PC 10-25-65 . -
V_ - . '�s .....w
10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, Ca3.ifornia, 95014 phone: 252 -�505
--------------- ---�--�- --------------------------------------
_ _ PC� �IS . -
r � � � ' 80, 000 . �I
� C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
� California
October 25, 1965 8:00 P.M, ,
The meeting was held in the Board Room, Cupertino Elementary
School District Offi`ce, 10300 V1sta Drive, Cupertino
II ROLL CALL; Minutes of the previous meeting, 9/27/65
Comm. present: Frolich (8:05) Hirshon, Johnson,
Traeumer (8:05j, Gates
Comm. absent: None �
Staff present: Dir, of Public Works, Frank Finney
Dir. of Planning, Adde La.urin
As�istant Planner, James Nuzum
, Recording Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Corrections to Minutes of September 27th as follows:
Comm, Traeumer submitted written corrections: On page 6
for application 18-Z-65, last paragraph, to be corrected
to read: "Comm. Traeumer added that now the C-1-H
zoning has been den3ed he feels tha.t other members of
the Commisslon indicated certain s m at ies or a -H
zonin and s is exac 5. w a wa tin period snould
e requ re , ns ea o wasting e Commission s ime.
On page 10, application l�t-TM-65, a paragraph should t�e
added as follows: "Comm. Traeumer desired to know the.
ultimate number of units to be constructed on this and
the ad�acent property. The ultimate purpose of this
que.stion bein$ underground utility requirements in this
subdivision, as well as all future developments within
the City."
�� Mov�d by Comm, Hirshon, seconded by Comm, Johnson, to
�pprove the Minutes of the September 27th meeting as
Motion carried, 3-0
8- U-65 The Planning Director announced that Page Properties
(application 8-U had filed an appeal of the Planning �
Commission's decision in approving their application as
a Cluster Development use in PC-H zoning, to the City
Council. Pa.ge Properties has decided to file a formal
appeal, with Public Hearings advertised, for the Council
meeting of November lst, and possibly postponing it to
the November 15th meeting.
81,005 A, A communication from the Santa CZ�r�,, �ounty Planning
Department, referrin� to an application to re�one 1
acre to C-2 at the southwest corner of McCle��an and
Ste3ling Road, to be heard at their meeting of
November 3rd.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm..
Johnson, to direct the staff to write the
County Planning Commission, advising them
that the Cupertino Planning Commission is
, strongly opposed to this rezoning because
C-2 zoning ad�aeent to R-1 and to the new
DeAnza College would be incompatible. It
was recommended that some alternative use
be suggested to the County Planning Com-
mission for this parcel. It was further
moved that the staff recommend the City
Council write to Foothill College, advis- �
, ing them of Cupertino Planning Commission
action on this proposed rezoning.
Motion carried, 5-0
A. It was announced that the Planning Department ha.s ob-
tained the information that opening of �he new freeway
connection (Route 85), from Ba.yshore Freeway via Stevens
Freeway to Junipero Serra Freeway has been set for
November 2�4th, with cerernonies beginnin� at 10:30 A.M.
at the E1 Camino overpass, with a parade to Cupertino,
then back to the Bayshore Freeway, and finishing with
a luncheon at the Old Plantation Restaurant in Sunnyvale.
Formal notices will be forthcoming to all City Officials
by the Chamber of Commerce, who in con�unction with the
Mountain View and Sunnyvale Chambers, are preparing
for the official celebration.
B. Comm. Johnson asked about the status of the temporary
Vaxiance for the Pacheco Real Estate sign on Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road which had been granted at the last
�'lanning Commission meeting for a three-week period.
• � ..�. ",�.
The Assistant Planner advised the Commission that
Mr. Pacheco had reduced the sign to the required
size, and the Variance granted by the Commission
-� had not been utilized.
C. The Planning Director mentioned that copies had
been distributed to the Commissioners of the
Underground Utilities Ordinance from Carmel-by-
81,004.� A. CITY PLANNER: Ordinance establishin� standardize�
� symbols on zoning maps and introducing zones for
public buildings, quasi-public buildings and
A minute order was passed by this Commission at
their meeting of August 23rd, instructing the staff
to refer the first dra�t of this Ordinance to a
coordinating committee of three Planning Directors
(Cupertino's being one of them), established by
the Inter-City Council. �'he se�ond draft now pre-
sented incorporates some minor changes suggested
by the Committee.
In discussion of zone designation, Comm. Hirshon
- askefl whether the letter "B" relates to all f 'B"
zones. The Planning Director said yes, and made
a note to clarify this �.n the Ordinance.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson,
that Public Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson,
recommending the adoption by the City Council of
Ordinance 220(f): Zoning Symbols.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer,
NAYS; No�e
Motion carried, 5-0
81,004 B. CITY PLANNER: Ordinance regulating heights of
buildings and constructions.
The Plannyng Director submitted a first draft of an
Ordinance for regulating heights of buildings and
other structures, including amateur radio trans-
mission towers. I�e hoped the Commission would con-
sider the First Hearing as a work session, and not
make any decision.
The public and interested parties should be 3nvited
to submit comments and amendments. A tabled appli-
cation for a radio tower would not be dealt with
until the Ordinance had been decided upon.
Comm. Johnson asked whether there is any restriction
peculiar to those properties that have underground
utilities versus those that do not. Would it be
advisable to have these restrictions? He suggested
this point be studied by the Commission and the Staff,
Chairman Gates asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Fitzgerald, 10�20 East Estates Drive: Suggested
that to Section 68.1 "the part above the height
limit.in Appendix A.consists of a single rod or tube
wit�out guy wires" should be added, "and topped with
a conventional antenna."
M�. Ted LaPorta, 20129 Suisun Drive: In Section 68.1
� the stipulation that "...,.towers do not exceed a
hei$ht of 70 ft., and constructed of inetal," precludes
TV antennae because manufacturers' specifications
require that above this point guy wires are installed
at 40 ft., depending on the height of construction.
This Section wipes out the proposal submitted on
June 10, 1g65, by the amateur radio operators to the
Planning Commission.
Mr. Robinson, 11086 Linda Vista Drive: Does the
' Ordinance preclude an an�enna less than 70 ft. high? -�
The Director of Publ.ic Works pointed out that the
higher the sending antenna, the better it is - if
it gets above the level of TV receiving antennae
there is much less risk of in�erference. Basically,
� F.C.C. regulates senders and interference control,
City Ordinances regulate aesthetic aspects. De-
finition of what con�titutes a mast is needed.
Comm. Frolich said the proposed Ordinance would seem
to eliminate the truss work towers. The Director of
Public Works asked if there is a difference in the
aesthetic qualities of truss work towers and single
rods. Chairman Gates said that truss work towers
would have to be sgecified in.this Ordinance.
Mr. Keith Bowers, 11106 Linda Vista Drive: The basic
ob�ections seem to be �o permanent structures about
60 ft. high. Ha.m operators could use less ob�ec-
tionable retractable an.tennae.
-�4 -
' •._. -.� -
The Director of Public Works said re�ractable towers
would be one solution to the height problem. Comm.
� Johnson asked how the height requirement on re-
tractable to�vers can be enforced. Chairman Gates
remarked that ob�ections to amateur senders can
possibly be minimized by a number of different
solutions o�her than erectin� a 70 ft, tower, such
as retractable antennae.
Mr. Irwin, 11116 Linda Vista Drive: It seems that
a structu�e going 50--?5 ft. in the air with a 30 ft.
beam across the top is unsightly. The're is no
regula'�ion in the Ordinance for the length of the
Mr� Baker, 11107 Linda Vista Drive: Agrees that
� there should be some Iimitation of the horizontal
beam and feel� the idea of a retracta'oYe antenna is
good. Chairman G�tes pointed out that the horizon-
tal configu�^ation of the beam should be specified
in the Ordinance.
Mr. Walter Wa�d, of Vallco Park, stated they have
stu�d3.ed this Ordinance in relation to how it �,ffects
the PC-H zone at Vallco Park, wtlich was gra.nted in
August, 1963 In 1g6� a new Ordinance in buffering
and height limitations was established. They would
like to see any new Ordinance which res�ricts height
limitation to take into consideration the �:1 height
limitation as set forth in the 196� Ordinance.
The Director of Planning noted that 1n Niodifications
of Standards, Section 69, there are procedures that
specify Variances. The Planning Department will. go
over these with Mr. Ward to modify them, in order
not to take away any concessions granted in the past..
Comm. Frolich felt that developers who have made
plans for hei�ht sh�uld not be restricted to the
whims of future Planning Commissions or Planning
Departments with new members. The Planning Director
agreed that a paragraph regulating previous con-
cessions or non-conforming uses should be added.
Mr. Irwin asked wha� height lim3.tations are being
conside�►ed'fo'r apartm�nt buildings and developments
in the hills. Chairman Gates answered that height
limitations in the hills will be determined by
possible rezoning. In a PC-H or Cluater Develop-
ment, the height restriction would be a part of the
Development Plan, or of Zonin� regulations for the
allowed use. In a Cluster Development it would be
better to have one common tower for TV and radio
- .�.. ,..�.
Mr. MacWard, 10�+58 Bonny Drive, stated he is a ham
operator and is interested in this Ordinance. He
said the self-supporting r.etractable antennae are
generally �-5 times as expensive as other types,
and they are larger in the root section to enable
thern ta� ,stand self-supported. The cost is between
� 1200-$1,�.00.'`'�h�� height would normally be about
O�ft., man� would average from �40-50 ft., depend-
ing on the inc�ividual antenna equipment, location,
and particular bands each operator wanted to use.
Mr. Robinson said he felt the 70 ft, height is too
high; there are standing waves which even at that
height may or may not be intercept�d. Location has
much to do with the reception, and 70 ft. is not
necessary. Since this is a hobby, is it worth
antagonizing the entire neighborhood? Chairman
Gates said on many occasions it would not be neces-
sary or desirable to have a 70 ft.�antenna, but
the Ordinance must consider a maximal l�imitation.
Mr. Fitzgerald commented that the height of TV antennae
has recently increased about 10 ft. because of color
TV. As a hobby, it is the individual's privilege
to spend money on a hobby, but it should also be
considered tha.t there are also students who do not
ha.ve th� money to spend but who wish to start ham
Mr. Irwin .commented that there has been some mention
of F.C.C. and its control of ham operators, but
maintained that Cupertino, in this proposed Ordinance,
should provide some type of control in the neighbor-
hoods which are ha.ving �roblems caused by interference
from ham radios. Mr. Jacobs, 11176 Linda Vista Drive
commented that placing too much reliance on the F.C.C.
is not advisable, as the F.C,C. does no�; appear to
r�strict ham operators. He asked if there is any
type of Ordinance wherPin the Police Department could
be called when there is interference.
The Director of Public Works pointed out that inter-
ferences very often are caused,by sources other than
ham operators, such as by X-ray machines in doctors'
offices, and by power tools. Mr. Irwin remarked that
this interference is also a problem to people who
like to listen to hi-fi music, or to those who like
to make tape recordings, The Director of Public
Works sa3d this interference could be eliminated if
the people concerned talked to the ham operator to
ask his cooperation, or to th.e F.C.C.
Chairman Gates said the Commission will take under ad-
visement the idea of how to stop these interferences
from ham operators, but the Ordinance under discussion
tonight was strictly a height ordinance.
Mr. La Porta �epl3ed to the queation of making
recordings that the�U,S. Air Force station at Fort
Hueneme sends beams_whieh'may be a cause for some
of the •interference;� but that there is a way to
elimina�e this, �
Mrs. Evans, 11096 Linda Vi��a I7rive: There is a
� t.ran�m3:tting tower acros� �Che street from her which
i.s 60 ft. in heigh�, with beams 28 ft. across. It
is an eyesor� to the neighborhood, and.will lower
, the val�xe � of their homes, -
Mr. Don Conant, 22�33 Balustrol�Court; There is a
free service from.the local ham operators regarding
TV interference problems; .also, Santa Clara County,
� through the Sheriff's Off3ce,�. can be contacted;
� �the�e �is an Interference Commi�ttee which would be
wi111ng to cooperate. �.
Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Hirshon,
to close the Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0.
Comm. T�aeumer asked for clarification of Sections
65 and 69 .3 regarding tri-level houses and two-
stories and 69 .2 on duplexes. He pointed out that
a Minute Order to the City Council had Ueen passed
by the Planning Commission at their re�ular meeting
on June 28th, recommending to the City Council that
Building Height Limit be amended to substitute the .
� word "two", and to delete the words "one and one-
half" from that section;'and to increase the height
limit in an R-2-H zone to two stories to conform
to �-1 height limi��s. ,
The P3.anning Director pointed out that.i.t is import-
a,nt to have tvao different possibiliti�s. for duplexes :
� R2-i would be res�ricted to one story�as�.of present,
would look more like one=fa.mily homes and blend well
with an R1 area across the street; R2 (without in-
dex) would allow�two-story houses which would look
much the same as the common type of� apar�n�ent
houses. Areas already zoned R-2-H should be desi�-
nated R2-i; to al.low an increase from present one
story.to two�would be an i.nfrin6ement on the ri�hta
of�owner� of one-family homes in the neighborhood.
� Comr�. Frolich said the,Commis�ion might consider
before the next meeting that�a certain cross-section
area for an antenna be_ �specified, rather tha.n a
rod or tube; this would allow lattice work. He
inquired.as to the origin of the f�.gures used in
the comparison cha.rt, �,The Planning Director will
inves�igate this.
� _
. � � �
The Planning Department was instructed to present a
few alternatiue paragraphs in the Ordinance for the
__ next meetfng. �
Comm. �r.olich commented that when Mr. Lammers, the.
first� applicant for a�.radio transmitting tower, was
granted a Use Permit, he ha.d no horizontal beam on
top.of the antenna. Comm. Frolich recollects that
one� �o•f; tYie considera�ions was that the antenna stayed j
wit�hiri the present heigMt restrictions. A horizon- �`
tal be�,m on top of the antenna, if low enough, could ���'' /�
. be considered as a lesser evil than a high rod pr ��
. tube . �,/ '
�. � 6� ,, v �/ a�t •�a- �/ 1�
� , �
� l� � � � � � �� � -�
V I I U I I J I S H E D H t J S I N E S S �/ l� �
• �� � �
8 - U - 65 A. VALL�Y TITLE COMPANY ( Page Proper.ties ). Use Permit for
a 50-acre one--family Cluster Development within a PC-H
zone, east of Mary Avenue, north of Stevens Creek Blvd.
CommunicatioM to City Council..
Pursuant to the discussion under Item TII, Comm. Traeumer
�- moved that a Minute Order be recommended to the City Council
concerning Page Properties appeal.
Minute Order: It is hereby� moved that the Council recog-
nize the cluster ordinance application to
� the Page Properties appeal as voted by� the
� � Planning.Commission by.a 5-0 vote. Failure
. to recognize the application of the cluster
ordinance as the proper use for.the appli-
cant's plan will open the door to appli-
cations for R-2�+-H with uarianc�s as well
as R-1 with variances, arid remov�e the
. requirements that the Planning.Department
and Planning.Commission labo�ed upon in the
enactment of the Cluster Ordinance.
Wz see no reason for this appeal other than
� an attempt to free the applicant to design
and locate his units as he sees fit. The
applicant will maintain that �$-�4-H use was
granted originally in the PCH zone, how-
ever no reference was made in the original
ordinance to any use other than PCH. A
broad schema�ic was submitted, but not in-
corporated within the Ordinance.
. It is_mandatory that the PCH zoning require
. a Use Permit for areas within this zone.
This Use Permit should refer to an existin�
. ordinanCe as i� most aptly conforms to the
appli�ant's use. This'pro�e.ct is.a cluster
devel �°nt and as "suc�s use s ould be
so designa ed.` �
Comm. Johnson suggested no motion be made by the Plan-
ning Commission, but rather that'this recommendation be
presented verbally to the City Council, with a request
that the condition passed by the Plannin$ Commission on
the application be enforced; that is, an R1C use within
a PC-H zone.
Comm. Frolich pointed out that it has always been under- ,
stood that changes in the use within a PC-H zone could
be made, provided the City was in agreement.
Comm. Traeumer_felt it could be misconstrued by the City
Council, since nothing �n the Ordinance so des�gnates this.
The Planning Director said he�has found no wri�ten refer-
. ence to the granting of an R-24-H use for this property,
The Plan now presented is different from the Plan pre-
sented during the rezoning procedures.
Comm. Frolich seconded the motion, but added the stipu-
lation that the Chairman make an issue of the fact that
this is the opinion of the entire Planning Commission,,
Comm. Johnson agreed with the �ontent of the Minute O�der,
but proposed that the first sentence be de�eted, as thi.�
is only an opinion, and moved that th� l�inute 4rde�r be
amended to strike out the sentence, ' We se� no reason
for this appeal other than an attempt to free the �,ppii-
cant to design and locate his units as he sees f�.t' from
the second paragraph of the mot3on. Seconded by Comm. �
Vote on the Amendment:
�YES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
�AYS: None
Motion carried, 5-�0
Vote on the Motion:
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS : None
Motion carried, 5-0
It was stated, that the Planning Commission would have
denied the Use Permit except for the attached conditions;
these make.the development acceptable.
B. Further Comments on the Minu�es of the September 27th
meeting. �
1�-TM-65 Comm.��JQhnson pointed out that in the Ditz-Crane appli-
cation, 1�4-TM-65, his comm�nts on the drainage problem,
his intention was that all lots from �-5 to 60 be in-
' ' � � .....
8-U- Comm. Frolich pointed out that on page 18, Condition 9,
_ stated it was modified "in accordance to previous motion�';
however, no motion was listed in the appropriate para-
graph. He suggested the staff check the voting for that
meeting. (Note by Staff : No motion was made on this dis-
cussion; it was only pointed out that the City has a right
to review and modify the deed restrictions when they are
86,007 The Planning Director announced that stan�ards of Foothill
Bl�rd., and zoning of adjacent areas is to be studied jo:intly
with the County Planning Department, in order to prepare an
official plan line map. The Director of Public Works ad-
vised the Commission that the median on Foothill Blvd. is
being extended southerly to Alpine Drive.
It was unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at
9:15 p.m.
ack ates
Chairman, Planning Commission
.�,�.�(!-�. �ft�h�r��t
d e Laurin,
Director of Planning