PC 01-15-92 ��'��� �-� Z,e��
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA. 95014
�_ (408) 252-4505
� Commissioners Present: Chairman Mackenzie
Vice Chairman Fazekas
Commissioner Mann
Commissioner Mahoney
Commissioner Austin
Staff Present: Robert Cowan, Director of
Community Development
Ciddy Wordell, City Planner
' Cheryl Kershner, Deputy City Attorney
' - None
� Mr. Don Allen, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, stated they are
` following the process of the Grand Blvd. �concept. He stated the
Chamber is concerned that the economic element is missing from this
review procedure. He noted this needs to be considered to avoid
` problems in the future. He urged the Commission to take into
consideration what the economic interests are when final decisions
are made. He noted the importance of the trips and how they will
be distributed. He feels retail will be important along the Grand
Blvd., but stated the existing retail is not fully utili2ed as of
today. He recommended using an economic model. He stated the
Chamber is concerned about the quality of life' in Cupertino. He
noted the Commission will be receiving reports which will help in
� the process. �
In response to Com. Austin's question, Mr. Allen stated the trip
ends are the most important tool the City has. He stated
distribution of the trips for residential uses would be the most
( important at this time. He stated they will present •a model
explaininq the trip end distribution.
Com. Mann questioned Mr. Allen's view on Mixed-use and the
availability of financing. Mr. Al1en stated over a period of time
banks and developers will come around and funds will become
Ms. Nadine Grant reiterated comments from a statement from OAKS
which was presented to the Commissioners.
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Chr. Mackenzie suqgested that OAKS look at the private recreation
zoning laws. '
Ms. Diane Moreno Ikeda, Co-Chair, stated that FAIR supports the +
need for open space and feel what the Church is proposing will
provide the open space and also the needs of the growing demand in
Cupertino for housing. FAIR requested that the Planning Commission
do not use the General Plan to tie the hands of the City. She
noted the Commission has been fair to date. She also noted the
planning process is lengthy, therefore it would be some time before
any development can begin.
Mr. Joe Tembrock, 20791 Schofield Dr., discussed community services �
that St. Joseph's of Cupertino Catholic Church provide to the
community. He noted it is important that the Church receive fair ,
market value for the property to continue such services to the
Mr. Melvin Caldwell, 10300 E. Estates Dr., stated that Cal-PERS �
will invest $25o million in backing developers for housing on this
property. He feels it is unlikely that� this property will be
purchased for open space and the State does not have the money to �
maintain the parks they have. He stated the majority of residents
in Cupertino have not spoke to this issue and noted the pro and con �
groups at the rneetings have been close to equal. He stated this is
private property and should be allowed the development as proposed.
Mr. Jack Berkells, 21381 Milfred Dr. , stated he is pleased with the
way Cupertino has developed, both open space and development. He
feels the two year moratoriurn, as suggested by the Commission, give
groups ample time to look at the possibilities of buying the
property for open space. He feels this suggestion satisfies both �
Mr. Richard Schumacher, 11331 Bubb Rd., concurred with the pervious
speaker regarding the two year moratorium. He stated the
Commission has been fair. . �
Mr. Don Burnett, 729 Stendhall Ln., presented a chart to the
Commission outlining the goals of the Fairgrove Neighbors, he noted
they are the same goals as proposed by staff, but priorities are
different. He noted they are concerned about preserving the
suburban character of the neighborhood. He feels level of service
E will not be acceptable in the neighborhood. He noted the need
for a neighborhood park. Mr. Burnett presented a chart outlining
the housing needs in Cupertino and additional areas where housing
could go. He stated it is important to try to meet State standards
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with regards to housing.
Ms. Sharon Lopresto stated the housing problem should be addressed
and resolved. She feels the mitigation payments are not helping
� the housing shortage. She noted the Diocese should abide by the
Williamson Act.
. Mr. Edward Jajko stated that the Fairgrove Neighbors would like to
see Cupertino as a low density residential community. He noted
that the Fairgrove Neighbors suggested putting a hold on large
scale development and solve the existing housing problem. He
noted, rather than build rnore retail space, existing empty retail
space should be used. He stated the neighbors feel that there is
� no need for development agreements between the City and developers,
as they should abide by City laws. He stated that Fairgrove
Neighbors are not in support of the Grand Blvd. as they believe it
� would split the City. He stated the beauty of the City can be
accomplished without the Grand Blvd.
� Ms. Suzanne Ford stated that the General Plan will determine the
� City's growth, policies and land use decisions for several years to
come. She noted members of the League have continued to
participate in the General Plan process. She noted one of the
` committee's the League is involved in focuses on the housing
element. Ms. Ford commented on the State's requirement for housing
and if not complied to, will leave the City open for law suits .
She noted more housing will be required if additional growth is
allowed. Ms. Ford stated decisions on housing should be made,
taking into consideration affordability and people oriented
services. She commented on the Jobs/Housing imbalance. She urged
the Commission to withhold land use recommendations to the City
� Council on future development until they have studied the Nexus
Study. Ms. Ford made a correction in the Statement to the
Ms. Ann Unger, President, expressed concern about the concept of
affordable housing and it seems it will not be affordable for the
average person working in Cupertino. She noted senior citizens
need affordable housing. She stated apartments are affordable and
are needed. Regarding the downtown concept, she stated there was
once a downtown area in Monta Vista and expressed concern regarding
this. Regarding open space, Ms. Unger stated that people tend to
abuse the open space areas and expressed concern regarding the
blight in Monta Vista.
Mr. Phil Zeitman stated that CURB represents many residents and
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Homeowners Associations. He feels there has been too much
development in Cupertino as a result of the last General Plan. He
stated this has resulted in scarring the land and must be stopped.
He stated the voters do not want more development. He stated the
major areas which should be included in the General Plan are: the
existing General Plan has enough development to fit the needs of a �
suburban community like Cupertino; CURB recommend the decreased
alternative;�the needs of the current residential community must
have first priority in land use planning, and urged that the
General Plan shifts non-residential developrnent to residential
wherever possible. He noted areas where this could be possible.
The concept of the Grand Blvd. should not be included in the
General Plan. Every effort should be made to keep housing off the
main roads. CURB do support the parkway lot landscape option for
Stevens Creek Blvd. He noted CURB's primary positions, noting that �
open space, traffic and quality of life are important issues and
should be included in the General Plan. Residential areas should
be protected and there should be a small town characteristic in
Cupertino. Maximum heights of buildings should be included in the
General Plan. Preservation of all hillside areas must be
addressed. The Williamson Act should be adhered to. Traffic
should not fall below LOS D and prefer it to be higher. TDM '
programs should be implemented. He stated the City is for all the
residents and the voters should be listened too.
Chr. Mackenzie stated that the State's Environmental Quality Act is �
a strict process, he noted he has served on the Environmental
Review Committee and believe they are doing a good job.
Mr. Zeitman feels the process should be publicized more to get the
public more involved.
Mr. Glenn Barber, Director of Real Estate, Construction and
Facilities, Apple Cornputer Inc., noted that Apple, Hewlett Packard
and Tandem have been cooperating in conjunction with one another
with regards to TDM programs. He stated they have been working
with a consultant regarding this matter and would like her to �
comment on the economic impact which the potential expansion of
Apple� Hewlett Packard and Tandem will have on the community.
Ms. Lynn Sedway, President, Sedway & Associates, presented a copy
of a report which summarizes her remarks to the Commission and
Staff. She noted she will report on the economic impact of the
proposed expansions of all three major companies. She stated most
communities are concerned with their local fiscal and economic
health, but Cupertino has been fortunate in this regard, due to the
strong economic base of the three major companies. She stated they
wish to expand within Cupertino and these are long term needs . Ms .
Sedway outlined the fiscal. benefits to the City with having the
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major companies, as outlined in her report presented to the
Commissioners. She noted the figures used in the report are
conservative. She stated the hotels are used mostly by the three
major companies. Ms. Sedway reiterated the on-going fiscal
benefits and the revenues. She stated the hotel which Tandem has
( in their plans would have an additional benefit of $594,000. She
talked abou� traffic and housing mitigation fees as outlined in the
report. Ms. Sedway showed some additional economic benefits to
Cupertino. She noted the three major companies account for 25
percent of employees within the City. Also, approxirnately 10.5
percent of current employees live in Cupertino. She noted Hewlett
Packard spent almost $2 million, Tandem spent $900,000 on Cupertino
vendors and with the estimate for Apple, Sedway concluded that the
three major companies spent approximately $12,370,000 to Cupertino
� vendors. She stated this is just what the companies purchase.
Mr. Glenn Barber stated that each of the Corporations have
� significant economics in this community. He noted he is speaking
on behalf of Apple as well as a resident of the City. He stated
many residents believe that the fundamental residential character
� of the community can be maintained, while at the same time, provide
� for the growth of the major companies. He stated companies need
the ability to move from a leased base to an ownership base. he
' requested that the Commission increase the General Plan to allow
the companies to grow on their own campuses. He feels this can be
achieved with limited impact on the community. The following are
► Apple's request: the three major companies be allowed to expand;
add density at the Cupertino Gateway site, on the front portion;
add a fifth building to the Cupertino City Center building. He
noted if companies are not allowed to expand they will moved out of
Cupertino. He stated Apple believe that commercial corridors can
be intensified by allowing selected intersections to become LOS E.
They support adding housing, including converting excess school
sites, and also on the City Center site.
Com. Mann questioned if the companies where able to expand, where
would the additional housing qo?
Mr. Barber stated there should be mixed-use housing along Stevens
Creek and some School sites, as well as offices that are now
Mr. Bill Valentine, Architect, presented slides to the Commission
bringing them up-to-date on the Apple R&D project. Mr. Valentine
discussed the issue of a rnuseum on campus. He stated there would
be adequate parking for the museum and park.
Mr. John Sobrato, Sobrato Development, stated the park and museum
would be open to the public. He stated for all the development to
happen they need to be able to expand. He stated the request from
Apple for 600,000 s.f. is the lowest from the three companies. He
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stated whatever increase in traffic, after TDM programs are in
service, will occur at the edge of the City. He explained some
potential TDM programs. He stated the staff report has focused on
the traffic model, which does not take into consideration changing
demographics and changing habits of people. He stated half the
trips at pEak hour are not necessarily employees, but shoppers. '
Regarding the Level of Service, the Congestion Management Agency
concluded that the appropriate level of service, in order for the
region to continue to grow, and still to control urban sprawl, LOS
E is appropriate. He noted D is preferred, but feels E would be
acceptable at certain locations. He noted that the City should
plan for D, but do not penalize severely if some intersections go
to E. He stated in order to accommodate the needs of the Computer
community, the City will have to reallocate some of the commercial �
trips that were contemplated in the 1983 General Plan. He feels no
more commercial is needed in the City.
With regards to housinq, Mr. Sobrato stated there are opportunities
to build along the Grand Blvd. He noted it can be high density.
School sites are also opportunities for residential. He feels that
the City has the opportunity to keep these rnajor cornpanies in the ,
City and should be thankful the companies want to stay.
Mr. Glenn Barber stated that with the new development, Apple is
planning for a long term commitment to the community.
Mr. Mark Kroll, Prometheus, stated the General Plan will dictate
the future of Cupertino and the entire Silicon Valley. He noted
the goals that were set by the Citizens Goals Committee where well
thought through and balanced. He stated Apple and Prometheus have
listened to the community and stated their proposal reflects a
balanced approach. He stated City Center has been nationally
recognized as a model for mixed-use, design and architecture. He
noted they will pick up where they left off when development starts
again. He stated as part of the mixed-use concept they are
proposing to provide an additional 200 units of housing, and try to
make them affordable. He stated they are proposing for every 1000
s.f. of office space they will provide one additional home and
believe this would help maintain the jobs/housing balance. With
regards to transportation, Mr. Kroll stated that development needs
to be focused along the transportation corridors.
Mr. Bill Valentine, Architect, presented a slide presentation of
what is proposed for the City Center site. It will be mixed-use
with retail, office and housing. He noted 200 housing units are
In response to Com. Mann's question, regarding retail at City
Center, Mr. Kroll stated it was not feasible to put retail in the
existing City Center building. He noted they are proposing retail
which will be utilized by people living on the site as well as the
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employees in the offices. He stated critical mass is important to
make the retail work.
� Mr. Dick Rosemeier presented a proposed plan for the expansion of �
Hewlett Packard. He stated Hewlett Packard will always be open and
honest about their plans. He stated in order to be viable in the
computer business they need to expand.
In response to Com. Mann's question regarding the portion of the
property facing Homestead, Mr. Rosemeier stated they did not want
to impact this area with a parking garage. He pointed out sites
� which would be appropriate for housing.
� Mr. Sherman Davis, Director of facilities, stated they have a site
which is approximately 26 acres with 9 buildings on the site. He
� state 75,000 s.f. is in the existing General Plan and this will
` complete the total site development. He explained the buildings on
site and stated they still have intentions of building out the
� 75,000 s.f. in the future.
( Bishop Pierre Du Main, expressed his gratitude to address the
Planning Commission and expressed thanks for the process. He
stated the policy of buying the property was to eventually convert
the property into revenue and serve the basic needs of the Diocese .
Bishop Du Maine commented on the laws of the Diocese, which is to
support the parishes, fund their major capital investments and
improvements, to support their ministries, and offer loans for new
parishes. He stated they would like a return on the property which
would allow the church to address the Diocesan needs and to address
and external debt to the bank. He stated the restoration of the
Cathedral and the 1989 earthquake both contributed to the debt. He
noted the Diocese of San Jose and its allied charities are the �
largest single non-government providers of public services. He
stated the present proposal meets all the needs and objectives of
the community. He noted one half of the property will be donated
for open space. Bishop Du Maine noted they have accepted the two
year wait to see if the land can be purchased for open space.
Mr. John Sobrato stated they have made a number of changes since
the last proposed plan. He noted they are now proposing 480 units.
Mr. Sobrato presented a site plan, outlining the changes. The
riparian corridor has be expanded to 200 ft., there is now a 100
ft. edge along the park and have accommodated expanding the
corridor along the Cristo Rey Drive entry to 150 ft. The grand
. total of open space is approximately 100 acres. He noted what is
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proposed is a series of village lots with lots of open space.
Mr. Roger Ozer, representing Lincoln Properties and Symantec, gave_
the background of both companies and where they are located. They '
are proposing phase II of Lincoln Town Center. It will be
approximately 102,600 rentable square feet, three stories with 90
percent of the parking below grade. The building will look sirnilar
to the existinq building. He noted Symantec would be the single
tenant in Phase II and will also be part owner in Phase I and II.
He stated the plan is still very preliminary and no formal
application has been submitted to the City at this time.
Mr. John Haley expressed his appreciation to staff for their help. �
He noted he will present handouts to the Commission outlining his
comments and some specific information about the economic impact.
He stated they would like to expand their business, but wish to
concentrate in one area. He stated intensification for Vallco Park �
in not a new issue and is a logical area to have high density. He
emphasized that tonight is to discuss the General Plan and not �
specific plans. The General Plan should be left open for the types
of intensification that is proposed, recognizing that there is
every means available in the subsequent application process to �
deliberate and address all the specific irnpacts that occur. He
stated that Tandem do want to come forward with a development
agreement when the City concludes its work on the General Plan.
Mr. Haley presented a land use diagram to the Commission. He
stated this is a district wide mixed-use plan. He noted Tandem is
requesting a total of 1.7 million square feet of new construction.
He noted it is important and an advantage to the City to expand
adjacent to Vallco Fashion Park. He noted they will provide some
affordable housing as well as market rate. He stated the retail
will remain, but be revitalized. The proposed hotel will be closer
to Vallco Fashion Park. He feels a suites style hotel will work �
better in this location as opposed to a full service.
Mr. Haley stated that Tandem is adjacent to freeway off-ramps which
minimizes neighborhood impact. He noted he will work with the
community to reach the community goals. He believes it is
essential to have light rail service to allow the flexibility to
grow. He agrees with other companies that certain intersections
should be allowed to go to LOS E. He stated high-tech industries
do not qenerate a mass arnount of traffic. He noted they look
forward to the creation of a Transportation Management Association
and to work with the other large cornpanies as well as the City .
Mr. Haley presented scenarios of how the site will be developed and
• the hope is to create an urban form. He noted they do have the
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Page 9
capability of creating visual imaqes of any of the scenarios
developed. Mr. Haley gave an overview of the site plan. He
recommended, from a land use perspective, the General Plan should
acknowledge that the larger the area being planned, the better the
potentially zoned. He also encouraged the General Plan language to
include an allotment for increased R&D office space in the Vallco
Park area that encourages and allows the company to grow. Finally,
that the revised General Plan maintain the current General Plan
designation of office/industrial with a consistent zoning
designation of planned development for the Valico Park.
In response to Com. Mann's questions, Mr. Haley stated they are
proposing approxirnately 500 units. He stated mitigation will be
applied first at the intersections, but does not think it is
� possible to keep all intersection at LOS D.
� Com. Mahoney questioned Day Care. Mr. Cowan stated that this is
not a significant trip generator, but will be looked into further.
Mr. Haley pointed out sites for the housing on the site plan. He
noted they did do a community survey and the result was to make the
� housing available to any employee/employer in the area. In
response to Chr. Mackenzie's question, Mr. Haley stated they wish
( to keep the use permit for the headquarters buildinq, they will be
asking for a renewal in the next few months.
City Planner Wordell noted that Westfield is not in attendance, but
a letter was received noting that they want to restate that they
are requesting 300,000 additional square feet above their. General
Plan allocation. Each Commissioner received a copy of the letter.
Mr. Jerry Matranga stated that good schools are very important to
the community. He noted they will rehabilitate the schools when
I the funds become available. Mr. Matranga explained the attendance
in the schools within the district. He explained the school sites
which are still schools and other sites which the district is
leasing. He noted they are looking into a way in which the
! administrative services can be consolidated. He stated they are
conducting and economic analysis of the four sites and once it is
determined what is needed for schools, if there are any available,
they wouid like to look at the alternative uses and how they couid
best bring a revenue stream into the school district. He stated it
is possible that they will have surplus sites within the Collins
site, which could be used for residential development. He
presented the schedule the school district is using as they go
through the planning process. He noted it is a public process and
the comrnunity is involved. He stated the school staff is ready to
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work with the City.
In response to Com. Mann's question, Mr. matranga stated he would
need to work with the City when new housing is developed to see
what the impact would be on the schools. He stated they are
projecting peak enrollment based on current city plans, of about
13500 students. He stated they have the capacity within the
elementary and Junior High schools which are now open.
Chr. Mackenzie opened the hearing for public input.
Ms. Georgia Stickell stated that open space does not equal habitat.
She stated she is concerned about this issue, noting that patches
of open space do not support the wildlife. She feels it is not i
appropriate to talk about the nurnber of feet which is needed for
the riparian corridor as there has not been and EIR. She stated
with regards to people walking to work, it is a very hostile ,
environment for pedestrians. She requested the Commission consider
the kind of housing so as not to degrade the existing
Mr. Cowan stated the key issues for the next meeting will be land �
use, housing and transportation.
ADJOURNMENT: The Planning Commission adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to
the next special meeting of January 22, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. �
Respectfully submitted,
� �- K.� 'C�,�.I��rd
Catherine M. Robillard,
Recording Secretary
Approved by the Planning Commission �
at the Regular Meeting of February 10, 1992
/s/ Don Mackenzie
Don Mackenzie, Chairman
/s/ Dorothy Cornelius
Dorothy Cornelius, City Clerk