PC 03-25-68 ��TY 0� �������N�� ����� �f ����f�s�i�
10300 �orr� Ave�ue, �u�erti�o, �alifornia 95014
�hone° 252m4505 PC=6
�O6'ld'id6a�a�IONg, an1'nJ.aD A'J['Lil�rd� �S.LS6� 1968 IN THE �OUNCIL GI�IAriBERS,CITY
Tka� me�tia�g was called to �x°der �t 8000 pomo by Chairm�n Buthenuth, call to order
wh� sub��que�t��y led th� asse�b l��e in tkae flag salutem � flag salute
�e��nnn���foxaex°s pr°esea�to B�°�soa�, Hirsknon E�rolich, Horg�n, Buthenuth.
Als� pr��ea�to ��ty At�orney Aa�derson; Director of Planning Laurin; roll call
Assi�t�xat Plana�er Nuzu�n� Director �f Public Works Finney, City
Eng�,a��er Boyds Recording Secret�ry Irlatzl�yo
��en�ni�si�ner �rolich x°equested � correction in the cninutes of the minutes
I�rch 11, 19fa8 �neeting of ttae Plana�ing Com�uission oax I'age 4 under corrected
"paho cl�sed", ttae second bine of tkee paragr�ph to read " o o was and
a��ed fo� �gricultur�l purposes e o etco" approved
C�mm�ssioner H.org�a� m�ved, Commissi�aaer �iix�hon seconded and it
was p�ss�d ua��nimously tha�t the mianutes of March 11, 1968 be
��pxoved �+s c�r�rectedo
�ere were aa� �nnoua�cements of postponements. no announcem'ts
Pl.�nning Direc�or L�urin �tated th�t tae had received numerous
written coEamunicatioxas, �ill in co�nnection with the application
f�r � U�e Pe�°�nit �s rec�uested by tkae �upertino Hills Swim aa�d written
It�cq��t �lubo rlro I�urin suggested th�t these communications be commu-
con�i�ered together with the 3Jse I'ex°�it �pplicatione The nications
���n�ni�s�ox�er� ag�eedo
Mro L�urin sdvised the Gowmissioners th�t Mre Roy Gameron, the oral commu-
�ouaa�� Plaaaaaia�g Dixect�r, w�s expected at 9e 00 pamo to take part nications
ia� tkae pre�eantat�on �� �he xev�sio� of the �upertino General postponed
Public �iearin,�� public
A> 3��m6�/�-T°Mm68 l�rylknoll. Con�struction Company �nd Sherman 3-Z-68
��rnblucn, F�irst ��iring Continuedo 3-TM-68
Aft�x° Cka�ix�n�n Buthenuth had ascex°tained that the applicent was
not pre��nt �t the �neeting and aoight t�ve been dela}►ed, Commissioner
Ho�°gaaa en�ved ��m�ni�si�ner �x°}r�on secoaaded �nd it was passed postponed
ur�aaimously tk�at this �n�tter be discu�sed after the last public until
hea�ci�ag ite� oan �he agenda o later
page 2 Minutes mf �he P1�maaia�� C�mm�,s���� 1�La��ku �5, �.�E�B PC-6
Public ���r�.ng� m ����. "d
4- TM- 68 B o 4� �kl� 6$ o R�����.d Mo T���:��a� �nd 1����a��d B o Gl� ts�a�9 Tenta tive
�� e F°ix�s� I���diaag o
Ag�ix�� it w�� ���er°t�i��d ��n�� �kn� ����i��!�� w�s a��� pr�sent �nd
postponed prob�bly d��,�yed� ���nis�i��ex° �����±� �a���c� ���nmis�i�aaer I�irshon
until sec�nded �a�d i� wa� p�s��d a�aa��i.���r��� tknat th�s ��tter be moved
later to the �nd �f th� pubbi� ����°i�g� �g��as�� o
S-7'M-68 �> 5��.°rt-68� �m��pkn �o ���aa�d�i, '�'����tiye Ni�p� Ap�r�a�i�nately
�02 �cre� l�c�t�c� �� �r�� ��rn�� �� �'�r��� ��e�nu� Vi�ts
I�x�i�e �aac� Z�x�dly ��,�ae o �°�x°s� ���x�is�g o �
l�ir, To� I�a�ders�ra� r��x��s�anti�g �tn� �p��i�an��t � s��.d tta�it there
were tw� ��rc�l� uncl�� di��a����.�aa� A��r��� A��ad P�x°cel B, but that
onby �'�rcel �1 �a�� �� ��y i�t�x°e�� tm thae �i���.ic�a�t �t �tais pointo
I� ��id tkn�� �� �a�� a��c�s���,y t� irn�x°o�r� �fl�e ea�tire l�t x°�ther than
just t�ne �or�i�a� �.n whsick� k�� w�� ia��e�e��ed sa�d �slced that the
impx�vemer��� k�� de�e���d uaatib �k�� ����, i� dev����edo ���m, that
presex�t- there �i�� �a� ���a��� �it. ���s �i�� ba�� ��a�� ka� k��d t��.k�d to the
ation ��ani��a°y �Aa,��a��,�.� �al�� fl��d �����d �.� �paa� iaa � ��w�r, �ntil which
ia����b�1�ti�a� �?�� �!�a?.�kn I��a��t���� kaffisi ����ed t� � se�tic tanke
�.°tie Pb�a�ra�a�g ����c���s �t�te� ��n�� i�kaer� w��� a�� p���ani�g p�coblems.
�ka� Ci�y �a��fane�� re�am�n�tt�de� �hn�i� �kae ��n�a��ve�n�n�� �a� P�rcel A
b� de£era��d by �n��a�� ,�� � c��f����d ���pr��a�e�e�at �i��e�men�o This
staff �gre�m�nt �� b� �a���r�d �a��o b�r ��n� ��p]L����t �a�d r�c�rded as an
recommend- ia�c��nb���an�� ����aast ��x°��1 .�� � fugtfi�er r����n��a�ded th�t the
ations ic��ax°�v���xa�� ��a �'a�r�e� � �+� d�f���°�� �m� � �����d �f ��t an�re
tk��a� t�a� ye��� �a�cl �k��t �'��fo������ 1����� be �p�sted b� the
�ip�bicaan� �� �u�i��i�at�� thn�ix° ���n�b��i�a� �a�°i��° �� t�a�t �i�ae o
C�n�nis�i�x��� ���°�ka�a� ��fl��d kn��a �a���n ��u�� ��u�d ��p�� bef�re Parcel B
w�uld b� clev����s�cl ��d �he �i�a�b�c�aa� ���ted �.k��� t�ni� w�� envisioned
withia� �aae y��i� o
p,h. Comm��si�a��r �r�r��a� �n�ved, ��a������;���r �[e����aa secoa�ded and it
closed w�s pas��d ���anfa���s�� �ka�� �k�� t�a�bla� ���ri�� be �l��edo
5-THI-68 Commis��,�a��r ���lieh �a�ved �k���. ���a��c�t�,�n 5��,°l�im68 be r�commended
approved for �ppr�v�b witk� �kae twe�ve S���d��d (d�s�d�t1o�� a wit� condition
with 13) th�t ��e �i�pplic�aat �a��e� �a��� � ��£e�°r�d �mprove�nent �greement
conditions with the Cit� �f ���erti�n�9 �.�� �hn�t �:�a� i�n�proveaneaat� �f lot B
be def�x°red f�r ��a�x°��� �f �w� yea��°s �r�v�di�a� tk��t � suitable
bond b� saaka�i���d �ua�aaa�e��a�� t,�� �.�a�rove�nexatn �a�d 15) that all
right-ofm�a�ys be ded�cat�d by t�� ��p�ic���o Com�aassi��er Horgan
seconded �mmd i� w�i� �a����d �sa����a�u�byo
C��irman �a�thea�aatkn ��v�.s�d the ���p���.�a�� to a��ear before the Gity
Councib �t �r�n��r �n��tin� �a� A�x°�b bs� �� �resea�t k�i� applic�tiona
Minutes �f �h� .�lanning Commissi�n �rch �5, 1968 80,000.3 PC-6
pa ge 3
Public H�aria�gs � ccant'd
D e Eam �°�I 6� o Warner Wi lson and Pauline W�odruf f and Edwin J. 6- TM- 68
Nlyers, T�ntative M�po Appx°oxima,tely 11 acres located at
th� south side of Stevens Creek Boulev�rd between
Sa���og�isSuxanyv�le Road and �upertino P�st Office. First
Mra Tom Henderson, Civil Engineer, represented Mro Ed Myers, the
axchitect to the �pplicant, �nd explained, by the use of visual
aids the proposed tent�tive �napo Mro Henderson s�id that the present-
oaaly i�provement needed was the addition �f the sidewalk as Stevens ation
Creek w�s i�n�arov�d under the LaloDo, and Pa,rcel A as shown on the
map w�� n�t b�i�ag developed,
The City Engia�e�� stated that it would impose a h�rdship on the
owner if he were �°equested to improve the entire street and
reco�mmended tk�at the improvement of the balance of the sidewalk
be deferredo �Ie also said th�t the �pplic�nt needs a survey of staff
the property with r�cords of survey being filedo It was the recommend-
staff°s rec�manendation th�t it be �pproved as stands and that ations
the raater eas�ment, �s requested by Cal W�ter be required for
the soutkaerly edge of Parcel Ao
Commissi�ner Fx°olich moved, Cam�nis��oner Horg�n seconded and it p.h.
was p�s�ed un��ianously that �he pa�blic hearing be closed. closed
Commi��ioner F°rolich �noved th�� t��plicati�n 6-Z'NI-68 be recommended 6-TM-68
for �ppr�v�l subject to the twelve S��ndard Conditions, with approved
conditioa� 13) ttaat the ia�stallation of � sidew�lk in front of with
P�rcel A be deferx°eds and 14) that the w�ter easement requested conditions
by ��1 6dater i� requiredo Cow�nissf�ner Horga�sa seconded and it was
passed ua�a�i��uslyo
�k��irm�n Buthenuth �dvised the applicant to �ppear before the
�i�y Counci� �t their next meeting to pre�ent his application.
E. 3-U°68a �uper°tino Hills Swim �nd �cquet Club; Use Permit 3-U-68
f�r � sw�� and racquet clubo Approasi�aa�tely 4 acres located
ea�t �f Bubb Road, soutkx of Vai Avea�ue and bordering on
Regx�a�t Creeko First Hearingo
Attorney F�ber �dohnson �f S�iratoga ca�ne forth and said that he
was one of the fouaading fathers of the Brsaokside Swim Club in
Sarat�g� �nd that, �s such, he tbad ex�erienced the original
appretaensions protests and oppositioa� to the construction of support
a Swi� anci I�cc�uet Club in an �re� bordered by residences but of
th�t, �fter the club h�d become a re�lity, it had made a most application
handso�n� �ds�iti�a� to the cmmmunityo Mro Johnson stated that he
w�s an iminediate neighbor to the Bro��CSide Club in Saratoga
and th�t he could not wish for � better location for the club.
page � Minute� o�� C�� ��,���i�.� ����m:i��i�� �a���� �.�� ��68 PC-6
3-U-68 3��-�8� �t�o����'s �.�m�e��� � c�����
Mro �oh���n st�t�d t��t �e k� � be�� i� ���c� w.it.h th� �ttorney
for �h� o�po�iti�� ��d ���� �e �ad be�� u�abl� to obtain any
infc��ati��o ���� h� a���d th�� �� �e ��r����ed t� speak after
the opp���t��� ��d ��d an �p��rtu�.i�y �� v�i�� th�ir reasonso
T�� ����i��i����� �g���d.
Mro �rry �ue11�� t�� �r�side�� �f t�� Cu��rti�o Hi�ls Swim and
I�acq�e� �Y�b ���d t�� ������������� �h�t t�e �bub i� � private,
non��r�fi� m��b�rs�i�����ed ������e, t��� ��� px���sed f�c�lity
�a� i����d�� �� f��l�� ��e g������ f����� �f �imil�r private
present- club� i� t�� ���� w�i�.� ��d �����t�d ���c�s�fu��y for years �nd
ation $�e c�nsid�r.e� �� ���r���:fu� ��d �u����ndi�� ���et t� �he communitye
He al�� �t���d ���� �he c�ub w�ul� b� ����r��ly located within
w�l���� d������� fr�� ����b�r �f ��s�����,��1 a�e�s, fihat youngsters
cou�d r�de �h�f� bi��cYes t� t�� ����, t��t �he pr�po��d site w�s
surr���de� �� ���e� �nd f��i��� �� ��� �i�es, �nd th�t the existing
p�r�mbi�e ��tt��g ��uld be ������i��d� ��rt�er, th�� the hours
of ��e�at.i�� ��r�l.� �� ���� � �e�� �� � p��� ���t very �eldo� would
ther� �� ��ght act:��i���s� ��d� .�� ��� t��� ��u�d be �ttended by
�dub�� �n�� ��� ca����d b� �e�d ����-.��iv�l� i���o��, t��� �o children
w�uld b� ������d u������r���d ��t�r ���� ��d t�a� t.�e �roposed
li�ht� w�u�d ��r �re��� � ������c� �s ��e� ��u�d be �et low. Also,
th�� th� f�ci�.i.t,� w�u�d ��v� �����g� �w��m��� p���, th�e� tennis
c�urt�� � ������ ��^�.�i.ty� ���� ����a�� ����� horses��e pitching
�re� � b��b���� ��e� and a ���y���u���.
Mro Muelber ��id ���t ��e �r����ed ���b������ wm�ld be f�r 250
p���l�� t��t ����e ��uld b� ������ ������ ��d w�nte� �ct.ivities
�nd th�� ��� �em�e����� �i�i� ����� �e ����e��ed t� a total �f
statements 350 �� � �a��r d���� �� ����ed ���t ��d���� frm� �sst experience,
��m� �� ��e ���t ������ �����.��t� �.m � �l�b �� t�is typ� in
, ���oi�ing �rea� ��d ��cmm� ������ ��p�����r� ���e th�y �ealized
t��� t�eir ������������ w�� u�f������„ �� �����rt �f �i� gtatements
N�°� �u�lge� ����d ���� ��� �������i����� vi�� s��� �lides of the
Br�o��ide �1�b i� �a����g�� �� w���� ��e ��mmiss���er� �greede
After ui�wi�� t�e ���des ���i�m�� ��������h ��ked for co�ments
fr�� ��e s��ffo ��� �����i�� ��r����� ����ed �kn�t, ap�rt fro� the
�n� �hi��� �.�.�� ��u�d b� ���d �� ��v�� �f �h� ��pbi���i�n, there
we�� s�v�r�� t�.i�g� �o b� ���s�����d ���� �� ��e inevi��b�e noise
lev�l� t�e ��������� �� wid�� �:�e e�t���ce drivewa� �nd, �ost
st�ff i���rt����y �d��u��� ����i�� f�c��i��e� f�r �e�be�� ��d visitors
comments the burd�n �� ����f r���in� wi�� ��e ����i��n�o ��e Assist�nt
�l���er �dded t��� ���� �f �h� ���� u�d�� d�s�ussion was not in
the ���y of �u����i�� ��d ���� th� �������� �f � �se Permit would
h�ve �o be ���t�n�e�� ���� th� ����a�t��� ��d �en��tive Ir1ap
Minutes of th� Plannin� �ommis�i�n Ma�c� �5, 1968 80,000.3 PC-6
Page 5
3-U�68 �- cont°d
Mr. Gharles H, Hefferlin, a Sunnyv�le attorney, stated that he re-
presented 112 homeowners who h�d �igned a petition opposing the
construction of the club since their propertie� a�butt on the
proposed �iteo Mro Hefferlin said that he w�nted to speak for factors
these people as a group a�nd maintafaned that the sigx� tors were named
not opposed to the club but to the construciion of the club on
the proposed location and that the ho�aeowners totally oppose
tYais locatiana
Attorney H,�fferlin continued to s�y that the reasons for opposing
ttae club were as followse 1) �h�t the normal club activities
would create � number of nuisax�ce f�ct�rs incompatible with ad-
joining residences especi�lly in view of the fact that this site
is the last remaining undeveloped pax°cel in the area and is
totally.surrounded by homes9 2) that the construction of the
club wou�d create serious traffic haz�rds on an already sub-
st�:x�dard Bubb Road, and 3) th�t � residential development on
the site would not only be possibl� but fax°anore practical and
therefore comnatibleo
Further �n detailing his re�sons given Mro Hefferlin said that attorney's
the club would provide soci�l and rec�e�tional facilities for arguments
at le�st 25Q f�mi�.fes to be increased to 350 f�mf lies later on
with their guestso :�Z st�ted tkaat he w�s in possession of the
minutes of the Februar� 22, 1968 �eetix�g of the club which state
th�t the club would provide swim�ing �n�:ets, inter-club meets,
group and private swimming lessons, water polo, tennis tournaments,
matches with other clubs, volley b�ll and badminton. Also, that
the s�oke of the planned barbeques would be a definite nuisance
to surrounding x°esidences. Itelative to the tr�ffic problem
he said th�t the p�operty is landlocked o�. all sides and Bubb
Road would taave to carry all traffico Addition�illy, for an anti-
cipated membership of 350 fa�nilies � 25% pa�lcing space ratio
would h�ve to be cre�ted, ioeo 88 parking spaces, and that not
enougka �rov�.sions had been madee It was Attorney Hefferlin's
suggestion tha� this Us� Permit be denieci �nd plans for a re-
zoning to IZlm7o5 from the present A1-43 be cn�de to allow con-
struction of single famil.y ho�es>
Considerable discussion ensued �fter Mro Iiefferlin's statements
and Mro Johnson aslced that he b� �llowed to �nswer the opposing
attor�neyo Mro �oYanson said th�t he was r►ot going to c�tegorically
reply to the presentation as he had the distinct feeling the supporting
Mx�. Hefferlin was doing his level best f�z° the people whom he statements
repx°esents bu� tha:t his statements h�d been without any personal
convictiono Iie stated th�t, trsditionally, matters requiring a
Use Permit �re those which, if unregulated, c�use nuisances.
page � Minutes of the Planning Commission March 25, 1968 PC-6
3-U-68 3-U-68, supporting statements - cont'd
Mr. Johnson reiterated that the people are obviously scared of
something about which they have little information and that identical
oppositions had been experienced in other areas, but that some
cities had msintained control by imposing a continuing jurisdiction
further through reviewing the Use Permit at yearly or two-year intervals.
support If, in the interim, complaints had been received the permit would
be subject to discontinuance. Attorney Johnson stated that the
City of Saratoga was following this format but that, to his know-
ledge, no complaints had ever been lodged.
Numerous people spoke in support of the application, citing clubs
examples such as Saratoga, Brookside and Kona Kai as examples. The Commissioners
cited inquired as to possible light nuisance, the enlarging of the parking
facility, the widening of the sidewalk and the present owners of
the properties on the east side of Bubb Road, - Messrs. Kraich and
Mr. George Wood of Terrace Drive in Cupertino said that it was his
concern distinct feeling that the homes in the neighborhood of the proposed
voiced club would drop in value and that the presentation by Mr. Johnson
had no bearing on the case in point.
Mr. A1 Carter, the Cupertino Postmaster and a homeowner whose prope�ty
immediately abutts on the proposed site, had �ubmitted a letter of
protest and said that conflicting stories about the conception of
clarifi- the club were circulating, and asked Mr. Mueller to pinpoint the
cation location of the tennis courts. Mr. Mueller obliged in telling
asked Mr. Carter that the location of the tennis courts had originally
been planned in a different spot than was shown on the rendering.
Mr. Don Bandley, Realtor, said that it was his feeling that this
application, if granted, would constitute an invasion of privacy
comments and he wanted it clearly understood that the opposition was not
to the club but to the location and that, in his opinion, homes
would have a better development potential.
Other sudience members spoke for and against the proposed construction.
Finally, a Mrs. Palmer of Columbus Avenue came forth and said that
the facts on the petition opposing the project had been grossly mis-
sudience represented, as it had been stated that there would be alcoholic
responses beverages dispensed, the noise would be unbearable and that properties
surrounding the site would also be zoned commercial. A?��?r. Randall
Hughes of Conradia Court agreed with Mrs. Palmer's allegations and
said that he was a member of the club and hoped that it would receive
favorabl� consideration.
riinutes o� the Pla�ning �om��s�i�� �arch �5, 1968 80,000.3 PC-6
page 7
3s Um 68 ��ox�t o d
�Iro G.onstantine De�ares of �ion��vi� �ourt t�ld the members of the
�omznissi�n th�t he was shocked at the cy�iciscn witta which the
opponent� h�d �xesented their case, I�e st�ted that he was a home-
owner in Cupertiaxo �nd that he g�°e�tly v�lued his freedom and that
of hi� family as long as that fre�d�m did not infringe upon the cynicism
freedom of others o I�e ma�nt�iaaed �ha� it wa� inco�nprehensible indicated
to hi�n h�ca sigx�tores, living tern bl��k� removed from the pro-
posed site had volunteered their signature� on the petition and
feared th�t �olitic�l pressures a�a�d ma�euvers might have been
a consideratioa�o It was his sincere ka�pe that the application
receive f�vor�ibl.e considerationo
Gommis�ioner Frolich �sked that the st�ff recommend conditions
to be imposed should th�* applicatioa� be graazted and that the
staff w�rlc closely with the owne�s �f the club in determining
the e�act reasons for the oppositi�n �nd, if possible, obtain staff
the wording �f the petitiono Further, that �verything be dis- recommend-
cussed a�nd considered at this tim� isa an effort to prevent problems ations
later• o requested
Commissionez° Ii�xgan said that he was in complete agreement with
Gommissioner �°r�lich in that a de�i�nite pl�n is needed now and commissioner's
that he, too would like a st�ff developed definite set of ,opinion
conditions f.or this application so tfl��t the Commissioners could
study this �atter in deptho
Glhen Ch�ir�an Buthenuth requested � show of hands for or against show of
the �pplicatio�n the "fors" outnu�nbered the "�gainsts" by at hands
least 3 �- 1,
Com�nissionex° Frolich �oved th�t the fir�t hearing be closed; that 3-U-68
the applicant s�t�empt to solve the v�ri�us items brought out decision
in the discussions pxior to the neact meetin� of the Planning postponed
Commission� also th�t it be borne in �nind ttaa�t if this applic-
ation is approved the Gount� will have �o be consulted relative
to the dev�lo��nea�t approval in coax�unction witl� �he Use Permit
and cert�inly before a buildixag �aer�ait is �.ssuedo Further, that staff
the st�ff with the possibl,e helg froa� tt�e �pponents recosnmend recommend-
condi�ioxas to be att�ched to the �ppr�v�l such �s ground lights, ation
hours of operation, regulation of tr�ffic, the number of requested
membership� and a�rovision, �o retsin control, by the right to
review the Use Permit as kaad been suggested� �11 �his so that
the Commissioners would have a defini�e background on which to
base � de�isiono C�mmissi�a�er Horgan �e�ond�d arad it was passed
unanimousl�y o
Chair°man Buthenuth called a recess �t 10e10 pomo recess
1°he cneeting x°econvened at 10o2S pomo
p8ge g Minutes of the Pl�nni�g �o�missio� March 25, 1968 PC-6
Public I�arings m co�ted
81,003 F� 81�003 Revision of Cuper�ino Genera� Plan
Mr, Roy Cameron, the County Planning Director, said that he had
little to �dd to his previous st�tements but th�t he would be
happy �o �nswer questionsfrom �he �om�issioners �nd the sudience.
Home and business �aner� of the �re� under discussion came forth
to ask for a�larific�tion of wh�t was �ctually intendedm There
seemed to b� a�onsiderable �mount of confusion relating to the
information difference betw�en the �ner�l Pl�n a�d � zoning m�p, and the
requested division of authority betwee� the �ity �nd the Countyo Mr. Charles
Becker o£ Peninsul� Avenue, �o P�ub Hostinger, � realtor repre-
senting two clients� Dro �illf�� Ford, � vete�eaiarian of 10049
Imperia 1 Ave nue 9 Mx° o Naif o£ the s��ne �re� , Mr o Dave Lutz of
Gr�nad�; Avenue � Mrs o IZich�rd W�ffle of P�s�den� Avenue and Mrs.
Anger of 10185 Imperi�l Avenue �11 �sked to be informed about
lots or areas which concerned the� personallyo
The staff � joined by �tn� Cmma��s�i�a���°s and the County Planning
explanations D1x°�Ctox'� explained th� �ntent o� th� gener�l plan and gave
det�iled answex°s t� c�uesti�a�s ���ed by th� members of the sudience.
Considerable dis�uss�oa� ensued �bout how �uch det�il the General
Plan shou�d ta�vee �ucl� of ttae ins�uiries by the public could have
be�n s�ved for subse�uent he�rin�s mn rezonings indicated by a
precise pl�n or zoning ma� if individu�il lot� had not been shown
on the dr�ft to tkae �°evised Gea�er�l Pb�no Pl�nning Director
Laux°in said th�t the oraly �vailable b�se ma� shows lot lines,
staff but thst th�y could b� elimia� ted oa� the editi�n to be adopted.
comments It wa� his opiaaion, however� that a cert�in amount of detail is
needed in � Gene��l Plaa� if it is t� be useful when evaluating
a rez�nia�g or �eaa�ative l�p, ��me �ner�l Pb�ns, including
Cupertia�oos current one are of sm�ll s�ale �nd rather vague;
for ea�mpleo � dot m�y indic�te 1 °k�ere be an unspecified amount
of com�nercial devel�pment fn� this �enex°�1 �re�o°, much the same
way tta�t o�d m�i�s indicate "hexe be t,'gers" witkaout specifying
the �.oc�ti�n of the tigero I�e ��id th�t it w�s necess�ry to
d�cide for instanc�, rahether commerci�l areas should extend half
a block, � block or tw� bloc�s fro� S�evens Creek Boulevard,
�i�d th�t su�h � deci�i�n �h�uld be �nade �.n relation to an overall
pla�a and n�t from c�se to c�se ira x°el�tion to individual rezoning
applic�tfonse However vaguene�s may be justi£ied in connection
with parlc� bec�use there is �o money �v�ilable for a park acquisition
progr�m �nd it cnay b� propex to indicat� the need of parics without
even tent�tively specifying locatic��so
Minutes �f ��e P�an���g ��m��s�i.�� M�rch 25 1968 80,000.3 PC-6
page 9
81,003 � con�yd
Mra Ral�h �mma� �� '���� ���u���� R�alt� Cu�er�i�o, questioned
the indicated "�� d��ec� ��c�ss .f��m l�t�" �n t�e proposed plano
Mro Laur�n st�t�d t�at most (aener�l Pl�ns i��buding Santa Clara
Goun�yos, i�dic�t� the di�f�ren�e be�ween fre�wsys, expressways, I
o�her �rt�r��ls w�thou� di��ct. �c�es� from lot� and arterials
where throu�h0�r�f£�c �� mix�d w�th l�c�l residential accesso director's
The cl�ssif.ic�t.i�n ma��s qu�te � diffe�e�ce �o� only in the c�pacity statements
and accide�t ��te mn th� �����fal in �u�sti�n� but als� in the
impact on ��e �o�m�n�t�o �� �h�s ���ticular c�se Im�eri�l Avenue,
for ins��n�e i� i��end�d �o �e�v� t��ough tr�ffic and indu^trial
acces�a �f "�� �cc���'° on ��� side were not indicated it wculd
also serv� ��s�de�ti�l �c�ess, t� ��e det�iment of the ne�ghborhood.
Mrsa W�elffel of �0120 I���ri�Y A��e�ue, owner �f the property at
the northwes� corner �f McC1��L�� Ro�d and Bubb, f�vored light
industri�l use of her pro�er�� con�idering the possibility of rail-
ro�d �cces�o Pl���ing Dir�ct�r L�iurin stated that this property discussions
had been indic�ted a� a�os��b�e bi�h� �ndustri�l �rea in a study
he h�d submitted to th� Pla�ni�g C�m�ission ��d the City Gouncil
a few ye��� ��� bu� th�� the ��u�ci� did ��t f�vor this use at
th�t ti�eo
It was ag�e�d ���t t�� �lannin� Direc��rs �f the County and the
City sh�uld ev�lu�te ��� point� �� view discus�ed during the evaluation
hearing �nd ��ssibl� �r�s��t a��vised �1.�� at the next meetingo of points
Com�is�i�ner ��olich moved �� c��tinue th�s ��tter to the next 81,003
regul�r me�ti�go ��mm�s�i��er H��ga� s�conded �nd it ��s passed matter
unanimousl�o continued
A, 3m Zm 68/�m �`1ri� 6� o�x°econve�ed) 3-, Z-, 68
3- TM- 68
Since tk�e �pp��.c��� w�i� s�il.?1 �bs�nt f��m tk�e ��uncil Ch�mbers,
C�mEni���.oner �o�g�n �n�ved, ��mxn���i�ner �x°olich �econded and it
w�as �assed una�safmou�l� �h�� tkais �n�t�er b� ��ntinued to the next continued
regub�r meeti�n�o
Be 4m�1`'I-En�e �(��conw�a�ed� 4-TM"68
3°kie ����.ic�nt �a�s st�l� a�s�z�t f���n �he ��ua�.cil. Cta�mbers, and
Mre N�:z�m st��ed th�� the�e ra�is ��o��il�ilir �h�t Mro Watson applicant
might withdr�w k�is �ec�uest. bec�use �he �ec�r.t "Jack in the Box" absent
���lic��ion ka�d be�n deni�d� ka�w�ve�° a�ottaing definite had been
Comm�s�isa�er �org�in �aoved, C��nmi�sioner �rys�n seconded and it matter
w�s passed u���i�ou�ly th�t A��Qlicati�n �m�°l�1�68 be continued continued
to the next r�gul�r mee�ingo
page 10 Minutes of the PLanning Commission March 25, 1968 PC-6
unf.bus. Unfinished Business
81,004.122 Ae 81,0040122> Ordin�nce 220(j), regulating Light Industrial
�ML) zoneso
Mr. Laurin stated that he wanted to get the views of the Commissi-
matter oners relative to this Ordinance. However, because of the lateness
continued of the hour, Commi�sioner F'rolich moved, Commissioner Bryson
seconded and it was passed unanimously that this matter be continued
to the next regular meetingo
new bus. New Business
Relative to a submitted draft of proposed Ordinance 002(q-1),
draft for defining terms gar�ge, carport, carshelter and parking area, the
002(q-1) Commissioners felt that carport and shelter should be �oined in
one definition, and that this matter should be studied further.
Gommissioner Frolich moved that this matter be continued to the
matter next meeting of the Planning Commission and that it be heard
continued under "Unfinished Business" and that a public hearing be adver-
tised for four weeks hencea �ommissioner Horgan seconded and it
was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Horgan moved, Gommissioner Frolich seconded and it
was passed unani�nously th�t the u�eeting be adjourned.
ad�ournment The meeting adjourned at 11a45 p.m,
� � v������
s/ John W. Buthenuth
ATZ°ESTs �" Ghairman
� O�- C'��
� �1
Planning Director