PC 09-11-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Pi lone : 252-i�505 PC-18 ° 80,000.4 MINUTES OF TI3E STUDY SESSION OF TI�iE PIaANNING COMNiISSION HELD SEPTEMBER 11, 1968 IN THE LIBRARX ROOM 0� T�iE CITY IiAIaL, CUPERTINO, Ct�LIFORI�IIA ' � t' The meeting was called to order at �:15 p.m. by Chaix��n Frolich. call to order Commissioners present: Buthenuthy Puetz; Frolich. Als� present: Senior Planner Laurin; Mr. Burrel Leonard for�ner Planning Co�mission participants member. Mr. Leonard summarized experience with performance stand�rds and also presented views on the potential of Gupertino as a cocmnercial center statement by for the West Valley, and a financial center fox Sant� Cla�r� County. former planner Senior Planner Laurin reiterated the.:�ain purpose of the study session to draft an Ordin�nce regulating Light Industrial zones by performance standards xather than a list of aases, and stated what had been learned from inquiries with other cities and institutions, by correspoaidence or personal visits. Discussion followed, summarized by Chairman Frolich: We waa�t in the Ordinance restrictions on noise, bright lights and flashiz�g colors, building size and height, setbacics, fences, pollution of air and water, vibration, toxic materials, specifications on how matexials must arrive summary of and leave the plant (truck, van, railroad, etc. ), parking xequirements discussions unless otherwise covered, possibly some li�nitation of the number � of employees. Mr. Leonard added considera�fQnuot perimeter landscaping, and Commissioner Puetz added consideration of st�ndards which, if neg- lected, could result in higher insurance rates. Chairman Frolich suggested that the permissibility of a use should be an administrative decision by the Planning Departmeaat, with appeal to the Planning Co�missi�n and ultic�ately the City Gouncil; also with procedures the possibility of ara appeal initiated by the Comu�issio�. Mr. Leonard indicated certain problems in the industrbal buildings corat�ining units for rent. I � The Senior Planner was requested to try to put the discussed points into ML ordinance Ordinance wording; tkae discussion to be continued October 17, 1968. continued It was decided to p]lace the Genexal Co�nercial (CG) Ordiaaance under CG ordinance "Unfinished Business"on the agenda for the Seotember 23, 1968 meetirag. continued The study session was adjouxned at 1Os00 p.�n. adjournment APEROVED: ;) ATTEST: �} C . � � ���� � /s/ D�nald A. Frolich ��� G/l�l N� Cha ircna an Senior Planner