PC 07-22-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Phone • 252-4505 PC-14 80,000.4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAA MEETING OF THE PLANNING CO1rIlriIS5I0N HELD JULY 22, 1968 IN T� COUNCIL CHAMBEBS, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIF. 2'he meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman Frolich, who call to order subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. flag salute Commiasioners present: Irwin, Puetz, Frolich. Absent: Commissioners Hirshon and Buthenuth. Also present: Senior Planner Laurin; Assistant roll call Planaaer Nuzum; Director of Public Works Finney; City Engineer Boyd; City Attorney Anderson; Recording Secretary Lucie M. Matzley. Comaniseioner Frolich suggested that condition �k15 on page 4 of the minutes of July 8, 1968 be clarified to read �� .. restricted to the request for types of buildings as indicated in the cross-sections as shown on clarification the renderings." , and that Resolution #539 approving Application : 13-Z-68 be changed accordingly. City Attorney Anderson advised the Commiasioners that this was a matter of inechanics aaad that a more specific verbiage could be incorporated legal " into the above itesolution by minute order and approval of the amended points minutes. Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed minutes unanimously that the minutes of July 8, 1968 be approved as amended. approved Senior Planner Laurin advised the Commissioners that litigation on the property of H�erbert W. Regnart, Jr. et ux was coatinuing, necessi- announcement tating a continuation of Application 11-TM-68, Item A. under the of post- "Public Iiearings�� portion of the listed agenda. ponement Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed uaanimously that the heariag of the above matter be postponed for matter thirty days. postponed Mr. Lauri�a further reported that he had received a request from the applicant for Application 16-U-68, Item B. under "Public Hearings", request for asking to be heard first on the agenda since the applicant had to early hearing meet a plane schedule. Commissioner Irwia moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed unanimously that Item E. be moved up to replace Item A. under the matter moved "Public Iiearings" portion of the agenda. uP There were no written communications. no written There were no verbal communications from the staff, nor were..there any� no verbals verbal communication s from the audience. page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission July 22, 1968 80,000.4 PC-14 Public Hrearings 16-U-68 A. Sears Roebuck and Co�paa�y: Use Pernsit for a retail store legend and �ervice station within a Ylanned Development (P) zone. Approximately 17 acres, located NW corner of Steve�as Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road. First H�earing. Mr. Robert Owens, representing the �gplicaat, asked that approval be considered for the submitted plot plan for the locations of the buildings present- and the automotive service center. Mr< Owens further stated that, as soon �at�on as this approval was obtained; detailed pl��n� for elevatfons and land> scapia�g would be worked out and sub�equently �ub�nitted. City Attorney Andersun rendered his legal opinion by which the Planning Commission should be concerned aolely with the approw�l of the plot plan for the location of the buildiaags aaad the automotiee center, and cited � Section VIII la which authorized, by minute order, approval of this legal portion of the proposed coastruction, indicatin� that issuance of the definition Use Permit would be contingent upoa� �pproval of the remainder of the plans. Attosney Anderson directed the minute� to �iow that the applicant requested ' that the map` for this constructio�a be amended to �h�w tk�e change of use on this particular parcel. Further, that the Planning Gommission should consider approval of Phase A of this parcel and refer their recommendations to the City Council by minute order. Attorney Anderson cautioned th�t a new map �hould be xequested for not . only the new area but.for the eatire Vallco Park develop�ent, showing new map an amended zoning with which not only Sears Roebuck camm work but also required the City staff. This map should show tta� psopo�ed uses for that particular ' area and, if a subsequent ct�nge im u�e is considered, the chauge should be approved prior to the issuance of the Use Per�it. Director of Public Works Fina�ey st�ted that the following was required: co�asideration of the locatioa� fos the building� and �the automotive service center, additional access to putalic xo�dways, �nd solution of the proposed staff parking �tall width problem. Mr. P'inney said that, a� far as the staff report was concerned, there were no problem� which could not be worked out by sound engineering and planning. Considerable discussion ensued amon� the Co��i��ioners, questions were asked of the staff and the applicant; asnd Att�rney Aa�der�on�s legal opinion on inherent consideration� was freq�uen��y reqa�ested. l�ost of discuss�ons the discussions cea�tered ort the parking �tall widtta a� i�acorporated in the renderings i,e. 8'6" per stall. Co�issionex Irwin thought that it might be advisable to contia�ue discussions of ttae parlcing stall width until such time as a decision on tYae proposed ��aendaoent to the Parking Ordinance has been re�ehed, tlaereby eli�ninating much una�ecessary dis- cussion at this time." � Minutes of the Planni�g Commission July 22, 1968 80,000.4 PC-14 Application 16-U-68 contod page 3 It was Mr. Oraens' contention that his company, with its nation-wide cover�ge of outlets, had found the 8'6" stalls most adequate and cautiox�ed that a variance from this established width, if only by two c�r three inches, would make a tremenduous difference in the economics economics considering that a store of such magnitude needs hundreds of parking cited �paces and that this width was sufficient for the average shopper, particulaxly in view of the fact th�t no shoppin� carts need be con- sid�ered. Chaism�n Frolich stated that he would be against approving a width of 8'6", th�t, in his opinion, the ideal �idth would be 9'�' if not 10�, and that tais feelings had nothing to do with personal physiological considerations. In rebuttal, Mr. Owens maintained that in-depth chairman�s researc�i throughout his organization had indicated that 250,000 to opinioa 300,000 people were necessary to support a store of the proposed size �nd that the eliwination of one hundred stalls would be very costly. 'Th.ere was some consideration of double-decking the parking spaces and double- �.t w�s felt that �dditional parking facilities would probably render decking the store more attxactive to peogle who dislike overcrowded parking considered s�reas. Mr. Owens emphasized �hat Sears Roebuck was most anxious to make this undertaking mutually beneficial as monies earned by this operation would also bene£it the City of Cupertino. It was the staff's con- sensus th�t the parking stalls, as proposed, were unsatisfactory and explanations insufficient �lthough a 9" width mi�ht be considered, and that they were in b�sic agrtement with the applicant in connection with economic consideration� by the necessity to elimin�ate a large number of parking �t�lls because of greater width requirements. [�Then Chairasan Fxolich asked for �udience comments, Mr. Walter Ward, Gexural I�t�a�ager o£ Vallco Park, stated that the Sears officials had extended their coanplete and absolute cooperation in working out prob- lem areas. He s�id that the existing plans m�de provisions for 1277 stalls with � width of 8'6" and that the requested increase in width would reduce the number of st�ills to 1206. Mr. Ward reported that the vallco park Urbaiad L�ind Institute had recently completed a survey which indicated official's that 5.5.; �paces per 1,000 sq.ft. of floor area is adequate. However, opinions altYaough 1Kr. Ward agreed with the apglicant's economic considerations, he stated that Vallco Park would not be in favor af less than 9' parking stall widChs. Members of the audience asked for, and received explanatory comments from the Co�uoissioners relative to the proposed ad�oining uses of the pxoperty under discussion. Messrs. R. D. Kennetz and Tom Work Eelt that 8'6�' stalls were inadequate. Mrs. Juanita McLaren, Realtor, sudience stated th�t the recently approved General Motors coastruction had to comments adhere to the 10' x 20P xequirement as ienposed by this Commission. page 4 Minutes of the P'la�ni�g Comaoi�s�on ��ly 22, 196� 80,000.4 PC-14 Application 16-U 68 coa�t°d 16-U-68 Commissioner Irwi.n �oved to approve tla� building location on the plot building plan for Application 16-U-68 sub�ect to the 12 St�x�d�rd Coaaditions. location Chairman Frolich directed the incY.usi�aa of � px°oeisio� th�t the rewaining approved portions of the requirements for the 3Jse P�x°e�it wil� be siiscus�ed when with S��rs has fiaialized the�, �nd that tka� City Cou�ancil be �inforwed that the conditions applicant agreed to engage a tr�ffic consult�nt to work with the Public Works departunent in an atteenpt to re�mlve the e�r�s� �iaad iaagres� matter. Couronissioner E'uetz seconded. Ayeso Co�missioaaers Ix°�aia Puet� P°r�licka Noesa Noa�e Absent: Co�issioners Hir�hon �aad ���th�ana�tka counsel's City Attor�ey�Aaderson suggested �h��t the �pplic�nt be per�itted to come suggestion before this Courmission witta �any ot�ner completed portio�a of thi� pro�ect when it becomes avail�ble. public Comenissioner Ixwin moeed, G�ni�si�a�er F�ae�z se��aadecl �a�d i� was passed hear3.ng ua�ani�nously to contia�ue the public tne�iriang oaa Applic����aa lfa-U-68 to the continued a�ext regul��i:�neeting on August �.2 a 196� o 16-TM-68 B. A. R. Woolwortha Ten��tive 1�S�p for ��ot� �ppr��im�tely 2 acres, legend located at th� ea�t sids of Vi��a Drive, xno�tk� of Forest Avenue. F°irst H�earia�g. Mr. A. R. Wool,worth, tlae �pplica�at, ��de �he pres�n����,oaa� �a�gb�ining presente that this apglicatioa� w�s � r�new�l of � previo�a�ly ��apr�ved Tenta�ive atioaa Map wlaich had expired and th�t �tnsre ka�d b�ean �n� ch�nges �i�ce the original approval but that circu��t�xnce� b�yoaad kni� ��n�a��l had prevented con�truction to date. p.h. Com�issioner Irwi� moeed, Go�neni�s�onaer �aaett� �ecoaaded �ia�d it w�s passed closed u�aa�imously that the public In��xiaag be cl��ed. 16-TM-68 Commissioner Irwia� moved to reco�mea�d Appb�c��ion 16-7�6� for appxoval, appro�ved based on the plot pl�n aaad Tent�itiv� kd�� �ub�nitted �a��ject to the �ame coa►ditions as placed on the previoaa�b� �p�roved �eant��ide I�p. Co�missioncr Puetz secoaded. Ayess Gominissioners I�win Paaetz F���.icka Noe s : Noaae Absente Gommissiox�exs �sshon �abd ���heanaath 17-TM-68 C. Era�tst �ob�on: Tcaat�tive k�p f�r 2 1���, �pproxi�tely 3� acre, legend located SE corner of Oxaa�g� Aveaana� �aad Stevea�� Creek Boulevard. First H�eariaag. map Mr. �rnest Bobson, the applicaa�t, suppli�ed ���p asa� �t�ted that h� had supplied nothing further to report but would �taa�d re�dy to �x�swer �a�y questions. Minutes of t�e Pbaa�ai�� �����ffi��� ��b� 22, ��6� 80,000.4 PC-14 Applic�iti�a� b7-1°d�6� �oaat°d page 5 7�he st�ff caa�tioa��d �kaat thi� �a�ea ra�as nc�t �u�nexed to the Gity and ��y �ipprodal w�tald la�v� to be m�cl� conta�aage�at �apoaa co�pletion of the caution and aaiaiea��i�aa �ro�eeda.ang�. City En�ineer ��yd req�ested th�t the approeal request by be condit�.�aae� aa��aa his revi�w a� the �° d�di��tiom as showa�, st�ting staff th�t �he pr�posecl ��iga diff�r�d fx�o� wknat �ae ka�d eaavi�ionede Gity Afi�oa�ar�� A�ad�r���, c�uta.ou��d ith�t p�°��b��� ¢night ��ise out of apprmv�iaa� � 7��an��ti�� k�p f�� �an �ix°�� whach is anot �aaneaceci and sug- counsel ge��ed �k�at� �ka�� �a����r b� ta�bd o�c�� aa�t�b �n��ti�ra pxoceedings are cautions co�nplete�. �e ��aaxasy �t���d tk�a� th�� i� an��, iaa t�kae �o�ntyes opinion, � Tea���ga��r� kb�ip �aa� � bm� sga��� w��ck� w��a�.d �owe �an�s�es �kne �ity's Ordiaa��n�� �� �oon �s �t is �i�nn���d �ncl faar�kaex° �acpl��med tha�t no staff probler�� r���� eacpected i�a �ia�aaea��s�g �l�i� progrertye explanatioa �ig� gan��a��� �o�d exg���ganedl �hat gkae �xog����y m�nner of this p�rcel of ���ncl �o�� aa�t wi�k� �o ann�x �xa�ess �h� k��ay�� �omcnea�ces cons�ruction, wt�ere�is �kne baa�r�er doe� mmt� w,�nt �o ���as�sa��� ���.��� �h� �nnexation staff renders is a�pro��sie �. ffi�yci �aa�g�sted �k��� �h�� �a��b�.�n� �oa��.d be solved background �y �a�aa�a�� ��d�� a�pp�o��&, mf t1�� ��ap]li��t��g� �aithn �tl�� �soei�o th�t the data Gity o� ��.����i�a� ����� �a�,�l�k���d �or��� �g�ga����� sa�a�ifl. t�ae �s�aaexation is co�apbe��de � Co�i��i�x��r a�wi� �amved, by of£i��.a�, en�.n�te ��der �f this Commission, 17-TM-68 to coan�a�an�� �kne m�tt��° �f ���ro���, o� �1����c���o$� ��m� �a� ta�sed on ' continued by �h� �,,����� �� ��� ����� ����,� ������o�a �a��������g� �gc £iaiabized. minute order �o�ni���.�aa�r �ia�ttz �e��a�a��cl. Con�idex�la�.� di�cus�ioaa �aa�ane� �tt�r tka� forcnaa�.�����n mf �the wote. The appbica�aa� r�-e�apka�sa.z�d th�� he �a�� e�o�t �.aaac��aa� to coopermmte with wka�ite��� Ci�y s�a��ir���a��� w�xe �b�s�ci ��a �ka� ����.�.��ti�a� but cautioned discussion th�t fu�r�he� d�lay� would ta� q�a�ge ����]Lg�> ����.�m�a� �'r��.ich told the . and ap�lic�mm� ��at tk�e ania��ate� w��.�. �kn�w �h�a� th� s�t�f�a� �tt�.t�a�� toward ' clarification the �ppl�,��tioaa i� most f�vm��bb� aaaa� �k�t �fl��� at��ttaade wi1R be passed. on to the Cit� Couaic�l £or ��a��� ��an��d�r�t�.o�a �;� tkne �pgal�.cation. Chairan�iva k°x�oAi��a further ind�����d! t�ha�� �h�� C��nni��icaaa ka�ai received a pos�.�i�e �sconnnea�datc�.oaa fxoa� �ta� ��r�ff �.aa c�mu�ectimn with �his �pp- � suggestion �.icatbosn �ansl �axgge���d �ka�� �kn� �i����.��nt �a��i� hi� p�r��en��tion � to Ii C�a�tr�� �� th�e�� n�ezct �ae���ar�� f�r ��an��.d��:�t�.�aao � Ii Cont��oA Ckn�iirt�$a� S���b, �ah� was g�n �kne �aad�.�a�c�, �tated tttat his � Coc�nitt�� had L��ai p��vaou� �acpex�.�aace w���n �� �pg���.�a�t��aa fox° which caution from no T�n���i�e dri�� hac� �a��an �i�����ed �e����ia�g ��a � ��aat�ol"� �°tferral � h control bacls �t� t�k�e JPb�aiaa�.ttag C��r�,����s� �geaad��g gkne�� �g������b of thae Tent�- � tive 1��. � City A�tt��a�y A�d�x�o�a off�r�d �.sa se���ka oae� �he �tat�agory aaathorizations ia� coabaaectioaa with thc �ity°� �°���� �� ���m$pp�'��� � 7��xat�tivc Map offer of under �he Seabd�.v�.�io�a I�Lap A�� °��r�vi�io� f�x property �not �et assisfiance ansaeaceci �� tkne ���y a page 6 Minutes of the Planning Commissiox� July 22, 1968 $0,000.4 PC-14 Application 17-TM-68 cont'd City Engineer Boyd and Assista�t Plaaaa�er Nuzum explafned that the Board of Supervisors had ruled, which ruling had subsequently been approved by the County Counsel, to proceed on land of this nature as though the statements County had already relinquished their rights to the City, reasoning that by staff the County does not wish to bother with a piece of propexty tka�t is sub- sequently annexed to a City. Both gentlemen suggested th�t this ruling might be referred to the members of H Control fox their consideratione Additionally, Mr. Boyd felt that the City was not in viol��ion of St�te laws but rather of its own Ordinances, as this wap is for le�s tla�n four parcels. vote pass��. The wotion to continue this matter w�s un�nimously appxoved, recess Chairman Frolich called a recess at 10:00 p.�n. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.�. 5-V-68 D. Louis R. and Ellen D. Chetaud: Variance to reduc� r�q�a�.red legend side-yard set back from 14.86 ft. to the �llow�bl� min�.�um of 12 ft. Located on the south �ide of Alpin� Drive. E°�xst H�earing. Mr. Louis Chetaud, the applicant, aoade the present�tioa� by the a�se �f a plot plan and renderings, explaining that tkae width of the ��� wa� crigic�l present- to the dimensions of the unit� aaad th�tt the units would b� ��� s�aall ation and the living areas become boacy if an �dditional 3' of w�.dtka wa� t�k�a� off the lot. Considerable discussion ensued duria�� which the Commis�ion�r� stressed the fact that a variance was allowable only if sufficient kaardship on hardship the part of the applicant was de�o�stx�ted, c�utioning th�g � pxecedent considered would be set by allowing a variance without good c�use. Co�is�ioner Irwin said that, in his opinion, a little judicious pl�na�in� could provide the required extra space of less ttaara 3' out of the courty�rd are�. Chairman Frolich quoted the �pplic�ble �ection of the Ordin�nc� xelating to definitions of "Hardship", and womsi�resl �bout the applic�a�te� ability to qualify under any of the stated provisions. Mr. Che���ad said th�t position he was finding himself ian a rather emb�rrassing po�i��.oaa iaa t�ha� no explained �ttention had been paid to the fact ttaat the �ize o£ tka� l�t h�d been reduced �t the time of purchase, that Lhe pl�ns hasl been dx�� up, the architect had been paid, and the lot �i�e had been changed from the time it went into escrow to the time escrow w�s closed. insufficien The Commi�sioners, �ointly and indieidu�l�y, felt that �o actual hardship demonstrat- had been demonstrated and that in-deptla planning would uaadoubtedly effect ion the required 2.86�width. Minutes of the Plasining Co�cni�sion ��ly 22� 196� $0,000.4 PC-14 Application 5-V 68 cont°d page 7 Commissioner Irwin �oved, Co�is�ioner Puetz s�cosr.ded and it w�s passe p.h. unanimously that the public h��rin� �e �lose�io closed Comaoissioner Irwin ��ved to cleny Ap�rlication S�V-6�, Co�i�sioner Puet 5-V-68 seconded. denied Ayes: Commissioners Irwiaa Puetz Frol��h� Noes: None Absent: Commissioners Hir�hon �nd �a�t�hea�aa�ka Chairenan Frolich a�deised the �ipglicaaat of kai� ��.ght t� �ppeal this decision to the City CounciIl:, in �iting �aad �a��tai� f�ee days. Item �. oa� the listed agenda, t���lica�a.o�a b6-U-6�, la�id p�eviously been previous discussed. � discusaion F. W�tkins-Jahnson Comp�nys Use Pexmi� f�r �ippsoval of initial 17-U-68 phase of ultiaaate l�st�r P�asn �f g�rop��ed cleeelop�nent in legend V�llco P�rko 30 a�r�s, boc�i��d ����la sbd� of Pxuneridge Av�aaue, we�t of ��xa�aa� Aveaa�aee �ax°�t Iie�re�ra�,. Mr. Walter W��d, (�eaaer�l M�n��ex of Val�.�� �'�r�., �x��sented tkae appli- � cation by the use of glot pl�aas a�ad r�md��°�aa�� �s�d iaat�oduced Mr. Joe Ehrlich, the axchitect fox° �he proj���. �. �T��� st�ted th�t the present- approval of �11 thirty �30) acres o� s�.te w�s ��ked a� tk�is time as ation well as approv�l caf Phase A°s in�.ti�b baaild�.ng pl��a with the approval ` for Phases B. C. and Do to b� smught �� �i b��er �i�a�. � Mr. Ehrlich explaiaaed ths render�a�g� �nd p�.�� p�.�aa� �aad said that Phase A would consist of � two�sto�y �6�,000 �qeft b�cildizng for the � W�tkins-Johnson Company, that it woaald be c�a��tr�c��d of concrete and steel, fully �prinlclerec� �o���.J1y ��olesb�s� �nsl �horoughly light p�oposed industrial. Further, tt►�t ��1 eq�aipa�eaat w��a�d �ae pb�ced in a 9' to � construction 10' concesled spa�e, that no�k�in� wm�a�.cl pr��ruc�� �a� �tn� x'oof of the explained building �ind th�t there would lbe mo �aa��na�� �r ra,d�r equipmerat of any � kind. A�.so, th�t appxoval w�s sm�gkat f�� �k�� �,�st�ll�tion of a private acce�� a�oad �c� Pacuxaeridge Avern�a� �o �ff��d vekaicles dual acees ` to the construction. Comanissioner Ixwin c�oved Co�is�b�a�er Paa��� ��coaad�d sa►d it w�s p.h. passed un�ni�ously th�t tkr� public he���ng b� �lo�e�. � closed � page 8 Minutes of the Planning Commission July 22, 1968 80,000.4 PC-14 Application 17-U-68 cont'd 17-UT 68 Commissioner Puetz moved to approve Application 17-U-68 sub,ject to the Phase A 12 Standard Co�ditions, with the stipulation that the tempor�ry oil approved and screening road be considered a private thoroughfare, with the site with plan and renderings as submitted, specifying that th3.s..Use Permit is conditions granted for Phase A only and that U�e Permit requests fo� Ph�se� B. C. and D. be submitted at a later time, with the addition�l c�anditiox� that an exception to the 10' parking space width requirement is granted with the proviso that none of the stalls be smaller than 9'. Co�issioaner Irwin seconded. Ayesa Commissioners Irwin, Puetz, F'rolich Noes: None Absent: Commissioners Hirshon and Buthenuth 17-Z-68 G. Maryknoll Construction Company and Suburban A�soci�tes, Inc.: legend R�zoning from an Agricultural- Residential (A1-10) zone to a Miultiple High Densi�y Residential (R3- 2.2*) zone. Approaci��tely 20.5 acres, located east of Lockwood Drive between Voss Adenue and Alcalde Road. First H�earing. Commissioner Irwin iwmediately cautior�d that the legeaad a�s bi�t�d oa� tlas agenda was erroneous in that the acreage had been listed �s locate¢i ro��stv' wrong of Lockwood Drive whe�, in reality, it was located '�westt° of L�clewo�d location Drive. He felt that citizeas might not be aware of the true loc�itic�n cited of the site aad thus not have a ctaance to voice possible �b�ectaon�, ��ad suggested that the matter be continued and re-advertised. 17-Z-68 Commissioner Irwin moved to continue Application 17eZ-68 t� �he saeact continue� regular meeting. Commissioner Puetz seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin and Puetz Noes; Comwissioner Frolich Absentt Commissioners Hirshon and Buthe�n�th City Attorney Anderson advised the applicax�t that this actic�n w�s to his counsel's advaatage as he might find himself sub�ect to a mand�mus if any ob�ecti�ns advice wexe raised by the citizenry on the basis of wrongful �dver��.�ia�g �md/or listing. matter to be Commissioner Irwia moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded an�d i� w�s pa��ed readvertisn wnanimously that the staff be instructed to re-adeertise thi� im�ttex°. placement Upon request of Che applicant, Gommissioner P�etz �aoeed Goaocni�sionex° request Irwin seconded and it was passed uaani�nously that the coa�tina�ed kae�rin� authorized of Application 17-Z-68 be pl�ced first on the agenda of the a��act anee�ia�g. unf. bus. Unfinished Business 86,005.1 A. Study of Parking Staadards. Minutes of the Plan���g C��i����� ���� 22 19�� 80,000.4 PC-14 86,005.1 �Ua�finished ���iaa���� �maat °si page 9 By use of � gr�vfou�ly �uba�i�ted f�ct �knc�et oan parleinag di�ensions in- cluding c�� �aad cioor width� e ��.r���or �f g�a�l�e� W��flc� Fin�aey �xplaine data the research walaich had been ��qs��s��si Ea}� tl�e PJl�iaaxai�g C��ai�sioxa, � submitted utilizing vi�ual �ids �aad di�gr�a�� a � Mr. �iaaa�e�► x°e�orted oaa the P���a���ng �sa� �aagi�n�e�ixag d��a�irt�a�an�� findings rel��ive to tlae parking di��aa��m�n� �f �t�aa���d 2-d��� ��rs 4�door station w�goan� 2�doox co�p�i�t� ��a� V�gk��a�sg�aas ��d ��o�kain�itioa� of 2-doox° st�aad�rd c�r/Volk�w�g�aa �m�� ��s�o�� �����o�a w�gmaa�Nolk�wa�gen, and ea�pl�ined �hat tka� re������n kn�d �a�sfl�,c��ed tkaa� ����r�.s�� axe mor� apt to p�rk th�ir car� vff ���nt��x° atm �ai�l�x° �����.s �kna�a� �kaey �re incliaaed to do in st�ll� wkai�kn �x°� ��.�.�kn��.y aa��e��w�:ro � taeaa� �aa to expand oaa the �ub�nitted d�t� �kn��t w�n�.�kn �f£o�dedl coe�p�r�i��a�� for �11 parking the a�bo�e types of r�rs faa ����b w�dtkn� �f €�� ° a �° 9 9� a�a��1 �Q� 8 e It dimensions was l�ir. �iaa�ae� °� opi�aioan th�i�t �'� ° w�� ��reh��� aa�� ��a�ugh� sp�c� buat fact sheet th�t a 10 ° w�.dth was exces��..�s ��and�.c�tian� �haatt driver� a h�kri�s differ explafned when attte�ptia�g to park pe�°p�aad�.��aJl�r�.� a� ��po��d �� diagora��ly �nd ��uggestesl tha�t the pxe�en�t �°����.�������� 1�� �°�����d f���n 29 e ia� length �0 1� ° �and. fx�o� 10 ° w�.d�kn �� � ° s City Eaagi�eex �o�d xepli�d �� ������,��� l�� ��� C��t����.�aaer� itt� connectioa� witka kai� opi�ni��a ��n �t�� ���t�r ���� �� wo�ubsi ��r���a��.�.y prefex tkne Ordi�aiance *o be �a�da,f��d t� � 9 a x�,� °�aar��.�� �F�ce r��her engineer's than having � set gxo�p of s��iga���1� ��ad �taa� ��a� ���££ �� ��atka�rized opinion to revie�a e��ka r�se �ep�x������ �����a�� o� es������b �a��>>�.�ib�r�,��.es in most is���a�nces �aad tkaat �k�� �t���� �n�t�� ���o���d���.�m�� t� �kn� h'�.�xnnin Co�eni��ioaa �a� ��ch c��e . a� ��� d� a ���� ° � ���.���� �ka�� ��°� � aaould set �o�ne ���t of ga�iclebina� ��nd � ��o ���fi��y ��o�am�ai� �����.sl�s��ions. Chair��a� �o�ich mainta�.�a�d t�ka�� ��ae �an,dc�� �k�� ��a�� �k�e be���x° the paxleiaag jo� doaae by �otoris�� ��d ���ed� �� ��ba���� �xa�a�a�e� the chairman�s Sear� ��ore isa Sasa .dose wka��� ����bc� k���� �� �r����,c��.�� ����b a�a�to statements and thr��gh the car wiaad�,w� �e���s�� �� �ka� aa��°row ����a.�ag ��a�ce�. " a�d Mr. F`�oli�h faarth�r st�t�d tkn�t� ,� �,�a ka�� �p�.ang�aa a�.� ° x 20 a��ace opinions was r�a�on�ble and tka��t he w��ab�fl ���i�� � 9°� b� °�'���i�e�eaat �s this measurem�a�t w�uld only be a��l�g���b�� �� ��a�o��r�d ���idcaat��l sites. Furtkaer 9 �kaa� he mi�h� be p���aa�d�� �� �g,r�� �� �� °� lL� ° if this was the cax���a���xs of tkae �n��ori��ro Goa�nni�sic��aex° Irwin �gr��d witk� ���sa,���a ����a.��a �kn$� 9� ° a� �� B�aould consider- be � �°ea��n�b�� r�qaa�r���aa� ��d ��i�� ���� �� �bgh� ���� coaa��der � ation redeactioan to 9 ° . Co�nmi���.oner P�n�tz agre�d �a�,�hn k���� £�11�,��r C��an������a��°� ��nt felt that parkia�g �p$ce ne�ds v�i�ry aaad �k��� � b� ° p���i�� ��� ��finitely aseces- concurrence ��ry wh�a� thexe is a ca�aasfi�e3�x�t��o� of �k�o�pin� c��t�. � page 10 Minutcs of the Planning Commission July 22, 1968 80,000.4 PC-14 86,005.1 (Unfinished Business) cont'd 86,005.1 After more discussion among the Commissioners, aided by commeants from recommend- the staff, and after Chairman Frolich had �sked for audience co�nment� ation to and none had ensued, Commissioner Irwin moved to recom�end ta the City amend Council that the Parking Ordiance of the City of Cupertinv be an��nded parking as followss In set standard parlcing blocks specifyin�g the fol�owiaag ordiaance three categories - 10' x 20' for required residential covex°eda 9'�° x 18° for comaoercial developments or Planned developments with co�a�oerci�il use attached to it; and all others to be 9° x 18'. Further, to �e�o�cneaad to the City Council that a section be provided to include spec�fi� enea�tion that exceptions to the parking widCh may be considered in �se�� �kaowing extra-ordinary land use (landscaping, for e�mple), aaad that �t ano ti�e, standard parking block sizes be decreased to lese than 90 � b�a� Commissioner Puetz seconded and it w�s passed unaraimou�ly. specifics The Commissioners agreed that the block si�es shall be consid�xed �s � requested minimum requirement, that larger diieensions may be required ia� ce�t�iaa circumstances, and that the decisioaa for these be l�ft to th� sif�cretion of the staff. 81,004 B. Draft of awendment to Planaied Development C�rd�r�n�e 002(�� � Mr. Laurin stattd that a draft amendme�at to the Planiud Devel�pe�ea�� statement Ordinance 002(0) will be subwitted to the Commissioners tor �hei�r ia�foren- ation and consideration. hearing Commissioner Irwin moved, by minute order, that the draft be �esat �aad set that this matter be set for public hearing a�t the next regulax� �aeetiaag. Couimissioner Puetz stconded and it w�s passed unanimously. no new bus. There was no new buainess. Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it w�s p�ssed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned. adjournment Ttec meeting ad�ourned at 12:10 a.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ,(s/ Do�.ald A. Froli�ta Chairm�n PLANNING DEPARTMENT g Q�� p�l'(�bt� M y� Senior Planner