PC Reso 486 80, o00 . 6 Fi.le No . : 22-Z-67 RESOLUTION N0 �-86 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING THE GRANTING OF A ZONE CHANGE from Green Belt ("A" Zone within the County) to Residential Multiple-Family Medium Density (R3-2.7 da). A PPLICANT: Whitecliff Realty - Charles Knox ADDRESS 935 Fremont Avenue, Los Alt�s, California SUBMITTED: December 19 1967 LOCATION: 10�-�-1�5 Foothill Boulevard ZONE: "A" AREA: 6.0�- acres ----------------------------------------------------------------- ( continued fr�m Page 1) CONDITIONS: 1-12 Standard conditions (as listed on Page 1) 13. The applicant agrees to amending his zoning request from R3-2.2 and OA to R3-2.7 da. 1�+. This rezoning is subject to completion of annexation proceedings to the City of Cupertino, and will take effect on the date of ratification of such annexation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of January 1g68 at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission �f the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissi�ners Frolich, H�rgan and Buthenuth NAYS: Commissioner Hirshon ABSENT: Commissioner Bryson A PPROVED: � ohn Buthenuth Chairman, Planning Commission ATTEST: ��� o�a�,��,, Adde Laurin Director of Planning -2- C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N:� Telephone: (�08) 252-�505 City Hall, 10300 Tor�r� t��,r�.iu�, C;!�per��nc, Cai��or�r�ia ���0��+ RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 0�' 'I'HE CIT�' 0�+� CUPERTINO RECOM�ND- ING THE GRANTING OF A ZONE CHANGE WHEREAS the attached ap�:lica�ion has been su�rnitte� t� the City of Cupertino requesting a change of zone in tne zoning regulatio of the City, as stated on Page 2; and WHEREAS the Planning Cammission has held a,t ledst cne public hearing in re- gard to the appl.ication on the date as no�ed. on said application; and WHEREAS the Planning Cornmission has duly considered and heard all evidence submitted in regard to said application; ar�d. WHEREAS the necessary public notices have beeri given as required by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cupertino; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Planning Commission finds that the proposed zone change: a. Encourages the most appr.opriate use of land, b, Conserves and stab:llizes the va.lue of property, c. Provides for adequate operl spaces for light and air, d. Permits adequat,e control of fires� e. Promotes the health, safety and public vaelfare, f. Provides for the orderly development of the City, �. �Is advantageous to the property and impro�jements in the zoning district and r�ei.ghborhond in which tre pr•operty is located. 2. That said P1a.rining Commissian, therefore, reports favorably to the City Counc.il i.n �he matter of granting said zorle change. Sa.id approval to be subject to the fo_llowing cor�ditions: Exhibit "B"� which is comp��sed of Conditions 1-12 quoted below: l. Install orn.amental street l.ights. All lightir�g shall be designed to in no wa.y inte:rfere with a.d jacerlt res�dents_a.l district . 2. Street trees will be planted in the p�z'�lic right-of-way and shall be of a type approved by the City in pl4�.ces designated by the City. 3. Traffic control signs will be placed a.t locations 'co be specified by the Citya 4. Fire hydrants shall be located as rPquested.'py the City. 5. A masonry Wa11 v��ill be b�uilt sepa.rating any commercial area from any residential area; wriich wall shall Ue six feet high above the highest adjoir�ing finished g.rade� 6. Al1 parking areas a.nd driveways will be paved as shown on the plot plan. 7. Cur'ps, gutters sid.ewalks, and structures sriall be installed to grades and be corlstructe� in accor°dance with standards specified by the City En.gineero 8, Drainage wi�h:in and withou.t tpe developrnent shall be to the satis- faction of the City Engineer, , 9. Street improvements a.butting the applicant's property shall be according to City standards and. specifications. 10. The applicart sriall be responsible for completing site as shown on approved plot plan and shall be required to pay for required engineeriri�, checking and i_nspection fees prior to issuance of Bui.lding Permit s 11. Landscaping shall 'pe as app:r�oved and maintained as shown on plot plan. 12. Street wider�ing arld dedications shall be in accordance with street widths approved by City Engineer. (Continued on Page 2) - 1 �