PC 04-11-67 . 10300 Torre Ave., Cupertino, Calif., 9501� phone 252-4505
PC-8 80,000.�
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
Tuesday, April 11, 1967 8:00 PM
Held in the Council Chambers, city Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue,
Cupertino, California
Comm. present; Bryson, Buthenuth, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
Comm. absent; None
Staff present; City Attorney, Sam Anderson
Director of Planning, Adde Laurin
City �gineer, Bob shook
Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
Comm. Frolich had the following corrections to page 7;
Second paragraph; Strike the second sentence.
I.,ast paragraph; Add; "She said Saratoga had no industrial
zoning and preferred not to have any.'�
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
approve the March 27 1g67 Minutes as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
There were none.
A. The Planning Director had submitted drafts for some
Resolutions. He would like to go into this during
discussions of application 1- TM-67 . �
PC-8 Minutes of the �/11/67 Adj. Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
A. The Director stated that the April 2�+th agenda will
be "longer than seven lean years°t. Perhaps an extra
session would be in order for business other than
3-V- A. OAK KNOLL COMPANY: Variance to permit construction
of architectural walls within required front yards
and side yards. pak Knoll Hills Subdivision,
Tracts �4152 and �+190. First Hearing.
Mr. Da,ve Franklin, of Franklin-Ba.hl Developers, said
that besides customizing the homes, inside and out, they
don't allow any home or group of homes to have the same
elevation. To accomplish this, they have come up against
all sorts of problems. Some cities are allowing archi-
tectural walls on setbacks to allow the developer a
little more latitude for more architectural feeling.
Although they won't have a lot of these homes with
architectural walls, such as those displayed on the
bulletin board, this v'ariance would allow them some
within the development. Mr. Franklin was willing to
have the Planning Commission state whether or not they
should be on corners, how many would be allowed in the
development, etc.
The Assistant Planner stated that the planning Department
was in favor of granting this jTariance because this would
create some variety in the development. In addition to
giving setback variation to the development, it would
allow more usable area in the front yard.
Chairman Hirshon asked if a height variance as well as
a setback variance would be required here. The Assist-
ant Planner said that it would only affect the height c�f'
the last six feet.
Comm. Buthenuth asked what the Building Inspector had to
say about the lattice work extended above the fence.
The Assistant Planner said the Building Department is
concerned to the extent that a Variance is necessary.
Comm. Bryson asked if the Architectural and Site control
Committee will have any control over the number and'
placement of these. The Assistant planner said this is
at the discretion of the Planning Commission. The Ax�chi-
tectural and Site Control Committee does not review R1
PC-8 Minutes of the �/11/67 Adj. Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
� Comm. Bryson added that he would like to see to which
lots the Variance would�be applied. Mr. Franklin said
he would like to oblige, but these homes are only built
when there is a specif ic buyer for a certain lot; it
isn't like a conventional subdivision. He noted that
the average size lot here is 9000 sq. ft., and the con-
tour of the land is such that the elevations of the
homes are stepped. Comm. Bryson felt there should then
be a 72 maximum height.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth, to
close the Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth, to
recommend application 3-V-67 to the City Council, for
architectural walls with the following conditions;
1 No Variance to be applied to corner lots.
2 Variance to be applied to not more than two houses
in a row.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Buthenuth, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
The applicant was told this application will come before
the City Council on April 17th.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Frolich,
to postpone review of prdinances 220(i) and 353
until after review of application 1-TM-67.
Motion carried, 5-0
1- TM-67 B. JOHN RODRIGUES, JR.: Revision of Tentative Map,
approximately 32 acres limited by Stevens Creek Blvd.,
Stevens Freeway, McClellan Road, Southern Pacific
�-Z- The Planning Director first suggested rewording of
Condition 13 to Resolution �+06 (application �+-Z-67 )
as follows;
"Any proposed use shall either conform with a list of
uses approved by the Planning Commission, or be sub-
mitted to the Planning Commission for approval prior
to Architectural and Site approval." This wording
would save time, both for the applicant and the
PC-8 Minutes of the ��11�67 Adj. Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
The City Attorney advised that since the formation of the
City, and due to the fact that we have used the County
Ordinances until such time as we have prepared our own,
we mostly have handled applications for rezoning and'for
tentative map concurrently. If the tentative map has a
material effect on the rezoning, the City Attorney felt
the conditions on the tentative map should be considered
at the same time. And any approval of a tentative map
would inherently have the condition: "if the rezoning is
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan,
to recommend to the City Council the rewording of
Condition 13 of application �+-Z-67 (Resolution �06).
Motion carried, 5-0
The City Attorney, in answer to Mr. Rodrigues' question
about whether he must abide by the old County M-1 or the
new Ordinance 220(i) which is in the process of being
constructed, said that if the applicant got M-1 zoning
and entered into contractural agreement on any lots, and
there was an exchange of money, he must abide by the
present M-1 Ordinance now in effect. pnce the new
prdinance 220(i) is in effect, any further negotiations
on other lots within this zoning must come within the
purview of the new prdinance. The key to this is when
the actual exchange of money takes place.
1-TM-67 Mr. Rodrigues then asked the Planning Commission if they
still feel the 100' width lots are insufficient even if,
and when necessary, they can combine some of the lots to
suit the individual company's needs. He added that the
150' minimum lot width would discourage many of his pro-
spective users. The Planning Director said this has been
discussed rather extensively. The conditions placed on
the rezoning will control quality, and there is a definite
need for smaller lots.
Comm. Frolich said he has no ob�jection to the 100' widths.
Comm. Horgan said he would like to hear some argument
that all the lots not be 100'; perhaps a percentage could
be 100' and a percentage could be 150'.
� PC-8 Minutes of the �/11/67 Adj. Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
Mr. Rodrigues asked what the Planning Commission felt
should be a minimum lot size. Mr. Ralph Ramona quoted
from the manual of "American Association of State Highway
pff icials", f rom which they obtained their data when
determining what the lot size should be, Mr. Rodrigues
said he plans to have the depth of the lots twice that of
the minimum allowed by the County. He emphasized that
anybody who purchases a lot in this industrial park is
going to make sure they design something that will work.
Chairman Hirshon asked for comments from the audience.
There were none.
The Planning Director wanted to discuss the northeast
corner of the industrial park, where the shape of the
lots might cause a problem. He suggested the tentative
map be changed according to the applicant's "Revised
Portion of Tentative Map", showing four lots between
the State's corporation yard and Stevens Creek Blvd.
The City Attorney recommended another condition that the
new tentative map be presented to the City council.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Bryson, that
application 1-TM-67 be approved; the map being approved
being the one presented last time without revision date,
but this map will be revised before presentation to the
City Council and will reflect; "Revised Tentative Map,
John Rodrigues, Jr."; that sub�ect map is sub�ect to the
12 standard conditions and the additional 6 conditions,
making a total of 18 conditions, which worked out at the
last meeting.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Buthenuth, Horgan
Motion carried, 3-2
The applicant was advised his applications will come
before the City council on April 17th,
81,00�+ B. ORDINANCE 220(i) regulating Light Industrial (ML)
zones. First Hearing,
Mr. Arnelis, of the Homebuilders' Association, asked
for a copy of the planning Director's comments to the
Planning Commission for study.
PC-8 Minutes of the ��11�67 Adj. Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
In light of the fact that the Commissioners and members
of the audience have not had sufficient time to study
this Ordinance, Chairman Hirshon felt it would be in order
to table it.
Moved by comm. Frolich, seconded by comm. Bryson, to
continue Ordinance 220(i) review to the first meeting in
May .
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Buthenuth, Horgan
Motion carried, 3-2
81,00�.12 A. SIGN ORDINANCE N0 353 Review of referral from City
Council on certain sections.
The City Attorney advised that State Law requires that
any changes made in an Ordinance at the time of City Coun-
cil Public Hearings must be referred back to the Planning
Commission for a report. The City Council may enact the
Ordinance after receipt of the Planning Commission's
report, or after �+0 days.
Following are the results of the Planning commission's
review of the Council's suggestions;
�.03 Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, it was decided
to leave in the phrase "or maintain" throughout the
Ordinance. "Maintain" is common in legal language mean-
ing "keep" without implying "keep in repair". Definition
would not be necessary.
�.2� Moved by Comm. Buthenuth to use the Planning Director's
version on page 1 of his memo. Motion died for lack of
a second.
The Chief Bu.ilding Inspector asked that whatever wording
is used, it should be clearly interpretable by both the
Building Department and by the applicants.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
retain the January 23rd version of Section 4,2�+.
Comm. Frolich noted that if the newly-proposed version is
used it will exclude certain signs from the Ordinance.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: Comm. Buthenuth
Motion carried, �L-1
PC-8 Minutes of the ��11�67 Adj, Reg. Plann, Comm. Meeting
Chairman Hirshon called for recess at 9;30. Meeting reconvened
at 9 : �5 P. M.
5.03 a The version on page 1 of the planning Director's memo was
5.03 f 1 sq. ft
6.�71 1 sq, ft.
6.022 Moved by Comm, Horgan, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth, that
Section 6.022 be retained, but that the words "be main-
tained to" shall be deleted from the paragraph.
Motion carried, 5-0
6,031 To remain as is.
6.0�+1 The Chief Building Inspector commented that there are 25
pole signs within the City and only �+ of them are non-
conforming to the 210 lineal foot minimum clause.
6.091 Use the version on page 1 of the Planning Director's memo.
6.103 The chief Building Inspector said we do not have a problem
of this type now in the City of cupertino. He recommended
this section be left as is.
6.111 Last line should read; ".o�within the projected area of
the roof . "
6.123 25' recommended, after report by Chief Building Inspector.
6.131 Third line should read; " direct routes from
points on the City boundaries,"
6.151 "Sign area as provided in Section 7,101 of this
prdinance 353" is redundant,
6.18 OK as corrected,
6.201 Delete "existing or planned".
7.061 Retain January 23rd wording.
8.2 After much discussion, it was decided to recommend a fee
of �25, but no maximum would be all right with the Planning
Commission, if the Chief Building Inspector wants to re-
commend this to the Council,
PC-8 Minutes of the �/11/67 Adj Reg Plann, Comm, Meeting
8.2 The Planning Director stated that the draft of Sections 8
cont'd and 12 had been m�.de in conjunction with a draft for a
revised Proced�ures Ordinance. The latter has not been
presented yet, and accordingly, Sections 8 and 12 must
reflect present proced.u.res o The Planning Commission ap-
proved the wording in pages 2 a.nd 3 of' the Planning
Director's memo, except that the third line of Section
8,2 should read; "relocated and maintained, except...",
and that the second lzne of Section 8 ,3 should read;
"for the erection, constructic�n, relocation or mainten-
ance of any signe,o"
Moved by Commo Buthenuth, second.ed. by comm. Horgan, to
forward the Sign prdinance, incorporating the above re-
commendations, to th� Gity Council,
Motion carried, 5-0
81,00�.7 c, Item 10 of Commissioner Horgan's memorandum.
Comm. Horgan felt this item h�.d already been discussed.
He feels that items on the agenda should not be repeatedly
continued, and that extra ses�ions should be held in order �
to complete a project,
Perhaps a new prdinance should be di�cussed at a study
session prior to the First Hea.ring, to help speed things
up. It was pointed out that the c�ty Attorney might have
some advice on this procedure, Chairman Hirshon felt
the First Hearin.g should be sched�uled for a Public Hearing
and then, if need be, referred to �. study session. Comm.
Bryson wondered if' certain tnatters could be accelerated
by meeting one hour earlier than the scheduled regular
Planning Commission Meetings, Comme Frolich said this
has also been tried without much success,
Comm. Horgan felt that, unless the agenda is very light,
these projects should be scheduled for other than a
regular meeting night, He requested a priority list
from the staff
The planning Director said there is the question of staff
timeo Drafts have been prepared for several more ordi-
nances, but it involves a lot more work to prepare them
for public hearings, It woulcl be ideal to start at the
beginning of a complete Zoning prdinance and progress to
the end. Actually, he prepared an almost comprehensive
draft in 196�+ However, difficulties with interpretations
and lack of regulations have made it urgent to enact a
ser�ies of separate ordinances The last example was the
PC-8 Minutes of the �+/11/67 Ad j. Reg. Plann. Comm. Meeting
now-pending Light Industrial Ordinance, urgent because of
a proposed development.
As to priority, the Director suggested an ordinance for
Agricultural and Commercial Zones to be scheduled next.
After enactment of this prdinance, for which he has com-
pleted a draft, we would have Ordinances of our own for
all Zones, and would not have to depend on the 195�+
edition of County prdinance NS-1200 anymore.
Comm. Frolich felt that it was much more pressing to get
our Ordinances up-to-date than, say, studying the
Neighborhood Plans for the Monta Vista Area, although
this, too, is important.
Chairman Hirshon requested the staff send out a draft
agenda and whatever material is ready, a week before
the Planning Commission meetings.
A. Chairman Hirshon stated his term of Chairman has ex-
pired. He suggested the first order of business at
the next Planning Commission Meeting to be the elec-
tion of a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman and to have
the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman seated at that time.
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Bryson, to
ad�ourn the meeting at 10 :�+5 P. M.
Motion carried, 5-0
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s/ Jack Hirshon
C a rman
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