PC 04-24-67 .' � 10300.Torre Ave., Cupertino, Calif., 9501� Phone 252-�505
Pc-9 80, 000.�+
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
Monday, April 2�, 1967 8:00 P.M.
Held in the Council Chambers, City H�all, 10300 Torre Avenue,
Cupertino, California
Comm. present: Bryson, Buthenuth, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
Comm, absent: None
Staff present: City Attorney, Sam Anderson
Director of Planning, Adde Laurin
Director of Public Works, Frank Finney
City Engineer, Bob Shook
Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Recording Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
It was moved by Chrm, Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Horgan to
nominate Comm. Buthenuth as Chairma.n of the Planning
Commission for 1g67-
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS : None
ABSTAINED: Comm. Buthenuth
Motion carried, �F-0
It was moved by Chrm, Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Horgan to
nominate Comm. Bryson as Vice Chairman of the Planning
Commission for 1g67-1968.
AYES: Comm. Buthenuth, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS : None
ABSTAINED: Comm. Bryson
Motion carried, 4-0
Chairman Buthenuth then took the Chair, and proceeded
with the meeting.
The City Attorney had the following correction to page �,
second paragraph, of the April 11 minutes:
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PC-9 Minutes of the �/2�/67 Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
To substitute the words "capital improvements" in place of
"exchange of money" in two sentences of this paragraph.
Comm. Horgan had the following correction on p��e 5 of
April 11 minutes, in second sentence of paragra�h 3:
Revision of tentative map was to be according to the
separate sketch for six lots. (Planning Director�s �
comment, April 26: "Revised Tentative Ma,p, John
Rodrigues" refers to this sketch.)
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Hirshon to
approve the minutes of April 10 and 11, as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
Residential Single-family (R1-7.5) to Administrative
and Professional Offices (OA), Lot l, Tract 2551.
located NW corner of Clifden and Bollinger. First
Hearing .
The Planning Director announced that the applicant,
Franklin-Windsor Development Co, has requested a post-
ponement on Item G until the next regular meeting. -
�-TM-67 TENTATIVE MAP to permit development of a Multiple
Unit Complex on 1�+.5 acres located N side of Stevens
Creek Road, E of Mary Avenue, W of City of Cupertino
park site. First Hearing.
The Planning Director announced, that the applicant in-
tends to revise certain lot lines, and that further study
by the Recreation and Parks Commission also may cause some
changes. The applicant has asked for a postponem�ut,.but
will be present to answer any possible questions from
the public,
2-TM-67 B. JOHN SAICH: TENTATIVE MA P for proposed Light Indus-
trial Park, 35 acres located N of University Way and
' E of Southern Pacific RR, First Hearing.
The Planning Director announced that there are several
problems.�'he staff had not been able to complete their in-
vestigations on this application and would request that
the Planning Commission hold a preliminary hearing only
on this item tonight, and that the hearing be continued
at the next regular meeting. Since there were representa-
tives from the Central Fire District present at the meet-
ing for this hearing, the Planning Director asked if it
would be possible to hear that portion of the Tentative
Map which would pertain to fire protect3.on.
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• � PC-9 Minutes of the �/2�/67 Reg. Plann, Comm. Meeting
Comm, Frolich stated he would not like to start a hearing
on this matter until the staff has resolved the problems,
unless there was something specific the staff or appli-
cant wished to discuss at this meeting; to hold half a
hearing would only waste time. The City Attorney agreed
that a partial hearing should not be held, and would be
worse �han no hearing at all, as there could be a possi-
bility of someone being misquoted.
Mr. Somps of Mackay and Somps, representing the applicant,
requested that the hearing be held tonight. Although the
County Planning Commission has been studying the ad�acent
County area, the Tentative Map has been submitted and he
feels sure the Planning Commission is familiar with the
property, which is the same one submitted to the Planning
Commission a year ago in connection with application for
R-3 zoning.
The Planning Director said he is prepared to state wha,t
the problems are in this ma,tter, but cannot give full in-
formation on the matter tonight, since other parties are
involved, including the County Planning Commission, which
has not been able to complete the findings,
Comm. Horgan and Comm. Hirshon felt that since the appli-
cant and the Central Fire District representatives were
present and the Planning Department staff is prepared to
present part of the case, this application could be given
a partial hearing tonight. The City Attorney contended
that the County representatives and the Central Fire
District representatives should plan to be present at the
next regular meeting when the entire case can be heard.
Motion was ma.de by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Chrm. Buthenuth
that Items,.B,: G and H be continued to the next regular
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm, Frolich asked whether these items had been published
as being postponed. The Planning Director answered that
Items G and H were published before the applicants asked
for postponements. Comm. Frolich continued by asking that
if this situation would happen 3 or � times can the
Planning Commission dispense with the application. The
City Attorney replied that power is given to the Planning
Commission to enact a Minute Order which would prohibit
any additional continuances.
The Planning Director announced there were several communi-
cations of a technical nature received.
A member of the audience asked to present a petition, but
was instructed to wait until the pertinent item was dis-
cussed on the agenda.
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PC-9 Minutes of the �/2�/67 Reg. Planning Comm. Meeting
Chrm. Buthenuth asked if there are any further communi-
cations not included on the agenda.
Comm. Frolich asked to bring up a problem of street repair
on Bollinger Road. The Director of Public Works took note.
Clarification was requested by Comm. Frolich as to the'in-
tent of the City Council in regard to splitting the re-
zoning of the Saich property in one 35-acre and one 5-acre
area. The City Attorney advised that any changes made by
the City Council must be brought back to the Planning
Commission for report; hence, the entire application is
being brought to this body. Recommendations must be ma.de
by the Planning Commission whether this rezoning should be
treated as one or two parcels. The City Attorney requested
the Commission to submit a decision tonight so the City
Council can discuss it at the next Council meeting. The
Planning Commission agreed to discuss this under unfinished
business tonight.
Comm. Frolich commented that the County Planning Policy
Committee would meet Thursday evening and he hoped to be
able to report on this meeting at the next Planning
Commission meeting.
6-z-67 A. LOUIS F. BONACICH: REZONING (6-z-67) from Residential
3-TM-67 Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft, lots (R1-10) to Resi-
�-V-67 dential Single-family, 7,500 sq, ft. lots (R1-7.5�,
TENTATIVE MA P (3-TM-67) , and VARIANCE (�-V-67) to re-
duce side yards; 3�� acre located at 20771 Scofield Dr.
First Hearing.
Mr. George Bonacich, 20771 Scofield Dr., representative,
.stated he was present to answer any questions for the
Planning Commission.
The Planning Director said this application is a follow-up
of a City �ouncil action for abandonment of Western Avenue,
and the applicant proposes to convert it to residential
lots. The City Attorney explained that this property was
a part of a subdivision map, offered for dedication to the
City. This was an offer of easement only, not an offer of
fee, Inasmuch as the dedication was made to the City
for roadway purposes and the City decided not to use it
for a road�ay; it then was submitted for abandonment pro-
ceedings, wherein the City gave up the right to put Western
Avenue through to Stevens Creek Blvd. and the property
reverts to the owner of the land that abuts it. The staff
must investigate the matter and decide to whom the land
re ve rt s .
- �+ -
PC-9 Minutes of the �/2�/67 Reg. Planning Comm. Meeting
The Assistant Planner pointed out that the only problem
here is a variance in the side yard; however, since both
side yards are over the minimum required, he would recom-
mend granting this application, In addition, he recom-
mended approving rezoning to 7,500 sq, ft, lots, since
this zoning exists next door and across the street.
Chrm. Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience.
There were none.
It was moved by Comm, Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Bryson,
to close the public hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
The City Attorney pointed out this item would require
a separate motion for each application.
Moved by Comm, Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Horgan that
Application 6-Z-67 be recommended for approval.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon, Buthenuth
NAYS : None
Motion carried, 5-0
N�oved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Bryson, that
Application 3-TM-67 be approved.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon, Buthenuth
NAYS : None
Motion carried, 5-0 �
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Horgan that
Application �-V-67 be approved.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon, Buthenuth
NAYS : None
Motion carried, 5-0
The Planning Director stated that the rezoning application
(6-z-67) would be advertised and appear on the City Council
agenda of May 15th, together with 3-TM-67 and �-V-67.
2-TM-�7 B. See Section V, Item B
6-u-67 C. SANDRA LEE STANNA RD: USE PERMIT to operate a boarding
stable to include training and instruction - for two
years. Located at 22005 Regnar� Rd. First Hearing.
Mr. Daniel Donovan, attorney, represented the applicant.
He explained that this property consisted of 23 acres of
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PC-9 Minutes of the �/2�/67 Reg. Planning Comm. Meeting
A1:. property off Regnart Road, which the applicant in-
tended to use to operate a boarding stable. The Use Permi�
is requested for two years only, which is the term of the
lease. There is one residence located 100 ft. below the
barn, and a mile apart �re three other residences - most
of these have horses on'their property also. The maximum
number of horses would be 30, and at any time there would
be only � to 6 cars on the property. He understands that
one or two neigh�ors have complained about possible lights
late at night, and the Planning Dept, has suggested the
stable operate only at daylight hours, The applicant does
not ob�ect to this restriction, but states �here ma,y be
ocassional night visits to sick horses. In answer to a
question from Comm, Hirshon, Mr. Donovan answered that this
property has been a boarding stable for 20 years before,
but operated on a commercial basis for only a month or two,
The City Attorney stated that a boarding stable would require
a Use Permit under Ordinance N.S.1200, since this is a
change in use. Chrm. Buthenuth asked for comments from
the audience.
Mr. Wm. R. Christy, attorney represented Mr. & Mrs. Fritz,
whose house lies not much more than 100 feet below the
stable.referred to by the applicant. He understands the
operation is already partially under way and already some
of the ob�ections have occurred; including automobiles,
�een-agers, and lights and noises in the barn, which is
100 ft. above the Fritz bedroom, The approach to the stable
is over a private road, and eventually the traffic will
break down the roadway. His client feels he might be liable
if someone falls on the broken roadway. Also;,there would
be a dust situation in the summer, plus flies. A commer-
cial enterprise located near a residential area would
not be compatible.
Mr. Maurice Kemp, representing Ma,�or Perkins, one of the
other residents in the area, pointed out that it has been
determined this is not a non-conforming use, but an entirely
new use - more than �ust a boarding stable, it is a commer-
cial enterprise which has been advertised in the Courier as
"boarding, training and instruction". On that basis, this
is a new use and is not compa,tible with the residential
zoning of this area. He pointed out that it is incumbent
upon the applicant to show the operation is essential or
desirable to the people�s welfare before the Planning
Commission approve the application. Other objections are:
there are no adequate parking facilities and there is a
definite problem of traffic, especially during Saturday and
Sunday when there are generally 15-20 cars visiting at the
stable; there is a fire hazard because of lack of water and
no fire plugs. The water is limited to domestic water use
only and at present the only water supply is coming from
a well on Mr. Regnart's property. He feels the Planning
Commission should deny the application.
PC-9 Mi"nutes of the �/2�/67 Rego Planning Comm, Meeting
The Planning Director stated that the existing zoning for
this property is Agricultural-Residential, Al-�3
viously A-2:B-�).
Mr. Ellis Jacobs, 22051 Regnart Rd., stated this area
could be one of the best residential sites in Cupertino,
and a commercial stable should not be located here. He
submitted a copy of a petition which had been signed by
15 residents in the area on October 15 1966 �including
Mr. Regnart) and presented to the Planning Commission,
requesting reclassification of a certain portion of the
property from C-1-H district to an A-2:B-� district.
Mr. Cecil Mahon, another resident on Regnart Road, also
stated that this proper�y is not suitable for the area
because part of this road is privately owned, and feels a
commercial use would be a traffic hazard since the road
is too narrow.
Mr. Donovan replied to the ob�ections as follows:
in regard to the petition, Mr. Regnart had signed it, but
there was no mention of a horse boarding stable in the
petition; also, although any use should be essential or
desirable for the public welfare, the right of Mr. Regnart
to do what he wants with his property must be considered.
Mr. Fritz has two horses on his own property, as do most
of the other residents, so there will be a fly problem.
In regard to the water situation, Mr. Regna�t. has conver-
ted from well water to San Jose Water Co, so chere will be
no water problem; also, Mr, Regnart states he has put in
a ring and a dirt road so most of the cars would park
there rather than on the private road,
Motion was made by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Comm. Horgan
to close the public hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm. Hirshon asked the Director of Public Works for his
opinion on Regnart Road. Mr, Finney stated that if ade-
quate parking were provided the problem would not be too
great; however, there would be severe hazard if horses
used the road along with the cars. A good portion of the
paved road is dedicated County road, and is sub-standard,
and much is only private easement. The grade is quite
steep, and if any kind of development is established here
there should be a good road leading to it. Comm. Bryson
pointed out that fire is a hazard, and trying to get fire
equipment into the area would be a real problem.
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich that
A pplication 6-U-67 be denied.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
PC-9 Minutes of the ��2��67 �eg. Planning Comm. Meeting
The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal,
to the City Council in writing within five (5) days,
7-U-67 � PETER B. BEDFORD: USE PERMIT to construct an auto-
mobile service station at NW corner of Richwood Dr.
and Wolfe Rd. First Hearing.
Richard W, Morton, attorney for the applicant, explained
this application was before the Planning Commission about
a year ago, and at that time the Commission denied the pro-
posed use as a service station. Then an appeal was filed
with the City Council, but at the request of the Council
the appeal was withdrawn. It was then suggested to the
applicant he re-file the application for a Use Permit with
the Planning Commission, pending on two matters; one, a
general study and analysis of the station situation by the
City secondly, a more precise study and analysis by
the applicant on suggestions made by the Planning Commission.
The City-sponsored general study has not been publis�hed,
although the staff has given it attention. The applicant
agreed to the matter of making its own study and has done
so. As part of the application, a market analysis in con-
nection with this pa.rticular service station site and the
proposed use has been made and a copy has been furnished to
each of the Commissioners for their perusal. The required
zoning, (CG) now exists on the property, and the question
is now to acquire a Use Permit for the service station.
The applicant feels that the best and most appropriate use
for this location is service station,
Mr. M�rton continued by saying that since the filing of the
first application a number of inquiries, such as tavern,
car-wash, drive-in restaurant, used car lot use have been
ma.de for this property, but the owner feels they are more
ob�ectionable than service station, A service station would
not conflict with the surrounding uses; the rustic-type
design is attractive, and the applicant is ready and willing
to cooperate with any on-site traffic control according to
staff suggestions or requirements imposed. The applicant
feels service stations do not create traffic, but go where
traffic already exists. They are not traffic hazards, and
the traffic pattern as set out on Wolfe Rd., with its di-
viding strip, does not permit left hand turns. Location
is on a ma�or arterial providing access to a freeway and
part of an established shopping center, on the go-home side
. of the street. Traffic counts show Wolfe Rd. is considered
a ma�or artery, At present there are only two existing and
one other approved service station on Wolfe Rd, between
Prospect and E1 Camino, and population figures show there
is need here for a station; by 1970 there will be a neF
cessity for an additional 10-16 stations needed, according
to a market analysis. Basically, the ratio in the City of
PC-9 Minutes of the �+/2�+/67 Reg. Pl�.nn.ing Comm, Meeting
Cupertino is the same as it is County-wide; Cupertino
„ is not over-burdened with service stations, and this
location is a deliberate si�,e selected by the Richfield
Oil Company. It w311 be a,r ac�.vantage to the City,
The Planning Director pointed out that when this location
was before the Planning Commission a year ago, he recom-
mended approval. He was then asked to make a survey of
the entire City. He submitted a verbal presentation to
both the City Council and the Planning Commission, but no
written report except for the minutes,
�he Planning Director continued: City planning does not
intend to �udge the economic feasibility of individual
pro�jects. In other wo�cis, Zoning and Use Permit pro-
cedures should not pr�event a person from taking economic
risks. But it is the concern of planning to prevent waste
of land. Residential land should not be rezoned for ser-
vice stations when there is already a surplus of commer-
cially zoned land suitable for the purpose. However, the
lot involved in this particular application is already
zoned commercial, and no other suitable use has presented
itself so far.
A market analysis attached to the application does not
quote the ratio of service stations to 1000 population,
but statistics from the analysis combined with other in-
formation gives the following results. It is noted that
numbers vary widely depending on which area is chosen.
It is recognized that a service station in a particular
location or offering a particular brand ma.y be justified
even if the overall need in an area is satisfied.
Santa Clara County 1,02 ser.sta./1000 pop.
Cupertino Planning Area 0. " "
Market Analysis Proje�t A��a 1. " "
City of Cupertino � 1.Z1-H " ��
(including County "islands")
The/ ratio has been almost constant from 196o to 1966
The number differs widely f`x'om the number of 0.8� ob-
--��ined from Western Oil and Gas Association a year ago.
The number 1.02 is probab�y more reliable.
The Market Analysis presents some valid data and conclu-
sions, but also some misleading statements. The trend
towards fewer service stations per vehicle and vehicle
mile does not indicate a neglected need, but the fact
that stations are getting bigger and more capacious. The
need for additional stations is not proportional to popu-
lation growth, if the area is already oversupplied.
-9�rvice stations do create accidents, but these do not
come under the heading "Service Stations" in police re-
ports; they are included in "improper change of lane"
PC-9 Minutes of the �+/2�/67 Reg o Pla.r.r ��.g �",�:mm., Meeting
or "improper turn", or° "r�ear end. �0�.1..is�on" .. However,
this particular site is better than �r,o�t service stations
because it is removed some distance f'r.c.�b the main inter-
The Planning Director concluded, that he would recommend
this particular application, unless a better use emerges
during the hearing,
Chairman Buthenuth called for� a x�ecess at 9;�5. Meeting re-
convened at 10:00 P,M,
7-u-67 Chairman called for comments f°xjom the audience, There
c'd were none,
Moved by Comm, Bryson, seconded by ��^mm, Horgan to close
the public hearings.
Motion carried 5-0
Comm. Horgan pointed out that there are two service stations
in this corner already, and feels there is no need for an-
other in this area.
Moved by Comm, Horgan, seconded by Comm, Frolich that
Application 7-U-67 be denied,
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon., Horgan
NAYS: Comm, Bryson, Buthen�.th
Motion c�,rr�.ed 3-�2
Applicant was advised he could appea:i. �o the City Council
in writing within f ive ( 5) clays ,
8-U-67 E. RICHARD J, KEHRIG: USE PEk;�[�'I' for construction of a
service station at SE �orner of Homestead and Blaney.
First Hearing a
Mr. Kehrig explained that this area was r�ecently rezoned
for a shopping center and service �tat�on, complementing
each other, 50/ of the stores wi.. be leased before the
transaction is consumma.ted, His intent is not to develop
only a service station but an over-all commercial develop-
ment. The area is not overly saturated wi.th service
stations, There is commercial zoning across the street on
the Mariani property. The shops and service station archi-
�ectur� will be in keeping_�ith the residen�ial neighbor-
hood and there will be generous landscaping. He is only
concerned with the service stati.on in this application.
The Planning Department staf°f° f'eels this area is too small
for a good commercial developmen'co To set aside part of
PC-9 Minutes of the ��2��67 Reg. Planning Comm. Meeting
it for a service station would add to the risk of sub-
_ standard development of the remainder. The shops
would be somewhat hidden from the streets, the same
situation as now exists at Bla�ey and Stevens Creek Blvd.
„ �..�_ Staff_ does not recommend approval.
Mr, Kehrig stated that shopping areas come in all
sizes, including very large and very small. He has
an overall plan which will not hide the shops from
the street. At the time he first submitted his
overall development plan, including a service station
on this site, there was no comment made by the staff,
and he is surprised at the ob,jections of the Planning
Department staff, Homestead Road will eventually
have a dividing strip, which will provide good and
- safe circulation. He feels the project is �ustified
and this will be a fine neighborhood center.
Comm. Hirshon recalled that when the application
for rezoning this property was submitted he voted
against it. Comm. Horgan stated that the approval
of the zoning did not imply that a service station
Use Permit would be automa.tically granted. Comm.
Hirshon does not feel a service station is needed
since we have an ample number in Cupertino.
Spencer Seeley, field inspector for Standard.0i1
Company, stated he had spoken with the Assistant
Planner several weeks ago, at which time they dis-
cussed the architecture of the service station and
shopping center, and that the Assistant Planner com-
mented at that time he felt the applicant had a good
plan. I��Tr. Seeley felt that they were in �,ccord
with the Planning Department bu� he was amazed to
hear the staff's comments tonight, and feels they
a re unfair.
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Horgan
to close the public hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
Motion was made by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by
Comm. Horgan that Application 8-U-67 be denied.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS: Comm, Bryson
Motion carried, �-1
`The Planning Director pointed out that the
Planning Department staff does not make decisions,
but makes recommendations, The staff frequently
helps an applicant with the presentation or de-
termines whether the proposed use is legal. This
- 11 -
PC-9 �inutes of the ��2��67 �ego Planning Comm. Meeting
is sometimes misinterpreted by an applicant to mean that
the staff concurs with his opinions.
Comm. Frolich commented that non-pertinent exhibits are
frequently presented with applications. The Planning
Commission would be remiss if they did not exclude them
from the discussion. But that no ob�ections are ma,de to
these exhibits does not imply approval.
9-u-67 F. HOWARD RUTH, JR.: USE PERMIT to construct a market
and steak house in a Planned Development Zone, SW
corner of Pacifica Avenue and Whitney Way. First
The applicant explained that his pro,ject on Pacifica Ave.
would provide a restaurant and other amenities such as a
"7-11'' ma.rket compa.tible to the Town Center. Nearby lots
may lend themselves to the development of larger offices
or a modern theater. Inasmuch as such services are not
available in or near the Town Center, he feels the pro�ect
is compa.tible. The architecture would be integrated with
the present type of as far as exterior design
in the Town Center.
Comm. Hirshon questioned whether alcohol would be served in
the restaurant, the answer was no, Chrm. Buthenuth asked
what type of steak house:this would be; Mr. Ruth replied
that it would a deluxe f�es�aurant-type steak house.
The Planning Director stated this pro�ject seems to be typi-
cal of spot zoning and strip commercial rather than planned
development. The zoning requires planning for 25 acres at
a time even though an area may be developed in stages and
plans may be revised from time to time. At the time of the
rezoning a plan for the entire 100 acres, an L-shaped
32-acre area was set aside for apartments and the present
application is within that area.
The Planning Director continued by pointing out that a
Planned Development zone may include, for instance, a res-
taurant as a part of a larger pro�ject in a shopping center,
but he feels if this application were approved it would set
a pattern for other pro�ects. The minimum area planned in
this case should extend from City Hall to the residences
south of Pacifica Ave.; anything less would be against the
intent of the Planned Development Ordinance.
The applicant stated it is impossible to develop the area
he owns at one given time. He has no control of ar�thing
developed on ad�jacent properties so he must narrow his
pro�ect down to his own property and consider:the'ability '
to finance.
- 12 -
� PC-9 Minutes of the ��2��67 Reg, Planning Comm. Meeting
The Planning Director commented that property owners should
work together on development plans for larger parcels;
otherwise zoning as Planned Development is meaningless.
The City Attorney asked i� there is any working agreement
with the owners of Town Center existing since the time of
application for Planned Development for the area. Mr. Ruth
asserted there was not, only an agreement that no fences
were to be erected, and a gentlemen's agre�ment that if one
person develops a piece of property there would'be ingress
and egress between the properties. In answer to a question
from the City Attorney whether all the property owners were
in agreement at the time the maps were filed with the City,
Mr. Ruth said the development would be one which would be
sub�ect to approval by the City and have to be a planned
development where uses wo�uld have to be compatible.
Comm. Frolich suggested this ma,tter be continued to another
meeting for further study by the staff, Also, the City
Attorney could research the Planned Development Ordinance.
The Planning Department staff has recommended strongly that
this application be denied, The market has no place in
this development, although a restaurant ma,y be compatible,
Comm. Frolich said it was his understanding that a ma.p was
to be presented as part of the application, and if any of
the changes would occur the applicant would have to submit
an amendment to the development plan to substantiate this
other use. He asked if this change can be ma,de on a,
smaller basis or only on the 25 acres,
The City Attorney stated preliminary plans on file with.
the City were necessary to establish a Planned Development.
Thus, if the applicant�s plan conforms with the preliminary
development plan, he is in order, If not, he will have to
ma.ke application to am.ena Section �. The Planning Commissior.
has power to amend it, The staff should review the Planned
Development Plan and fincl out if an amendment is needed,
and the applicant should submit a revised overall plan.
This particular project would have a big impact on the
entire Town Center area,
Chairma.n Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Norma,n Tucker, resident of 20365 Silverado Ave., whose
home is 100 yards from the proposed pro�ect, said he was
speaking for a number of people in the audience, and sub-
mitted a petition with 199 signatures to the Planning
Commission. He presented the following 8 points listed on
the petition:
1. A market and steak house would not blend in with
the Town Center, the City Hall, and the resi-
dential areas. It would be architecturally
incongruous, and not within the scope of what
we residents of Cupertino understand is planned
for this 25 acre area. _i3-
PC-9 Minutes of the ��2��67 Reg. Planning Commission Meeting
2. Such establishments would present serious traffic
and safety hazards for the many elementary school
children who would nave to pass the proposed corner
and for those children having to cross Pacifica.
There are 16 children from Silverado alone, others
from Whitney, Clay, Clifden, Ma,rtinwood, Gillick,
and Michael Ct.
3. The proposed establishments would encourage loiter-
ing of children and teenagers.
�. Residential property value would be adversely .__
affected due to the location of these establishments.
5. Neon signs would be objectionable, being on late
in the evenings and being too close to the resi-
dential area, Advertising a real need to remote
6. Such businesses in this location would be pri-
marily dependent on the neighboring business and
residential support, because Pacifica Ave, is not
a main thoroughfare. Other stores in similar
situations change ownership frequently and assume
a run-down appearance.
7, These establishments at the proposed location are
likely to be sub�ect to robberies and burglaries
due to the fact that they would not be on a main
thoroughfare which norma.11y receives a greater
degree of police patrol. Drag racing at present.
$. Presently there are 3 ma.rkets within easy walking
distance of the neighborhoods surrounding the
proposed corner, and several establishments serving
food are in close proximity. We feel that our
neighborhoods are adequately provided with these
services, and therefore respectfully request the
Use Permit be denied,
Mr. Tucker also made the following rebuttal to Mr. Ruth's
1. The restaurant is intended to seek customers
from the Town Center; what about residents in
�he area.
2. There are ma,ny similar services in ad,jacent areas;
Town 8c Country, Safeway, Golden Horn, Florentine,
Bur�er Pit, Dairy Belle
3. The proposed pro�ect backs up to residential
a�eas; a serious disadvantage.
�+. Beer and wine would be available at the ma.rket;
if not at the restaurant.
- l�-
� PC-9 Minutes of the ��2�/67 Re� �1.a�n:l.p.g CommA Meeting
5. The "artist°s eoncep�" misrepresents depth.
6, Frequent change �f owr,.ex�ship is a riske
7. Neon sign Wi11. di�L�u�:� nearby residences.
8. Disagrees with thi� t�p� of developmerit
whether part o�' a.n overall plan or not.
9. Not compatibleo
�0, The street lr�c�,tion did not consider the
residential use on existing streets nearby.
11. This is just �.n c:��.inary commercial
Mr. Leroy Clark, who liues �irectly south of the proposed
restaurant, voiced his o:bjections to this application
because, he stated, the odors and noise emanating from the
restaurant would be offens�.ve,
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm, Horgan, that this
application (9-U-67) be ��ntinued to the next regular meet-
ing to allow the staf°f� to study this fu�ther,
Motion �arried, 5-0
2-TM-67 JOHN SAICH: TEI�TATIVE MAP for proposed Light Industrial
Park. 35 acres located N of University Way and E of
Southern Pacific R,R First Hearing,
The City Attorney advi���:� the Planning Commission that before
the City Council can mdk:e any changes in the proposed appli-
cation, the Planning Commis�ion must submit a report to the
Council, giving their op:inion on treating this 5 acres
either as a separate pa:rcel or as part of° the �0 acres.
The Planning Director p�inted out if° the Planning Commission
decides to treat this 5 acr�es as a separate parcel or item,
the separate appl�cation must be advertised again.
Comm, Frolich stated that the original application for this
property requested ML zoning at which time there was a
discussion whether the two parcels be considered separately.
The Planning Commission does not necessarily have to treat
it as light industrial. use, only to remove the 5 acres from
the zoning applications There should be some preliminary
development plan proposed f°or the entire parcel, but perhaps
an exception could be made, An argument was raised that
the 5 acres of ML zoning would ruin Mary Avenue, but the
traffic generated by ML use would not be different than
PC-9 Minutes of the �+/2�+/67 Rega P1a:�n�.r�g ��omm.ission Meeting
that generated by multiple zoning use� Also, the point has
been made that this ML zoning would, spoil the planned resi-
dential area; however, Vallco Par�k i.s near residential area
and property values are not affected by this development.
The City Attorney pointed out that a problem with the 5 acre
pa.rcel is the ingress and egress on to Stevens Creek Blvd.
This is one reason the City Council wants to treat this
5-acre parcel separately. Ordinance requires this matter
must be referred to the Planning Commission for their report,
and by Minute Order by the City Council the matter has been
referred back to the Planning Commission, to decide whether
the 5 acres should stay in this par�ticular rezoning
Ordinance or be deleted,
Moved by Commm Frolich, seconded by
Comm, Hirshon to recommend to the
City Council that the 5-acre parcel
not be treated separately as far as
zoning is concerned, because if
separated it can never be rezoned
again to Planned Development (P).
AYES: Comzn, Frolich, Hirshon
NAYSs Comma Br�yson, Horgan, But�.enuth
Motion failed, 2-3
Mayor Fitzgerald then presented the City Council's views on
this matter, and explained that the deletion of the 5 acres
from the original application has been done with the appli-
cant's agreement. The Council fEe1s the 5 acres should not
be considered as part of the applica.tion and they have
referred it back to the Planning Commission for discussion
and report.
The City Attorney stated that Or�dinance #358 includes the
5 acres plus 35 acres, and the Ordinance requires that in
order to make a material change the Ordinance must be
referred back to the Planning Commission for their report
and then returned to the City Council.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by
Comm, Bryson, to recommend to the
City Council that the 5-acre parcel
be excluded from the original
AYES: Comme Bryson, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS: Comm, Frolich, Hirshon
Motion carried, 3-2
PC-9 Minu�es of the. 4/2�/67 Reg. Planning Commission Meeting
There was none
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Hirshon,
to ad�ourn the meeting at 11:30 P,M.
Motion carried, 5-0
2�t (� �-`'�
/s/ John Buthenuth
Chai rma.n
��� �a��,
Adde urin
Director of Planning
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