PC 03-27-67 � '
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Calif., 9501� phone: 252-�505
PC-6 80,000.�
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
March 27, 1967 8; 00 P. M.
Held in the Council Chambers, city Hall, 10300 Torre Ave., Cupertino
Comm. present; Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Buthenuth
Comm. absent: Chairman Hirshon
Vice-Chairman Buthenuth explained that chairman Hirshon
was out of town on business
Staff present; City Attorney, Sam Anderson
Director of Planning, pdde Laurin
Director of Public Works, Frank Finney
Assistant planner, Jim Nuzum
Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich
Recording Secretary, L,ois Inwards
The Director of Public Works briefed the Commissioners on
the use of the new microphones.
Chairman Buthenuth read consultant van der Toorren's
correction to Appendix B of the Minutes of March 13 1966
page 20, the paragraph following Item 6, should read as
follows: "Mr. van der Toorren feels a very detailed
study should be made of the signalization of the several
intersections at Stevens creek Blvd., which might show
that proper signalization for the estimated traffic is
impossible. Mr. van der Toorren then offered the fol-
lowing possible remedial suggestions: "
Moved by Comm. Bryson, seconded by comm. Frolich, to
approve the Minutes of March 13, 1967, as amended.
Motion carried, �-0
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
There were none.
A. 'I'tivo letters regarding application �-Z-67, which will
be introduced under Items B and C.
There were none.
1-V- A. MANLY E. JOHNSON: Variance to permit 36" fence on
top of 16" retaining wall. 106�1 Glenview Avenue.
Second Hearing.
Mr. Manley E. Johnson stated there was some concern at the
First Hearing on the part of Comm. Frolich as to the visi-
bility being impaired by the proposed fence. He said that
since that meeting, he did some measuring and found the
visibility at the stop sign is 210'; at the crosswalk it
is 250'. According to the Sheriff's pffice, �5 MPH needs
a stopping distance of 157' and 35 MPH needs a stopping
distance of 138'. The speed limit here is 25 MPH.
Visibility is restricted to 150' at the next corner.
As to aesthetics, Mr. Johnson said he would be more than
happy to comply with any requests of the Commissioners or
the staff.
Comm. Frolich said he has looked at the situation again,
and asked if the applicant has now cut off the posts to
the intended height. Mr. Johnson said he has.
The Assistant Planner said the staff checked the location
and noted the visibility would be reduced f rom 197' to
150' with the fence. If a car was proceeding at 35 MPH,
it wduld take slightly less than �+ seconds to stop with
197' visibility and less than 3 seconds with the fence.
He does not f eel the one extra second is significant.
Vice-Chairman Buthenuth said he checked the property and
feels the fence will be a great improvement to the
present landscaping.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 planning Commission Meeting
Moved by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
close the Public Hearings.
� Motion carried, �-0
Moved by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to ap-
prove application 1-V-67.
Comm. Frolich, bef ore voting on the motion, asked the
other commissioners how they felt about the applicant's
willingness to put something other than a chain-link
fence along here. The other commissioners had no com-
ments, so the matter was dropped.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS : None
ABSENT: Chairman Hirshon
Motion carried, �-0
The applicant was informed this application would go to
the City Council on April 3rd.
�-Z-67 B. JOHN RODRIGUES, JR.: Rezoning f rom R3-2.7 to
Light Industrial (ML), approx. 32 acres limited
by Stevens Creek Blvd., Stevens Freeway,
M�Clellan Road, Southern Pacific Railroad.
Second Hearing continued.
��� and ���
1-TM-67 C. JOHN RODRIGUES, JR.: Tentative Map, approx. 32
acres limited by Stevens Creek Blvd., Stevens
Freeway, McClellan Road, Southern Pacific Railroad.
Second Hearing continued.
Since the above two applications concern the same pro-
perty, it was decided to combine them, as was done at
the previous Hearing.
Consultant Robert van der Toorren, 231 Old Adobe Road,
Los Gatos, representing the Board of Governors of the
Peninsula Regional Arts Council, rose to a point of
order regarding whether Mr. Rodrigues acted as the
representative of the property owner.
Mr. Rodrigues said there has been some conversation about
the trucking operation that is presently on the property,
which has been given 6 months' notice to vacate. He said
his office has also turned down an inquiry from a tire
shop for a location in this industrial park because this
is not the type of business that is planned for the park.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
The City Attorney quoted f rom our Zoning Ordinance for
Light Industrial Use, stating the applicant and Planning
Commission shall agree upon proper uses of the property. .
He added that, if the ML zoning is granted, there should
be some conditions or agreements whereby the specific uses
shall be brought before the Planning Commission to see if
they conform to this Ordinance, prior to issuance of the
building permits.
The Planning Director introduced two letters in regard to
this application; one in favor and one against. In
addition, he said there have been several letters of a
technical nature which will be taken care of under the 12
standard conditions. The big problem here is the rail-
road crossing. He said this cannot be resolved now, and
he has suggested a condition that approval of the Final
Map is contingent upon a satisfactory solution to the
railroad crossing, or alternatively, that the Tentative
Map be approved for Unit 1 only. A long series of condi-
tions have been suggested to safeguard the quality of
the development.
The Planning Director said this is a relatively problem-
free area, separated from the College by a f reeway and
from residential property by the railroad tracks and an
existing industrial operation, Traffic to and from the
development does not pass through any residential area.
Although the staff has made it a point to thoroughly in-
form the De Anza College authorities about this proposal,
there have been no ob�ections from them,
Comm. Bryson requested further exploration of the rail-
road crossing. The Director of public Works said there
is one, slow-moving train per day in each direction.
In discussions with the Public �Ttilities Commission, it
was brought out that they did not think there was that
much validity to an objection to the requested crossing,
This problem, however, will have to be resolved. This
will take time, but Unit 2 is not immediately due for
The City Attorney said, in regard to the zoning approach,
that Southern Pacific Company has filed an extensive brief
with the City in support of their position that the city
cannot rezone railroad property because such zoning would
constitute an interference with Inter-State Commerce.
Southern Pacific says residential dwellings have no place
along a railroad right-of-ways The city Attorney sug-
gested that perhaps Southern Pacific is not opposed to
the proposed use, but merely to the crossing.
Vice-Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments f rom the
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
Mr. Robert Laws, 916 providence Court, said he lives �ust
off Bubb Road. He is concerned about the close proximity
, in which the railroad, Stevens Creek Blvd., the access
road to the Saich industrial property, the freeway exit
and this proposed Bubb Road extension will be located.
The traffic generated by the College must also be con-
sidered. Bubb Road and McClellan Road serve several
schools and residential areas; they are not expressways.
He suggested small businesses with small capital will
turn into "�unk yards". He that larger busi-
nesses don't necessarily mean more traffic. He asked
whether this proposal can produce the aesthetics we
want around the College. xis recommendations were as
follows; Minimum lot size of one acre, which would
� lragically attract larger businesses with larger capital;
widen Bubb Road to 90'; establish architectural and site
standards now before the problems arise; investigate a
different entrance onto Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. van der Toorren, in addition to what he brought up
at the last meeting, would like to focus the Commissioners'
attention on the intersection of ,Stevens Freeway and
Stevens �reek Blvd. At the present time, this is a
diamond interchange, not a cloverleaf. The State did not
base their recommendations on the concept of the master
plan pro�ected to the 1990's. He has come to the same
conclusion as the previous speaker. Mr. van der Toorren
would like to know the reasons for the insistence of
the City of Cupertino at the time the freeway plans were
being formulated, that there be a diamond interchange
instead of a cloverleaf. He said that, at this time,
we have a sub-standard condition in the diamond inter-
change. We are proposing here to increase the traffic
generation within 500' of this interchange and create a
very complicated interchange. He appealed to the Com-
mission to look at the facts and take note of the
opinions of the experts. If the traffic is critical
when the industrial park is only half filled,.what will
happen if no more businesses of the quality suggested
by Mr. Rodrigues want to go in there? I,ogically, the
land owner could then come in and ask for relaxation on
some of the restrictive conditions and plead hardship.
Mr. van der Toorren said nothing should be developed
here that might, in the future, be detrimental to the
surrounding residential area. He charged that adequate
compensation was given by the State when the freeway
property was purchased. He said the College does not
ob�ect to a"nice" industrial park; but what happens
when we create a hardship case here? He said we should
try to get Bubb Road extended on the other side of the
railroad tracks, as was suggested by the County.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
The Director of Public Works then reviewed the lane widths.
A 90' street, leaving 10' on either �ide for sidewalks,
etc., leaves 70' of roadway with f our moving and two park- ,
ing lanes. Here, we have two 15� outside lanes and two
11' inside lanes, one center left�turn land, and areas
for parking and stopping provided on the lots,
The City Attorney said the State madE the decisions on the
interchanges; Cupertino has always been in favor of
cloverleafs. The State's decision was f or. a diamond
interchange here, with the provi.so that they would go to
cloverleaf when and if necessarye Mr. van der Toorren
said he spoke with Mr, Jess Black :in San Francisco, who
indicated to him that, after the tremendous pressure from
Cupertino, they decided to put the diamond interchange
here. Both the City Attorney dnd the Director of Public
Works insisted that the diamond was not the City of
Cupertino's idea: The planning Director said that traffic
generated by residential zones only would require an
interchange with two loops, of the same type as the one
at Wolfe Road. He then reviewed the Tentative Map on the
bulletin board, incorporating the conditions recommended
by the Planning Department,
Mr. van der Toorren agreed with the Planning Director on
the proposed conditions, but charged that other factors
will enter, to the detriment of the character of the area:
change of ownership, time, hard�hip, change of Planning
Commissioners. He submitted tha,t somewhere, somehow, we
must discharge the traffic onta Stevens Creek Blvd, The
main concern is how much traf.fi�c We can pump through
when we get to Stevens Creek :B1vd� The railroad, the
freeway, the traffic from the i.nclustrial development
north of Stevens Creek Blvd a11. must be considered
The presented solution is no sol.ut:ion at all; five or ten
years from now this will be a bvttleneck for traffic,
Mr. van der Toorren feels the lots should be larger. A
65 ' truck cannot maneuver on the proposed size lots,
He asked that they combine two or three lots, which will
tend to reduce traffic generation, (Referenceo Appendix
B of the Minutes of March 13, 1967) He feels McClellan
Road should be realigned and brought down to the present
cul de sac.
Mr. Rodrigues said the State now owns the red section on
the Tentative Map, and pref ers the proposed location of
the intersection back, away from the f reeway interchange.
The Director of public Works pointed out that Alhambra Ave.
�ill not go through to Stevens creek Blvd, He said we
have not eliminated the problem, but have minimized it.
He agreed that the diamond interchange wi11 def initely be
a problem.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
Mr. van der Toorren said he could f ind no traffic pro-
�ection for this area. The Planning Director said that
it is necessary to make such a p.ro�ection, but it is a
ma�or �ob and will take time, particularly since we do
not have basic data on land use yet. Mr. van der Toorren
offered his professional services to help solve this very
real problem. He said the character of residential traf-
fic is quite different from that of light industrial
traffic. He said there are now 15,000 to 23,000 cars
along Stevens Creek Blvd., and the College is not yet
in operation.
Comm. Frolich said that the present residential zoning
would provide a lot more cars than the proposed industrial
R��'.�vt� zoning. �� �¢�r� �difa'i��i ��� tz'1a'� h5,�,�1� izr�'�"#?"�,� X1r�a��7a�
f��,�b7 ��'� �5�� �'9`��� �� }�� � �f�� vo�!� ���,a`�a� � d�f�rr�. xe
also said the County Planning Department has suggested
location of Bubb Road west of the railroad tracks; per-
haps we might need both accesses. He is also concerned
about the lot width in relation to the trucks going in
here. He asked if shallower, wider lots and a wider
road and one or two less lots on the entire development
might not be the answer,
Mr. Tom Traeumer, 2228� De Anza Circle, Cupertino, is
trying to get Dr. DeHart, of De Anza College, to ac-
company him to see what type of development this zoning
creates. He referred to Kristish Lane in Campbell.
He suggested another requirement might be a wall pro-
tecting the College f rom this property with specified
landscaping. He f eels there is other property in the
City than that ad�acent to the College which could be
developed for ML.
Vice-Chairman Buthenuth asked what the freeway profile
will be here. The Planning liir°ector said it will go
under Stevens Creek Blvd. ar�d be elevated at McClellan
Road .
Mrs. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, said she cannot give tech-
nical advice. She reminded the Commission and those
Councilmen present in the audience of the Resolution
sent to the County Board of Supervisors and County
Planning commission in June, 1g66 during the battle of
the proposed service station at McClellan and Stelling,
which Resolution states that the City of Cupertino
wants to keep the area around the College residential.
She gave figures of assessed valuation in neighboring
cities, illustrating her point that a bedroom community
does not necessarily constitute a community with high
taxes . S'.�fL s.�.e s-s�2 rf-vv �vo „ul�vs�-2,•v� z ��-,v� .9•
f)�'/F,��)ED � ivo r i a �i9�E -v,..�r.
�f� �i'6�
pc-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
Mr. Dan Hutlinger, a Campbell realtor, �sked if the pro-
posed conditions would prohibit ra�lway loading and un-
loading. The planning Director s�i.d that �uch use would ,
be permitted, but the proposed condition�, would require
that the loading area be screened from the street by an
office building or a wall iri the front of the lot,
Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, Sr,, 22120 Steveris Creek B1vd.,
Cupertino, spoke on behalf' of' the rezoriing He said that
Mr. Rodrigues has shown the Planning Commission that he
plans to put in the right kind. of aevelopment here. This
property is not a desirable locatz.on for a first-class
residential area. I agreed that we have traffic prob-
lems here, but they are not unsolvabl.eo
Comm. Frolich commented that Saratoga has no industrial
zoning, nor do they have a twenty-milli�n�dollar campus,
apparently because they do r�ot war�t themo :i�e then asked
the city Attorney if use permits coul..d be implemented
here. The City Attorney said not unless we create a new
ML Ordinance to this effecte
Comm. Horgan asked the City Attorney for proper wording
concerning a finding of fact. '�he City Attorney said the
present ML Zoning Ord.inance permits a11 uses nc�t prohibited
by law, except heavy industrial uses 'rhe Planning Com-
mission may determine which uses �re of such character.
Uses should be cleared through thE Flanning Commission to
check whether or not they are objection�ble by reason of
noise, gas, smoke, vibration, etc
Mr. Rodrigues said he and his partn.er have already elimi-
nated 21 types of use because they werE not what they
envision for this developmenta rie said they are not ask-
ing for carte blanc and are willing tc� have every use
reviewed by the Planning Commission�
The city Attorney said the (;ity is interested in deed
restrictions to the extent that a, c�py of' them must be
filed with the State prior. to review by the Planning Com-
mission. They are a private r�ght, but the City may be
an interested party, He add.ed that the Commission might
wish to add a condition that a copy of the d.eed restric-
tion be filed with the City, and that no amendments be
made without the writ�ten consent of the City,
Comm. Horgan asked if.' Mre Rodrigues has con�idered buf-
fering the back of the property adjacent to Stevens
Freeway. Mr. Rodrigues agreed to landscape this boundary.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
Comm. Horgan also asked about the size of the lots,
Mr. Rodrigues said they looked into this matter thoroughly
before preparing the Tentative Map. For instance, they
Y learned that in the industrial parks in Santa Clara
County, the average size lot seems to be 25,000 sq, ft.
He is proposing 28,000 sq. ft, lots, which would adequately
hold 11,000 sq. ft, buildings, He agreed to provide
150' frontage if the City so requires. He added that he
can't visualize 65' truck-trailer outfits needed for the
uses planned for this industrial park.
Recess was called, from 10:00 to 10:20 P.M.
Mr. van der Toorren summarized his suggestions and appealed
to the Commissioners to consider all factors when making
their determination.
Mr. I,ouis Stocklmeir, Jr., 221�0 Orchard Court, Cupertino,
emphasized the necessity to extend Bubb Road to Stevens
Creek Blvd. He suggested the people take a look at
Airport Park in San Jose, which is a very desirable
piece of property, rather than Kristich Za.ne in Campbell,
A road on the west side of the railroad would necessitate
eminent domain proceedings, for which the County has no
Mrs. Carey, 11060 Park Circle East, Cupertino, asked
about the future use of the central park property. She
was concerned about the traffic load, particularly as
the College and the central park wo�ld be great traffic
generators. She also asked that the names of the
people who have written in about this application be
read into the record. She said that, according to
Mr. Stocklmeir, the applicant is not the vested owner
of this property. It is her und.erstanding that the law
requires that the applicant be the vested owner.
Mr. Stocklmeir then requested the addresses of all the
participants in the Hearings and the �urisdictions f rom
whence they came, and what organizations they represent
also be read into the record. The planning Director
read the two letters regarding the rezoning (attached to
these Minutes as Appendices A and B).
The City Attorney quoted from the Zoning Ordinance who
can make rezoning application. He added that we have,
in the past, always accepted agencies unless challenged.
Mr. Hutlinger said as much can be said in favor of
small lots as against them. Mr. Robert Nash, 7�35
Bollinger Road, San Jose, representing the West Valley
Federation of gomeowners, stated there are 12 groups
trying to get a master plan for the entire West Valley,
incorporating Cupertino's ob�ectives. He asked that the
, Planning Commission consider such a master plan in making
their decision, rather than making an isolated decision.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
Mr. Graten Hogen, 11067 Linda Vista, Cupertino, said he
was skeptical of this proposal when he came to this meet-
ing, but after seeing and hearing the presentation, he ,
would rather see the proposed industrial development here
than have the area developed as presently zoned. He
quoted an article in the February, 1967 "Stanford pbservor"
regarding revenue. The proposed industrial area would
greatly contribute to local taxes.
Mr. Warren M�Cord, Associate Planner with the County, said
that the Planning Commission of Cupertino and the County
recently met to discuss this area. As a result, he is
heading a Committee formed for the purpose of a study of
the Monta Vista area including Cupertino and County areas,
On the basis of the preliminary studies, his recommendation
is to locate the extension of Bubb Road on the west side
of the railroad tracks, which will relieve the intersection
of Stevens creek Blvd. and the freeway. If this is a good
development, it will not hurt it to delay it until a
solution is found for the traffic pattern.
The Planning Director agreed that the westerly locatio�n
of Bubb Road would be highly desirable, but said that
the now proposed alignment must not be given up until we
have made certain that the alternative is feasible. He
also asked the applicant if he would agree to the approval
of only Phase I of the Tentative Map tonight. Mr. Rodrigues
said yes.
Vice-Chairman Buthenuth asked the Planning Director about
the Fire Marshal's comments on realignment of McClellan.
The Planning Director said that there has been no comment
on this particular item.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Bryson, to
close the Public Hearings.
Motion carried, �-0
Comm. Horgan said that from everything he has heard, pro
and con, he cannot see that Mr, Rodrigues will put in a
poor development, particularly as he is willing to go
along with all 21 conditions. As for the Tentative Map,
he fee��s the frontages should be increased to 150'.
Vice-Chairman Buthenuth questioned the Director of Public
Works more closely on the lane widths proposed.
The City Attorney suggested that the conditions on the
Tentative Map and on the Rezoning be considered separately
to avoid confusion.
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
approve application 1-TM-67 with the 18 conditions pro-
posed by the planning Director in his memos of 2�21�67
and 3/10/67.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Chairman Hirshon
Motion carried, �4-0
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
approve application �4-Z- with the 17 conditions pro-
posed by the Planning Director in his memo of 2�21/67;
and the following additional conditions;
Condition 16 amended to include screening landscaping
ad�jacent to the freeway.
Condition 18. Any proposed use shall be submitted to
the Planning Commission prior to issuance of Building
Permit .
Condition 19. Copy of Deed Restrictions restricting
uses to be filed with the city; no amendments to them
to be made without the written consent of the City.
Condition 20. A color reproduction of the presented
rendering to be made a part of this a pplication and
filed with the Architectural and Site Control Committee
for their use and guidance.
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan, Buthenuth
NAYS : None
ABSENT: Chairman Hirshon
Motion carr�ed, �+-0
81,004 D. ORDINANCE 220(i) regulating Light Industrial (M[.,)
Zones. First Hearing.
Moved by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
table Ordinance 220(i).
Motion carried, �4-0
pc-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 planning Commission Meeting
81,00�.12 A. SIGN ORDINANCE N0 353 Review of referral from City
Council on certain sections.
Moved by Comm, Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
table Sign Ordinance No 353
Motion carried, �-0
81,00�.7 B. Item 10 of Comm. Horgan's memorandum.
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
table Item 10 of Comm. Horgan's memorandum.
Motion carried, 4-0
A. The city Attorney would like the Planning Commission
to initiate an Urgency prdinance prohibiting signs
being approved unless they conform to the stipula-
tions incorporated in the now proposed Sign Ordinance
No. 353.
So moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan.
Motion carried, �+-0
Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm, Bryson, to
ad�ourn the meeting at 11:10 P.M.
�2�1 �
s John W. Buthenuth
Vice-C a rman
� • `
( ��i�:L1_' (:\: r�( 'i." �,,q
A e Laur n
Director of Planning
PC-6 Minutes of the 3/27/67 Planning Commission Meeting
10300 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, Calif., 9501�
March 27, 1967
Planning Commission
City of Cupertino
Cupertino, California
I have been interested in the discussion of architectural and
site control in connection with the application of Mr. John
Rodrigues, Jr. for Light Industrial zoning adjacent to the right-
of-way for the future West V'alley Freeway.
Mr. Rodrigues has done an outstanding job of maintaining a high
standard of architectural control on the Cupertino Town Center
property which I purchased from him, across Torre Avenue from
the city Hall. His requirements are both thorough and f irm, and
have contributed a great deal to the excellent appearance of the
I have reviewed the plans for his new light industrial develop-
ment and seriously feel that they reflect the same high standards.
You are fortunate to have men of his caliber in Cupertino. The
results of his work will be of lasting value to the community.
Yours truly,
Channing B. Chrisman
APPENDIX B 931 New Haven Court
Cupertino, California
March 20, 1967
Cupertino Planning Commission
Cupertino, California
Dear Sirs;
We oppose the present rezoning of the 32 acres between 1vlcClellan
Road and Stevens Creek Blvd, into an industrial tract of the
nature proposed.
Annabelle G. Fraass
Frank W. Fraass