PC 06-27-67 10300 Torre Avenu�, Cupertino, Califarnia 9501� Phone: 252-4545 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- p�_l� 80,000.4 C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0 California MINUTES OF ADJOURNID MEETING OF THE P?�AI+tI{tING COI�IISSION aun� 27, i967 8:00 � Held in the Council Cha�mb�r, City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Ca�l.if. I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLI, CAI�S, Comm. pre�ent: Bryson, Frolich, Hir�hon, Horgan Com�►. a.b s ent : Chairman Buthenuth County Planning Commi�sioners preaent: Mr. Terdsi Mr. P�brassau Dr. Wechaler County Staff present: Director of Pls�nning, Roy Cameron Associ�.te Planner, Warren MeCord Cupertino Staff present: Director of Pl�,nning, Adde Laurin � Recording Secret4ry, Lois Inw4rds Vice-Cha.irman Bryson presid�d. He stated that this would be a Hearing betwe�n the Cupertino and County Planning Comm�i�sions. The public was free �o listen, but not to participate at this time. The meeting was recessed until 8:30 P.M. to giv� the County Planning Comm�.ssioners time to �xrive. III HEARINGS SCHEDUI,ED: 81,025.61 A. Neighborhood Plans for the Old Monta Vista, and the Foothill 81,025.81 Blvd. areas in the City of Cupertino and the County of Santa Clara�. Informal pres�ntation. County Planning Director Roy Cameron reflected on the previous �oint mceting of the County and the City Pl�ing Commissions, when it was decided both Planning D�partments sshould further �tuc�y the area, and the Comonissions then have another �oint meet3ng . -1- pC-14 Minutes of thc 6�27/b7 Adjourned Pl�nning Commission M�eting ----------------------•----�-------�------------_-_----------------------------- A joint planning program has been recommended to be c�.rried out by the two Pla�nning Departments, with the following division of sta,ff work: . Old Monta Vista, bctween the Southcrn Pacific Railroad tr�cks s�nd Stevens Creek would largely be under the County staff's task, sinc� this area is �l.ready built up and probably won't bc annexcd to Cupertino for �► long time. The Cupertino staff woul.d plan the a,rea from Stev^ns Cre�k into the foothills because much of this area is undeveloped and would be anxiexed before development. Ther� would be closc coop�ration between Cou.nty and City in regard to both areas. Mr. Csmeron th�n introduced Associate Planner, Mr. Warren MeCord, Planner in charge of the study of this pro�run. A series of maps was placed on the bulletin board. Mr. McCord first referred to the County's Zoning Plan map. County and Cupertino �urisdictions a�r� intermingled, except around the De Anza College site. A second map of existing development was shown. A third ma�p represented a suggestion for ftzture development of the �rea. This plan tries to put some order in the development of the area. There is gre�.t need for a traffic flow stuc�y of the entire �area. The diamond interchange on Stev�ns Creek Blvd. will most likely prove to b� inad�quate. Perhaps truck traffic c�,n be eliminated on . McClellan. Nir. McCord s�res�ed the fact that th� third map was mer�ly a suggestion, which is subjcct to discussion. He al�o noted th�.t any ch�ngc in the �re�,between the freeway and Stevens Creek will be gradual. The Cupertino Planning Director �aic�. it will be neccssary to decide procedure for Public Hearings on this �rea; perhaps both the County and City Planning Commissiona could participate. Undeveloped �rea8 will probably be a�.nnexed to Cupertino before development in order to solv� water supply �nd other problems. He �uggested the pre-zoning procedure as one w�y of handlin� the mattere His plans on the bulletin board reflected wha�t t�e City is trying to a.chieve through proper planning. Director C�meron said the m�.tt�r of pre-zoning is up to the City. Co�. Horgan was in favor of the pre-zonin� appro�ch. Coarm. Bryson felt that duxing z°ezoning procedures, �uggestions could be made from Cupertino to the County. He �ugg�sted, �rhen talking �,bout specific �res�s, that one �urisdiction initiate the proceedings and the other offer su�ge�tions. He beli�v�d Cupertino should have some word in matters conccrning prop�rti�s that will be a,nnexed by Cupertino in the future. -2- PC-1�+ Minut�s of the 6�27�b7 Adjourned Plannin� Commission Me�tin� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ County Planning Co�ission�r Wechsler coa�ru.e�±fed th�.t pre-zoning may be too artificial and rigid, and he f.elt thi.� procedure was not needed at this time; things ch�n�e too �°ast. It was his opinion that the County Planning Co�unission is interested in a compr�hensive effort in s�ll areas. He would hope, before the st�ff� and Com�is- sions star�t to solidify too much, that they would h�ve a chance to hear from the people in the area. The Cupertino a.nd County Co�issioners a1.1. agreed to this . County Planning Co�ni��ioner Teresi said �. G�ner�l. Plan is precisely that. Wher� the situation calls for it, the County and Cupertino Cou�ni.ssions should have �oint mcetings. With regard to pre-zoning, he said there should be some recognition, timewise, as to when the property i.n question should b� annexed. Vice-Chairman Bryson felt a thorough going-over of th� General Plan would bc in order. Coman. Frolich was in favor of res�rving pre- zoning for individual, sm�.l.l areas, rather th�n large parcels. Comm. Hirshon asked �bout the l�gality pf pre-zoning. He felt this should b� re�earched. Comm. Horgan s.sk�d if the County Pl�,nner's plan on the bulletin board refl�cts the County Planning Commission's feelings. Comm. Teresi no'�ted that this is only a proposal. Comm. Wechslcr sai.d this i� an axe�, Cupertino is more familiar with than they are at this time. They would prefer to have some of the benefit of the Cupertino Pl.anning Commission's thinking on the subject. Comm. Teresi felt the area to the east will materially affect this area. Cupertino now has a rather extensive industrial area which the County Public Works Department is now working on. The Cupertino Planning Director s�id he i� worried about the need for more schools and park�, �nd about the traffic which will be g�ndrated in th� area weast of Stev�ns Cre�k. An ultima�.t� population of 11,000 in that sreA, �s pr�s�ntly zoned, would need at l�ast two � mor� schools a�d the cap�.city of at lea,at two four-lane expresaway�. He suggeated informs�]. me�tings with both r��identa and l�ndown�r� to find out wha�t kind of community th�y would wa.nt, �.nd later formal public hea�z�inga to evaluat� actual pl�,ns . Cupertino m�,y be �ble to assign a man exclusiv�ly to the planning of the Foothill Blvd. ar�a. Data collecting, actusl pla,nning, and publ�.c hearings ar� likely to t�,kE a ye�r. In answer to Comm. Horgan`s question, 1Kr. McCord sa�id the County has suggested a change from Comm�rcial to duplex or apartment zoning of certain areas in "Old" Monta Vista because th�rc arc not Enough customers for s�n e�ct�nsion of the exi�ting comanerci�l. area around Steveens Cre�k Blvd. -3- Conun. Br�rsc�n asked what h�ppens to the railroad track at St�vena Creek Blvd. Mr. McCord said the fre�way goe� under Stevens Cre�k Blvd. �,n,nd over McClellan Road. With St�vens Cre�k Blvd. intersecting the fre�way, the r�.ilroad, Peninsula Avenue, l�y Avenue, the Coll�g� �ntr�nee, etc.,m�;n� tr�ffic problems will h�ve to be solved. R�cess was called at 9:�+5 P.M. The meeting reconvened a�t 9 �55 P •M• Comm. Hirshon ask�d about the possibility of office zoning in "Old" Monta Pista. Mr. McCord said that would generate more traffic ths�► duplEx zoning. Effort will be ma.de to have th� duplexes or apsrtments back up to St�vens Creek Blvd. There a�re ple�ns for a cammunity c�nt�r ares. Comm. Bryson aaid h� could not visualiz� a,partmenta in thi� a�rea. Cupertino Planning Directc�r said our Gener�l Plan isn't v�ry r�siiatic. Light Indu�tria�l i� indicated for � lsrge arew west of the railroad. Comm. Frolich explained the reeasons behind the G�ndral Plu1's pro- posal for Light Industrial in that srea. He a�ked what mi.ght happ�n if the area� stay: single-family hom�s. Mr. MeCord said that gen�r�lly, the people in tha►t area live on mod�at incomea and ahould not be displaced. This area will probably remain �tatua quo for th� life of this plan. Comm. Frolich felt that �� th�se hc�mes gEt older, r�paira become more expensive u�d ha,rder for retired people and p�opl� with modest incomes to cope with. Dir�ctor Cameron felt th�,t within the �cop� of pres�nt atudi��, th� us� of this ar�s for indu�tria�l. pur- poe��s is not feaa,sible. Cupartino Planning Dir�ctor said the planning program wc>uld not institut� a moratorium on building�'.. In our City, we are v�ry atrict a.bout requiring municip�l. improvementss. Thd County has :omewhat differ�nt rules �nd in some ar�ag, differ�nt �tr�et plans. Pr�- zoning would h�lp in matter� such as the$�. We �hould a].so try to achieve a, ��n�ee of identity for the community a� w�ll a� for the individual neighborhood�. This ms.y b� achi�v�d by small means: a�fountain, a bench under a tr�� at s vista point, etc. W� sxe trying to design a community center n��.r the int�rs�etion of Foothill Blvd. a�nd St�ven� Creek Blvd., with public, qu�,ffii public a�nd com- mercial usea, Ae�th�tic consider�tion� include not only individual buildings but the grouping of buildinga and how they f'unction. Probl�ma would b� compounded if presently zon�d density were incr�ased. On the oth�r hsnd, to lower the d�nsity would save the public mon�y, but it is v�ry difficult to r�zone in that direction. , His first approa,ch would be to keep, basica�7.1.y, pr��ent zoning. , D�tailed studie� m�y then �how some increasc in certain areas and some decreas� in oth�rs. Comm. Tere�i asked if we a.r� in n��d of �,nother traffic survey for this area. Thd Cup�rtino Dir�ctor said w� first n�ed to know the population we should plan fvr. Comm. Wechsler �aid h� will propoae �,t their n�xt meeting to discuss thia traffic situation. Vice-Ch�.irman Bryson suggested the Cupertino Pl�nning Dir�ctor continue hi� studies to give us some notion af possible road wid��- ings and possiblc locations of grade schools and high schools, locations for parks, and to work with Mr. �+IcCord and set another da�te now for anoth�r �oint meeting. *.... in accordance with present zoning. ' -�- PC-14 Minutes of the 6/27/67 i�djourned Pl�.nning Conuaission N1�eting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comm. Wechsler sug�ested the next �genda include an amplificatio� of the Cupertino Planning Director's thoughts and s� report on the traffic survey now being made by the County's Departmcnt of Public Works. Perhaps Mr. McCord could set up � meeting a�s soon as this traffic report is complete. Com�►. Wechsler asked if the m��ting could be at Cupertino City Fiall a�ain, �ince it is mor� convenient for the property owners involved. He would also like a preliminary public hearing. Perhaps we could have a few spokesm�n from a few of the nre�,�, for e�spediency's sakc. Vice-Chairman Bryson felt the public should bd invited to speak their minds when w� get down to specifics. Comm. Horgan �aid we learned that pre-zoning is not the answer; the General Plan probably is. We should meet again, sooner than 3 or 4 months. We need the City Planning Director`s analysis. Comm4. Wechsler felt there should not be �, public hearing at the next meeting; lengtY�y public hearing� are very time-consuming and not a�s much can be accompliahed. Public hearings should come l�,ter on. In regard to the missive from the County of the rezoning to R3 of the lot at Palo Vista Road. and Js�ni�e Avenue, th� Cupertino Director stat�d that the �uggested plan indicates single-fa�mily home� here �nd that further planning may indicate a changed road pattern. The Cupertino Plt�nni.ng Commission recoaunended denial of this rezoning request. Comm. Wechsler said he would make Cupertino Pl�nning Commiission's feelings known on this matter and the County will take this under consideration. MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Hirshon� s�conded by Comm. Horg�.n, to instruct the Cupertino Planning Director to tra�nsfer to the County �he recommendation of the City Planning Commi�sion. Motion carried, 5-0 IV ADJOURI+�lENT Moved by Comm. Horgan, second�d by Comm. Frolieh, to ad�ourn the meeting at 10:45 P.M. Motion carried, 5-0 Vice-Chairmeixi Bryson thanked the County Planning Commzieaioners and Staff for coming and s�aring their thoughts with Cupertino Planning Comanission, and' express�d hope for another �oint mceting in the near fLiture. APPROVID : ,'��'/ �� ATTEST: s . Wa � B son � �� „/� . ice-Chai v�,�_ ,,,� Adde La,urin, Director of Plat�ning __ _5_ , _