PC 06-10-68 CITY QF CUPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupert�no, California 95014 Phone: 252-4505 80,000.4 PC-11 MINt3T8S OF THE REGULA,R MEETING OF THE PLIiNNING COMMISSION HELD JUNE 10, 1968 IN THE COUNCIL CHt1MBERS, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Frolich, call to order who subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. flag salute Commissioners present: Irwin, Hir�h on, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich. Also present: City Attorney Anderson; Assistant Planner Nuzum; roll call City Engineer Boyd; Recording Secretary Matzley. Commissioner Buthenuth wanted the minutes of May 27, 1968 corrected as follows: On page 6 under "presentation of 12-U-68" delete the minutes refereace to the seating capacity of the restaurant, correction Chairman Frolich requested to add the following to these same minutes On page 5 under '�statements of 12-TM-68", add �any change in th� 6 ft. additions to masonry wall requirement would be a variance and would require d minutes Public Hearing for such�; also on page 6 under "discussions of 12-U-68", add: (after "rather than piece meal") ..�particularly with refer- ence to the service station�. Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissionex Irwin seconded and it was minutes passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 27, 1968 approved meeting as corrected. Assistant Planner Nuzum advised the Commissioners that the following postponement requests for postponements had been received: requests 1. Letter from Attorney Donavan, asking that Application 11-TM-68, Herbert W. Regnart Jr., et ux, be continued for two weeks because of a pending court case involving the property in question. Aftex City Attorney Anderson had stated that under the Subdivision Ordinance he did a�ot feel that this case would be prejudiced by a 11-TM-68 continuance, Commfssioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin continued seconded and it was passed unanimously to continue Applic�tion 11-TM-68 to the next regular meeting. Mr. Nuzum further stated that the applicant for Application 13-Z-68 13-Z-68 had been contacted in an effort to ascertain his presence at to- night's meeting. The applicant had stated, by telephone, that support- deferment ing documents necessary for a complete presentation were still request missing, and had asked that this �atter be defexred to the next regular aneeting. page 2 Minutes of the P�anning Commiss�on J�ne 10, 1968 80,000.4 PC-11 Postponement Announcements cont°d There was so�e discussion on the matter especially in view of the number of continuances this application had already received. After obtainin� applicant 1ega1 counsel from Attorney Anderson, Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner to be Hirshon seconded and it was passed unanimously that the applicant be .::,!.,._. notified notified that, if he fs not prepared to proceed with his application at : �.> . the next meeting, it will automatically be removed from the calendar. Mr. Nuzum stated that a written communication had been received from Pavlixaa Realty, advising the Planning Commission that Mr. Mariani, one of the property owners involved in Application 12-U-68, had just written returned after having been away for some time, asking that the 12-U-68 communi- matter be held over for a period of thirty days. The Commissioners cation agreed that this letter should be considered in conjunction with the presentation of Application 12-U-68. Chairman Fro�ich wondered about the volume of supporting data being supplied the City Counci� for reference in certain matters with special inquiry regard to appeals of decis�ons as rendered by the Plann�ing Commission. by chairman �� Nuzum advised the Com�issioners that everything pertaining to any one applica�ion, espetially if it is an appeal, is forwarded to the City Council for their perusal. no audience Chairman Fra�lich asked for ve�rbal communications fro� the audience. There comments were none. public -� Public Hea��n�s hearings A. Application 11-TM-68 11-TM-68 This matter had been d�.sposed of earlier in the meeting aa�d had been postponed slated for presentation at the next regular meeting. B. Application 13-Z-68 13-Z-68 This matter had also been disposed of earlier and deferred to the next deferred regular meeting. 12-U-68 C. Application 12-�J-68: Walter Jensen, et al; Use Permit for a Motel, Restaurant, Lounge, Gasoline Service Station and other related commercial uses within a Planned Development zone. 11 acres located on the west side of North Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, 630 feet south of Junipero Serra Freeway. Second Hearing. . I�inutes of the Plan�ing Co�mission June �0, 1968 80,000.4 PC-11 12-U-68 cont'd page 3 r�r. Liarry Falk of 11452 �iora Drive, Los Altos, appeared before the Commission aad stated that he had no�hing further to add to tihe statements made during the first hearing except that he was most concerned about the constant delays which this application seems to encounter by reason of absenee �f the other property owners in- concern volved in this matter. Mr. Falk reiterated that heavy expenses about delays were involved in delays of construction and maintaira�d that he was voiced perfectly willing to meet with the otl�er parties at any time but that delays had been encountered ju�t the same. Considerab].e discussion ensued and numerous references were made to the May 27, 1968 minutes, indicating that the major considerations discussion remained the proposed service station and the fact that a unified on zoning development had been proposed for this parcel of land with a Planned Development �one. In answer to a Planning Depaxtment stated requirement of the necessity to begin construction of 6070 of the project before an occupancy permit for a service station could be obtained, 1rlr. Falk asked if it would, alternately, be possible to obtain b�ild�ng permits for $100,000 worth of construction wY►ich would, in reality and witta the i�stallation of curbs, gutters, stxeet improvements and the like, result in some proposal $300,000.00 worth of commitments, and then receive authori�ation to submitted construct the service station. Mr. Falk continued that.=kne and tais associates were in perfect agreement with the Planning Commission�s insistence upon certain restxictions for pro�osed service station constructions, but cautioned that a restaurant operator might feel, and be, inconvenienc�d by the �onstru�tion of a service station after the restaurant is open for business. City Attorney Anderson questioned Ordixaance 274 and the Subdivision Ordinance which directly relates to this case and stated that this applicant had submitted a separate and indep�ndent proposal and not part of a complete p1an. Eurther that, originally, 37 acres comments by had been ua�der consideration with a z�ning coanpatible to what should counsel be built on the land and that this �pplicant k�ad spent considerable time and money on this propo�al, th�t he was attempting to construct something �S� attract�ve and if he could not obtain the zoning necessary, he suggested filing for a differe�t zoning. Co�missioner irwin felt tha� the problem was one of secnantics,stating that this,proposal does not adequately £it in wit�a the original Planned Development zoning, that the s+treet �attern was not complete and that no indicat�on from the ott�er two property owners had been concerns obtained as to their plans for the balance of the site. Further, that voiced the Planning Commission was primaxily concerned with the compatibility of the street patterns as proposed b� this applicant with the overall street patterns. page 4 Minutes of the Planning �ommissio� June 14, 1968 80,000.4 PC-11 12- U- 68 cont' d Considerably more discussion ensued and it was reiterated that the three property owners involved should submit a proposal for the entire statements site, i.e. the 37 acres, to enable the Commissioners to look at the proposal as a unit. Mr. Jim Bode representing Mr. Dick Pacheco, et al, addressed the Commissioners saying that he had been in contact with the applicant and that, basically, there had been an agreement especially in regard to the proposed street pattern. City Attorney Anderson stated that the Ordinance requires that the parties involved comply with the Subdivision Ordinance and that it would be the Engineering Department's discretfon to consider the legal street pattern. He reiterated that the applicant had spent a lot of points ticne and money and did not feel that the applicant should have to wait for a decision just because someone involved in the matter is out of town. Mr. John Rodrigues, developer, addressed the Commissioners and said that this proposed development was proceeding along the same basis as the Town Center in Cupertino, maintaining that according to the Planned Community Dedelopment Ordinance the City has a co�upat�bl�� use for an area, a traffic circulation p�ttern as well as a continuing control through Use Permits and that this was all the City could actually audience expect. When Mr. ftodrigues raised � q�estion relative to the proposed comments Sears, Roebuck development and the necessary Use Permit application for same, Mr. T�lalter Ward, the gea��ral manager of Vallco Park, stated that Sears had not applied for this per�nit to date but that the map would be revised accordingly i�nnediately after the applying for the per�nit. After commsiderably more discussion and with constant references to matters discussed at the last meeting as well as Attorney Anderson�s statement that, should it a�ot be possible for the three landowners references to come to an agreement this applicant should apply for a CG zoning to prior and at the same time advising �he applican� to study not only Ordinance 274 meeting but also the Subdivision Ordinance prior to retur�ing to this Commission, Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Couamis�ioner Irwin s�conded azad it was 12-U-68 passed unanimously that Applic�tion 12-�J-68 be continued to the next continued regular �nee�ing. The City Planner aa�d the City Engineer were instructed to prepare a data list of �°equixements o�n which the Gommissionexs could base their required decisioxz prior to the next meeting. recess Chair�nan Frolich called a recess at 10:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:30 p.m. Minutes of �he Planning Co�nmrssio� J�ne ��, 1968 80,000.4 PC-11 page 5 D. Applica�ion 14-Z-68/13-7CN1-6�: Pete and .Toseph Camarda; Rezoning from Residential Single-ta�nily 10,000 sq.ft. lots (R1-10) t� a Residentiial I�uple� (R2-4.25) zone, and 14-Z-68 Tentat�,ve Map for 12-lot subdivisi�n. Approximately 2.75 13-TM-68 acres south side of Forest Avenu�e, bonxnded by Vista Avenue and Randy Lar�e. Fixst Hi�ari�a�. Commissioner Irwin �oved, Co�nnis�i�nex° Ii�rshon secoc�ded and it was passed unanimously that, by �ainut� ord�r, botYa applicatioa�s be dual considered at the same time. consideration Mr. Tom Henderson, Civil Enginee�, �r�sented the applications �nd present- explained, by the use of a p�.ot g�bara, t�e pxoposed development. ation The Assistant Plann�er stated that the rezoning was �n accordance with that shown on the Genera�. P1�� and that th�e property in question was acxoss £rom the adcnini�tx°�ti�e �ff�ces of �he Cupertin� School staff District and kitty-�orner fs°��n exis��ng duplex zoning, Therefore, comments the staff recommended approval �f the rezoning subject to the twelve Staxadard Conditions. The City Ern.gine�r st�ated tha� t�ae�� qaer� n�� ob�e�tnon� �o the Tenta- tive Map as �tais invoYvecl a cc��.-de-sac arad �o egress or ingress was probleana�ic. The Gommissior�ers que���oned Lh� locatiion esgecially caution in view of tk�e reqaai�°ed st��eeti �aidtka, �ar�t�.onis�g that ir� i� xnost difficult for au��mobiles to �urn �� a cul-de-sac and that this fact sho�ld be close�,y considered. Chairman Fro�.icYa asked that his fel��w Con���sion�rs state ttaeir individual opinioa� oaa the matt�e�. Co�n�is�ioaaex° Hirskao�a stated that he had no objections to the Tenta�ti�e Iriap but did have �ome reser- individual vations about the rezoning. Comcnissioner Irw�a� stated that the comments area was predominantly R1 and Mra I�nderson replied that the General Plan did indicate R2 fox this �r�a. Chair�nan Frolich commented �ha�t t� th� �as�, south and west of the proposed site was existing or�hard �x�d urssi�veloped land. Mr. Pete Camarda concurred stating tk�a� the p��p�rg}� is surr��naed by orchards, a portion of which is owned by var�oaa� �ne�ntaers of the �aT?'�.r.da family, audience and the school administratfox� b�s�bding aa�d tthat only one parcel of comments land is actually developed as Rb wfliich parc�l is located east of his property on the north sid� of Fc�x�st Ave�ue. Commissioner Irwin emphasiz�d tk�at, regardle�s of the s�ate of zoning developme�at, all the surrournding proper�y is zoned Rl. emphasized A Mr. Beckmann of 10311 Cherry Tree ,Lane, Gupertino, and Mrs. Juanita McLaren, Real�or, stated poi�nts �relative to this application, both audience in oppositioa� to the proposed du��eaces, comments There were n� further comtne�t� �rom the audienceo page 6 Minutes of the Pl�nning Commiss�on June 10, 1968 80,000.4 PC-11 14-Z-68/13-TM-68 cont'd p.h. Comcnissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and it was closed passed unanimously to close the Public Hearing. Further discussion ensued among the Commissioners stating pertinent discussion points as to why this zoning should, or should not, be granted. 14-Z-68 Commissioner Irwin moved to deny Application 14-Z-68, Commissioner denied Puetz seconded. AYES: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz NOES: Commissioner Frolich ABSENT: None Chairman Frolich advised the applicant of his right to appeal this decision to the City Council within five days. 13-TM-68 Commissioner Irwin moved to deny Application 13-TM-68, Commissioner denied Puetz seconded. AYES: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz NOES: Gommissioner Frolich ABSENT: None voting Commissioner Buthenuth requested ttaat the record show that his vote point reflected his opposition to the 40° cul-de-sac street. Chairman Frolich again advised the applicant that he had the right to appeal this decision to the City Council within five days. 13-Z-68 The applicant of Application 13-Z-68 appeareci before the Commissioners, stating that traffic conditions had prevented his punctual attendance and wondered if he would be permitted to present the application at late this time. Chairman Frolich advised him tl�at, because of his absence arrival at the time the matter was slated for discussion earlier in the meeting, the application had been deferxed to the �aext regular meeting and that it could not be discussed at this time. The applicant was instructed to appear at the next regular meeting to �ake his presentation. unf.business Unfinished Business 81,004.122 A. 81,004.122: Ordinance 220(�) regulating Light Industrial (ML) zones. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and it was post- passed unan imously that this matter be continued to the first meeting ponement in August, 1968 enabling the new Com�issioners to become acquainted with the material which had been distributed by the Assistant Planner. Minutes of the Planning Commission J�ne 10, b968 80,000.4 PC-11 page 7 New Business A. 81,004.124: General Commercial Ordin�nce 81,004.124 The Assistant Planner distributed copies of the proposed Ordinance to the new Commissioners and requested that this matter be continued. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Iiirshon ��c�nded and it matter was passed unanimously that consideration of 81,004.�:�4 be post- continued poned to the first meeting in August, 1968. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Hirshon s�conded and it motion to was passed unanimously that the meetiaag be a�djourned. adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. adjournment APPROVED: �K`� �/ ' v � � • . /s/ Doaiald A. Frolich ATTEST: Chairman ADDE LAURIN, Director of Planning s mes E. Nu m, Assistant Planner