PC 05-13-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State �f California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone : 252-�-505 80, 000. �
PC -: 9
The meetirig was called to order at 8:00 P.M, by Chairma.n
Buthenuth, who subsequently led the assemblage in the flag call to
salute, order flag
Commissio,ners present: Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan,
Buthenut�.Also present: City Attorney Anderson, Director
of Planning, Laurin, Director of Public Works, Finney,
City Engineer, Boyd, Assistant Planner, Nuzum, Recording roll call
Secretary Cappellieri.
Director of Planning Laurin advised the Commissioners that postpone-
there would be several postponements: ments
Item A Robert H. Zimmer, Tentative Map (l�-TM-67). This
is being postponed by mutual agreement because it is conn-
ected with a Local Improvement District which has not been 1�-TM-67
finalized yet. Mr. Boyd reported that the Consultant
Engineer is still working on the improvement district study
and agrees with Mr. Laurin that two months should wrap it
Commissioner Frolich moved that the application l�-TM-67 be
postponed until the second meeting in July; Comm. Hirshon
seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Item B. Maryknoll�Construction Co, and Sherma.n Cornblum, Re- 3-Z-68
zoning (3-Z-68( and Tentative Map (3-TM-68) 3-TM-68
� Director of Planning Laurin advised the Commissioners that
he has phoned the applicants on several occasions but they
are not yet ready; the applicants have requested postpone-
ment for two weeks or more. Mr. Laurin suggested that this
item be re�advertised after request from the applicant.
Commissioner Frolich moved that these two items, 3-Z-68 and
3-TM�=68 be dropped from the agenda and be put back when ___ -
properly advertised. Commissioner Bryson seconded and it
was passed unanimously.
Item H. Herbert W. Regnart, Jr, et ux, Henry R. Luchetti 11-TM-68
and Noorudin Billawala, Tentative Map (11-TM-68).
Director of Planning Laurin stated that he had a request
that this be postponed until May 27 due to some legal
Page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13, 1968 80,0��,�
Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded
and it was passed unanimously that 11-TM-68 be postponed
until May 27.
Item 0. Director of Planning Laurin suggested that this
Ordinance item covering Ordinance 002 (q-1) be postponed due to the
002(q-1) fact that there is a very �.ong agenda, and he didn't feel
that at the end of this agenda there could be a fruitful
discussion of this Ordinance.
announce- Comm. Horgan moved to postpone Ordinance 002 (q-1),
ments Comm. Frolich seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Director of Planning Laurin announced that the next City
Council meeting ma.y be continued from tonight until an
undisclosed date. It has been indicated that perhaps it
would be May 23 which is Thursday instead of Monday, so
that anyone interested would have t� make certain after
tonight's meeting.
written Director of Planning Laurin informed the Planning Comm-
communica ission that he was going on vacation May 28 and would
tions miss the subsequent three meetings.
Mr. Laurin then discussed the completeness of applications
and the time element inv�lved between receipt of applications
and advertising. There are real difficulties with an appli-
cant on occasion because he feels that he doesn�t want to
ma.ke an expensive exhibit before sounding the Planning Comm-
ission out. This procedure is doubtful and the CA has warned
about carrying this concept too far.
There were no other written communications except those per-
taining to particular items on the agenda.
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and
minutes it was passed that the minutes of the April 22, 1968 meeting be
approved approved as printed. C�mmissioner Hirshon abstained.
Mr. William Hedley, architect representing Louis L. Clausius
oral and J. Robert Dempster informed the Commission that he was
communica scheduled to appear in Campbell re the library facility and
tions requested that Item z(8-z-68) be updated on the agenda.
City Attorney Anderson explained that the proper procedure, if
the Commission wished to accomodate Mr. Hedley, would �ake a
Minute Order.
Commissioner Hirshon moved to set the application ahead of the
other applications by Minute Order. Commissioner Frolich
seconded and it was passed unanimously.
,�, Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 Zg68 80,000
page 3
Public Hearings
Item I. 8-Z-68 and 9-u-68 Louis L. Clausius and J.Robert
Dempster: Rezoning from R3-2.'2� to CG arid Use Permit.
Mr. William Hedley, architect represented the applicants
and indicated what they proposed to do with the building.
He stated they had received written recommendations from
the staff with their qualifications, and basically con-
curred. He stated that the structure itself is sound, but presenta-
has been neglected over the years. They propose to leave tion
the structure intact and remodel the existing porch, re-
model the street face of the building which would be harmon-
ious with the new construction and give a professional office
Mr. Hedley agreed that the driveway is narrow, but adequate
for one moving lane. The proposed use for this would be an
attorney's office so that the traffic would be minimal --
approx. 6 clients a day. Mr. Hedley stated that this parcel
is larger than some of the residential sites and there is
adequate space for landscaping and parking.
Mr. Laurin stated that along Stevens Creek Boulevard there
are some apartment zonings which actually have the charac-
ter of spot zoning and would never be any good apartment Staff
developments. The rezoning would clean up the zoning map. report
As to the use, Mr. Laurin felt that if the construction is
sound and if the ordinances and building code requirements
are met, there is no harm in utilizing some older bu.ilding
provided they are spruced up -- it would actually lend
some variety to the City.
Commissioner Buthenuth asked City Engineer Boyd if there
was a sidewalk in f ront of this property at this time, quesltions
and Mr. Boyd replied that he did not believe there was a
sidewalk, that it would be constructed as a portion of the
improvement plan.
Commissioner Hirshon asked if Mr. Hedley indicated that
the building would be for attorney's use and nothing else
and Mr. Hedley stated that this was the present intended
use but he felt his client wouldn't want to be restricted
to this use.
Page � Minutes of the Planning C�mmission May 13 1968 80,0�^ �
Commissioner Hirshon asked why they were requesting
"Commercial" zoning instead of "Professional Offices" and
Mr. Hedley was unable to answer.
The Planning Director interjected that it may:be'�he fe�lir�g
of the prospective owner that Inost of the zoning on Stevens
Creek Blvd, is Commercial and perhaps when this building has
served its purpose, some time in the future, the l�t would
be a part of overall Commercial zoning on Stevens Creek Blvd.
Discussion ensued rezoning of Lots 27, 28 , 30 and Mr. Nuzum
reported that 27 and 28 were zoned and developed Commercial.
Lot 32 still remains Multiple as a result of former County
There were no audience comments, but Chairman Buthenuth
audience stated that he disliked seeing houses used as commercial
comments enterprises. Commissioner Hirshon wanted some assurance
that it was going to be used for what is proposed.
Assistant Planner stated that the Planning Dept, memo cover-
ed this well -- that conversion of older buildings should
not be standard, but be handled on an individual basis,
depending on the quality of the structure.
There followed discussion on Use Permit and possible limita-
tions subject �� renewal. Chairman Buthenuth, stated he had
no objection to the zoning, but the use of the building
would restrict future development of the area.
p.h.clos- Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded and
ed it was unanimously passed that the public hearing be closed.
Mr. Laurin explained that in a Commercial Zone we depend on
an old County Ordinance which prescribes that a Use Permit
is required to retain a residential building in a Commercial
zone. If the owner later wants to convert to purely Comm-
ercial he would either have to tear the building down or get
an entirely new Use Permit.
Chairman Buthenuth asked about parking and Mr. Laurin assur-
ed him that parking was as required by Ordinance.
'�. Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 Zg68 80,000
page 5
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Fr�lich second-
ed to approve application 8 vz-68 subject to the 12 8� z-68
standard conditi�ns, approved
Ayes: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon
Noes: Comm. Horgan, Buthenuth
Motion Carried 3-2
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Frolich second-
ed to approve application 9-U-68 subject to the 12 9-U-68
standard conditions. approved
Ayes: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon
Noes: Comm. Horgan, Chairman Buthenuth
Motion Carried 3-2
Item C. 8-u-63 Allen L. Chadwick, dba Autorama;� 8-U-63
Revocation bf Use Permit. First Hearing c'd.
Mr. Robert Irving, 151 University Ave., Apt 305
Palo Alto, California, present owner of the property
stated that he objected to withdrawal of the Use Permit presenta-
because he had attempted t� lease the property since tion
the last lessee vacated the property in March 1968
He had purchased the property in anticipation of it
being used for a Used Car operation, and to that end
checked to see that the Use Permit ran with the land.
Since the last meeting, he has had to turn down an offer
from a used car lot operator in San Jose.
Chairman Buthenuth asked City Attorney Anderson if he CA opinion
was familiar with the Resolution #�+98 and Mr. Anderson
stated he had reviewed the minutes of the prior meeting
and reports to the staff, etc.
As to the question of this "running with the land" and
the question of the rights of the licensees, Mr. Anderson
read from McClellan on Municipal Corporations, Volume 9,
Section 2681
"There is no contract or vested right for property and
a license or permit as against the power of the state
or municipality to revoke it in a proper case on a
legal cause for forfeiture or on a legal cause for
exercise of police power to protect the public health,
Page 6 Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 1968 80,000.�
safety, morals or welfare. Hence the statute or
ordinance may auth�rize revocation of a license
or permit for cause in acc�rdance with conditions
CA opinion under which it's issued. A licer.se or permit accept- ___
contt, ed under an ordinance providing it need be revoked at
pleasure or at the discretion of a specified municipal
officer or boa�d is binding on the permittee. A
licensee under an ordinance authorizing revocation is
stoppe�d from questioning the power of revocation --
especially with respect to license or permit for those
businesses, activities or things potentially or frequent-
ly unlawful such as sale of int�xicating liquors there
is no vested right in the license or permit to a con-
tinuance and can be revoked at the pleasure of the
municipality providing the revocation is not arbitrary,
unreasonable or discriminatory. Like leasewise the
mere issuance of a permit where the permittee has not
commenced any work or incurred substantial expense on
the faith of it does not create a vested right or stop
the municipal autherities from. revoking it. This rule
is applicable against an a.ssignee of a license or a
permit .........m....... ,,
Mr. Anderson then stated that the government code which
specifically applies to a situation like this and one of the
other applications being heard tonight does away with the
possibility of arbitrar�ly revoking a license because Section
65905 of the Government Code provides that ��hen an applica-
tion for variance or conditional use permit or other permit
or revocation or modification of the same or an appeal there-
from is submitted, the party charged with conducting the
hearing shall give notice of hearing by posting, mail, etc.
These procedures were carefully observed because our or-
dinance follows this code section.
Chairman Buthenuth asked the applicant if he bought the land
thinking that the use permit went with it, and if he had any
other future plans for the use. The a�plicant replied that
he had no other plans at this time.
Staff Planning Director Laurin had no furtr�� comments to make on
comments this application.
City Attorney Anderson explained that the initiative to the
revocation was by an action of the Council. Under our
ordinances anything connected with the automobile business,
service or industry, including gas stations, tire companies,
etc, are subject to use permit. Mr. Anderson then went on
to discuss the different ramifications of used car lot require-
ments, how this land has been put to use, the question of
Minutes of the Planning Commi�;�10 i��`� ��, i968 80, 000.�-
Page 7
abandonment, etc. The question remains whether or not
you want a car lot on this proper�ty; is there going to
be one there, or is the lot to be vacant for 2 or 3
years. What does the public welfare call f or?
The C�mmission asked the applicant if he had any further
plans for this lot at this time and Mro Irving replied
that he did not.
Mr. Horgan asked if the use permit had a time limit on
it and Mr. Nuzum replied that it did not.
Mr. Bryson suggested that perhaps the applicant get to-
gether with the Planning Dept, and Building Inspector to
create lighting that w�uld be acceptable to the City,
since this seems to be a bone of contention. With the
proper lighting, proper restrictions, perhaps a use permit
could be granted with a 5 year limit on it.
City Attorney Anderson explained to the Commission that the
original intent was to have cars on the lot no older than
2 years; in fact it was thought that there would be a
Chevrolet franchised operation or one of the other leading
car manufacturers, and this did not pan out, and the
original applicant apparently couldn't keep the business
going without one.
Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded
�_. and it was unanimously passed that the public hearing be p•
. closed, closed
Commissi�ner Horgan said he felt City Attorney Anderson
had stated it correctly -- this is a brand new ball game
regardless of the circumstances of the applicant and we
should consider it as such. Either we want to oantinue a
use permit or we don't.
Commissioner Hirshon stated that if the Commissioner revok-
ed the Use Permit that doesn't necessarily preclude another
applicant wanting a used car lot at that location coming in
to ask for it again, but conditions can be imposed at that
time as the Commissioner sees fit.
_ Commissioner Frolich made a motion that the Commissioner 8- U' 6 3
:..... recommend that Use Permit 8-U-63 be rev�ked. Commissioner revoked
Hirshon seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Brys�n, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan and
Noes: None
Motion Carried 5-0
Page 8 Minutes of the Planning Commission �ay 13 1968 80,000.�
Chairman Buthenuth informed the applicant that he had
a right to appeal to the City Council in writing with-
in 5 days .
Item D 8-u-68 Union Oil Company; Use Permit for gasoline
8-U-68 s�rvice station. First Hearing.
Mr. Green, representative of Union Oil Company of Calif-
ornia presented the application for Use Permit to allow
present a gasoline service station SW corner Stevens Cr'eek & Bubb
ation Rd. He submitted a rendering and explained the architecture
adobe slump stone on all sides; roof material curved
Spanish tile; landscaping.
Commissioner Hirshon asked Mr. Green if he anticipated
quest- storing any trailers on the property and the applicant
ions replied that they did not.
Discussion ensued re location �f stations in the area.
When asked about sidewalks, Director Public Works, Finney
stated that the usual plan with the Freeway designs the
DPW State �is producing now is to include a�:idewalk. It was
recomm- not our intention th�t sidewalks should be wazved on Stevens
endat- Creek Blvd. - apparently this was an oversight at the time.
ion He recommended that they be included.
Planning Director Laurin reported that this property is in
a Light Industri�.l zone, and at the time �f rezoning there
were a number �f conditions imposed on the zoning because
of the location of' the area. Right now we are concerned
with two of these conditions -- #13 and #16. #13 provides
Staff for ways to change that c�ndition. The Planning Commission
Comment might consider Mr. Rodrigues' contention that the applica-
tion for a tise Permit does not constitute a change of the
general list previously agreed upon -- it is a regular Use
Permit for a particular lot within the zone.
Condition #16 to the rezoning does not provide a procedure
for any change.
Planning Director Laurin presented exhibits -- One memo from
the City Planning Dept. and one from the County Planning Dept.
(independent of each other), also two letters from the State
Division �f Highways. He explained that as matter of routine,
the County and City Planning Departments mutually refer to
each other applications near the boundary. Referral was in
this case, the State Division of Highways since the Freeway
is involved. He stated that the State is redesigning the area
and is taking responsibility for construction �aot , �nly;.of.���e
Freeway ramps; but also some of Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 1968 80,000.�
Page g
Mr. Green went on to discuss ingress and egress, traffic
problems, signalization and safety factors involved in
entering and leaving the ramps of the future Freeway.
Mr. Green reported on an extensive study on Service Stations
and reas�ns why motorists interrupt their travels (emer-
gencies; gasoline, food, toilet facilities; supplemental
reasons -- rest areas, map reading, etc).
Mr. John Rodrigues reviewed the history of Use Permits
under the old M-1 Ordinance under which the County opera-
ted. He stated the wording of Item �-`13 was changed twice
and it ended up saying, "The following described Property
be and hereby i� rezoned to Light Industrial subject to
the conditions set forth in the Planning Commission Re-
solution #406 hereby amended by changing the wording of
condition #13 to read "any pr�posed use shall conform with
the list attached hereto as exhibit C or shall be approved review
by Minute Order by the Planning Commission and the City
Council". Re #16 -- at the time of the rezoning and tenta-
tive map neither the City nor anyone had accurate plans
from the State of California determining exactly what they
were going to do on the Freeway. They do have plans now
and this d�es conform to their plan of traffic and they
have no objection to it whatsoever.
Chairman Buthenuth asked what the plans were for the �8f question
ft, on the East side now indicated as rough graded.
Mr. Green reported there are no plans at the moment.
Mrs. Anna Anger, 10185 Empire Ave, protested the Use Permit
stating that better things were promised for the so called protest
industrial park, and used the current City calendar as an
example. She stated that there already were numerous gas
stations in the area and cited the locations.
Ralph Ramona, Town Center Lane challenged Mrs. Anger and re-
viewed the hearings for change in General Plan in the Monta
Vista rezoning re-proposals for two new service stations.
Mr. Rollin Kenetzer, 10060 Pharlap Drive, Cupertino, pro-
tested the gas station stating we didn't need another one
in the area -- There are 5 gas stations within a quarter of
a mile going west on �t�eu�ns Creek Blvd. ; we already have too
many gas stations in the area, with the end result being we
have the reputation of being "gasoline alley".
Page 10 Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 1968 80,00�.�
Carol Fritz, 22005 Regnart Road asked Mr. Green about other
Union Oil stations stating there are 3 on Highway 9, and was
informed by the area manager that the one on Bollinger Rd.
was closed. Mr. Green explained that the two were in San
Jose and the one on Bollinger was a forced acquisition.
p.h. Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded
closed and it was unanim�usly approved that the public hearings be
closed. Commissioner Horgan m�ved and Commissioner Bryson
8-U-68 seconded to deny application 8-�-68.
den�ed Ayes: Commissioners Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan
and Buthenuth
Noes: None
Motion Carried 5-.0
The applicant was informed of his right of appeal to the City
Council in writing within 5 days.
lo-U-68 Item E, lo-U-68 James MacDonald ,1Use Permit t� a�lov�_ 3:
structure where ordinance permits 2 stories onTy�
The applicant James D. MacDonald presented his plan for
Lot #7, Tract �+038 which exceeds the City Ordinance with re-
gard to the number of stories allowed, explaining that they
have designed the lowest story in the house so that it is
effectively a garage, not to be used as living quarters.
When examined f rom the rear, the house is a two story house,
less than 25 ft, tall so it doesn't violate the �rdinance.
When examined from the front it is considerably more than
25 ft. tall -- in the region of 30 ft�t and appears as a 3
story house. He stated that the house wouldn't hinder any-
one's view and the design permits a more possible economic
condition for building.
Director Public Works, Finney stated he went over Mr. Mac-
Donald's plans and it is as he says and �rie grading is no
more extensive than presently exists on that particular
tract. Itgs extremely steep terrain, there is an �ccess
problem which Mr. MacDonald is solving, including fire access,
etc. Mr. Finney sees no engineering �bjection to the plan
as presented.
Planning Director deferred to Assistant Planner Nu2um who
stated the appropriate sections of the ordinance were
quoted in his memo to the Commissioner�.He emphasized that
staff the uphill side does comply with the ordinance. The only
comments question is the fr�nt of the house -- will you allow the
garage underneath or not. The ordinance says that 3 stories
may be permitted by Use Permit provided the lowest story is
not used for residential purposes.
'� Minutes of the Planning Commissi��� ��y 13 �968 80,000.�
PC -9
Page 11
Juanita ��Zc:���r er� stated she f Elt the Commi�s ion was
set�ing a precedent with this applicati�n for everyone
else who tries to build on those lots, and is protest- audience
ing this application. comments
Commissioner F�olich moved and Commissioner Hor°gan sec-
onded that the public heari�gs be closed, �nd it was p.h.
passed unanimously. closed
Commissioner Frolich, moved and Commissioner Horgar�
seconded to approve application 10-U wi�h the lo-U-68
conditio�. that the lower level of' the building not approved
be used for a 1.iving area.
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Hirsrion, Hor�an and
IVoes : None
Abstain; Cocnm. Bryson
Absent : No��e
Motion Carried �k-0-1
Item F 11-u-68 �Iaru�l Marchant: Use Permit fp� Of�ic� 11-u-68
�ui��ii�g in Planned Development zone.
Mr. Robert Marchant, 21567 Rair_bow Drive, Cupzrtino, re- �
prese�ti�g applicant Manuel Marchant requesting use per-
mit for of�'ice building in the Flanned Devv Zone, located preser�ta-
betwee� Town Center Lane �n.d Znlel_ls Fargo �3ank on the east tion
si�e of Saratoga-Sunn�rvale Road. He stated that the pro-
posed structure is compatible with the adjacent buildings.
The application w�s made in 1965 and approved through all
�hases at that time. Constructicn had been p�stponed and
they are r�ow requ�sting approv�l.
Assista�t Planner Nuzum stated this was approved c�riginal�y
by H. ContrGl, Planning Commission and City Coun�il. There
were no object�ons at that time. '�ne preposed building does Staff
blend ira.�aith the Town Cen�er and with Well� Fargo Bank. comments
It would fill i� an empt�r spo� ar�d give �his section of
Saratog�Sunnyvale Road a very at�ractive appearance. Mr.
Nuzum recommended this apnlication be approved.
Commissioner Hirshcn asked if there were any specific con-
ditions attached to this applicatione question
Mr. i�uzum replied th.at there were no conditions except
those applied at ri-Control level and this Committee will
review this agair� for any updating they feel necessary.
Commissioner Frblich moved, Commissioner Horgan seconded p.h.
and it was passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed
Page 1 Minutes of the Planning Commissiori P��,y :�3 1_g68 80, 000. �
PC -�
11-U-68 Commissioner Hirshcn moved, Camm��s�.oner h.organ seconded
approved to approve application 1.1-�-68
Ayes: Commissior�ers Bryson, F�olic��, Hirshon, Ho�gan and
Noes: None
AbserLt �None •
�iot� or Carri��3 5-0
recess Chairman Buthenut� ca�led a r°cess at� 1Co10 �.m.
ThP meetir�g recon.�rened at 1G : 25 p e mo
6-u-68 Item G 6-u-68 Z .B. Nelson & Atisoc.: Use Permit "�o a11ow
fJVE''i �i=�a a _.' ,_ � 1 �1E.'S a
Mr. Bob Fiddeman, represen.tir.g L.B. Nelson, stated tney
were unaware of the �i'�y Ordinance re under.ground utilities.
He explained tha� the situation re�e is that the properties
qn the E�st side o�' Homes�ead �.igh School were surrounded
on three sides by existing overhead utili�y lines. The ori-
ginal plan was fc�� complete cverhead �ype of serviee with
poles being added to the west si3e of tre property and ser-
ving a11 of the buildir�gs with oveihead ii��.es. They have come
up with a compromise which is basically �.n underground ut-
ility system excep� for the addition of � pcles on the side
ad jacen t to the h.igh sc:nc�:i o
Plarining Director Laurin sta �ed that tr�e ordinance does pro-
vide for exceptions in cases like this w!�ere there are small
staff is�ands within an area already developed with overhead facil-
comment�. ities . '�her 3Jir���:tor does reco�nmer�d approval, part-
�_�:ulari,y as they wili mos�1� u'cilize e�.isting overhead faci-
�_�ties� He did suggest that tn.e Planning Commission, as a
condition, attach the exhibit tc th.e Use Permit.
Commissioner Froyich moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded
p.h, and it was passed unanimously that the public hearing be
closed closedo
Commissioner Fr�olic'r� movad, Commissioner Hargan secon.ded
that application 5-U-68 be approvAd subject to the condition
6-u-68 ��at the site plan. presen�ed here be retained as an official
approved exhibit.
Ayes: Commissi.oners Brys�on, Frclich, Hirshon, Horgan, and
Noes: None
Motion Carried 5-0
Minutes of the Plannirlg Commission May ;�3 1968 80, 000. �
P C -'9
: Page 13
Item J 9-z -68 Roy Sebrell Rezoning i rom R3t���.;2� tQ P,2-4•25 9-z -68
Mr. Roy Sebrell 829 Williams Way, Mountain View, stated presenta-
that the application, was self-expZan��ory and asked if tion
there were any questions.
Assistant Planner Nuzum sta�ed this was �he identical sit-
uation to the recent Wilson-J�nes application. This is
basicaily a trip�ex areaa The applicant desires to build a �
duplex - it is not permitted ur�der our ordinance. We Still
feel that the ordinance as it i� written should be upheld
and it should require rezon2ng to "Pyramid" in an apart-
ment area. We recommend that this application be approved
because the applicant is fully aware that he is building staff
in an apartment area and we feel the building will in no comments
way detract f rom the area.
Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Frolich seconded
and it was passed unanimously that the public hearings be p.h.
closed. closed
Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Horgan secor�ded
that application 9-Z-68 be approved subject to the 12 9-z-68
conditions. approved
Ayes: Commissioners Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan and
Noes: None
Motion Carried 5-0
Item K. 10-Z- 68 - John Saich and Del Oro. Dev. Co. Rezon-� 10-Z-68
irg from R?-2.7 to R3-2.2�.
Mr. Car1 Hayland represented the applicant and stated he
could not add much to what has already been spelled out in
the Planning Directors reporto He is in complete accord presenta-
with �he recommendations 13, l� and 15 which would supple- tion
ment the standard 12 conditionsset forth by the City.
Mre Laurin reviAwed the different zonings in the area and
pointed out examples where the high density apartments
looked fair�y we11a Mr. Laurin did not make a firm re-
commendation in this case except that if the Planning staff
Commission decides to recommend to the Council the higher comments
density he thinks that the conditions ag`reed upon would
be necessary.
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Horgan seconded
and it was passed unanimously that the public hearings be p.h.
closed. closed
Page 1� Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 1968 80,000.�
P C -�
Commissioner Bryson moved and Commissioner Frolich
seconded that application 10-z-68 be approved subject
to the 12 standard conditions plus the additional
� conditions outlined in Mr. Laurin's memo, 13, 1�, 15,
10 - 68 dated May 9, 1g68 regarding 1� - Z - 68.
approved Ayes: Commissioners Bryson, Frolich and Hirshon
Noes: Commissioners Horgan, Buthenuth
Absent: None
Motion Carried 3-2
11-Z-68 Item L. 11-Z-68
10-TM-b8 10-TM-68 - Takeyuki Toma Rezoning �ram:.A1-?�3
to Rl-'�.5, and Tentative Map.
Mr. Tom Henderson, Civil Engineer represented the appli-
cant. He stated that the proposal is to develop the 1.�
present-'acre parcel into �+ lots, the smallest being slightly
ation larger than 7500 sq. ft., The existing property has two
homes on it at the present time and an old structure which
will probably be removed. The applicant lives in the
larger home on the larger parcel and hopes to maintain
that 1ot; the other three will be divided so two can be
sold as building sites and one with the existing house on
Planning Director Laurin exhibited a protest letter from
Bernard M. Wo1fe stating his 0.6 acres should be considered
staff together with this application, since it is immediately
comments adjacent to the north. Mr. Laurin concurred and stated that
if this 0.6 acre parcel were rezoned to R3, it shouldn't
have an access through this area; but that if it were re-
zoned to RT the cul-de-sac should be extended to the north.
Mr. Nuzum noted that the letter from Mr. Wolfe requests that
this matter be continued since he was unable to attend this
meeting, and stated Mr. Wolfe's proposals --one that perhaps
they should have a 20 ft. accessway to the rear. If the 0:�6
acre parcel were developed as a recreation area, they would-
n't need access. If it were going to be developed as part of
the apartment complex, there is na way to get a street f rom
the present complex into this area, therefore they would need
street access. He felt that it was unfair to consider the
matter and reach a decision without Mr. Wolfe or his represent-
ative attending the meeting. The Planning Director felt, how-
ever that a decision could be made on the rezoning, but that
the tentative map should be continued.
� Minutes of the Planning Commis�ion May 13 1g68 80 ,000.�
Page 15
Mr. Boyd stated he � has ��1:.udied the land in depth and
could see no reason to postpone the hearing. He felt that
the owner of the'parcel did not have a legitimate case
for access. The triangular parcel was purchased from the
Division of Highways b�r him as a piece of residual pro-
perty. He,could not have purchased that from the state
had he not had facilities for access - that is if he had
owned the adjacent property to the west. Mr. Boyd felt
it was not fair for the Planning Commission or the City
to be used as a speculative venture - that is to buy a c.e.
piece of property which is apparently land locked on comments
the an�icipation that �wheri the ne,ighbor of the p�operty
deve3�ops, he will be forced to give access. If Mr. Toma
were n�t to develop this property and retained it as a
singl�e unit, that triangle would never have access.
Mr.:Laurin said that the Planning Director advises
against anyth'ing other''�han Rl Zoning because the out-
Iet for the property considered on the application
would be through ,purely R1 streets.
Commissione•r Horgan made a Minute Order to continue - �
10-TM-68 until tne next regular meeting, Commissioner 10-TM=68
Hirshon seconded and it was passed unanimously. cont.
Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson second-
ed and it was passed unanimously that the public hear- p.h.
ing on application 11-Z 68 be closed. closed
Commissioner Horgan moved and �ornrl, � ��'ro� ich secor_ded - �
that application 11 be approved subject to the 11-Z-68
12 standard conditions. approved
Ayes: Commissioners Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan
and Buthenuth
Noes: None
Motion Carried 5-0
Item M 12-Z-68 - George Ahamnos: Rezoning from Resid-
ential Multiple High Density (R3-2.2�) to Gen-
eral Commerc ial (�G) . 20, 000 sq . f t. loc ated NW 12 -Z -68
corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Portal
Avenue. First Hearing.
Mr. George Ahamnc�s, 20567 Whistle Lane, Saratoga request-
ed that this property be rezoned to commercial. He presenta-
stated that he had read the staff report and had nothing tion
further to add.
Page 16 Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13, 15�68 80,�000.
Assistant Planner Nuzum stated that this is '_n what is
considered the commercial area fronting on �t,e�ens Creek
Blvd. and there is no problem with the rezoning. Hope-
fully all the�property to the �00 ft. depth could be re-
staff zoned at the same time; however, the owner of the pro-
commentsperty immediately north of this application does not
wish his property rezoned at this time. Approval of this
application sub,ject to the 12 standard conditions is
Mr. L. E. Miesta, owner of the property next to that
owned by Mr. Geor�e Ahamnos stated he was not proteating
- the proposed development, but does want to make sure there
audien- is a wa11 separating his property from that of the restaur-
ce ant.
Mr. Nuzum pointed out that the ordinance requires a� ft.
masonry wall be built betw�en commercial and residential.
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Horgan seconded
and it was passed unanimously that the public hearings
P•h• be closed.
Commiss�dner Hirshon stated he was not entirely apposed
to commercial zoning, but felt there was enough of that
type of development at the present time in the City and
would like'to see professional office zoning.
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Frolich seconded
to approve application 12-z-68 sub�ect to 12 standard
- -� Ayes: Commissioners Bryson, Frolich
12+Z-1�$ Noes: Commissioners Hirshon, Horgan, Buthenuth
denied Absent:None
Motion �Ef�eated-2-3
Chairman Buthenuth informed the applicant of his right of
appeal to the City Council in writing within 5 days.
� Item N 13-z-68 Provence Associates�:� Prezoning from Resid-
13-Z-68 ential Single-f amily 10,000 sq. ft. lots (R1-10)
to Residential Multiple Cluster (R�C-2.7). Approx.
17 acres west side of Foothill Blvd., south of
San Juan Road. First Hearing.
� Minutes of the Planaing Commission May 13 1968 80,000.�
PC -9
Page 17
Mr. Fred Dole, Architect, �77 Victory Ave., Mountain
View represented the owners on the pr�ject. He re--
viewed the proposed project showing photographs af the
structural system. He stated his primary purpose a�
this time was to try to get the "feel" of the Commiss
ion for this project. The plan is for approx. 200
units, using a loading ramp into the parking area.
Mr. Dole presented two sketches, one a section through
the property showing location of proposed parking, the presenta
other showing the location of the cluster type unit. tion
� The plan is to put the living units toward the lower
end,being accessible from the parking level via an
elevator traveling on the existing slope.
Commissioner Bryson suggested that before any action
was taken on this app�ication a trip to Ralston Ro�.d
in Belmont where such a development can be viewed,
would be in order.
Chairman Buthenuth informed the representative that
this would probably be the last meeting for several
of the Planning Commissioners, and perhaps it would
be better to continue until the next meeting. Also,
the ataff would have an opportunity to study the
matter more carefully.
City Attorney Anderson suggested that the secretary
record names and addresses of people present protest- protests
ing so they can be advised of the location, etc.
Mrs. Robert Cromwell 22562 Alcalde, Cupertino
Mrs. Edw. D. Jones 22600 Ricardo Rd., Cupertino
Mrs. Shirley Matteis 1059�+ Cordova Rd., Cupertino
Mr. J. R. Ferguson 22560 Ricardo Rd., Cupertino
Mrs. 0. Guidotti 22620 Ricardo Rd., Cupertino
Mrs. Voss 22561 Alcalde Rd., Cupertino
Mr. Angelo Guidotti 110�1 Stevens Canyond Road
Mr. Guidotti questioned the number of units, asked
what they planned to do for water and discussed the
problems of fire, traffic and width of the roads.
Mr. Boyd commented that he had only looked at this appli-
cation briefly. He agreed that there are soils problems,
but as an engineer felt refreshed to see a new concept
for hillside development. He stated that during the next
two weeks his office would review the development and per- c.e.
haps at the next meeting give a report that would be help- comments
ful to the applicant and also informative to the people
who are interested in it.
Page 18 Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 1968 80,-000
- Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson secon
13-z-68 and it was passed unanimously that application 13-Z�-68
cont. be continued until the next regular meeting.
unf. Unfinished Business
11-u-67 John F. Coughlan, dba Stevens Creek CGard:�.�n ����er at
1930o Stevens Creek Blvd. Resolution No �+9g to consider
11-U-67 revocation of Use Permit granted November 6, 1967.
City Attorney Anderson informed the Commission that Att�r,
Donovan brought to his attention the f act that there m�ght
c.a. be a conflict of interest inasmuch as he has represented
with- someone who may protest against this particular applica-
draws tion. After discussion with the City Manager, it was
agreed that in the public interest, to assure the people
of a f air and impartial hearing that he withdraw from
the matter. Mr. Anderson wanted the record to show �hat
he had not discussed the matter with anyone on the Plann-
ing Commission, nor with an�r� meinber of the City Council.
Commisaioner Bryson suggested the Planning Commission go
ahead with the consideration of the revocation as planned.
Commissioner Hirshon stated he wasn't present at the last
meeting and requested that the public'� hearing be reopened
so that Mr. Donovan could recap what was happening.
Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded
p,Y�, and it was passed unanimously to open the public hearing.
re -
opened Mr. Donovan told the Comm: he represented the new tenants
of Stevens Creek Garden Center. Without any forewarning
that there was to be a revocation, they went in and signed
review a lease to operate the Garden Center. They put around
$5,000 into the operation and it was shortly after that
there was a motion from the City Council to revoke the Use
Permit on the grounds of abandonment. He explained that
the only abandonment occured because the Small Business
Adm. had liens against the previous tenants and the owner
could not lease the property until these things were clear -
Mr. Donovan told the Comm. that Mr. Cali has no objection
to an extension of the perm�t with the following conditions:
l. That the permit not be extended longer than 5 years.
2, That the permit not exceed the uses to which it is
already put.
3. That a presentable 6 ft. fence be put between his
property and the other property.
Minutes of the Planning Commission May 13 1g68 80,000.�
P�.g� �.9
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissior�er Horgan
seconded and it was passed unanimously that the
public hearing be closed. p.h.
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Horgan
seconded that the Use Permit under 11-U 67 be revok- 11-U-67
Ayes: Commissioners Brys�n, Fro�ich, Horgan and
Noes: Commissioner Hirshon
Motion Carried �-1
The applicant was advised of his right of appeal to
the City Council in. writing within 5 days.
New Bus in.e s s new
There was no new 'uusiness
Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson second-
ed and it was passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourn-
adjourned. ment
The meeting ad journed at 11: �-1�5 p. m.
Z� �� - -- --�z�
/�/ John W. Buthenuth
ATTEST: Chairman
Q��� ��� -�
Director of Planning