (R�-��,25} '�one.
APPLICANT: Robert H. Jones
ADDRESS 2235 Grant Road, Los Altos, California
SUBMITTED: March 22, Zg68
LOCATION: Lots 1 through 11, and 19 through 37 , of Tract �+188
NW corner of Voss Avenue and Lockwood Drive
ZONE: R2-�+. 25i AREA : 7 Acres
1- 12 Standard conditi�ns (Listed �n Page #1)
13 The original applicati�n covered Lots 1 thru 37
and is hereby amended, with the consent of the
applicant, to exclude Lots 12 thru 18.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day �f April, 1968 at a regular
meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino,
State of California, by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan and Buthenuth
NAYS: None
�, c � . �— -"`_-_"��
John Buthenuth
Chairman, Planning Commission
���- �'��-�
Adde Laurin
Director of Planning
- 2 -
C I T Y u F' � L' F E R . � i`�' � �e�Gp;.or�e; (408) 252R�
City Hal1, iO300 I'orr�e A u�r:��e, ";�.�per`ir�c ,�al:i��:rr�i:�, y501�+
RESOLUTICN CF ?'HE FL:AN[�rI��G �: ti:�:�: �;iC� CF 'T'HE ���-'�� CF ��PERmINO RECOMMEIvTD-
ING THE GRAI�'I'i:�G C'F A Z��J��E :;1ikl�;GF
WHEREAS the a�: �a�hed a.pp i:i:;a � icn ?��.ti r ��>>.�'�mi'�t:e� t:c the C;ity of Cupertino
reques�ing a. cr:�.ngE of zore in �r.e �c�:.in�; regula+ of the �ity, as stated
on Page 2; ar�.
WHEREAS the Pla.nr.ir,.g �ommt -�=:i �r� r.�,� !�.el�' �t lea.;� �. ��r,e puti7_:ic hearing in re-
gard to the appi:ic�,tion cn r he aa.re a` r.oted or� :=ai� appli.cation; and
WHEREAS the P1�.r_���in.g� ���rr�7�.i���i��:n r�.� auiy con�iaz�r�ed and heard all evidence
submitted in rega,rd to s;.i� a.pp-1:ic�ticr.; a_rid.
WHEREAS t:�e ne�e�s�,ry p��t-�:ic nctic�� !�ia.u�e �eEr� gLver as �equired by the
Z�ning 0»dinance ��f ��e �:i .y cf ;�ap°.. �:in�� °
NOW, THEREF�'RE � BE I7" RES� �'JF�: �
l. That the r i.a.nn:in.g ��cmr�.�� :� ic:� f i��ati � ha.t the p�ropo�ed. zore change:
a.� Enco:ara.g.es the m.o� � a.�p�r��� u�e of �=�nd.,
'U 9 '� O r'. ti 2?"' V� � �, C].:h S r c., v:i 1.� _ E' � ., A''? � � ro, i 1;�. 2 O� rJ 7' O� e Y' r�T r
eD Pr.ovi�e; fo.r adeqaate cp�r� :p�,c�ti fo.r ligh� an� air,
d, Per:rnit;: a.d.equate c�r ��f L� Yes
em P��om��es �he hea.l�r_, s�,fe�y G.^c. pu'ol.ic �aelfare,
fs Prov:ides for the or^e�ly de;���lopmerlt �f' the :;ity,
go T� ad�r�,r„ta.geou�, r.c rhe p�r��per�y an.d impr�v�men�s in the �oning
distri�t a.nc1 neig�.� �� r�.�od �r T��i�icr� �the pr��e�t�y :is located,,
2, That said. P1�.r.r.ir,� C�J���;�_-��r_, r��,e�rAf';re, report� favorably to the
City :;ou.:��ii in rr:. �r:�.rr�� �-� g��,ntir�g saici ���rie change,> Said
appro�,�a l to 'ee s�u'c��:.c� ,� � t fc � 1ow:i�rlg cor�dition� e
Exhi�� T A �nrricr: :�: � of ;;c�.d:it:iorx� 1- 12 quoted below:
l. Ir���a1� ��na,merltJ.� C: r,-; � lightt � All iigh�ing �hall be designed
to ir no wa.y ir�terfe�V:� wi �r� �,c�;�.cent res�dential districtn
2, Str°ee` �r°ee� wili_ ti� ��i�.,nr�d in �he p��blic rignt-of'-way and shall
�e v�f �. type d,pp��ev�-� by Y!�,�� �ity ir. p�acec de�ignated by the Citya
3, T�af f:i� c�n�ro�1 s.ign� sail� '��� placed a� Lccdt�,ions to be specified
by �he ��i �.y� ,
�-I-� Fi�e h�c?.�d,nts �h�.�l �e. 1cc�.�ed ati requ�s ,�d by �r�e City,
5.� k �r�.�.��r�ray wa11. v�iil he b��.iir �en�.rat:ir�g 1.r�y corr�mercial area from
r.ny re: � dentia.l a.re ,.; �tini� r, �nr�,� i shall :,e � ix f eet high above the
righes � a.d. i^:inirg fi�_�� rie� g r.�.d.e ,
6, A.11 p�.rk:ing a.Y�ea� a._�d, G_Y��zeU�a,ys will be pa.���e� a� shown on the plot
�J1a,en. �
79 Cia.rk-s, gut�ers� �;���u���,��s a.rid str�uc�u.�e� sr�;.l1 be installed to
gr°ades a.nd �e cor`r.���.�:;teu �r� �.cc��rdance wi �r� sr:andards specified
by the �:;.iry Eng:i:-�eer,
8 o r Y"�, 1 r? d, �� W 1 r}"11 Y; d.:'? :`� W:l �.`". G'� r �� i c CL E V E i O p?7e2 :'?. r S��".ct,1 .1 '(J E' � O '� �l. e S a,'t 1 S-
fG.CG.1.0Y). !��� r.�l° .,...r..�T F,�.�.�i:�'�.. ,
9. Street irnp.rov��r.er��� ;.��u� �:irg ����e appli•��n �� s property tihall be
a.cco�-rin� �;� �:i �y ti t� r:�:�.1��� a,r,d spec:if:ic�ation�
10, `I`he �.,ppli�:ant ti.� ,. � 1 �e ��L �or;�i�le fora cotnpletstrg site as shown
�n a.ppnoved p1o� �i=�.� a,:nd s'��.y 1 re requ:�red �o pa.y for required
er�g:ir..eerain�, c? �,�:s �r�.`pecr ion f°�= pr:ior to issuance of
B�.�ilding Fe _rmi t ,
11 � La�,� � c�,p�ng sr��.i l�e �.� �.pp� ���%ed �.nd rn.ainta,ined as shown on plot plari,
12, Str�eet w:ider:in� an�� ��ci.:i���,`.` �r� �ria. �?e in a.ccordance with street
wic.tr�s approved �,y �":i�:� r`,n�ir.�e�,
(';o:,.�inued on Page 2)
_ � _.