PC 10-17-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of Galifornia 10300 Torre Avenue, Gupertino, Californi� 950�4 Phone° 252�4505 PC-20 80,000.4 MI1�IUUTES OF THE REGUIaAit MEETING OF THE PIaANNING GOMMISSION HELD OCTOBER 17, 1968 IN TI�E COUNCIL GHAriBERS, CITY I�LL, G�TPERTINO, CALIF. The meeting was called to order at �s00 p.�. by iT�.��-�+C��ir�naaa Hirshon, call to order who subsequently led the asse�abla�e i�a the fl�g salute. flag salute Commissioners presenta Irwin; B�atheanutta; P�aetzn I�Iiir�kn�an. Absent: Commissioner Frolich. Also pxesente Sea�ior Pl�aaner Laurin� Assistant roll call Planner Nuzum; Director of Public Work.s P'iaanaey9 Cit� Ea�giaaeer �oyd; City Attorney Anderson. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Co�nmissioner Pvetz seconded and it was approval of passed unanimously to postpoa�e approval of t�ae draft of the Septe�nber minutes 11, 1968 �inutes to the next regulax a�eeting. postponed Commissioa�er Buthe�u�h a�oved, Gowmis�io��r Pu�tz seconded �nd it was passed unanimously to appx°ove the minutes of tkae 3�pte�ber 23 1968 minutes meeting as submitted. approved There was some discussion as to the next regul�r meeting date wtaich falls on November 11, 1968, a holiday. Com�aissioner Buttaeaautta cnoved, november Commissioaaer Puetz seconded and it was passed unani�noa�sly that the meeting date meeting be held on T�esday, November 12, 1968. established Public �iearings A. 22o1'lri 68a Walter Jensen, et �l9 7Cent�tive Map Q� parcels) 22-TM-68 11 acres located west side of Saxatoga-Sunnyv�le Itoad, approx. legend 630 feet south of Junipero Serra �reeway. �irst �aring. Mr. Tom Eck�oaaa of Barnhart Gonstruction C��pany, stat�d that they would either m�lce arrangements with tt�e property owxaer to the north to street secure the necessary street dedication, or ttaat they would develop dedicatian the standard 40' half-street entirely o�a tkaeir propexty. The sub- discussed mitted map shows a 30-30 street and it is kaoped that, prior to sub� mission of the Final Map �rrangements c�n be completed with Ralph Rodri�ues, the property owner, so tkaat anecessary dedica�ions will be available at that tiane. It was the consensus among the Commissfoners that a 40' half street was required. The applicant stated that this requiremeaa� could be made a condition to the approval by whickn, if the �dditional 10' dedicatioaa cannot be secured fro�n �ir. Rodrigues, the Fiaial Map sk►all discussions be a�nended to show a 40' half street entirely oaa the Jensen property. The City Engineer stated that, ia� either c�se, the map would need to be amended, showing the additional 10 foott dedicatioa� fro�n Mr. Ro- drf.gues, or showing the 40a half street eaatirely on the applicant's property. page 2 Minutes of t�e Plan�ing Com�i��fo� �ct�ber 1'd, 196� PC-20 80,000.4 Applicatio� 22mZ°k1-6� co�� °d City Engia�eeex° Boyd explaixa�d tk�e anecessity �f knav�.ang a 40 ° half street adjacent to undeveloped property ra�nean ttae da�e �f d���l��a�nerat is uiaknown, statisag tta�t, if tk�e City ���aa�°e� � 4�0° �alf s�reet �rkn� ���ffic flow staff can be handled adeq�ately wkn�r�s�� a�0° 1���.f �tr�et i� ianadequate. report Mr. Boyd further stated tkaa�, iaa k�is ��afa�i��a �ta� traf��� oa� ttais street would be relatively ligh� a�aatil �aacta time �s the l��dr�,�oae� property is developed. � s�gge st�d tkaa� the Pla�snisag Co�ni�s�on� �r �rl�e City Council may wista �o waive the 40 ° k�alf �treet x°eqa�ire�,ent �nd accept a 30 ° sectioaa. It was the fe�ling of tkne D�,rector o£ Psablic W�rlcs that if the Rodrigues property were to be develo�ed now ttne 30 °��cti�su �� extaibited on the need to Tentative 1rlap was adequate �aa� �kaat tl�e 40 ° l�alf street sh�a�ld be required dedicate if the Rodrigues property i� mot dev�loped in tkae i�ediate future. Also, defined that a 10 ° dedicati�n would be �uff�cient a� �kais t�a�e �� ttae x°e�ainder could be dedic�ted and imp�roved a� �h�e ti�� �f the d��el�p�neaat. Commissioner Hirs�noa� asked if tknis $��roack� w�uld aa�����it��e an amend- ment to tkae Te�tative. lri�°. Fi�aaa�y s��ted �kaat i� wo�ald aao�� th�t a inquiry conditiora to ttai� Teaatative k�p ��C�:r�� ttne 40B h�lf �����t � x°�quir��nent would be sufficient, aaad ttaa� the exact loc�tion �f tka� 40 e section would be determined at the Eiaaal. l�p s�ag�. Commissioaaex° Butkaenuth iaaquired if the applican�t ua�der�toc�d the condition applicant as suggested and if he coaaca�rred wi�th i�. I�Ix�. Eck��n rep�.ied that he concurs understood the coa�dition tk�at i� cao�,ld not pr�seaat �i�ay �rmbbe�ns, and that he concux°red raitka it. Commis sioner Buthenuth quer�.�d if Lot �1 oaa �he Teaa��tive kt�p was develop- questions able and if IKr°. Eckman had �ray p�aans for tkaat parc�l. 1�he applica�at replied that ttais lot ra�� �n os�tgrora�� �f the street pa��exaa �s�d �erely a left- over p�xcel. Whera aslced to do �o D�rectox of �'ua��ic Wox�CS �ia�aaey st�ted that lot 1 street was cxe�ted �aerely to ae�id a jog iaa tkn� ��i�towes� ��ree� QValley Green pattern Drive) and th�t it �aigkat be advi�abb� t� kn��� �a�ch �jog �s it caoa�ld discussed slow dowai traffic witk�oa�t i�pediaag i�a kaow�ve� a ttaa� �he align�nent as showai would a�ot �neet wit�a asay ohaj�cti�aa� fr�w ka�s depart�ento p.h. Co�nmissio�aer Pax�t� mov�d Co��ai��i�aaer I�wian seco�ad�d and it was passed closed unani�ous�.y to close tthe �a��li� k�e�ria�g. 22-TM-68 Com�nissioner Butheaauth anoved to �pp�°�ve A�p�licati�an 22-�.'irI 68 sub ject to approved the 12 Stand�x°d Coaadi,tioaa� witha �he adaii�a,��a�l c�and���on 1�) tk�at the with applicant obtain a 10° d�dicati�a� from the ad��cea�t property or that conditions he dedicate 40° on kai� o� property for a half-str�eta � a Minut�s of the Planni�g Go��is�fo� October 17, 196� PC-20 80,000.4 Application 22-�NI-68 cont'd page 3 City Attor�y Anderson stated that it was taas und�r�tarading that the additional condition was one that was req�uired pxi�r to T�ntative discussion Map approval; howevex, the Director of �l�lic W�rks f��,� th�t this would be properly handled at the Fin�l l�ap stage. Attorney Anderson suggested that the conditio�a x°ead tha� there be a attorney's 10" dedication to the City prior tv the filing of tkne Tentative suggestion Map, and that one of the coaaditioans be that this asidition�al ten feet be improved by the applicant prior to receivia�g a�y building permits. Commissioner Buthex�uth agreed to a�nend hf� �ogioa� accord- motion amended ingly, Gommission�r Puetz seconded. and passed Ayes: Commissioners Hirshoxa Irwin, Buthenuth, Puet� Noes: None � Absente Commissioner Frolich � B. 22-U-68: Vallco Parka Use Permit fox° � one-story office and 22-� manufacturing building, located east �ide of T�a�tau Avenue legend immed�ately south of Galabazas Creels �aa V�llc� Paxk. First Iiearin� . Mr. Walter ��tard, General d�,aasager of Vsllco Paxlc, expl�i�ed the site, lay-out and architecture stating that the drawings kaad been sub- mitted to the Santa Clara Gouanty Flood Contx�l and W�ter Services presentation Departments and that negotiations wer� �raderway xel$tive to a possible boxing-in of Calabaz�s Creek in order to provide better parking facilities. The Commissioners expressed concern with tkae future acce�s to the parcel imtaediately south. lri�e. Ward stated tthat at presea�t �n access ' road to go underneath the Tantau Avenue ovexcxossing w�s coaasidered access road to provide such access, which road would also s�xve Iiewlett-Packard. discussed Mr. Ward enaintained that, in the event approval to box in the channel was denied by the Flood Coa�trol District s�fficiea�t parlcing was still avsilable. Director of Public Works Fiaaney did not �a�ticipate any problem� if the access to the southerly parcel were to be directly off Tantau Avenue, and felt that no ha�ards would be cre�ted �s this is close staff report enough to the bottom of the xamp aa�d has adea���te sight distance. Commissioner Irwin felt that this access could be extre�nely hazard- commissioner's ous if i� were to be similar to �hat existing on Blaney Avenue with statement the Greenwood Apartments and the PG&E offices. Commissioa�er Irwin moved, Co�nmissioa�er Pu�tz seconded and it was p.h• passed unanicnously to close the public he�ringe closed page 4 Minutes of the Pla�ni�g Co��is�io�b ���o�er b7, 1968 PC-20 80,000.4 Applicatio� 22-U-68 ���tod motion to Commissioner Ir�a�� moved to ap�r�de Appl���t�o� 22-�-68 with the proviso approve that any traffic proble�� arisi�g fro� t�e b�c�tfo� of ��e ingress/ 22-U-68 egress with respect �o the T�ntau ov���rossi�g ra�p be �ubject to corrective action by the Cit�es Pu�lic Work� D��artme��. discussion Discussion ensued relative to ��t�t��emt �ade by the D�rector of Public Works in con�ection with the P�blic Wo�k� dh�p�rtwe�t°s power to reeiew the access if it should �rove h�zardou�. Commissioner motion with- Irwin withdrew his �otion ��d as�ed t��t the �ta�e���t receive clari- drawn, reque £ication9 i.e. would it be �e���sary to c�ose the road or �erely alter for clarifi- it? Mr. Finabey stated that h� would reco��e�d that it be closed should cation it prove hazardous. Also that there were three other driveway� avail- able which could serve this �xoperty. p.h, re- Commissioner Irwin �oved, Coa�nissio�er Buth�nuth seconded and it was opened passed unanimously to re-open the p�blic he�ring. Mr. Ward contended that in conaaect�o� wit� t�e p�r�e1 across the street statement the condi tion of rev�ew h�d appl�ed ���y �o t�e �ost sout�erly driveway and stated hi� desire to appby th�s same c�ndition to t�is parcel. Commissioner Buthenuth asked Mr. Ward to ��ke comp�risons with previous applicatio�� for the west side of the stre�t. Mr. Ward �tated that comparisons the application had a pexi�e�er drivew�y o� the west�rly �ide of the made property �nd that � clo�ing of the sou�herly �ntr��c� would �ot materially affec� th� prop�xt�< How�vex, th�� an additional access would be �eeded for �he ��rcel ��der disc�ssfo� t� ��ovide southerly access to t�e property. Co�nissio�er Irwin wo�de��d �f a�o�ion would be in order by which the question City resexees the right �o r�vi�w ��d �odify the �ost southexly entra�ce to this parcel. Discussio� �����d9 �o �otion w�s made. 22-U-68 Commissioner Buthenuth moved fm� approv�l of Application 22-U-68 with approved the 12 Stammdard Co�ditiom� with the additio�l condition 13) "It is understood th�t the City r�serve� t�e xight �o �eview and close the southerly i�gress/egres� �t � f�t�re date if deemed ��cessar�. " �Ttie City Att�rraey st�ted that �ccording to t�e Director of Public Works, �Ct�::m�$kat.:,be� aa�c����i� to �nodify or clos� the �a��r�aace in question, and counsel's he sa�g�e���d �kaa� the motioxn be �mea�ded accordiaagb�. Commissioner suggestion Buthenuth �greed and amended his �notion as follow�s Gondition 13) that it is uaadex�tood tt�at th� Gity reserves the rbgka� to review and modify motion or close th� southern�no�t iaagre�s/e�x°ess facil�.ty. Gommiss�oner amended Puetz seconded tYae �notioa�. ` Ayes o Co�nis�fosaers Irw�.n �aatkaeaaa�th, P�et�, �if.rshosa Noesa None Absent: Gommissio�er Erolich � K' Minutes of the Plaaiazing Gom�i�sion October 1�, 196� PC-20 80,000.4 Unfinished Business page 5 A. 17-U-68o Vallco ParkoWat�ins Joh�son Go�pa�y9 �eque�t for 17-U-68 amendment of initial Use Per�it to include a��ilding legend height of 49 feet in lieu of the 40 feet allowed by Ordinance. By unanimous consent of �he Commis�ioners� this item was ��ved up change in on the agenda as it also involv�d the V�llco Park pres�ntation. agenda Assistant Planner Nuzu� st�ted th�t, at the time of the �rigia�l Use Permit hearing, the bu�lding in questio� was not shown o� any of the submitted drawings and �as not mentioned by either staff or applicant. City Ordinance allows a height of 40 feet as well as staff the provision that this height may be exceeded. In order to clarify explanations this appli�ation, it was �eco��ended th�t the oxigiaaal Resolution No. 546 be amended to approve the building �eight of 49 £e�t. Mr. Jack Rominger, architect, presented the �rig�a� 1 drawings that architect's accompanied Application 17-Um68 and stated th�t �inc� the elevation presentation was a perspective no height had been shown. The Commissioners questio�ed the permi�sibility o£ the additional height under the provisions of the Ordixa��ce. Seni�r Pl�nnex Laurin stated that the Plan�ed Development Ordinance speci�ally pxovides ordinance for exceptions to th� 40 foot height li�itatio�; f�rthex, that this pxovisions exception would not necessit�te 8 V��i�nGe but would be part of the defined normal Use Permit �rocedureo Commissioner Buthenuth moved that Application 1��U-68 be amended 17-U-68 to provide for a building height of forty- ni�e feet. amended Attoxney Anderson cautioned that t�e word "a�ended" was improper in wording this instance. Cotrnnissioner �uthe�uth moved to clarify Itesolution questioned No. 546 to state " Tkie �eight of the buildi�g is forty-�ine feet". Cammissioner Irwin seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin B�thenuth, Pue�z �i.irshoaa resolution Noese None clarified Absent: Gommissioner Frolich B. Ordinance 220 (lc) regula�ing Caeneral Coms�erciab (CG) zones.' 81,004.124 Fi�st Hearing. Senior Planner Ioaurin was a�lced iCo �xplaiaa the li�t of use� pexcnitted with and without a Use Permit as �hown �ande� �ec�i�an� 95.1 and 95.2. uses Mr. Laurin proceeded to give the �eason� for the ���� �ncluded and explained excluded in. these two sectioa�s. After considerable discussion rela�iv� �o ttae�e tw� Sertioaas Comcnissi- oaaer Puet� moved to continue the hearirag �o the neact x��ulax° �neeting� 81,004.124 Comusissioner Ixwin s�conded aa�d it was pa���d una�i�oa��l�. continued page 6 Minutes of ��e P�an�i�g Co��is�i�� Oc�o��r b� �9�$ PC-20 80,000.4 Unfinished B�si�es� c���ed 81,004 C. O�diaaa��e 002 �om2� ��e�di�� Pla���d ID��e�op�en� Ordi�ance legend 002 �o). It�f�rral f�om Ci�� �������. Seniox Pl��ner La�ri� �a� l�i�ed ��a� ��e a����.���� �ad �ee� passed back and for�h be�wee� the Coummc�� ��d the Pb�����g ������s�o�, and present- that the fee�ings �f the Ci�y Co���ib tog����r w��� ���b� reco�nnend- ation ations are ��pres��d �� �h� 1����� d�aft a�d t�e ����� ���or�. Mr. Laurin repor�ed that t�� C��y ��u��ib ��d �a�a�e���d t�� opinion that a 15macre �i�i��� �� ���om�end�d by �fise g��anBn��g �o��is�ion� was propert �t t�i� time9 th�t if ��� �i�i��� ���� w�� ��du�ed �o ten council acres �t would be i�pos�ib�e to i�c��as� �� �o fif��e� ��r�s at some opinions later time. �� had be�m t�e con��ns�s th�� ��e r�d�c�io� t� fifteen reported � acres coubd receive ��pro��b�t� �c���� t� ��i�i��� o£ t�� �cres, if � dee�ed �ece�sar�� �t ���e �i�� i� ��� f�t���. �. ���ri� �e�orted t�at it �ad �ee� t�� �a�or �o�c�r� of �he C��y C���cil t��� within this l5oac�e ��ni��m bot ���e req�i���emmt �lb ��e� �r��e��ly ����itted in a Planaaed D��el���e�� ���� ����d co��3��e �� �� ��r��t�eda t�a� i�, there may be a�� c��bi���io� �f ���� wi���� ��� b� ���e� �� ��������y allowed. Assista�t P���ner N���� ��e���ted a��gges�ed re�ol���o� i� �op�s of clarifyi�g �he �i���tio� be�w����n ��e C�ty C��n�il ��� ��e Plan�ing points Commi�sio�. lrir. La�rin add�d t�a� �h� re��l�t��� wo��d ��� �£fect the clarified Ordinan�e b�t w�s �e�n� �o ���de as ��arificati��. �� �has connection, the Com�iss�on�r� as��d �f ��i� dr�f� �ad b�e� c����ed f��� tka� original reco�we�dat���. �r. I��r�� �����d t�a� ��� ���y ����ge� �ad� had been gran�sna�ic�l in aaa��xe ��d ���� �f ��e �����t ��� �e�� ����g�d. 81,004 Co�nis�ioa�er Irw�a� �a��ecl to a��a�ro�� �rda.mm5��ace ��2�m��� �,� �ccordaaace approved with the resol�ti�aa as r�c��a�n��ad�d k�y �taff. C��n�,���one�° Paaetz �ecoa�ded e Ayeso C�a�anissi�ane�s a�w�.aa ��a�hn�ani��kc Pna���� ��,��fl��an Noe s o Nf�aae Ab��a�ta C�a.s��oaa��° E�ob��h 81,004.122 D. 0�°d�i�a��� 220Q�� a��g�a�,�t��a�� Lig�a� Iaadax����.�b Qd�i�) z�aies with legend �n�irticax�ar �����a����a �� ���°f�rffi�a��� ����nd��rd�. �e Co�a��,s�i�an��� ¢��u��°�ed �.£ �ka� a��ni��° �b�a�m!�x° woca�si fl�� able to prepare a dr�ft aand mak� �°�co����d��a,��.� �i� �'�� aa�zs� r�g�xl�� a�e�tian�. �Iir. Laurin staff answered �kaat ka� wa� �.sa r�c�a,�a� �f �a�r�i�rn��n� ��£��°en�i�a,�an k��at that tae was report also exac�ua�t�riaa� ���ex°�il ����a���a� 9 �b� �� �akaic�a �,� w���d �,i�Ce to present at the n�xt r�ga��.ax° �nee��n�� �ah��� Cor,�������aer �r��b�ha w���.d be in a�ttea�daaac� a� � o Fr��i�� ��d b��r.a �����.�����b� �ic����� �u� s:��?�aectiox� with this Ordiaaaa�ce. 81,004.122 Co�n�nissioaaer �ea�th�na�tka ��es�d Cm�a�����.o�ae� g�e�� ����nd�d �sad it was continued pass�d �anan�g��aa�b� �� ��sa��.�aaa� �kn�L� �a�t��� �� �hr�� �s�a�� ��g�n1�r �neeting to b� pAac�d �za�d�� "[��nf�,an�,�,��d �a���aa��s". M:in�te� �£ the P1������ Co�������� �������� �� ���� PC-20 80,000.4 page 7 T�ere was �� ��w ��������. no aiew bus. Co�mi��i���r Irwi� ����d �������im�e�° ������ s����d�� ��d �� w�s motion to passed �n��i�ou�b� �� �d�o��� ��� �������. �djourn '1°kie ��e���g �d�m�r��� �� 9e�� �e�. adjournment ��P���ED: , - � f ' �l�-�-°-� AT',CEST: �� ��lc �. ���ka�aa P�NNIN� �EPAR�NT �a,��:�Ck��a,���� C�c�c�C Lz�w�� s����� �b����� �