PC 07-28-69 CITY OF G[JPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501�+ Phone: 252-4505 PC-18 80,000.4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNII�TG CONIMISSION HELD JULY 28, 1969 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HAI,L, CIJPERTINO, CALIFORNIA The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Hirshon, who call to order subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute flag salute Co�nissioners present: Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon. Absent: Commissioner Frolich. Also pre�ent: Senior Planner Laurin; Assistant Planner Eng; Assistant Director of Public Works Viscovich; Recording roll call Secretary Lucie M. Matzley. Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed unanimously to postpone the approval of the minutes of July 1�+ 196g approval to the next re�ular meeting because of Commissioner Frolich's absence. postponed Seni�r Planner Laurin advised that the applicant for Application 17-TM-69 had requested a continuance of the public hearing on the matter to the next meeting. Commissioner Puetz moved, Commiss�.oner Irwin seconded and it was 17 passed unanimously to continue Application 17-TM to the next meeting continued at the request of the applicant. Seni�r Planner Laurin advised the Commissioners that he was in receipt 81,005 of several written co�unications from the Couhty Planning Commission, the first af which was a request for a Use Permit for a private school to be located at Imperial and Lomit� Avenue�. Commissioner Irwin felt that, since only a request had been submitted by the County with no maps and only a suhstantiating memorandum from the Senior Planner, it would be impossible to make a decision because of lack of information. Commissioner Irwin moved to request that the County Planning Commis- sion po8tpone a decision on the matter until such time as this Com- mission has had an opportunity to study the matter via a report from the Planning Departmente It was Mr. Irwin's expressed hope that the cooperation County would not act on the matter prior to consulting the City of requested Cupertino, Commissinner Puetz seconded and it was passed unanimously. The second communication from the County was a request for a Use Permit for a service station at the northwest corner of Homestead request for Road and Stevens Freeway. gas station Commissioner Irwin stated that he was opposed, in general principle, to additional service stations since some other development could be considered. G'hairman Hirshon agreed stating that he would prefer to have this site considered for some professional use as it seemed that only service stations are considered by the County for the perimeter o Cupertino. page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission July 28, 1969 PC-18 80,000.4 Written Communications cont Commissioner Irwin went on record to say for the information of the joint County Planning Commission, that this Commission is opposed to another efforts service station in that vicinity and that it recommends some other, asked perhaps professional, use for the site especially in view of the fact that this body has recently denied an application for a service station across the street from the proposed site. Furth�r, that this Commission urges the County to join this body in efforts to elimir�ate a proliferation of service stations. ComQaissionEr Puetz seconded and it was passed unanimously. The third request was one for a rezoning from R1-10 to 0A of one lot on the east side of Stelling Road between Gaxden Gate and Greenleaf Drives. rezoning Senior Planner Laurin had advised against the rezoning for reasons of request resultin� desultory strip developments. denied Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed unanimously to accept the reco�nendation against the rezoning as submitted by the Senior Planner. There were no oral communications. Public Hearings 18-Z-69 A. Application 18-Z-69: Cupertino Hills Swim & Racquet Club; Rezoning legend from single-family a�,�icultural-residen�ial 4D,000 sq.ft. lots (Al-�+0) to single-family residential 7,500 sq.ft. lots, approximately 2.18 acres located southwest corner of Rae Lane and extension of Linda Vista Drive. First Hearing continued. Mr. Dave Shanding, Facilities Chairman of th� Club, made the presentation, submitting a small map and explaining that the property had previously been divided by approved tentative map into two parcels of land, one to be retained for the club's use and construction of the club house, and the other intended for sale and subdivision to R1-7.5 lots. Senior Planner Laurin did not voice any ob�ections to this proposal. There were no e�udience comments. p. h. Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed closed unanimously to close thE public hearing. 18-Z-69 Co�issioner Puetz moved to approve Application 18-Z-69, subject to the approved 12 Standaxd Conditionse Commissioner Buthenuth seconded. Ayes: Co�issioners Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noes: None Absentt Commissioner Frolich. 13-U-69 B. Application 13-U-69: Vallco Park; Use Permit for two-story office and legend manufacturing building on 4.2 acres at 10300 North Tantau Avenue. First Hearing. Mr. Walter Ward, General Manager of Vallco Park, made the presentation explaining that the proposal was for a two-story, 60,000 sq.ft. light manufacturing multiple-tenant building, located adjacent to the Tantau Freeway overcrossing next to the Warren School and Westwood Oak subdivision. Minutes of the Planning Commission July 28 1969 PC•18 80, 000 . �+ 13 cont'd Page 3 Mr. Ward f�,irther explained that the City c�f Santa Clara had approved the proposal, as had the Cupertino Union School District, and that a two-story structure had been planned to bring the level of the windows to that of the road, thus affording a gre�.ter architectural harmony. Also, that the structure would have sufficient and effective land- scaping and would have a�n all underground parking facility. There were no audience comments. Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed po h. unanimously to cloee the pu'blic hesring. closed Commissioner Irwin moved for approval of Application 13-U-69, sub�ect 13-U-6 to the 12 Standaxd Conditions. Co�unissioner Puetz seconded. approved Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Frolich C. A�plication 16-TM-69: Valley Green Compar�y; Tentative Map 16-TM-69 27.11 acres located on Valley Green Drive at Stelling Road. legend First Hearin�. Mr. John Griffin with Alpha Land Company made the presentation stating that the applicant was desirous of changing the record of survey to a recorded map which had not been done previously, but that the fourth and last phase of the construction was being completed and a final map was deemed advantageous at this time. There were no audience comments. Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Puet� seconded an d it was passed p. h. unanimously to close the public hearing. closed Commissioner Irwin moved to approve Application 16-TM-69, subject to the 16-TM-6 12 Standard Conditions. Commissioner Puetz seconded. approved. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin� Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Froiich When it became apparent that the applicant for Application 18-TM-69 was 18-TM-6 not in the audience, Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Comonissioner Puetz deferred seconded and it was passed unanimously to place the application to the end of the listed a�enda. F. Applicat3.on 14-U-69: E.A. Maionchi; Use Permit for Drive-in l�+-U-6 restaura.nt at southeast corner of Orange Avenue and Stevens legend Creek Boulevard. First Hearing. Mr. John W. Rintala, Reeltor, represented the applicant and explained that the proposal was a simple plan to put the property to good use. The applicant agreed that there were other uses to which this property would lend itself but because of its shallow nature it would receive a small restaurant construction much in the same fashion as Foster Freeze sites, designed for quick orders and drive-in trade. p�e 1� Minutes of the Planning Commission Ju1.y 28, 1969 PC-18 80,000.4 1�+-U-69 cont'd Senior Planner Laurin requested that, upom the approval of the application, a condition requiring dedication and improvement of Orange Avenue to 30 feet from the center line be impos�c�. When Chairman Hirshon callefl for audience comments, Mr. R. D. Koenitzer said audience that he was fully aware of the fact that this was a County zoning but he comments questioned the need for yet another drive-in re$taurant as it was his feeling that this axea needed upgradin� and improving and not another debris attracting site. The applicant showed a rendering for the proposed construction and �r,iefly explained same. He also said that the lessees axe awaaie �f the many defunct ventures in the area and are trying to place an architec�.irally pleasing structure in the middle of the run-down area in an effort to upgrade all of the surroundirigs. In noticing that the arc2iitect had chosen what is commonly known as "DeAnza Modern", Commissioner irwin cpmmented that he would hope to convey to axchitects the need for more imaginative approaches and different designs tha�n those consistently submitted which, in Mr. Irwin's opinion, lack ori�inality. P , h. Commissioner Irwin moved, Co�nissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed closed ���ausly to close the public hearing. 14-U-69 Commissioner Puetz moved to approve Application 1�+-U-69, subject to the approved 12 Standard Conditions and condition 13 as stated by the Senior Planner. Co�nissioner Irwin seconded. Ayes" Commissioners Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz Naes: Co�nissioner Hirshon Absent: Commissioner Frolich 18-TM-69 E. Application 18-TM-69: Califotnia Lands Investment Company; Tentative legend Map, approximately 17.77 a�res located north side of McClellan Road, adjacent to and west side of the Southern Pacific Railroad. First Heaxing. Messrs. W. G. Dunn'and John Cleg�, president and engineer, respectively, for California Lands Investment Company, presented the application. Mr. Cle�g stated that he had been in contact with t1c�e Planning Depaxtment and that the applicant agreed to all conditions as imposed upon this application except for the following: 1) since one of the 12 Standard Conditions requires the construction of a masonry wall ad�acent to residential axeas, they asked that this requirement be waived and substituted by a condi':ion for "a masonry wall or a pY�ysical and visual barrier"; and 2) that the no-access requirement on Lot #1 fronting on McClellan Road be kept flexible to allow for a possible commercial property, such as a service station,: on that site. Senior Planner Laurin su�gested that a barrier other than the masonry wall might be feasible but that, should this be allowed, the same condition should also be inserted in the conditions for the rezoning. The same should apply to conditions about access to MeClellan Road. Minutes of the Planning Commission July 28, 1969 PC-18 80,000.4 18-TM-6g cont'd page 5 The applicant requested that there be some indication of agreement by t}�is Comanission that, whereas no access is considered at this time, such access will be considered at a later date so that the matter is not completely � closed. In connection with the required masonry wall, the applicant stated that the residential sites abutting the construction alreac�y have a wood n fence over the entire length_of the site and that a masonry wall adjace�t to a wooden fence would not at a11 be at�ractive, in fact, it would ma,ke for a clumsy appearance. The_applicant voiced his will.ingness to spend the funds necessaxy for the construction of the wall on additional land- scaping and tree installation along the site. When Chairman Hirshon called for audience comments, Mr. KoAnitzer stated that by the wall construction the applicant should be ple�sed to have a audience method with which to keep children out of the industrial site. He also comment felt that, since this wall was a requirement of the 12 Standard Conditions, it should be enforced; in fact, the developer should also be asked to � install sidewalks for the safety of the children. Mr. Koenitzer also pointed out that "no access on McClellan" had been one of the canditions placed against,the zoning. Commissioner Buthenuth stated that a wooden fence along the residential area would not hold up as well or as long as a masonry wall and would, among other considerations, add to the maintenance problems. Further, that there was no reason to change one of the standaxd conditions at this time. Commissioner Irwin agreed with Commissioner Buthenuth that there ( should be a wall between residential and commercial properties and that the applicant should consider the safety factor involved by which parking automobiles might drive right through a wooden fence into the residential tract but could not do so if a wall were constructed. Mr. Irxin had another thought by which the applicant could dedicate a 1,000` long strip of buffer zone to au�nent the wooden fence already in ex�.stence, and install land- scaping much the same as that utilized in Vallco Park, rather than the wall. The applicant submitted that this might be left•to th� discretion of the Architecture and Site Approval Comm�,ttee who could, and would, impose . their conditions upon the application also; however, Commissioner Buthenuth reminded his fellow Commissioners that there was still the "no access" matter to be considered. G'hairman Hirshon stated tl�at he was opposed to any allowance for access chair opposes from McClellan Road to Lot #1 as the a,djacent sites were predominantly access residential in character. Commissioner Buthenuth disagreed stating that this was not what had originally been contemplated when West Valley Paxk was planned. Mr. Buthenuth said that the paxcel was not strictly in- dustrial but he did agree with Commissioner Irwin on the screenin� along McClellan Road as it might be a better idea than the wall. Audience vnember Koenitzer stated that the applicant had been f�.illy aware of the l2 Standaxd Conditions at,the time the zoning was approved and that he should not be permitted tp vary at this�time. The applicant replied that, at the time of the tentative lay-'out, he had not been familiax with the conditions and it had taken time to apply them to the plans . page 6 Minutes of the Planning Commission Ju1y 28, 1969 PC-18 80, 000. �+ 18-TM-69 cpnt'd Commi.ssioner Buthenuth wondered if concYitions could be changed without having to go throu�h another public hearing as they had been approved during a public hearing. Commissioner Irwin cautioned that the co;.ditions of the zonin� and the conditions of the terltative map might be in �nflict and wondered if a thorough study of them ha�.been made. Comenissione• Buthenuth also requested that the conditions be drawn onto the map s;� that there can be no confusion at a later date and suggested that everythi�g should be maxked on the tentative map prior to 3.ts submission to the t'�t.y Council. Senior Planner LauTiri answered tha�, if a rezoning is referred back to the Planning Commission by the City Council, the Commission does not have to hold another public hea�ing as a public hearing befare the Council is in pro�ress. Also, that conditions for the zoning and the tentative map are coordinated so that, as a consequence, changes in one should result in changes in the other. The applicant requested that the Commissioners view the i long property line on which the masonry wall was requested so that further'discussions could be held more e�editiously. 1 8-�-69 Commissioner Irwin moved to continue Application 18-TM to the next regular continued meeting with the directive t�at the Planning Depaxtment closely review the conditions on the zoning and those proposed fo� the tentative map to eliminate any possible conflicts. Co�nissioner Puetz seconded and it was pa�sed unanimo�sly. recess Chairman Hirshon called a recess at 9:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:00 p.m. request Corrmaissioner Buthenuth mr�ved that the City Council be requested, by minute order, for re- to return zonin� application 16-Z- for re-study by this Commission along with study Application 18-TM-69 so that the matter could be discharged at the same time. Commissioner Irwin seconded e,nd it was passed unanimously. 81,004.122 G. 81,OG�+.122: Light Indust�ial Ordinance, 220(k); First Hearing le�end continued Commissioner Irwin moved that, since Commissione�r Frolich was absent and matter because he would prefer to have his recommendations read into the recard, post- the matter be postponed to the next meeting. Com�dissioner Buthenuth seconded poned and it was passed unanimously. Unfinished Business 10- A. Application 10-U-69: James G. Boghosian; Use Permi� for Fraternal Lodge legend at southwest corner of Homestead Road and Maxine Avenue. Attorney Daniel Donovan made the presentation explai�ing that thi�t portion of the four-part application had not been discussed and that appl.ication 10-U-69 was for the back lot of' the property upon which the Moose I,odge would be constructed. Minutes of the Planning Commission Ju1y 28, �96g PC-18 80,000.4 10-U-6g cont'd page 7 Commissioner Buthenuth suggested that this matter be postponed until such time as the zoning is approved and until the applicant can produce a development plan with an indication of where the proposed swimming pool is to be located. There were no audience comments. Commissioner Buthenuth moved to deny Application 10-U-69, Com¢nissioner 10-U-69 Irwin seconded. denied Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Puetz, Buthenuth Noes: Commissio�er Hirshon Absent: Commissioner Frolich Chairman Hirshon stated that his dissenting vote had been cast because, in his opinion, the Lodge was a good use providin� that the swimming vote pool be located in such a manner as to not disturb the adjoining resi- clarified dences, but that the service station would not be a good use. Commissioner Buthenuth moved to request the City Council, by minute order, to return this application for further review should it receive request for approval at the City Council level. Coaunissioner Irwin seconded and it re-study was passed unanimouslyo B. Application 1-TM-69: Sutter Hill Development Company; Revised 1-TM-69 Tentative Map, 25 acres southeasC corner of Homestead and legend Stelling Road. The application was briefly discussed. Commissioner Buthenuth moved that application 1-TM- be approved as revised and with the same condi- 1-TM-69 tions as the previously approved map. Commissioner Irwin seconded. approved Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Frolich There was no new business. Commissioner Irwin moved for adjournment, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed unanimously. The meeting ad�ourned at 10:30 p.m. � ad�ournment APPROVED: �) �_ �. ATTEST: Jack T. Iiirshon Chairman PLANNING COMMISSION i �� . Senior Planner