PC 12-22-69 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California P�
Phone: 252 80,000.4
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Hirshon, who call to ordeY
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. flag salute
Commissioners present: Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon. Commis5ioner
Buthenuth absent. Also present: Planning Director Sisk, Assistant roll call
Planner Cowan, Assistant City Engineer Viskovich.
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded, and it was Approval of
passed unanimausly to postpone approval of the minutes of the Dec. 8 minutes
meeting. postponed
There were no announcement of postponements.
Written Com munications
Planning Director Sisk advised that the applicants for Application ' request for
23-U-68 had requested a one-year extension of a Use Permit to convert extension
a single-family residence located on Stevens Creek Boulevard into a of Use
professional office building. Permit
There were no audience comments.
Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded, to grant a extension
one-year extension of this Use Permit subject to the original con- approved
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: Commissioner Buthenuth
There were no nral communications.
Pub lic Hearin�s
A. 24-TM-69 - J. Cyril Johnson Investment Corporation: 24-TM-69
Tentative Map, 10.92 acres located south of and ad3acent to hearing
Homestead Road, approximatel.y S00 feet west of the inter- postponed
section of Homestead Road and Barranca Drive. First Hearing. to later
in meeting
Planning Director Sisk advised that the appl�cant had not yet arrived `
and requested that the hearing of the application be delayed. Commsr,
�rw�c� �.o Commissioner Frolich seconded, and it was passed
unanimously to move this item to the bottom of the agenda. Commis-
sioner Frolich raised a question regarding the legal problems
associated with this application in regard to Flood Control. Mr.
Sisk stated that the problems had been resolved during a joint
meeting with the applicant and Flood Control.
page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission December 22, 1969 PC-28
Public Hearings continued
31-TM-69 B. Applications 31-TM-69 and 24-U-69: Donald Pritzker and George
24-U-69 Fernandez: Tentative Map and Use Permit for 140-unit resi-
dential development in a Planned Development (P) zone; approx.
11 acres located westerly of and ad�acent to Blaney Avenue,
350 feet southerly of Stevens Creek Boulevard. First Hearing.
Planning Director Sisk explained the applicants' proposal to divide
approximately 11 acres on South Blaney Avenue into a 138 condiminium
R1 lot development. Mr. Sisk submitted two development plans,
labeled Exhibits A and C, which described the proposed development
of the subject property. He stated that the property is zoned for
181 units and that the proposed project density is 138, the reductiou
in potential density being advantageous.
street Commissioners Hirshon, Frolich and Puetz asked questions regarding
improvements street improvements and access problems concerning the project. Mr.
Sisk stated that standard improvements would be made on Rodrigues
Avenue and Blaney Avenue, and that interior streets would be private
and would conform to standards set by the City Engineer for private
streets. Mr. Sisk also explained the project relationship to the
Town Center project and discussed future street plan lines.
Mr. Smith, of Goodwin Steinberg & Associates, architects for the
applicant, stated his feelings about the project. He explained
the finished designs for the units were nearly complete and would
be finalized soon.
Mr. Leonard Gesensway, Vice President of Jerome White Associates,
the applicant, stated that the applicant is willing to comply with
all conditions as listed in the staff inemo.
audience There were audience comments from Mr. Bill Fisher and Mr. Earl.
comments Thureau, who raised questions concerning improvements on Blaney
Avenue and the effect that the project will have on traffic con-
ditions on the street. Planning Director Sisk reiterated that the
improvements would be standard City improvements, consisting of
curb, gutter and sidewalk. Assistant City Engineer Viskovich
stated that the street will be a 30-ft paved section after the
subject property is developed and an additional 10 feet will be
improved upon future development of the property on the east side
of Blaney Avenue.
traffic Commissioner Irwin commented on the potential traffic hazards
hazards resulting from the project. Mr. Gesensway stated that traffic
problems are common throughout any urban area and that increased
traffic would result no matter how the property is developed.
Commissioner Irwin stated that his point was that there is a
potential hazard and that all`efforts should be made to ensure
Minutes of the Planning Commission December 22, 1969 PC-28
Applications 31-TM-69 and 24-U-69 continued page 3
the safety and welfare of the people in the project and surrounding
areas even if it means a certain amount of sacrifice on the part of
the applicant,
Commissioner Hirshon stated that the key to correcting the traffic
, hazard is to get the property owners on the east side of Blaney
Avenue to improve their property.
Mr. Denis Hayes, 19935 Price Avenue, and Mr. Raymond Green, 10109 audience
Mello Place, members of the audience, brought up the question of co�!nents
safety regarding a large number uf children crossing Blaney Avenue
from the project and the effect of t�e project on the pupil load of
Wilson School. Commissioners Hirshon and Frolich explained that
the increased load will be distributed evenly between Wilson School
and neighboring schools. The safety problem was briefly discussed.
Mr. Charles Woodman asked if the parking facilities were adequate. parking
Planning Director Sisk explained rhe parking requirements for R3-2.2 facilities
and R1 zoning and stated that the project did meet the requirements.
A member of the audience, Juanita McLaren, stated that City Manager
Storm has been negaLiating with the property owners on the east side
of Blaney Avenue for improvements.
Mr. Sisk asked for a response from the Commission regarding a
decision as to which development plan, represented by Exhibit A
or Exhibit C, would be desirable. Commissioners Irwin and Frolich
stated that they would be in favor of Exhibit C because it reduces
density, thereby opening up the plan.
Commissioner Hirshon commented that he would like to make the City traffic
Council aware of the traffic problem on Blaney Avenue. Commissioner problem
Irwin argued, stating that he would like to see the east side of
Blaney Avenue improved if possible in conjunction with the improve-
ment of this project.
Mr. R.D. Koenitzer, 10060 Pharlap Drive, Cupertino, stated that
only 21 guest parking spaces were shown on the development plan.
He questioned if this is sufficient. Mr. Sisk explained the park-
ing ordinance to the Commission and stated that 45 guest parking
spaces were drawn on Exhibit C. Commissioner Frolich stated that
four parking spaces was the norm fnr conventianal subdivisions
and would like to see additional spaces provided in this project.
Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Frolich seconded, and it was
passed unanimously to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Frolich suggested that an additional condition be
imposed upon the project requiring additional guest parking based on
a reasonable correlation between parking spaces provided by con-
ventional R1 subdivisions and this project.
page 4 Minutes of the Planning Commission December 22, 1969 P�
Applications 31-TM-69 and 24-U-69 continued
31-TM-69 Commissioner Puetz moved to approve Application 31-TM-69 subject to the
approved conditions set forth in the staff report ar� � the additional con-
dition. Commissioner Frolich seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: Commissioner Irwin
Absent: Commissioner Buthenuth
Development Commissioner Puetz moved to app�ove Development Plan labeled Exhibit C.
Plan Commissioner Frolich seconded.
approved Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: Commissioner Irwin
Absent: Commissioner Buthenuth
Commissioner Irwin commented that he was not against the develonmer?t
per se; however, he felt that the traffic hazard on Blaney Avenue was �i
concern and that increased traffic created by this development would add
to the problem.
Minute Commissioner Hirshon stated that he would like to draft a Minute Order
Order to the Council indicating the traffic hazard on Blaney Avenue.
Commissioner Hirshon moved to draft Minute Order. Commissioner Irwin
seconded, and it was passed unanimously.
25-U-69 C. Application 25-U-69: Paul Mariani, Jr.
! Use Permit for coin-operated single-bay portable car wash at
southwest corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Homestead Road.
First Hearing.
Planning Director Sisk explained the applicant's proposal to allo���
placement of a portable mechanical car washing facility as an adjunct
to an existing service station facility. Mr. Sisk stated that the
staff recommended denial of the application because the service station
site was too small for the facility. Additionally, the approval of
this application could set a precedent which may create problems in
controlling similar accessory uses on service station sites.
Mr. Scott Davis, the applicant, explained his proposal, exhibiting
photographs of the recent installation of the washing facility on the
subject site.
Commissioner Irwin stated that the service station was been an eyesore
for a long period of time and that the proposed facility would set an
undesirable precedent.
Mr. Don Eaton, Attorney for Skaggs Payless Drug Stores, indicated
concern regarding this car wash facility. Skaggs Payless is presentl�>
developing the property to the rear of the station and has regarded
the station as an eyesore and a detriment to the new multi-million
Minutes of P�anning Commission December 22, 1969 PC-28
page 5
Application 25-U-69 continued
dollar development. He further stated that every effort should be
made to upgrade the station and that the applicant's proposal would
result in further degrading of the station.
Mr. R. D. Koenitzer, a member of the audience, stated that the car
washing facility would be unattractive and that it could possibly
lead to vandalism.
Commissioner Frolich commented that the problem involves adding uses
to existing uses, which results in a raft of additional problems.
Commissioner Irwin moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Puetz seconded, and it was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Irwin moved for denial. Commissioner Puetz seconded. 25-U-69
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon denied
Noes: None
Absent: Commissioner Buthenuth
A. Application 24-TM-69 - J. Cyril Johnson Investment Corp. 24-TM-69
Tentative Map, 10.92 acres located south of and adjacent to
Homestead Road, approximately 500 feet west of the inter-
section of Homestead Road and Barranca Drive. First Hearing..
Mr. Gary Johnson, of J. Cyril Johnson Investment Corporation,
stated that he had reviewed the recommended conditions concerning
the project and was in disagreement over recommended Conditions
22 and 23 which require a 6-ft masonry wall along all property lines
where residential and industrial property abuts (Condition 22�, and
which require a revised development plan containing not more than
130 dwelling units.
Planning Director Sisk explained that Flood Control require dedica-
tion of 45 feet along Stevens Creek and that the resulting loss of
land lowered the permissible number of dwelling units from 136 to
130. Mr. Sisk further explained that a similar dedication was re-
quired for a development upstream and no increased density con-
sideration was given to the applicant.
Mr. Sisk stated that the present development plan is being presented
for conceptual acceptance only and that should the application be
approved a revised development plan is required reflecting 130
dwelling units and legal parking facilities.
Planning Director Sisk asked the Commission for a general policy
statement regarding setback requirements for right-of-way easements.
After a short discussion, the matter was left in abeyance.
page 6 Minutes of Planning Commission '�eeting Der_ember 22, 1969 PC-28
Application 24-TM-69 continued
audience Mr. Herbert Aronsen, 21450 Columbus Avenue, and �Ir. Charles Brostrom,
comments 23100 Granger Avenue, commented that consideration be given to th�
request to add additional units over the maximum density in view that
the Flood Control. requires fee dedication without compensation.
Commissioner Irwin moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Puetz seconded, and it was passed unanimously.
24-TM-69 Commissioner Irwin moved for approval of Application 24-TM-69 subject
approved to the recommended conditions. Commissioner Puetz seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: Commissioner Buthenuth
development Commissioner Irwin moved to approve the development plan associated
plan with Application 24-TM-69 subject to the recommended conditions..
approved Commissioner Pue.tz seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: Commissie::er Buthenuth
no further There was no unfinished business nor was there any new.business.
Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was
adjournment passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
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� �s; Jack T. Hirshon
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Planning Director