PC 10-13-69 CT :':� ;�.: � : "'':i ��, ;.;';at� of CaJ_ifornia
iO3�; '�'•�rA���: v�..:r.i��c, �;uper.tino, California 95014
Phone : ?52_�r�C PC-23
�"" 80, 000 . 4
The meeting was called to �rder at 8:OU p.m. by Chairman Hirshon, who call to order
subsequently led the assembla�e in the flag salute• flag salute
Commissioners pre�ent: Irwin, Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon. Also
present: Planning Lirector Sisk; Director of Public Works Yarborough;
Assistant Planner Eng; City Attorney Anderson (8:22 p.m.); Recording roll call
Secretary Lucie M. Matzley.
Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was
passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 22, 1969 minutes
meeting as submitted. approved
1�l<<nnin�; Director Si.sk advised the Commissioners of having received
requests for postponements for the following applications:
1. r�pplicaticn 22-TM to the next regular meetin� at the request
of the applicant;
2. �'�pplication 9 to the end of the listed agenda because of
the applicant's inability to arrive in Chambers earlier.
Conuunissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was postponements
passed unanimously to continue Application 22-TM to the next regular
meeting at the request of the applicant, and to re-schedule Application
9-V- hearing to a later time on the agenda. I
Planning Director Sisk explained a County proposed land division, a�
request for which had been received from the County Planning Department
through a letter of recent date. After Director Sisk had explained thel
location and the matters to be considered and after no audience comments
had been forthcoming, Commissioner Frolich moved that the County be
advised that this Commission has no objections to the lot split but
that prior to any construction upon the property it would be necessary county request
to annex to the City of Cupertino in order to utilize the City's storm authorized
drainage facilities, and to inform the County of the City's policy with conditions
that properties have frontage on public streets as opposed to easement
access way per this request. Co�nissioner Buthenuth seconded and it wa5
passed unanimously.
Cornm�.ssioner Puetz asked that the City Council be appraised of this attendance
Commission's desire to attend the April, 1970 Planning Commission request
Symposium in Anaheim and made minute order motion to place this matter
on the agenda in early January, 1970. Commissioner Irwin seconded and
it was passed unanimously.
.,,_9,'e % �,. _ .- . . .,_ �,.�� �`��.:nz�:���t� 'c:mm= ��s v.on Octuk;�s� �,3, 1_�ar�� PC�23
"r�::. ��•~,?.�.m�n�.catic�s eo.��'`a
,�e���arch Com,r�-ist;i�r� ���'���i:� a��o r�p�r on p�.anning inriova�ions �s initially
rrcuestec� � UI�I;�:.k"�:.�:�. �YlY'Q`11g�1 f�l� I:eague s�f Cal.�f^r�za C�.t�es Con�r�ntione He requested
�hat ���::� :Pl�n�i�g Direc�or r�sear°�� t�es� �et,hods for futur�e �daptability.
Pub1YC �iNar°�.?.g;
2 2-TM-69 A � 2�-'I'tA_�cj ° �,'�1].co P�rk
r_ont�.nued Z°his ��plzc��ti�� t��,d. �r�vi�u���r b��n po�tpon�d �t t�e request of the
applicarl� �
14-I'i�l-69 B. 14=TM��,3: Ro�er.t �To �imme�°; Revised Tentative Map, approximately
�e�;end �+03 acl�e� �ocate� �a�z�k`i pncl of 1?egnar� Roado F'�rs�t Hearing.
l�c°e .J"a.me� �cC�� o�° N�aeKa� �.nd So�np�� Ci�i� Engineers, made �t�ie present-
�.tior. s�a�in� �inat t�e �.gpi�can� �a�cu�°�°ed with �l� condition� su�gested
conditi�r� placed aga':r�s� ���.n:.� a�p�iea�a��n �ay ��� �lanning Di�°ec°�or except for
opposed condif•i.c�n ij -:-��.r�? in i��s opa.nion w�.s excess�veo This, particularly in view
of° �k��a fa��J uhat� �rn�it�ca�y �3 and. 14 �.deq�z�t�eiy guaranteed the installation
o� t,h� �°e�ue� ��� s�r��rice� �
Staff r�pos°'�e�i �i�. t�e ^y�;;v� �'��°��� �on�ur��a, that the necessity for a
staff cash dppo;�� � o�° "�ao�u ��ra� �t��. d pz°ocedure reque�ted of al.l developers who
report desir°e �-c co��t,��ac� _��� ��xper�ino a�d t�at ��ere s�iould �e no exception.
Commis�io�.e� F�°o:�i�:'� �.,�k�d ifJ c�pi�� �f the maps `�ad been sent to the
puT�l�� ��e�c��� su�:� a: �'��e D�p�,��n�.��t q Sanit�.ry District and San Jose
questions Water D�p�.rtn��� o T'�e ��aff �,n���?^�ec� ��i �h� �ffirmative indicating that
the s�,r�it�.i^� �.ncl wa.ter� f�cili � i�s w�re ��� avail�ble at this time e The
P1�.nnin� ���ecto�r �l�o s� t��.t� th� p�°opo�ed condition� clid not allow
constr�act?.c�r� �.n��y t�e fa�.i�i��e� w��e �,°� tk�� �iteo
T��re wer � :�� �uc1�.��a�e comm�nt� o
Addition�l di,scu���on en�u�� c�n �n� m�t�;ex° o�' sep�ic tanks and whether they
*aould b� �,l�o�a�:� �,r� a tempora?� mea�ure o�7ir�ctar Sisk ��nt3ined that,
discu�sion even if t�� T�i�al.tt� Departm�nt �roul� perm�t, such tem�orary installation,
the Cit�r Q?�dia��c� wo�xid r�o�C i,t�a��uc� as tk�e minimum lot si�e for septic
t�,nk �n���il�,� �,o� �aa�; 4 0 9 ac°x�e� v
Mre Rober�c �imm��° �Ia� aFplican�,, �°eite�°a���. �al��t his representative had
previously ���.�ed and �.Ysc fel� �t��at condit�.on 15 was in excess of what
w�.s ��qui�°ed ''i�y �t�o�°;�ey� Ander�an ma���ai�ed that this practice was usual
and Di�°ec�to� g� ?�`��.ie +,Jo�°k� Ya��ox°oug� �uppl.�ment�d �the requirement by
stating tk�at tl�e b�ri3 woul� not ���d �o 'a� p�.aced until t,he final map for
the projec� i� appz°����lo
p, h. Co�nis�ione� �'r��.i�� zr�v°�d, �orr�issio:�er Buthenuth seconded and it was passed
clo�ed unart:imously �o clo�� �h� pu`�b:1i.c he�,�in� �
��1�i� ,z�:;��:. ;;_r th4 r'lax:r�ing Gnmmission O�tober 13 lg6g PC-23
1�+-7.'��:-69 cot-zt r d P�e 3
Commissioner Frolich maved for approval of. Application 14-�TM-69 14-TM-69
subject to th� 12 Standard Conditions with conditions 13, 14 and 15 approved
as indicated in the Planning Di.rector memorandum and that condition with
15 be modified to add to the l�.st sentence" e o, or LID is formed." conditions
Com�nissioner Bu�henut� s�eondeda
Ayes: Commissioners ��win, Frolich, Buthenuth Puetz, Hirshon
Noeso None
Absent< None
Cm Appl.ication 9��J-Fi9� Mi��ion F�zrniture Company 9-V-b9
This matter h�.d previous�.y been moved to a later agenda listing. deferred
D. Application 21�Z-69: Sterling Homes; Prezoning from County 21-Z-69
CN to CG and from County CN and R3-2,4 to R3-2.2; 1801 acres legend
loc�.�ed westerly of Foothil.l Boulevard, nort�erly of Stevens
Creek Bou�.evardo Fix°st Heari.ngo
Mro Pat 0 fx^om S�erling Home� pre�ented the application and �
stated th�t �e concurred with �11 conditions suggested placed againat
this app].ication by° the Planning Direc�torm
Mr. Laughlin the applic�,nt supplemented Mro OQConnor statement by presentations
advisin� the Commis�ione�°s th�,t, �s a part of the County zonin�, there
w�s in e�istence �.t this site a Use Pez°mit for a service st�,tion and
that a let�ter from t`he County and �, letter from Mro Laughlin had been
submitted to the Conunissioners for theiz° perus�.l and inclusion in their
discussion� as it related to the anne��,tion propos�.l for this site.
City Attorney Anderson advised that the Ordinance provides that, upon
annexation �o the City of Cupertino, the existing zoning on the property
continues and becomes final Y�aving received th� same zoning classifi- �cot:nsel
catione Mra Ande�°son w�s most specific that, upon approval, all use def'initions
permits and bui�ding permi�s �hould go from the County to the City, that
the Ordinance was clear on this point, and that this Use Permit and any
bui].din� permits ��hou:Ld be expres�ly adopted by this Coffinissiono
Commissioner Frolich a�ked what the consequences would be if this
Commission d.ecides to recomrnend ag�inst the Use Permit for the service question
Fs Robert Demp�ter who st�,ted tha,t Mz°o Laughlin was one of his clients,
stated �r�t he h�.d been askec� �bout the procedure in these cases and
had �dvised Mr°o Lau���in that t�e Use Permit as well as the building
permits on the site would �o from �the County to the City upon annex-
ation particu�.arly �ince t�is Use Permit had been granted some four audience
yeaxs ago and no publie hearings had been conducted on the matter in comments
that period of ti.meo Further, that M�°. Laughlin had been solicited to
annex to the City of Cupertino and he had agreed to annex only if the
Use Permit as in existence were granted by this Commissiono
page � Minutes of the Plannin� Commission October 13, 1969 PC-23
21-Z-69 cont'd
Mr. Dempster maintained that there was an existing County Use Permit
for a service station on this site and that, should this Comanission
recommend against the Use Permit, Mr. Laughlin would and could proceed
under the County permit. Then, when City utilities would need to be
situation requested necessitatin� an automatic annexation to the City of Cupertino,
explained the City would have to annex something over the construction of which
it no longer had any control. Should,however, the permits be granted as
existing, the City would have close control over what goes on the site
as well as over its architecture.
Chairman Hirshon queried if the City would be "stuck" with the gas station
whether this was its desire or not; staff answered in the affirmative
citing precedences.
When Chairman Hirshon called for audience comments� Mr. Donald Betz of
audience Hillcrest Road asked questions relative to street ;�mprovements, the initial
comment intent of the General Plan and the high density proposed for the site.
p. h. Co�nissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed
closed unanimously to close the public hearing.
21-Z-69 Commissioner Buthenuth moved to approve Application 21-Z-69 with the 12
approved Standard Conditions, with condition 13 as stated in the Planning Director's
memorandum under date of October 10, 1969 Commissioner Puetz seconded.�
Chairman Hirshon wanted the record to show that he was not too anxious to
chair see this site utilized by multiple but would rather see it developed with
defines low-density residential. Further, that he did not like the servicp station
approval but that this Comnnission has no choice in the matter as it has already
been passed upon and it is better to have the property in the City of
Cupertino than to return it to the County. Commissioner Irwin felt that
the approval would set a precedent and that this would add an additional
service station to those approved by this Commission. Commissioner Frolich
disagreed saying that this Commission had no choice as the permit comes with
the land and that no one could make this Commission responsible for the
approval of this particular servict station.
motion Commissioner Buthenuth amended his motion to include that the existing Use
amended Permit for the service station will be accepted along with the County pre-
zoning. Commissioner Puetz �P�onded.
Ayes: Commissioners Fro�ich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon �
Noes: Commissioner Irwin
Ab s e nt : 1Vone
recess Chairman Hirshon called a recess at 9:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:45 p.m.
22-Z-69 E. Application 22-Z-69: J. Cyril Johnson Investment Corporation; Re-
le�end zoning from Li�ht Industrial (ML) to Multiple Residential (R3-2.2),
ap�roximately 8.4 acres located southerly of and adjarPn� to
Homestead Road, 500 feet westerly of intersection of Homestead
Road and Barranca Drive. First Hearing.
Minutes of the Planning Co�unission October 13, 1969 PC-23
P�e 5
22-Z-69 cont'd
Mr. Gary Johnson prese�ted the application and explained the site by
submitting aerial photo�raphs. Planning Director Sisk explained the si e
and zoning map as well as the surrounding zonings.
There were no audience co�maents.
Commissioner Irwin moved, Comm�issioner Buthenuth seconded and it was p. h.
passed unanimously to close the public hearing. closed
Commissioner Irwin moved to approve Applicatian 22-Z-69 sub�ect to the 22-Z-6
12 Standaxd Conditions with condition 13 as outlined in the Planning approved
Director's memorandum of O�tcber 9, 1969. Comanissioner Frolieh seconded.
Ayes: Com4aissioners Irwin, Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: None
C. Application 9-V-69: Mission �"urniture Compar�y; Variance to -9 v-69
reduce number of required parking spaces from 186 to 74 to legend
p�rmit warehouse addition, l�cated northerly side of Stevens
C�eek Boulevaxd, westerly of Portal Avenue. First Hearing.
Mr. Leo Ruth, Civ�l Engineer of Ruth & Going, introduced two of his
associates and stated that the variance had been filed because the
existing parking spaces to the rear of the f�.irniture store had been
used only twice during the past five years and it was felt that the
paxking spaces in front of the operation were more than sufficient.
Mr. Ruth pointed out that a furniture store does not have the number of
customers afforded other ventures and that, additionally, there had presentation
never been more than six employees in the store at ar�,y one time. He
maintained that, with the warehouse addition, the store owner would be
able to afford a larger furniture selection to the Cuperti,no shoppers,
resulting in higher revenues to the City.
Planning Director Sisk reiterated some of the statements he had made in
his memorandum to the Comunissioners in which he defined the reasons staff suggests
wY�y this request should be denied. denial
In answer to questions by the Co�nissioners as to the possibility of
constructing a second story to the existing waxehouse site, Mr. Ruth
stated that the structure was not d�signed to carry a second story and second story
that the foundation would need to be reinforced and redesigned to discussed
afford a second story structure.
Discus�ion ensued on the reason for the very substantial decrease request
and the applicant cited haxdship because of what had previously been
When asked for his opinion on the matter, City Attorney Anderson stated
that, should the Carrunissioners desire to approve the variance, it might
be approved upon the contingency that this vaxiance is only for the counsel's
continuing f�.i.rniture store venture and, should a different operation suggestion
be placed upon the site, this variance shall be void.
page 6 Minutes of the Planning Commission October 13, �969 PC-23
80, 000 . �+
9 cont°d
The applicant stated that he would be willing to adhere to such condition
condition by which the parkin� spaces variance would be in existence only as long
accepted as the buildin� is utilized for a furniture store.
City Attorney Anderson also suggested that a time limit be placed upon
the authorization and that it might be advisable to research how other
counsel's furniture stores in the adjoining municipalities operate in relation to
statement their parking spaces so that the City of Cupertino would stay in line
with other cities.
Upon the applicant's concurrence in the matter, Com�►issioner Frolieh moved
9-v- to continue the application to the next regular meeting, that other
continued communities methods be investigated, and a report be compiled and sub-
mitted to the Co�nissioners prior to the next meetin�. Commaissioner
Buthenuth seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business
17-TM-69 A. Application 17-TM-69: Skaggs Payless Drug Stores, et al; Tentative
legend Map, 172 acres located southwest corner of Homestead Road and
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. (referred back from City Council)
NIr. Walter Seebach of Ruth & Going, Civil En�ineers, presented the application
stating that the litigation, which had placed this application in abeyance,
had been settled and that the tentative map as well as the revised develop-
present- ment plan were submitted at this time for approval. Fuxther, that the applicant
ation was in total agreement with all conditions suggested placed against this
application by the Planning Director.
Planning Director Sisk explained th� tentative map as well as the revised
development plan and mentioned that all conditions, upon approval, should
be those suggested in his memorandum of August 19, 196g
There were no audience comments.
Mr. J. D. Vanderlaan, the realtor representing the applicant and developer,
e�lained that this proposal was for the first phase of the development and
query re that the second phase might not be developed for a number of yeaxs and that
improve- his client was willing to construct the necessary street improvements at this
ments time or wait until such time as the remainder of the site is being constructed
Director of Public: Works Yaxborou�h was content that the condition "to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer" would adequately protect the City in the
matter of future :�treet improvements.
p. h• Commissioner Irwin moved, Com¢nissioner Frolich seconded and it was passed
closed unanimously to cic�se the public hearing.
Minuues of t.h� Planning Commission October 13, 1969 PC-23
80, 000 . �+
17-TM-69 cant'd page 7
Commissioner Frolich queried if the development plan, as revised, made
provision for a"no paxking" requirement in front of the store; he
was answered in the affirmative. Commissioner Frolich felt, however,
that there are still people who will park their automobiles in front
of the store thereby eliminating one through traffic lane. It was questions
Mr. Frolich's sug�estion to either not approve the development plan re parking
as revised, or approve it with the requirement that the aisle be wide
enough for three cars to pass through at the same time or move the
construction back to such a degree that public parking in front of
the store is acco�unodated.
Since further questions needed to be asked of applicant and staff, p. h. re-
Co�nissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was opened
passed unanimously to re-open the public hearing.
Mr. Vanderlaan, in answer to questions by the Commissioners, maintained
that this store would not be compaxable to a grocery store and that I
the chain's ph�losophy had been in the past there be no curb in front
of the store so that there would be an open space for pedestrian traffic.
Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was . h.
passed unanimously to close the public hearing. closed
Commissioner Frolich :�oved for approval of Application 17-TM- 7 -TM-69_
subject to the 12 Standar�' Conditions and those outlined in the approved
Planning Director's memorandum under date of August 19 196g
Commissioner Irwin seconded.
Ayes: Co�unissioners Irwin, Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: None
Commissioner Frolich moved for approval of the revised development pl development
subject to 1)that the aisle widths be maintained for at least three plan as
cars; 2) that no merchandise for sale be displayed in front of the revised
store other than shrubberies in containers. Commissioner Buthenuth approved
Ayes: Q,`bmmissioners Irwin, Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: None
Planning Director Sisk reported to the Commissioners that the County
had granted a Use Permit for the pasturing of two horses on the �+3 acre staff report
property, the request for which had been discussed at a previous meeting.
There was no new business.
Commissinner Irwin moved for ad�ournment, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded
and it was passed unani.mously.
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. d�ournment
Jack T. Hirshon
Planninar Director Chairman