PC 10-27-69 CITY OF CUPERTIN� State of California
10304 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501�
Phone: 252-�505 PC-2�
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Hirshon, who call to order
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. flag salute
Co�issioners present: Irwin, Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon. Also
preaent: City Attorney Anderson; Planning Director Sisk; Director of
Public Works Yarborough; Assistant Planner Eng; Recording Secretary roll call
Lucie M. Matzley.
Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 13, 1969 meeting as minutes
printed. approved
Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was 22-TM-6
passed unanimously to continue discussion of Application 22-TM- for � 9-V- 9�
an indefinite period; Application 9-V-69 to the November 24, 1969 meeting 2-4 TM-69
and Application 24-TM to the November 10, �969 meeting, all as continued
requested by the individual applicants.
There were no written communicationso
Mrs. Jack Wright addressed the Commissioners stating that residents in
the foothfll areas are concerned about planning being caxried to such
extent that it would be impossible and too late for area residents to residents
submit their individual views of the development of the area. As a request
spokesman for her neighbors, Mrs. Wright requested that the Planning consultation
Commi'ssion a�'ford interested residents an opportunity to be consulted
prior to ma,tters being submitted to the City Council for final dis-
As a case in point which would emphasize haphazaxd methods, Mrs. Wright
recited that workers from the Peninsula Power Television company, who had
recently been granted a permit to install power lines along the perimeter
of Cupertino, had, without requesting permission from the homeowners and
in a most arbitraxy fashion� cut off branches of mature trees in order to
facilitate the installation of heavy cables for the television outlet. case in point
Additionally, the roads leading to the various residences had, according defined
to Mrs. Wright, been blocked off for days making egress and ingress to
private homesites impossible and after having been requested to remove
obstacles, the representatives of Peninsula Power Television company had
responded in a most unpleasant manner.
In this connection, Chairman Hirshon advised that this complaint should
no� be directed to the Plannin� Coffinission as this was not in its purview comments by
but that Mrse Wright and the other residents so inconvenienced and tres- chair
passed upon had bases for liti�ation.
page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission October 27, lgb9 PC-2�
Oral Communic�ti�ns cont'd
Mrs. Wrigh� asked, in the name of her fellow residents, that all matters
concernin� the foothills and its development be brought to the attention of
the residents prior to being agendized on City Council dockets.
Conside�able discussion ensued amon� the Commissioners and questions were
asked relative to the existence of a plan for the foothill area as well as
definition the status of its completion and adaptabilitym City Attorney Anderson
clarified matters such as to whom the monetaxy responsibility for installation
of facilities would fall as well as explaining the results of the failure
of the assessment district elections.
Commissioner Irwin felt it advisable to request the i.nterested foothill axea
residents to submi� concrete su��estions, in writing, as to what should be
included in an Ordinance covering the development of the foothills, pointing
moratorium out that these residents would naturally have greater awaxeness of what was
sug�ested needed than others not living in the foothills. Mr. Irwin also suggested a
one-year moratorium for foothills development or until such tiune as the
multitude of agencies and residen+.s have been consulted in the matter of
the most effecti�re dev°elopment of the foothills.
When asked for his comments on the matter, City Attorney Anderson cautioned
that the Ordinance �.oes not provide for axbitrary methods of placing any
coun.sel's type of development a.nto an inactive status and that such method could
comments easily lea�. to litigation. Mr. Anderson F'lso reminded the Com¢nissioners
th�.t the City Council has already decided not to proceed with the development
of the foothills until such tim� as plan�, photographs, etco of the area
are available for review anel all plans have been discussed at length.
Director of Public Works Yarborough supplemented Mr. Anderson statements
by pointing out �hat the assessment district had been discontinued rather
staff than failed as sta,ff had, after review of all inherent data, determined
report that a recommendation woul� be s�uperfluous and some $30,000 to $40,000 would
be needed before �,n assesament clistrict could be substantiated. Planning
Director Sisk assured Mrs. Wright that the Planning Department was greatly
concerned with the development of the hill area and that an in-depth study
of the area will be made and that the residents would be informed so that
contributions by the residents to the development of the plan could be made.
Mrs. Stella Kester addressed the Commissioners next and stated that a neighbor
offer of ha.d once again reported her operation to the Health Department and that she
land wanted this Commission to assist her in disposing of the 100' strip of land
bordering her property by accepting same as a dedication or rule that the
City is not interested in the acquisition and permit her to commence con-
struction of residences on the site.
Chairman Hirshon asked if a formal offer had ever been made to the City;
Mrs. Kester replied in the ne�ative. When asked for his opinion, City
procedure Attorney Anderson defined the correct method as follows: that Mrs. Kester
outlined bring this matter to the attention of the City Council by means of a forma,l
written offer, that the City Council refer the matter to the Planning
Co�nission for study and a feasibility report and �hat the Planning
Commission would ma,ke recommendation to the City Council who would then,
and only then, i�ecide whether or not to accept the property.
Minute� of �h� Fi�rn��� Commission October 27, 1969 PC-2�
Pa�e 3
Oral Communications cont'd
Commissioner Pue�tz moved that the strip of land about which Mrs. Kester staff
spoke be s�°v�vPd by staff in connection with a possibYe acquisition survey
of same as a�i.ft ±o the City. Commissioner Buthenuth seconded the requested
motion, pointing out �hat Director of Paxks and Recreation Parham had
previously been denied. access to Mrs. Kester's property and that Mrs.
Kester permit Mx°. Parham to view her property at this time. The motion
passed unanimous�y.
Public Heax�ng�
Items A. B. a�d Co I�ad previously been continued �o various dates at matters
the request of the inclividual applicant�. continued
D. Appl�cation 21-U-690 David Hom; Use Permit for growing asters 21-U-69
for � period of one year at the northeast corner of Torre legend
Avenue and Pacific Avenue. First Heaxing.
The applica,tion was pr��ented as �, request for a Use Permit with a one-
year duration from Decem�er �., 1969 to December l, 1970 to permit the
applic�..nt the growing of flowers on the property, such growing to be present-
accomplishec� wi.t�out the use of fish meal or or�;anic matter eliminating ation
any unpleasant odo� to surround.ing residents.
There w�re no audi�nce comments.
Commis�ionex° Irwin moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed p. h.
unanimously to clo�e °�he public hearing. closed
Comanissioner Ir�ain moved to approv� Application 21-U-69 sub3ect to the 21-U-6
condition� suggested imposed upon this application in the Planning approved
Director meffiorandum under date of October 22, 1969. Commissioner
Frolich seco:�ded.
Ayeso Com�i�sion�rs Irwin Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noesa None
Absent: None
E. Application 25-TM-69; Clay�ton Barron; Tentative Map dividing 25-'I'M-(9
10�64 acres into Four lots, loc�,ted north side of San Juan legend
Road, approxim�.tely 600 feet west of Stevens Canyon Road.
F�.r�� H�arin�.
Mr. Clayton Barron presented the application and explained that after
Lot A had been pux°chased, constructed upon and passed final inspection, present-
he had f°ound t�a� his was not a legal subdivision and that the current ation
request was designed to make this subdivision legal.
Director of Public Works Yarborough explained that the former City Engineer
had si�ned the pax°c�l map based on a tentative map which had been proces ed
by the County and th�t the conditions placed upon such map had not been staff
adhered to. 7"hus, in order to legalize the subdivision, a tentative map expl�.ins
would now need to be considered by the City. background
pa�e � Minut�s ot t�e ���nni�� Gomznisaion Octa�er 2?, �g6q PC-2�
Applicatian 2�-�M-59 cont
Director of Planning Sisk expl�in�d that the roun�y Health Department had
recommended cleni�,1 of the map based upon t2�e fact that the City was unable
staff �o provid� adequate �aater facilities to the development. Mr. Sisk also
report s�a�ed th�,t th� Wate� Department h�,d indicated that water could be provided
to the site�o Accordingly, he �ug�ested an addition to condition #13
setting forth that domest�ic water service be provided in a manner satis-
factory to �he County He�,lth Department.
2'here were no �,udience comments.
p. h, Commissioner �rwin moved.� Corr��.ssion�r Frolich seconded and it was passed
closed unanimou�ly to c1o�e �he publie h�aring.
25-TM-6 �o����-on�r� l�rwrin moved �o approve Application 25-TM-69 sub ject to the
approved �-� ���dard Con�itions w��h the additional condition #13 as suggested .
in the Pl�.nn�ng Dir,°�c�or, memorandum under date of October 22, 1969
the �en��n�� to �e comple�ed " to �he �atisfaction of the County Health
Departmen�,"o Commissioner F�ol.ich �econded.
Ayeso �ommis��oner� I�in Frol�.ch Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes� None
Absen� o None
26-TM-6 F� Applic�,�ion �6-TM�69oFranchi�e Real.ty Interstate Corporation; .
legend �'en�a�,i� �1�,p dividing 4.8 ac�°Ps into four parcels, located
�out�hw�s°� corner of Stevens Cr�ek Boulevard and Portal Avenue.
�'ir�t Hea�°inge
Mr. W. Ho Suth�rl�,nd of 201�1 Ne�dl� Street, Chatsworth, California, pre-
��nted the �,pplica��on explaining th�t the corporation was a subsidiary
of MacDon�lcl and. tha�t °th� exist�ng map had previo��sly been approved
but that - the appz°ov�,l h�,c� expired because of the applicant's inability to
reach an ��re�ment with the ad�acent property owner in connection with
the imp�°ovement of f�ontage on S�tevens Creek Boulevard and Portal Avenue.
present- Mz° � Sutherlanc� �.�k�d +,ha� - �h� Pl.anning Commiss ion rule on the following
ation �uggestions e tTn�,t t�e �,ppl�.can� be permiltted to pz°oceed without constructi�g
the entir�e imp�°ov'emen�� along �he property frontage or be permitted to
place bonds fo� suc� improwement wi�th the City if the City will conunit
itself not to ��,11 these bonds until such time as the adjoining property
is improved. N�° e Suthex°land m�,int�,ined that he would be able to obtain
all necessary signat�ures on the final map a� long as the other property
owners woul� no� have to expend any funds for improuement of frontage.
Planning '�irec�o�° Sisk b�°ief�y explained the request corroborating the
applican�'� st,�,tement of the map havin� expired and co�enting that the
staff Ordinance con��.d�red the entire �+.8 acres paxcel to be one parcel and
report that MacDonald's owned an illegal piece of property. Further, that the
request should be treated much tk�e same as other property divisions in
connection with r°equests for necessary improvemen�s.
City Attorney An�lerson cautioned against any method which would hamper the
caution Ci.ty's power� to cal.l bonds at any time and Director of Public Works
by counsel Yarborough ma,�n°�ained that the applicant should be requested to improve
the prop�rty �n th� �ame fash�on �,� all other developers are requested
to do.
Mi�u��� of` t�h� P�.�r:nin� �o�:nai��ion ac:t-ob�r� �'7� 1���9 PC-2�+
80, 000 . �+
Appl.ic�.t.�an L6����t�9 �on �d P 5
Mr. Ya�bo�°ou�� cou�id �ee n� r�asnn or �u�tification why th� City should
obligat� �.t���.f° �o m�.k�n� m�,t�ers ea�ier for. the applic�,nt who, upon
1ea�°ning th�.t �a�� �e�l ����,t� tx°�,nsaction w�s not what he had been led staff views
to b��i��e :�t vao��ci b�� �hould have �th�n o� �houlci now di��ontinue
n�goti�,tion� an�i �.em�,nc� ��i� �e�u�°n �f' lzi� d�p��it.
Con�ic����.`blc� �.����.���on fo�.�ow�d �,nd upon b�ing requested by Commissioner
Frolich to de� �o� ��e app�.i�ari� �ie�ined th� improveme�a�s he was willing
to cons�ruc� a ��:.�� A°`��a�°��y Anci�r�on once again cautioned a�ainst any
m��hod �a�i�Y� �ro��r� pr���i:�bit �he �it� f°x°om exex°ci��.ng its rights �,s this
woulcl not onl� b� �n �Tir�e� oppd�i.ti�n �o t�he provi�ion of the Ordinance
but al�o �e� �Y�� Go�i��ru�����°� cod.e� 0 1�Lr . Ande�°�on �,g�eed that MacDonald's di:..:ussion
pe�°�ap� on�� ��m�c� ���.��i be �o c1��con�inu� ne�otiatior�s w�.th the property
own��° �,n� ��m�� �t�x� ���.�a�°n of �;.� c��pos��, bu� �tated th�,t, sin �e it was�
th� �pp����n� 8 � ��:��'��'j�n� ���,t �h� coule� obtain �.11 nece�s�xy slgnatures o�
tY�e �°in�.�. mdp� �,t, w�o��.ci k�� �i� ��xg���i��on to back t,he �pplicant in this
d.e�l�°e a�z� pe�m�t �S3.m� �o f'i,nali2� �h� trans�,c�,ion9 how�ver th�t the Ordinance
be �,dh��e�. �� ��l �t���� imp�°o�rem�n�� be r�quested inc�uding Lot #4. I
For� clara�f��r��ioxa ����o���, C���rb�.���oner Frolic�i z°e�,d tlne a�plicable portion
, of °�he Cg��r C�a�.a1���. �n���t�r��� m�,n�z�,�� in connee�ion with this application I minutes read
in whic� `��� ��`����� �'�'�`���'��� t`�a°� th� �,pplicant �e�k �°el.ief at the Council
le�rel f'�c�m �t�.f f m��p����i �oncis�it�on� .
Ther� ur�r� n� �,�z������ �orr�n���� a
Commfssso�i�r �ut��n°a��i a�v�� Co�n����on��^ Zrwin s�cor�ded and it was passed
unan3.mou�1.� �o �lo�� t�e p�.��.�� ���in�, � p.c,. .:�used
Commi��i�n�r� ��a���n�°�� �o����. f°��� �,�pro�ral of Appli.c�.t�ion 26-TM-69 subject� to
the 1� S�anc��.�d ���d�.��on� w��� co�di�Gion �1.3 �� �u�gested in the Planning
Di�°ector �� me�or�.rnc��n �n��� c�a,�t� of Oc�•obe�° 2�, �969 which includes the request
for f�x11 ���^��t imprr�����°t� of p�°oper�y fronta�e to the s�.�isf�ction of _�
°�he P�bl�,� �1o�ks ��p�,��m�s�°�. Com¢ri�.��ion�r P�.i� seconcl�d. approved
A�re�� idc��rm����,on�r�� ���rin� �'�oli�� Brxthenuth Puet;�� Hir�hon
Noes o �Ton�
Absen�o N���
The:�e w�,� n� ��f�ni�h�d b�.�ia���� no�° w��.s �h��� �.n�t new business.
C1�a�.rm�n. �i�.�°�hor� ���i��� h�s f��.ln�r �'��iss�.on�rs of a sl�oz°t course for Planning
Co�n3���,os��r� ��oz��ar�� `by °��� Am��°ic�n Tnstitute of Pl�nners `.o be held I
D�cemb�r 5�.ncT �� �.96�j �,t '��� ��.�k '��,�° Hot��. �.n San Franc3�co, askin� that
t�e Cornmi���or���� �:r�c��::��� t��i� �����'� �o a�tend at the ne�t meetin� of
this Co�ns��sone
Comm�s�ione�° �u���n�.�h mo�r��. Commi���onex� Pt�e�� �econded and it was passed
�animou�l� �to a�.jo�°n th� m���7n�,
pa�� C Minut�� of" �:'�-,� :F��.ht�:� i o�r�;i����.oa� O�tober 2'7 1969 PC-24
adjournm�nt �'l�e me�t�ng �.djo�r���d. �,°� 10a10 p.m.
L'l��1l�MP�1./ e
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