PC 08-12-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Phone: 252-4505 PC-15 80,000.4 MINUTES 4F THE REGULAR 1riEETING OF THE PLANNING COMI�iISSION HELD AUGUST 12, 1968 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CgTY HALL, CUPERTINO CAL IFOItNIA The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.�n. by Vice�Chairman Hirshon, call to order who subsequently led the asse�nblage in the flag s�lute. flag salute Couimissioners present: Buthenuth, Puetz, �LirsYaon. Absent: Commissi- oners I�win and Frolich. Also present: Senior Planner Laurin; City roll call Engineex Boyd; Director of Public Works Fia�ney; Itecording Secretary Lucie M. M,atzley. As two Commissioners were absent �t this meeting and another two Commissioners had been unable to attes�d the July 22, 1968 meeting of approval of the Planning Cotamission, Commissioner Buthenuth sugges�ted that the minutes post- approva�l of the minutes of that �eeting be postponed to the next poned regularly scheduled meetinge �� C�ma�issioner� con�ur�ed. Senior Planner Laurin reported th�t, �c�ox�ding �o insLrructions given explanation by the Planning Comroission_at their l�st meeting, Agpl�cation 16-U-68, Sear� Roebucic and Company, would remain on the agenda un�il such time as the Sears xepresentatives had further,matters to submit; how- ever, no items had been presented for �his �aeeting and continuance was requested. T'tae Commissioners unani�ously �greed to continue 16-U-68 Application 16-U-68 to the next regu�ar meeting. continued There were no further announcement,s of postponement�. There were no written communications. no written Mr. Laux�ia stated that the City Council h�d �eact the revision of the ordinance Parkiag Ordinaace bacic to the Plan�isag Commi�sion �nd that this matte revision could either be studied further or �et for Public Hearing. returned Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was 86,005.1 passed unanimously to let the advertisin.g of the Public Hearing stand scheduled as is and schedule the Public Hearing on the matter for the next for p.h. regular �eeting. Public H�earin,�s publ.hearing� A. Application 17-Z-68 (3-Z-68): Maryknoll Construction Company 17-_ Z-68 and Suburban Assoeiates; rezoning from an Agricultural- 3-Z-68 Residential (A1-10) zone to a Multiple High-density Resi- le�end dential (R3-2.2*) zone, approximately 20.5 acres located west of Lockwood Drive between Voss Avenue �nd Alcalde Road. First H�earing. page 2 Minu�es of the Pla��i�g C�w���si�� A����� b2 b��� PG 15 80,000.4 App lication 17- Z- 6� (3m Z� 68� co�a� o�i Architect Texasohlea� repxesea�ting �he ��plicaa�t m�id� t�ne presentatioat by the use of plot plans, �rckni��c�aar�b s��nd�r�,�ng� aans� �eb�v��ions, aaad stated that �his 20.5 �cre �ite w�� c��p��s�d mf kn�.��. �r�a a�s well as proposal flat axea� �nd th�t i� w�s l�is ga�o��s�l �� c��a��aas�� ���n�tx�uction iaa outlined several �t�ges. ��x° ex�mple e th�� �irst� �ta��� ���a�.�l bc� ��aa�tx°ucted upon approv�l of the project lby �k�e �r�����s �g�sa���� �and �he rem�ining phases to be constructed to coinca.de �o�apg�ti�n� wb��n the Gity-p��inned widening of Fos�thi�.l �o�al�vaxd �� ��saa�r� joiaa� ��mg�i�t�o�n of tao�h projects. Mr. Termohlen cited ttne lengtkay pr��ed�ar�e of �b�aa�a: �ng �i g�°o��ct of this type, desig�aing sacne, obtai�aia�g fi�aa��.mg c���t�aa��i�a� i� �nd firaally pre�edur�:� go through the pxoces� of resa�iaag thne a�a�i��, ��� mf �a�n��h co�ald fea�ibly e�cpL�i:�eci take �o�e tkx�ee ye�irs to coan�be��. k�eo ���°�,mk�1�:a� s��t�sl �h�t only 9� of the tot�l �cxe�ge woeald b� cower�d �aitks �aa�bdian��� ttvere wo�ld be virtually aao gaxa�e� v��bbl� a as 3/4 �£ �th;e ��ogosed aa�a�b�r of garages � �re planned for underground loc���i�an ��d oan�}� 1�� �f ��i�� fox� com- structioaa �bou� the gro�nnd. � Irwin arriti, es Comenissioaaer Irw��n �gsiv�d �Lr �o �„� �a.�. Architect Termohlen coa�tisa�aed h�is ��e��an�.�� y�an �s� �����fa�� �aat so�e of the most aCtractiv� fe�ture� m� �tkae ��°�p���� ��0���� ��$t�.a�g tt�t the view from �11 uaait� of ukae ka��knozc�s� ��a������as��� � T�a��°g� ���t��a� of � the Bay Ax°ea, th�� �he a�an�,�� �r�n�b� �� ��=�r��� ��� d���.�r� �nd t�a� oraly present� � soane 40,000 s�.ft. of �he t�t�� �m�� alss ��c���� �� ��,:a �a��1�.�aa squ�re feet, ation car►�- � would b� kaa�ild u�oa�. � f���hae� ������ �fl��� ���:�� �a�� ��� ��a�e where tinu� � � the Cit� wo�abd �a�cldeaaly b� £�c�� �i�P� �i t����f�,�; �a�°q�:��� �iE �s�a �dclitional 880 cars b�at that the pr�����c� b�aa�.d�an� �a� ������ �a��a�d �r�daaally incre�se ttae tr�ffic ge�n�x°��ed �� �k�� ��an���� a�� ��n� �o-4� a�anits to co- incide with the Ci�y ° s wi�leaaian� ��E F�����.�}1 B��n�l�e��i�¢�. Wtien asleed for co�nmea�t� S�aa�o� g��a�ne� I�ica��.�a ���g�c� ��n��e w��e consi- der�ation� for as welR �s �gaian�� ��a�kn a�i�����ps��r�t�y �an o�ne side this type of develop�ent is highly d�sf���b� b�c��a�� m� ��� ��r�� ��x�entage of comanents by open space ; on the ottaex ��ide �kn�� ��man�i�n��d b�a����,�� �f tk�e overall planner density ian the Foothill B��alew�rd �r�� �� ����r�a� ����� th�� wh�t the � Genea°�1 Pl�n foxesee� ,�itho�;-�t provi�icr. �c�r �aYb���.s, tr�ffic capacity etc.-, caill lead �Go ��rious difficulties aY.d expensese - ' City Engineer Boyd coac�meaa��s� oaa �k�� tr�f���� �����.�� �a�d tk�e increased traffic oa� exi�tfn� $ttre�r� �� �tne ba�s�� ������i�aa �� c�evelopments of staf f report ttais Isiaad. 7Ct wa� k�. �oyd ° � ��Sisa�.�an ���� � �� ���� ��� �.�����Y �ad been on traffic adopted witta this are� q C�pex�in� �igkat abev�� ka�v� b��x� developed �nd problems grown into � comu�ua�i�� of its pre��aa� �a��, �� ttae �h��aa existing streets could not �ossibly h��e c�x�iec� �kee pre�ea�t. �x�f£�i� �.��d. l�x°. Boyd further stated th�t deve]L�p��mts �u�ch �s �la� ��a� a��ad�r di�caa��ion force street� to be upmodeci �nd th�t, irn kais opi�n�.o�n, dev�lop�nea�t of hbllside are�s could not be forbiddeaa �obeby on tr�ffi� co�asid�ac��ioa�s. Mf.nutes of the Planning Gommissio� Aug�s� 12 1968 PC-15 80,000.4 Application 17� Z- 68 (3- Z� 68) cont e d page 3 Vice Chairman Hirshon aslced for �udience �o�oment� at th�.s point. Messrs. Robert Kelm of 10549 San . Roade �lea� �bert of 10190 Lockwood Drive; Niike Goll.icls of 106(�3 �anta I�aaci� Dxiv� asad Don Deal of I0555 Portoka Ro�d, all spolse in op�osition �o tlae dedelopment statia�g such ob�ections �s in�dequ�te water �u�ply �a�istiaa� ro�ds being unable to c�rx°y additional tr�ffic, exce�� nois� £�r tkae rest audience home in the ar�a, high density in�cc�s�ibility for fire equip�aent opposition and the Commissioaao� prianary ��rpos� �o measu�e px�gxe�s a��t oaaly as it relates to profit but to corasidex°�it�oaa� �f tkae g�ea�e�t v�lue to the community. In rebuttal, Architect Ter�ohlen sta�ed tkaat tl�e�e were no "swinging�' units an�icipated as taad be�n fe�ixed by a we�nber of the audieance, as all uraits �aou]Ld have on� s tw�, and three bedroo�a fac�litie� with no studio �partmeaats plaaaaaed; tha� there would be no iaacrease in s�hool taaces as iaas�x�aace compaa�ies frown upon lending �uoney for architect's developments that allow tenants wittn s�a�lb 6'��bdx°exa9 �tna�t tt�e teanaa�ts rebuttal �rould be of a�aliber to und�rlia�� tta�ir �sb��.it� �� �a� r�a����,s in exce�s of $300 per ua�i�t each �noaattaa �rad tk��� �ka��� ����d ta� �n� question of a fire h�izard as no h�� in �h� en�i�e a�e� �s built �o standards applied to this devebop�aeaat whicka is f�a��r�h�a�rs fire rated under 1200 degrees. Com�nissioa�ex° Irwin re3.tex�ted the �ro�le� �ir�a� as ��atbi�a�d by the architect, i.e. inadequate w��ex sea�a�s�y �c�o�b�, wid���ng of roa�ds necessity for anx�exatioa� and fire equ�pmeng. ga� ��a�aka���zi�� e�ch point, Cocnmi�sioner Irwin s�id that the �r��°� w��er ��a�rca.ty was a w�ll-lcno� fact to �hich �lais dewe�.oga�en�� coubd on��y �slda while it is true tha� insurance comp�nies do n�t la.ke to l�nd �on�y to opinions by dev�lopme�ts that allow childr�n, t�he�e sa�a� �o�p�a�i�s wiJ11 �gree to commissioner Cenant� with childreaa wkaen tkae uu�a.�s a��e a�no���g�bed ��� �v�n � shor� time; aa�d tlaat fire and polic� �rotec�ioan fox° +�ka� ar�a was a proble� although not an insurmount�ble one. kioweve� ttaa� th� ua�ces�i�y for annexation was, in Mr. Irwin°s �pinioa�, �f �tae uten��t i����tance as streets h�d to be wide�d witlao+ut na�ce�s���ta.�ng l�ng�hny $�ad costly litigatior�. Commissioner Puetz �gaeeed witkn Commissf�aa�� I�w�.n �� ��rating that he was against a develo��nent of thi� aaa�a��� �� k�e d�ai namtt f�e�l that concurrence this was the right �ime to allow suckn stx�act�z��� gan C�a��rtinm. Commissioner Ixwin �noved, Coe�nissioaner g�ae�z secoaadeci �aad i� w�s P•h• pas�ed unaa�imously that tkae public �a����ng be �l�ase�• closed Comrnissioner Irwin moved to der�y Applicatio� 17�Z-68 (3�Zm6�) , Cocn- 17-Z-68 missioner I'uetz secoxaded. 3-Z-6$ Ayes: Commissioners �rwin, �aathenu�kn, �'���z �i�.��kaQn� denied Noes: None Absent: Cocn�ni�sianer ��olictn page 4 Minutes of the Planni�g Commis�io� A��ust �2 196� PC-15 80,000.4 Application 17-Z-68 (3-Z�68) cont°d right to Vice Chairenan Hirshon advised the �pplicant of his xight to appeal this appeal decision, iaa writing aaad within fiw� sia�� 9 �� �k�e Cit� Cour�cil. 6-V-68 As the applicax�t foz° Applicati��a 6�V�E�8 w�� ��� i�a the audience at this deferred point, Commissioner Buthenuth c�ov�d, Co��.s��.on�r Irwin seconded and it was passed un�nicnously that �kai� �at�t�� b� �leferred t� tkne last item under Public �arings. 18�TM-E,� �. Application 18-7L'M 68: Ch�rAe� W. Dava.d��a� �omP�a�y� Tentative leg�?�s� lrlap, approxia��tely 4.8 a��es go��ited a� ��a� �W c�x°r�er of Portal Avenue and Stevens Cr�ek. Bo�alevaxd. �'isst H�aria�g> t1r. R. E. Slater represented tla� ��plicasat, Tkie staff stated ttaat this presenty was a routine matter and tkaat the 12 St�xada�d C�nd��ions should be ation applied to the approval. no �o�nmert � Vice Chairua�n Hirshon� as�Ced for ��a�lgea�c� co�ea�±�s 9 �lhexe were none . Some discussion ensued amo�ag the G���.�saom��°� x��lat��r� to the egress and ingress to the four parceb� a� �aell �s e�e�h p�xc�las proposed tenant. discusse�n� The applic�nt statecl that th� iaad�,vidua�l ����s w�ugd prob�ibly lend themselves to the occupation kay � re�t��r�nt, ���rvic� s�ation and a market but that nothing ta�d be�a� ��aalEi��ed t� d�t� o suggestian City Engineer Boyd �ugge�ted tkn�t � coaada.t�.o�n f�r a� 30 ° easement to by s~af� t�e improved to the City°s requix°e�eaa�� be a�po��d o�poaa the �pplication. p.h. Commissioner Buthenuth mnvecl, Co�nis$ione� �r�aiaa s�conaded �nd it was closed passed unaa�imously th�t the p�bl�c �a�a�ring �e clo�ed. 18-TM-6$ Commissioner Buthenuth moved to �pgax�v� �,��bi�c�tiora ���Trd-68 subject approved to the 12 S�and�rd Conditio�ns, wi�ka ��na3�ta�oaa b3� �h�it tkae ease�ent with shown on the map sh�ll be i�nproved t� Ci�y s��nd�rds and to the conditions satisfaction of the City Engia�eer. �om�ai���,�aaer P�ue�� seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin �aa�h�naatk�, Pax�g�, hi�..��h�n Noes: None Absent: C�nanissioner Fro�i�h 7-V-68 D. APPlication ?-V-G8: O�k K�aobl ���p$aa�; ����i��a�� �o pexmit con- legend struction of � 6' fe�ace oaa fx°oaat p�o�ex�y line wtae�°e Ordinance permits oaaly � 3° feaa�e. Lo�� Il. 2, �, 4 and 50 l�cated east side of Foothill �oulgd�rd �� Vi��� I�aaoll �o�ilevard. First Hearing. 8-V-6$ �. Applic�tion 8-V-6�: ���� as �b�Vee v�xiance to reduce rear yard legend setback from required 20° �o d.O Lot 50 of the �ibove location. First Hearing. Mi�utes of the Pl�n���� C���issio� Aug��� 1�� Y96$ PC-15 80,000.4 Applications 7PV�68 a�d �- V°�8 co�t°d page 5 Commissioner Buthenu�h moved Go�mi��bone� �rwirn seco�ded a�d it was 7-V-68 and passed ux�ammi�ously that both a�pbicat���� be di������d a� the same 8-V°68 time. combined Mr. David Ia°r��lClin of 23�3 Prun�riclg� S�nt� Cb�ra rc��r�s�a�ted the applicant, st�ting �Ch�t he concurred with ��.� sugge����mms a� �aade by the Pl�nning Co�mis�ion �aaad the 1Plaaixai�g I�pa�t�eaa� aand that present- the constructions would no� �t alb lomk 1�ke si�apg�x�� �aad �aould ation retain existing, �aature oalc tree� �a� �h� &.�andsr�a�sing. The ��aff co�romented th�t �knes� taao �ta�arb�a�ce� ta�d ���aa ���adi�d tharoughly �xad th�t �ka�re r�er� �no obj�cti�ns. ��xe �a�s, k�o�r����° � ��a�gestion a:hat �h� applicant l�e requiared to pl$ce �i �t�p �a.�a� �a�t�knia� �k�e fenced staff �ncl,asur� as a s�f�t� me�snaxe, wk��.ctn sign wou�d b� �xi�r�te and not a suggestion �"ity �i�n. �oeYmais�iosaer Irwix� �skeci �.� �ka�.� woubd po�� � ta��dship for ti�e applic�nt a�a�l was told �th�it it wou�d nc�t. Commi�sioaaer B�sthex�utt� �naeed, Co�i���.�aa�� P�a��� ���maaded �aad it was p.h. ��s�ed unaaai�ou�ly �hat the pulbli�, ka�a�a.an� �o�° ���� a��b�c�a�io�s lbe closed Glosed. ;c�munissionex Irwiaa ��ved for a�rpr�v�A �f Ap�a�i��t�.�a� 7�N-6� �ubject 7-V-68 to the 12 St�iaadar�l Conditions, witk� �oaaditi�aa b3) �h�� tkn� priv�tely approved irastalled aa�d ��ixataaned stop sign �k��lb be p���e�l w�tha�aa the fence. with i,ommis�ioner �u�hea�nath seconded. coaaditions `�tiere was so�e discu��iom m� cl�r�fyiang �ka� eac�c� bo����,�sa for the stop siga�. It wa� �a�ggested tkna� �k�e �����aa faa������ �?��t tk�e stop location s�gn sh�ll be pl�ced �n �I�e dr�iv��aay �� da�sect�cl lb� ��� ga�bbic Woxks clarified Department. 1'he Co�issioaier� concurred. Ayes s Gom�ni�sioners Irwian, �uat�aeaa�at�kn, �P�a��� e �rs�n�aa roll call Noest None on vote Absenta Co�rmissionex° Frolich Commissioner Irtain �noved to �p�rov�e A�agali����oa� ���1��,� �ubj�ct to the 8-V-68 12 Staaadard Conditions. Coma�issiosa�� ��ntkaean�a�fla ���oaa�e�. aPProved Ayes a Commi�sion�x°s Irwin, Ba��hn��a���, Paa���, �,a��l�oan Noes: None Absento Gommission�r �xoli�h B. Elpplf���ia�a 6-V-68a Ch�irbe� W, l�vicl��n �xacl It. X�ua�g. 6oV-68 This matter had beea� deferred to t��a�� �i�e for l��ls of an $pplicant. Since the �pplic��t had not �rriv�d �o�i���.�aa�x Irwin a�oved that postpone- this matter be placed on the agend� f�r ttae meetiaag to be held on ment August 26, 1968. Gommissioner �uthe�n���r �eco�aai�d and it was passed unani�nou s ly . page 6 Minu�es of �he Plannin� Co��issio� A���s� 12 �968 PC-15 80,000.4 Public I�earings cont'd 81,004 F. 81,004s Amendment to Planned Develop�ent Ordinance No. 002 (o) After Mr. Burrel Leonard, on beh�lf of I�ir. W�lt�r W�rd who was out of town, had ascertained that this a�end�ent h�d bee� �ade available to p.h. Mr. Ward, Co�mis�ioner Buthenuth �oved, Goma�issioner Irwin �econded closed and it w�s passed unani�ously that �he public hearing be closed. 81,a04 Commissioner Buthenuth moved that the Planai�ng Comiais�ion xecommend to rec�iv��� the City Council that the ��endmen� to Planned Develop�e�t Oxdinance apprvv�l No. 002 (o) be �pproved. Co�snissi�ner P�etz �econded. Ayes: Cammissioners Irwi�, Buthe�uth, Puet� �x�hon Noes: None Absents Commissioner Frolich unf.��sir��.�s Unfinished Busiaiess G�.ty Engiaseer Boyd e�l�ined th�t Irir. Toan F�eaaderson, Cieil �ngineer absenc� and represe�ntative for the �pplic�iat ��lseye�ki Tom�, w�� a�a��ble to explain.gd attend the meeting because of ill�e�� and h�d ��kesi t�a� City Engineer to submit the application. l�ir. Boyd had agxe�d. to do �o as � sympathetic gesture and bec�e�se Mr. H�e�ader�on was undergoing �ur�ery. Mr. Boyd explained ttha� the only revision of th� previo�sly �pproved Tent�itive Map Application 10-T�i-6� was irn �no�ing the lo� line on parcel B staff which is r�ther large aa�d h�� an existing Yn��se �itna�t�d on it, �nd report Chat there were no objections �o tka� approw�l �f ttai� revi�ion as far as the Engineering Dep�rtment w�i� ��ncerned. Some discussion ensued rel�tive to the re��on� for �his change. The Commissioners were advised by the staff tka�it ���le of the property discussions by Mr. To�ns h�d not m�teri�liz�d �a�d th�t �. To�n� ta�d decided upon the division of the land. I�. ����d c�utioned th�t, to his knowledge, PG&E may a�eed an easemea�t on tYnis p�operty and wondered if Mr. Toma was aware of this. Mr. Boyd stated that Mr. H�nd�xson h�d left the �pplication at the statements absolute discretion of the Plaainia�g C�m�ission because of his absence but that he did �aot forese� any d�.ffic�lti�s �taoa�ld this easement be required. Commi�sioner Irwin voiced his cox�cern �bo�� h�ving the Gity Engineer emergency represent the Civil Engineer wkno repxes�nted the applicant before this request Commis�ion. Mr. Boyd eenphatically st��ed �ha.� appro�cYa h�d been agreed outlined to because of Mr. Henderson°s emergency request and that he, as City E�agineer, was not presenting this �pplication to advocate an approval. Director of Public Works Finney �mptaa�iz�d that many municipalities, staff especially ttaose surrousading Caapertino, subdivide exa�tire tracts solely comment upon the recommendation of tkae staff witthout �ver consulting anyone else. Mi.nutes of th� Pl��aanin� C��ission A�a�s� 12 1968 PC-15 80,000.4 Application 10-Z'M-6� coa�t ed pa8e 7 Cammissfoner Ir�afn �aoved fo� a�prova� of xevi�i�an of �r�a��.ously 10-TN�68 approved �lpplic�tioa� l0oTk1-68 suta ject t� thae sau�� c�aa�i�tions th�t revision were imposed on the origiaa�l Tent�tiwe �p. ��n�.�si�ane� B�xthenuth approved seconded. Ttaere were que�tion� xelative to tk�� �n�c���it� �f �wpo�ing �m ease- ment ox� this ��plic�tfon, but it was f�lt tka�t this wo�sbd b� unre�son- consider- able and not withisa the Platan�.mg Co�cni���io�°� j�ri�d��t�.�n �t tk►is ations time . L�yes: Comcnis�ioners �rwin B�athenu�kn E�a��z, Ha.���aoa� Noes: None roll call ,+�bsent: C�issionex F'rolicYa on vote . 4'ice Chaixanan I�irskaon calged � rec��s at 9045 pe�e recess The a�eetia�g xeconvened at 9:53 p.�a. 8. Ligtn� Ind�strsi�l Axci�a�anc� �T�e 2�� (a➢ 81,004.122 TYae consen��as taad be�n ��rli�x �o �o��pca�a� d���aa���.os� of �kaa�� �atter to a time wheaa the a�eca Comcnis�ioaa�r� �aa�. �a� ���as�xt�a��.t�► �o f��ailiarize themselves witl� tta� �aroble�,� at kn�a�d, p�rt�c�barR�r �ka� pexfor�naaace standards. Senior I'lanaae�c Isaur�.n s�at�cl tla�t �a���ra�ive �.a�quixies staff had beeau �n�de to variou� ���ie� �ka� %��ig�e of Cabif��a�.a Ci���s, as report �aell as ou� of Sta�e, �rad �ka�� tka� C��i�� �f ��em��� �a�d Saaa �Lateo l�ave saach Ox�dia��nce� ka�,t �k�ere s��bb �� � questiQm �£ ��n���ca.n� them. Gommis�ioner Irwin w�ndex�d �akn� �u�ex°�ino sk����d ra��it f�ax� other cities and their Ordia�ances whea� a� can �e�i�i�y kaav� ��� �urnao kd�. I.�a�rin cautioned that this is a laighly sp���i���z�cl m���ex whi�ta need� ex- comments tensive studies of how th�s� �erfo�n�a�ce st��nc�ard� ca�n b� enforced by the �uilding Depaxt�ent. City Engineer Boyd £elt ��a� i� rao�ald b� siif£�.cu�� �o lce�p ix� con- formance 9 police �nd era€or�e saxcka �a� �d�,aa�aa�e, �nd. ttaat perfor�ance opinion by standax°ds are excelbent �a� th��r� b�nt �.�ck �.xa �ax°�c��c�ility. staff Mr. Burrell Leon�ard �ddr��sesl tkae C�uornni���i��a�r� ���iaa� ttaat he took exceptioaa to the �.egatave �ppro���n �o t�a�,� �n���er �a� th� Com�nis�ioners, as it was left to tk�e disc�e�i�a� �� �ka�.s ��w����bor� to prova�cle �n opportunity for tkae Cbty �o vc��y ��tea���1�y �,�n�rv�� i�t� po�ition �mong other comnaunities e �nd �kn�st t�ni� d�l�naaa�sa,� Con�i�sion w�uld aneet with monua�ental �uc���� if it wo�absl ��1�� �kue f���� �owe instead of audience waiting for other citie� t� do ��e Tt wa� l�o L�onard°s opinio� that opinions this Commission �taauld ka�ve ttae cooa�age to enter upoa� pioxLeering ventures, set preced�nces �i�d e�r�n �a�lc� �ni�t�kes �aad le�►rn froa� them but certaia�ly not raait for ot�ae�� �� t�k� the le��, �nd that the greatest singl� co�ent ag��nst the F'laxaaiing Co�issi�n was that their timidity over th� ���� £o�a� years haci lo�t v�luable timee page 8 Minutes of the P1a�ning Gommisa�an August 12, 1968 PC-15 80,000.4 81,004.122 cont'd After more discussion, it was the consensus that it was necessary need for to schedule an ad�ourned meeting to dfscuss this mat�er adequately, special since agendas for regular meetings of this Commission are rather meeting lengthy. The Planning staff was directed to obtain as �uch �aterial as possible, to contact places �uch as the UniversiCy of California �nd San Jose directives State College where students might welcome an opportunity to study perfor�aance standards with great enthusi�s�, �nd to supply a composiCe of information to the Commissioners fax study. Senior Planner Laurin requested the �ssistance of anyone interested in this matter, having i�formation relating to it. Z't�e st�ff was instructed assistanc� to place this matter on the age�da for the next regular meeting so that requ�s��� �n adjourned meeting can be scheduled for �t least two weeks after the Commiss�oners receiv� the bulk of the material for study. In answer to a rumor repeated by a member of the sudience, by which staff Sears Roebuck and Comp�ny was planning �o construct � w�reho�se on comments available land in C�perti�o, City Engineer Boyd wond�red which per- formance stand�rd could be �pplied t� a warehou��. Commissioner Buthenuth moved to tent�tively pl�n on Wednesday, September meeting 11, 1968 as the d�te for an �djourned me�ting to discus� the Ia.ght schedul�d Industri�l Ordin�nce. Go�missioner Irwin seconded �nd it was passed unanimously. new bus. New Business $1.0�04..124 Senior Plaaner Laurin suggested that, as the City depends on an outdated County Ordinance £or General Gommercial zones, an i��eri� Ordinance be adopted, a dxaft for which had been presented to the �omonis�ion�rs. Commissioner Buthenuth made paxticular mentio� of the portion of th�t Ordixiance de�ling discussions with drive-in restaurants and that �n interi� Ordia��ce pl�cing such uses under a Use Permit should be enacted, after which the e�tire Ordinance could be re-written to control �11 proble�s. agenda Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Co�missioner Irwin �econded and it was placement passed unanimously that this matter be pl�ced under "Uafinished Business" requested oa the agenda for the next regul�r meeting. There were no further audie�ce com�ents. ' motion to Coumnissio�er Buthenuth moved, Ca�mi�sioner Irwin seconded �nd it was aa�ourn passed unanimously that the meeting be ad�ourned. Minutes of the Planning Commission August 12, 1968 PC-15 80,000.4 page 9 The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. adjournment APPIt0�1ED: � l ATTEST': /s/ Jacic L�irshon Vic� - Chaixanasa �r�rra� �p�.x�rrr �i�� o�G�n�.v� Senior Planner