PC 04-08-68 CITY OF CUPER�INO, State of Californi� 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Phone° 252-4505 P�'� 80,000.'� MINUTES 0� �HE REGULAR Ir1EETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD AP1Z�Ia 8 1968 IN THE COUNCIL GHAMBERS CITY HALL CUPERTINO� CALIF'ORN IA The meeting was called to order �t 8:00 p.m. by Chair�an Buthenuth, call to order who subsequently led the asse�nblage in the flag salute. flag salute Commissioners present: Brys�n, Hirshon, Frolich, Horgan, Buthenuth. Also present: City Attorney Andersoa�a Director of Planning Laurin; roll call Director of Public Works Fi�.ney, City Engineer Boyd; Assistant Planner Nuzum, Recording Secretary Mat�ley. Commissioner �rolich requested that on page 7, 5th paragraph, under "3-U-68, decision postponed" the first sentence of th�t paragraph minutes end with the word "Commission" on the fourth line, and that the corrected remainder of the sentence be deleted from the records. Commissioa�er Horgan moved, Gommissioner Frolich seconded and it was passed unanimously that the cninutes of Maz°ch 25, 1968 be approved minutes as corrected, approved Planning Director Laurin �dvised the Commissioners that he had received s request fro�n Mr. Cornblu�n that the first continued hearing of Item A. under Public Hearings i.e. 3-Z-68/3-TM-68, be postponed to the Nt�y 1�, 1968 meeting. matter Go�missioner Horgan moved, Comm�.ssioner Hirshon seconded and it was post- passed ux�ni�ously th�t the continu�tion of the first hearing for poned the above applica�fons be postponed, by minute order, to the May 13, 1968 �neeting o City Attorney Aaaderson �sked per�nissi.on to present two matters at this time. The Commissioa�ers �gre�d. As reco�nmea�ded by the City Attoraaey, Go�missioner Frolich moved, Com�issiosaer Hirskaon seconded �o adopt I�ss�le�tio� #49$, setting Public Iieaxing to �onside�° the revoc�tioan of Use Permit as granted Res. ��498 to Allen L. Gh�dwick, DB1� Aut�r�ma. as of September 23, 1963. adopted Ayes: Commi�sioners Bgyson, Hirslaoaa, EroliCll Horgan, Buthenuth Noes: None Absent: None Following Mro Anderson°s suggesti�n, Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Bryson sec�nded to adopt Resolutic�n #499, setting Public Hearing to consider revocation of Use Permit as granted to Res. ��499 John F. Coughlan, DBA Stevens Creek G�rden Center, as of November adopted 6, 1967. Ayes: Commissioners Bryson, Hirshon, F�olich, Horg�n, Buthenuth Noe s : None Absent: None page 2 Minutes of the Pla�ning Com�ission April 8, 1968 PC-7 80,000.4 Mr. Laurin stated that add�tional letters had been received, all in written protest of th� proposed Cupertin� Hills Swim and Racquet Club, and he communic- suggested th�t these be considered in conjunction with the public ations hearing for the matter. �he Gommissioners �greed. Previous to oral communications from the �udience, Director Laurin advised the Commissioners of the following m�tters: 1) that the regul�r meeting of the City Gouncil would be held on Tu�sd�y April 16� 196�g 2) that the City Council h�d reque�ted � joint meeting with the information planni�g Commissi�n to discuss a staff study of the land use, to population a�d circulation �lements of a General Plan for the commissioners western half �f the City. 1'tie Go�nnissioners suggested that this jofnt meeting be scheduled for April 29, 1968 and the Council be so advised. 3) that the Gity of Sunnyval� h�d referred two rezonings adjacent to Cupertino. No answer w�s necessary and neither the Planning Director nor the Commissio�ers had �ny comments. Mrs. Pauline Woodruff of P.O. Box 748, Cupertino, appeared before the Commission t� request that an applic�tion for � use permit for a new busin�ss in a f�x�erly residenti�l structure, ioee a beauty salon , oral �t 20730 Stevens Greek Road be h�ard aaaader "New Business" rather communic- than as a Public He�:ing on April 22, 1968e A memorandum had pre- ations viously been handed the Commissioners advising them of Mrs. Woodruff's request �nd the reasons for tryfaag to �void delayso The staff did not find it necessary to hold public hea�rings on the request and A�torney Anderson s�id ttn�t it w�s in order to grant the use permit by minute order �t this point of tkae agea�d�. 5-U-68 Commissioner Horg�n moved tla�it 5-U-6� be approved, replacing the approved expired use percnit originally granted to MY°. W�rner Wilson on July 25, 1966 �nd am�nded on Dececnber 12, 1966 with a11 the conditions attached to the origanal �pproval. Co�ission�r Frolich seconded �nd it was passed unanimously. public public Hearings hearings post- A. 3-Z-68/3-�'M'M-68o As discu�sed earlier, this matter was post- ponement poned to May 13 1968a 4-TM-68 B. 4-TM-68: Reynold B. W�ts�n a�nd Raymond B. Watson; Tentative l�iaap, 1e29 acres loc�teu �t tl�e NW corner of Saich Way and Stevens Greelc Boulevard. �°irst Hearing contia�ued. Minutes of the Planning C��aiss��� Ap�il 8 �968 PC=7 80,000.4 4-TM-68 cont°d Page 3 When it was as�ert�ined that tkae �ppba.caaat w�s not in tlne audience applicant after not kaavia�g appe�red be���e tkae ���n�n�.ssion at the first hearing absent either, Commissi�ner Brysoaa moved to c�n���ue tka�s matter to the next meet�.ng� and that t�.e ��aff be ��a�tru���d to write a letter to the appli.c�nt ���tin� tkaat if kr.� i.� n�� �e�sx°esea�ted at that next meeting the �n�t�er wil.l be clr�pp�d f�°�m �he �genda. G�cnmissioner matter Hirsl�on sec�nded a�d i� w�� p���ed ua�ra��n��s�.y. postponed C. 3-U-Eago C�pertia�� kiills �wi� ��d lta�c�uet Clubs Use Permit 3-U-68 f�r Scaim asad R��quet Cl�b oaa �p�rox�.an�tely 4 acres located ���t �f Ba�bb R��d �oaatka of il�i Av�a�ue e b�rdering on Regnart �reelc, Far�t 1f�ax°��a� cma�t�n�a�d a Mr. Heaary �tueller the pre�ident of the club �t�t�d th�t he had been in cont�ct with I�Iro Nuzu� in axn eff�a°� �� work out the det�ils for a present- possible appx°�v�l of �he �se pereni�. He s�a�ed th�t the architect ation had re��nsfdered the disp�s�ti�� �f th� �.ot �a�d �s a result, the locatioa�s �f th� ��xnaais court� kaad bee�n ck��xageci, Attorn�y Ckn�rles hi�ffex°l.ir� �f �63� S��a�fl� `���ffe, ��annyv�le, the legal represea�tative �f tkne �pp�nea�ts t� t&a�� ��� peranit, �ddressed the Commissioners and s�id h� k� d re�d M�o Na���am°s report with the recom- mendatioaas and ka� h�c1 viewed tkae pb�a� w�th �h� �earranged positions for the t�nnis �ouxts e He �t�ted tta�it t�a� revis�d plan showed many opposing improvements but in other r��pe�ts �h�� �pb�a� w�� less �ttractive as attorney's the four tea�ni� coa�rt� are now loc�it�d �aa � l.iaae which is only ten present- feet from tYae property bine� of th� �d,�iniang residence�, whereas, ation previously oaaly tw� coux°t� ka�d tre�a� �kais ��os�o Mr. Hefferlin ma�iaat�im.ed th�t tta�a°e si�npby w�s not enough space to accomod�te all tYae pl�a�ned f�cili�i�� �nd le�ve sufficient provisions for noi�e buffers �nd adequa�� dist�nces betw�en the h�mes and the proposed proj�cto Mr. Heffex°lin st�t�d tkaat it was his understanding that the ��.ub h�d tk�e first �ontx°ac� r�f�sa�� rigtc� to purchase the Krzich �prope�°�y if �a�d when �t be��anes �iv�ilable� further, that this was a cn�st i�p�rt�a�� p�int to b� ����i,d�red b� the Pl�ia�niaag Commission as tkae possible �cs�a�i��tioa� �f the prm�s��°ty w�ubd ch�nge the entire propos�l �a�d �a�ke it even �no�e ob je�ti�a�bl� �e�peci�lby to Mr. Silva and the otkae� �ux°roundiaag xaei�hbors o Mr. Muell�r ��ld the C��niss��aaer� �h�� Att�ra�ey Hefferlin had correctly st��ed �he fac�s but �h�� a�� ��.i��a�exy h�d been intended in not ind�ca�ia�g the cbub°s fa.r�� r�fa��a� right for the Krzich explanations propexty �s this rfght w�s f�r � f�ur�ye�x° peri�de It had originally been intendeci to a�eg�ti�te the pu��h�se �f tkae ea�tire land, but Mr. Krzich had d��ideci to �n�iintaian ta�� �°e�id�nce for the ti�oe being and provisi�a�s ka�ci beea� ��de ia� tka� �p�x°�ka�s� ��ntr�ct to ea�aable the purchase of t�a� Krzi�h property �t � l�ter ti.ane e P$Se 4 Irlinutes of th� Pl�����g �������i�� Apr�.� � b968 PC-7 80,000.4 3-u��s ���s� °� When the ���n�ni��i�ca��°� a�sk�d �fl�a� tka� s��ff �°ev�era �his �pplication, Mr. Nuzu�n in �°�fer�ing t� ��r�vi����y ��ubmi�t�d mem�x�ndum, stated that the pl�aa �s ��b�ni���d ���s���b� did a��t conform to condition 3. as list�d a.a� �ka� m��n�ra�ad�m �����.f���� Jl�r� :�m reg�rd t� the fences and �aa �ntr�aac�/�ac�t g�t;�o d�� N�u��en ���ted that +�h�� st�ff recommendations were m�a�a�� ��1��.� �� � ���rt�ar,� ��i�nt f��� �ak��ch tta� ��mEnissioaaers could staff work out a b�sis f�� � d�.�s�.�x�e comments Dire�tc�r �f �?�b�a� �1���� �'��a��y ��.���c� �h�t �f ��ndit�on 8e, �is suggested by �tne P1��sn�.ng D�p�rt�neaat� �g�e�a.£�.������ ��e im�x�vement �f Bubb Road to C�ty �t�nd���� �ci����aat +�� �bl �?��°�� p����l� ➢ ra��Yd be met, his depa�°trtnent w�ubd ��e�� a�� �b���t ��a� �� t�� ��a°mi� o The ��p�ic�a�t �sflc�d �ah�� ttfl�� d�s�������� �f t�.e rec�uest would be if the l�t spb�� �°equ���cn��t� k��d �ao�t be�an �aet �.oeo i�nn�rove curbs, gutters, sidewalks a e�c, � i�adi���s�a� ��a�� �k�� ��aab � s fim�xaces woa�ld be burdened questions by the n�cessi�y t� �,�n����� �k�� ��t��, �r�gat��e �n B�btra Mro Mueller stat�d t��t Mr � B���a� d�a� n�� w��ai� �� �x���ac t� tkae �ity �ia�d he wondered �.� thi� �saa��x�.�i�at, w�� ��eagu����n�ant ��° �r�n��hea� � b�t spb�t could be effect�d ��r��ugkn tha� County. Mre I�aaci�rs�an �iv�.11 Ea��fa��c�� ���,c� ���� �fl�� �ar��n��eci s�.te wall require a l�t s�li� wh���a rc���a�.��� �t���� i�a���er�m��at� 9 s�c�rveys � dedica�tions, etc. At presean� kn� w������sr�d ��n� �b�b �.� �p���ria�g oa�ly fo� s use permit. Consider�b�� di��a������ �a���a�� d�r�aag; �ah��l� �k�� ��m�nis�ioners raised questioaas ��� �t�.v� tc� �fl�� ��c����r ° � ��a���.��,�� �f i�pr�via�g Ba�bb Road. state- The Direct�r �f P�a��,�� 6d��°�� ur��� a����a� ���b���d �t��t th� C�aaa�ty had ments no i.ax�e��i��a �£ i�����r�mg ��krTM� 1���id � tkaa� tha.� ��.t�y �ou�ci� had indicat�d �k���,r �.�at��� �� i����� ���n�x���� wh��ta w�u�d i�npr�ve the street oa� tt��t fr�s�t�ge 9 bea�: �h�t aa��kn�a�� ��xr�her ��uld be ���ected from the Cmunty �r �k�� City �f S�a� ���� o Mx�. Br�wa�� tkne �wn�a° �iE tfl�� ������,�s�� �i��us��d �r��erty� addressed the C�anmis�i�n�r� �aad �����d ��a�� i�� ��d a�� iaa���n����. �f chn�nging any juris- opposition di�ta.�aa �nd ��.�� Yn� r��� �p�a���d �� t�e x��u�st c�f dedic�tiaag an additional voiced 10 B t� ena�k��� ��u� �a�n��b 3�0 °��d�fl� ���u� t�ne ��nt�r �f the �treet< Chafrm�n �a��.ka�an�x�ha ��flceci th�� �kn� ��0�11� 9 wh� h�si �ub�nitted written show of protes�� n �dd���� tk�� ���n���i�a� �f��� � ska�w �� h�nds g which show hands indi��t�d �an �g���°������� �� �o �� ���°��a� �����ast tk�e p���osed club. Mr. M�cN�k��aa �f M�l�sy W��a I��b�a�� Y��� 1Baand��� m� C�lumbus Avenue; Mr. Bob �s,hen�d� �f B�bb R��c1 ��ad �°o °��d ��£f�n�a� �f Va� Aven�e stated their indiwid��l �b,���ta���a� t� ��a� �r��v���d cR,a�b a �h� �n�i� �b�ection points audience were �h� ia����.��ble a�oi�� ��a� ����� �r�z�i�ity of ttae �dj�i�aing comments residen�es e � w�t��° dr��.aa��� �a�ob�.�a� �aad the ever present tr�ffic proble�a �a� Ba�bb It��d, Minutes of the Planning Gommission April 8, 1968 PC-7 80,000.4 3-U-68 cont°d page 5 ___. Alfred Trimble of 11295 Palos Verdes Court, said that he was very much in favor of the proposed club� maintaining that it would be located in one of the finest are�s in the City of Gupertino, that a club of this nature would attr�ct people from all around because club of its facilit�es and tha� he, personally, could teach his children favored neither to swim nor to play tennis �s all now existing facilities were overcrowded �nd insufficiento Mr. A1 Carter, the Gupertino Postm�ster �nd a homeowner residing on Vai Avenue, asked the Gommissioners if they, �s individuals, question would like to live �djacent to � facility like the one proposed, asked Commissioner �rolich moved, Co�mis�ioner Hirshon seconded and it was p.h. passed un�nimously that the public hearing be closed. closed Commissioner Hirshon st�ted that he had personally inspected the area and had walked along the entire circumference in an effort to understand the viewpoints of both sides �s well as considering the need for � recreational �rea in the southwest section of the City. commissi- He said that the location was outst��di�g the view superb, but the oner's problems many �nd that he did not think th�t thfs was the right spot views for the planned facilitye Commissioner Frolicn �oved to deny Application 3-U-68, Commissioner 3-U-68 Hirshon seconded. denied Ayese Gommis�ioners Hirshon, Frolich, �organ, Buthenuth Noes: Commissioner Bryson Absente None Chairman Buthenuth advised the applicant of his right to appeal this denial wittain five d�yso Chairman Buthenuth ca lled � recess at 9:05 p.�. recess The meeting reconvea�ed at 9:25 p.m, D. 4-U-68o Robert Stafr, Joyce G�aer �nd Helga Cuneo; Use Permit 4-U-68 to opexate a poodle grooming parlor �t 10031 So Blaney Avenue. First Hearing. Mr. Robert Stair, the ownex° of the Shopping Center which houses the Stop and Go marlcet, stated that he t►�d been in contact with all present- adjoining tenants and had received no opposition to this planned ation venture, indicating that this w�s a d�ytime operation only and that no anim�ls would be kept overnighto Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Frolich seconded and it was p.h. passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed. closed page 6 Minute� of ��e Pl��ning ���ni�s��n Apri� �� 1968 PC-7 80,000.4 4-U-�8 cont°d 4-U-68 Commis�foner H�r��n m�ved �o�ani��i��er Bry��� ���ond�d that application approved 4-U-68 be app��ved wit� th� �o�di�i�ns �� ��bmitted by the Planning with Department �o�o �t �� clearl� und�rs���d �h�t this permit is for conditions groo�ing on�y �nd �� b���d���� b���d��g �r �r��t��g wibl be �llowed. Ayese Comm��s���ers Br�so�� �r����� H�����8 ��thenuth Noes: Co�ni��io�er Hirsho� Absente None 4-Z-68 �� 4-Z-6��3mV�6�o Eo Ma B�b���9 Pre��ning frmm Res�denti�l single 3-V-68 fa�il� QRy-6� z�n� wit�i� ��e �o���y) t� Gene��l Commercial (CG) �nd V�ri�n�� �� re�� yard ���b�c� t� all�w ��m�nexcial building tm b� b�i�t o� the �r���r�� b���o 6 �q.fto east of Or�nge �venue betwee� Steven� �re�� B����v�rd ��d Gra��ds Avenue. F�rst �e�ringv present- 1"�°- Dal� M�11�r representing t�� ���bi����� di��us�ed the proposed ation pr�zoning �nd v�xi�ncee �e �t��� i� ��r�viously submitted memorandum, h�d rec��nended approval of both the pr�z�ning �nd the v�ri�nce request. In answ�r to � q�estio� wheth�� ����d���i� w�s f�v�lved the Planning staff Direct�r �t�t�d �h�t � v�ri���e w��ld ��t h��e b�e� �eeded if adjacent report propert�e� mm�r��dy had be�n ����� �� �� f�r����n i�. the propos�d General Plan� thi� �h���d b� c��s�����d � ��t�g����� �������t�n�eo Discussion en�ued d���i�g �hic� ����er� �f ��� �udienc� �sked questions audience directed t� t�e �t��f �nd t� th� ����i��io���� relativ� to the plans comments for Or��g� Ave��� fn con�ectio� w�t� t�r�� o�t� Mc�lellan Road and the exis�in� ����ng �n th�t �re�o Re�lt�r W�b�e� Ai�sw��t� �p�e�re� ��f�r� ��e C��mis�i�� �nd showed them � zoni�g �p which h� ��d re�ently �bt�ined fr�� the �itle Office, which maps m�p differ�d gr��tl� f�o� t�e ��� ��b�itted t� �h� ��m�issioners by the differ P ���������� �� g������g �ir����� st�t�d tha,t the l�tter zoning map h�d bee� che�ked wit� th� C���ty P��nni�g De��rt�ento The Commissioners agreed th�t t�e ���, �s s�b�itted b� �he Pb�n���g Dep�rt�ent should be the one u�orn w���� decisio�� w�ul.d b� b�sedo p .h. Commis�i�ner �org�� ��v�d ��m�i����ner H��sh�� ��c��d�d �nd it was closed Passed u��ni��usl� ���t �h� ��b�ic �e�ri�� b� ���sedo 4-Z-68 Cmmtnissi�ne� �irs��� ��ved t� r�����e�d ��p��v�l �f Ap�lic�tion 4-Z-68, approved subje�t �� t�� �we�ve S��nd��� �o�d�t:i��� wi�h ��ndit��� 13) that this with rezonfng is ����ect �� �o�p��ti�� �f ����x�ti�� ��oceeding� to the conditions City of Cu�er�i�� ��d wi�l tak� ������ �� t�e d�t� �� r�t�fication of �uch �n��ae�t���o ��mmi��i���� �o�g�n sec��ded �nd it w�s passed un�ni�ouslye 3-V-68 Commis�i�ner Hirsh�n moved th�� A�1pli����.mn �mVm68 b� reco�mnended for approved approv$1 wkaich rec��nea�dati�n imc�aad�� the stat�an�nt th�t this variance with only �ppli�s t� the subject �r��a�r�y prasv�di�g it re�ains conrmercially conditions zoned or i� d�v�loped ���rmerci�ln i,f it �s n�t this v��ri�nc,e shall not appby �nad �s �ub j�ct �o c�aa�eY�.�tion< Com�nissimner Hor°ga�n seconded �nd it was ��ssed u�n�a�i�ouslyo Minutes of the Planning Com�ission April 8, 1968 PC=7 80,000..4 4- Z- 68 /3- V- 68 cont � d page 7 Chairman Buthenuth advised the applic�nt to appear before the City Council at their May 6, 1968 meeting, F. 5-Z-68: John Wilson and Robert H. Jones; rezoning of lot 5-Z-68 fxom Residenti�l Multiple High-density )R3-�2.2�) to Residential Duplex (R2>4o25), located on the south side of Alpine Drive, e�st of Foothill Boulevard. First Hearing. Mr. A1 Perratti, representing the owner and builder of the property, stated that this was � request for s decrease from triplexes to present- duplexes and that the area is alre�dy substantially triplex developed. ation The Planning Director st�ted his opinion, that it is fortunate for the City that "gyramiding" of zoning is not permitted as a general staff rule. Exceptions should be properly recorded as rezonings. In this report particular case the st�ff has no objectionse Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Horgan seconded and it was p.h. passed unanimously that the public heaxing be closed, closed Commissioner Fxolich moved to rec�mmend Applicstion S-Z-68 for 5-Z-68 approval, sub�ect to the twelve Standaxd Conditions. Commissioner approved Horgan seconded and it was passed uxianimously. Chairman Buthenuth advised the applic�nt to present his application to the City Gouncil �t their M�y 6, 1968 meeting. G. 6-Z-68e Robert H. Jones; xezoning of lots 1 through 37, 6-Z-68 Tract 4188 from 1t2-4e25i to R2-4.25 to allow two story duplexes located at the NW corner of Voss Avenue and Lock- wood Driveo Fix°st He�ringo Mr. A1 Perr�tti again represented the applicant, stating that it was his desire to construct two-�story as well as one-story buildings in present- order to bre�k up the monotony of roof lines and to allow a mixture ation in building stylese There was consider�ble discussion rel�tf.ve to the existing R1 develop- ment to the north of the proposed site and lots along Voss Avenue with an existing R1-10 zoning �s well as opinions that certain lots or dis- a specified percentage of the buildings should be restricted to one cussions story. The Planning Director reco�nmended approval of the application for the ma3or p�rt of the area but that two minor parts remain R1-4.25i. Commissioner Hixshon moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded and it was p.h. passed unanimously that the public hearing be closedo closed page 8 Minutes of the Planning �ommiss�on April 8 1968 PC-7 80,000.4 6- Z- 68 cont a d 6-Z-68 Commission�r �rolich moved tkaat Ap�l�.ca�tion 6-Z-68 be recommended for approved approval� subject t� tta� twelve Sz�nd��°d �oa�ditions, with Condition 13) with that �11 �ond�tions of �he last r�zon�ng b� �p�l,icable to this request; conditions further, th�t lots 12 th�°ough 18 b� d�L�ted from this reaoning application with �he consen� of th� �pplicaa�to Connnissioner Bryson seconded and it was passed uan�nim�uslyo Chafrmaa� Buth�nu�h aslced tka�t the applic�x�t �pp��r before the City Council at tk�e�� �y 6 �968 meetia�gm 81,003 H. 81 Coa�a�ty �nd ���� P�.��ni�g Dep�rtm�:nts, revision of �upertin� Gener�l Plan f�r �1�� �re� between Junipero Serra Freew�y Stevea�s Gx°e��C Fr��w�a�� M�Clellan Road �nd Stevens Cxeek, �irst �iearing c�a�tinued o county �°• Koy C��E*x°ox� tkae C�a�a�tv I'��axxa�,ng D�rect�r, tol.d the Commissioners represent- that the ch�ng�s as x°�qu�sted by th� P�ana�in� Commission at their ative last meeting� taad be�a� m�de �nd �ae�� �efbected in the m�p submitted for the curx�nt �neetia��. Considerable discus�i�n ensued dux���a� �ahich Plaa►ming Director Laurin directed tkae ��m�n�.�s�o��� es �ttenti�x� to the memorandum of February discussion 21, 1968 as revise� M��°eta 29 b968 ��l�tive to the land use and population element provi�i�n� for public bu�.ldings, p�rlcs and play- grounds and the �ircub�ti�n ��d c�pi.t�l im�rovement elements. Mrs. Woelffel. of 10120 ��n�ae�ial Avexaa�e� whose property was discussed audience in detail, st�ted �hat she was v��y c��nc�x°ned sbout the congested comments traffic on S�evens Creek Boulev��d wk��.�h would be worsened if the current �nap was follo�aed, She �1s� �slc�d that her entire property be set �side for l��ht i�dustx°��� ax�eo The Plannia�g D�x°ector de�nonstr�t�d foux�° al�ern�itive maps which had been extension prepared in ordex° to show the co���qu�n�es of Mrs. Woelffel's proposal of light �nd of co�npxo�ni�� px°opos�ls� H� r�c�m�nended �g�ix►st two most ex- industrial tensive additi�a�s to MI� are��, bu� ��id th�� he had suggested ML use zoning oa� Mr�. W�elffel �s �rcaperty t�c� yea�r� �gos however , this was before the two re��r��ngs bet�ae�a� the fre�w�y �nd the railroad had added to the Ci�y°s �nd�x�tr�.al �esex�eo Go�nty Pl�nning Director Cameron �t�ted tta�t M�°s. Woelffele� �a�sa�er�y was entirely within the jurisdict�on �f �he Cityo Further d�scuss��n �nsued on th� �Y��x°aa�tives of the proposed general plan �nd it wa� repe�tedly stressed tha� this glan was general in nature �nd would se�°ve as a gu�deline for future planning. Mr. Berxy Ross caf 830 Wes�t Calif�rani� W�� in Woodside, addressed state- the Com�fs�foa�ex°s stat�a�g th�� h� repx°e�ented � gx°oup of people ments who are interest�d in the are� unde� discussion �nd would like to see more eactensive ap��°tmen� zoning. �. Bu�rel Leon�ard, Vallco Park, coemnented on the desirability �f ia�dustri�l property with railro�d acc�ss. Minutes of th� Pl�nni�g �ommiss��� A���1 �� 1968 PC-7 $0,000.� 81,003 contod page 9 Mr. Ralph I�mon� of �own �nd Gou�tr� R��lty, said th�t he saw nothing in Mro Laurin°s rep�rt to the Co�anis���ne�s tha� indic�ted the dis- cussion w�ich ��d taken pl�ce during ��e last meeting of Chis body, comments He forcefully stat�d th�t � G�ne��� Pl�n should not go into details, on access particularly n�t in �egard t� a���s� t� ro�ds an� questioned the legality of restricti��s throug� th� �ener�l Plan, Pl�nning Direct�r ���ero� ���t�d th�� �he C�u�tyBs Gener�l Plan indic�tes fre�w�ys �nd �xp�essw�y� b�t �o furthe� t��ffic indications. Planning Direc��� Lauri� s�id tha� ����er�l Pl�n should have a certain am�unt �f det�il �� it �����t �the�wise be u�ed as a guide for �ez����gs t�ntative m�ps etco How�ver, leg�l �nd other imple- ment�tions are ��de through p�����e �1�ns rezonfngs� tentative maps or officf�l plan lfneso Re������ t� t�e �ccess problem, he planning was of the opinion th�t access f�o� resid�nti�l lots directly to director's an industr�al street would be ver� detri��ntale If restrictions statements �re intended it would be better t� �l�rt p�opert� owners through the G�neral Pl�n x�th�r tha� i��r�d�c� �uch r�strictions when an already co�p��ed �en���iv� ��� h�s be�� ��b�it�eda Mrs e Ana�� An�ex° �g�in ��keci tk►� ���a�s�i�n tha�. the �shr�se " the land use can be ch�aa��d only througk� ��°�d�velopment progr�m with govern- ment partici�ation as � sing�� ����a�r�i�a�Q' �s stated in Mro L�urin's memorandum to tkae C��ncnissi�nex� b� d��eted ia� f�act, that such re- development n�ver be c�nsider�d �cnd�r �ny ca.rcu�st�x�ceso Since Mrs, Anger es feelirag� on tYae ��tter w�r� ���c�d s� s�r�n��.y and the change of Commissiox�ers s�e�ned to agree w�.�h k��� ��hairm�n B+uithenuth asked verbage that the Pl�nn�.n� Dir��tor delei�� ��� �e�eren�es to "redevelopment" requested from th� �xpl�x� to�y tea�� to th� p��p�secl revisi�n of the Gupertino Gener�l Pl�ne Commissioner E°rolich suggested +�h� dele��on �f ttae phr�se "no access" from the �aps �nd subst�.tute "c�n�x�o��,ed �icc�s�" or sianilar wording in its ste�d� to �lert futur� dev���pers �l��t a contx°ol exists. Furthex th�t the pub�ic he�x°ing on �ka� subj�c� be �losed to �void suggestions rep`etitions of present��i�xas but �� d�fer �ny �ction on the sub�ect by until the �t�ff has ka�id �n ��ap�rt��ity to reevalu�te pl�n and text. commissioner Also, th�t Mx°so Anger°s sug�e�t��xa� b� f�l�owed and th�t the staff presen� ��ropos�l tm the Com�nis���a�ers �al�ich w�uld necessitate very little dis�ussion px°iox° to � d��i�i�a� bx �11 C��mi�sionerso Commissi.oner �rolicka an�ved� ��m�n�.���o��� Brys�a� sec�nded �nd it was p.h. passed un�niu�ousl� tta�t �he �ubl�c k���r�ng be closedo closed Commissioner Frolich cnoved ���n�s�ioner Hirshon seconded and it was passed unanicnou�ly th�t the �t�ff be in�tx°ucted to revise the proposed General Pl�an includix�g the expl�r�t�ry tea�t, p�x°ticularly by ex- study tending the light ia�dustrf�b u�� �a�d re�ligning I�nperi�l Avenue asked accoxding to the "�iddle" �lt�ra��itive ��x�d t� suban�.t �olutions to the Comani��iono � page 10 Minutes of the Plann�,ng Commission April 8 1968 PC-7 80,000.4 unf.bus. Unfinished Business 81,004.122 A. 81,004o122s Ordinance 220(j) regulating Light Industrial (ML) zones. Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner H�.rshon seconded and it was post- passed unanimously that this matter be postponed to the next regular ponement meeting, new bus. New Busines� Because of the l�teness of the hour, Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded that all �natters under �'New Business", post- i.e. 86,005.1 and 81,004.124, be postponed to the next regular ponement meeting, The motion w�s passed unanimously. Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded and it was passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned. adjournment The meeting adjourned at 11a35 p.m. APPROVED; � / l � G� � � ATTEST• /s John W. Buthenuth � Chairman ��� d�✓o Planning Director