PC 01-22-68 CITY OF C'UPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501�+
Phone : 252-�+5 �5
PC-3 80,000.4
I The meetin� wa,s called to order at 8a00 p.m. b�r Chairman ce,ll to
Buthenuth, who subsequently �ed thc assemblag� ira the fla,g order - fle�g
sa.lute. salute
IT Comanis�ioners pre�ento Fro�ich Horga.n, Hirshon, Buthenuth.
Absent: Commissioner Bryson. Al.so present: Staff inembers
Frank Finney, Director of Public Works; Adde �aurin, Director roll
of Planning; Kenneth Boyd, City Engine�r; Jim Nuzum Assiste.nt
Planner; Lucie Matzley, Recordin� Secretary.
Plannin� Director Laurin advised °t�e members of the Commission that
the City Attorney would not be gnresent at this mee�ing bccause of comments
illness. Mre Laurin then introduced the new Recording Secretary.
III The minutes of tYne Janus,�r 8, 1968 meeting of the Plannin�
Commissa.on, copies of whi�h hac? o�eviously be�n for°warded
to the Committee members for tYneir informa.tion �.nd perusal,
were approved as printed upon the motion of Com�issioner approval of
Frolich and the second of Commissioner Hi�sYaon. Motion minutes
carried unanimously.
IV Chairman Buthenut�, in �.dherin� to the agenda, called for
V Announcemen��, Written Comm�uaiications �nd Verbal Co�un- commun-
VI ications. There wer� none in either cat�gor°y. ications
VII Public Hearings
2b-U-67 A. DONAL�D PR�TZI�R and JOSEP1i SILENO; Us� Permit 28-U-67
for Ap�xtrm.�nt Pro�ect (g00 units ) in a Plannecl
Development (P) zone, w��t �ide of Blaney Avenue,
approxiinatcl.y 350 feet south of Stevens Greek Blvd.
First hearin� continued.
Architect Goodwin St�inbc�°g of 9C> Gi�h Rc��,d, Palc Alto, and l�ir.
Joseph Sileno of 220 Camino Alago, At�e�on, off�red to answer
questions and �.sked permission to present ideas relativc to the
roofs to be used on th� pro�ect by �howing sliales of pro�ects they slides
had built, including a gable roof with a 2x12 p�.°tched. poof.Others shown
were apaxtments in Strawbers^y Point in N6�,�°in Coun witln � similax
roof and showin� exten�ive la,nd�capin�e
Commissioner Hirshon asked if the s3.ide� were intended to show whic4�
plan was going to be used on this pro�ect. Mr. Steinberg stated
that the slides were us�d only as examples of �os8ible roof designs.
Commissioner Iiorgan asked when th� applicant planned �o �tart on comments
the pro�ect and was advis�d that a�tart was envisioned within
two months after the approv�l from the Commis�ion had been obt�.ined.
Pap�t 2_ _ _ _ _ _Minutes _of_ the 1/22/68 Plannin� Commission_Meetin� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
This pro�ect had been discussed in length at the January 8th
meeting r�.nd there were numerous references to the minutea
of that mecting. Chairme.n Buthenuth askeei the Director of
Planning to again co�ent on the matter.
The Director reiterated that he had brought up the question
whether this pro�ect �hould be considered a part of an over-
all plan for the entire Planned Development zone (which plan
should perhaps be revised becau�e the "Town Center" office
staff development, however good in it��lf, does not a.dhere to the
comments original 'downtown' concept); or if t�e apartment development
should be treated as a F�pare,te project. He reported that he
had, as instructed, written a1]. property owners in the zone
and had received a written answer from Mr. Cali and verbal
communicati�n, from Messrs. Rodrigues Chrisman and Torre.
All of them felt that the "Town Center" development had not
changed the overall pl�n to the extent of needing revision,
a.nd that the apartment pro�ect would �till fit in.
There followed considez°able discu�sion about the necessity
of the east-west and north-south str�ets. The Planning
Director still felt that t�ie future might prove a deficiency
in east-west street capacity, and demonstrated a sli�ht
change in the presented developm�ent plan, which chaxige would
provide an east-west half street at the cost of only a five
fcet wide �trip of landscaped area. N1p. Rodrigues, realtor
in Cupertino, said that the applicant had applied the Master
addition. Street Plan, which shows all of the streets that ha.d been
of street discussed, without an additional street going east and west.
discussed It was Mr. Rodrigues' disti.nct feeling that the east-west
street on the south boundary was not necessary, but that a
north-south street on the we�t boundary, a� shown in the
plan� was necessaryo
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Geor�e Fernandez, Box 110, Apto�, requested that
the original street pattern be retained without any
additions or revisions.
comments Mr. Fred Erickson of 2095 Las Ondas Way, Cupertino, stated
that he ob�ected to the building of the apax°tment pro�ect;
he is a property owner and does not want to see the area
congested with this type of buildin�. Upon being reminded
by Chairman Buthenuth that this area has always been a P zone
with an apartment use indicated, Mr. Erickson stated that
he ob�ccted to havin� to look at a two-story apartmen:,
structure everytime he looked out his windows. He suggested
that these apaxtments could be built on Homestead and Blaney
instead, but not in the area where he lives.
Minutes of the 1/22/68 Planning_Commission_Meeting _______________ PagC 3__
Mrs. Juanita McLaren of 2�101 Linc�y L�ne, Cup��°tino� �aid that she
had been instrumental in representin� the fami�y �r�o ox°igin�,lly
sold the land. �he s°tatec� that °ti���°� had been � cYaange in escrow audience
and hearings had been held. on - �h� m�,�t��r e�� �°�eq�xest conforms comments
with the Town Center plan an�. s�.e saw �o �°��,�or� �rhy �yone �hould continued
oppose this project, as 3t h�d b��n �,pp�°ov�d �,s garel�n agax°tments.
Answering to questions f°r°om r,�����lonex°s Horgan argd Iiir�hon
the Planning Director confixmed that the o�°iginal plan �°or the
entire zone indicated. �..n ap�,x° de�relopmen� af °th� type now staff
presented. The Director o�' �a.'bl�,c W��°ks �ndbc�°ted. tk��.°� �.n additional comments
east-west st�eet woulcY no� b� a�e�d��. if the a.�°��, f°z°os��ir�g �l�ney
Avenue was dev�lope�l with ap�,rtments.
It was moved by Commis�ioner Frol�,ch, �econde�.by �o�issioner
Hirshon, that the public heax°ing b� cla�ecl, w�ieh m�tion passed heaxing
unanimously. closed
It was moved by Commissioner Fro�ich, second�d by Co�nmi��ioner approval of
Horgan, that Application 28-U-67 be apgx°oved subject �o the 28-U-67 with
twelve standard condition�, and condition 13o Dedic�ts.on and. added
improvement to City standarcls of a no�°��-�ou°�?� ha�.f ���°eet on condition
the western boundar�r of the p�apex°°�y e
AYES : Com¢nission�r� Frolich, Hi�°�h�n, iio�°g�.n, Bu°th�nuth
NAYS: None
ABSF�IT: Commissioner Bryson
Motion carried �+-Oo
31-t7-67 B. �Oi�.v C�FF'ITZ-D01vAY� LiJCr�s an�. G�TERAI. 31-v-67
� MOTORS; U�e Permit for Gene�°a�. l�lo�or�
Che�rrolet Deale�r�hip, 1V� corn�r of St�vens
Creek �oulevard and. St�ll�ng Ro�.d. Fir�t
heax ing .
Mr. Bill McGowan, represent�.ng �neral Motor�, �n �.n�wex° t�
questions by th� Commissioner�, �ta.t�d °that 3) only l.ate mod.el
used cars would be plaeed on th� lot fa�ing Ste�ens Creck Road;
2) that this was a eombination new/us�cl c�,r �.ea�.ers�ip; 3� �ha,t
sufficient pa.rking space had be�n provided. f�r cu�to�er� so that
traffic would not be conge�te¢i; 4� °that the de�le�°s�ip woul.d have
approximately 75 employee� ; 5) that an a.a°��, of �,'bout fi�c ac�°es
would be utilized; 6) that, a1l�hough �, certain amo�zrit of noise presentation
was to be �nticipated, the noise �min€zting from the Boc�r Shop of proposed
would by no mean� be obnoxious; 7� �hat all ta►p�� of r�p�,ix°� and project
maintenance work would b� p�rf o�ned at tl�� locati�n; a,r�d 8) that
the dealership was planned f°or im�diate occ���.ncy once appx°oved.
He asked that th� Commission keep in m3nd th�.°t the opti�on on the
land was about to run out. Chairman Buthenut� a�ked for comments
from the staff .
Page �+ _ _ ' Minutes of the 1/22/68 Planning_Commission Meetin� _ _ _ _ _ _ _
------ -------------------------- ----------
The Planning Director said that he wi�hed that automotive
businesses would be located in empty area� in �lreacly
emerging "Auto Rows" in the Ci�y in order to reserve this
staff and a few other areas for other types of businesses or
co�unents semi-public buil��.ngs, such as the planned YMCA. On the
other hand it may be said that this block is already
committed with one scrvice station and one cax° wash and
the not-�o-tic�,y Gemco servicc station in the n�xt block,
and that a much less desirable project could b� placed
on the land than a well desfgned, �ood-looking dealership.
Co�anissioner Fro1 i�h remaz°ked that the interest of the
people of Cupmrtino should be foremost in consid�ring the
request, but that a well built car d�aler�hip would be
far more attractive than hambua°ger and magazine stands.
Mr. Grattan Hogin of 11067 Vista Drive, Cuper�ino, stated
that a new car dealership with bu�.ldings �ucki a� tt.e one
proposed can usually be called. a credit to the area, but
audience that he objected to the display of used cars in the
comments immediate proximity of De Anza Colleg�. Mr°�o McLaxen
commented that she felt that the dealershigs a11 displayed
late model� quality cars, and that the Com¢nission �hould
consider approval of the applicatione
Commissioner Hirshon asked if studies had been mad� indic-
ating how much traffic this project would generate. Mr. Kane,
the City Manager for General Motors Corpora°tion, answered
questions that approximately 150 repairs would be channeled through
as to in euzy one day, but that because of sufficien parking areas
traffic no traffic congeation would result, anc� there would certainly
be no traffic hazards. He further stattd that for �ecurity
purposes normal lighting would be installed for ni�ht use.
In answer to a question from CFiairman Buthenuth if the
applicant would consider a restriction in sez°vice hours,
restrict- Mr. Kane stated that he felt �. re�trietion should not be
ion con- put on the approval of the a�plication as it would limit
sidered the service to the customers who work lat� and axe forced
to take care of their business matters afte�° working hours.
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commis�ioner Iiox°�an �econded
hearing and it was passed unanimously that th� public hearing be
closed closed.
approval Commissioner Frolieh moved Commissioner Horgan �econded
of 31-U-67 that Application 31-U-67 b� approved, aubject to the
with Standard Conditions, with the additional condition that
added hours of operation for the Body Shop be restrictecl to the
condition daylight hours, to b� revised at a later date� �hould
a hardship bc created by this limitation.
AYES: Co�nissioners Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon� �uth�nuth
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Com¢nissioner Bryson
The motion carried �+-0.
Minutes_of the_l/22/68 Planning_Commission_Meetin�______________Page 5
22-Z-67 C. WHITECLIFF REAI,TY; Prezoning from Green Be1t 22-Z-67
("A" zone within the County) to R�sidential --
Multiple High Density (R3-2.2) and Administrative
and Professional offices (OA), 6.0�+ acres
located at 10445 Foothill Boulevard between
Alcalde Road and Voss Avenue. First heaxing
Mr. Charles Knox of 935 Fremont Roa.d, Los Altos, the applicant,
referred to the discussions held during the January 8th, 1968 meeting.
He further stated - f - ��,t a rough plan ha.d been prepared to show th� presentation
Commission an alternative to the plan presentec during the last continued
meeting. Mr. Knox said that he had again been in contact with
Warren McCord, Associate Planner in the County Planning Department.
He felt that Merriman Avenue should be extended as there was no
need for through traffic.
Chairman Buthenuth ask�d if the applicant would consider something
less d�nse than R3-2.2, but Mr. Knox replied that the financial
institutions did not feel a reduction ad.visable or advantagous
with a view to enou�h rents to pay for the maintenance of the land-
The Planning Dir�ctor stated that, as previously discussed, the
entire Foothill Boulevard area is already zoned for as many people
for which traffic capacity and schools could b� provided. For
every rezoning to hi�her denaity a previously zoned axea must be
decreased in density. Apart from the overall density problem, he did
not ob�ect to a low-density apartment zone, even if surrounded by
duplexes. He also read a letter from the County Planning Departmcnt� discussions
recommending against rezoning a portion of the property to OA, and
recoamaending a density of 3500 to 4000 square feet per dwelling
unit (between R2-4.25 and R3-2.7), with requirement for a D�velop-
ment Plan.
Commissioner Hirshon asked if the applicant had ever considered
R1 zonin�, but was advised that single family homes would not sell.
Com¢nissioner Horgan felt that it was the density problem that
was under discussion, and that this matter should be disc�^sed
now to prevent additional problems in the future. ComQnissj.oner
Hirshon said that h� was strongly opposed to a three-story structure
on the fron�age and that, if at all, the three-story buildin�
should be placed in the reax of thc property.
There was considerable discussion of density. The Planning Director
said that there were two regular apartment zonings, R3-2.2 permitting
16 dwelling units per �ross acre and R3-2.7 permitting 12, but
that the Ordinance also makes provisions for in-between or lower
densities. He felt that a three-story building would not be
objectionable, as more open space would be provided assumin� fixed
Page 6 _ _ _ Minutes_ of the_1/22/68 Plannin�_ Commission Meeting_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. Voss, the former owner of the proper°ty under discussion,
�ave a detailed background of how a.nd w�en t�e l�nd was bought
and the subs�quent sale to the applican�. Sh� �trongly
audience suggested that the Co�unission should give every consideration
comments to a favorable recommendation. Mz°s. Cromwell, a property
cont'd owner, came forth and asked that the Cc�mmis�ion r�commend
R3-2.7 zoning.
hearing Commissioner Froiich moved, Commissioner Horgan �ecoa�ded that
closed the public hearing be closed. Motion passed unanimously.
approval Commissioner Frolich moved that Application 22-Z-67 be
of 22-Z-67 recommended for approval with the requested chan�� on the
recomm'd part of the applicant to R3-2.7, sub�ect to the twelve
with Sta�ndaxd Conditions, and the additional condition that
additional this rezoning is subject to completion of �nnexation
condition proceedin�s to the City of Cup�rtino and will take
effect on the date of ratification of such anr.exation.
The motion was seconded by Commis�ioner Horgan.
AYFS: Commiissioners Frolich, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS: Com�nissioner Hirshon
ABSENT: Commissioner Bryson
Motion caxried 3-1.
The applicant was advised that his application had been
recommended for approval and that it would now be submitted
to the City Council for final approval at their February 19th,
1968 meeting.
recess Chairman Buthenuth called a recess at 10:10 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 10:20 p.m.
Rezoning from Residential Single-Family (R1-10)
to Residential Single-F�mily (R1-7.5) Prd
Tentativ� Map, approximately 3a5 acres
north side of Price Avenue, east of Blaney
Avenue. First heax°ing.
Mr.Roger Lehr from MacKay & Somps, Civil Engine^r�, appeared
before the Commission� and r�quested a va�°��nce on the width
of two lots from 70' to 69 ', as they founa th�mselves a cou�le
of feet short.
The Planning Director stated tha�t there are px°ecedents that
such exceptions have been approved tYix°ough the tentative map
dis- procedure. Comanissioner Frolfch cautioned that, if the
cussions tentative map be approved as submitted, a variance would
automatically be authorized, wh�rh is no�t px°oper procedure,
as any exceptions to zonin�, ordinances must be m�,d� °through
a variance with a public hearing. The Director of Public
Works cautioned that th� sewage problem on this property
is still unsolv�d.
Minutes of the 1/22/68 Planning Commission Meeting P�� 7
Mr. Sa.m Lima of 1991 Price Avenue�Cupertino, stated that he sees
no problem with the sewer, as he will have it resolved by covering
the hole now in existence as soon as he is ordered to do so.
Following additional questions and discussions, Co�nissioner hearing
Frolich moved, Commissioner Horgan seconded and i� was passed closed
unanimously that the hearing be closed.
Commaissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded that 1-Z-68
application 1-Z-68 be approved.
AYE°� Commaissioners Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon, Buthenuth
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Bryson
Motion passed 4-0.
Commissioner Frolich moved that application 1-TM-68 be approved, 1-TM-68
sub�ect to Condition #1, securing a vaxiance for the reduced lot approved
width if this is deemed necessary by the City Attorney; Condition with added
#2, that the drainage problem be solved to the satisfaction of conditions
the City En�ineer; Condition #3, to obtain City Council waiver
requiring inclusic� of Lot #13. The motion was seconded by
Commi�sioner Horgan.
AYES: Commissioners Frolich� Horgan� Hirshon, Buthenuth
l�IAYS : None
ABSENT: Commissioner Bryson
Motion passed �+-0.
VIII Unfinished Business
Relative to 81,00 Ordinance 220 (j,, regulatin� 81,004.121
light industrial (ML) zones, Planning Director Laudin
reported that he had written numerou� inquiries to the
various agencies. Some have sent voluminous material, unfinished
some promised informa.tion and some have not answered business
yet. Most information consists of conventional ordinances
rather than containing the performance standards which
were requested, but there was one easily measurable
standard: "Vibrations in excess of those that cannot be fel
at the property line without ins�ruments shall not be
IX New Business
No new business was reported, and it was stated that no no new
application had as yet been received to be incorporated business
in the next agenda.
Page 8___ ?�inutes of_the_1/22/68 Planning_Commission Meeting____________
X Ad�ournment
ad�ournment Comanissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Horgan
seconded and it was passei� unanimously that the
meeting be ad�ourned. Meeting ad�ourned at 10:�+5 pm.
, ,�.� `�1�'��� ,-.��`�'�
� John W. Buther�uth
� �
, ,� �
Director of Planning