PC 06-09-69 CT'�Y OF �UU�ERTL-NO� ���te cf L�liforni�, 1�300 Tox°r� Aven�x� Cupe��,�r�o� California g50:14 Phonee 252��+5�5 PC-15 80, 000 . �+ NL�NUTE i OF TH� REGULAR Nf��TING OF TH� PLAIdNING CONIMISSION HELD �� 9 ��9�9 �N �x� cotrNC�� cx�,r�Exs 9 CITY HALL„ CUPERTINO 9 CAL7FORIVIA The meet�,ng w�.� ca�1�d �o ord�r �,t 8o0G pema by Vic� C�hairman Puetz, who call. to orde� sub��q,u�nt,�r ���1 �he ��s�mbl�,ge in the f��,g s�1�z�t�. fl�.g salute Co�ni���,or��r� p����r°it a I�r�.n ($ 0�.0 p.m. � B�zth�nu�h Frol�ch� Pra.et�. A1�o presente S�ra�or Pl�nner L�uuz°in� Gi°ty At�orney Ancl�rson; Assi�tant Planner Eng; Di��c��� of P`��1�� i�lo�°ks �ar•borou�h.; Recor�.�ng Seer���ry Lucie M. roll call Ma,tzley'. Commi�sion�r �'x°olich mo�red for appx°ov�a1 of° �he min�.te� of May 12� �969 minutes Commission�r B�a���na�� :��conde� and it �v�,s p��sed �un�nimously. approved Commis�ioner Bu mo�r�d �hat �he approv�� of the minu°tes of the May 26 1959 ���tin� �� po�tponed to the ne� regul�.r meeting> Commissioner �,pproval Froli�k� ����ndecl and i,� wa� p�ssed u�n�nimo�sly. postponed There w�re rYo �nno�ar.��men�� of postponem�nt�, nor were there �ny writ communicat�ons. Mrs. Sam�uel Br�d.l.yn of 2234�+ R�v�r��d� Dx°�.ve �ske�. the Commissioners for a cl�rif�c�.�ion of° t,�i� cond.�t,icn� �p��ed �zpon Mr�. Ke�ter horse r�.nch opera�ione M�°�> B�°adlyn repo�°��d �h�,t f°or the p�,s ten days th� horses complaint h�,d rem�ined on t�h� pre��e� �n�. no m�,nure had been coll�c�ed. registered Senior P��.n�er I��ux°in s�ges�ed th�t Mr�. Bradlyn approach the City Council by lett�r �tat�.ng i��r coanpl��n� �nd °both �he Senio�° P�anner and �the Director of Fubli� Wor�k� °���.�����r�� to �dvzse th� Chief Build�.ng In�pector of this Ordin�„nc� °��ol�.�s.or�. Public Hearin�� A, 1.��Tl�im690 vJ�r�. Cramp Developm�nts Inc. o Tentativ� Map, 11.6�+ acres 12-TM-69 �oe�.t�� e�.�t �n�l �f Palm A�r�nu� betw�en Blackb�rry F�,rm �nd the legend �i�r�� r�nch. F�rs H�ax°ing. Vice Ch�.i�°m�,n P�u��� point�d ou� ���t �. l�t��r h�d been r�ceived by the Centr�.l F�re Pro���t�ion D�.st�°ic� and asked if Mz^, C��unp wa� �ware of th� lett�r. NTz°. C��;zm.p �.n�w��° w�� in the aff�.rmative �.nd he st�.��d that the ultimate si���lopa��n� wo=.zld need - to be appx°oved by t,he Fire D�strict but presentation that h� do�1�°�e� °��h�,t �he p�o�ram ��zgg�sted by th�m would be the final one o Mr . Cr�.unp asked �h�.� t�� �: �r��at iv� map b��ppro��d � ab j��t to f inal appro�ral. by t�i� Fix^� D�,�1�rict so �th�� t�he �ppl.icant may negotiate an equitabl� �ol�z�ioa�e Senior P7.ann�� L�,�r�:�ra ���. th�.°t from the P1ann�.ng Department's point of view th��°E w��°e no c� j��� ��ns �o �n �,ppx°oval on th�,t bas is . Dire ctor of Publ.ie Wo�°k� ��,rb�o��u�h ��.11ed a�tention to the �.etter from the Flood staff report Control Di�tric°� ����° clat� of May 29 1969 in which the foll.owing is poin�ecl ou� o page 2 M�nutes of th� Planni.n� Ca�,�rr�1 � vion J���.ne 9 �96q PC-15 80,000.4 12-TM-69 ��snt'd 1. �tha� a�o°tal 120 � right of w�.y �ao;zld be �.c��^ptab�� anci th�t a 90' ri�Y�i� of° taay b� �l�c��ea°�ecl �o ��e D� str�c� in fe�, w�z� 15' access easemen�� �n �ac]� �ide for �ine F�ood Cc.ntrol Did���.�� which might a��o b� u��ei by �h� Fi�°� Di�tr3. �t�. Th�� �°�r��p �� b� maintained su�gested cle�r �.r�� o���n �.nc� �.va�� �°b1� fo� maint�nar�.:f p�po�e�; conditiors ?, �h�,� ���dln�v��.::� nff �L�x,:��-.Boai.e�rar�i b� m�d: ��a��able to re�ch �h� F��oc� Con�rol. �a��ir��n?�� 3. MY°. �arbo�re�ug�h s�g�s��� t�n�°t �n �.pp�°o°�ai be m�d� ecnt,ingent �pon the app�.i�ant pr�atr�,�3�.n� an �a��ment of° aat 1��.�t �0 to �he acljacent prop�r�y t� �,�e nc�r��i �.� ���°t sam� �� no�, ��pa�^a��cl from street access; �+. also� t�°.a� t�e pri�rat� re��,� wit��°ai,n t1�e 3e�r�l.opmen� be con�tructed to City st�.ncl�r�� �� �h� ��+�sf�,:.�icn of ��� P�ublic Work� Dep�.rtment. Mr. Ward st���d t�.?��� �� di.c� no�, �ai�� �tc :.��r� �he e���men� Yoc�t�d at this time as °�he map �c��x�.d b� �gpr��r�^d w��h �3x� ��°� �� s i�n ���.�t the proper°t � es ment ioned shall hav� �n �.�eq,^a�t;� ��,s�m�n� t,o �h�:�r ���� �.s �,his ma��er n�ed� further study. Mz°. Craxmp f�r�he�^ ���zgg�s��r� t�a� h� h�.ci off�r�d °�o �.�here to a condition 5. t�at t�n� prop�s�� g�x��� p�,�°k��� �g�,c�� �� i:ncre��ed by �:,�n to a total of 38 and t�Z�.t �,f°t��° on� �ear �as l.�.p��d amd �h� park�:�� is found to b� inadequate, 1�� ����.1 pr��r:��� �°�r f�::x°t�e�° pa�°k:�n�9 Ci�y Attorney �#nci���on i� ��t�n� ��1�� 0�°�lir��nc� r�q�u�r�rr�8�nts� a�ked that a further� conditi�n be in��.u���.� a,� a 6. ����t dee� �e���ric��,on� �� f�l�� w�°th ���� Ci�� ���,ti�g t�iat "there sha7�3 be no mo��.f`�c�.��.:.�:�� ��r�i����a� ����� �ons�nt of th� C��y' so that th� p�°op��� owne�� ��nnot ��i��.n��� s;��i� r�stx°:.�t�cr�� �a G��ou�: �1�� C�.°�� kno°w�.r�g a'bo��a� �am� . The appl�c°ant; ��at��t ��r�.� �� wo��� h�,�� no ��j��t�on� °�� ��� eond�tions as sug�es r�y t�t:� �taf°f° no�^ th� ���,���°�rn��t� a� di�°�a�:�cl �y t1�e Ordin�nce and th�� he would ad�ere �ca b�o��a When V'ic� Cha��n Fu��°t� ��,�l.�d f�� �.�a�i�ne� comm�nt� � on� member asked that audience the City �,x�,ran��� t,1�� �dj�c�n� pr��p�x°ty o�ane�°� ���.� ��� e�.semen� would prevail comments if the adjo�.ns.n� ���xs �r���i �o c�����op t���:�r ��.�� a� �om� f'�.i�ture d�t�; also, that �gr��� an� in�x����� of s�xffi�:���� w���k� b� p�°��r�ci�c� by the d��reloper. Gonsid�r�abl� d��c��sion ensued on �h� ���1�j��'�. T�� Comm���ioners fel�, that the applic�.nt h��. ��o�,�.zn��ex°ed to p���s�� a�(� f°or �t;h� adjoining property owne�°s wk�Yi,��i �,� ����,��.nly m���e ��an �� ir� �x����nce at t�is time, �.nd that th�e �udiem�� m�m���° �oald not e�p�c� �'�ie develop�r °�o p�ace full,y developed Cit� str���s fo�° ��� b�nefi,t �f �1�� �,3jo�nin� pr�per�y owners. City At�ox°ney A�aders�n ca�u�t�.oned �ha� �. p����.b�� f�t�ure �pp�ication by some other 'dev��op�r c�u�� n�t b� cc�n�i���°��. �°� ��,i� �tim�� was not �. par�t of this counsel'a application �nsl t��,� °��he Ci�y ��tix:,�.d no� mak� �n� �uch comm�°tments as was bein� opinion asked by the aucli�n�� m�mber. Upon �'�e %n��,�t�;nce of the a�udience member City � c r_v ,°.�:�y Anc�e�°�on s�,���d t��nat �1�� ���v� p�^��ri�l� t�h�.t prdperty owners reach an agreem�nt amon� �t�a���l�•�� �n ���em�ra� �,latte�°s and t;�a�t tF�i� wa� not �. sub�ect for di�cussion b�r �h� P�.�nn�ng ��mmi��ion0 �� w�.s Mx°. Ande�°son's opinion that, if a 20 e�sement is s�zffic��n� for tk�� F�r� D�stx°ict a 20 ��semen� should certainly be suffi.cient for four p�op��°ty own�r�; al.��� �tha.t the easement which Mz°. Crizmp consented to pr�v%�1e wa� m°uch more th�,n ��.� in exis�ence now. Minul�es o�° t.�:� F��.�x��.n� C�:mmi���on PC-15 80 , 040 . �+ 12-TM-69 c�nt, 8 �t Page 3 The �n�.i�r�ci�z�.� �o�r�a���on�x°� �a�r�����. ���ir� c�pinion� b� wh�c�a ���. eon- cux°red �a��� t�� cp:�n�e�n� �,� ���.ted `by tlh� Ci�� 1��.�torne3r Comml�si�r�r� ��°a�.l��� zr���d� C�m�r����:�o���° 3rwy� s���nd�d �n� �t wra� pas��d p. h. unanimo�i� �o clo�� ��� p�abi�.c ���r�ng�. closed Cornm1���;,:;Y:.=_�� ��va�� mo4��:� fo� �.�pr°���1 �f 12���ImF�g �a�°�ir� t�h�� 12 ���n�i�rcl l�-TM-6 Condi�i�n� pla� �.�a. �;"�,��� �on���G�on� �� �:c�w�a� �n ��.�; of`f°sc�.a� �eceard. Co�nis�ir�n�� F��o�i�� ��c�r���rio Aye� o C�mz�����,on�:�°� ��°w�.n� �'��o���� � �x��� Noes o Corrur.���r,or�e�r �a���n�?�=� Ab�en�t o �orrazr:�,���.ox���° �Ii��T��z� B. 1,�m`TMm�90 �or°g� �, Bon�ci��i9 �cnt���v� N1�p (I�ot Sp���) loc�t��i 13-TM-69 n�r�,� ���.� of Scof���.d Dri.�r� 1oe�w��n Bonny and i������n Dr��r��, legend F%�°�� �I��.�°ixag. Mr. Geox°g� �ar�aa���.Yi �����rd�,�� �:�� �g�p����.t��n ��a�in� ���.� �,�i� ��°i�inal�,y su`bm�t��d 1.0� ���.�.�, x�e���a��� f�r t;���� p�.x��:��� Y�a� ���n r���z��3 �o �. r�que�t presentatior. �,o sp�it �wc� p�.�c���o T��r� �re�°� ,no ����c�t�an� �rc�.�e�cl b� ���.ff. I Comm.is�ion�r �u���ra��x�� m�a�°��� �'oannY����.on�r �r�a�� �ec�nd��. �,nd iit w�� p�.ss�d p. h. un�n�.mou�l,y �o ��1��� °�r.� pu���c Y����°�,��. closed Commi��i����° Ba�`���i�ai�a� moY��� f°or ap���c�r�.T �f Appl��°�,�iox� :��m�NC��9 w�°��n 13-TM-69 the 12 5��.�a�.�.�� ��n���:�.on�o ���m����..���: �:rwi�z ����n3��1. Ayes s C�:mrrb����o��r�� I�r��� �'�°o��cr., ��a���enut�� 1'�aet�2 Noeso Non� Ab�ento Coana�����an�r H��°��on C. ��il_ G��f°��n �. ��i�mp�on9 �I�.� ianc� to p�rmit basketball back- 4-V-69 k�o�.r�d in f�°��� �*��°c� �f ���:�� Monrc��r��. S�reeto Fir�� He�,ringo legend M�°e Thomp��an p�^���n�±���. ��� �,ppl���.�,��n �.n� �t�,���1 t��.� �� �ad install�e� t�e pole� f�� °��� ����k�°�b��1 ���k�a�.r�i �.s °���,� �.� th� �,c�,a�.�, bo�rcl wi�hout havin� b��� �.���.�� ��° �k�� f'a,c°� �,Y�at ��i� w4��xlc1 f°�.1�. wi°thin t�he jurisdiction of the �'�.anni�ng Coznmys�i�ns He ���� ��c�.�,��. �`��.�t t'h� pole� h�.�d been in- presEritation stalled �n �uck� �. fa��i�on �,h�,� ���� edul�i xa�t po���,��ly - ��ppl� over and in�ur� �,nyo�� e Oz� �`t�� ����� �f al���.dy h�,�rzng gon� �t� �h� expen�e of in- stall�tioz�� �I�°e `T��mpson p���.el `��,�d��iFa Seniox P��,���° I�a��z���n g,�zo��d �, 1����r� f'x°om t�ie CY��.ef Bu�l�ling Inspector� quest�.on�ng w;s����Yer �,�r��� wr�.� �.ny ha�����p �n�eal�r�c� m�,king - �he �pp:licants situation ��f°f°���r�t f°�°um c����x°� ��ne� sa<.� �i:�t an �,ppr��t�1. of this nature staff report :n�brit ���. �. p�°���sl��� w��ch the Ci,�� woul.c� no�, wan�. Mrs. Go�°r1on va�i� �t�,��d. tha� �h� �.i�ed acro�� ��e �t�re�t from °�he applicant, st�ted tha°� �'�� �a�� mo�t, d�..��nek��n��d wi�h ��� pol.�s anci theix° tznattractive �ppearanc� �.n� ����� � n�er of ri��g�hbor� h�,cl obje�te�d �o the poles but Iopposition th�t b�c�,�s� �f o��e� eomm��men�s - �I�e res� of t;he oppo�ing n�i�l�ors were no°t in �� t�en�lan�� s��co�°�ing t� M�°� . Go�°don� �h� neighbor� �re very m�uch opposed �o �e��encl�,ng `b�.�k:: t�ails l�ndin� in their land�eapin� in an area which i� w�l.� kept �nd �°��r1�/ expen��.v�e page 4 Minut,e ���' `h� �l�nnin� �o;nmi��ion �une 9 �969 PC-15 80, 000 . �+ �+ con�' � Commissione�° B����nath mo�re�� ..; �mi�sicn�r Tx°win �ecc�nd�d ancl it was p. h. pas�ed unan�mou�ly �� ��o�� ��n� publi� h��ring. closed Commissioner� Brxtkienuzh ;����. �,� �i�n�r App�.���t,�,on �+-�I- on t�h� grounds 4-V- that no �iax�ds�i�p �i�.� b��n d�mcn��ra�tee� on ���e F�rt of �h� �pp�.�eant . denied Commission�r� ��a-�n ��c��ia���lo Ayes a Comm����..�n��� ��+ain� �`�o�ic�i� B�zt�i�ntxt,:�� Pue�� Noeso Nmnc �1b����1� o Comm����c�n�� Hix���i�n Vice Ch�,��m�.n �ix�t� �,��r���� ��� app���.�.n� �tlzat �h� �pplica°tion wrould be b�fore �h� ��.t�y C���a;l �.�t ����� ne��c� mee�ing, D. 15��-690 ��.t�r o�° Cupe�°t��.no9 Re�oninb fr�..: CG R1-�0 R2-�+.25i 15-Z-6 ancl R3�2,� �� ��� Rl-�.0� R2-4o��:: and R3-2o2 (in order to le�end �l�.r�f°�r ��h� 1���nda�°i.�� b��w��n �xisting zones ) west� of Saratoga- S��r�,:�� Ro�.� 'b��wr�en S�ev�n� Cx°�ek Bo°izle�rax°d and McClellan Ro��. F�,r�� H�ar�n�. By the �zs� o�° �. m�p� S�nior P��.nn�r Laur�n expanded on a previou�ly sub- �itt�d m�mo�°a�d�a t� �,�� Ccmmi��aon�r� by w�ich ��� Gzty wish�s �o rezone certain px°op��°�y �n o�°c��� ��a make zoni.ng bound�.ries co�ncid�e with propert;y line� and t��x� ����� mi���xnd��°���nzling� �nd oth�� d�fficu�ties. The staff zoning c�ang�,� ���� ���n pr�pax°�d by� and ��.u��tised at the cost of, the presenta+�.on City o� C�aper��n� �nc� a�� pr��p�e��,�r o�ane�s �,n�olvec�. h�,ve been adv�.�ed by mail. There w�r� �o �.�c�i�n�� comments. no comments Commissione�° Ir�wi� m�v��l� Gommis�ionex° �SUtAi� :u�ri seconded to close the p. h. public hea�°�ng� o closed Commi.s�fon��° I�°°w�.n mo�r�ci ��iat Applica�i�n 15-Z�69 be appr�ov�d as listed 15-Z-69 on the agenda and on �h� map. Commi��ione�° F'rolich s�conded. approved Ayes o Comm����..o��r� Ix°ww�n� F�°ol.ich� Bu�henut�, P;���,� Noes: Non� Ab�ento Gomm��si�ne� Hix°shon Unfinish�d �u�in��� A. �O�Z�690 i�T�x°d C�°ump D�ve�opments� Inc. o Rezonin� from �ingle- 10-Z-6 fam�.�.y r�s�,dent�i�,l 7�500 �q.f�. 1o°ts �R1-7.5) �o �in�lemfamily legend c1,us���° r���d�nt��.l 6 9 000 sq.fto per dwelling unit (R1C-C), l�, �,�r��� ����,°��d ���� end of Palxn A�r�nu� b�tw��n Blackberry F�rm an� t�� �i���e R�,nch, , City At°to�°ney Anc�er�an �,clvi��d that t;�ie Ci�y Council had x°evers�d the previous P�anning �omm�s��on cl�nia,l of t�is applicatzon �,nd that it had statement been ret,urned to th� Pl�nnir�� ��mmi,�sion for the�r re�omm�ndat�ion and by counsel p�acement of° �ond:��i�n� . Commissione�° Bu�t�enut� moved tY��t ��e Ci.t;y C:vuricil be advised th�.t the 10-Z-69 P].ann�ng Comm�,���on ha� r��v�.ew�:: L��� :�aa�°�er anfl report� b�.ek w�.th no Coriditions recommenda��on� �°����° °�h�.n t,�� condit,ions i�posed upon �h� ag�rav�.1 of imposed the Tentat���°� Mapa �oanm�s�s.on�x° Tx°win seconded and it wa� p�.�sed unanimou�ly. i�I:�nut�� of ��ri� P:l�,ran:�ng C�mmi��ion June } �.��9 PC-15 80,000.4 Unfini�h�c� ��z;�inE�� �on�'d Pag� 5 B. 8� Z���� �nd�u���ia� Ox°�in�,n�.e 81,00�+.122 legend The Comm��sion��� a���� ���,� t�� fo�ur��i ���ft ��xbm�t�t�d by �h� �enic�r° P�anne�° �� �;�p�d �.n�. �l�li�r�r�c1 t�o ���m b�for�� t]h� ra��t �°�gu1a�° meet%ng fc�^ �°ecomin�nc��,��..�n t,� �h� C��;y G�unci�� �,ncl ��I�zz ::�pi�s b� made avail0 x°equest ab1.� �o ��A:� F��l�,�. c. ���025.4� 81,025.�+2 The Ci��r At��o�°n�� �ubmi:tt��l � m�morandr�sn �n an�w�r �,� P��nin� Gommi��ion Re�c�l.ut;�on N�, 65�, �hich �ef°��red to him a que�t,i�n aho�t �h� l�gal. aspects of �. ����e of a p�.�°kin� �.�t. Commis��,on�x° ��°rain mo�r�c� Comm����oner F�°o1�.c� seconde� �„ncl it w��.� pa�sed unanimou�l� �o not�f°3r th� Po�t �ff��� �.nc� �,1�� �' Union Chux°�h �o request to �ub��t t�h���° :���3i�r�du�1 or �o�nt �ppl.�.ca����� f'�r an��n��n� of t��ir Use �PP�Y Per�ns.t ( s)�,� p��°m�.t; th� pr�po�ed p�,�king o Th�re w�,� no n�w bu��n���. Co�ni��ion��° ��z�lh�s��xth mov��l f'�r �.�l�o�z�°nzn�n�� ��mmi.s�ion�r �z-�r�,n �ec�nded and �.t w�� p�,���cl izn�,nimo�x��y. Th� m��� �,ng �,�1� �uz°n�� �.t 9 0�+5 p.m e �,d j ournment �,pprov�d o f _,.-- � �.-- -- ATTES� o "� � ��°� � iT�ce-� man PI�ANNIP1r ���,``�'� 1 r ,7a`I�''I' _ ��G� ��� sen��� P�����