PC Reso 502 80, 000. 6 File No, �-Z-68 RESOLUTION N0. 502 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIGN OF �THE ��ITY 0�' CUPERTII�O RECOMMENDING 'I'HE APPROVA.L OF A PREZOIvING f'rotn a Residential Single-f arnily ( Rl•�6a ��on.e wit'r�.in the County to a General C�:mmer�ial (:;G) �;one. APPLICANT� Er�nest Ni, Bo��on ADDRESS e �16 Marie �,�ua��, �a.�teca� Calif ox�ria SUBMIT'I'ED: March 11, �g68 LOCATIONe East side of` Orange Ave_r.;.;�e betweer� Stevens Creek Boulevard and Gran.ada Avenues ZONE� R1-6a (County) A REAo 6 9 75o sq.ft. CONDITIONSo 1- 12 Standard conditions (a5 listed or� Page #1) 13 '�his rezoning is suhj�ct t� completion of annexation proceed.ings �o the ��i��r o�' Cupertino and will take effect on th.e clate �f �a��.if'ic�,tion Qf such annexation. PASSED AND ADCP'T'ED thi� 8th day of April 1968 �,t a regular meeting of the Planrairg Commi�sior;. of° the City of �upertino, State of Calif°ornia, �,y the f�l. roll c�.1.1 vote o AYES� Co�n.miss:�oner��: Brysor., Frolich� H:�r��hcn Horgan and Buthenuth NAYS � Non.e A PPR�VED� � � � � �r� Buthenuth �r.a..ir:man, Planning Commission ATTEST� �t c� �e. a�%�.�.+�,; M Adde Laurin Director of Planning - 2 - C I T Y 0 F � L F E R T' i I�� �:; neieN;.cr�e: (�08) 252 ��+505 City Hal1, �0;00 Torr�e A�er: ;��pe:r_i� ,�ali��rn_i=�. y�01� RESOLUTTON CF ?'��E FLA?�1ti i\�G �' �� :�; �: �:��.; "�, � THE ; � T � F' � � PER�'�IVO RECOMME�;D- ING THE GRA?�i�'��iG �'F A G'J�;E :;HKl�G�: WHEREAS the a��a�red a,pp ha,� be2:� r�.�'�;mi�`,ec; tc th° ;":ity of Cupertino requestirlg a, c:� of �c�re �n �ne ��:�:.irig regul�.+ ior�.:� of the City, as stated on Page 2; a_�;�. WHEREAS the Flanr. in.� �om,m:� �� l�r� ::.,� rel�' af� le�.� � cr:� p;�'�;l ic hearing in re- gard to the appl:ic�,tion cn '� �e a�.r.0 aC roted on va�d appli�ation; a.nd WHEREAS tr�e Pl�r.Y�_Lng ���;7,m��� ��.. :�,?.: �u�y �on��.i.u�_ dra hear�d all evidence subm.itted in re�a.rd to s.�.i� ��,�;pi:ic�.`�icr�, �,r_n. WHEREAS t��e re�e;:sary �u� - �:ic nct:�c�� :n.a,ve �een given �.� �equired by the Zoning Ordinar,ce �.:f �ne ��ryo uf° �u�=._ ..inc. NOW, THERE�+'CRE� BE T'I' :RESGL`✓Fi � l. Tha.r. the r�_a.nn:ir�g Cc�nr�_LL��:icr. f:i:�aa� �.r��,t tne p:: zor.e change: am Encoar�ages tr:e �,��� atip:��1�;� use of �=�.n�., , . ._. - b, �or_�ex°veN a.na st�."z�. t:ne , ,ro,i�Ae of pr°��e:rty� cD Provi��; ��:r° adeq�ate cp;r� �p�,ceti fo.r 1ig��� an� a,ir, C�. �, P2 T��"!:1 � ti c`�.C�.eC�Li�t. � n nr� r, r O 1� f' � i r°� Y e p Promo � es �he hea.l � r., s�.fe`�y :r.:�:c, pu�l.ic we' fare, fy Prov:id,es for the �^rc�er•15� devel�pmerit of' the :;.ity� go T�� ad��rar_t��ageou� rc rr�e pr�:�per^��y and imp��ev�men�s in the �onir�g C.�.1S �1'':1�t: 8.Y1C� rle:lg;',: ��,-,�" nr��7 ;iC' 1N:. i CY t.�'1�.'' ;1�r'Or�� L�r�T iS 1OCa,'C-2C�� 2, Tha� said P1�,nr.ir�g �;��W�,�;�'�:=����=, � k�.E���f�:,�e, repor�t� favora��ly �o the City :;ou.� : i 1 ir t r�;. �n-� r T e� �- i g�a.r t i rig sd,ia -��r.e change , Said appro�,�al Lc� be suc�cc� `,�� ;.r fc�iowir�g cor�dition�� Exhib;± + `B��� v��r�:i^r: i� c�rr.poti �a of ;:c�-;d.it:ior�:; 1-12 q�c�ied below; l� Ir��.tal� orna,ment�.� �.. �: .. : ligrt� , All iigh�i� g�hall be d.esigned to in n� way ir� �� rfe V,_ ��� '_-;L� ;,c' �;�.cenr res��ential district a 2� St�°eE `, _ r°°es vaill : � �l�..n` _d - ir� f re pu'�i ic rignt-of-wa.y and shall �e of �. r,ype �.�p�.ev�-c by ,!-.� ��ty ir. place� des:igna'�eci by the Cityo 3, T�.r�cf£':�� cnntrol �.ign� �a� l� '��� piaced a.t 1c��d,��`-ions �o be speeified �by� the �ity�, �� F'1� r�.�dr�.n�:s thwli ���. ���c�.Yed a� requ�� :;�d �y .:r�e City , 5� A rr�.�;.���r�riy �nrd.i 1���.i l' , e b��i i � �ep�,rat:ing �.r�� c��;;rriercial area from any r����� � dent ia.1 �.r���,; �Nh:i�° ri v�!�.� l s:hall ��-e � ix f eet h:igh a.bove the r,igr�e;r. a.� �^:inirg �`i:�:i; �AeG �_� � 6, A11 park;�ng �.Y°ea.ti a��c� G~�.����v� will be pa. a.� shown on tre plot plar , 7q Curk gut�ers, ti._�°���,1�.�, G.r:d s}ruc�u�e� ��,.,il �e installed to �r°ades �.nd �>E cor.�=��n�.�:.;,e� �r� �.ccorda.nce wi �:�� srardards specified �y the �:ity Engia-�eera, c�., �7'�,1.rla.�� V�1 r�'11T7 a.l'i��! �h':1 �.�.�L'�I � ��ic C�EVE 10p!TE`.�? `�;&.11 'rJE' 'GO 'G�"le Sa.t1S- fQ,�'ri.l.!7� r)� r p° ...�.r,�1 L:CZ��.i::t'E.r' , 9. Sf,reet irnprove:�r:er�';� �,�.ur �; r� '�!��e appli�a.� �° s property tihall be accorU..i�� t�� �i�y ; �c.r�.-.�:7.���; a,Y �pec:i.f:ic�.tionti 10, The �,p�lica.�rlt�� �����ltil�l �e �r�ti�o�r,�ible f���r com�p�letir�g site as shown on app?�oved plot �ia.:; �.:nci =���.i1 re requ:�red to pay for required er�g�reering, c:r,ec�.�Y� �,:�u _r i��n. fer=:� prior to issu.ance �f B�ilding Pe��mit , 11, La.�,a. c���ing sr;�.l i�e �.t �.�py�o��e;� �.nd. rn.a.in��ined as shown on plot plan, 12, �tx�eet wic(en:ing �n:� �edzc�,`.°_or�� �ha.:�1 �e in accorda.nce with street wid.t�r�� appr��ved �r.y ';:ity En�.ir.�e�, �`;or,.�inu.ed on Page 2)