PC 09-09-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO� S�ate �f Gal�foxmmia
10300 Torre Avenue Cuperti�o Ga�ifor�ia 95�b4
Phone• 252-4505 PC-17
The meetin� was called to ordex a� �:0� ga.�a. by ��aa��.a�a�n �rmlickn, ca�l to order
who subsequea�tly led the ass�mbl�g� ia� th� fb�� ���aa�� e flag salute
Comcr�ass�.oraers present: Ir�aia�, �iixshoaa, ���k�ea�ut�n �AS�tTep F°x�olb�ta.
Also pr��sent: City Attorx�ey Aa�dexsoaa� Sean�.�r �'�a�nn�� La�ar��a� r�ll call
�ssi�ta��a� Flanner �zum; Dire�tcar of LPaatabac W�rlc� ��a��n�y; Cit�
�;ngineet B�ayd; ltecording Secxe�asy 1L�acie 1+�, �La�tzl��.
;ommissioner Buthea�uth �ooved, Co�iss�oner P�se�� ��com�l�d �nd a.t wa�
:�assed �anaa�imously to �ppxoee th� �bn�ag�� �� tth� ��xg��t 2� �.96� �ninutes
���eetiaxg a� sub�i�ted. Co��is�i��n�r ��x�s��� �fl����:b�,�,� ����a �c����a�> �PPr�ved
Seniar I'l�naaer Iauria� �d�is�d ��i� Cms�aa�s��.����°� ��n�t� �������� f�� request for
�o�tponemen� had beea� rec�i�ed fro� uh�� �x�.�ac����� ?�� ���nbi�a�a,��� po�tponement
22- Tri- 68 .
�onoaniss�oaaer Bu�henuttn wmv��, C��+�a�������s �z��a� hs ����an��d a��d �.t wa�s �2-�'M 68
�assed �aanaaaimo�zsby to po�tgaora� 1����°iaag �and ��.������.o�li �� ��g��������r �p�stp�ned
22-1"irt-68 t� the Septe�be� ��f 1Q6� ������n� �� ��u�,� �����������
There were �o written co�aon�a�i�a�i��ns. n�o wxbtten
Senior Pla,xuaer Iaurin advi�ed tth� C��i���.�m���� ��aa�r a��q�es� k�ad
been received fxom a meu���r of �ha� a�ad.aean�� a �a�a� �a�� ���m � pax�y verbal
to a listed applicatio�n und�x� '•P�bb�� �ariaag�'° ��lc�aag �� ��1��'�s� c�mmunication
the Co�nmi�sion.
1Kxs. Helen Piepgras askesl �h�t I�e�a �. n��d��r "����L1 �� ���gaag�", app-
licatio�a 20-U-68, be lae�rd ar�d d�s��s��d a� ��a� £�.�°�� �t��a on the request for
agenda as a conflict of sc�aedule ne�e���.����� 1��� �c����°��ax� within agenda
the houx. ch�nge
Co�missis�aaer Buthenu�th mov�d Co��i�s��uae� Y��aiaa s��c�aac��d �xad ait w�s
pass�d usaanimou�ly to �ncave ��e� ��e �s �h�e f�ir�� f����a fo� �li,sc�assioaa
under "Public Hearir�gs".
Tkiere w�re no other verta�l com�a�an�c�ta.��s. no �dditional
page 2 Minutes of the Planni�g Cow�ission September 9, �968 PC-1�
Public H�earings
20-U-68 G. Application 20-U-68: tielen amd Geoxge Pi�pg��sa U�e Per�it
legend for former residen�e in Gener�l Co�������� ���e t� be used
for professional office�, located at 2���5 Stev�n� Cseek
Boule�ard. First Iiearing.
Mrs. Helen Piepgras stated that �he �ad owned th�s ���pert� f�� t�e past
eight years, had paid taxe� on sa�e ��d �ad, w��� ��ked by ��� Cit�
prp��^��- � to do so, dedicated a 45° strip of ���d for �t���t i�p���ements. Also,
ati�.�; that she was now in a pos�tion �o lea�e t�e re�i�e�c� �� ��e proper�y
� for a geriod of two ye�rs �ftex which t�� b�il���� ������ b� t��� dow�.
N She r�q�ested to be gran�ed � Use Pe��i� £or ����b����° ��riod.
� Nn ��j�ctions to this Use Per�ait we�e v�ic�d by ����fa t�er� w���
rc �
����� r,�� � uo sudience comments.
�.>��. � �ommissfoner Irwin moved, Commi�sioner I��sta�an s�co�si�d a�nd it was
�:z��,:::� � passed unanimou�sly to close th� paa�b�c ta�axing.
�'��_.�.__ � :�ommissioa�r Ir�aiaa uaoved �A appx��� ��a���.�����s� �,�J��m;'�� g��:����� �� ���
�r�: � _:_ _ � �.2 Standard Co�di�ions. Conami�s�.onex° ]i�s�h�aa ���e�a����o
mc�rcit9r�. � Commissioner arwin cnoved to ��nend �la� �a�t�.�a� Z� s�t��� i�r�� �he �k�o�re
amen��� application is ap�r-�ved for �he �f�� ��.��.� of ��a� ����sa �ono��,���.�a�er
�Iirshnn seconded.
� iity Attorney Anderson cautioa�ed �t��� �h�e ���gu�v� �a���x'� ���a�.� Com�a��sbon
� was one of temporary n�tuxe and �h�t �.� �a��bcl i�� ���� ��rpeaa�ive amd
c�e��4:�r: � +unfair to ask the applicant t�a i�pr���e ��ae p�i�P�ian� �r�� i� i�� ��tirety
by �cuc��:��. � considerin� that this use is gxa�a�ted f�r � t�a�-ye�� p�x°��c� �n�,� aftex
� which the construction upon the pro�er�y w��.�. be ci�c���ish�?da Mz°a
Anderson suggested that temporary �.�a�ro���a�n� f�� ��d� ;����C�.a�g �xe�
� be permitted �s agreed upon to be suf£ic��aat �y ic�"ue �ui�d�a�g Dep��tment.
motion Commissioner arwin withdrew his ��ti�a�, Gow�is������ �i��ho� wit�dr�w
withdrawn his second.
20-U=6� Commissioner Irwin anoved to approve Agpbic���man ����J�6� sub�ec� to tkae
approved 12 Standard Conditions, witka conditio�a �3) se�b j��.� to a t�a�-y���° tim�
with � limit; 14) this approval staaJll b� c�aatia���aa� u�ma� ��nd���.osa 6�f the
conditidns � 12 Standard Condi�ions being a�nendeai �nd t�a� ��ar�f�i�in� c�f tta� pa�k�.ang
area as approved by tYne D�partment of 8�ub��� Wo��� o Coa�o�.���c����
Hirshnn seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Irwiaa ki�r�hoaa, Baatk�e�a�a�ka, P�e�� J�rabich
Noe s : Noaa�
Absent: None
Minutes of the Planning Co�mission Septe�b�x 9, 1��� PC-17
Public Hearings cont'd page 3
A. Applica�io� 1��Z-68: S�tter Hi�� ����opme�� C���any; 1�-Z-68
Rezonimg 5 acres from A�ric�lt�x�b-R�������i�b l���r� legend
lots (A1-43) t� G��er�l C�wmerciab �CG�, a�� app��x���-
tely 20 acre� fsom �gricul�u��l-It��id��tb�b ��ac�e lots
(Al-�+3) to l�ltiple high-d�n�ity ���.d���i��. 2 sc�o f�<
lots (I3.3-2.2'*� . L�cated �E c�x�a��r af Hom��s��r�d. a��
Steblia�g Road�. P'irst I�e�r�a�ge
Mr. Wes Frye, presid�nt of Sut�ex H��b d��eb�p���� �o��a���r, �ade tkae
presentation explai�aing �hat �oc�ti�om �f t�ie s��� �aa;� �I�a� ��� �� �� aerial �ap
aerial ptxotograph. � ��°�'�
Disc�ssion ea�sued amoaa$ the C�cnm�ssionex� r�la��.�'�* `m ��� ������i�Y
for a development plan pxior to x���ta�laag a dec�.s��n ��n �hn� �ez�r�ia�g discussion
application and the fact that �h�� d��eloga�aeaat p�.a�n �a�� aa�t ��
_x.i.s�e:�ce at this time.
�taff indicated �rhat, if ttais re�onixag �a��°e g�aa���d TMk�� ���l���aat
would be required �o s�ub�nit a 7C��a�atie�� k��� a�l�°;�� �o���a�� y�.�1��'u ��� s�a�f
� request for a Us� P�x�nit, �nd �k�e ����.a��a��g �QUac��,����� �;��,�� ar� :��a� x°��a�a��
complete contxml mf the project.
There were x�o audi�a�ce co�aments. , a�� cm���nts
Commissioner Butkaenuth �oved� �o�acn���ioaa�� ��°�a�,�� ���.ox^.d�d �a�� �fi w�� p.k�a
passeai unaaaimously to close �tkne pub��c tn����,�a�< ulosed
�ommissioane� B�thenuth moved t� �ppr��r� l�p�����r�: o�^li ��i��°��� ���:���� g�
to the 12 Standard Coanditi�rrs �aith �id�l��b�aa ������;�.�an ��v ���� �pprc��ed
the requirement for a vari�nc� fo�° en�re �h�v� �� ��3��� p!°� ��� �� ��t�
waived aa�d a development p�an b� �ub�gu��d 'r� �L�1� C����s���� ��R°� �onci�tions
to a reqa�est for a bui�diaag pex��.�t. ����.��� ogs��' �'��`�� ���'��������
Ayes: Commissioaaer� Irwian �,r�3amn, ����ku������+��, d'r���� �'o��.b?�
Noes: None
Absent: None
B. App lica tion 20� �'I� 68 : De b�'� D�v€� �.�,����^yt� ���apas�� 9 �nc . a 2+3- �'M� 68
Teatative riap �nd Dev�bo��e�� Pb�n, �ipp��aea.c�����.y �oFr ��. ��gend
located west sid� of ��y ���e�nr�� 9 �7�� ���� an���k� of
Stev�ns Creelc ��a��evard e �'�,��� ����xag.
Mr. Car�. Haaland, �xesidea�t of De�. O�o ���e�.�p��e�� �r����aa� ���de
the prese�.tation stating tkaat �k�� p�ot rnQ°�� l�ef��°� ��b� ����ai�si�a�
represented corrections of those ite�s �l�at me������ta+��d a��st° reasoa�s for
ponement of this matter at tkae �ast �ne�t�aag of �k�e Pl�aan�ng Co�a� postponement
mission. Mr. Haaland s�id that s�ecific��.b�, t�ao c�a�sid�rr��ioa�� reiterated
had necessiCated the previoaas postpoane�a�ant� �� � be�tte�° r�c�iv�ed
from the Division vf Highways indicating s�os�bbl� r�maA�Sn�s�e�at °f
- the prop�rty line �long the pro�aosed West Va1�eW F�e�w�ya �a�d 2)
a letter fr�� rh� r��ntral Fixe �revex��ion D�.�t�a.ct �sk�.a�� a con-
tinuance of t=`�� ��tt���' tc� enable fu�thex s��ndy �f ��c��� �� �k�e
proper6�v i�r i�.r� �;i��z��a�g ec�uipment.
page 4 Minutes��of the Planni�g Co�mission Septe�ber �, b�68 PC-17
Application 20�TM-68 cont'd
Mr. Haaland emphasized that the Dfvision of Iia.ghw�ys h�d since reconsidered
problem the re-alignment �nd had determined that the Itig�� of Way wouid �ot conflict
areas with any proposed highway plans and th�t �� reeab����e�t w�s contemplated.
resolved Also, that discussions l�d taken pb�ce with �he �ir� Prev�mtion Dist�ict
which department had requested two ac��sses off d�ry A�enue into the pro-
posed site and a turning radius for fire £ightimg ����p���t l�rger than
the radius provided on the pl�nse
The applicant st�ted that �ddition�l ��res� �nd i��ress h�d �een provided
prag�� .�u:�s as well as a provision fox la�rger taarxain� r�d�uso ��. I�a�l�a�d tYa�n inta�o-
e�$: ti�: ��y.�d duced Mr. Heis�, the pro�ec� engia�eez° ��x� tka� de���o�,c�ea���o Mr. �i�s
� Qxplaa.n�� the Tea►t��ive I�iaap,stating that nca c�n�r�6��� ka�c� b��xa effected
on the Tentative Map,since its original sexbm�,ssi�n.
�ity Engineer Boyd st�ted that the appli�ant t�ad b���a in tc��h caith
�t�.�-= his department a�xad he was s�tisfied with tk�e s���n�ai��� �o tk�e �gxess
�re�:� �: t ��nd ingress problem� as resolved lay the �p�b�caan� o
�ity At�orney Aaiderson cautioaa�si th�t tta� de��l��a�a��� �a�.�s� wo�bd s��ed
�����...��:�r to show a notation by wknich �rgv�ha�ng�� ��n t��� ����a������?� 1�,� �s��a3.d
�syj . - �.= : __ �. � readily be ascertained for xef���n�e a
uo �c�z'.:��. �3ts � There were no aaad�ence cou�m�a�t� .
p.l�. Commiss�,oner Hirshosc moved, Co��nis��oa�r F�.���es� ��c���a�d �rad �tt was
cln��� passed unani�nously to elos� �lae publ�� ka�a�a.a��;o
2�°°'�:�°��? ��ommissioner Hirshon moved to �pprove A�xpl�.�a���rrn ���� 6� �c�b�e�t t�
apy��v���: �� � the �2 Standard Conditiosas, w�.th th� �dc�it�,oaaa� �9: �;���.�n 1�) that
wi�� € the Tentative Map be ac�omp�a��ed by th� d��,�e�o���li�t �1�rLL �� �11 ti�es
canditidr�s � and that there will be a notatioa� on tta� �e��at :�� k�p �Ch�� the
� development plan uright show certain ch�aag�s wh�.�h ��e �a�t skaow� on
the Tentative I�p; and 14) tha� lEire e�an���e�a� �i�e��s� �r��� �halb
be indicated on the Tesatative I�da�na ��mw�.s�i�ra�a° �aai�laeanu�h ��conded.
Ayesa Commbssioners Ixwmn, Flirsh�a�, ��at�ie��t�a �'a��tz, Frolich
Noest None
Absent: None
develop- Commissioner Hirshon woved t� approve tkne deve�.��s��sn� ��a�a. Cou�issioner
men� p1.a��x Irwf� seconded.
approved Ayes:' Com�i�sio�ners Irwia� d�trsh��, ��stheaaaa�h �'����, �°ol�ck�
� Noe s : Noaae
Absentt None
21-TM-6$ G. Application 2l.-TM 68: Va�a Hoa�; T�a��a�ive A�� (Lot ��lit) ,
leger�d 4.28 acres �t the iQbJ corner o�f S�ed�aa� �����C �oul�e�rard and
Vista Dxive. First Iie�riaag. "
pre�ent�- � The applicant made the pre�entation and ���od, re�dy tm �aaswe� c�uestions
atinx� � as posed by ChW Commi�sioner�.
� �
Minutes of the Plan�ing Go�mi��don September 9, 196� PC-17
Application 21-�'ri 68 con�°d page 5
Staff reported that this apglication �aas for a ro�at�nae l�t split but
that a single unit develop�ent of lot 2�aoa��d b� �ac�x�+�e�y cli�fica�lt staff
especially siaace this lot was ��L�' s�aaped �ia�d ttae coraa�r wa� going to report
be developed fixst. Also, �ta�t lot 3�hould no� b� spla,t at thi�
City Engiaeer Boyd stat�d that tkae applicant s�aoc��d �� sequired to
provide for an �iddition�i 20 8 baaildin� �etback �o tka� b5 ° 1t�I.ght- �etback �.
of-Way setbacls it now show�, �� � 100 � sg�eet c��gY^4t� be saee��d f�x required
Vista Drive ix� the fut�axe.
There were rao �ud�ence com�ne�ats. no commea�ts
Commissioner Puetz moved Cowmi�sioaaer Ircaias ��c��ded ��nd it w�s p.h.
passed unaaimously to close tYae �ulali� he�,x�ng. closed
�ommissioner Puet� moved to appr�e Applicati�� 21-� 68 �u�a�e�t to 21-aM-68
the 12 Standard �onditions � wi�h ��an�d�.t�.or� �.�� tl��t ��°z.��° �ea �'����lop- approv�d
tnent of lot 3 which zs z4u��d h��� �m�ac������i� ��.�. �s�:��� ����L�'��rrn���� with
all inherent access pxob�e�� br� xe�o��cci �ca �rlrn� ��,�f��������,�?a�� �f c�nditions
this Commis�ion; a�d 14) �hat th�re �i.�.� fla� r�� �dc��.�;:���� �0 a"����d�.x�g
setbacic fro� Vis�� Drive ��a �11 �k��ee lm��o �A�����.��a��° �rw�.r� s��
Ayes: Cogrm�ssioraers I�wia�, I�i�shaon, ������ap�:��,, ��l�s�.�a9 �r�bbch
Noes: None
Absent: None
D. Appbication 19-U�68: V�aa Ib,o�g �m�! ����x�� �do ��a��o�aa �dse 19-U�68
Permit fox r�t�il b�at �a��� at tl�� I�,1 c��r��� �� ���v�a�� legend
Cseelc Boaalev�rd �ind V�.sta iD���r�> h���:�fi ���'�aage
l�ir. Van Hoag, aided by 1Kr. Robext C�nlom, �ar���n��d �ka� �rop��al for
the retail boat sales on ttae site, s�at�ng �kaa� �tkaea°� w�a��d ha� a
construction for the �ervi�ing �aad �niaaor �d jus�ing �f b���a,ng e�uipmen�
but that no noi�e would be �ene��ted a�� �kn� b�i����a� w�� �:��pleteby pxesent-
enclosed aa�d any possibl� noise would be �a�.��l�da ation
Considerable discussion eaa�aa�d ��lat��e �� �h� �ao�;re� �f mp�ra�ion,
the possibility. of aaa�sigka��y b�a� �x°�de-a.a�� �� w��.b �� ��� gigk�t�ing d�scussions
for the sitte.
The applicant stated that �his w�s tthe �e�oancl bo���a��a iaa �kae �re�
for this enterprise and th�� aao b�tte�ing �f t�a� ��� wm�abd be ���.�wed.
Also, that the liglating would be such as �o ps�vide £or prevention statements
of thefts only and not to disturla �d�oining pro�erti��.
City Attorney Anderson st��ed that tkais wa� a� z��l���v�ly new type
of undertaking and that an approval of tkae �ppba.cation shou�.d be caution by
contingent upoa� a review afte� a one or two yea�r ��riod. counsel
page 6 Minutes of the Planaiin� Go�mission September 9 1968 PC-17
Application 19-U-68 cont'd
no comments There were no staff comme�ts, nor were t�ese a�y ��die�ce comments.
p.h. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commi�sione� Irwin �econd�d and it was
close� passed unanimously to close the public he�ring.
19-U-68 Commissioner Hirshon moved to appxove Ap�lic�tio� 19-�m68 with the
appraved conditions that the operation of all ou�board or an�o��d motoxs and
wirh all equipment be limited to six d�ys � we�k �etw�en the hours of
c�;�:�i���ns $ a.m. and 5 p.m., and that the appli�atio� be s���i��ed fos review
two years hence. CoIInni��ioner Irwin s�c��ded.
m�k��� �ommissioner Ii3.rshon amended the �otion �o st�te ��$� �he ho�r� of
am�nde� operation be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.�e �nd that the ���i��en� oper�tion
�h�ll be restricted to i�ternal combu�tion engi�es. C����ssioner
;rwin seconded.
r;oll call.an both the amendme�t �nd the �o��on:
r:yesa Cou�missioners Irwin, Iiirshon, ���h��uth ���z, Frolich
�o� A r;�li l�oes: None
o�� :r%*��� �bsent: 1Von�
r����� ,+Chairman Frolich called a recess �t 9e2� ��.�.
The meeting reconvened at 9:45 po�o
2 � -- ...='`_' _�� �• APPlication 22-TM 68 �a�d previo���.y k����a ����t�d a� g�s�-
pov::���-.��:� ponement to the Septembes 2� 1�(x� �aeet��g.
20-��6� F. Applicatioan 20-Z-6�s FJa�cl Crr�amp Dev��.o�e�ents, gaa�.a Re�o�.irag
legend from Residential Siaagle�fa�i�� 10,00� �a�af�o �,m�s �Itl-lo)
to Residentia� Sin�le> ��wi��r 7> 500 �� o f� o���s �ltl° �. 5) ,
appro�cimately 11 acr�s �.������1 east end of �'��m Avearxe
between Blackbe�cry Fa� aa�d �he �x�se I�x��kao ��ix��� He��ing.
present- Mr. Tom H�enderso�n, Civil E�n�is���r, repx°esen��d �1a� �pplicant �nd sto�d
ation ready to answer questions in cona�e��ta,��a �aitka the �p�a�ica��,�na.
The staff stated that �o ob jee��.�aa� �a�re taeiaa� �ade �s �l�i� i� the
staff standard zoning for one-fa�ni�y �ao�a�� i�a C�perti��o, �u� ���t �robl�aas
report may arise at the Tentative M�� s�ag�.
When Chairman Frolich aslced for audien�e coaa�ents, �ix. It. E. Gexster
of 1440 Scenic Drive in Cupertino sts�ted th�t, ia� his opinioaa, it would
aud:��c� be premature to reduce th� lot r�q�ire�erat� w�.ttno�u� pxi.or lcnowledge of
cncd*��n�r� the entixe street outlay. �. �si k�.�harty of 10380 Riviera Dxive agreed
with the a�bove comment, �tatting that he feared tkai� �,yp� of density in
an area which was rural ia� aaatux°e <
Minutes of the Planning Cognniss��n Septe�ber 9, �96� PC-17 ��
Application 20-Z-6� co�t'd page 7
City Engineer Boyd stated �hat certa�� i�taer��t g����e�s could b�
solved by eaxeful planning a�d s�u�d e�����er��g ��d ��at g�e si�e
uf the lots wauld not materaally effect �h� p��•�er�� of the stxeets . sta£f
Also, that the proble�� would b� mi�iwab ��� ����� �4� add to ��e opinions
density but that an i�provemen� of �he:ro�d �ig�t ��ces����te a
change of both the horizo�tal a�d �ertica� �bi���en�. ,_
There were �o further audie�ce c����ts.
Commissioner Irwin �oved, Com��ssioner �.��hon �������� ��d �� ��s p.h.
passed unanimously to clo�� the �ubbi� h�a���ge closed
Commissioner Irwin moved to �ppx�ve App�i���io� ��m��6� ��bjec� �0 20-Z-68
the 12 S�andard Comditio��. Co�iss�o�er F�.r���� ���o�ded. �pproved
Ayes: Commissio�er� I�ai� 1H������, �u�h�����, P���� �'roliGh
Noeso None
Absent: Naxae
G. Application 20��-6� ta�d �r���.�au���.�� b���� ����'���d. 20mU-�8
H. Ordinance 002 �q-1)a �e�nd�aeaa� ��r ��di�aaa�� 0�'�� �q� 86,005.1 `
establi�hing r�c��airem��a�t� �o�° o�����r°���� g����e��go
Fia°st Iiearba�$ c�ntin�aecl.
Senior Planner L,a�arina df��ri�ut�d � dr��a���� �� ,�����.�g ���bb ��x�ng�- dz°�wia�g
ments as had beea� pxep�red by ��e I'ex��.�.c W��r�e� D�������ra+�e di�rributed
Chairman� Frolicla x°��d a�.e��tes kne taacl �ece�,v�� ���� � g��t�emaaa i�� .
San Jose which letter �tat��l th�� �t�� w��,��� �a�� �a� ���apb��e �g�°e�- c�a�unication
ment with the neces�ity f�r wider pax��C��g ��t��.A� ���c�e�d�.�n� �kne read
Planning Commission on their fox�s�gkc� £�� ���s������s�g wisi�� s�t�l.l�.
Comaaissionex° Irwin uaoved, Co�nnis�f��r �'�a��� �����s�ed �aa� �.� r��i� p<h.
passed unanimc�usly to close t�ne �aab�.ic fie�r�n�o clo�ed
Gommiss3:oner Irwia� moved to �p�rowe tka� �kni�� �r���� m� tk�� am�aad�aent 86,005.1
to off-street �arkirag Ordiaaa�nc�, �°�gl�ic�a�,� ��n� ba��� �e�9�gx �.�.�a�� of oxdbn�nce
page 2 and the enti�e p��� � of �kr�� s���a�d d���� D �$�d �t� �����a�e�d �mend�nent
same for adoptio�n to the G�t� Couaa��.�.e ���;�����r��� �'�a��� ��c��ad�d. ��Proved
Ayes: Counni�sioners araa�aa, �.r�1n��a ��a��a�aa�,t�'�� �'���� �mbi��n
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 8 I�linutes of the Pl�nning Com�aission S�ptember 9, 19Ev� PC-17
Unfinished Business
81,004 A• Ordinance 002 (0-2), a�nemmding Planned Dev�elopu�eaat
legend Ordinance 002 (o).
Assistant Pl�nner Nuzum e�cplained that the City Coun�il 1x�e3 �'�v�ewed
� the recommendation by the Planning Comu�i�sion �nd ha�d returned the
background ame�dment to the Planning Commission for reconsid�ration and reversion
explained to the original eerbiage, i.e. reduction of mini�ucn a�ea �°c�a�uirement
� from 25 acres to 10 acres for com�e�cial or re�id�aat�al �aad 15 acres
� for any other uses.
� The Planning Commissioners felt th�t "P" �oa�ing w�� immappro�x°iate for
�p�,.��or._� � any area less than 15 acres, �nd that it would �ae easier for the
�����5��., City to retain control over any smaller pi�ce �f px°op�rt� thsough the
� requi�ement of a development plan priox to fihe i�s�aanc� of a building
Chairman Frolich stated that no developex wou�.� x°e�u�st fPP" zoning on
,r�:�;�y�,������ a 10-acre piece of land for comuaerci�l use, b�t �aould �ust apply for
� regulax General Commerci�l zoniaag. C�m�a�,ss��a��� ���la���a��a coya.cu�r�°�d.
�� ;��L, Commissioner Buthenuth moved to recom�nend to the �bty Cor��n�il thn�t
recamm��:�ed the Planning Commission adopts aaad r�-�ff�rms �.ts ���gixa�b r�co�me�ad�tion
in �b;��::;._�al of a minimum area requirement of b5 acr��. �o���sf�m�� �,r�hon seconded.
fa��� Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, �Iirshoaa Ba�th�e�u�h �u���, T�gol�.ck�
Noes: None
Absent: None
na �i�� There was no new busiaess.
In considering the adjournme�t to � study s����o�n ���n��ub�d for Wedn�esday,
meeting " Septewber 11, 1968 Senior Planner Laux�ia� sta��d �kn�� �i�ht industri�l
scheduled Ordinance with particular �tt�n�i��a to ��x°for�a�mm�e �t�n�da�ds, and the
commerci�l Oxdinance would be di�cuss�ci �� th�� an����.n�g.
Commissioner Buthenuth moved to adjoura� tl�e �e��ina� t�o ��tudy session
study scheduled for Wednesday, Septe�nber Ab, 196�8 a,a� t�a� L�flar�ry roo� of the
session City Hall, which meetia�g shall commea�c� �� �0�0 �om, Cc���i��ioner
slated Puetz seconded and it was passed u�aai�uotnsbya
adjou�n�ent The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.�.
A�'�'�B��E� o `,
C9 �ti�LJ�
� ATTEST: �,
S Dona�.d A. k'roli�h
���r (� � f �'f , /' ; �y �
— _ _.. . �..�___. .�� � _. �,_.�.. �., � - - �...____.�_
Seni�� :���nn�er