PC 12-13-65 .
_ �
• �--- .�.
10321 South Saratoga--Sunnyv�.le Road �
Cupertino, California, 9501.�+ 25� -��505
PC-I�.21 0, 000 P�
December 13 ig65:.: 8 :00 P.M.
The meeting was held in the Board Room, Cupertino Elemen�ary
School District Office, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino
II ROLL CALL: MiMUtes of Regular AZeeting, 11/22�65
Comm� present: Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan
Comm. absent: Traeumer, Johnson
Staff present: City Attorney, Sam Anderson
Dir, of Public Works, Frank Finney
Dir. of Planning, Adde Laurin
City Engineer, Bob Shook
Assist Planner, Jim Nuzum
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
Corrections to the Minutes:
Comm. Fro].ich called attention to the top of page 5, first
paragraph. He said the conditions involved here were fo�
certain uses of the property. He as��ed the City Attorney's
opinion on this. The City Attorney advised it should
read: ",..denying the zoning application rather than a.dd-
ing conditions that would change the nature of the classi-
f ication." The City wrote the Ordinance with the intent
that conditions would be added only that would not
materially change the zoning classification.
Comm. Frolich said that the last para�raph on page 9, the
last sentence should read: ". to restrain animals
�.s either/or a Clinic or Hospitat
Comm. Frolich brought to the attention oi the staff that
on page 12, third from the last paragraph, the words:
"above the roof." should be added at the E:nd of the sentenc�,
1^he City Attorney advised that on page 11, �th paragraph
the sentence should end with the words; "severe an ap-
proach," and the remainder of the sentence should be deletec�
since he had not stated hi.s preference to 'types of roof,
nor is it applicable.
. _1_.
PC-R21 Minutes of the PlaMning Commission Meeting 12/�3/65 -
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, �o approve
the Minutes of November 22nd as co rrected.
Mot3on carried, 3-0
The Director of Plannin� said there were none.
Vice-Chairman Hirshon asked if the audience wished to speak
on any�hing other than items on the agenda. Nobody respond�d,
19-Z-65 A. DR. LEE T. LACEY: REZONING of 2 acres from R-3-H to C-1--Ii
at Sar�,taga-Sunnyvale Road., 170' north oF Bollinger Road�
Second Hearing.
Vice-Chairman H3rshon recapped the First Hearing, details
of which m�.y be found in the Minutes o.f November 22nd.
T�Ir, Jackson, attorney for the applica.n'c, assured the Commis-
sion that Dr. La.cey is no longer connected in any way with
the property. The Planning Department has been given the
names of t.lze present property owners.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm.
- Horgan, to amend and correct the name of
the applicant on application 19-Z-65 �;o
Joseph and Rose Arata, et al.
' AYES: Comm, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
- NAYS: None
�1BSENT: Comm. Traeumer, Johnson
Motion carried, 3-0
The Director of Planning stated that he has no ob,jection
to the rezoning, This would be a poor p1acE for apartments
and commercial zoning would be more desirable. He antici-
pates no trouble here. The City Engineer clarified that
- thiS property is 800-900' from the Totivn Center.
Moved by Comm. Frolic h, seconded by Comm._Horgan, that
the Second :Hear3.ng be close.d. �
- Mot�.on carried, 3-0
PC�R21 Minutes of the Plan.nin Commission meeting of 12/i3
Comm, Horgan asked if this would need any buf'fer3.n� against
-��- residential� The Director of Planning answered tha.t a wall
is requ3red by Ordinance.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. �Iorgan, that
application 19-Z-65 be recorrtmended for approval, sub�ect
to the'12 standard conditions,
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Traeumer, Johnson
Mo'cion carried, 3-0
15-TM B . PALO ALTO DEV. CORP� (Franklin-Bahl Developers:
TENTATI'V� MAP for 3��.5 acre development east of
Foothill Blvd., near Starling Drive. Second
Vice-Chairman Hirshon xecapped the First Hearing,
A footpath exists between lots 86 and 87 for the use of
school child�en. The problem is whether the access
can be moved in LaCresta to run between lots 96 and 97
� ' on the Tentative Map as proposed.
Mr. Franklin, of Franklin-Bahl Developers, said they
are trying to inake this a nicer subdivision by making
it a smaller yield, A letter from the La Cresta
property owners confir�ms tha� they would allow a foot-
path in the transmission line easement. A represen�a-
tive from �he School Board has also agreed �o locatin�
a footpath under the power lines.
The Director of �'ublic Works wanted to make the follow-
ing comments:
1. The original Tentative Map was not complete, which
is why the footpath easement was forgotten. He
had requested the eng3n�er make another Tentative
Mr. Fr�nklin said his engineer told him these changes
were of a minor nature and should not be required at
this time, The Director of Public Z�Torl�s said that
perhaps there had been a misunderstanding,
2. The School Board did recommend the moving of the
footpath into the power line easement. The Cook
, and Wilson subdivision map has expired and must
be re-submitted.� Th� Director of Public Works
recommended that this road be made a condition
of their new subdivision map.
PC-R21 Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of 12/13/65
Mr, Franklin said they definitely do not want to put a
street in there. In no w�ay does it affect their particular
property. They agreed to the asphalt path for the school
children but do not feel it is fair to be as�ced to put in
this street, They have eliminated 15 lots in this new.
plan. They are paying $71,000 in fees to Cupertino and
the Sanitary Distrlc�. He suggested some of this money
be used to put in the street.
Comm. Frolich said the original reason for suggesting a
street through the transmission line easement was that the
Planning Director was against an intersection in Foothill
Blvd, too close to Starling Drive. If so, a connection
to Alpi`ne Drive is really needed.
�he Director of Planning said the �lannin Commission re-
commended two rezonings 8-Z-65 and 16-Z-�5) and the
previous Tentative Map (�-TM with certain conditions,
including a street under the transmission line. The City
Council changed and deleted certain conditions, but re-
tained the street connection to Alpine Drive. Th�
Director of Planning is definitely.of the opinion that
that there should be apossibility of a street connection
under the transmission line. If the subdivider is re-
quired to pay also for.�he portion of street outside or
his property, this would.be no departure from legal
�rocedures or previous practice.
Mr. Burnham, associate of Franklin-Bahl, indicated 'chere
will �be a divider strip which would block off Alpine
Drive; He also stated that there will be 101 instead of
117 lots in this subdivision and they wi11 be in the
�30,000 to $�0,000 class. A street under �he transmission
line would not be a very impressive entrance to this
The Director of Public Works said he and the City En$ineer
� have physically checked this location and the street con-
nection to Alpine Drive is definite�y possible and will
not cause an undue traffic ha.zard. He said we cannot
revise the Cook and Wilson Fina1 Map; however, we can
use their bond and complete the necessary street improve-
ment.s, if necessary.
The Director of Planning said the present construction
in Foothill Blvd. f�om Starling Drive to Alpi�e Drive
is a transition from a four-lane divided expressway to
a two-lane rural road. A re-design will be necessary
in the future.
Mr. Frnaklin said, he has agreed,to pwt in the walkway.
He does not feel it is their responsibility to put in
the street.
_ 1� _
- ��..� ....�
PC-R21 �Min��es o-f the ..Plarin.ing ..Commi.s:sion .�I'ee�ix��;,, : :z2/13f65
'Mr. Franklin said sixbdividers can be requir�ed to put in
� off-site street��to� existin� streets. :He �aid there is
no �ex3"s'�in�g street "here. He repeated the �Gity should
use some of the fee money to put in the street.
Comm. Frolich.f�lt t.he Planning Comm3.ssion has been put in
the �middle of a pr,oT?lem� that �s not of their own making.
The City Council.eliminated cer�Cain conditions; thereby
causing the present problem.
Mr. Franklin �aid:they are putting up a bond for improve-
merits on their prop�rtyr The bond had nothin� to do with
the Cook and Wilson property. . .
The City Attorney told Vice-Chairman Hirshon that there
haue°�be�n many t�mes where a subdivider is required to put
� 3.ri off-site construction. A memo should be attached to
the Tentative Map, explaining to the City Council why it
� 3s or. is: not acceptable to the� Plann3.ng Commission.
The Director of Public Wo��s said that, ph�rsically, �here
is a graded, legal��s�reet on Alpine and it can be paved
�.t � an�r t3.me. �
Mr Don Ba.k�l aslced how �many schodl children were involved
here�.� Mr. Jim Igeihart, Aasistan� Superintendant for
�,usiness for tl�e Cupertino School Distr�:ct.,� stated that
� 78 school children are now bussed from this area, on a
very circu3tious route, at a cost to the District of
$�OOO per year. To make it impossible for these children
to walk to school would not be good,
The Director of Publie Works said Foothill �Blvd. is not
fit for school child�en to walk a�.ong. �
� Vice-Chairman `Hirshon asked the width of the. �pt�oposed
street. The Directar,.of Fublic Works said that a detailed
�.esign has to be made, but that standard widths are not
necessary. � . . . :. �
Mr..Bah1 asked;how long i�t will be until the Cook and
Wilson bond wi11 be called. The Director of�Public [�Torks
said Cook and Wi�1SoM are b�eginning work on:their property
momentarilyo Mr. Bahl said P.G. & E is r_ot too happy
a�bout streets under their �owers, He as�ked:.3.f'he already
� has an approved�Tentative M�.p. �He was to�ld that he does
� (8-TM Mr . Ba�l then asked if the Commission would
prefer 101 lots here or the 117 that are already ap-
proved. Vice=Cha.irman�Hir�hon said the Commis�ion must
balance traffic safety ag��inst aesthetics,:
�Mr. Burnham'felt a school b�#s will be needed anyway because
children fr�om�west of Foothill Blvd. will nat be allowed
to cross the expressway.
PC-R21 Minutes of the Planning Commission P�eeting, 12/13/65
Mr. Franklin asked if $2500 is needed to put in this street;
why.can't the school board pay for the street? It will save
the school district $�0,000 in ten years. He was told this
is illegal. The City Attorney told the Commission they could
either approve this Tentative Map and attach desired condi-
tions or disapprove it, giving the reasons why,
Mrs, Juanita McLaren felt that if �he subdivider has gone �o
the time and trouble to�lower the number of lots, at the pre-
sent price of land, he should get some consideration.
The Director of .Public Works said the idea of sealing a sub-
' divis3an off is contrary to our policy as expressed by neigh-
borhood plans. Perhaps �the City Council would agree that the
applicant should not bear the full cost of this s�reet, but
the.street is needed.
Comm. Frolich then reviewed pa.st proceedings on this acreage
because he fel� it would help'in ma�cing the decision:
6/1�/65 Plannin� Comm. denied rezoning to R-3-� for 1 acre.
tt n �� r► �� granted �� �� R- �� jj acres
Conditions: 1--12 Standard
13 Access road to be constructed by developer,
to connect w/Foothill Blvd. via Alpine Dr,
1�4 Maximum 111 lots in the R-1 area.
15 Lots along Foo'chill Blvd to have access to
_ internal streets, not Foothill Blvd.
7/6/65 City Council denied rezoning to R-3-H for 1 acre. _
n►r �� rt �� approved �� �� �� R-1 �� 33 acres,
includin� Condit3.ons.
7/9/65 Plannin; Comm. approved rezoning to R-2-H for 1 acre;
1-12 Standard Conditions
13. No access through the area �o internal streets.
1�l. Lots along Foothill Blvd+ to have access to the internal
street, not to Foothill Blvd.
15. Each duplex lot to have 3 enclosed garage spaces.
9/'�/'�5 Ciicy Council approved rezoning to R-2-H for 1 acre,
w3th conditionS 1-12 only. �
Inserted by Planning Director:
9 27 5 Planning omm. recommended approval of Ten'cative Map;
makin� a Finding that the Tentati�re Map does not comply with
�the conditions of the Planning Commission's Resolutions
No 272 & 289 neither with Ordinance 313.
Comm. Frolich said the Commission should have requ�r ed an
entrance to Foothil.l Blvd.and left the exact position open.
He feels this is a better Tentative AZap than the original.
Comm. Horgan asked the applicant if he would agree f;o the
original Alpine access.� Nr. Franklin said he got in�o the
picture about the �ime the Tentative Map was approved by the
Council. He said they do not want a high-priced subdivision
to have access past apartment houses.
-6- �
� �4..,.. ..�.�+
PC-R21 Minutes of the Pianning Commission meetind, 12/13/b5
__ _ .The Cit� Attorney asked the Commission whether they want
� to require an access under the power lines to Alpine Dr.?
Shall there be interior circulation be�w.�en'different
zones? There is a street under the potiver line' now in
La Cresta.
When talk of a postponement arose, Mr. Fr�nklin said he
would prefer a decision from the Planning Commission at
this meeting. Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm.
Horgan, that the Public Hearings be closed.
Motion car�ied, 3-0�
Moved by Comm, Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, that
application 15-TM-65 be recommended for approval, sL�b�ect
to cor_ditions to be voted upon, in additi�on to� the 12
standard conditions.
Condition 13: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm.
� Horgan that the developer will be required to construct a
pathway.for school children, from the main street parallel
to the SW boundary of the tract to Alpine Drive, within
the P.G.&E. easement; width and o'cher standards to �he
. satisfac�ion.of the City staff.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Traeumer, Johnson
: Motim carried, 3-0
Condition 1��: That the Tentative Map be corrected to
include existin�; street connection fr.om Starling Drive
to Foothill Blvd.; moved by �omm. Frolich, s.econded by
Comm. Horgan.
AY�Si Comm, Frol3.ch, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None ,
ABSENT: Comm. Traeumer, Johnson
Motion carried, 3-0
Moved by.Comm. Frolich,�seconded by Comm. Horgan:
Condition 15: The develaper will be reqL�ired to construct
a vehicular street, from the main street parallel to the
SW boundary of the tract to Alpine Dr., within the P.G.ScE,
easement; width and other standards to the satisfaction
of the City staff. -
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None �
ABSENT: Comm. Traeumer, Johnson
Motion carried, 3�0
_7 _
P�-R21 Minutes oi th� Plannin� Commission meetin�, l2/13/65
P•7o�ed by Commo Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to
�'approve�Cond�.tion 16: That.the Tentative Map be corrected
iri various technical matters, to the satisfaction of the
City Staff.
AYES:. .Comm.,Froli�h, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None �
� AB�ENT: .Gomm. Traeumer, Johnso�n �
Motion carried, 3-0
AYES: Comm, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon �
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm, Traeumer, Johnson
. Mo�ion carried, 3-0
� Comm. Frolich: sa.id �he, had s.e�parated 13 and 15 inta ttiao motions
be�ause hi's feelings w�ei^e mixed about 'ch� latter.
81,00�� C. CITY COUNCIL: � ORDINIINCE 32�, providing re�ulations for
Home Oc�c�tpations.. Second Iiearing continued.
Vice-Cha3rman Hirshon recapped previous. hearin�S.
The PlanningDire�tor. provided the Commissioners with copies
of similar Ordinances from neighboring cities. He said the
draft for �;his Ordinance is comprised.of substance and�or
' phrasin�; fro�n the Cou�ty Ordinance (which now applies to
Cupert�.no ), some from other cities, a� suk�stantial part f
Wilsey, Ha.m & Blair's proposal, with some addit.ions and
some changes by the Planning Direc'cor.
The Plannin� Director suggested addition of a Section with
definitionso He asked if, the s,ection regardin� "excluded
occupations" should be eliminated en�irely? Comm. Frolich
was in favor of not�quotin� specific exclusions.
The City Attorney said the.C,ounty NS 1200 calls out what is
�3.ncluc�ed and tahat is excludea. .If` �.�hey. are not listed, it
�� is almost impossible to en�orce the prohib'ition of th�m,
Comm� � Frolich sugge���ed c�on.tinuing �t11e Hearing to give
everybody a chance to di�est it further�and read other cities�
Ordinances. �
Vice-Chairman Hirshon asked if anybody in �he.audience wished
to speak on this item .. � ,.
. � . -8-..
PC-R21 Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting, 1�/13/65'�� .
Mrs. l�7cLa.ren asked specifically abou.t real estate offices in
Y the home, The Director of•Plannin� said it depends u�on
the type of business setup. If the business deals'.in
acreages, then it woulcl be acceptable; if it meant selling
of individual homes�and involved.frequent visitors, parking,
signs, '�tc., it would not be accept.able.
Moved by�Comm, Frolich, seconded by Comm, Horgan, �o
, continue the Second Hearing on Ordinance`321. � '
Motion carried, 3-0
81, 00� D, ,;CI'I'Y COUNCIL r ORDINANCE 002 (b-1) , amending Ordinance
. No. 002(b), by regulating location of Veterinarian
� Offices, Clinics, and Hospitals. First Hearingo
Vice-Cha:irman Hirshon�. re�apped previous discu.ss�.on on this
. Ordinance
The Planning Director noted that the difference between the
two presented alternatives was in the CG zon� (C-1-H): should
a Vet. Clinic be allowed by Use Permi� ar not at all?
Comm.Frolich asked D�. Brown how one can distinguish a
, hospital from a clinic. Dr. Brown said that,�according to
the American Animal Hospital l�ssociation, if there is a
. cage it is a hospital. . �
Vice-Chairman Hirshon sa3d he felt the diff'iculty with
noise, obnoxious odors, etc., exists during bu.�iness hours,
� not only at night. The City Attorney said the "office"
definit3.on wouia allow a travelling doctor, but no visiting
pa�ien�s. Dr. Brown said this ar�angement is quite common
in the Midwest. �
Comm. Frol3ch comment�d on the State ruling as to service
stations, The Ci'ty.Attor�ey .said this stemmed f'rom the time
,� when farmers would install their own underground gas tank
and pump,
Vice-Chairman H3rshon �asked for commer.ts from the auclience,
There were none.� ,� :
Moved b,y Comm. Frolich, seconded.by Comm, Hor�;an, to close
the Flrst Hearir�g. -
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Horg�n, Hirshon
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm Traeumer, Johnson
Motion carried, 3-0
Vice�Chairman Hirshon called for a 10-minute breal{ at 10:10.
PC-R21 Minutes of the Plannin� Commission Meeting 12/13/65
81,00 E. CITY PLANNER: ORDINANCE 220(g), regulating heights of ,
bui�dings and cons�ructions. Second Hearing, continued�
Vice-Chairman Hirshon stated that "retractable towers" was
left open a� the last meeting.
The Director of Public Works said he had no further comments.
The Assistant Planner said the intent was �hat 60' would be
the height, but if a person applied for additional height,
the fact that it was retractable type could be the determin�
ing factor,
The Director of Publ.ic Works said,the intent is to encourage
the hams to stick to 60' or less. With a crank-up type, he
may be allowed 'co go above tha�c with a Use Permit.
Mr. Rob Robinson, Linda Vista Drive, said brochures �i,hat he
, had piclled up indicated tlzat 60' � was the maximum hei�ht for
straight antennas. The hams are as�cing for the limit and ar�
getting it. The Assistant Planner said that aerials up to
105' are available, according to various catalo�s. Mr.
Robinson then said there is no distinction be'cween commercial
or private. The Director of Public tiJorks then asked the
Commiss3on whether they Felt the Ordinance could be retro-
active. The Vice-Chairman did not f�el that it could. If
we wou3.d allow additional footage above the limit, it should
be retractable, to make it less ob�ectionable,
Mr. Ray Crump Monrovia Street aslced, regarding Section 68.6,
what a,bout fu�ure developments? [�That about underground
util3.ties when it is not required by Ordinance? The Assistant
Planner said it would have to be enforced by deed restrictions,
Mr, Melvin Peterson, Elmsford Drive, San Jose, asked if i;his
would include TV antennas. The Director of Public Works said
a subdivider can request an Orclinance to this effect
Charaotte Evans, 110g6 Linda Vista, said she does not feel it
v��ould be compatible with the residential area to have these
high towers in the yards She feels other people's property
rights should be pro�ected. The Vice-Chairman said the
Commission is attempting to r�ach some sort of compromise here,
Mr, Bob Lamme rs, of Deodara Drive, said that about a year
ago he took out a Use Permit for his 52' triangular �ower.
There was some hostility in the neighborhood at first, but
now tha.t it is 3nstalled, people don't seem to minc� it. His
is a little clo.ser �o the front yard than most; too.
. -10-
. • . �ti,..r �.r
PC-R21 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 12/13/65
When �,sked, the D�_rector of Pub�.ic Works said no other
\ �- .. cities � Or.dinances have been referred ta- i.n preparing this
Ordinance because most other cities don't have an Ordinsnce
of this type.
Comm. Frolich asked Mr. Lammers if he has an array at the
top. Mr. La.mmers sai�. he did no�.
Comm. Frolich speculated that it would be different in the
hills �han down on the flat land. In the�hil�.s, somebody's
picture window might look directly onto some neighbor's
: tower with an array on top. �
The Director of Public Works said the array at the top is
a bone oi' con'cention. Color TV's are using larger and
more offensive arrays than h�,ms. �
Comm, Horgan aslced if a retractable one is practical,
Mr. La.mmers said the cost�is prohibitive.
� Mr. Ray.Mcti�lard, Bonny Dr3ve, said a re�ractable tower
cou].d be rather unsafe on a windy day.
Mr. Robinson said he feels that it s hould not be necessary
to go over 60',
The Director of Public Works read the price schedule of the
various heights, for retractable and non-retractable.
Vice-Chairman Hirshon suggested that no reference be made
to retractability in the Ordinance. Anything over 60'
should be suk�ject to a Use Permit.
Comm. Fralich suggested the Public Hearings be closed and
then postponed for the full Commission to rule upon it
� �omm. Horgan asked.if 60' is a good height? Mr. McWard
said it is a compromise. The primary reason for going
to 60T is to avoid interference with TV sets, etc., in 'che
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconaed by Comm. Horgan, to
continue Ordinance 220(g) to the next meeting, Jan. lOth
Unanimously approved.
Comm. Frolich aslced when the Commission would receive their
final version of the Page Properties Resolution. The
Planning Dir�ctor said it will be mailed out Wednesday, a�.zd
said it would be desirable if the Commissioners could atf;e:�d
the next Council meeting Monday night.
� -11-
PC�R21 Minvtes of the Planning Commission �Zeeting, 12%13/65
Moved by.C�mm,Frolich, seconded by Comm,p Horgan, that the
Planning meeting of December 27th be cancelled.
� Motion carried, . ,3-0
81,00?� CITY.C.OUNCIL: URGENCY ORDINA�TCE �20(h), Adopting Regulations
for Residential Zones., First Hearin�, �On the City Council's
Agenda, Dec. 20, 1965)"
The Commission �evietia�d the Ordinance 220(.h), page by page.
Pages 1 and 2= OK �
Pages 3 and �� Reserved for DefiniL (The Planning Dir.
stated .that� copies o:E' a draf� will be sent to
the Commissioners so �hey can review them
� individually before Dece.mber 20th.)
Page 5= Sec�ion 6; �change the word "DEFI1vITION" to "DELINEATi�N,"
Page 7= Section 9.3 b, de].ete the following: "indicated by
a Lo'c Area Index less than 7.5."
Pages � through l� = OK
, Page 15., = S�ction 11.7 b, = Comm. Frolich fee�s this should
- , be left out. It was decided both "b" and "c" would
�be eliminated.
Section 11..8 b. = Add "except that such accessory
buildings.in the rear yard shall not be sub,ject to
side yard setback requiremen�s.'
Eliminate re#'erence to Sec�ion 9.8 b. and c.; spell
` out the complete_wording of those paragraphs.
Page� 16 through 21 = OK
Moved by CommA Frolich, seconded by Comm.�Horgan, that
� Ordinance 220(h), as amend�d on December,l3th, be recommended
for approval by the City Cbuncil.
AY�S : ` Comm,. :Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None '
ABSENTs Comm Traeumer, Johnson
Motion carried, 3-0
` It was unan3.mously agreed to ad�ourn at 11:50 P.M.
" �1 PPROVED : � ,
�TTE�S � : . _ � .
� /s/ Jack Hirshon
Vice=CTiairman ����
�" Director