PC 07-08-68 CITY 0� CUPER����, Sta�e o� Cal�fornia 10300 �orxe Ave�ue, �upe�ti��, �alifo�nia 95��� Phone: 252-4505 80,000.4 PC-13 ril�i�� �� TI� ���J3��, MEE��I�1� �F TI�E PI�9I�TNING C�MMISSION HELD .J�JTLY �, �.968 �N �HE CO�JN�IL ���ERS C�T�i k�1i�., CUPER�I3V0, CALe The meeting was c�13.e� to o�rder a� 8000 pome bg� Chai��an F�ol�ch, who call to order subsec��en�ly �ed the assea�bl�ge in ti�� �1$g s�laa�eo flag salute Coa�missioners �r��en�o Irwi�L, kda.�°sk���, �uthera��l�, Pue�z 1�xo�ich. A1so p�°e��nto �lssistaa�t Pls�na��r Nu�a�m9 �i�°e�,�c�a of Fubl�c Idoglcs roll ca�ll Finneyg Ci��v Ea�gixaeer Bc�yd; C�,�� ���;�r��;� �Ancle�°��rae dt�co�°d�.�� Secre��ry buGae Ma Matzley. Chairma�a Fsol�.ch suggest�d �hat on pag� 6 of th� m��u�e� of .�une 24 � 196� uaadex "d�.�cussion��, �i�l se�me� of �t�ose ���nb�� � of rhe au�ience who spoke fo� or against ���t��r s�ao�,�d� be �.tec�i��d; £a��ther, on corrections page 10 of tlaose �ame �imute� ua�der '�coa�currea�c�'° �he sen�eaace to �� � to minutes co�uaence °'Ch�ia�nan ��o�.�.cl� o o r�ttae� tl��n °o���a��si�x�er �rsL��n e. Com�is�a.oner ar�ia� m�v�cl, Co�m�.���o��r L�����a�� ��c���� ��ad ir �a�s passed �a�naL�nously �taat th� �ai���e� of .J�n� �4, b9�8 be �pp�o��d � minutes as �c�rr�c���. � appxoved � The�e we�� a�� announce��ants of p�st�o���a�n�.so � no postpon�ma � Thex� we�°� �nc� aa��tt�rn �o�ax�a�c�t�.�ne � no eorresp. � Comtioissiom�r I�.rshon fa��ic��ed th�t 1ne w�u�.d b� un��le to �t�esa� the July 22, g96� �eeting b�at ��1�ed �� ci�.scus� t�is ¢n�icter usacic�r "New verb�l Busine�s��e 1'tae ���ai�s�.c�aa�r� �grc�ecie Cha�rc�a��n Frol��h ��k�d f�x � coumnuni- commen�s f�°o� the sa�c�i�nce, ttae�e we�°e nqmpo ' catio�as Public �eaxbaai�s . publ.hearings Ae Agap�3ca�ion �.�mZm6�o P����a��e �s�oci�teso g�°�zo�ai�g �ro� 13-Z-68 �s�deaa��.$1 S��a��.�-f����.y b�,00� �qe ��. lors ��1-10) zo�ae legend to a ���.�len�i�l k�l����� �la��t�r (d�C�2o�� �one app�ox�.- ���e�y Y7 �c��s �o����d ra��� ��.d� of �'�o���.�.b �naal�v�rd, ��a��h �f S�xa .A�a�an Itmad, S��o�.d �iea�ing, Mr. Fred Ao�.e, Arctai�e�ct, x��p�°es�nt�.ng Proveaa�ce A�s�ciate�, pr�sented the applicastion stating tha�t, �is ixas�raac�ed �durirng �the fir�t hearing of the c�atger, tae h�� �ont�cted �h� C��y �aa��.�er °� tJ�p�x�t�ent. � paresent- aslced �laat th� C��,�s�ioaa�r� d���ect thae�� a�ta��t��an� t� k�im �nd �he ation staff r�th��° t�ia�a be �°��pe�itio�asa � � page 2 Minutes of the Planraing Co�nmissioa� July 8, 196$ 80,000.4 PC-13 13 Z - 68 costt ° d Commiss�0nar�Irwin queriecl if, in the discus�ioa�s by the staff and the applicant, problem areas such as roads, traffic flows and safety factors had been discussed. City Engineer Boyd st�ted that meetings queries had been held with the applic�ant durixag whicla the ��ny fac�t� of answered the psoject had beeaa discussed but �hat it had not be�n p�ssible to get ��firu� commitment on the �oad requireme�n�s from the ap�licant because of the preliminary nature �f t�� ��ese�t�tiono Mr. Boyd reported tha� he had viewed ttne si�e and �ha�, in his opinion, this pro�ect was the only feasib�.e w�y in wLhgch th�s h�.11side could be developed and wa�, by far, the most �ttr��ctiv� s�lution, � maintained that there are certain engineeri�ag probbems, that �.t is a logical development £or this area, that ttne �ropos�d r�umbe� of �units would not significantly change the densi�y snd the traffic p�ttern requir�ements, and that there are no prob�.e�s which c�nnot b� overco�e. Mr. Boyd staff reiterated that this presen�ation is pre�im�nary in natu�e az�d that report the applicant asks for �ipproval of coaacept only �t this point, indicating that further research wou�.d �ean a�.re�enduous exp��nditure for the applicant without prior indic�ti�aa of �oncu�s�nc� fr��n t�ae Planning Comc�ission. Mlr. Boyd c�utioa�d that, �t �oa�� later �i�� when the development plans are submi�t�d �he;� �h�uld dae �i�wed mos� c�refu�ly, however, it aaould be premature to asfl� �or detail�d g�l�ns at this ti�e. In answer to questions by ttae C�n�a�s�io�ers g�����ve to tk�e struc�ure, the applicant stated that beams a���ld tae �n���r�d t�p and bottom on statements the sides of the units to pro�ide ���.�asing eff��t an� tYc�t the' bl�sting from the qua�ry woul� not ef€ec� �h�e pr�ject. City A�torney Anderson �uestioned tYae v�r�i�ge o� �he th��°d p�ragraph on page 3 of the ,�une 24, b968 m��ut�s, speci�ica�l�, the referenc� to a��pseudo�� �entative kLap. I�e felt that tt�f� �ef�rence �ho�ld suggestion be cieleted and substbtuted by the �errm °QCiec�el�g��ent pla�t�o Thus, the by counsel par�grapta under discusss�on shal]L r��acl 0 ° �it� Erag��e�� �oyd �tated that some of the r�quire�ents for �th� dev�e�.o�m�a�t. p1�� raou�d b� ..". change in Commissioner Buthenuth moved, ���s�issio�e�° Y�vab�a secondr�d �nd i� was verbiage passed un�ni�nously that the �erb�.�ge be c��ng�e�i �� sa�ggested by the C�ty �lttorney. City E�gineer Boyd �ffismed th�t th� �rop�s�d de�e�opment woubd cause less of a scar in the hillsid� �han woulci a staaad�x°d s�bdivisi�n �s staff the physic�l structure would c�v�x �ost c�f the �re� to b� c�t out cautions of th� hillside. Mr. Boyd voi�ed c�aa�,er� in two areas only; first, he suggested that, upon approv�� of t�� �'eaat�tiv� 1rl�p� every pre- caution should be taken to preclude any futa�re development in the "left-over" are�; second, a sound laaasiscapia�g plam should be insisted upon. Minute� of �h� Pbanaaing Co�ission �u�y 8, 1�6� 80,000.4 PC-13 13- Z- 68 c�uat 8 d page 3 Coma�is�ivn�r I�.a,��ta�n voicesi h�� re��u�t�nce th�t �he deve��pc�emt plan, as �res�a���ed� c�id aao� st��w ��e ���t���.� l�� r��ecied t� ka���a �sior to aPProval rendera.�a� � eie��sion. Ag���.� th� �i���,i���� ���teci �taa�: tkn�s res�uest of concept was foz° �g���o�r�J� of co�c�p� os��y �aa� t��aa� ��� ��t��r�, ��;�h as outlined �pprova�, f�o� �kne �'ir� d�a-�k�a�1 aaad �������cfl �l�za►ixag, wou�Il.d 1�e ob- ta�ned �t � ��i��r *i��o Gh�ix��n Fg�b�.ch �uggested g�a�t � d��o�a��.�,�ra b� ��a�t���ed w���n tb�e phr�iseolog� t� �p�cify th�t �aay d���arep��nc� �a� the pr������ n�at in �onfoa°���c� �o �ppli��b�.� �a�c��a�ance� �� not n�ce����°f.�.y ��p��wed suggestion by this Itesobaata�on� ��rl�s� �p�cif�.���.l�y �� $����d. In �xa�wer t� cgue��iora� pm�ed by �?�� Ccr�n�ai�si�n��s �°���tb�� to p�rking sp��es �aad �h� aec��sit�y �o obt��.n p�io�° �p���ea�. ��o� e��a.ous ageaac�.es, �lh� �ppli�an� y���ant�d ��nt �h�t �e w�+� ���°�y �anctn �wa�°e of applicant's all requ��re��n�s �ad tka�t co�n�ac�� waxld �e ��d� aa��h ttae F��e �t�tements Ma�rshab, tta� E�ngine��in� d���rt�ueaat �a��a� �11 ot��aer �g�nc�.�� invo�.ved in the fin��. �pg�o��Z �� �:�ae d�v��i�o��eunt. ���a�ider��rb� m�re d������im� �x����:��3 a��a�g �i�� ����,&��.��r�x�. 6dt�ea� �sked to d� �o �i�y �ngi��r �o��. ������n�d �»a�t �k�� ����icant �haubd be �n�d� aw�xe �� ����iRa�� ��eob� e�n ar��� �aa��a �� tt�e �i�� 1Kaxsh�b°� ik���.��h��.� ^oa-uc��m� �i�o�a� �aa��e� s�,�sg��� ��d ddr��� th�x�to, indication for fi�� p��v���a�an p�asp�se� tha� s� ����x� ������ ���a:f��d b� � of problem deve�.op�nen�� �aach as tla� one garop���s� �� u��� �����abS,� in �?a� are� � areas a� th�s ��.o�� a t��t� ��a��t�� su���� �y���e� ���rl�� to b� ���a�a:�d�d, aaad th�t ��c��� �� �h� u�n��� a� �a�bT� �� ^;� ����°����� s�Le�ub� b� ����w�d de�°y c1o��b�. � Ch��.rm�a� F�o��ch ��lc�d for ar�dier��e c��wn����o � Me��r�. Garaaagalan I�og�n �f �.��6'� ��n�i� �Y���� A����a .���� ���er of 22640 1Li.c��¢�� �tor�d9 ���.�� Ja���� of �2�51 ����� Rc�dm l���ax S�yre c�f b0�05 ���n�kn S:e�r�a�s ��any��s ��mmd ��nd kS��o �un��.�� �i�r�e�°t of 22�3� a�ua �a��iva Ito�d �o�.ua!tb� �s�d ������dan��il� w����s� the�.r �b�,�ct- a.oaa� �o tkne �arop�s�d d����.����e�a� c�t�.�g coa��;���� ����� �sl�a�t��rrati�a� of �e�the��� v�ibu�s, �.n��ibi��.�y �� ��U���� ����,���iIl. �ee��a��.�e�, tlze audience inev�.t���� �c�s��.�ag of �ka� ���L�il]l� ��� ���uneaad�x��a� ��°�£fic h���xd� vo�.ce� o� �xa �����d�r ��er�aa��°de��d �raa��e ���a�:� ��a,��e��� �.xa d���ity, tkne oPPosition dange�o�a� p�°e�edent wh��k� sa��n�� �� ��� `�r �r�k��� �a���la�.b� �r�a� if th�� ps����� w�x� �pp���r�d, �aad ��a� p���ib�.�i��� m� T�p�t�r p�a�img thxoexgta �p�s�row�l of ��a�g�.� £��ai�y �r�� b� �� op;��:���. ��o �p��e��en� hous� �t��a��r�r�s. Co�i���oa��r ��atkaenu�ta �sked if the appl�c�nt wo�ald �a� opposed to havi�ag a c�abd�tion �la��d oa� �he �soss�.bl� �paproval by wh�ct� the ax°ea wm�bd ��eex°t ba��. L� �t� �����.a��l zo��.g� ai�', ��t�re a s��cified commissioner ° periosi of time, Lh� d�veJl�pe���.� �i�,�i �n�� �n����°�.a�.ize �mr one �eason question or �a�oth�r. �tae Ci�y �1�tto�r�aey �dv��ecY ag��g��t a�onaii��,on of thi� t�pe. page 4 Minutes of the Planning Commission July 8, 1968 80,000.4 PC-13 , 13- Z- 68 cont' d Chairman Frolich stated that the Cluster Ordinance does not envision statement something that always looks like a single family development as opposed to an apartment type development. p.h. Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and it was closed passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed. ;When it became apparent that a number of questions had not been p�.h. re- answexed to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, Commissioner Irwin opened moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and it was passed unanimously that the public hearing on Application 13-Z-68 be re-opened. Discussion enaued about the necessity to move massive amounts of massive earth to allow this development. The applicant w�int�ined, however, earth that at most a 10' or 15' cut into the mountain was needed. City movemenC Engineer Boyd was reluctant to agree with this figure but the applicant discussed assured the Commissioners that the submitted drawing, detailed by a Civil Engineer, accurately showed a 2 to 1 slope with the landscaping close to the buildings. p.h. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was closed passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed. 13-Z-68 Commissioner Buthenuth moved to approve Application 13-Z-68 with the approved 12 Standard Conditions, subject to the following additional conditions: with 13. adherence to the five conditions �s recommended by the conditions Planning Department under memorandum dated July 3, 1968; 14. that the drawings submitted be made a part of this application but that the approval of thas application does not necessarily approve any portion of these drawing� which is not in con- formance to the Ordinances; 15. that the development be restricted to the type of buildings as shown on the renderings. Commissioner Puetz seconded the motion. passed by Ayes: Commissioners Buthenuth, Puetz, Fxolich 3- 2 vote Noes: Commissioners Irwin aa�d Hirshon Absent: None Commissioner Irwin waa�ted the record to show that his "No" vote was vote necessitated by considerations of the tr�ffic problems, but that he qualified approves of the plans and the very att�activ� develop�ent. After the roll had been called on the motion, mem�bers of the audience directive asked to be heard further. Chairman Frolich dis�llowed fs�rther dis- by chairman cussion because the public hearing on the matter was closed. Minutes of the Planning Co�mission July 8, 1968 80,000.4 PC Public Hearin�s epnt°d page S B. Application 15-1'M-68: Itobert M. Erving Tru�t; Tentative 15-TI�68 Map, three lots, approximately 2.75 acres, located at legend.. 20100 Steve�as Creelc Boulevarde P'ir�t Hearing. Mre Robert Frving of 151 University Avenue, Palo Alto, presented the application and reiterated his �t�tements made before the Architect- ure and Site Control Committee �t theix June 26, 1968 meeting. By present- order of the Chairman of H Control, copies of tt�e �inaates of the ation and June 26, 1968 meeting with specific reference to this �pplication references had been m�de available to the P��raia�sag �cxmnis�ion me�bers. It was poia�ted out that this site was pr�viously �Cnown a� ttae location of the "Autora�a Used Car Lot", ancl that the three lots consisted of � 140' lot upon which a� restaura�nt will be built, site ex- a 135° lot to the west as yet without plans for future develapment, plained and a strip of land about �0° in beng�h running ou� to Bl�ney Avenue, The Commissioners discussed this 80° �trig of land imm�.:aietail with particul�r concern directed to making thi� strip ixaaccessible tto motori�ts wishing to take a sho�°t-cuat off or �o Bl�ney Aven�ie. It barrier was felt that a staaidard freew�y-type barrier would be the best requested method to prevea�t trespassing. Comtnissioner I.rwin moved, Comusissioner Hirshon seconded and it was p.�. passed �nanim�usly that the public ka�aring be closed. closed Commissioner Iiirshoaa u�oved go appx��e Apglic�tion 15-�'k�68, subject 15-Z'I�k68 to the 12 Staa�d�rd Coa�ditions. Co�mi�sionex° Ir�as.r� seconded. approrred Ayes; Commiss�.oner� Irwi�n, I�ir�hoa�, Bu�heaua�h, Puet�, Frolich Noe s : Norae Absent: None At this point Chairman Frol�ch �polog�.�ed to �he members of the audience for having disallowed further discus�ion on Application 13-Z-68 stating that no further discaassion i� �egmissible after ch�irman a p�blic hearing has been closeda He sugge�ted, however, that any explains protests could be heard by tkae ��issioners at theix aiext m�eting, or put in wri�ing and sub�itted �o the Plaa�ning Cammission. City Attorney Anclerson dis�greed �nd a�sex°ted �ta�t this �atter was directives now out of the purview of the Pl�nning Co�nmission, and any protests by counsel should be da�ected to the City Coua�ci�. There was no unfinished b�siness. unf. business page 6 Minutes of the Planning Cornmission �u�y 8, 1968 80,000.4 PC-13 new bus. New Business A. Width of Parking Stalls Assistant Planner Nuz�m had previo�nsYy submitted a written report ex- parking plaining the width of parking st�lls as required by ��ae Ci�y of Cupertino stall as opposed to those requi�ed by adjacent cits.es. By the use of visual width aids and drawings, Dir�ctox° of Pub]�ic �dorlcs Finney psesented the proposed changes. The staff stated th�t a�o�pr�blems had �een encountes�d thus f�r, but suggested the adoption of tk�e followia�g rea�uixement� to conform to changes those of surrounding �urisdictions: suggested 1. 9' width for angu�ar parki�ng; 2. 10' width for perpendicular and all residential parking; � 3. that the last stal� in a row of perpendicular �talls be st least 15" wide. � City Attorney Anderson feYt that since no probAems had been encountered thus far, no ch�nges should �e m�de; however, that changes should be opinion considereci if the Planning staff felt that it wou�ld �e �.n � better by cQU�sel position tto represent the Ci�y°� rcequireme��ts to �n �ppla�ant if the require�ents �re known to be a po�.3.cy �f the P1anYaing Co�nmission. The consensus was th�t th�s m�tter needed further st�ady ��d in rec�uesting �o retain the submitted data, Comcnissioner kIi.r�hon moved, matter Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it �aas passed un�n��nously that continued this ma�ter be continued ta the m�xt xeg�bas meeting of the Planning Commission. B. Minimu�o Itec�tairetnents fox Areas g�zoned Planned ?`evelopmerY A det�iled memorandum on cnini�u�n �r�a requ�,remea�ts for sezoniang to minimum planned development zones h�d pr��iously been �utamitted to the area re- Commissioners. Assistant Plaainer Nu�um related th�t the request quirements for this study had been initi��ecl by the C�ty Couxacil. City Attorney Anderson suggest�d that the I'la�t�img ('.o���s3.Ox1 by ordinance minute order, secomme:�d �m�ndme�t of th� appli�able Ox°d�aian�ce with the amendment a��Q�g� as suggest�d by the ane�orandu�n siated .Tu��y 8, 196� re��oning that this would b� in the best �nte��st of the Ci��, recommend- Commissioner Buthenuth so �oov�cl, �o¢�nni�sion�r Irwin seconded and it ation was passed unani�a�uslyo C. 3��bility to a�tend meeting Commissioner Hirshon stated that he would be on vac�tion during the vacation week of July 22, �968. �t was the �onsensus that public notification schedule of inability to a�tend �aeefiings �as �n�ce�sary. kiow�v�r, Cha�rman Frolich s�ggested that ia�dividual �o�nissaoners notify the P��nning Department when_circum���nces dictate raon-attendance. , Minutes of tlae Plann�,ng Commissioaa July 8, 1�6� 80,000.4 ' � PC-13 New Business contQd p�ge 7 D. For�nulation of Rec�uiremea�ts Chairman Frolich reiterated his px°eviou� res��ae�t for a list of P].anning Coa�mission requirements �aot fo�ma�lated in aa�y of the Ordi- nances, which li�t could be made avai�labY� �o interested citizens in an effort to px°event waste of ti�ae �nd effort on the part of time limit the Commissioners and the st�£f. lria�. Fxolbch speci£ically referred to for agend� anticip�ted agenda change�, that they ��aould b� r�ceived by the staff placement at a certain hour on a specified d�te, �fter wh�.ch time limit all mattex°s caould automatically be x�ferred fo�° l�,sting on a subse- quent agenda. Comnaissioner Buthenuth moved, Gommissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed un�ni�nously that the meeting be adjouxned. ltie meeting adjourned at 10:20 �.m. adjournment �PR�VEIi : � ATTEST: 1�/ Donald A. Frobich Ghair��n PIaANNING DEPA1tTME1�TT . .Tames E. m, Assist�nt Plag���