PC 04-22-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Ave�ue Cuperti�o, California 95014
Phone: 252>4505 80,000.4
PC- 8
The meeting was called to order at �:00 p.m, by Chaircnan Buthenuth, call to orde
who subseque�.tly led tta� a�semblage in the flag salute. flag salute
Commissioners presen� e Bryso�a, F�°ol�el� Horgaa�, Buthenuth. Also
pr�sent: Dir����x of P�.anning Lauri�n, Director of Public [�orks roll call
�inney; Assistant PYanner Nuzum; Cb�y Eragineer Boyd; Itecoraing
Secretary Matzley.
CYaairmaaa ��a�hena�tYa advised his fellow Commissioners that Commissioner
Hirshon and City A�torney Aa�derson would not be present at tonight's non-
meeting because of ilbness. attendance
Commission�r Bryson m�ved, Commissaoner Horgan seconded and it was
passed unan�s�ously that the minutes of the Apri� 8, 1968 meetixag minutes
be approved as pxin�ed. approved
Director of gla�a��ng Laurin advised the Commissioners that L.B.
Nelson and Assc�ciates had withdr�wn their request for a Use Permit advice of
(6-tJ-68) y also, that the request for a Tentative Ma.p (4-TM-68) as with-
submitted by Reynold M. and Raymoxnd B. Watsan had been withdrawn. drawals
There w�re ncs wri��en �ommunbcations. no written
Mr. Laurina stated th�t k�e had advis�d the Gity Gouncil of the Commis-
sion°s �ecommendatioxn to meet with tkae Gity Council to� discuss a
staff study of the land use popula�fon and circulation elements of oral
a G�neral Pl�n on Mo�day, April 2�, 1968. How�ver, tkae City Council communi-
had suggested that ttxis �oiaat meeting b� held when the vacancies at cations
the P1ann�ng�C�mmiss�.on°s Board h�ad bee� filled to afford the new
Comanissioa�ers a� im�nediate ins�gh� into the many fa��ts of planning.
Commiss�o�er �3�rgaaa advised �.h� Ctnaa�r�an that he had �eean present at
tkae Apr�l 16, 196� an��ti�g of ��e C��y Coun�cil during whicta � Mr.
�ea�sley, who �.s co�n�ected w�.�h �he Cupertino Hi�ls Switm ar�d Racquet
Club, �a�id ask.ed the C�ty� Council to r�l��ve the Planning Coanmission
of i�s aa�thority as, in Mr. Bea�ley's opinbon, they had ex�eeded commissionez
tk�e a��ho�city granted ta tkaem. Cocamissi�n�r Iiorgan further stat�d report to
that �he Cupertino Hills Swi�n and Racquet Cleab had appeal�d the denial chairman
for a�Tse Permit as rean�ered.:by this body �nd felt that, althoa�gh
City Attoraaegr Andersoaa kaad r�n�quiv�cally ea�dorsed the legality of
the Commissbon's acta.mn, the Chairman stnould b� prepared to speak
in defense of the action take�n.
page 2 Minutes of t�e Planning Co�missio� Apr�l 22, 1��8 PC-8
Public Heari���
4-TM-68 A. 4m1°Mm�8: Re�noid Me Watso� a�d It��nond �. Watso�; Tentative
drawn This applicat�o� had b�en wittad�awa�o
7-TM-68 B. 7-TM-68o yallco Par1c9 T�nt�tive rla�� �pproximately 39 acres
a� the 1V6a coran�r of �teve�as Cxeeflc Bo�xlevard and Wolfe Itoad.
�arst Heariaag.
Mr. Walter 6�ard �he G�nexal ki�a�a�er �f 41aYlco Park, told the Commissioners
present- that Merrft� Drive, Amherst Dx�v�, 6Jtn�aton Drive �and Auburn Drive would
ation remain a� deac��e�d streets aa�d tka�t� ia� �xder to con£orm to the City
Ordinance oaa lot splits, the "Ce�ata��ue Map raas r�c�uested.
Wtaen as�Ced by the Co�n�ni�sioners, P�ab�ic 6d�rlcs Director Finney stated
that tha.s was the fi�°st ti�a� ka� h�d heard of the pr�posed additional
staff intersection oa� Wolfe itoad 1.es� tham 50� f�e� from an existing inter-
report section and tkaat he would ���Ce to s�nady t�ae pr�posal and make his
reco�meaadati�ns to t�ae Ci�y C�nsrrnci�. a�� �he tiane �f �heir r�view of
the Tea�ta�iwe �p.
p.h.closed Co�nmission�r Horgaaneno�ed C��n�m�ssi�nex° Frolich seconded and it was
passesi uaa��ba�oa�sly that the Pa�bb�� ��rang �� cl�s�d.
7-iCM-68 Comenissioa�er �d�rgarn moved, C��n�i���oaaer Bx°ys��a secoxaded to approve
approved aPPlica�ion 7-�."M-fr8.
Ayese Cm�abss�,on�ers �rysomm, Frola�c�a Ho��an, But�nea�utkn
Noe � o Nos�e
Absent: Co�nmissioaaer I�irsknon
Chair�naa� Baat�a�n���n advis�d the �p��icaant that tta�.s matter would come
before the Citty Councbl a� thei�° M,ay � 196� �neetz.nga
g_TM-6g C, g�1'�im6�e FraYalc Hoff�naa�9 �entativ� ktaip Oo363 �cres located at
the w�st �isi� of Blane� Avea��e ag�prox�.�ately 200 feet north
of Sted�ns Cre�k Bo�xleva�d, Firs� Heaxing.
Mr. aom �i�aader�oa�, Civil Eang�,a�e�r r�pr�sgn�ed �th� �pp�icant and stated
that thi� de�rel�p�ea�t knad be�n �r�s��at�d to, aa�d reco�nmeraded for approval
by, H Gon�roYa �kna� the pxop�x�� �aas �oaa�d commexcba�l9 and that there
present- were tw� �ar�perties �.a�vol�red i.ee Parcel A whictn wi11 have a Convenience
ation Hiarket ammd Parce� B cahi�h is vacan�e Also that the ocaner of the
propexty had beeaa awax°e �f �k�e n�ce�si�y for a tea�t�tive map in a lot
split k��� tha� he ta�d no curr�nt plaans f�r tlae developm�nt of Parcel B.
Consideralble discaassfon e�asuec� �ur��n� wh�.ch the Commissioners felt that
dis- tkais propex°�y was to�a small for aany kia�d of constr�action and that the
cussion necess�ixy parking spaces would be t�� f�w �� �o�aform to the applic-
able Ordin�a�ce .
Minutes of the Planning C��mission April 22, 1968 PC=8
8- TM- 68 coaat' d page 3
Mr. Lauri�a s�ated that the Parking Ordin�nce provides that the
parlcing can b� equal�zed between two adjacent lots subject to guaran- staff
tees tha� an agree�ent caa��C ber���rmg�tea��am�i.�.tl}ab.;���u.ztd�� nQL�cn�r:eum- report
stances� a bax�,ldiaag per�ni� can be a.ssu�d �anl�s� the paxking require-
meaats are meLr o
Commis�ioner Ii�rgaa� cnoved Commiss�oa�er Br��on seconded and it was p.h. closed
passed aaa�arai���xsly that the �ublic kaearing be �losed,
Commssioa�er �o��an move� Commissioner Bry�on seconded tca approve 8-TM-68
application 8m7.°klm�8e approved
Ayeso Coenmis��,oner� �rysoaa Fr�lich, Horgan Buthenuth
Noe s e Noaae
Absento Co�n�ni�sic�ner �irstaon
D. �°11-68a ria.ldred Scottt, Cknarles Pere� and Rick}ard Jones; Use 7-U-68
Peranit to allow one-half of existing rear building to be used
as an �utom��ile parts repair sh�p, and related uses. Lo-
cated at 20�Ob Steven� Cx°eek Bou�evard. First Hearing.
Att�rney Daa��e� ]��novamm of 2044� ��w�a �entex° Laaae, Gupertino, represent-
ing the �pplicant stated that, altho�gta a se�arate operation, this
would be an expansion of an exi�ting use. Faarther, that the shop present-
would scarcely be seen fxo�n the street tta�t it would be a small, one- ation
cnax� opex°�tioa� very little additi�a�al tr�ffic flow would be expected,
and that tkae capexation would malce v�ry little raoise.
Considerable discussfon ensn�ed especi�lby in consideration of auto-
mobiles sgxipped of �heir engi�es st�a�ding around the site. Since
it had beex� stated th�at the service station� were a�sed as guide-
lines for permitting automotive uses in general co�mercial zones,
Commissioa�er Frolich woxadered where the line was to be drawn relative
to work which is doaae in service stationse Com�nissioner Horgan felt discussions
that ttais wa� just one additional �tep in connection with this
application �s it had ox°igiaially been approved for the sale of parts,
then for tunemup� and now for cylia�ders to be bored and valves to
be gro�a�do Ii� �aid that noise wa� inevita�a�.e �nd cautioned the
Cominissioaner� ttaa� the pro�erty had n�o adjoiniaag operations at the
present but �h�t cars stripped of ttaea.� engines and ieft overnight
with their�.��no�d.s up would be �ost �nxaa�t�ractive o
Commissai;oner �r�licl� �sked if the applicant h�d any objection to a
time limit omm the IJse Pe�it e�bbimg the Co�n�ission to revoke the
Use Per�nit isa case saf co�nplaints o H� felt th�t the property is
preseaatly �urrounded by bare land but shoerld it be developed at questions
some la�er ti�e, the oper�fion might pxov� detri�nental to the
�djoiniaag prope�ty �wnerso
Chair�an B�thenutka felt that �here staould be some sort of control
�ttached t� �he per�it and that the Commission should certainly opinion
retain its abi.lity to object if cars are left in a disassembled
state o
page 4 NLimutes o£ the Pl���i�g Go�������� Apr�b �2 �96� PC=8
7-U-68 co��°d
p.h. closed Com�nissi���r Bx���� ����� �o�is�i���r ��rg�� �eco�ded �md it was
passed ������o���y ���� ��� ��b�ac �eax��g �� ���s�do
City E��i�ee� �oyd i��e���c�e� *�a� ����ps o�� o£ t�e co�ditions
that ����b� �� �������� �� ��� ������ �m��� �� t��� �� a�t�mobiles
c�uld �e �������e� �� ���as������� �� t�� ��e�i���.
7-U-68 Com�issi���� ������ m���d� C��m�ss����r �rol��� s�cond�d to �pprove
approved �PPlica�go� �°�m6� ����e�� �� ��� ���d���m�s �ha� �� ��gines be
re�oved �� r�����ed f��� ��� ���i��e� �� ��e �xe��s�� a�d that this
U�� ��a°��� ����� a fi���y��� ����������e
7- Z- 68 E. �m �m ��% �m ��� e 5d�xd Cx��na�� ���� l��m�a���, Iaac o; Rezoning �rom
A�r��u��tr��al�m��a.cl����a�. Q.!�1-��� �� 1�eside�at�a� sia�gle family
9-TM-68 2��0�� s�o�� �,�t� Q1�¶���0� ��n� ��s�ci��ntial �bn�le fami:y 7,500 sq.ft.
���� Q��,� � 05� 9�m��fl °��a��a���e d�a�x, �xae ac�e ��cat�d on the south
�isle �� `���°?���� D����� P�� ���t r��s� �� �e�ra ]�e➢.la Drive. Fir�t
1Kr, bda�°d C�an�a�� ��.� ����������° a�� �.�p��,��as��� t�a�.ct �Y�e Comgnissioners that
present- tYais w�anld be ��°����,�n�� �i� � f�x��n��° ��a� ��r� ��� i�� a�n area where most
ation of th,e ��t� ka�ar� �����.��u�L�� be��► ��aa��1 �� �/� ��c��. H� st�ted that it
was his �un�eant�,m� �� ���.� t�a� �� *°k�� ��t� ���ge� ��cl thnas provide a
bet�ex di�t�°�l��u�;io�n o� �l��do
Tta� �'�.��aa��,�.g D�i��s��i� �����d �ha�� u�h��c �ae�°e s�� relev�ant �aroblems or
objec�i��n� £��,�a ��� ����aa�,�a� ��i�L� �f �i��ao `�°�ae D�.�e��or �f Pub�ic
staff W�rks faad�c����l ���� s�fl�� a�ppr���� �kao�n�.d l�e g��uated with the provision
opinion� tkna� �ka� g��a���.� �a��I������ �a����ua��y ��°��s�.�g tta� ��ts sh�uld be re-
located ��nd ��;� ��r���a��,�aa� s����� �ma���ta�n�do
p.h. Commis����.�r Fx�o�.�cka ���r��� ��ais�ioaa�r H�rg�sn sec�md�d aaad it was
� closed passed �an��a�,���n���r ��a� th�e �rr����� krear�.n� Le �l��ed.
7-Z-68 �ommi��f.�aa�x �����,��n sn�d�c� ��man�,���mmmer %�o�ga� sec�snded to approve
approved aPpb�ca���an �-Z�68� �a���e�� �� ��� gw��.we S��a�dard Coaaditioa�s.
Aye�o ���i.���,�aaer� iB����an �r��.bc�a �3m���a� S�c�tkne�n�ath�
Noe � o �T��s�
A�s���t a ���n�n����.oane� ��.�°�"ra�rrn
9-TM-68 Comani�����ner ����,��� u���r�d ���n������n�r T����aan se:��x�d�d to approve..
approved �pp�����g��. 9m�°�Im�ig� ��a�����. �� ��a� ��sa��.c�e S��ndard Conditions with
c�a�di�i�an b�� ��.�� t�a� �s�.���,��,�� �n� �°�A��atc�d as a�eqa�i�ed b� the
��,�1�.� lU�bbi�a��� �.���v��a��� o
Aye�o C��a.���.o�n��°� �����a�� ��m���la ���ga�.� �cstckn��n�t�.
Noe � o N�aae
Absento C����s��xaer H�r��n�a�
Chai�°�naa� Baat�n�raa�t�a �d��.sed ��ne �g�plic��at �hat ttae�e matters would come
before �he ��,�y Coa��acib a� t�eix° �Nba� ��� b9�� me�t�.�g.
Minutes of �he Pl�nning Co�m�ssio� Apr�l 22 1968 P�=$
page 5
F. 8mUm�3o A�ben L. �had���� d�a A�t��am�� a� 20100 Stevens
Greek Bo�le�arde Res�l��i�� N�. ��8 to �����der revocation of 8-U-63
Us� P�r��� g���ted Se���mber 2� ��630
Mr. Robert Irw�� of �51 ���ve����y A�en��, Pa�� Alt�, t�e owner of
the proper�� ��der disc��s�m� �����d ��s �b��ct�on to t�e Re�olution,
indica�immg th�t he �ad atte��t�a fi� s���re a�����r who wo�ld lease objection
the prop�r��o A��� t��� �he pr�P���Y ��d b���� vaca�ed as re�ently voiced
as Marc� 1� �9�8 �nd t�at �� �ad b�e� u�der ��� �mpress�om that the
Use Perm�t �a� �ra�ted �� c�nj�ner��� with ���e la�do
�he Co��is��o�e�s fe�t ���t ���� At���rney Ar��erso� s���bd b� present :_
to offer a b�$�� op��ion ��d ��a�a3ss�oner Ero���h ��v�d Commissioner matter
Hoxga� s�c�nded and i� wa� p���ed �xia���o���y t�at this matter be con- continued
tinued �� th� �1ay �3 ��68 ���ti��.
G. 11-�m67o ��h� F. C��g����, dba �te��ns Creek Garden Center 11-U-67
lo��ted at 193�0 S�evens �re�k �o��ev�rd. Res�bution No. 499
t� consider rev��a�i�� �f Ns� �ermit gr�nt�d November 6, 1967.
Attox�ey Do����� r���es����d M�s�rso �� S����a and C��rles Long, the
gentl���� w�� �ad �ea�ed ��� �rm���ty g��� ��� o��er, Mr. �orward. He
stated tha� �is c����ts �ad ���re���ea� ���s� w�t� Mr. Forward with
an op�io� t� re�ew a�d ������ �� ��t����d t9 t�� �xis�ing Use Permit
�s l�ng as �he ��i�ti�g ��� wa� co��3����d. �e Donova� in gresenting
an archi�ec�ura� r��der��� ��� ���� ��ar�, �g�ted ���� this was a very present-
attx�ctive �r��os�Y i� fac� �h�� ���s �as � pr���s�l far s�perior to �tion
a�y�hbng ���� ��d bee� p��nmmed fo� ���s �i�� �h�� far> ��rther� that
the exis�f�� �se Per��� wa� �����d ��bJ��g to x�v��w �� ���-�ear in-
tervals and wo�ld �x�i�e �� ��d��b�� �� ��68a A1��, tha� �is cbie�ts
had inve�ted �ver $� t� �b�a�� �h� �Ease, clea� �g t�e site �nd
buy eq�ip�e�� �s they had b�e� ����r ��� i���ess�o� tha� because
of t�e e�isting permit, th�y ���� �ad �o co�p�y with t�e conditions
attached t�ereto and r�mappYy ���� the p�ese�� �er�it expires.
Co�siderabbe disc�ssion ens�ed �f��r �r. D��ovan°� s�a�eme�ts and it
was �oi�ted o�t that the Ci�y �����i� �ad d��ided to �evoke the Use
Permit o� th� grm��ds that th� ����� b����e �ad ab��d�ned the site
and vi��ated the ��e Per�it. ����� ��e ����ssio���� felt that
the City Atto��e� �hq�ld be ���s��� fi� ���� t�e G�m�issio� the benefit
of hi� �eg�� o�inio� o� the ����e�o A����t�mt �lanner �uzum advised statements
the Co�mi�si��ers �ha� he had ���� �� ���ta�t ��t� Atto�ney Anderson
who h�d advi��d t�at �wo �v����� �� ��t��� ����d �e ��rs�ed;l) to
revoke the existing Use Per�i� ��d a��ow t�e ne� lessors to submit
a�ew app�ica�ion whic� co�ld th�� b� �udg�d �� bts �w� ���its, and
2) a�low ��e ��is�ing Use Per�i� �� �m�����e ��t�b ��s expiration
date of Nove���r 6 1968
page 6 Minutes �£ t�� P�����,�� �om�is�io� Apr�� �.�, 1968 PC-8
11-U-6� ��a�� °d
Co�nmi���.���r H�r��aa f.��� �?��,�t� ���.� �����x° s�o��d be xeferred bacic to
commissi— ttae C��� ����a�3� ��� ��y ��a��;�� ��°�fl�r�� a�i���s� �k�e Co�aaaeib �f the
oner's Comm�,��f��n°� f����x��� a��s ��� �����e�o �'��t�.ex� �l�a� ��a� �aew.�e�se��
opinion cana�m� ma!�S� l�,a�� ��*.� �k�.� ���a;���°�� �� ������a� b�a* L�na� �h�y shou�ld be
eaaa��,�d to �� ah��si ��d �k��� ��� ���m�.����� ���^a�� gi�a� tl�em a vote
of co�.£id�aa�cE e
Cit� E�g�.�a��r ��yd ���t�d �tE�sa?� ��� ���;������r���a h��d bee� the fact
�t��� ��� h��i��,�^�� �f ��a������ �,�d �L����� �,��o� �a�er� 4tx°eet maintenance
e��s ��xx���°an�d �.� ���r��� �a� ��'�.�!,�� ��mu��;�_�ae�s �.� cnox°� �h��a capacity
wkae�a �n�����ng an� �������c� a ����� ����� ��a���1� �n�� �n�gllect�d t� �ecuse
staff c�aa������ ��d� fl ���. �k�c� �t���� ������m�n�� ;taac? k*e�� f�c�d �rith the
report aa���ss�.�� o:E �.�.��aa��a� r��a fi���°d���� ��a���°�%� ���1 �,�ge o d� sa�gg�sted
t�a�� -a c���n �na��n���n��nc� �o:��s� �a� ��r�a;,k��� �� � ,;:�nsii���n,
6Jtn�� ��fl��d b� �o�n�n�i���,�aa�� h��rg�� �� ^��a� a���.i�a�at wou�d ob j�ct to a
coa�di�i�� �f �n�t ���.aa� ���,� �� ��,�1?s ����n��°�+�� a� tk�e �it� the attorneY�
questioa� �aa �k�e aa�sn� m� fl�i� �¶ �.�m�i�� fl ������� �1��� �i� suc�Z ��oanditimn were imposed
t�a� �ig�pllic�s�� �r��a�� �a�.��d�°�w ��� �����s�a
Mr. 6d�g���° 6d�x°d �� W���c�� �'��°�, ������ ����, �r� ��� �p�a�io�, this Use
Pe�a�fi ��d ������bz�� ����a g���,��� �m ���1�. � a1���xa�.�� �ne�d i� a fast
audience gro�a��ag �r���x°�.��� f�.�.�. �f �s����m��������n�ers �^a� �i���. ��peci�lYy in
co�crcnea�ts view �� �a��an�� ��an�w���m��aav� �� �. ���ca��c' ���.� ��,�� �fl�i� serv�ce had
�an���°��aa� ��� ��cf����a���o
M�o ��n����Lt 3�c������� ;�,� ��':��� ��n�a��:r°�.�.��� A��n�a� ��ra�� �b�ga a former
�ks��r��� �i� �fl�e �'���a���a� ���a��d���� �����d �flsa� �n� had b��n oa� the
history Csaa�cn�.�s��m�� wa�n�a� �?�a�,� ���°���.� ��� ��°������� ��a�a��� �aac3 �roc�eded
of use t� g��� ��������� ��e°'l�,����x�� �� ��a������h��a� ��sr�g��� ai�n��an� the past
permit f�e�� ����� ��nsfl ���'�1�� �����c�� ���i�� ��, �Ts� ��iaa�man, �� �a�ea�d lbe in—
app��g�x���i�� �'�� ��� ��?�r �o ��1.0� �;�� w�����sa�����+tt� �f t�a� pres�nt use
��cY w�,�fl� �b� �aa� ������� fs�� ��� �s����ub Y��s��� au�d ����r �ood
��u���rni���s��� � ��Lfl:�?� ^��� '���° ��;� �� c�c•r�.d i�� f��x�ndo
ba� �°���a����, �,�����n�� ���a�e �����e�. ��,�� kn�.s �:���an�s fla�s3 �perated
attorneyas �agad�� �i�� ����������s �£ ���,�sg �+��� �� a���aa�a�.�a ��n� �a�ist��a� u�e permit
request a�ad ?��� ���c�� �,�u �u�� �'��i��s ��� +��� � ���� ��ra�a�� �� bc��s� lbe given
�fl�e ���a��ts�.�z�,+��n o� ����r�L� ��a��� �p1d�n� ���s��,���s� ���r�o�a�Yye
p.h. Cm�����°����� ��°���� ����d �����.���1��e�� �s����� �������� �and �.� �as
closed g�a���sfl ua�a��a��oca��;� ��s�.�, f��� ,�����,�� ?�c���s�.x�� '�� ��o��d.
C��:����,��,e� �����;� ���c� ���.� ��La� �,T�� � ���� d�,��a.�aaIl,g d�c�sion to make
a� �k�� �a��a �c ����� �,�v��� �o ����o ���.�,��1 ���� �� ��� �a�o��r�y and that,
s�]Lt�fl����� J�a ���a��r�l�� ��a;� ��� T;�c��� •�r��.l ��flc��, g�� ��ss�es would
views by i�g����� �fla� �pr���x°�;� �a�� �i���, a ��. �aa_� �a�a.��om, tfl�� mwmer of �tae property
commissi— sho�ld ��� ���nc adv��.��g� ����a ��5� ��� �f �i�� ��mg�����ro ���nnissioner
oners ����o� �a�a� ��a�� �.:� ��� �������.o� ���1��d �� �°�:e��k� �Fa� �Js� 1'ermoit at
gka�� �a.�� 9 �,� ���a�� ��laa�e. �.� ��� �°��a����, �� �To��r���r anc� �hat in his
��a,�n��� �fl�� ��n���,���a� ��� ����.t�'� �� �m �s�s ��as��� �� ��ne� h�d s�aeaat �
b�t �1� ��ua�� ��n �&�� �����c��; ���d .� � �a�an,��� i�� ������ �� ��a�an t� revoke
�h� �a����� �� ���� ��,�� e
Minutes of �he Planning Goa�cnissi�a� Apxi� 22, �.968 PC=B
11-U-67 cont°d page 7
In furtlaer dbscussing this ap�sli�a�ioaa, �he Coa�nissioners felt that
there are aaow differe�a� peopl.e in�rolved than t�ie ones who abandoned
the prop�rty and that th�s applica��.orn sh�u�d be considered on the
basis that the perm�.t �S sti�.l k�e�,a�g aased f�r t�e �pu�rpose for whfch
it was grasated. �iowever, �.f �no�� stx�.angea�� coaadition� were put on
this permit �nd �f �t�is use has actsxa�iy �utl�ved i�� purpose woe�ld further
this not be unfair to the own���of �he �asoperty. C��nissioner �rolich discussions
felt that, i�a kai� �pini�� t�e on�.y c�n�e�ture would be tka�t if this
Co�nissioxa does �ot �ast tkae burdean on t�.e �wn�r a he cail�. �ontinue to
maint�is� �he pxs�pert� °s ga�e�e�nt aas� � tae wi�� �ot attempt �o find
different l�s�ees, ancl nothir�g wiJll re�lly have cha�nged fro�n the
situ�tiora tk��� exi��ed f�de yeaxs ag�o
Commis�ioacer �x�son �oved� C����.s���ner �ioxgan sec�aad�d and it was
passed unaraimously that �pplicati�aa Il,1-U-67 be co�timued until the matter
a�xt regular �eeting of tY��.� body wlaeaa �h� �ity Atto�an�y is present. continued
Chairman Buthenut�, ca�.�ed � rec�s� at 9040 p.m, recess
The meeting re�onve�ec� at 9a55 poe�.
H. 86,�05mbo Ordin�nce �9�(a�m1� amen�ding Oaed��aaace 002(q) by 86,005.1
ai���a�b� the �erms gar�ge �a�go�°� ��x° she�.te�° and parking
area, e�co
The Pla�ialg Dixector repd�te� t1��ait ��ae Deg��t�n�a�� of Public Worlcs
and the Planning De��r�men� ��re �s����.ved is� �o►�e f�a�tkner �tudies
which could �ff��t �Sec�i�aa 603 �f the proposed Ordin�nce. He re- study of
commended thag the �fiudy ��' Pag� 3 b� co�a�i�.u�d to t�ae next me�ting ordinance
but ttnat Pages b�nd 2�� �i�s��a���d nowo �� ���nmissioners �uggested proposal
chaa�ge� iaa Secti�sas 205 ��ad �,Z �nd i�st��n��ed the �taff to propose
appropriate w�xding.
Commission�x Frobi�Ya �o��d �om�is�ioner �Br��oa� secma�ded a�ad �t was matter
passed ua�aaaiano�sly gh�t ��ais r��t��r b� �ma�t�a��ed to t�ne n�xt continued
regular �e��iang .
Unfinistaed ��si�ess unf.bus.
A, �� �oaaa�ty anad ��t�y P�i�a�x�is�� �e�ar�m�n��; It�vision of 81,003
Cupe�°tino Generafl. P3a�a for ��ae axea ta�tweeax J�anipero Serxa
Free�ray, Stevesas Greele F�e�wa� McCle�.lan Roaa �a�d Stevens
Planning Dir�ctor L�uxi�a s�at�d that �e had redised th� �nap in accord-
ance with ttae �omanissions ° instr�acti�aas d�axing the �a�t meeting and, director's
also as instxucted, had deleted ��rt��r� s�ntences from the text which statements
had been ob jectioa�b be to rlxs a Anger .
page 8 Minutes of the P�anning C���ission April 22, 196� PC-8
81,003 cont'd
Mr. Lauri� fur�h�r stated that the changes im the �ap also led to
various changes �n the des�xiptive text; furt�er, that County Planning
state- Director Came�on had studied t�e revisions of both map and text and
ments had had no ob�ec�fons. Mr4 Ca�eron had expressed a hope that his
prese�ce was no Yongex �ecessary �s the pub�ic hearings were closed.
81,003 Commissione� Frolich moved, C�mmiss�oner Horgan seconded that the
recommended revisi�n of the Cuper�ino General Flan, complete with the accompa-
for nying �ext under date of April 16, 196�, be re�o�mended to the City
adoption Council for adoptiono
Ayes: �o�mis�ioners �ryson, �rol�ch, Horgan, Buthenuth
Noes: None
Absent: Com�issio�er glirsho�
Chair�an Buthenut� advised the audi�nce that this ��tter would come
before the City Coummcil on lriay 20, 19684
81,004.122 B. 81,004<122o Ordin�nce 220(�) reguY�ting Light Industrial ,
(I�.,� �one s ,
It was the Co�nissioa�ers° fee�.ing that, by the ti�e this matt�r could
be dealt w�th is� de�a�l, new Co�n�nissioners would have been appointed
and the work woubd h��� �o sta�� all ove� again.
Com�nissioner Frobich moered, ��mmi�sionex Iiorgan seconded and it was
passecl unan�.a�oaa�ly tl�at t�ais mat�t�r b� conts.nued to the first meeting
matter in June, 1968 arnd, in �h� interim, h�e�e �he Planning Department study
continued this ma�t�r fa�rther for t�e gurpos� of incorporating �pprogriate �
provisions f�e� Sa� Ma�eo's �r Fxe�n�nt'� performance standardso
new bus. New Business
81 004.124 A. ��,004.124: Genera�l Com�ercial, Ordix�ance .
Chair�nans Buthenuth fegt tha� th�.s was another �oatter that aieeded a
fulb Comm�s��.�ra and ��!at �he ra�w Go�nm:�s�ioners sYaould h�ve a chance
to st�ady ith� �na�t�x o
matter Coc�a.ss�.oner �iorgaan .�ma�veci, Cmmtniss�oner �ryson seconded and it was
continued passed u�aaani�ously t�nat th�s matter be contiaaued to the first meeting ..
iza Jun� of 1968.
question B• A�cxes��on was posed aslcin� if the City Council had taken .
on tax fund action on the propos�d tax ca�t or p�ssible excess of funds.
Minutes of th� P�a��i�g �������io� A���� 22 ���� PC=8
New B�si�es� m co��°d Page 9
Commissi��er �r�b��h felt �ha� by ������ �xd�r �� be suggested to
the Gity C�uncil ���t i� c��j���t��� wi�� ��eir ��ns�deration of a
ta� c�� t��� co�sf�e� us;ing f���� �� ��re � co�sult��t to further
st�dy pr�p���d �xd3�����so �� �a���d �� c�ll the Co�ncbl attent-
io� t� thi� �at�er �f h3�i�� ����s������t a� a t��� w�e� they are in
a po���fo� �� d� so��t�i.�� ����� ��m A�s�, that ��� s�aff does not discussion
have eno�g� t�me tm �e�� �� ����� da��� wo�k��ad ��d keep �he Ordi- of
nanc�� ��r���� �s w�Y�. ��o ��o��c� �t�t�� ���� ��dina�ce revisions suggestions
had b�e� at���p�ed �� f�r ���� �� f��� y�ar� ��� but th�t in spite to council
�f ���dy s��s�o�s ��� �ddi������� ����g f�� �he ��an�bng Depar�m�nt
staff� ��� ���b��� w�s ����b ���x�o
CoErnni��i��er H�r�a� ����ir�� �� �n �da��i�n�1 pla��er had been hired.
Dixe�t�r �f Pla����� La��i� ��fo���d ��� Commis�ion�rs that several
appl�������� ��d ���� �������d ��d a���g�iew� �ad b�e� �onducted, staff
but ap��ica��� �ad ��t��r mm�� �e�� ����ifi�d o� had wit�drawn� pre- report
su�abby b�c���e t��� ��d be�� �ff���a ��lary i�c�ease� in their
pxese�� po��tio��. �� ���e� �� obt��� �pp��cant� £rom the soon to
be gr�d�a��d i�f��� of �������si�y �������s.
Com�i�����er F����,�� ��i��� ���� ���b� ��at � �ol�ege g�ad�a�e would
be ab�� �� wo�� �� ��� ������ �r�r�a���s ���� �el� g�a� th� e�ploy- graduates
ment �f ��� per��� ����d ��r�����y �o� �e a��� �� r�lie�e the burden considered
�f ��� ������ �m������ �� ��� P�a����� ��p�r�me�t as well as work on
the sy�tema��� r������� �f �rd��an��so
Comgnis����e� ��r��� ����d �� �� ���� �� re1�6� �� ��� C��ncil that
thi� C�m�n��si�� ���s �m� r����� �x�e�� ��e �dditio��� �la�ning De-
pa�t�e�� e�����e� �o ����� ��� �r���r��s of ��� Ordi���ce �tr�eture, message to
bu� �ha� ��� P������� ���������� ��a�r�an sho�ld mak� a p�tc� council
�owa�d ��� �������� ���in� �f � c��s��ta�� *o study ��e Ordinances,
�o��o�e �����de �£ ��� C3�� �����o
Coeu�i�si���� ������� ����� ����������� �o���� seconded and it was
p�s��� ����������y ���� ��� ��a��m�� ���x���h �he C�ty Council with consider-
� r�q�est f�� c����d��at��� �� ���� �� �����t �o����lta�t to work on ation
th� ���y �gd����L��� ��� ���������o� �� ��� �umd�d �y possible excess requested
tax ���ey.
Gommissi��e� ���g�� ����d �a���������� ����o� s��o�ded and it was
pass�d ����i�m���� ��a� ��� m������ �� �d���r�edo
�he me����� �d������d �� ��e50 �s�s adjournment
AT�E��o Yt� ������
�� ���n Wo But��eaautk�
�Glc�c..�- �cw�✓L�"M
Direc�or �f Pla�a�rai�ag