PC 03-11-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State o� Cali�ornia
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501� PC-5
Phone: 252-�505 80,000.3
I. Salute to the flag.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.mo �y Chairman flag
Buthenuth who subsequently led the assemblage in. the flag salutP
II. Roll call
Commissioners present: Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Hor^gan,
Buthenuth. Also present: City Attorney Anderson.; Director roll
of Planning Laurin; Assistant Planner Nuzum; Directcr of call
Public Works Finney; City Engineer Boyd; Recording Secretar
III. Minutes of previous meeting, Feb. 2� 1968
Commissioner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded
and it was passed unanimously that the minutes of the mirut;es
February 26, 1968 meeting of the Planning Commission be approve�
approved, with Chairman Buthenuth abstainingo
N. Announcemen'c of postponements, etc ,
There were no announcements of postponementso anrource-
V. Written communications
Planning Director Laurin advised the Commissioners tha�
he had received agenda and the minutes of the Caunty
Planning Policy Committee, and that a copy of these had w�°��'�en
been given to each Commissioner for his information a.nd comm��ni�a�
There were no further written communicationso
VI. Verbal communications.
Mr. Laurin also advised the members �f the Planning
Commission that Ordinance 389 had been enacted by the verbal
City Council as an urgency measure, and that ccpies commun.ica�
of this Ordinance would be forwarded to each Commissionere tio�s
Page 2 Minutes of the March 11, 1968 Planning Commission Meeting
81,025.83 City Engineer Boyd reported that a problem had arisen on
San Juan Road and that the owners of certain real property
had become innocent victims of circumstances. He stated
that while under County jurisdicti�n the property under
discussion had been divided into four lots, that a tenta-
City tive map had been submitted, meetings had been held, and
Engineer's the tentative map had been approved. However, the County,
report in its hearing and subsequent approval, had made no pro-
visions for the improvement of San Juan Road which should
have been a logical step. The County did not record the
parcel, but the property was subsequently annexed to the
City of Cupertino. The owners purchased the parcel, be-
lieving that it was properly subdivided, �riey now vaarlt to
build on the property, but the City cannot issue a�uild-
ing permit until the property has been properly recorded.
Since this piece of property n�w lies within the City of
Cupertino, the County of Santa Clara, who originally de-
faulted by not recording it, can no longer sign the parcel
There was considerable discussion on this matter, during
dis- which all the Commissioners had numerous points clarified,
cussi�n City Attorney Anderson rendered his legal opinion and the
staff was asked to c�mment. As there was no definite
identification, Mr. Finney called it a four-lot su.b-
division on Sari'Ju�,n Aoad by Delbert and Betsy G��dwin,
Commissioner Horgan moved to approve the map for the owners
map with the stipulation that the improvements of the property
approved be made t� the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Comm.
Frolich seconded and it passed unanimously.
public VII. Public hearings.
A. 1-v-68 C.K, and SHIRLEY SNYDER: Variance
1-v-68 for side yard setback from 9 feet to 6 feet
for 2-story residence a� 10�+33 Glenview Ave.
to permit construction of second story.
Public hearing closed.
hearing Attorney Anderson suggested that, by minute order, the
re- public hearing be re-opened.
Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Frolich seconded
and it was passed unanimously that the public hearing be
Mr. Charles Snyder of 10�+33 Glenview Avenue, Cupertino
presenta- made his presentation to the members of the Commission.
tion He reiterated the statements made previously at the
February 26, 1968 meeting of this body, during which
Commissioner Buthenuth had been absent and a tie vote
had resulted.
Page 3 Minutes of the March 11 1968 Planning Commission Meeting
City Attorney Anderson quoted from a County Ordinance and
stated that the definition of '�hardship" to permit the grant-
ing of variances when certain facts exist differs in various
Considerable discussion ensued and numerous points were re- dis-
iterated to Chairman Buthenuth and the audience, such as the cussion
fact that the lot on which the applicant wishes to improve
was sub-standard size from the very beginning.
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Horgan seconded P•h•
and it was passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded
that Application Z-v-68 be approved.
AYES: Commissioners Frolich, Hirshon, Buthenuth 1-v-68
NAYS: Commissioners Bryson, Horgan approved
Motion carried 3-2.
Chairman Buthenuth advised the applicant that his applica-
tion had been approved and that it would come before the
City Council for approval at their meeting on Monday next.
REZONING from Residential Single-family
10,000 sq. ft. lots (R1-10� to Resi-
dential Single-family 7,500 sq. ft. lots
(R1-7.5�, 5.67 acres located SE corner
of Hartman and Ainsworth. First Hearing.
Mr. Laurin stated that both Planning Commission and City
Council had approved the tentative map for this property,
subject to rezoning and annexation. Since the annexation
had been completed and the proposed zoning complies with
the tentative map and with the average lot size of the
presznt Oak Knoll development, the staff recommended
approval. Mr. David Franklin, the applicant, had nothing
to add. Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the
audience; there were none.
Page � Minutes of° the Ma.rcyi 11, 1968 Plann.ing Comrnission Meeting
p.h. Commissioner Horgan m�ved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and
closed it was passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed.
Commissi�ner Horgan moved, Commissioner Bryson seconded that
application 2-z-68 be approved.
2-z-68 AYES: Commissioners Bryson, Hirshon, Frolich, Horgan
approved Buthenuth
NAYS : None
Motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Buthenuth ad.vised the applicant that this matter
would come before the City Council during their first
meeting in April.
and PAN CHOW: USE PERMIT for temporary
flower storage and equipment sheds,
located south side of Stevens Creek Blvd.
�-00 feet east of Portal Avenueo First
Mr. Don Bandley, Realtor and representative of Mro Pan Chow,
presenta- �he applicant, appe�,red before the Commission to present
tion the application. He stated that there are approximately
eleven acres under discussion, that the parcel would be
used for the planting, growing and storage of flowers for
one growing season only and that November would be the
outside estimate for the propertyPs useo
Upon being questioned by City Attorney Ariderson, Mr. Chow
stated that there would be no organic fertilizer on the
premises but liquid fertilizer mixed with water and that
no obnoxious odors would result.
After it had been ascertained that this piece of property
p.h, was zoned for agricultural purp�ses and tha� there would
closed be no basic change in its use, Commissioner Hirshon moved,
Commissioner Frolich seconded a.nd it was passed unanimously
that the pu'plic hearing be closedo
2-U-68 Commissioner Hirshon moved to approve Application 2-U-68
approved with the condition that the use permit be for a continuous
period of eight months; that the storage sheds be screened
by the trees as indicated on the diagram submitted; and
that the diagram be made a part of the applicationa
Commissioner Horgan secondedo
AYES: Commissioners Bryson, Hirshon� Frolich� Horgan,
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0.
Page 5 Min�tes o_f the '.�!Ia.�cr: 11, 1 JE8 Plann.ir�� :;o;m�missi�n Meeting
D. 2-mM-68 ar.d. 2m�T-�68: STCN"ESUi� DEVE�,OP- 2-TM-68
for 120 znultiple urlits on �•ne lot,
located SW c:o�ne� ot' Bla�ey Ave, a.nd
Lu�ille Avea 705 acrese First hea.ring
Mro John Rodrigues appeared fcr �he applic�.nt, anc�. stated presenta-
that the buildings would be Spa.nisr. iri d.esign� w� �n sr�ake tion
roofs, would. have car por�s a.nd vaould be we11 ��.ndscaped,
thus providing an attractive and aesthetic additior� to ,
the communityo
Chairman Buthenuth asked for com�mer�t s from the ��af f a
Mr. Finney indicated that� in t?�e present streef patt;er�n,
there are left turns tc dnd from B:�ar�ey Aveo whi.ch� at staff
some later time, may have to be elimi.nated.o Tne sr�a.t'f comments
made statements relative to the location o�'.f'ire hydrants,
light standards, and trie fact that a moving lane of
traffic would be created d�rectly adja.cent to �, pede�tx�ian
There was considerable d.iscussior� on the pr�esent: trend
to decrease public str�:et ar�a a.r.d c��r'�� pa�king� in this traffic
case by reducing th.e width of" t he f l on�age � �ree �., east- of discussed
the propertyA Chai�man BU.�;hen�.xt;�a voiced his cer�ce.r.n Y.;hat
this fr�ntage street co7�i� become a�:�a.�'fic ra�ard.a
Planning Director Laurin men�ioned �hat the applicant had
revised his plan s� t�h.at all distances between mzin build-
ings now were 20 fto or more� he s�aggesteci �,'r.�at, in. app.rov-
ing the applica�ion� condi f�ion.s sh��uid sta,te : 1 1 c�arports suggested
to be pe.rmitted in lieu of ga.rage�, if �he �ommission finds cond.i-
this proper; 2) both ir�e De�relopr�,.erit P1an and �-?��.e �`er�ta�ive tions
Map to be revised to sr_ow the cr�os��sections ag.r�ed upon;
3) the Development Plan zo be m.a.de an exr�ibiY �o the
Considerable discussion ensued rela.ti�re to tr�e retTision of° revision
current City Ordinances ir; r.^e��,r�d to ca.rports d.i` �ance of
'petween build.ings, and tc� call an a.pplica�.ior. s�.ch a� �he ordin-
one discussed a Use Permit ra�her t.ran a. Va�ianceo ances
Commissioner Frolich ga.ve a brie� �ackground of' ho�nT parts
of the present O�dinances came into be.in��
Commissioner Bryson moved� Commi�si�r.er Hirshon seconded p,h.
and it was passed unanimously tha� r.;he public hea.�ir�g closed
'pe closedo
The Commissioners cor.tinued to discuss the streets, p�o-
visions for traffic ianes, the five foot monolithic tiide-
walks, and lighting standa.rds ar�� placemen� of fir�e
Page 6 Minutes of March 11, 1968 Planning Commission. Meeting
2-TM-68 Commissioner Brys�n moved that Applicati�n 2-TM-68 be approved
approved with the provision that the widening of the frontage road be
with shown on and made a part of the tentative map. Commissioner
condi- Horgan seconded.
AYES: Commissioners Bryson, Hirshon, Frolich, Horgan
NAYS : None
Motion carried 5-0.
2-v-68 Commissioner Bryson moved that Applicatior. 2-V-68 be approved
approved subject to the twelve standard conditions; with car ports
with to be permitted; also to allow for more than twenty dwelling
condi- units on one lot, and that the development plan, as revised,
tions be made a part �f this application. Commissioner Hirshon
AYES: Commissioners Bryson, Hirshon, Frolich, Horgan
NAYS : None
Motion carried 5-0.
The applicant was advised by Chairman Buthenuth that the
application would come before the City Council at their
next regularly scheduled meeting,
recess Chairman Buthenuth called a recess at 9:30 p.m,
The meeting reconvened at 9:�5 p.m.
3-z-68 Eo 3-z-68 and 3-TM-68 MARYKNOLL CONSTRUCTION
Agricultural-Residential Single-family
10,000 sq.ft, lots (A1-10) to Residential
Duplex (R2-�-.25), and TENTATIVE MA P 13.5
acres located south of Voss Avenue and west
of Lockwo�d Drivee First heari.ng.
Mr. Sherman Cornblum appeared before the Commission and asked
that Mr. Laurin make the staff presentation prior to the
applicant°s comments.
Following a previously submitted memorandum on �he property
under discussion, Mr. Laurin advised the Commissioners of
staff the terrain and zoning, the zoning adjacent t� the property,
comments the imbalance of single family vs, multiple dwelling units,
the traffic on Voss Ave., and the difficulty to provide
adequate traffic capacity, schools, etco in the Foothill
Blvd, area. Mr. Laurin also said that an illegal lot split
seemingly had taken place, whereby the original 2106 acre
parcel had been divided into one 8.1 acre lot and one 13.5
acre lot; the applicant had bought the latter,
- PC-5
Page 7 Minutes of the March 11, 1968 Plan..r�ing Commission Meeting
During his presentation, Mr. Laurin repeatedly stressed
that the area was scenically beautiful and an outstandingly
attractive piece of land. He also stated that, in order to
develop the entire hill area, the illegal lot split �hould
be recalled and a map submitted for the entire 21 acre
parcel to enable proper development without risk o� unsightly
heavy grading and risk of erosion, as on Candy Rock.
Mr. Cornblum stated that this was the first time that he had
heard of this illegal lot split, that he had bought his applicant
thirteen acres on a metes and bounds description, and that point of
he did not feel that he should be punished for someone elsets view
wrong-doing; further, that since he did not own the remain-
ing eight acres, approval of his application should not be
made contingent upon the development of the remaining eight
The Commissioners, joined by the staff and Mr. Anderson's
legal opinions, discussed this matter in length, and told
the applicant that this was not simply a matter of owner- discussio
ship and development of land, but of drainage, street
pattern, improvements and overall planning for the area
in question.
Mr. Finney suggested that, since there are so many questions
left unanswered, that this matter be continued �or two weeks staff
during which Mr. Cornblum could receive help from the staff suggest-
in working �ut hi� problem and the Commissioners would have ion
time to study the matter.
Commissioner Bryson moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded
and it was passed unanimously that the matter be cnn�inued matter
for two weeks and that the City Attorney be given a chance continued
to study Applications 3-Z-68 and 3
F. 81, 003: COUNTY AND CI'I'Y PLANNING 81, 003
GENERAL PLAN for the area between
Junipero Serra Freeway, Stevens Free-
way, McClellan Road and Stevens Creek.
First hearing.
Planning Director Laurin stated that the area �o be con-
sidered is divided between City and County, without natural
'poundaries. As it is located within the Cupertino Planning
Area, a revision of the General Plan is the concern of the
City's Planning Commission and Council, HowetTer, follow-up
by rezoning has to be made by the County's Planning intro-
Commission and Board of Supervisors, as affected property duction
is within the County area. County and City staff and
Commissions have cooperated closely to make the presented
report, but as most changes would take place in the Caunty
area, it would 'pe proper that the County Planning Director
make the presentation.
Page 8 Minutes of the �a.�cr� 1 1, 1968 PL�.rin:i.ng "o�rr��n_i s�ion. Meeting
County Mr. Roy Cameron, fihe Santa. C� �.ra C�unty Plann.ing Diy�e�tor,
Planning had graci�usly consen.ted to appear befo.re �he Commission.
Director�s By use of a previously submitted. memorandurri with an attached
presenta- map, Mr. Cameron, aided by N1rA Laurin, presen�ed the pro-
ti�n posed revision of th.e Cuper�tino General Pla.n f �r "Old
Monta Vista".
After this informal discussion with Mra CamRror., Ghair-
man Buthenuth asked for� audien.ce commenfi.s o M� � o G;xstav
Anger of 10185 Iznperial Avena°, Monta Vista, ma,de an
impassioned and prepared p1Pa �c the Com.mi.ssicner�;, stat-
audience ing that the citizens of tk�e area in which �?�e r�esides
comments had, for years, been trying �� imp.rove their px�operties,
but that they had hardly ever and mostly never re;.e.ived
cooperation from the City of C_.uper�tino She ga�e a
detailed background of the thin.gs done by intere�ted
citizens in her area and a statement of the frust.rati�ns
which this group had experienced because the Pntire "Old
Monta Vista" area is shown as industria.l in r�zpertir.o P s
General Plan. Mrs. Ar�ge� stated that she believed that
Cupertino had slated 'che ar�ea for a definite do�n-grad-
ing, and that banks and financing .institutio.ns laould not
lend money on improvements to be un.de.rtaken in t:rae Monta
Vista area.
After Mrs. Anger had delivered her speech, d. M.ro Mike
audience Nichol of 21515 Stevens Creek Roa.d in Mon`;a ui��a
request appeared and requested that tre west side of �,riperial
Avenue be kept under ML zoning a.s well a� t�!� east side
of sameo
Mr. Laurin stated. that both. the City Council and the County
Supervisors would be guided by the General Pl�.n when con-
sidering rezoning, and that revision of the seneral P1an
is an important decisiono In relation to Mrso AngerPs
concern, he stated tha� on.e ma�jor purpose c�f' this r°evision
staff of the General Pla.n. is to indicate residential.rya�e for
comment existing residential are�,s, and revoke the proposed change
to industrial use indicated. b,y �he p.revi�u�ly adopted
General Plan. This should be i,n 1in.e U�i�h Nx�� q A.n.gere s
wishes. He thoug�r, hoWevex�, that Mrs� Ar,ge�: c�;��ect�d. �o
three sentences ir� the explaining text: "?t does not
seem that this area (the duplex zone east of S�u�hern
Pacific RR) wi1.1 remain resider�ial f'orever a,� i t is
located between a railroad, a freewa,y, �.r�d tw� industrial
areas. On the other� ha.nd, �ez�n.:in.g to Lioht Tndu�tr.ial
and gradual infiltration of in.dustrial enterpri�e; would
create very undesirable condi�:ions during the trarsition
period. It seems that tY�.e 1.arzd utie can be chan.ged in an
orderly way only throu�h a redevelopment program with
government participation, as a single operatior."
Page 9 Minutes of the March. 11, 1968 Plannir�g Commission Meeting
City Attorney Anderson inquired if �nere was an immediate
urgency to this matter and after he r�ad been a�sured that
there was no such urgency, he suggested that a deliberate
and close look be taken at the General Plan and that the
Commissioners 'pe given an opportuni�y to look at the area
and study the matter in depth.
In view of what had been said and suggested, Commissioner
Frolich moved, Commissioner Horgan �econded and it was 81,003
passed unanimously that the revision. of' the General Plan continued
be continued until the next meetingo
VIII. Unfinished Business unfinished
A. 81, 00�+. 122: Ordinance 220( j), regulating Light
Industrial (ML) zones. 81,00�.122
Commissioner Horgan moved that, because �f" the late hour, continued
this matter be continued to the next meeting. Commissioner
Bryson seconded and it was passed unanimously.
IX. New Business new
Chairman Buthenuth suggested that, by minute order, an
amendment be drafted to the Commercial Ordinance to place 81,00�
drive-in type resLaurants in commercial are�.s under a Use
Permit con.trol. Minute
It was unanimously sug�ested �hat the staff come �up with amendment
suggestions at the next meeting on how bes� �;o amend the to
existing Ordinance so that drive-in establishments v��ould ordinance
be subject to a Use Permit. requested
Commissioner Frolich wanted a copy of the sign Ordirlance
sent t� the Manager of the Mayf'a.ir� Market on East Estate sign
Drive, asking him to comply with i�a Chairman Buthenuth ordinance
mentioned that the Shell. static�n on Stelling Road was dis- advice
playing gaudy signs. The Co�r�missioners requested that the
Chief Building Inspector l.00k into both matters.
D. Adjournmenta
Commissioner Bryson moved, Co�nmi�sioner Hirshon seconded adjourn-
and it was passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned. ment
The meeting adjourned at lle�-0 p.mo
i � ' � wr �' � �,-,...-��'y'�'
John W. Buthenuth
ATTEST : �- Chai.rman
��� G����it.1�Lr�.
Director of Planning