PC 12-08-69 �
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California PC
Phone: 252-4505 80,000.4
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Hirshon, who
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute.
Commissioners present: Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon.
Also present: Planning Director Sisk, Assistant Planner Cowan, Assis-
tant City Engineer Viskovich, Recording Secretary Lucie M. Matzley.
Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded to approve the Minutes
minutes of November 24, 1969 meeting as submitted. The motion was approved
passed, with Commissioner Buthenuth abstaining.
There were no announcement of postponements nor were there any written
Commissioner Puetz suggested that, because of the large number of
existing gas stations within the City of Cupertino, a moratorium for
approval of such stations be recommended by this Commission to the
City Council in an effort to curtail further such installations and to
afford the City staff an opportunity to prepare a guideline for this
Commission as well as for future applicants incorporating a criteria
to be followed in the deliberations of service station applications.
Commissioner Frolich disagreed that this method would be advantageous
as it would merely postpone the necessity to make a decision on the
part of this Commission for a specified period of time. Commissioner
Frolich indicated his opposition to a moratorium and stated his pre-
ference for weighing each application on its merits and on the basis
of traffic needs. Commissioner Frolich said that a moratorium would
only delay a necessary decision and expressed his views in favor of a
staff report with some criterion upon which to base the placement of
installations of service stations. Commissioner Buthenuth agreed
with Commissioner Frolich.
Chairman Hirshon said that he would not be opposed to the idea of a
moratorium but cautioned that there might be questions of legality
and that he would not be prepared at this time to decide on the
matter. Commissioner Irwin agreed in part with Commissioner Puetz,
saying that there were two cansiderations: 1) that the proposed
two-year period would be too long and 2) that the existing criteria
for use permits give the City sufficient control over service station
applications. What was needed, according to. Commissioner Irwin, would
be a method to eliminate those service stations which are unkept,
unattractive and poorly run so that all others may prosper in the
fashion in which they conduct their operations.
Page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting December 8, 1969 PC-27
Commissioner Puetz moved to refer this matter to the attention of the
City Council and that the staff be directed to prepare a possible
criteria of guidelines to propose a solution to the problem. The
motion died for lack of a second.
Viewing the number of audience members present for applications to be
heard, Commissioner Irwin moved to place discussion of this matter
under "New Business" on this agenda. Commissioner Buthenuth seconded
and the motion was passed unanimously.
Public Hearings
22-U-69 A. Trenton Development Company and Bill Deane: Application 22-U-69.
Use Permit to allow auto tire sales and installation (Goodyear
Auto Service Center) at southwest corner of intersection of Stevens
Creek Boulevard and Portal Avenue. First Hearing.
Mr. Bill Deane presented the application, stating that he was desirous
of becoming a part of the Cupertino business community by installing a
handsome operation for which the location of the automotive service
area in front of the building was vital.
Mr. Deane disagreed with the recommendation of the Planning Department
by which the automotive service area should be located to the rear of
the property.
Planning Director Sisk explained that the original hearing had been set
for November 10 and that the applicant had requested a continuance in
order to consider some of the points raised in the staff report rela-
tive to orientation of the servicing portion of the proposed use.
Planning Director Sisk reviewed the new drawings submitted, labeled
Exhibits B and C. He indicated that Exhibit B was virtually the same
as the original submission, with the basic change being that it was
drawn to scale. He also stated that the objections as first set forth
were still valid, that the service areas were still exposed to Stevens
Creek Boulevard and to the residential area as well. Planning Director
Sisk also cautioned that the parking as indicated on Exhibit B does not
comply with the ordinance.
In reviewing Exhibit C, Planning Director Sisk stated that the appli-
cants had made an attempt to orient the service bays away from Stevens
Creek Boulevard. However, this had pushed the building to the front
property line, eliminating the 20-foot landscaped setback, and that the
parking fell short of the ordinance requirEment.
When the applicant stated that the location of the service area was a
matter of economics as passing motorists would need to be exposed to
the facility, Commissioner Irwin commented that there was nothing
aesthetic in a view of dismantled automobiles and lube bays and that
he would suggest a dirferent approach to the location of the area.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting December 8, 1969 P�-27
Page 3
Public Hearings (continued)
Application 22-U-69 continued 22-U-69
A member of the architectural design department of Goodyear Tire Company
explained the method by which the location for the service area had been
selected and insisted that mere economics dictate the exposure of the
service area to the motoring public.
When Chairman Hirshon called for audience comments, Messrs. Vern Hoffstetter,
Earl Thureau and Ray Green stated their opposition to the proposal, citing
such considerations as the unsightly view for the property owners in the
rear of the site if the location of the service area were changed, the
ensuing noise from such servicing, the hazardous traffic n�w in existence
which would be compounded by this operation, the fear that, because of
its location, the operation and its surroundings might lend itself to drag
racing by teenagers, and the health and safety of the children now walking
to and from school and parks.
The applicant answered that his proposal was not designed to cause incon-
venience or hazard to anyone, that his operation would be and remain an
asset to the community, that the operation would only function until 9 p.m.
at night and that landscaping and noise barriers would be installed to the
City staff's satisfaction.
Commissioner Irwin moved and Commissioner Frolich seconded to close:the
public hearing.
Commissioner Frolich felt that none of the proposals presented were satis-
factory but agreed that proposal B would be the better one of those sub-
Commissioner Irwin cautioned that the proposed parking spaces were insuf-
ficient for the ordinance requirements. Additionally, it was the opinion
of Commissioner Buthenuth that this Commission had requested architectural
style changes from other applicants previously and that there was no reason
why this applicant should not need to be required to change his plans if
this was deemed in the best interest of the City.
Commissioner Frolich commented on the excellent reputations of both the
applicant and the organization, which would denote the operation to become
a success, but stated that the plans, in their present form, would be
Commissioner Irwin moved to deny Application 22-U-69, Commissioner Puetz
Ayes: Commissioners Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: None
Commissioner Irwin advised the applicant of his right to appeal this
decision, in writing and within five days, to the City Council.
Page 4 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting December 8, 1969 PC-27
Public Hearings (continued)
24-TM-69 B. Application 24-TM-69: J. Cyril Johnson Investment Corporation.
Tentative Map, 10.92 acres located south of and adjacent to
Homestead Road, 500 feet west of intersection of Homestead Road
and Barranca Drive. First Aearing.
Mr. Gary Johnson, representative of the applicant, asked that Planning
Director Sisk explain the proposal.
According to Planning Director Sisk, this matter had met previous post-
ponement while a number of problems had been eliminated and indicated
that the Flood Control District had requested a fee dedication of a
minimum of 45 feet with a 15-foot easement adjacent thereto; that this
would have the effect of reducing the total number of dwelling unit
permits from 136 to 130.
Mr. Johnson voiced his concern about the Flood Control District's
enforced necessity to eliminate the proposed trees and landscaping
and asked if there was a way by which the Commission could assist him
in solving the matter to the safisfaction of all concerne�.
Commissioner Buthenuth cautioned that the City Attorney had previously
been most adamant in avoiding to usurp the powers of a public agency
and favored a delay until such time as the City Attorney can render
his legal opinion in cases such as the proposed irrevocable easement
in lieu of the dedication.
Further discussion ensued on the application in connection with the
fact that the requested dedication would also eliminate six of the
proposed units and the necessity to retain open spaces. Commissioner
Frolich felt that the proposal should be kept as flexible as possible
and that the applicant should explore varying methods of retaining
as much open space as possible.
When Chairman Hirshon called for audience comments, Mr. John Thomson,
Attorney representing the landowners, stated that he was in doubt in
connection with the matter of dedication as requested by the Flood
Control District and that he would appreciate an opportunity to dis-
cuss this dedication with the City Attorney since the Flood Control
District was requesting the dedication without any type of considera-
tion to his client.
Commissioner Frolich moved to continue the application to the next
meeting. Commission Irwin seconded, and the motion was passed
The meeting recessed at 9:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:45 p.m.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting December 8, 1969 S PC-27
Page 5
Public Hearings (continued)
C. Application 28-TM-69: John Saich, et al: Tentative Map 28
dividing 37.3 acres into four lots, located northwest corner
of Stevens Creek Blvd and Stelling Road. First Hearing.
Mr. Dexter Ahlgren presented the application and commented that he
had read the recommendations by the Planning Director and would
adhere to all of them. Planning Director Sisk did not have any
comments in addition to the previously submitted written report on
the matter. There were no audience comments.
Commissioner Irwin moved and Commissioner Puetz seconded to close
the public hearing. The motion was passed unanimously.
A question was raised concerning the narrowing of Stelling Road
from a 90-foot right-of-way at Stevens Creek Boulevard to align
with the existing 60-foot right-of-way northerly of the property in
question. Planning Director Sisk stated that this appeared to be a
normal transition, and that he was not aware of any plans for future
widening of Stelling Road within the R-1 County area north of the
subject property. Mr. Dexter Ahlgren, engineer for the applicant,
stated that that was his understanding in preparing the map.
Commissioner Irwin moved for approval of Application 28-TM-69
subject to the 12 standard conditions and an additional Condition 13
as recommended by the Planning Department. Commissioner Buthenuth
' AYES: Commissioners Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
NOES: None
D. Application 29-TM-69: James G. Boghosian, et al: 29-TM-69
Tentative Map dividing 2.35 acres into two parcels
located southwest corner of Homestead Road and Maxine
Avenue. First Hearing.
Mr. Marty Hall, Realtor, representing the applicant, presented the
proposal which requested a lot split so that one parcel could be
purchased by interested buyers.
There were no further comments from the Planning Director, nor
were there any comments from the audience.
Commissioner Frolich moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Irwin seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Frolich moved to approve Application 29-TM-69 subject
to the 12 standard conditions, plus Conditions 13 and 14 as proposed
by the Planning Director in his memo under date of December 4, 1969.
Commissioner Buthenuth seconded.
AYES: Commissioners Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
NOES: None
Page 6 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting December 8, 1969 PC-27
Public Hearings (continued)
30-TM-69 E. Application 30-TM-69: Del Oro Development Company: Tentative
Map, 5.26 acres located west side of Mary Avenue, approximately
1700 feet north of Stevens Creek Boulevard. First Hearing.
Mr. William Heiss, Civil Engineer for the project, presented the plans
and explained that the Tentative Map had expired and that the developer
was now able to commence construction.
There were no audience comments nor any further comments from the
Planning Director.
Commissioner Frolich moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Irwin seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Frolich moved to approve Application 30-TM-69 sub�ect to
the 12 standard conditions plus Conditions 13, 14 and 15 as proposed by
the Planning Director, with the following being added to Condition 14:
"with access thereto approved by the Central Fire District".
Commissioner Irwin seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: None.
Chairman Hirshon asked to be excused from deliberation and voting on
the next application. The Commissioners took note of this exception.
F. Application 23-U-69: Vallco Park: Use Permit to allow pet shop
in Vallco Village, located southwest corner of Wolfe Road and
Homestead Road. First Hearing.
Mr. Joe Wucher, property manager for Vallco Park, presented the appli-
cation and stated that the pet shop would be for the convenience of
the citizenry of Cupertino and would be controlled strictly by a one-
year Vallco Park lease which, upon any complaints from adjacent tenants,
would be cancelled immediately. Mr. Greg McCarthy, the applicant,
introduced himself and stood ready to answer questions.
There were no audience comments.
Commissioner Irwin maved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Frolich seconded. Commissioner Hirshon abstained.
Commissioner Irwin moved for approval of Application 23-U-69.
Commissioner Puetz seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz
Noes: None
Abstaining: Commissioner Hirshon
There was no unfinished business.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting December 8, 1969 PC-2 Page 7
New Business
Referring to the previous comments, Commissioner Frolich asked to report,
on a dangerous traffic situation existing on Ainsworth and Hartman, a»d
referred the matter to the staff and asked for a recommendation to
alleviate the situation. Also to have the staff prepare a guideline �
the development and upgrading of service stations before any action is
taken relative to the moratorium previously discussed. Commissioner
Puetz moved that the staff investigate and prepare guidelines and
criteria for locations, feasibility, etc. of future service station
applications. Commissioner Irwin 5econded, and the motion was passed
Commissioner Irwin reported on a recently attended Short Course for
Planning Commissioners sponsored by the American Institute of Planners
and made a number of comments in addition to offering any and all
material brought from the conference to his fellow Commissioners.
Commissioner Buthenuth moved for adjournment, Commissioner Puetz
seconded and it was nassed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
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,� /s/ Jack T. Hirshon
` Chairman
Planning Director