PC 06-24-68 CITY OF CUPERT�N�� State of C�3if�rnia 10300 Torre Av�nue, C�per�ino� Californi� 95�� Phone: 252-�505 80,000.� PC-12 MINUTES OF THE REGtJi�R 1�IEET�N� OF T'�IE �1VI�TIN� CONlMISSION HELD JUNE 24 1968 IN T� C�D�JIVC�L CHAMB�RS � CI� IiALZ, G`U�'ERTITdO, CAY,7F(?RNIA i The m�eting was ca11�d. to ord�r �,t 8000 p.m.. by Ch�,irma��`i Frol%ch, ca�l to order who subsequ�ntly �ed t�.e a��Em'�la�� i�a thp f��g sal��.,e . f�.ag salute Commissioners pr��ent s Irwan, �2�°��.en, � �.i�tz, �'ro�.�.c�. Also present a City Attorne�r A:�c�e� san; r�s� ���ari�c t�a;-�.ne;� N�.zz�urn; roll ca11 Direc�or of° P�z�lic Wo:�ks Fi�ey; C��� En�iraeex° �o�ruj Rec��°ding Secretar�y Matz�ey. Chairman F�a�.ick� asked �1�at �t�e min.u°��s c�f ��a�� 1�, i.9�3 be ��orreci�e as followso On page 4, under "12-U-68", .. p�^io� ;o r��:u��i�g tr� t�i� Commiss�,�n that the map be arnended �.n acco�da�c� �rit�i ��� ���,nned �e�rel��pmen� Ordinanee . m�ntxtes On page 6 under "13�Z-68, �a�te �,r�°�.v�1.", .< c�u3d ��o� b� disc�z�sed edrrected. at this time as t�ne in�tere�ted. part ��d ax�°�eady depa�ted from t�� meet�.ng. Commissioner But�enut� zno�red Cor�niss��r�.e� ��i� se�: o��d�d a�:�rci it �r�� n�inutes passed unanimou�l�r t�r��,t the ;ninu��� �f �+z,�e �.�? 1��� �e agp�:�oved �pprov�� as corrected. Assista.nt Pl�,nxier Nuzu� advi�ed ��h� �o�iss�.o,�e��s �t���'� ?�e ��.d. re- ce�.ved a communicatio� f�om th� �t�ox��ey fur t�� R�g�xx�,�°� prap��y, - rer�ues�c indicating tha�t �.itigation was �st�.11. �unclerway° ;��A�3�a�irg a� �ea:�i�a� far post- of Item A. unde�° "P�z`blic Heaa°ing�", �. o e m��plica°�i�:� �.�.-����8, a�ld poneme�t asking that tk�is mat�er be d�fez°�°ed tn �k�e Ju1.� �2 �.968 zn���;irg. Commissioner Irwin moved, Coa�rii�sio�er B�zthenu�'� seco��Ied and. at �ra� 11-TM-68 passed unanimo��s7y that th� h�s�in� of App�.�.���i�� l�-�N1�6� b� pos�- po�tp�ned poned to the J'u].y 22 9 �.968 an�etimg o There were no w�ritten communicat�an� 9 n�z° w��;::e t��re �y �ra1 one� . n� commia.rii- c�.�ions Public Hearings pub�ic heaxingw A. Application 7L1-2'P�I-6�o Iierbert W. R�gr��.��, �Y . et �.x, Ii�r�ry R. �uch�ctti and Nno��zdin �ill �.�a�:3�. This ma.tte� had be�n c�efer� �d �o �. sub�e��e�� an�e°� e�i� ��,�°�i��° �n matter the disc:us�ions o defer�ed B. Application �3-Z-68o Pr.ovenc� Associa°tes; P�°ezoning from 13-Z-68 Resi�lential Single-famil� 1,0 sg,.ft. '16ts (R�-10� �one l.egend to Residential Multiple C�us��r �R3C�2.7) �one, appxoxi� mate3� 17 acx°es located west side o�° Foot,�hill �o�a���a�d, south of San Juan Road. Fir�t He�ri�g ���°��in�zEde P�e 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission J'ZxxYe 24� �968 80,000.�+ PC-12 13-Z-68 cont°d Mr. Fred Dole, the �,s°chitect for this project� presented the application stating that this was a 17 acre site and one th�,t was most difficult to develop as it shows a 15°fo grade and the construction of single fa.mily units would be near impossible. Howeve�, it was his proposal that steel racks be used supported by stee�. trusses at each end with four present- different groupings of buildings served by elevators. Parked caxs ation would not be uisible from the stree�e The lower portion of the con- structions runSto the crest of the hill �,nd leaves �.t undisturbed. Further� that each unit would ha.ve a divided, individual patio which would be surfaced for the use of tpees and boxed. plants. The recreation area to be for the tenants` use only �nd the landscaping to be all around the construction, erosion protected. Mr. Do�� �tated tl�at the project is planned for one hundred units. Considerable discussion ensued relative to t'he necessity for dedication and street improvements and Mr, Dole stated th�.t there would be a divided boulevaxd with a 90 to 120 foot Right-of-Way. �he Commissioners queried how the �nits would be serviced in cases of fire and if there would be a fire protective system.o N!�°. Dol� maintained that the discussions buildings would natura].ly be firepr.00f that each unit would be equipped with a fire extinguisher and that h� d�d nc�� t�air�k th�,t there was a nece�sity for sprinklers in t'h� units, ho�r�ver, that all such matters would be worked out with the Fir� Mars�ial prior �o px°oceedin�. Mr. Do1e continued that the axea woul.d b� ].a,�d.scaped and that °�Y�is wat�r- treated planted ax°e�. would reduce the danger of extendin� i�rush fires . Questions were raised relative to the parking spaces, their number and th�ir location and the staff indicated th�ir requirement� relative to request for various mattersa Chaix°m.an Frolich� while �skin� �hat discussions be discussion kept to a bare minimum becau�e of - the l�n�h of° �i�e li��ed agenda, stressed however, that all mat�ers per�air�in� t� th�� app�ication should be reviewed at this meeting so that since he antieipated a second heaxing an the matter the staff co�xl.d attend °to all ma.tters in the interima and the applicant woul� have a ehance �to do th� same. D�aring the conversations it became �,pp�.rent �hat the applicant was requesting ar_ R3 Cluster zoning, and °tYae staff° y°elated that the intent applicant was asking for an indication of °the Pl.annin� Covmaission's outlined pleasure in connection with the proposed concept� the d.ensity and the prezoning. Mrs .�Ioss from 5tevens Car�yon Road �sked �that the applicant be advised of the fact that there axe two quax°ries operating �ig'ht above the proposed construction and that tenants shou3d be made aware of this existing fact since both quarries have a,ll good in�entions of stayin� in quarries business a,t their existing sites. She also �tatecl that ther� axe pointed out a number of very dangerous tux°ns on this road and, with the existing heavy truck traffic, a�i�n "Truck Route" should be posted con- spicuously and pointed out to prospective tenants. Minutes of the P�anning Commissio� Jun� 2�� ��68 80,000.� PG-12 13 contBd page 3 When Chairman Froli�� called fo� ��dience co�nen�s, s�ueral members of the audaenc� ask�d �o �peak� a1,1 of �r�i��s� in�l:.�a��d that� the parking sp�ces xequir�d fdr this projec�t �rc��.T� reces��.tat� �, h�age area of the m.�•untair� to �e cu� back, t�?�,� ��i� p�°opc�s�� �rc�3 not �,udience be in the best intersst of° ��.� ��ux°r�ur���l�.�,� ���.���oz�s, tl�at ��.n��.� opposition family homes would `be far �et�,e� f�r� 'c��� �,rea a,n3, m�o�� �mport�ntl.y� that tn� water supply in - thi� are� i� q�u��� ��a�. ce .�a�ct w�ul.d. upon completion of t�is px��jec°t bec�m� ��e�x ma�e �c���o Attcrrney Anderson w�,s askei�. �e ���d��° a, ��g��� �p���ior� �n �he ma�°t�x�. Mr. Andersan s�ated �na� tlr�� z�a� � �g ����°���s ��� :��,a�ited. °�o °th� zonin� only and d.c� no�t include i:n.Y�ex°er.=� aP��,:��,� ,�•t;.�°���r, �Yi�,t t�e P7.anning Commis�for� s�ioa�.d be co;nce�°m�d s:�mp�y w��h a cletex°mina��.on leg�,l of whether this type of zoning wo�zl�. b� �,��e��ab�.e °�o �h� �,r��. �.rid opinion that the d.ensi deterar�i.nat�.o� s'�ou�d �be ��r� �o tne ��g:�neer�.ng Department. Attorn�y Anderson main rl��,� 9 �.�i �,dc�i°�ion to any listed requixements, �ux°tk�er requi��anen�� �:0�1�. �b� p�,�.�ed on this applica�ion after the first �ubl�� �����.mg a.� beyn� �1�sed a�d th�,t, since thi� matter f`�.�1� , axide� - th� ��°^���.�.��:�:::,� �� �::�� ��.��•���° ��°dzn�.r��e, ar�y thoughts �,s to ciensity ��iould. �� i���p�ms�ci u��°t:� y:�i��.l �.��- quir�d Tenta Ma.p is �,v�.s.labl� s �� a���d�rso� a�s� �a�xed �f° �z�e applicant woulcl be �i�.�.in� to �u�p�� �, �en��.t�ve NLag �� t�ie 1'la�n�n� �pplicant Coirnnission indic�te�? �,pprova,� of �Y�le C�.:�a�t�r zora.;Lt��. t�x v Do�e qaeried replied that, �.n �±i� op�.nion, a m�p �?� t�..,�� t'dr�r� wro�d �aot� m��,n too much and t�at h� �rou:�d �.sx �o :��,�� �:�� ��^�:q�,�iY��en�: aa�.�.s���o City Engin�er� Boyd s �a�ed ��a� ��r�a� ��x' ��� r�;c�zire���t� t'o�° ��� pseudo Tent�,��ve I�,p �rou:�d b� ���� t;��� ��°��;��� �c�.e� ��a wi�h th� f'�a.�°�;her Stevens Canyon Roacl. plan� �.e. a�.�i f°�aa �+,� �;�rs ����d require �°�udy a lot of �tudy by h3� depart�men . indi��,ted Fux°ther discussion ensued. or th� znat�e: of ��ni�ng �rit`� particulax� reference to �the r�ecessar� Clust�� �o��.�� �,n� Chai�ma,n Frol.ich requested �th�.t the staff wcxk o�u �, re�o��x��,on for - this app].ic- ation which woulcl sta�t� the coradi�Lion� �ci �equir�ments to b� r�quest by placed on it 9 sub j ect �to re�ri,ew °�y ��i� ��°���'� �nd t�e Fire Marsh�ls_ ck�a�.rman as well as any o�&�er agency - ���,t �roa�d �� i���rolved� at the �am� time pu�ting �, cie�inite fix or� �1�� x°��,��:�a�g p��°ti�n �f t�e property so th�� it could no�� at a�.�,�k�� t�e, be subcl.ividede Commissionex° Ix°win moved to �lo�� °t�i� f ir�� �ib�.i� Heax�n� on 13-Z-68 Applica�ion 13-Z-�8 �.n.nd instruc� �h� ���,f�` to wa�°k in conjunction f irst with th� �.ppl�c�.nt on m�, �f t�c�,#`f�e ���,�°king �pa,ces � densit�y hea,rin� and engineering consider�.tions �..nnc3. p�°e�e�a� �. comp].ete repoz to closed the Commissioners upon which they maar base their decision. Commi.s�i- oner Puetz seconded ant� �.t wa� pa�sed �ur�.a,��us1.y. P�e �' Minutes of the Plannin� Co�nis�ion June 2�+, 1.968 80,000.4 PC-12 12-U-68 C. Application 12-U-68: Walter J�nsen, et a1; Use Permit for le�end a Motel, Restaurant, Lounge G�,soline ser�rice station and other related uses within a Planned Development zone. 11 acres located on the west side of North Saxatoga-Sunr�,yvale Road, 630 feet south of �unipero Sex°ra Freeway. Second Heaxing, continued. Mr. Harry F�11k again made the presentat3on and stated that he ha,d, present- as instructed, been in contact with the adjoinin� property owners. ation He suggested that a letter had been wz°itten by Mx°. Mariani indicating his�approval of the proposed. project �nd, ��so, tha,t the represent- ative for Mr. Roclrigues was in th� auclience who wou�d undoubtedly state his client°s points. Considerable discussion ensued on the two �isted acequirements as submitted by the staff for this application and Mr. Falk indicated discussion his �,greement with these conditions. In connection with the re- quirement of having the lube bays open to the rear of the building, it was mentioned that such bays could still be seen from the street even though they axe couered by window�. Co�cniss;^ner Irwin felt that the portion of the station containir�g t1�e lut�e bay� �����ld have a solid wall towaz°d Saratoga�Sunr�ra�e Road; Mr, Fa�s ag�°�ed to thisa Mr. Dick Pacheco, Realtor and representatiu� for the Rodri�ues family, stated that his clients wer� in basic �.greement w�th the project exceptions with two exception�, 1) �hey asked tha� the ��re�t improvements for indicated their por�ion of the road be deferred �until su�ch � time �,s they develop their land 2) tha.t t�eir lanct ce�ntin�e to be supplied with irrigation< Mre Fa1k maintained that the watex° line under discus�3.on� was there by reason of prior agreement with the for�er own�rs of the site and discussion that, although he would be most �i�lin� t� coap�rate in supplyin� of water this water a,s long as possible, he d:id. not fee� that he should be line required to provide water for th� Rodrigue� pr�pex°°ty if �his would cause a hards�ip on his property. Chairman Frolich su.ggested that the Planning Commission require that suggestion some provision be ma.de t;o resolve these pr�oblem� to the satisfaction of the Public WorkN Depaxtment and °the City .Attorney. p.h. Comar►issioner ��irshon moved, Co�nis�ioner Iz°wrin seconded and it was closed passed unanimously tha,t the Public Hearing be closed. +4�sistant Planner Nuzwn sug�ested. tYiat the use within the Planned request for Development as shown on the attackimen� to the ].etter from Mr, Mariani ad.option of be adopted prior to ar�y action on - �he Use Permit, and that exhibit Ordinance 27�+ be amended in accor�dance with this exhibit e Minutes of th� Plannin� Co�ssion �une 2� �968 80,000 PC-12 12 cont'd PaBe 5 City Attorney Anderson wanted ��e record t� show t�at he had requested request by that a satisfPetory substitution of irri�a��on b� worked out and that attorney the City should not be he�� l�abl� for supg�ying this water. Commissione�° Iz°win moved to re-opex� the Pu��.�.c �i�axir�g, a.s there were p.h. additiona.l matters in need of disc��ion. �a�niss�oner Pue�z seconded re-opened and it was passed unani.mously. The applicant st�.ted that he was not in f°a,�ro� �#° havin� a r�quir�ment listed by which a satisfactory way needed to b� woTMke�. ou� and m�in� applicant tained that, in his opinion, th� adjoining pr�p��y owner cou:Ld x°equest disapproves the water line to be pl.aced ruost ar�,ywY�e�e a�d t�.�. �i�, Mz° .�'a,lk, would of require- ha.ve to comply because of the s�a�ted reg,uireme:�t . m�nt Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Car�ttnissio�ier 3�a�n seconded to close the p.h. Public Heaxing. The m�otion wa� passed unan�mo�sly. closed Co�ni.ssioner Buthenuth moved th�,� the �treet pattern plan exhibit, exhibit showi.ng the change in uses wi t�e I'�ank1��1 D?velopment zon� � be to amend utilized to amend Ord3nance 27�+o Cna������,orex° Ix��rin �ecr�nded �a�t� Or3, 27�+ the ind.ication tha°t it�is action was ��.ker� �,� the r�quest af the three representatives to this appli�at3o��. Ayes: Commiissioners Irrain �iirsi�.���� �3��.tFier�u+Ya� �ze�z Fr�lich Noeso None Absent: None Commi.ssioner Hirshon moved to approve Ap��.�c�.t��a� .12-U�68 s�ub;��ct to 12-'J-68 the 12 Standaxd Conditions, with ad.d�t�o�.�,? �o���.�ti��� �,s 1i��ed belowo appro�red 13) +riat the service station ��i�� be ce�rst�ue°tPd so that �h� �rit� entr�nce to t�e lube b�,ys sh��.�. �e •�o �°,h� reax° of �he condi°tions building and not visible fram S�°ato��,-Surinyvale Road; 14j that the buildin� per°mit sh�.� ?�ot �e is��.z�d f�r the service s un�il the bonds f°o�° ��i� s�;ree�� :9.mpro�em�n�� have been posted wit�i the City �.nd b��.�,ldi�o �p��z+� �n �xcPss of $100,000.00 have been secured; 15 ) �hat the improvements on �the Rod�°igue4 p�cop�r ad.jacen� to Va11ey Green Dr�ve be deferred un�il, �uc;n ti.m� �,s the property is developed; 16) that N!x°o Rodxigues dedicate a.7.� n���s�a.�°�r ��a.n� for �he use of conditions �the streets and public f�,�ilit3es 3 outl.ined 17) that th� �rrigation be satisfac�o�°i:��r re�o�.�red by �t'�e applicant with the staff � including °t�ie Pu.blic B�To�ks �epar�ment, �the Planning Depaxtment, and - �he Ci�ty A 18) th�°t no emergency opening of the sexvice station be permitted until all the improvements have ��en ��cep�ed by the Gity; 19) that the buildings be exactly �s shown �n the rendering and the plot plan; if there axe �,ny majox° c]hanges indicated, the Planning Co�i.ssion sh�,l,l.l, be appr��ached. with a request for these changes, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded the motion. rol7. call Ayes : Commissioners Irwin, Hix°shon, Puetz, Buthen�zth, Frol.ich Noes: None Abs ent : Idone page 6 �nutes of the P1.anning Commission �'une 2�+, �.g68 $0,000.�+ PC-12 15-Z-68 D. Application 15-Z-68: John W. Hanaho�; Prezoning from a Residential legend Single-family 10,000 sq.ft. lats (R1-10) zone (within the County) to a Residential Multiple (R3-2.2�) zone. 1/3 acre located north side of Stevens Creek Bouleuard, w�st of Carmen Road. First Heasing. Mr. Hanahoe, the applicant made the presentat;on and considerable dis- present- cussion innnediately ensued relative to �this ap�lication, specifically in ation connection with the access to Stevens Creek Boulevaxd as it was stated that one lot would have to be "flagged" to Stevens Creek Boulevaxd. attorney's City Attorney Anderson maintained that the City has the right to impose comments conditions and require access especially �ince there is a chan�e of use indicated. Chairn�e,n Frolich asked for audience co�nents . Mr. Mike Nichols stated that this construction would be a detriment and that he protested the change of �onin�. Numerous other members of audience the audience voiced their displeasure with °the proposed prezoning in- comments dicatin� that this was a non-conforming use, the traffic would be most hazardous, and a continuation of the Rl zoning shoul.d be maintained. There was considerab].y more discussion among the Comanissioners, further dis- audience comments and staff reports; all �,udienee comments were in cussion opposition to the proposed prezonin�. p.h. Com�nissioner Irwin moved, Co�nissioner Puetz seconded and i was passed closed una,nimously that the Fubli� Hearing be closed. 1_5 z_68 Corrm�i.ssioner Irwin moved to derxy Application 15-Z-68 on the basis of denied the access and that the surrounding housing is predominantly Rl zoning. Commissioner Puetz seconded. Ayest Commis�ioners Irwin, Hirshon, Puetz, Frolich Noeso Com�nissioner Buthenuth Absent: None Chairman Frolich advised the applicant of hi� x°ight to appeal this decision to the City Council within five days. recess A recess was called at lOtlS p.m. by Ckiairman Frolich. The meetin� reconvened at 1Os30 p.m. 13-U-68 E. Application 13-U-68s Unitaxian-Universalist Fellowship of Sunr�yvale; le�end Use Permit for a church 2.3 acres 1.ocated at 10535 �z'Sr Avenue neax Junipero Serra Freeway, First Hearin�. Mr. Jack L. Pfaff, Chairman of the Building Com�.ttee for this application, present- �e the presentation. There was some discussion on �the height of the ation buildings, the cuppola and the spire, and all questions were answered by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Co�nissioners and the staff. p.h. Comunissioner Buthenuth moved, Co�ssioner Ir�rin seconded and it was passed closed unanimously to close the Publie Hearing. M�.nutes of the Pl,�niaing Cor�ni�sion J'�� ��+� 1968 80,000.�+ PC-12 13 con page 7 Comm�.ssioner Buthenuth moved °to �ppro°�� �1pp�.i�at��n �3�U-68 subject 13-U-68 to the 12 St�,rida�°d Conditions� va�°�h the �d�.i�io�al condi�ion 13) that approved the bu3ldings do not exceed �. he�.g�°� ��' �5 Q sra��� ��.?�� C�ngrega�ional Iiall to be not mAre th�n 35 8 in �ei�l�� an�. ��� c��p�SG�.a a.nd �p.�.re not to exceed a h�ight of 50' e Co�n�ssi�ne�° �i���1�oY1 s��on�.�d, Ayes a Co�uni�sione�° Ix�nr�.n� H�x°s�ion� B� �Pc.i���� Fro�.icn Noese None Absento None F. Application l�+-TiK-68o �on Ban�1.1.��9 `��n°�a�i•�� �#a,�� 3 l.o°ts� 1.�+-��-68 approxama �.75 �cre� loc�,t�d eas°t �a,de �f �ax°�to�a-Surin,ywale le�end Road� �ust north of Bollin�e� Ro�,do Fi �s� H��,r�ng. N!�°. To� Henclerson, Civil. Engineex°, ��°es�r�°t��i t�a� �,pp�,i�c��io�n a,�ncl exp].ain�d the proposed �,rea. Co�nissioner Buthenuth maved, Co�iss�oner ?'a°Hrir� �econded. ax�d it was p.ne passed unanunoua].�r that tk�e Piz�l�c He�.x°�izg `�e ���sed. c�osed. Coammissioner Ii�orshon moved �to �.pproa�� A��.;�����.o� ��-'�'�i�68 �ubj�c 1,��TM 68 to �he 12 S�andard Cond�. wi�h t�i� �dd.esl ��r�:�tio�� ��,a�t ��e �,ppro�red dxainage problem �,t °the northea�� cornc�° �� ���� prope�y '6� ?a°���l�ed to the satisf°a.ction o�° ��he Pu'bl:�� Wo*°k� Depa��Cm�n� o C��ni��a.on��° Buthenuth seconded. Aye� e Comm�.���.oners T�°ur�� Hi���.c�� £ �u��a���u�.h� �.ie�� ��'�°��.�ch Noese None Absente Non� G. Appl.ic�tions 16-Z�-68/14�U-68 a�ta].�k� ���.�Y� aan3 ��bea°°� Sa3.�h 16-Z-68 (Owner� ) a.xid Iiumbl.e Oil ComPax�3� ��,�pl,ica�t � 5�°�z�anin� f°r°am l�+-U��$ a Resid�ntial. Single-faffiily �Rl-���g� z�sae °�o �, Gene�a� legends Commercia�. (CG� zone �.rb�. U�e Pe�.� for au�o�.o se�vfce statione Approximat�ly �. ��re 1����y�d l��l co�n�r of �t��r��a� Creek Boulevar°d �,nd St�ll�.a� R��,cl. F'�.�°�� �ie�°�n�. Co�is�ioner �uthenu�h Ynoved, C��is�: ��a��° ��a�,r? �e��nc��d �.nd it ��s du� dis� passed txnas��mously t��,t bo�t� �.bcs�e a�pl���.��.�n� �� ���c�zs�ed at th� cussion same t�mm�o OK�d Mr. Raymc>nd F> Dryer� Attor�ey a ��,w� �� �°ep�,°°����t���.ve fo.� �he Iium'b�e Oil Company� presented th� applicatior� ari� �.�k�d. �ha� �l�e me�er�s �f fair con- the P].anning Commission no� be pre�ud�.��c� b�r �tl�� ��'�.�o�°ab�e publ.icity sideration which �ex°vice � app�.ic�. r�cei�r� in ';ugse� � in��tead �o x°equested have and maintain an open mind �.rad ��o�sider the dat�, presentec� on its own merit�. page 8 Minute� of the Planning Commission June 2� �968 80,000.4 PC-12 16-z-68/1�+-U-68 cont' d Mr. Dryer ma.intained that �,n additiona:t service �tation was needed in this area as it provides the travellin� public wi�h rest rooms, gasoline points services, traffic and directional maps� and would most likely ind.uce the stressed service station on the northeas� corner of Stel�.ing Road and Ste�rens Creek Boulevax°d which, in hgs opinion, was most un��.g�t1y, to upgrade the operation or bow to the competition and g�t out �f br�siness, Co�nissioner Puetz asked if the applican� kne�r how m�n,y service stations there are presently located within a t�ree-mi�.e r�ditzs of the proposed questions p�oject and, upon receiving a negat3ve x°ep1y, con�inued that there are at least twelve such stations which nurnber, in his opinion, precluded the need for another service st�tion. (Note by st�,f°fe Within a two-mile ra�.ius there �.re thir�y-two (32) stations in Cupertino and Monta Vista alone). Considerable discus�ion ensued after Mz°. Puetz' statement and the staff staff was asked for their opinion. Assistan� Planner Nuzum referred cautions to a previously submit�ed wx°itten repor�t on the subject and reiterated the points raised sta�ing th�t� if this �ppyication were approved, it would result in "strip commerci�,l" a�d "Spo�" zon�.�g i:� an otherwise completely non-committed area. It was the consensus among the Corrnnissioners that this axea is prime land, as yet nonmcommitted, °that t��s pi operty is ir� t�.e i�nediate non-con- vicinity of De Anza College, and t�a� a m�ch mor� suita�le use could formity be found for this land. Commissioner Bu �ta�,ed that �.fter to gener having ascertained the selection of inedi�n densi�ty f�ar th�.s property p].an on the General Plan, a].]_owin� a comm�rc�.�l �onin� fo�° a piece of land sets a precederrt in addition to allowing �n �nc�mpat�.ble u�e. Several, members of �he audience, after having been authorized by audience Chairman Frolich to do so, voiced their objections to Y) another service comments station in Cupertino and 2) ��trend�setting p�ec�dent in allowing commercial use of an Rl zoneo Once again - the applzcant pleaded that �,11 ma�ters be considered and plea that this application not be dismissed �r°bitraz°ily a� �, request for just "one more servic� station". p.h. Commissioner Buthenuth moved� Commissioner Irwin �econded �.nd it was closed passed �ananimously that the Pu.bl.ic He�x°ing b� cl.osed. 16-Z-68 Co�ssioner Ir�in moved to der�y Application� 16�Z-68 and l�+-U-68 on 1+�-U- the basis that this would be the start o� a�trip comanercial zoning in denied an area as yet non-comma.tted. Commissioner �iirshon secondede Ayeso Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon� Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich Noeso None Absenta None Although Assistant Pl.anner Nuzum advised the Commi�sioners that the Use roll Permit application is null and void s�.nce the zoning was not approved, ca11 Chairman Frolich requested a roll call on the motion. Ayes: Comm�.ssioners Trwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Frolich Noeso None Abstainm Co�issioner Puetz Minutes of the Planning Commission �ur�e ��, ��68 $�a��•� PC-12 16-Z-68�14-U-68 cont'd P�� � Commissioner Buthenuth wanted the recor� �a s�o� �hat one of t�e considerations leading to the deni�l w�s ���e �n���7. P��.n; thi� P����� ent?xe c�evelopment should be wit�hin �n� m��,n�g of the Gener�,l P].an stressed an�. an�►' consider�,tions to chan�e tk�i.� pc��c�y ��a�ax3 ha�r� �o be carefully wei�hed. Chai�man Frolich ad.vi��d fY� app�.ic�°� ti��,� �ne h�.d the x°�.gY�t °to appeal this decision� within fi�e da�r� ancl in �°�.��.�g �o W3�� Ci Couneii. �i, Application 15-iJ�68o Cuper°tin� Swi� �,n,nci Ra�qu�t Club; �T�e 15-U-68 Permit for swim anc� racquet elub e��pz°�x�,ma�e�' 4 acres �� legend the SW corner of Rae Lane �.nd ex��nszo�, of T,i�d.a V��ta Drive o First Hearing. Mr. Dick Willis of 1241 Zinda Vis�a Drive, ��� p�esidlent of the Cupex°tino Swim arad Racquet Club, pres�nted the �,pp3�.����:�-ry� s�ating that the c1.ub ha,d previousl,y sought a pez°mit for �, d�ffex�� :^�� ��ca���n ancl that this request had been denied, however, tY�� �oa,� c� �:zf' Di��c�o�� hac� been present- successt'u� in obtainin� another site. �y �.�e ��° a pZ�� p�ar� �„nd ax°chis atior� tectur� drawring�, Mr o Willis exp�.ain�c� ���� ��.�*-ou� f°��° th� propos�d c1ub, - �he surrounding plant �creenin�� �'h� pll��rsi��. p�.�nt incl-udin� the seven tennis couz°ts� the sw��.ng po�l� °�he �°���°e�,�t�on �.rea� ��e proposed club hou�e �c� t�e children' � p1.�r a,��a. Mr. Willis reiterated that the in�, ��mb�rv��p �ou�.d be for �50 families and that the By-I�ws �f° t�i� �����.`� ga�����.�ed f��° a max:imuna of 35o family membership� o F'ux°the�°, t1��� s�.e h�,� ���e�r�� t�i� �r�quir�ments a.nd conditions as placed on this app�.�c�.���� 1b�r �Y:� s�aff and that his Board of Di�ectors w�.s �.n a�e�ment wit� a�l o�° t��m anci tha� proposed the club cou].d f°unc und.er °tY�os� cc�nc��.��.on� e�ie also stated that funetions the consumption of° al.eoholic b��rer�.g�� �rc��zl.d �e ���tric to ad�t and use� f�,inetions anc� indoor actiw:�t3e� �,nd th�t t�� z�6i�� l�wel would, p�x°t1y because of° �the very effective pla�at scree�� s�r��d�.n� the entire proper�ty, be hel,cl to a m�nimumo I�iz°a W�.11i� f°u��°the� �t�ated� in answer to a question ra3�ed by a m�mbe�° of t�� aud�.e�ac�� t��,� �here woul.d lbe an initiation f�e of $�+50,06 per fami�Ly a�ad ��at - t�e mon°�hl.�r club chax°ge would not exceecl $1.5 . 6� per f°samil�r e C�.vil En�ineer Henderson stated, in ans�re�° to que���.ons r�ised by �the Comanissioners, t�.at a Tent�ti�� Niap wo�al.d �e requir�e� for these two comments parcels and that provision� had been m�,de r��t o�' f��° �ufficient paxking space� b�.t fox° the acces� to p�zbl�.c �°oa�r�a�,;�� q �s well �.s egre�� and ingx°e�� a After Mre Hendex°son remark�, Pu'blic Wo�k� Dir�ctor Finney exp].ained staff access � egress, ingress and traff�c f�o�a �� � the �ubmitted report xenderin�se page 10 Min�t�s of ��� Pla��n� Carn�i�sio� ��r� ��, ��68 80,000.� PC-12 15-U-68 �o�t�d C�airman ��°ol��� ���� a pet��io� ��i�� 7�a� ���r ��c��v�� by �he reeorder petition in whic� p���ti�� �1.���n f�rr����� �� Ra� ��� ������ ���y� opposition to read t�� p�op���� c�n�������on i��ic����g ���� ���° �e�te� use for this land c�ul.�. lb � f o�a�e� o Numerou� �ernl�e�� of° ��� �Y�a��.���c� �,d��s��d t'���; ������.��e�s � al� of w�hom vo�,��d. ti����° �.�.�p��a���^� �r�,�� ����� p�opo��e� ��r����� 9 �°gin� the opposi- Go�,���,oner� tm ��rssi�l�x� � �.����. ��` ��;.� �p���.�a�i�r�. �'h�ae�e m�raber� tion by of tYa� �.ud���r� �.:���� i.n t'�� €,�°��,� ���d��i '�w° ��.� �a.r�m, �i��l�. Jista audi�nce Drive ����,� p�.r� �xd �o��zar^��x� ���,�����a Ch�.irman Frol.�.�� �r�rnteci t�e r�����. t� �:��w ��a� �,i�� f°:�,��e as �r�ct��l by point ����-Craxi� i� tl�� bo�d� �ine bet���ra ���� ���gr of° �xper�tino a.�d the stressed Corxn��r of° ��rnta Cl.a�ae Con��der��b�.� mox� �.�.���a���.ar� fc��,��aed �a�.�� ���r�����Cent que�tio�� f°rom the Co�n�.s���r�er�� ����e�n���� '�� ���� �;�.ci�.�r�� �� ��e apglic�nt. Commiissioner �tatemen� Pu�t� who �ta��� �,�?��.t; �,� �.���� �r����.�. ����� ��C� �ec�� ca�° i�a�� p�°oposed site bY ����e���� ��� �.��������ai.� t���.�� f°�,���� ��.:.�ci ����•;��,�a��d �h �.� T�� �a� r�o� opposed corr�niss�m to ��� c:��,� �� ��:���x b•�� °�k�r�� `�� °�r�ul� T�� �p����� °'e� '����^b� �o��e��cl °�zf the onex° ens�x�.�g no��� a��. �� �1��'�? � Y1.�'b �,�i�i� �.��.��w �,� ���3���i ��co?�o�.� L bev�r�ges �x°� d�.�pet����e _ Ni�° s ��u�� �ial.�. �f R�.�..���a�r k��°�.�� ��,��1 �Ya�,t; �a� ��.� ��r�d �t� t?�i� area from �a��°��r��� �a���:� ��� ��,c� �°�����d i� �:�.�s� ��°a�tia��� to � �imil.ar club �n.na� °G�n�°� 9 ��� ��.� ����:�.����li ��.� ��������� c��.���°� ��,���c� �.',�� ����a� �1�oget�ne� o �i� ��a�.�cl ���a�,�, ��Y � �rc�d.����;e��:� � �^��. ��,�!-� �^�°e:L���r� eW �;�?���� f a�a��i�:s � did favorm no ��°�� a,��� a�s�,�,�.' �`��� ��F�������,���..� �"'�����.��a.e� �.:3 �:,�a�,� t:�e �Ton��. `�ista �ble �i�� ��i�o�� ��a� ����.� ��:���t°�a�°��� ���a��:l.� w�az°�.�.y �rb��°�„ �;.;��� x���� f�� a facility vote of °th�,� n�t�°� �,� �i� ��r�.� e1e��.���. �:�°�,.r��1�r f�:� �r�oca�, f�aetions arid la�ked asked p�of°����.on�.l�.�r ���xp��°��,���t n���� ��.�.�� r�� c�.�.�s��� � j�zst to cit� one ���I�.JI..� e � R.r �L�� A°A.�'-�. o ��J,.��L 9 a�t � l°��C'A1� Z:+�'�mu f�o���::1i�* �3' .���1.1►� � �.'l�� of - �h�.� ��►�p� �,n� �a� � e�p���f�i�� ��x,����s�'�,��. �,s�.�� °�r�� �.ppl:�c�.tion b� granted. Comm�s�����e� l���z .�����ra��d �����,�� �� ���,� .��a� �,��.��?�� ���e �lub pes° �e but w�.� ogpc���r� �;c� �,�'zQ ���� ����� �� ��r� ��m�.�;�.��.��� p°��po��ci �,�x��ei.n, that addi� �� w��ec� �rs ��,�� "��i� a�,��;�� ���:.�°°� ��,�� �r�n�����:,� 9 a:�na ���,t s �ii��e hi� nei�Y�bors tion�,l would b� �,�k��,��; #c� �.��r��� �� ��.������.�°��� �;�t:r� ��r��ch ����3� �,re �ox�cex°ned, stat�� t��.� a�n.�.�fl-,�:.�° 3'���u:��. �� ���s�.n�w�e1 �� � ��w�';�.��� r�r���=��,:r�� �� ��.�,��� ��m - �o stuc�y ment� °��e si�� �a�,�� �.���.� �..n� �:�� �ac�a.������� �� �.��;�n� ��� u��xt m��Vi��s Co�n��P�� n�,��° ��,���ar��. �a,��li.a���y a��a �°;�����:�� �i�:��^*��1 '�o ���n�irr�a��� this m�.t�e� �"�ca.,�^ ��� ���.� ��s��� ��f' ��°� �.��� � id��Ry a�u�:�� �.°�� Prs.� ;��a� c�ic� not con- f°�.rac1 �t �������,�3r �c �� ��ro��en°t �,�L �`3� ;��� k�owe��r l�o H:�r�Tnon currence �,g�°�ed. wa�tk� �o�i��i�a��� Paze t�a� ���.� m��ttAr b� �c��tinu�d so �hat he �ou].c� ���� �xY �appo���a.ty to re-w��w t�e ��t� ay�ic� �o ,�i�� the application fu�th�� �x�o�xg�� o Minutes of the Planning Cor�nission J'une 2�+, 1968 80,OOOa�+ PC-12 15-U-68 con�'d page 11 Because of the late hour there wa,s a s�uggest%on to cont�.nue this matter to a future meeting, however, some of the Commis�ioners indicated their suggestion ability to vote at this time. Comanissioner Buthenuth moved, Com¢nissioner Iswa.n secox�decl that the p.he Public Heasing be closed. closed Ayesm Commissioners Irwin, But�enuth Frol,ich Noes: Commissioners Hirshon and Pue�z Absent: None Co�ssioner Buthenuth moved to approve Apglication 15-U-68 subject to 15-U-68 the 12 Standard Conditions with �.dditional. conditions as listed below: approved 13) th�.t annexation proceedings to the City be �omple�ed; with 11+) that the Tentative Map be approved; conditions 15) that all nine conditions of the Planning staff's recommendations be met and adhered to. Co�uni.ssioner Irwin seconded. Ayes; Commissioners Irwin But3�enut�, Frol.ich Noese Commissioners �iirshon and Puetz Absent: None Unfinished Business unf . busines� As�istant Planner Nuzum stated that t�e agenda for the next meeting would show only two public hearin�s. statement There was no new busine�s. no new bus. Cormnissioner Iiirshon moved, Commissionex I�urin seconded and i was passed unanimously that the meetin� be adjouz°ned. T'he meeting ad�ourned at 12:30 a.m. adjournment APPROW"� : � � Ls,/ Donald A e Frolich ATTEST e Ckiairman ADDE I,AURIN, Director of Plannin� g . James E. u um� Asst. Planner