PC 11-25-68 CITY OF GUPERTIT30 State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501�-
Phone : 252 -�+505 PC-23
80, 000 . �+
The meeting was called to order at 8e03 p.m. by Vice Ghairman call to order
Hirshon, who subsequently led the assem�rlage in th� flag salute. flag salute
Commnissioners present: Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon. Absente
Commissioner Frolich. Also presente City At�orney An�derson; Senior
Planner Laurin; Assistant Planner Nuzum; Director of Public Works roll call
Finney; City En�ineer Boyd; staff inember Jerry En�; Recording
8ecretary Lucie M. Matzley.
Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded �nd it was
passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 12, �g68 minutes
meetin� of this Commission as printed. approved
Senior Planner Laurin told the Co�unissioners that he h�,d �. draft for
Ordinance 220(j) regulating Light Industrial (ML) zones. However, request for
Chairman Frolich had indicated that he could possibly get certain deferral
needed additional information. Mr. Laurin requested permission to
continue discussions of this matter to the next regular meetin�.
Commissioner Buthenu�h' moved to grant the Senior Planner's request, 81,004.122
Commissioner Irwin seconded and it w�,s pa�sec� unanimously. continued
Senior Planner Laurin advised the Commission that the second
Planning Commission meeting for t�e month of Decemb�r �would fall on planner's
December 23, ig68 and suggested tha� this meeting be canc�lled as reminder
had been done in previous years. Some discussion ensued on the
legality of conducting but one meeting in any one month.
Commissioner Irwin moved, Commis�ioner Puetz seconded and it w�s
passed unanimously to give a m�.nute order �irective to t�e City research
Attorney to research the legality of 3isposin� with one meeting requested
during December.
Senior Planner Laurin advised the Co�nission that he was in receipt
of the following taz°itten communications:
l. Letter from the County Dep�.rtment of Public Works rela- written
tive to Application 24-TM-68 on the li�ted agend�.. communications
At this point, City Attox°ney Anderson had in�terpre�ed the Ord.inance
creating the Planning Co�ission, by which at le�,st one regular
meeting a month shall be conducted. Attorney Anderson suggested ordinance
that the cancellation of the Dec�ember 23, 1968 meeting be adver- interpreted
tised, that a notice be posted and that a staff inember be in Cha.mbers
on the evening of the cancell�d meeting to advise possible audience
members that the meetin� had been cancelled.
page 2 Minutes of the Fl�nnin� Commission N�v�m��r 25, �.968 PC-23
Written Com�unic�tion� cont
It was the consensus amon� �he Comm�ssyon6rs �,hat �he final d�cis3on
decision relative to the Dec�mber 23, 19�8 me�tzng b� m.a�E �� t�e next meeting
deferred of this Commission, scheduled fcr ��e�m��r 9, �9�8
2. Conununication from the S�nior Pla�ner to t�2� Commissioners
definin� a telephone m�ssa�e received from the City Attorney
in connection with th� G�n�ra.l Commerci�.l (CG) Or�dinance
communi- discussions on the listed �.��nda. Mr�. Laurin �uggested that
cations this memorandum be read �n conju�ct3on wi�,� t�i�e (CG) Ordinance
continued discussions; the Commissi�r?�er� �greed.
3. Memorandum from the Plann�ng Department to t�e Commissioners
relating to problems encount�red with Tentative Maps.
Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Co�unis�ioner Irwin seconded and it was
agenda passed unanimously to discuss the latter merr.or�,a�dum under "New
placement Business".
Senior Planner Laurin advi��d th� Comm��,ss�on�ers �k�at A�sistant Planner
Jim Nuzum will be leaving the employ of ��.� C�ty of Cupertino on
December 6, 1968 to take up a p�sition as Associate Planner in Newport
assistant Beach. Mr. Laurin expressed his deEp regret that Mr. Nuzum was leaving.
planner to bir. Lauri n further stated that the City M�anager had recently employed
leave city Mr. Jerry Eng for a temporary project, but that he possibly might be
continued as an employee of th� City to assist the P�anning Department
when Mr. Nuzum leaves.
Vice Chairman Hirshon felt that the GwVy Council shoulsi be apprised
bouquets of the fine work Mr. Nuzum has don� for the City of C�upertino in general
and for the Planning Commission ln p�.rticul�.r.
messa�e to Commissioner Buthenuth moved to rel�,y t�x� fe�lings of° this Co�runission to
council the City Council for their �urther a�t�on. Co�unissioner Irwin seconded
and it was passed unanimously.
Dr. Tom Fast, on behalf of the Sant�, C3.ara County Pl�.nning Policy
award Co�ittee, presented an aw�,rd which h�.d b�en g�.v�n �o th� C�airman
pre�ented �d members of the Planning Comzri�sion �,� �re].1 �.s �o tY�e members
of the City Council for mer�,torioas se�vi��s to intercity relations.
There were no other oral commun�cat�.�c��.
Public Hearin�s
24-TM-68 A. Application 24-TM-68s pnne S�.ic�, JoYin E. Saich and Ditz-Crane;
legend Tentative Map, approximat�ly 31 acres located north of Uni-
versity Way, eas� of Southern Pacific Railroad, and west of
proposed Ste�rens Freeway. First He�ring �on�inued.
Mr. George Ditz presented the rev:�sed �„nd �,mended Tentative M�ap indicating
revision that, after numerous conferences w�th staff all prob lems had been solved
presented to the satisfaction of the staff inembers.
Minutes of the Planning Corilrrii���on No�em�er 25 1968 PC-23
Application 2�-TM�68 cont'd p�ge 3
City Engineer Boyd explained tha�, N1�°. �i.t�; ��ad �ct wi �.is depart-
ment and all previously exi�t,ing ��°ob2�m� ��,d �i�°�tuall�r be�n �olved.
Mr. Boyd stated that,in hi� opin�.on� str�:�� impr�vem�nt should not
be required on University Way but only tho�� impr�o°�r�m�nt� nec��sary staff report
to provide sufficient controlled dr�.inage fc�r th� a�°��.� �nd that on improve-
temporary access ro�.ds be �tipul�.ted as �uc� fo�° potential hom� ments
buyers, In addition Mrm Boyd suggest�d tha� on� o�her stipula-
tion be placed on the appro�va�. of the �pplic��ion; i.e. that water
lines and water servic�s f�.cili�i�� be p�.�.c�d to the sa��.sfact�on
of the City Engineer's Dep�.s°t,m�nt .
Commissioner Buthenuth queried if the St�.te had been contacted rela-
tive to the improvement of Peninsula Avenue, The answer was affirm- state commit-
ative with the e�cpl�,nation th�t Mr. Ditz was purchasing the land ment queried
from Mr. Saich and the ��.1�� �.gre�m�n°t stipul��ed t�iat the St�,te has
provided for the improuemen
Director of Public Works Finney �.gz°e�d w� the City Engineer but
cautioned th�t the provided acce�� roa� on th� revised ��ntative Ma.p
does not provide a pedestr�.an w�.lkwaye It was Mr. Finney's �pinion
that a temporary sidewalk would ne�d to be installed for the sa�ety sidewalk
of all area residents, especially �chool. children. According to NIr. requested
Finney, the revised map sol.ves � 1�t of pr�bl�m� previously in
existence and only a few minor ma.tters need to be ��ken care of.
City Engineer Boyd stated t�iat �. 15' d�dication at �h� south�rn
boundary (University Way) �hould b� r��ue�ted �� �. pu�Iic ro�dway staff
but not as a public �treet w�ich �hould b� re�u�.�ed to be paved suggestion
with road oil and a berm, but not �,ccep� t�e maintenance of the
City Attorney Anderson c�.utioned �ha� it �rould b� unw�.se to �.sk for
a dedication of a sub-stand�°d street and refrz�� to �.�cept the de-
dicati.on stating that, if �he City stre�t �� con��ructed to City
standards then the City is require� b� law to accep and m�,intain counsel
it since the approval o�° th� f inal m�„p �ait� �. de�.i��tic�n of a sub- cautions
standard street without the �ccept,�.nce �f t�i� an��.ntenance would con-
stitute �n automatic litig�.tion.
City En�ineer Boyd agreed wit�l�e City At��orn�y bu�t d�fined his pre-
vious statement by explaining his propo��,l t� me�,n th�,t this would statement
be an easement for a publ.ic �°i�ht of w�,y whick� coulcl be accepted as defined
such, but not accept a deed of dedication of road�aay.
Director of Public works Finney agre�c� ���,t�n� t��,t his department
does not advocate that this would be ����,nd�,rd metho�. of doing
things but merely a solution to a partieul�,r problem the City method
encounters in its de�,lings with the County. Ac�ording to Mr. Finney, explained
:i� is entirely up to the Count� to decide if they wi1.1 �ive �t�e
additional space to make thi� � standard street.
page 4 Minutes of �he Planning Comm���ion Na�ernbe�� �5� �g68 PC-23
Application 24-TM�68 �ant'd
Considerably more discus�ion en�u�d on t��� sub��c�. C�cmmi��i�ner Irwin
discussion recapifi�,u�� the City's �°ec����t� �.� th:��� f�� w�,��r �n�. clrain�,ge
facilities, temporary acc��� ro�c� �.n� �?�� imp�°o���m�nt �f Uni�re�°sity
Avenue indicating that ev��yt�h�n� e�s� h�d al.�°�ady be�n stipulated.
City Attorney Ander�on c�.uti.oned °�h��t 1) t�� City �houl� not accept
counsel's ��hing unles� it has be�n brou�ht up t� st�,ndard �.nd 2) such accept-
opinion ance would constitut� �. c�nting�nt liability fo� the 4ity.
City Engineer Boyd �.�r�ed �.nc� �ai�l °���t '�e dicl not wish to present this
definition method as a solution but m.er�ly a met�od, ancl that °the City would
not ne�lect the main�ten�nc� of th� �trz�t entirely.
When Vice Chairman Iiirshon asked for audienc� comm�nts, Mrs. Anne Anger
audience stated that she was at a los� to unclerst�,nd why t�°,��e problems were
comments suddenly in existence �,s �he had be�n �.n attendance at joint City-
County planning meetings where al.l probl�ms had apparently been resolved.
P•h• Commissioner Buthenuth moved C�mmi�sioner Pu�tz ��condec� and it was
closed passed unanimously to clos�e the pub�.ic h��x°ing.
Commissicrner Iz°win moved that a le�t�er be written to the County
advice to pl�ning Department defining this Commission's disple�sure in having to
county pass on Tent�.tive Maps that are �n �.ny way �.n�omplete and voicing this
requested Commission's objection to - th�s Tenta�ive Map befo�� them. Further, re-
questing that a clo�er rel�,tions��,p b� ��tablished betwe�n the City
and the County in an effort to �°esol�e these ma,tter�. Commissioner
Puetz seconded and it was pas�e�. iananim��z��y.
2�+-TM-68 Commissioner Irwin moved for �pg�°o�al of Ap�l�,.cation 2�+�TM-68 as amended
approved under date of Nov�mber 3 1968 �ubj�ct to �,he 12 �t�.ndard Conditions,
with with the following �dd�,tion�,1 cond�.t:,on�o �.�� �h�,� th� clrainage and
conditions water lines be pl�.ced to �h� ��,tisf°�.c�icn of t�he �ep�,rtment of Public
Works; 1�+) th�,t the temperary �c�e�� s�oad b� �, maximum of 2�+' plus
shyways c'�ykes and walkway�� �nd �h��, �i�n� po�nting to the °�emporary
nature of this �°��,d b� pl�,c�cl on b���i ��c��� �f` ��m�; 15 ) that University
Way shall be improved to a���nd�d �cc�pt�,bl� te� th� Department of
Public Works; 1.6� �h�.t �, f�nc� �,long U��,�re.r�ity� W��r be installed
similar to that on Somer��t Sqaas�e� ��j t��t th� .:en��ruction of
Peninsula Av�nue b� as indic�.°��c� �on °��e Ten�,a��.v� Map, to be constructed
when the tempos°a.ry �cc�ss �o�,d i� r�mo�recl �,nd. �ha� bonds be provided
for that purpose. Commis�ion�r Bu�thenu��n ��conded.
Ayesa Commission�rs Irwin� Bu��a�nu�h� Pu�t�, Hir�hon
Noesa None
Absent: Commissioner Frolich
Vice Chairman Hirshon �dvi�Ed the applicant t��.t t,�hi� m�,tter would be
before the City Counc�l �,°� th�i� December �.6 1.9�8 ���tin�.
recess The Chair ordered a rece�s at 90�5 p.m.
Minutes o� the Planning Commiss�on Nov�mb��° 25� 1968 PC-23
Pa�e 5
The meeting reconvened �t 10a00 p.m.
B. 8i,004 .124: Ordinance 220( ) amending Ordinanc� 220 and 81,00�+.124
regulating General Commereial (CG) �anes. Firs°� Hearing legend
Senior Planner Laurin submitted trie third dr�ft of the Ordinance and
suggested that the individu�,l section� be discussed separ�tely so third draft
that a final draf"t could subsequen�ly be submitted. The Co�unissioners submitted
There was considerable discussion on the memorandum whieh had been
submitted by the Senior Planner with �. suggestion - tow�rd the proce- discussions
dure paragraph in the General Commercial Ordin�,nce.
Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissione� Puetz seconded and it was p.h.
passed unanimously to close the public hearin�. closed
Commissioner Buthenuth moved that an �dited versi�n of Section 103.4 inclusion of
as suggested by the City Attorney be included in �h� Or�.in�.nce; the counsel's
Ordinance shall al.so include a provision for notices of �,ctions �to suggestion
be taken by the Plannin� Commission to be advertised in t�e official requested
newspaper of the City. Commissioner Puet� seconded �,nd it was passed
Commissioner Buthenuth moved th�.t the �hird dr�.ft �.s submitted be re- 81,00�+.12�+
drafted to a final dx°aft and presented �� �he Plaxuz�ng Commission third draft
under "Unfinished Business" �,t the next, me�tin� for� approv�.l. Commis- accepted
sioner Puetz seconded and it w�,s p�,s�ed un�.rl�mo�z�ly.
The Chair directed to close the publ�.c he�.rin�s on the matter> p.h.'s ceased
New Business
Commissioner Srwin moved, Commissioner But�enut,� �econded �.nd it was 3-Z-68
passed unanimously to direct Mr. Sherm�n Cornbl•um to cont�ct the staff directive
with any questions he h�,s in connec�cion w�.th Application ��Zm68 � to
about which he wrote a let�er to �h�� Comm����.on. Further, �hould any applicant
of�'icial action be necessit�.t�ed. �,f£er cons���ing t�ie staff °the
matter shall be placed before tY�i� Comm�.ssione
Citing the written memorandum fx°om Senior P��.nner I,aurin submitted to
the Planning Commis�ion in conn�cticn wit,h prob�.em� encountered with
Tentative M�,ps �nd other applica°tion�� M�°. Laurin �t�,t�d t�hat the
difficulty arises out of applica�ions that �.re usu�lly filed shortly lack of
before the deadline, which is at 5 p.m. on the Frid�y seventeen days checking
preceding the meetin� of the Pl�.nn�.ng Commi��ion, According to Mr. time cited
Laurin, there is no time for a checkin� �of appl�c�,tions becau�e the
agenda has to be delivered to the Cupert,ino Ca�zr3er at 12 noon on the
Monday following the deadline.
page 6 Minutes of the Planning Commission Nove�ber 25, 1968 PC-23
New Business cont'd
code After Mr. Laurin's explanation, City Attorney Anderson quoted the
cited applicable Code section regulating the submission of items for
agenda placement.
additional It was the consensus of the Commissioners that the le�dt�me should
leadtime be increased four days to afford the staff sufficient time to , .
required ascertain completeness of application exhibits as required by the
Ordinances prior to news media publication of same.
leadtime Commissioner Buthenuth moved that a 21-day period o�' leadtime be
increased required for all applications and that this requirement be included
in the manuals of all departments where publication is required.
Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed unanimously.
ad�ournment The Vice Chairman ordered the meeting adjourned at 12000 midnight.
`,� . �� , f
ATTEST : � �i�� i f ��,�.�``��
s�- Jack T. Hirshon
�i��4u� �C.G'(.fil/�v1�M
Senior Planner