PC 08-26-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO State of California
I0300 Torre Av�mm�e, Cup�r�i�o, Califor�ia 95014
Phone e 25 2� 4505 PC-16
Tlze �ueeting was call�d to order at 8s05 p.�. by Ck�air��an Frolich, who c�ll to order
subsequea�tly led the �ssembla�e i�a ttae flag sa�ant�. £lag salute
Commis�ioners presea�te Irwian �uthea�uth, I'aaetz, �rolicla. Abseaat:
Commi��ioner �iirshon. Also pre�eaat: Senior P�aasaaer I�aax�i�aa Dia�ector robl call
of Public Worlss Fi�ney; City Engineer �oyd; ��ordiaa� Se�re��ry Lucie
Zi. I�Iaatz ley o
Commissioa�er Ixwia� anoved to app�ove the �in�tes �E tka� .dnaby 22, 1968
�eetiaa�, �ppxoval of which had beea� postporaed for a m�re �o�n�alete previora�
Com�i��ion. C��issioner Euet� �econdeai Co�mis�ioa��r �utheaauth minutes
abstaia��d. Z'he �notioaa pas��d 3- 0. �pproved
Cam�nissioner Paaetz �oved, Co�unnis��,�a�ex �rwisn s��oaad�d �aad �t w�s pa��ed �inute�
ua�aaai�o��l�r to a�rprove �kae m�aauate� �f thae tlaagaa�t �2, b��� s�eg�ing. �pPxoved
Araa�ouncemea�ts of Pos��poa�emeaats P�S�P��e°
Seaior Plaananex L�ux°��a advi�ed tkne Co�i��ioa�er� �h�t ���i�� Rm��a�ctk �nd
Co�pany, Appl�c�ti�aa 16mUm68, h�d no� �tabm�.tfied ��ny exkaila��� fox° ttnis
me�tiang �nd iandicated tla�t �Lt m�gh� b� ���� ��ao� �e£o�e ��ai�L��.�n�l �dditi�ommal
presemmt�ti�aa� �aoubd lae �°ea�dy f�r sn�b��.�sioaao I�. �ra��an �aa�ge��ed ti�e
that tk��.� m��t�er be ��k�xa off tkae ��e�ada �aaad r�m�dvex�i�ed �� ��iu�e n�eded
when S�ars Roeb�ck has completed �aaothea° por�i�n �f th�ir px�seaat�
Gomaoissioner Ig°wft� �noved Co�ais�i�a�er ��ath�a����n ��c�aa�ed aaad i� w�s 16��J-68
passed unasa��ou��.y to delete this �atter fro�a tke� ���and� �nd re- directed off
ade�rti8e as �u�ge�ted by the Seaa�o� Pl��aier. agea�da
In this coaa�aection, Co�ai�siosaer �'rollich woaaa&��sed �b�ua� th� �ction
t�keaa at the City Cou�acil l�vel xel�tive to the gaax°kir�� ���b� widttns
approved f�r the S�ax� deeel��am��t, s�atia�� that tk�i� a��aadeneaat to
Ordinaaace 002 �q) i� a,an the di�cea�s��mm �t�i�e oanby sansi n�ot ��fficiea�tly ixaquiries
compl�ted to be passed upon and tknat a �.aa lais opin�.oaa a���isaace w�s aaad
requixedo Mro F'�olich reiter��ed th�t oaaby tkae �a�aildinng b�c��ion was state�nents
preeioaa�l� approved by �tae Planaain� Comini��ioaa aa�d ��n�� ka� w�s iaa
compl�t� disagreemeaat with the deci�iorn reg�rd�.�ag the pa�k�,�a�e
The Herbert Ite�xaart Jr. e et al� �►attex, Appl�,c�tim� lfl.-�'M 68, kn�d 11-Trt 68
previou�by laeea� postponed because of peaading litigation. Sea�ior scheduled
Planaaex Laaarin stated that the pxiaacipals t� tte� applicati�a� had for he�ring
reque�ted � postpoaaemeaat to Septembex 2� � 1968
page 2 Minutes of the Plan�ing Commission Augu�t 26, 196� PC-16
Announcements of Postponement� cont°d
request Senior Planaier Ioaurin slso reported that the pxi�cip�ls to Application
stated 18-Z-68 had r�quested a postpo�ement to Septe�ber 9, 1968.
18-Z-68 Commissioner Buthe�uth �oved, Go�i�sio�er Irwi� secvnded and it was
postponed passed una���ously to gxant � postponeme�t for Ap��ication 18-Z�68 as
�Writte� Communicatio�s
20-TM-6$ Senior Pla�ner Laurin advised the C��missioners �h�� � wxitten communi-
letter cation ��d been received in co�nection with Appbic�tion 20-7'M-68, Del
receive� �ra Develop�e�t Cowpany, Inc. and �sked that it be d�scu�sed in con
junctio� with the public heari�g at a later time on the �gends. The
Commissionexs concurred.
no There wexe no verbal coEUUaunications, �or were there any comooents from
verbals the audi��ce.
p.h. Public �iearings
6-V-fi8 A. Applicatio�a 6-V-68: Gh�rles W. Davidson �a�d R. Young; Variance
legend to reduce heigk of �asonry waLl f�o� xeq��.�ed 6 f�et tc� 4 feet.
Located at soutka side of �oanestead lt��d, 500 f�et ��st of the
Iiomestead High S�taool. First He�ra.ng.
Mr. Vaaa;.!���, o�ner of tk�e gsopexty aa�r.der di�cu�s�mn �aade t�ae presentation,
present- stating that the buyer of a poxtion of tkae proper�y k�ad �eqaaest�d that the
ation existing 6' fence around tka� �ite �e �educed to 4° i�n raeight to give bettes
exposure to hi� buildings. Al�o� �k�� the Coa�v�a�i�mce 1r1�rk�t �d�oining
this property was co�nplet�ly fenced iaa aand � seg��r�t� �aa�ity.
p.h. Commissioner Irwin moved, Cou�issioner Pu�t� seconaslecl aa�d it ws� passed
closed unanimously to close tkae public after mo �iudien�e �o���nts tn�d b�en
6-V-68 Comauissioner Ixwin �ov�d, Co��issioaaer Pu�tz se�caaaded to �pprove
approved Applicatioa� 6-Vm68 as sub�itted.
Tahen it became apparent �h�t the aoap did a�ot �h�w inkaex°eant di�ea�sions,
motion Commissiora�r Irwin aooviced to ��emmd h�� moti��a to �fiate th�� tkne fence will
amended run from the fro�t of ttae �uaxlcet �alo�ag tkae we�t pxoperty bine to a point
20' south of Iio�n��te�d Itoad. Commi�sioner Puetz aeconded.
Ayeso Gomauissioners Irwisa, �uthenuth, Puet� Fx°�lich
Noeso None
Absenta Commissioner I�irshon
roll on Roll call ot� original motion;
original Ayest Gom�issioners Irwin, B�athenuth, Puetz, Frolich
motion Noeso None
Absento Coaronissioa�er I�Iirshoa�
Minutes of the Plan�aiaag C��is�fon Aaagust 26, 1968 PC-16
Public I�bearings coa�t ad page 3
B. Agplication 18-U-68: Vallco Park; Use Permit for electronic 18-U-68
manufacturing faci�lity located we�t side of T�aat�aa Aveaue, legend
south of Galabazas Creelc in Vallco Paxk, �pp�o�cisn�tely
2.3 ��res. F'irst He�ring.
Mr. Walter Ward, General M�nager of V�llco Parlc, pxesexn�ed the applic-
action, st�ting that a Use Perenit w�s sought for the initial 2.3
acre phas� of a total six acre �ite. I� then introduced tlae archi- pxesent-
tect for the pro�ect who ea�laiaaed, by th� use of � p�mt pbaaa, site ation
plan �aad �treet elev�tion piara, the �ro�o�ed be�ildian�.
The architect sta�ed that the initb�l building wo�a�d �ompri�e of
30,000 sq.fte �nd that the ��b�,itted pl�n did nm� �laow �ny future
proposed constructions. l�r. Ward e�l�ia�d tta�t h� haci �ontacted
the Flood C�sa�rol District witta a re¢�u��t t� cower the creelc and read
a letter he had received fro� ttae l�anag�x° of the Flood Coaatrol • statements
District fa� response to his xeqaaes� wkaick� letter ia�di��ted tkaat
approval of the request to c�ex tkne cxeek was �xp����d.
, Whea aslced to co�mea�t, City �aagiaa��r� ���d ����ed �k�a� kae woaz�d �xef�r
to have �pprov�l of �kae eaatr�nce� d�£e��ced ga�andi�ag f�arther �iaad�stiP st�f#'
gation, statin� that the fast �aov�.�ag tr�ffic �xa T�ra��aa A�e�na�� �i�ta� comment
create a proble�.
There were no sudience cow��ant�. no co�nments
Commissiotaer Ilcwin moved, Co�is�foner �aat�a�sa�atta �e��a�d�d �iaacl it w�s p.h.
passed uaa�a�i�ously to clm�� t�a� peablic h��r�aag. closed
Commissiox�er �utlaenuth moved to �pprove Appla�c��io�a b�-U�6� �aab ject 18-U-68
to the 12 Stasadard Coxaditio�as with the adclit�.�xa�� c�xbdit�oan �hat approved
the southerly clrivew�y entrance �e �aab�ec�t to �ggaxov�i� kay the JPublic
Works Departmea��. Comusi�siox�er a�swiaa ���ond�de
Ayeso Commissioanexs Irwin, �utkae�aattn �etz, Frol�ch
Noe s : Noaae
Absent: Co�nissioner �iirshosa
C. Applicatiox� 19-Z-68: Claude T. Ligad�ay, Iaa�. D Rez���ng from 19-Z-68
Residea�tial Sir�gle-fa�ily 10,000 sc�.£�e lots (I8bm10) to legend
ltesidential S3ngle-f�i�aily 7 sgeft. l�t� (�1-705), approx-
im�tely 3.3 acres locatesi east side of It�ndy �aa� laetween
Forest Aveaaue �a�d Stevens ��°e�k �oulev�rd. Fir�t Iiearia�g.
D. Applicati.oa 19m�i 68: Glaude T. Lindsay Imc.; Tea�tative 19-TM-68
Map �pproximately 13.3 acr�s located be�rween Blaney �1vea�ue legend
�nd Raa�dy I�a�e, a�oxth of Steveaas Creek �oulev�rd. P'irst
Mr. Roger Letnr of MclZay and 5o�ps, Civil Eaagia�eexs, x�pres��ting the
applicant oa� both. above application�, was �slced if he wo�ald ob�ect no
to having both mattera discus�ed at tkae saane ti�ae. The applic�att ob�ection
did not ob�e�t.
page 4 Minutes of the Planning Coc�nission August 26, 1968 -PC-16
App lications 19- Z- 68 and 19- TM- 68 cont ° d
hearing Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was
combined passed unanimously to combine di�cussions of Applicatioa 19-Z-68 and
Application 19-TM-68.
The applicant w�s asked questioxas relative to lots 52 and 53 as shown
lots on the map. Mr. Lehr stated that these two lots were owned by Mr. Chavoya
questioned and that for technical and legal reasons he did not wish to appear on the
final map, as he was desirous of ret�iaiing the exist�ng buildings on
these lots.
clari�i- After some discussion on the sub�ect, it was the consensus that these
cation two lots should either be shown as oaae lot or receive � different
needed identification, lots A. and B. for e�c.aanple, to avoid confusion.
City Engineer Boyd explained that this property had beea� divided into
staff five lots and that lots 52 and 53 are included in the Tentative Map
report and its approval would ia�clude the two later subdieisions of the
residual property, but that the 12cKay �nd Somps map would �aot.
directive Chairman Frolich suggested that a not�e be added t� this �nap to the effect
that '� a separate map will be submitted on lots 52 and 5�".
City Engineer Boyd explained that, in essence, the �Plaa�xaia�� Commission
was asked to giv� approval for two Tentative Ma.ps ansdl sa�bdivision of all
of the property irato 1) a foa�rslot subdivisioan (lots 48, 49, 52 and 53) as
staff a residuab, a�d 2� a separate Tent�t�ve Map a�nd b�t divisio� into lots
opinions 52 and 53. This, however, would not me�n that tYaere wi�l never be a
fiaial map filed for either postion of this property. l�ix�. Finney stated
that the basic i�atent of the Ordisa�nce was to secu�ce dedication and
street improve�ents and that it would be of no concern to his department
whether or x�ot these two lots wer� included, since all conditions and
Ordinances had been adhered to.
no comwent Ttaere were no audience comenea�ts.
p.�. Commissivner Buthenuth moved, Comaoissioner Irwin seccanded �nd it was
closed passed a�nanimously to close the public hearing.
19_Z=68�� •- �Cammissioner Peietz moved to approv� Application 19-Z-b8 sub ject to the
approved 12 Standard Coaaditions, with condition 13) that the dedicatio� and
with improvement of the street area be specif�cally xequest�d a�s it was
conditions not shown on the zoning map. Go�anis�ioner Suttnenuth seconded.
Ayess Coanmissioners Irwin, Buthenuth, PueCz, Frolich
Noes: None
Absent: Commissioner Hirshon
Minutes of Planning Co�nissio� August 26, 1968 PC-16
Applications 19-Z-68 and 19-7�1 68 cont°d page 5
Commissio�er Puetz moved �o �pprove Applicatio� 19-Z°M 68 subject to 19-TM-68
the 12 Standard Conditio�s, wit� the �ddi�iona� condition� 13) that approved
as part of the Tentative Map approeal the l��s li�ted as lot 52 and with
lot 53 be listed as lot� A�nd �, re���ct��e�y, and 14� �he dedica- conditions
tion of all stxeets �� be t� the �ati�f�cti�n of t�e Ci�� Engi�eer,
specifically i� fro�t of lo�s A a�d � Q52 �nd 53). C��i�sioner
Buthenuth seconded.
Ayeso Cowaoi��ioners Ia�ai�, But��n�th ��e�z, F��bic�
Noes: Nomme
Absen�: �o�missioner I�irshon
E. Applic�tion 20-�'ri-6�a Deb �o I3�ve�o��ent C��p�ny, I�c.; 2�
Tentative l�p and Develo��ent 8ba�a, a�aprox���te�y 5.6 acres legend
located west �id� of k�x�y Av�ran�e, 1709 feet na�rth �f Stevens
Creek Boulev�rd. Fir�t I�e�riaag.
Mx�s Bilb H�eis�, Civi� Eangiaaeex fs�x� D�1 (�°� �v���p�emt C��para�, pre-
sented th� appbicatioan saad �����ai �h�� kaa,� ��m��ia�y �a�� d�si���x� �f � present-
proceediang wi�h a coand��ioan �k�a� fa.aa�A ����ng��ae��s be �ao��C�d oa�t a�tion
with the Divf.sioaa of �i,gtaw�y�. �
Chairman I�colich fel� tka�t �kae Divi�i��a of h�ghea�ys �ig�a� iwpo�e
certain cc+nslitioaas which might �at�ma,a�lly c�n�ua�� �k�� ap���,�at��n ��ed information
require �d j��tffiexat�. 1� <��l��ta w�aad��°�d ��o�at �k�� ad�:�s�l��.�,�.�y aieeded
of postpoxaing tta�.s ma�t�e� aa�ati�, �aa �a���d�d cna�a �osa�d b� ��a��i�,ed.
Seni�r Pl�nxa�r b�aa�rin r�p�rted tk��� h� had ��c�i��d b���e�°� from the
Divisioxn o£ Higkeway� c�pie� of whicka kaad �r�er���a�l� k���a� eli���ibuted.
Mr. I,�urin st�ted tkaat th�,s day h� Ya�d rec�ived � better from the letters of
Central Fire Pro�ection Dis�ric� rec�a����iang th�� �ka�.s m�t�er be c�ution
continued so that the acce��ib�,lity fo� fi�� �e��aig��e�at c��1d �ae cited
studied further, as thexe wer� �e�iona� p�obl�m�. kix. I�a��iaa advised
the applicant to contact th� �'ir� �i��t���t ���.��i�� �to �tkni� �.nvest-
igation �a�d offered ttae a�sist�sace �f �h� Pl�agniaag D�ps�rtmen�.
There were no comm�n�� from the ��adi�aac�• no comments
Commissioner Butheanutta moved to co�at�i�naae th�.� a�atter to �he next 20-TM-68
meeting with �he di�ective tha� tkae �t�f£ sa�d t�ae �ppli�aa�t worlc with continued
the Ce�tr�l Fire Protection D�s�r�ct �ind �t�� Div��i�ais of Hi�hw�ys to next
in an atteaapt to s�lve i�erea�� p�ob��sn� �ri�s to saabmiss�oaa �f ineeting
the applica�ion at the next �ne�tiaa� �nd that tla� ��$ff be requested with
to place tkais anatter on the aaext �gend�. �o�ani��ioa�er Irwia� �econded directives
and it was passed unani�ously.
Chairmax� Frolich ��lled a reces� at 9:20 �.�ne �recess
The meetia�g xeconvened at 9a35 p.�n.
page 6 Minutes of the Pl�nning Co�missi�� A�gust 26, 1968 PC-16
� 80,000.4
Anticipating a lengthy discussion mf the a�end�ent to Ordinance 002 (q-1),
agenda Commissioner Buthenuth mov�d to di�cuss App�ication 19-U-6�, listed under
order ��New Business'Q at this time �nd o�t of ag�nd� order to avoid inconveniencing
changed the applicant. Cou�issioner gxwin sec�nd�d ��d it was passed unanimously.
New Business
19-U-67 A. Applicatfon 19-U-f�7: ��neth �o Lcatz �nd Robert J. Whaley;
legend Applicat�oa� for renew�l of lUse Permit ��raai�tiaag four horses,
graaated by Pl�aanaiaag C�mo�i�siomm �n Sep��mbes �.1, 1967 under
Res�lu�ion No. 452 for oane add�t��mnal y�as.
Mr. Robert bJlialey, one of ttae app�ica�ats, made the px�sentation. The
pr�senti� staff reported that there were no object�,ons �o the gr��ating of the
ation Use Perwit, and Cha�.iwna� Fxobich explaix�ed to the audience th�t this
and staff Use Permit had pxeviously been gr�inted for a ye�r�y review and that,
comment� � accordi�ng to staff reports, xno ob3ecta,ons �m the appx�v�l t�ad been
no co�urent 1°here were no �udience co�etat� o
19-it-67 Commissioaner Irwi�a �oved to �pproa�� Ap�licat�,on IL9�3J-67 for one year
approved with the s��e consdi.�io�a� �s imposed oxa �he �r�,gi�nal Use Permit.
for one Commissioner �aa�taenaa�ta �ec�nded.
year Ayes o �oa���sioners ax°win ��thena�th, P�et�, �ra�g�.ct�
Noe s t Noxae
Absent a Coweni�s�o�aer I�a.xskaoa�
to agenda public �earia��s contina�ecl
86,005.1 � F. 86 ls Ox�d�,aa�nce 002 �q- �.� 9���ad�en� to 9�°dixaance 002 (q)
legend establishing reqvirem��ats fox° �ff-s�re�t park�.ng, First H�earing.
Senior Plaaaner �uriaa expb�i�aesi th� �ckn�nges maade fx�m th� pxevious draft
planner°s under dat� of l�rch 20, 1968. Tlaer� �re �inor ch�nges of verbiage in
present- Section� 2.5 a�nd 6; 2, and �a� jor ckasa�ge� in c��te�at�.on iaa Sectian 6.3,
ation the latter a� a resu�t of r�c�a�t pobic� deci�ioang by tkae Pl�nning
Commission aa�d the City Go�aa�ca.l.
After discussia�g S�s�io�n 6.2, t�ae C��uis�a.one�°s �g�°e�d on the wording
verbiage �►carports and car ����ters sh�l� be p�r�aitted �r� all nona-residential
approved zonesa and in li�u of g�rages in Ii,���.d�anti�l 1rl�a�tiple (It3) zones on
lots containing more ttnan ten dwelling units, provided that any such
carport or car shelter are iradtcated �n a Develop�nent Plan approved
by the Planniazg Co�nission��.
Sectioxa 6.3 was discus�ed extensively. Mx. I.�urin was of the opinion
section th.at a particular width of a parleing stall is either needed or unnecessary,
discussed independent of how much bandsc�ping the pa�king lot cont�ins, and staff
application of exceptions would be very diffbca��.t.
Minutes of �he Planni�g Co�nni�sbo� A�g��t 2�, 196� PC-16
page 7
86,005.1 co�tAd
Chairman Fxolich �gxe�d �� �rincb�"!e, �i�� h�s f�l�ow Com��ss�oners, �
but was of t�e opinion that there w���d be tremend�us pr�ssure for
exceptions, and tha� it might b� b�t�er �o h�ve a� �x�eption cl��se
with stated limitations rath�� t��� ����e the fi�ld ��e� for ��se-to� statements
case judgment. V�ria�ce� r��ui�i�g �ubbic hearings s�o�bd �ot be by
necessary, there sho��d be �� ���ept�on �rocedur� re���ri�g �pecific chairman
application and approval by th� City ���rac�� aft�� �e�a��e�datio� by
the Pla�ning Commissioaa, ra�h�r t��su �� th� A�chitect�r�� ��d Si��
Control Co�mitteeo
Gity Engineer Boyd �t�ted th�� ���e parkb�g �o� l�y���� of sA�� plans staff
is nor�ally xeview�d �s ��t�ff f�s�cta�n, g��� H�o���ol ��� no comment
decision to make.
C�mmiss�o�er Buthenuth sug�e�t�d �o deb�te sub���s�gr,��� d. of Section
�,3, place �a�� undex "Ex��p�i���oe ��d �o�t��ue ��a� ����er �m� i�e
plementa�io� of � d�££erent �e���a�e. �ity ��g��eo�� �oyd ��gge�ted suggestions
, to also ��.�ce S���3.o�i 6.4 unas���° 'o�����fvi���DA o� �r�� �-��.�r�aaa�e te ?r��d
that "�e aisl� di�ae�as��a�s �����b b� ,�� �e�u���°�d� i�� ��a� �:��y Ear,ga.n��xP'.
Commissi�nex arwin �n�eci to ���tg�aca� �h� ���� ��� �� tku� aaea�� �n���i�g. � 86
Commis�i�a�x But�enutk� ��coxa��c� �r�d �.� �aa� pa.���� �,:r�.;�:.�ao�x�� �. continued
�lnfimmi�hed B�sianess �anf.business
A. 8Y.,004.124: ��n���A ��a��a������ �a1��rn..a.��� �T�o ��� Q�� a 81
Senior Plasaner I�uri��a st�tesd �� ka�� o��ta�b�� fi�ku�� ��aa�� of, aancl p�blbc
hearing� ora ttae �a�tiar� Ord�.aa�a��� ��9�� ��af�� w���� prob���y �aot
necessitate a�uch mox�e �i�� �lrn��n ��a �s�iaaa��e s�qa;�.����� a��� 8�r�it staff
for certain u�e�, bec�iu$e t�Y� ������° �� �as�� ��� �ro�,a� �o b� the oa��.y opinion
controversial �aa�� of tla� co�a����� ��faaa�aa��e ��i��a-���a ���b�.�tn �gre�d.
Commissioner Buth�n�tkn m�ved �o ���atia��� dg�c�.s�i�xa� �f thi� m�ttex° 81,004.124
to the specia�. �cl�o�ara�ed �e���.aag �ch��u�.ed fo� ��g����be� l�. b968. continued
Commissionex �rwin �econded �s�d i� �a�s ��i���sl �aa��aa��a��a��y.
New Busiaae�s new business
A. APPl��at�o� b9-b1�6`�a ������ Vo Laa�� ��cl d8m��rs� J. �a��y9 19-U-67
I�eaaeraal o£ �Jse Pe�a��e
This watt�x had ��evio�isly been dis�an��ed �nd received �ppr�va�l. approval
page 8 Minutes of the Planning Cmmmi�sio� A�g�st 26 1968 PC-16
New Business cont°d
81,004 B. 81,004a �se Pex�it proced�r� for ��le� a�d rentals of boats.
Senior Planner I.auxin reported t�at he had �ade a ten��tive administrative
decision decisio� that �his �ctivity is co�p���b�e to a used car lo�, �nd that he
made h ad reque�ted that �he appli�a�t �pply for ��se Per�it t� be heard at
the Septe�ber 9, 1968 meeti�g.
decision Gotnmi�sioner Buthenuth �mved to re��ff�r� �h� s�ggestion as made by the
re� Se�ior Plan�e�. C�nm�s��oner Irwi� ���o�ded a�� it was pa�sed unanimously.
Ttae st�ff w�s ira�tructed to place the need for cabl of axn �djourned meeting,
dir�ctive � seheduled for Septem�ex 11, 1968, oaa t,he agencl� for the September 9, 1968
�oeeti�ag of this Pl�naain�g Comgn�,ssbomo
moti�n �.�., Co�uoi�sioaa�x Iz�wiat anoveci, Coa�ni�sioner B�atlaenutla �econded �and it was
a�ijau�*� p�ssed u�s�aai�aon�sly th�� the ene�tiaag be �d,��uxned<
ad�zau�n-� � T�ae meet��g �d���uxned �t 1�:55 �a.m�.
�'�RG��i�D .
Q .
A�ST: /s� IDona�d A. i�r�lich
C�c�� �m,�,�`�
Sea�ios Plasaner