PC 06-14-65 ;
PC-R10 " 80,000.�
.,�, .. California
� June 1�+, 1965, 8: oo P:. M.
The meeting was held in the Library Room, Portal School, 10300 North
Blaney Avenue, Cupertino.
� II ROLL CALL: Minutes of the previous meeting: June 1�- 1965
Comm.. present: Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. absent: �ohnson �
Staff present: Dir. of Public Works, Frank Finney
City Engineer,'Bob Shook
Dir. of Planning, Adde Laurin
�, Recording Se.cretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to
approve the minutes of May 2�, 1965
Motion carried, 4-0
Chairman Gates announced that the Board Room would not be
available for the Planning Commission meetings until after
July 15th. The meetings of June 28 and July 13 will be
held again in the Portal School.Library.
8-U-65 A. VALLE� TITLE COMPANY (Page Properties): Application
for a Use Permit for a Cluster Development within a
PC-H zone, at Mary Avenue, has by request of the ap-
� plicant been postponed until further noticey it will
be advertised when put back on the agenda.
10-Z-65 B.� MASON ENTERPRISES: Application for rezoning of 10.5
°acres from R-l:B-2 to R1C, to allow 7-10 dwelling units
per acre, between Blaney Ave. and Portal Ave., north
o�f Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. Maso� has asked for a postponement until further
notice=, the item will be advertised when put back on
. the agenda. � �
-1- .
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning �Cornmission Meeting, June 1�, 1,' �- ��
.. : ,
c-Z- C. BEATTY: Applicatio,n �o.r rezoni�ng of one acre f�om � `*-��=�
7-TM-65 R-1:B-2 to R-1, �:t Scenic Blvd. Also Tentative Map. �:�'�
, Applicant has requested postponement until the next u �;
� regular r�ee�t�ng.,�, '-�'
7-Z-65 A. Letters, qf protests from Mr. 8c Mrs. Plehn, 10538 Chace Dr.,
8-Z- Mr. & Mrs. Roberts`o�' 22391 Hartman Dr., and Mr. & Mrs.
8-TM-65 Raymond of 22351,.Hartman Dr., residents and property
owners adjacent to the Eaton property east of Foothill
Blvd., south of Hartman Dr., referred to in this
application. - �
Protests,were aga�inst the rezoning of the 33 acres
`from 10,000 sq. ft. lots to 7,500 sq. ft, lots which,
they fe�l, would 'create' additiona�. traffic problems,
be a l�azard.� �o the safety of children in that area,
and would.be a s�rious bottleneck in any emergency;
in addition to its being poor planning for,develop=
1�-V-65 B. NATIONAL ADVERTISING CO.: Revolving Sign at Portal
• Plaza.
TYie P1aMriing�Director,explained this item was on the -
: agenda by way.of a letter to the Planning Commission�
requesting'an op�ortunity to�prese�t information�per-
taining to their Spin-O-Razna Sigri, which ha�:already
been installed in the Portal Plaza. The Chief Bldg.
Inspector has recommended the sign be dismantled un-
til such a time as the appli.cant, after followin�
standard procedu�es, may have been granted a Variance.
: The reason for placing the letter on �he agenda for
this meeting was that the Planning Commission in this
way could be asked to have a look at.the sign before
the dismantling.
` Mr. Wa31�er Davis, Account Executive for National Ad-
vertising Campany, explained �hey have branch man-
ager who is ne�r to,:this.area and was not aware of the
City of Cupertino procedur.es when he arranged for in-
stallation of the sign; therefore', he did not request
a permit. ..
Chairman Gates advised Mr. Davis that since no appli-
cation has been made, the Commission is unable to
take any action tonight. If a Variance for the sign ��,,,,' �
is requested, then an ap must be filed with
the Planning Commission:and a public hearing will be �i�.
scheduled for a Planning Commission meeting. � `,�
� ..,-
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 14 1965
The Planning Director reported he had a message from the
° City Attorney, who was unable to attend the meeting be-
cause of a back injury.
It is the City Attorney's recommendation on Planned Com-
munity-Cluster Development application for Mary Avenue,
that the Public Hearings should be reopened when a Develop-
ment Plan is presented to the Planning Commission. This
�requirement is not clearly stated in the Planned Community
Ordinance,.but it is in the Cluster Ordinance. The latter
would also apply, as a R1C use is proposed.
10-Z-65 A. MASON ENTERPRISES: Postponed� see III-B.
7-Z B . MACKAY HOMES: Application for rezoning of 33 acres
8-Z-65. � from R-1:B-2 to R-1, and 1 acre to R-3-H, east of
8-TM-65 Foothill Blvd., sou�h of Hartman Dr. Also Tentative
- Map. Second Hearing.
Chairman Gates recapped the hearing of May 2�th, and
- read coinmunications from Mr. & Mrs. Roberts, Mr. 8c Mrs.
Raymond, and Mr. & Mrs. Plehn on this application.
(See N-A). A petition signecl by 198 homeowners in
the area, protesting this rezoning was read and noted
by the Commission.
Mr. Somps, representative of the applicant, indicated
that he feels the proposed R-3-H portion of the pro-
perty that fronts on Foothill Blvd. should be in con-
formance with the duplexes to the north on the same
road, and the area zoned for apartments on the south.
He reiterated that the access problem here can be
solved by tYie extension of the road to the school, to
connect with Crescent Drive. He feels that any monies
for accesses are best spent to improve Crescent Drive.
Comm. Traeumer and the Planning Director commented, that
condemna�ion�for'an access under the �ransmission line
is facilitated by the fact that the lots in the Cook
and Wilson area under the transmission line are bigger
than normal.
Mr. Somps said they have made a count on the area, and
their average lot size is J300 sq. ft., although the
minimum lot size required is 7500 sq. ft. under exist-
ing R-1 zoning.
_ . .� ___.� . _3_
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 1�, 1;
_ -,
Mr. Ainsworth of 1062� Ainsworth Dr. showed the x `''' �
original plan for the Eaton property, drawn by Mark `�J
Thomas.. He pointed out that a park will be located �"���
l� „ •
- along side of the school, which will further add to
the traffic problem in� the area: �
Mrs'. Henrietta Marcotte of 22415 Starling Drive,
as�ked how Amelia Court would be affected by the
accesses. � Should an acces`s go through to Old
Stevens CrEek Road, people would ob,�ect.
The Planning Director reportzd that a third exit
has been st Although the proposed two �
accesses would have sufficient capaci�y, coMSider-
ations of quietude, etc. in the ad�acent areas
would make a third access advisable, via Alpine Dr.
Foothill Blvd. would be the connection to Junipero
Serra Freeway and Foothill Expressway, and direct
access.to this ma�or.highway from individ.ual lots
should be avoided. � '
Chairman Gates asked if �here is any reason why
Hillcrest Drive should not go through. The Plan-
ning Director- that this road is private
and very s�eep and narrow..
The Dir. of Public Works said he had studied the
- wi�dth necessary for the third access to Alpine Dr.,
� and feels that a 32' street wi11 be sufficient.
Another possibility would.be to have one lane be-
tween the towers and anothe'r. larie on the � s:ide . In
this way, living units would:not be. sacrificed; it
would be in the P.G. & E. easemen.t. Condeinnat3.on
by a city for purposes such as this is not un-
� us�al, but �,s it. takes time subdividers �would
� usually.make their own arrangements with the pro-
perty owners. Relative to the oak trees,'a good
. �any ' of tlzese will be .taken out by the . County for
widening the street. �He also feels that access
via Hillcrest Drive shoulcl not�be encouraged, as
it has a very dangexous,gra,de.
Comm. Frolich asked whether the ���.ff would rec-
ommend an acc�s.s be made into Stevens Creek Blvd.,
or should it he kep.t .ppe for further development
progress? � _
The Planning Director�said that the preSent access
to Stevens Cree�� Blvd. is very poor. Improvements
prese:nt a very diffi.�u],t, problem, but would be ��
necessary in the future�: � ��
._. �
-4- . �
`w..� tiw/'
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 14, 1;6�
Comm. Traeumer asked Mr. Somps if, in view of the com-
; ments of the Planning Dept.. and Engineering Dept. re-
garding access to Foothill Blvd. and Alpine Drive;' .'
the hearing should'be continued.
Mr. Somps said that he is not adverse to the access to
Alpine Dr. The developers are as much interested in
creating additional accesses as the property owners,
but they do not feel the subdividers should bear the
entire cost for passing through an area that has been
. zoned for many years. If the residents in adjacent
areas are actually interested in a local improvement
district for access to Alpine Drive, it should be an
equitable solution to the problem.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Com. Hirshon, that
the hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 4-0 �
Ghairman Gates asked whether the Commission feels we
should or should not rezone this one acre to R-3-H.
If we can dispense with that point we can go into the
next request.
Motion made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon
that application 7-Z-65, for rezoning one acre from
R-l:B-2 to R-3-H be denied.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS : ' None
ABSENT: Comm. Johnson
Motion'carried, �-0 -
Discussion on application 8 for rezoning 33 acres
from R-l:B-2 to R-1 continued.
Comm. Traeumer said he would li?�e to make a motion that
application 8-Z-65 be approved, subject to the 12 Stan-
dard Conditions; that a third access should be the res-
ponsibility of the developer of this property; and that
density would not exceed 111 lots.
Comm. Frolich��commented that perhaps the City should
assist the developer, �sirice there will be a condem-
� nation �o accomplish this.
t Motion made by Comm.� Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich
that application 8-Z be approved, subject to the
following conditions:
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 1� 1965
. ,
�_, r
1-12- .� Standard Conditions ,-�:;
� 13 _Access•road to be construeted by the de- ��°�
�� veloper, to connect with Foothill Blvd. �'�
`via A]�pine Dr. ..
1LE That the �33 acres in question will con-
� t�,in no more than 111 lots.
The Planr�ing Direc.tor said:that the street pattern
for�the 33 acres would be affected by a possible
further conelition that frontage to Foothill Blvd.
would not he allowed. - _.
Chairr�an �ates,advised Mr. Somps that he should in-
_, clude`th�.s consideration in his plan.
� . Comm: Traeumer said the Commission should hold off
� � c�iscussion on the Tentative Map, and if the developer
�agrees to R-1 in the one acre covered by application
.7 -Z-65 , he-could in the meantime revise the Tenta-
•���tive Map to show access road to Alpine Road, and
� with access to inner streets from the lots along
Foothill Blvd.
Mr. Somps said he would lil�e an opportunity to pre-
sent his.plans without�revisions to the City Council.
Chairman Gates added that condition #15, to include -
that the Tentative Map, when presented, must provide
access for tYie 3.ots along Foothill Blvd to the in-
ternal stre�et pattern, so,that they be served from
� the east side rather than from �'oothill Blvd.
Vote ori mo�;ion to apprave application 8-Z-65, sub-
ject to the above 15 conditions:
AYES: C�m�n. Frolich, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: Comm. Hirshon
ABSENT: Comm. Johnson �� �
Motion carried, 3=.�. ;
Chairmari Gate�s recommended tk�e applicant file a new
Tentative Map, with.all.la�s servec� by the inter-
- nal street patterri, and a third access.street. The
, pres.ent application; 8-TM-65, should.lae denied; or
the decision postponed,.if the applicant so desires.
Motion. made by, �o�rim. Frolich, seconde,d by, Comm. �. �
Traeumer; tYiat the hearing on application�8-TM-65
� be contiizued until the next regular � meet�.ng. �,; �,
_ ,. , {
� Motion � caxr.ied, �--0 , .
. � . � -6-
...._. ..,,, , _
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 1�+, 1J65
�uestion from Mrs. W. Roberts from the audience, as to
clarification .of the ruling on posting" notices for pub-
lic hearings on rezonings.
_.. The Planning Director explained that notices were ad-
vertised in the Cupertino Courier 12 days in advance of
the hearings, and posted in three location� on tele-
phone poles, etc. in areas adjacent to sub�ject property.
Occasionally the notices are taken down by unr�nown per-
sons, so the most important place to look for notices
would be in the Courier. Fi�st hearings only are
posted, and it is assumed anyone interested would bz
pr.esent for the first hearing and then know about con-
tinued hearings.
J-Z- C. BEATTY: Postponed - see III-C
13-V-65 D. CPM DEVELOPERS: Agplication for Variance for front
9-TM yards, street width, etc., in a?�.5 acre development at
east end of Riverside Drive, adjoining Deep Cliff Golf
Course (De Anza Verdes). Firs� Hearing. Also Tenta-
tive .Map - first hearing contirtued.
Mr. George Somps displayed the revised Tentative Map,
with a�request that street sections depicted on this
map, of 37' width, be considered for approval. The
particular location is on a knoll overlooking the golf
course. The con#'iguration of the streets was designed
to retain as many of the trees as possible. The streets
would be one way, and should be adequate for the pro-
posed density. Sewers are being brough� in the back
through the golf course.
Comm. Frolich commented that decision on street width
is not within the jurisdiction of the Planning Com-
mission. It will have to be passed by �/5 vote of the
City Council.
Mr. Somps asked if the Planning Conunission could pos-
sibly tal�e a vote on these applications tonight.
The Planning Director said he had no further comments
on Mr. Somps' presentation, and feels that�as for
street wid�:hs, the idea is in trying to create some-
thing different from the ordinary tract development.
The City has a legal right'to de�ermine on narrower
street rnrid.tlzs .than standard. However, he questions
whether the rule of no par�ing-on one side can be en-
forced. If it car�, it would be a very adequate street,
and would be very attractive. If the parking rule can-
not be enforced, fire trucks may be blocked.
.._,_ ' 7 -
PC-R10 Minutes of tY�e Planning Commission.Meeting, June 1� i�65 -��
� _ � -�,'
The Direc�or of Publ�c Works said public safety, is '� ;
more important than aesthetic values. Whe��er park- ���
ing rules and one-way traffic can be enforced re-
� mains an open c�uest3;on,� and should be resolv�d by
�the City Council.
� �oved�by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. FrqlicYi,
that the�public hearings be�closed. �. ,
Mo�ion�carried, 3-0, with Comm. Traewner
� abstainin�. .. :
Comm. Hirshon does not feel the traffic problem is
going to be too serious - signs for one-way traffic
will be adequate. There are only 17 dwelling units,
and the street is�a loo.p rather_than a cul-de-sac.
It would be an asset to have a subdivision lilte this� ��
in Cupertino. -"
I�Ioved by C�or�.m. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Frolich, ,
� that application 13+Z -65:and � -TM-65 be approved,
-subject �;o the Standard Conditions 1-12, and cori-
ditions 13-19,-as �resented by.the Planning
This motion was.amended by C.omm. Hirshon� seconded
by Chairman Gates, that Ttem ��`17 of the Conditions
be arriended to 5tri�ce out the word "streamline", and
. to read "all utilities be�under�round"..
Vote on the Arnendment:
AYES: Comm. Hirshon and�Gates-
NAYS: Comm. Frolich
ABSTAINED: Comm. Traeumer _ � .
ABSENT:. C.omm. 3ohnson �
Motion carried, 2-1 �
Vate on �he Motion:_: .
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Gates
NAYS: : None
ABS'�AINED: Comm. Traeumer .
ABSEI�T: Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, 3-0 �
11-Z-65 E. - W�RD CRUMP DEVE�,OP�RS :; .. Application for rezoning '�,,,,,�; J
� of �+:6 acres f�otn R--�. to� R-.2�F-H pn. .Gardena
Drive. : First Hearin�. , � ''
� �t
-�3- ..
� �
C-R10 Minutes �of the Plar�nin.�; Commission M�eting, June 1�+., .1.965 .
Mr, ward Crump presented a map oi' the adjacent area,
which is in the County, and is under development by him
in the same �lari as this application.
� The Planning Director noted that the ar�a proposed is
less than the 5 acres required for an R-2�--H zonin�; in
Cupertino, unless the area is ad�acent to another R-2�--H
development. In this case, the development adjacent is
in'the County rather than in the City. One possibility
would be to ask Mr. Crump if he would like to annex the
previous development to the City. Or he can request a
Variance of the 5-acre ruling. The Planning Commission
can in�Lerpret whether property outside the City can. b�e
counted in regard to the�5-acre minimum.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, that
the hearings be closed.
Motion carried, �--0
Motion cJas made by� Comrn. Traeumer, seconded by Comm.
Hirshon, that application 11-Z-65 b.e approved, even
though area outside City lirnits has to be incluc�ed to
conform <<,rith the 5-acre requirernent. �Application will
_ be approved with condition that ingress and egress be
indicated on the Tentative Map.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeizmer, Gates
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, �--0
12-Z-65 F. DON CHUCI�: Application for rezoning of one acre from
R-1 to PO-H, at .the southwest corner of Wolfe Rd. �nd
Richwoocl Court. First Hearing.
Mr. Richard Fpust, 17�� Hamilton Ave., San Jose, repre-
sented the, applicant, and presented a drawing of the
professional office ,building app�.icant proposes to build
if property would b� rezoned to PO-H. The building
U�rould be set up so it would have an internal court de-
velopment. The area adjacent is zoned for apartments
on one side and commercial ri�ht a.cross the street,
while another area adjacent is zoned for single ramily
dwellings. - _
Mr. J. Zems of 10165 Vicksburg Drive, property owner in
the area��voiced his objections �to a change in zoning,
znd said this particular parcel iS bordered by single
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 1�,.1965
. �������^���.���������������� .� �.�. �..��� �.�� �. �����..��.���� � .
family dwellin�;s, and their back patiqs would be �._.!
blocked off by the back of any off3.ce buil.ding there. -�,�
. Also; this��one acre parcel�is actually three single �
family lots now,, r.ather than �a �one-acre lot. He ��
� said this spot�zoning would destroy the value of the
area. Further, the3� alrear�y� have an alley to the
south. wY�ick� �has s,ix garages bordering their fence
. and, wit'h an�additional building there, would add
20-30 Ears to be parl�ed along`the fence. In addi-
��tion, the pro�ect,would cre�,te a traffic groblem.
. Mr..Fous�t said that�Wolfe Road is a ma�or thorough-
�.�. fa�re, , and they wquld have access direct to 6�lolfe Rd.
.�� rather than going�into residential area. Frontage
on Wolfe l�oad is not desirable for residential pro-
perty: In answer to Comm. Hirshon's question as to
the number..of offices planne�d, he said the,number of
, offices could not be determined now; however they
propose a 11,800 sq. ft. building, and will adhere
and meet �,ll.the.parking requirements.
Comm. Frolich asked Mr. Zehms if �t would be less
offensive to hi.m if the office buildings were placed
so that no wiridows � faced thei�r back patio., and if
: parking were restricted to the street side.
Mr. . Zehms. agreec� that � if the: si.de facing residential
area could be screened by large pine trees or other
shrubbery, it could be an advantage .ancl could be
cansidered. �
Mr. Foust said it could be arranged to put in more
planting area in their plans.
Motion made by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm..
Hirshon, to close the first hearing. �
Moti�on caxried, 3- 0.
' Comm� Traeumer abstained
Chairman �ates said that applic.ation:l2-Z-65 will be
-. cbntinued at. the next regular mee�ing;� and suggested
Mr. Zehms get.together with the ad�oir�ing property
� owners before that. Mr. Zehrris� agreed:, - and added
that he woul,d like to h'ave his attorney presen`t at
. tlle nex.t me.eting. ,w.,� ` . -
13-Z-65 �:. VAN�VLECK REALTY TRUST; Application for rezoning
of l/3 acre from R-3-H to C-1-H, qn : the.. northwest�
cornex of. Saratoga�-Sunnyvale Rd.� and� Kerw'in Lane. �
�'irst Hearing. . . � _, , � '�-'
, ; . . "
� � � � �� ; �
-10- �
� .w..
PC-R1O Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 1�+ 1965
Mr. Robert Van Vleck of 100 Kennedy Lane, Los Gatos,
represented Van Vleck Realty Trust. He explained
there was commercial property on the north and commer-
cial property on Kerwin Lane. Present zoning on this
�, , property is R-3-H. It would be a more secure invest-
ment, if this property were rezoned to C-1 rather than
to PO-H. This is an Employees' Trust, and they are ob-
ligated to make onl�r sound investments for the Trust..
It i�_�heir intention to build an office building -
which will be presented to H-control for approval.
Chairman Gates asY.ed for comments from the audience.
There were none.
The Plarining Director reported that it would be desir-
able to get a row of office buildings in this area. For
that reason, PO-H zoning would be preferable, which,
however, would put more restrictions regarding signs, -
etc. than would C-1 zoning.
Mr. Van Vleck said the type of zoning, either G 1 or
PO-H, to be approved did not concern him at this point.
They would post bond and enter into a joint venture with
tYie tenants when it is developed, or they will develop
it on their own if it is the wish of the Planning Com=
- mission.
Comm. Frolich feels a PO-H would not be objectionable in
spite of being a spot zoning. Most PO-H zoning is spot
The Director of Public Works said they have not checked
on street dedication and improvements as yet.
Chairman Gates expressed concern about the lots imme-
di�.tely behind this building. �
The P1.anning Director said the lot behind (on Kerwin
Lane) is zoned R-3-H. The adjoining office building on
Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road is zoned C-1.
Mr. Van Vleck explained their plans are for two offices
of 20' x 60' and one offi�e �-0' x�0'. If there are
too strict restrictions on signs, however, they cannot
acquire tenants for the offi�es.
Comm. �rolich proposed that we continue the First Hear-
ing, and instruct the staff to make a report on the
difference in restrictions in sign ordinance and park-
ing ordinance between C-1 and PO-H zoning, and the
possibility of Variances. Discussion can be continued
at the next regular meeting, when the City Attorney
will be present.
_ ., . .. �. -11-
PC-R10 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June l�,'1965
;�.. .
Motion rnade by Comm. Traeumer, seconcied by Comm.
Hirshon, to continue the first hearing until the �
. next meeting.
� ' . Motion carried; �--0 �
�1,025.02 H. BONACICH & HEADLEE: Request �'ar abandonment of
planned ext�nsion of.Weste'rn Drive to Stevens Creek
Blvd. . . .
�' Mr. George Bonacich, r�presenting Bonacich & Headlee,
asked to hear the recommendations of the Planning
Department st�,ff before he made any comments.
The Planning Director:said��he feels there is no real
� need to�extend Western.Drive to Stevens Creek Blvd..
An extension could even create some through traffic
in the residential area; wYiich would be a disadvan-
tage. However, he feels stron�ly that a pedestrian
passage is ne�ded for,people to get to the Post
Office or to commercial areas along Stevens Creelc
, Blvd. without driving about 'a mile. The City owns
30 f�et; and using 10 of this for a footpath would
� make`it possible to develop three R-1 l.ots, provided
- Mr..Bonacich could acquire �-00 sq. ft. from the
Wilson property.
Mr. Pe�terson, 11915 Elmscour`t Dr.', San Jose, spoke
from the audience and said he woulcl like to see Wes-
� tern Drive go through to Stevens Creek Blvd. For
traffic going north.along Western Drive, dEtour via
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. (Hwy 85} is too great and is
� inconven�ent.
Comm. Frolich said that� the half mile on Stevens
� Creek Blvd. between Stelling Rd. and Hwy. 8� is too.�
long to be uninterrupted by streets. Absence of a
cross street �reates too lon:g detours.
• Mr. Bonacich said he was against a footpath. It is ��
no need for another walkwa,y`when there is.a passage
over tYie nearby cnurch property*. The existing 30 �
were set aside when the 'I`awn & Country development
was built. If�the remain.der of the land is split up
it can be made into two lots.
�hairmari Gates� said �hat the quadrarit between Stevens
Cree?�.� .Blvd. ; S'telling Rd . xwy. 85 , and .McCl�llan Rd. ,�,,
. is .laid .o�t ver�r well, ..p:re�ve�ting through: traffic.
It .would cr`ea�te 'a trem��dous amount 'of traffic if "�'� �`
Westexn . Drive were exte�d�:d ��� '�S-teve�ns Creek. B1vd. , "�
but he �rould approve a footpath•. z- �` I'.
. �
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PC-R10 Minutes of tne Planning Conunission Meeting, June 1�4 1965
Mr. Bonacich replied that a walkway going into blind
alley where trucks are coming in and out would be
s uns af e .
Considerable discussion followed regarding the advan-
tages or benefits of extenciing Western Drive, and the
use of a footpath to Stevens Creek Blvd.
Motion made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon
to close the first hearing.
Motion carried, �--0
There was none.
Comm. Frolich brought up a point in regard to property on
Greenwood Court, corner of Wolfe Road. This property is
now being sold by creditors and has been advertised as du-
plex lots. However, it has been found that two duplexes
have been built on one lot.
The City Engineer said the City has contacted the Trust
Company who are the lien holders, and informed them to
sell the lots as advertised (as duplex) would be unlawful.
The lien holder agreed that they would co�rlbine one or
two lots before they sell them.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer and seconded by Comm. Frolich to
adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.
/s/ Jack Gates
�`�L�r��'t.,�, �t',�,{/E,l r�'i
Director of Planning
� -13-