SCC 05-25-06 !I~I If',~ /1 I /~ ::::::J . I CUPEIUINO Senior Citizens Commission CITY OF CUPERTINO REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, May 25, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Walker called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Staff present: Linda Walker, Mavis Smith, Estelle Incociate, Frank Yap, Christine Kennedy Pierce Julia Lamy, Supervisor; Mike Bookspun, Administrative Assistant 1. SELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2006 A. Christine Pierce nominated to be Chair. Motion passed unanimously B. Mavis Smith nominated to be Vice Chair. Motion passed unanimously 2. MINUTES A. The minutes of January 26 and February 2, 2006, were unanimously approved as written. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - none 4. PRESENTATION A. Senior Needs Assessment of Santa Clara County Summary Report Recreation Supervisor, Julia Lamy, on behalf of Santa Clara County, presented the Senior Needs Assessment of Santa Clara County Summary Report, "Community For A Lifetime", for the Commissioners to review for further education. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - A. Review Status of Work Plan 2005: Supervisor Lamy reviewed the staff report. Commissioners identified the three initiatives remaining for commission discussion: defining the role, gap analysis, articulate how the Commission can facilitate the desired role within the City process. The website was discussed as a valuable tool in communicating the senior service programs to the public. Commissioner Incociate stated that many Printed on Recycled Paper people have no idea of how to use a computer and website navigation. Supervisor Lamy stated she will bring good statistical information on the percentage of seniors using the web and how information is communicated on the internet. Supervisor Lamy suggested a public demonstration of the new website link be shown at the ffi September 28 commission meeting where people are invited to see how to access the information and navigate the web. Commissioner Pierce asked to agendize an item for the June 22 Commission Meeting regarding the possibility of meeting two more times a year because four meetings a year is not enough to stay connected. Supervisor Lamy said she would look into staff/commission protocol and legal requirements within the Brown Act. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Proclamation to Recognize World Elder Abuse Day: Supervisor Lamy reviewed the staff report. Commissioners discussed the recommendation for Council's adoption of a proclamation to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Commissioner lncociate asked that awareness of Senior Abuse also be recommended for future discussion. ACTION: Recommend to Council an adoption of a proclamation to recognize June 15,2006 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The motion passed unanimously. ACTION: Have Senior Citizen Commission appear and accept a plaque and proclamation from Council at the 6/6 Council meeting, and hang the plaque in the Senior Center. The motion Passed unanimously 7. MISCELLANEOUS - NO ACTION REQUIRED A Written Communications Supervisor Lamy mentioned an email received from Assistant Secretary from the Administration on Aging, regarding the implementation of a prescription drug program and other info regarding older Americans Month, which takes place every May. B. Staff Updates Supervisor Lamy mentioned that a 2006-2007 Budget Presentation will take place during the May 31 Council Budget Study Session. The topic will be Senior Center funds clarification of actual expenses and revenue in compliance with a Strategic Financial Plan Objective. C. Commissioners Updates Commissioner Pierce continues to follow Toll Brothers Project and the question of senior housing for Cupertino and is attending the City Council Meetings where the issue is discussed. Also recommended was a tour of the Cupertino Community Services facility. . 8. ADJOURNMENT Chairwoman Pierce adjourned the meeting at 11 :30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Bookspun, Administrative Assistant Minutes approved at the ~h7- I / 2006, regular meeting.