Minute Orders r
MINUTE ORDERS from Re�;ular Plannin� Commission Meetin�; of 1/11/65:
1. Application 13--U-6 THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.; Application
for a Use Permit for a Veterinarian Clinic and Laboratory in a
C-1 zone, at 20 Silverado Avenue.
P�Zoved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Co��nm. Hirshon, �;o ��ave th?
staff mal;� some addi �ional �hzc;cin�� with some c�' the surrounding
communiti�s to see whet•ner the, hav� allowed this ty�e of
operation under a Use Permit in C-1 zon�s or Urr.et'��r th?y still
restriet it to 1�7-1.
AYLS: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Q�atAs
NOES: Comm. Traeumer
ABSENT: Comm. Small
Motion carried, �'-1
MINUTE ORDH�R.S from Re�ular Plannin� Cornmissicn Meetin�� of 1/�5/65
1. Mov�d by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, thar the
Cit._y Planner draft a 1ef:ter to the CityCoun�il, requestin�
the Plannin�r Commission be held to six members dt this time.
Then, �al�en Ca _r_rt , Small :is �ransferred �o ��'ashin�-�on in the
sprin� or summer, it will be reduced to fiTTe. If; was £elt
a smaller �roup would l�? mcre effi�ient.
Niotion carri�d, ''-��
MINUTr� ORD.�RS from Remular Plannin� Commission Meetin�; ef '�/8/65:
1. Moved b,y Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, *;hat, since
tiine is oP the esaence, it was proposed the City St�ff draft a
1��Lter �;o f;he ABC Board, n�a�rin!� note of thQ Plannj_n� Commission' �
ob�jections (to a cocktail lounge in the Mayfair Shorpin� Center).
This is to be a no�e of concern, on a^it,y plannin� atandpoint,
because of �;he R-1 cloae b5r. The Ci�y AttornAy is to be a pprised
of �his.
AYES: Comm. Frolieh, Hirshon, Johnson, Sma11, Traeumer, Q�ate�
NO�S: None
Motion ^arried, 6-�
MINUTE ORDERS from Regular Planning Commisaion Meeting of 3/8/65:
1. Application 2-TM-65. DON RYAN: Application for approval of
Tenf;a'cive Ma p; 7.3acres aouth of Junipero Serra Freeway and
weat of Blaney Avenue.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Johnson, to call
attention of the City Coun^il that the graph used is ambiguous,
and tha'c i� does not state that it �hould stop at 20 units per
acre, and to offer two possible avenues for a remedy:
1. To limit the total development to a maximum of 20 units
per acre, regsrdlesa of size, or
2. Put some limitation �.s to the number of buildin�s per lot.
He did not, however, want to exclude large apartment complexes.
Motion carried, 5-0
�. Moved by C2 t��tes, seconded by Comm. Small, �o ssk the
Cit� Council to pay particular attention to draina.�e of the
Deep Clif_ fe rezonin±�.
Mo�ion carried, 5-0
�. Moved by Chairman Q��tes, seconded b,y Comm. Johnsons Inasmuch as
Cupertino's image will in a large part be formed by the �eneral
impresaion the traveller t;ains from the property �xse immediately
ad�acent to the freeways, we recommend that ver.y serious con-
sideration be given to Iocatin�; the City'a corporation yard in
some less obvious place wi�hin the City of Cupertino.
AYES: Comm. Hirshon, Johnson, aates
NOES ; 1Vone
ABSENT: Comm. Frolich, Small, Traeumer
Motion carried, 3-0
��. Moved by Chairr!�an f�ates, seconded by Comm. Johnson, to direct
the City Staff to make a seriea of proposals for areas ad,�oin3n�
the freeways that would not only be suitable for the property
owner, but would, in addition, create a desirable image of
Cupertino to the freewaJ travellers, Such us�s �na,y be churches
and/or professional off.ice�.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirehon, Johnson, (�ates
NOES: None
ABSII�TTT: Comm. Small, Traeumer
Motion carried, �-0
5. Moved by Comm. Johnson, aeconded by Comm. Hirshon, to ask the Council
to coneider guidelines for "mSteriality" and "minor," in trheir
review of the Civater Ordinance's procedure for revisions.
AYESs Comm. Hirshon, Jonnaon, Q�ates
NOFS; Comm. Frolich
ABS�NTs Comm. Small, Traeumer
Mot3.on carried, "?-1
s t �
MINUTE ORDII3S from Re�ular Planning Commission Meetin� of 3/22_/65
1. 51,075 Mr. Walter Ward, aeneral Manager of Va11co Park, re-
queated Ordinanee 002(0) be amended to include PA-PH.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hir�hon, to set up
the above to go throu�h normal procedure: Public Hearin�s, etc.
Motion carried., 5-0
MINUTE ORDERS irom Re�ular Plannin� Commission Meetin� of �/26/65:
1. 51,005 Moved by Comm. Frolich, aeconded by Comm. Johnson, to
instruct the ataff to write th� County Planning Commisaion,
advisin� a�ainst the rezonin�; to C-2 at the esat side of Ma.nn
Drive, between Stevena Cree�t Blvd., $nd Oakview Lane, on the
basis that C-2 usea, such as veterinary hospitals, ad,�acent to
R-1 would be an incompa.tible use.
AY.ES: Comm. Frolic-h, Johnson, Small, (�ates
NOES; None
ABS7�IT: Comm. Traeumpr
ABST�IN'�: Comm, Hirshon
Motion carried , 1 ? -�
?. Moved by Comm. Froli�:h, s�conded by Comm. Johnson to have the
house numberinr� and street name system taken off'�che a�enda.
Motion carried, 6-0
MINUTE �ORDERS from Regular Planning Commission Me�tinm of 5/10/65;
1. Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to aecept
with re�rets the resi�nation of Comm. Small.
Mot:ton carried, 5-0
MINUTE ORD��S from RP�ular Plannin� Commission Mee�in� of 5/�
1. Moved 'a5- Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to instruct
the staff �:o write the County Plannin�; Commission, advising
a�ains ��r rezonin�r to C--? at the NG1 corner of Stevens Creek
B1vd. and Mann Dr3.ve ber;auae C-? zoning ad��jacent to R-1 would
be incompatibin.
AYES: Comm, Frolich, Johnson, Traeum�r, (�ates
NAYS: None
ABS'� T; Comm. Hirshon
. Motion carried, �'' -0
MINUTE ORDERS from Regular Planning Commisaion Meetin� of 5/_?_li
2. Moved by Comm, Traeumer, Beconded by Comm, that public
hearing be held on the matter of whether or not the northerly
extension of Weatern Drive ia to continue through to SCB, at
the next rz�;ular meeting.
AYESs Comm. Frolieh, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Hirshon
Motion carried, �-0
3. Nioved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm, Frolich, that the City
Council be asked to expedite the matter of the park site (Portal
Sehool area) to allow applicant to proceed with his plans.
Motion carried, 5-0
''. Moved b,y Gomm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Johnaon, that the ataff
look lnto the possibility of extendin�; Alpine Drive as a third
ar..cess road into the arna (See 7 8 & 3
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Johnson, Traeumer, Gai,es
NAYS s None
ABSENT: Comm. Hirshon
Motion carried, '�-�
5. Moved bv Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, that there
be established an in�ersection deai�rn in street improvement, to
be pr�sented at the next regular meetinQ for a�econd hearin�*,
(Note: c_z-65 dc 7-TN►-65)
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Hirshon
Motion carried, ��-0
6. Moved b� Chairman Gates, seconded by omm. Frolich, �hat applicant
(C PM Developers - De Anza Verdea) file the developmen� plan we
have on the board, with application for a Variance, which will
be hEard nt the next re�ul�r meeting, to�;ether with a continuation
of the Tentative Map ap�lication.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Johnson, Gates
NAYS : None
ABSTAINID: Comm. Traeumer
ABSENT: Comm. Hirshon
Motion carried, 3-0
1 � �
M INUTES ORDERS from Re�ular Meeting of Planning Commission, 6/28/65s
1. Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Frolich, tkiat the
possibili�y of an amendmen� to Ordinance ''^8, to r��ulate the
he�_�hE of receivin� and tr�nsmitting towers be studied.
AYES; Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johneon, Trae�_�mer, Gates
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
2. It was dedided unanimouslf to recommend a report by the City
Council �o the Inter-City Council, readings That the proposed
system would suit Cupertino; and ;tha.t it is recommended as a
standard for the County of Santa Clara and the Ci�ies within
the area of the County. (Note: re standardized zonin�
nomenc 1�.ture )
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Moved by Comm. Johnson, suconded by Comm. Frolich, to instruct
the staff to r�define Ordinance 00'-?(k) more clearizj witr.
re�pect to interpretation of "multiple" as it pertains to
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, (�ates
NAYS; None
� �Io�ion carried, 5-0
MINUTE ORDERS from Minutes of Re�ular Planning Commission Meetin�, 7/�.2/65
1. Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Joh.nson, tha� Minutes
of June ?_8th be approved a� corrected, incorporat3n� the statement
by �he City Attorney that eaid abandonment (re 12-Z is not a
method o� conveyin� property. An abandonment would rev�rt the
__ fee to th� prior owner.
Motion carried, 5-0
MINUTE ORDERS from Re�ular Planning Commiesion Meeting, 7/�6/65s
l. Moved b� Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolir�h to instruct
the staff fo write the County Planning Commission, recollec�ing
that the Cupertino Planning Commission ob��cted to �che rezonin�
to C-2, and that the Commission further ob �a i�he ;rantin�
of a Use Perinit for the type of usage coneid�red for this s:Lte,
(SCB and �Iann Drive) which use would be inco�npa�j_b1e with the
nearby resi.dential area.
AYESt Comm. Froll.ch, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: Non�
ABSEfJT: Co��m. Hirahon
Motion carried, ''-0
AZINUTE OR�_,,R�S i rom Re�ular Plannin� Commission M�e�cin�, 8/Q/6� :
1. 17-�--65, 1;;-TM-65, ?0-V-65 (s�lilliamson-T��ool�y)
Mov�� b� Comr,;. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirs}�on, io Lhe City
CGl�Yl��. r�questin� that the Cit� Council ascer�a that a
meetin�; be�ween th� dev�loper and the own�rs of adjacent property
has �a�<:en place, in order to �:et assur�nce trat �i,h� road from
Lind;�= Lane Tr�,ould not be ���ed k�y construction vehi:�les,
Motion c.arried, 1 '-'�
2. Moved by Comm, Johnson, seconcled by C,omm, Traeumer, that on1ZT
one postponement be granted, unless tne a pplican� makes �
p�rsonal �.�pearance before i he Cor�r�ission, I'�CjUvf3�1T1� �. delay
and �ivin� the reason f_or i�,
Motion carried, '�-0
3. Moved by Comm. Hirahon, seconded by Comm. JoY?nson, to direct the
Cit� :�ttorney to recomrn�nd what. kind of action tr�e Planning
Commission should take (on Drivev��ays at Pharlap DrivA) ,
Motion carried, �--0
_ j� .
MINUTE ORDERS from Re�ular Meeting of Planning Commission, 8/23/65:
1. Mov�d by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hirahon, that the
City Counc��1 be apprized of the ob�ection to the �xtension
of Alves Drive by residents on that �treet, with a liat of their
names and �ddresses; and, further, that these names be put on
- record and maintained� so th�,y vaill be notified by r�lail when the
Ten�at3.vc� PZa.p is scr.eduled for a Hearin�;.
AYES: Comm, Frolich, HirsY�on, Tra�umzr, G::: �es
NAYS; None
ab[�ent ; Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, �'-0
2. Mov�d by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Chairman Gate�, recommendin�;
that the staff permit thia alleyway in back of the lcts; t,rith the
condition �Y the �taff �nsures that arran�em�nts be r�ad� for
proper i�a�.ntenance of the eas�ment; and a s�cond condition fihat
traffir hazard created by rars coming out of the all�ytiasy to
l��loodbury Driv� be brou�;�.'c to the Attention of' the i�n�;ineer�!ng
Dept . L'or r�medial a ction. ( Pharla p Drive )
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Ga�as
NAYS: None
ABSL�IT: Comm„ Johnson
Motion carried, ''-0
MINUTE ORD��S :. Regular Mec;tinu of Plannin� Cornmission, 8� �?/6�
1. Moved �y Cc�mm. Traeumer, s�conded by Comm. Jornson �hat �he City
of Cup�r�ino contact t:ne Ci��y Councils of all adj�.�ent cities,
to asc�;rt� �in whether i� is pos�ibl� to work ou � an ��reement
to refer items of ,�oint interest.
AY�S: Cornm, Johnson, Traeumer, Gatea
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon
Motion carried, �-0
�. �Zoved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, that the City
CoL?nc�il b� p�titioned �o enact an Emer�ency Ordi��nce with the
follocHin�; conten�: Tha�, until th� Plannin� Commission has
studied �he proposed em�r�enc� ordinance re�ula�tinr° Home Occupa-
tions, n11 busin�ss licenses for such occupations be referred
to the Commission, and �hat the Commission be em�oti�:�red to delay
thos� aprlicatione which in the opinion of the Comi;�ission may
conflict with the propos�d ordinance.
Motion carried, 3-0
3. It is hereby recommended tha.t the plans for the it�provement of SCB
from the easterly City Limi�s to Hwy 85 �e a pprov�d with the fallow-
in recommendations:
(1� Instead of a�ervice median island, it is recommended th�t
proviaion for plantiri� be provided in place of PCC cap.
(2) That a pro�ram be ini�ia�ed by varioua interes�ed civic �roups
tio su�ply plan�in�s in this median area, accordin� to r�commen-
dations by City Forester.
riotion �arr�.ed, �-4
MINUTE ORDERS from Regular Meetin� of Plannin� Commission, 9/27/65:
1. Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to instruct
the staff to make a atudy of the time limits for postponementa
of appli�:�tions, especially with regard to rezonin�s; and to
determine wh�ther n continuation of application 3-TM-65 should be
_ treated �.s a n�t•J a?��?lica'cion�
AYES: Comm. Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, G:�es
NAYS: Comm. Frolich
Motion carri�d, 1 '-1
?. Plannin�, Coin�niasion mect;in� of October llth will be postponed,
due to c.onflict with th� convention o�' the Z,ea ;ue of. California
Cit�res. Th� next re�;ular meetin� will be on Oc*. 25 1965
Motion carried, 5-0
�. P �� Comm, Frolich, s�conded by Comm. Johnson, tha� thz
Planr,in� Corn�nission wish�s to direct fihe Cit;� Council's attention
to Con�.:t 4.ion 15 0£ Resolution No .''8g, ?mph:� sizin;; the importance
of t�:is condition in a mi:��d R-1 and R-"-H ar��, and questioning
whether i�: is possible t�o r�-introduce this condi�ion to the
rezonin�;. (16
AYLS: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Gat°s
NAYS: Cor�m, Traeumer
Motion earried, �' -1
�: ---A4e�e�-��-�ex�� _�e�±�so� --�p���-�ke----
MINUTE ORDLRS from Re;ular Meetin�; of Plannin� Commission, 10/
1. Movcd bTl Cor�m. Traeumer, seccnd�d by Comm. Johr_sor..., to direct
the ataff. co Varite the County Plannin� Commission, advisin� them
t.hat tY�e Cupertino Plannin� Commission is stronol;� opposed to
this rezonin� (SW corner of' McClellan and Stellin,� Rd to C-2)
because C-�� zonin�; ad,jacent to R-1 and to �he new Dc�.nza Colle �e
would be incompatible. I'� was recommended that some alternative
use be su��ested to the Cotznty Plannin� Commission ror this
� rc�l. It Tiaas f.urther moj:ed that th� staff recommend the City
Council write to Foothill Coll�ge, advisinM th�m of Cupertino
Plannin� Commission action on this proposed rezonin^�.
M,otion carried, 5-0
MINUTE 4RDERS from Regular Meeting of Planning Commis�ion, 11/2?/65:
1. Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, that thie
request be denied for the reason it would not be the proper use
for C-1 zoning, and furthermore, it vaould create a traffic
- problem. (retail sale oT" i irewood on C-1 �rop�rt�J, �;00 � nor�h
o�' SCB, east side of Htiay 35)
AYES: Con1m. Frol�.ch, Hirshon, Traeumer, Johnson
ATAYS : None
Motion carried, �?-0
MINUTE ORDERS from Regular Me�ting of Plannin$ Commission, 12/13/65:
1. Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hor�;an, t�o amend and
correci; �;lze name of the applicant on application 1�-7-65 to
Joseph and Rose Arata, �t al.
AYES: Cornm, Frolich, Hor�an, Hirshon
NAYS: None
t�BSr.�1T: IIomm. Traeumer, Johnson
T�otion carried, 3-0