PC 02-23-65 � s i�EL i�� - W I 8U , 000 . LI- C T T Y 0 F C�U P E R T I N 0 ; ��� C� 1if�rnia _ � ._.__ . ' 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyv�:le R�ad (C�ty Hall) Cupertino, C�.lifornia, Q501L� Phs 25? -�+5�5 MINI7TES OF THE STUDY SESSSON 0�' '_i'T� P.LANNING COMMISST_ON CONCERNING TNE EXCAVATION, GRAD:I:NG AND �Tf.`?'�1�NIT�G ti�I�.LL OFiLINANCE 21�k-A, Fe'aruary 23� ��-�n5 Meeting vaas held at Cuper�cirio Cit�r Hall, 10321 So. Saratoga- Sunnyv�.le Road., s �arti�n� at 8:00 P a M. Commissionei�s Prese�lt: Frolich, Hirshon, J�hnson, Sriall, Traeumer, G�tes Staff presen�e �!ssistanf; City Enoineer Robert S� Shook City ancA Ti°a� fic Planner Adde Lzurin Citizens presen'c: Nir. �•,l� rd Crunip ancl others. The proposecl Ex�avati�n, Graczin� and Retainin� j��Jall Ordinance c,�as diccussed �a.ragraph b,y paragraph. The Comiilissioners questioned Assistant City Engineer on v�:rious items. In some case l�ssistan� City En�ineer's explanations were satisfac;,ory t� the Commissioners, __ icz o'cher cases, it ti-�Jas decicled that the paragraph in c�uestion shoulcl Ue re-�•�rorcled. Note;, ti�:iere talien on the intent of the pro- posed re-tiaorc?��ing. The mee'cin� ?�Tas adjourned at 10:30 P �1PPi?O��D : J aclt Gate �Cha�rman' ATTEST : Adde I�aurin City anc? Traffic P1anl�er Note 'u�T City Planner, l�iarch 22 1a65 i The Assistan'c City Engineer . tiai11 present chan�es and aclditions to this Orc�inance c!uring the #��- °: re�;ular meetin�� of the Plannin� Commission on l7arch 22, 1965 Als�, � there will be presentec� cert�in proposec? amendments, as a result �'' of cliscussions betvreen the Director of Public Works �ncl the Assistant City Engineer,