PC 05-26-69 CITY OF C'E3PERTINO � State u.f Ca�ifornia
10300 Torre Avenue� Cupertino, Califoxni�. 95014
Phone. 252m�505 PC-14
80, 000 . �+
The meeting wa� called to order �.t 8000 p.m. by Chairm�.n Hirs�on, who call to order
subsequen� ��� t�h� assemblage in th� fl�g s�,lute. flag salute
Commissioner� px°esen But�enuth, Puetz, Hirshon. Absento Commissioners
Irwin �nd Fralicho A1so presento Senior Planner Lau�in; Assistant
Planner En�; Di.rector of Public Works Yarborou�h; Recordin� Secretary roll call
Lucie M. M���ley.
Commis�ioner Pf�.etz moved to continue approval of the minutes of May 12,
196g -�o the nex� regul�.r meetin�. Coimnissioner Buthenuth seconded and approval
it was p�s��d unani,mou�lyv postponed
Senior P��nner Lauri.n advis�d the Commi�sioners that th� applicant for
Application 12m�M �iaa. requested �. continuanc� of the hearing until
such time as a d.eeis�on has been mad.� on the zonin� of sub�ect property.
Commissioner Bu�'h�nu�� moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was 12-TM-69
passed unan�mou�ly� to autY�orize the continuance as requested, continued
TYie Senio�° P1.�xan�r �.l�o �dvised t;h�t he was in receipt of � protest
from �h� O�kd�ll Raneh Iiomeowners Associ�tion voicing opposition to
the rezoning to pl.�nned Dev�lopment for commerci�l us� at the north-
west cox°ner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Stel.ling Roade Mr. Laurin written
suggested �h�t th� prote�t be filed until such time �s the hearing for protest
t�at m�.t�er woul.d come before this Commission. The Commissioners con-
cu�°red e
There wrer� no oral communic��ionso no orals
i'ublic H�ar�ings
A, 8-iJm69v Mx�, S�ell� Kester; Use Permit for st,able and 8-U-
ridin� �c�,de�y for �hi�°ty hor�es in an agricultural - legend
recreational zone 18 acres loc�ted at 10850 Stevens
C�.nyon Road. Fi�°st He�.ring eontinueds
Mrs. Kester pr��en �he applic�.tion stating that she had been unable
to contact Perman�nte in connection wi�'h a request for �.n e�sement to
allow �er h�rs�s to �et °to the park but that sh� had �rave doubts that
such permis�fon �oul�l be fort�comin�o Mrs, Kester �,lso stated that presentation
she had receivecl an indication from the Cupertino Sanitary District by
which the ehemic�l toilets on her property would be allowed. Mrso Kester
s�.id that, at, pre�ent, �he was d�sirous of pasturing and boarding
horses only but, that �he might wish �o lease t�e riding acaden�y at some
lat�°date; howev�r, tk�at s`he would need to secure a permit before she
could proceed wi�h any type of negotiations or improvements on the site.
page 2 Minutes oi the Pl�nning Commission May 26 196g PC-14
Application 8mU-69 cont'd
The Commissioners quer�ed if Mr�s. Keste� had read and was in complete
�greement wit� �he conditions as �uggested by the Senior Planner to be
p�aced ag�in�t the application; the applicant answered in the affirmative.
discus- Senior Planne� L�urin rePorted that the Health Dep�rtment had concurred
sions in all cond��ion� �s �uggest�de Also tha� toilets would be under the
ju.risdiction of t�e �ealth Department a� well as the City's Buildin�
D�partment; �nd �e doubte� th�t chemical toilets could be approved.
When Ch�irman Hirshon c�lled fo� audience comments, Mrv W�rren Weintraub,
Mrs. Robe�t Humpk�r�y� Mz°s. Beverly Weintraub and Mrs. Sam Bradlyn asked
audience questions rela�ive t,o the propos��l loca of the grazin� horses, the
comments need to decx°ease or elimina�e �n�uin� odors, and the routes riders and
their horses would take to g�� °�o the County parka Al1 questions were
answered by ��Gaff and by the Commis�ioners.
P• h• Commissioner Pu�tz mo�red, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was
closed passed unanimou�ly �,o c:Lo�e the public hearin�.
8-U- Commissioner Pu�tz moved to a,p�irove Application 8mU-69 subject to the
approved conditions as ��t forth in the Senior Pl�.nner memorandum under date of
May 1 �96g w�.th condition #7 to specifically state ". o connected to
the sewe�° �ystem o�° to � septic ��,nk will be �.vailable .. o' Commis-
sioner Buthenuth s�condedo
Ay�sm Coznmissioners But,henuth Puetz, Hirs�on
Noeso None
Ab�ento Commis�ioner�s Irwin ancl Frolich
3-v_69 B. AppTicati�n 3-Vm690 Kev�n Mo McCarthy; vari�.nce to reduce
legend re�idence rear yard setback to 14 feet from required 20 feet
at 10�+g0 Oak�rille A�renue, First Heaxing.
M�°e McCart� made t�e pr�esentation statin� that the �i�e of his family
includin� f��� ehil�i�°en ne��s�atated the addition�.l space �nd that he
present- wa� pl�nnin� on �ncr�a�ing t�i� siz� of the present bedroam�''to allow
ation for t,wo �arg��° be�.roomse Furthe�°� that the existin� sideyard was except-
ionall�r larg� and would not inconv�nience �his neighbors, none of whom
had voiced �ny o�jec��ons to h�� pl�n.
Senior Planne� Laurin reported �that, the requested variance was slight but
also �ha�t th�: �pplicant wrould be ab1.e to �tay within the allowable Ordinance
staff set-back widt� if`Yie wer� to plan �h� propos�d con�truction slightly
report smaller, Th� Comm�sioner� discu��ed that such � variance could possibly
set � pr�c�d�n'� for� ot,hex°s �.nd ���� har°dship sh�uld be indicated before
such approva� �ould be given,
P• h• Commissioner Buthenuth moved� Commi.ssioner Puetz seconded and it was
closed passed unan�mously to close th� p��:l:� �c he�ringv
Min�at�� o�' �� P1 ��r:.�� � �;r��:^'.s: ..��n ��Iay �E, �Q�� PC-l�+
` 80, 000 . �+
Appl�;a�tic7ri ��C�s69 �(�r� pa�e 3
Cor.imissi�ner I3ut�:�r��th mov�d th�t Appyication ?-V-c� b� approve� with 3-V-69
the 12 S��nd�rd C�nditions defining �h�t �.pprc�v4.?- '�>a; �:iver� bec�°��� approved
of the app��.c�.nt � s p�cu��ai i3�� la�^g� sic:e yarc w3�tri, ��cau�� �herc
have b�en no �bj�ct:;.ons b� ��is n�ighbc�� �,nd becaus� r�asonable
jus�ifica�tion w�s ind�.c��;ed fcr i,ncr��asing the si�e �¢' the� bedrooms
due to the �iz� of th� applicant far.lilyo Comm�ss�o:ies� Pu�tz seconded.
Ayes: C�mmi�s�.�n��°s Buthenuth, Fu�e�z, Hirshnn
Noes o �tcne
Absento Commi�sicn�� �rwin and Frolich
C, Appl.ica�ion �.O -�M-�69 0 Cupertino �iil�s Swim an�. Racquet Club 10-TM-6
Tent�tiv� Map, �outhw�st corner of �ae Lane and extension legend
c�' Linda Vi.sta Dr�ive. First Hearing.
Mr. Rog�.. Higdon apa�ogized for Nir° y H�nderson irh� �rra:: ana:ble to attend
the meetsng and pr��ent�d th� applicationo
Senio�c P�.anner Laur�in reported th�t t�iere were ro �lann�ng pz°oblems but
that an adjustm�nt in �Y�e ali�nm�ni of Rae LanE was n�c��sary on the
revised mapo Di�ector of Pub7ic Works Yarborough corroborated Mr.
Laurin sta�ement ir_�?�c�.ting tha`. a postponement of the application staff
would be w�rrant�d affordin� the Public Works Dep�,r�,ment an oppnrtunity reports
to re�riew th� ���gnm�nt of Rae Lan� particularly �n regard to an
existing bui�ding acrass the �tr��t<
ComYnissione� B�.t�ienuth asked th�� t�e cond�t±ans imposed upon the Use
Perm�t be m�.c�� avai7.a�ble to th� Commissicners �'o�: �h�ir peru�al and request
th�,t the st�ff t�� pe�°m�itted t� make recommendations after having
reviewed the mapo
Mr. Dave C��,zYdler Chair�man of° tne Faci�ities G�m���t; o�' the Swim and
Racquet Clu�, ��at�d �h��. this appZication Y:ad enc�?°ar:��red m�.ny a delay
and th�,t t:me wa� of` the essence. Further, th�t al.l cond�tions of the
Use Permit had. be�n carEfully a��ere�d �o and th�,t d:;scu�sions had taken
place wi�h staff in connection with the alignr.�ent of Rae Lane. It was applicant's
the applicant �agg�st,�on t�iat ��e tentativE map be approved with the statements
condition that, it shoul� �eceive pripr �.pproval of t�e Public Works
Department so that �t :least the Building Permit could be requested and
no addition�l ti,.:� l�s�.
Discussion ensued on the pr°opos�a sale of �he lots �,djacent to the Swim
and Racquet Club and it was poin�ed �ut that the City Counci� had imposed
addition�,� condi,tions ag�.in�t t,k�is applica these conditions shall discussion
also be m�de av�iZabl� f.-o the Commissioners.
WhenChairman Hirshon asked for audience comments, Mr. JoE Evulzch asked
about the pa�°kin� f�cilities which had originally been proposed and
was concerned that an anticipated sale of some of the property would
enda.nger t�he requested number of parking spaces. The Chair assured audience
the audience member that the applicant was required to adhere to the comments
conditions as set fortk� and that t�e audience member would be supplied
with a copy of tk�ese conditions for his information.
page �+ Minutes of t:�� Plannirig Commis�ion May� 26, 1�69 PC-14
80, 000 . �+
Application 10-�2�l-6�? con�
p. h. Commissioner Buthenu�Ch moved� Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was
closed passed unanimous��r to close the public �earing.
10-TM-6 Commissioner But�enut� moverl that ppplication 10-TM-69 as revised be
approved approved, �ubjec� t�o �he 12 Standard Conditians, and that additional
revis�on b� sub��ct to �.pp�oval by �he Public Works �epa�°tment and
that such revis�d tentative map be fil.ed with the City's Planning Department.
Cor.�missionei Puet� �econded.
Ayeso Commi.ssioners But�ienuth, Puetz, Hirshon
TJoes ; None
Absent: Commissioners Irwin and Frol�ch
recess Chairman Hirshon called a recess at 9010 p.m.
The meeting r�conv�ned at 9e25 p.m.
14-Z-6 D. �ppl�cat�ons l�+m�-69fl�-TM-69t Ditz-Crane; Rezoning 4.29�+ acres
11-TM- 9 f°rom �::ngle-family residential 10,000 sq.ft. lots (R1-10) to
legends single-f�,mily residen�ial 7,500 sq.ft. lo�ts (R1-7.5); Prezoning
3.631 �cr�� fr�om th� County residential 10,000 sq.ft. lots
�R1-1.0� to single�family rESide:�tial 7,500 sq.ft. lots (R1-7.5);
and Tenta�ive Map �pproxim�tEly 1.8.78 acres at south of Junipero
Ser�°a Freeway and east of So�z�he�°n Pac�fic Railroado First
matters Commissione�° 1'uetz mo�recl, Commis�ioner Buthenuth seconded and it was passed
combined unanimously to combin� the �earin�� of both applications0
Mr. Ditz made t•�� present��ion and s��t�d that h� and Mr. Buzz Schulte from
MacKay & Somps would stanc� ready to an�wer any questions the Commissioners
mi�ht have.
Senior Pl�nner Laurin expanded on � p�°eviously sub mitted memorandum to the
Commissioners �,nd re�te�°ated th�t the Director� oi' Parks and Recreatian
Parham had concux°recl with the �ugg�stion �hat the PG&E strip of land be
u�iliz�d �.s a playground facili�y, if possible m Fur�her�, that meetings
staff had been held w�th xep.resen�atives from - the Fremont Union High School
report Distric� and �,he Cupertino Union School District �luring which w�.lking
distances to �chools ��,d been discussed, the l�,tter district would submit
a statement �.` a l�.ter time e Aeco�°ding to DZx°. Laurin, there were no
problems wit� the zonin� �,nd that �e tenta�tive map indicated only minor
problems which could e�.sily be resol�red.
Mr. Ditz st� that he ��d rEad t'he request for public access from the
agreement street to the P�&E area and that 1�e was willing to accept the suggestions
and accordingly mak� the adjustments in t�e final map.
Director of Public Works Yarbox°ou�h paint,ed out that a certain parcel was
statement not included in the original map and that the applicant should share in
the cos� for the installation of a regul�.ting sta�ion.
M�nute� of th� P1.��1��.�.� Co�m�.s��on M�y ?6� lj�� PC-l�
Applica�ion� ������9��1zT�-'9 cc����°d P��e 5
Some di�cus��on ���u�� c� t�i� ���j��� �n� �he �pp�ican� ag�eed th�t
�11 ma.tt��� ��� �e�� �i�cu���� °����. ��� ��p����r.��t�u�s �n� the statements
eng�.neex°ang �t�,�f �,n� t.�b�.t �.11 �Sagg> �t;�d ��nd�t�en� w�.a�.d b� m�� m
WIZ�n C�haix�n�.r� �I�� �..�.� � �� fcr. �,z��e�c� �or�m�nt�, �Ir:s � w�lt�r Keen
�.sked if �:��c'���ca�. u����ti�,� �c°a�� �:- �n��;a�1.��i �nd���rcansia She w��
so a���zr. �d a Ni�° a R � D o K��r x t���r �t �� �d that ��ie P� ���3 p��opo��c� audience
for a p7aygraund �„ra�, �r�,� r��� l�r`� en�ag� to F�°r��r�3� �°ur� � ba�eball comments
fi�e Senzo�° P:L�.nne:� a����� t.t��� ���� ��n� �r�,� t�� ��.��r.ow �a �l.low �.
ful� �i��.d ��.�e��.�:L f���`ls b�ut ��.a� �c;�� �.��a� if i� co�x1�1 b� leas�d, �tatement
would be b���t�x� �&�ar: ne p�.�°k cn P�a�gr�unc3. at �.1�0 by staff
Commis�ion�� �u��a�n�+at� �ya��est�d ��at the Git�r m�gh°� wi�� �o acquire
lo�� 22 �,ncl �3 �r�m ��� ���r�lop�r �n;d� �om�inecl �rith the P� l�nd, suggestion
provi�l� �, ��r�g�x� ar�� f�r� a p�.��ko
Comm:i��ion�r �ut��n�z�� a���e�l� C�ar�r.=�; ��:n�� l�.i�t� ��con3��. �,nd �� was request to
pa��ed ��n�nru�ly �o gi�� m�r�a�� ox�3�r� �=. r��t i�� t:� �ppr�aa�,h the city council
Gity Couracil ���t� ���e��a��� �i�r� r�����:�°�� '���� pc�s�i�bi���t�r of �ueh ac-
qui�i��on f°�r� ��h� ���,��n� �tar��o
Nix. Di�� s����� ��a�,� l�� �a�°�:�d ��,�r�: r•r� ;��;,��:ctlons t:e ;:�I�.�ng ����e lots
�o t�i� Cit�r° l�°ui� �rc�iced. g�a���� �.�:�i�f�� *r�a� ��&� �ro9.z�c1 �:;���pr�+� �a making
�t� l�,nc3 ��r�.? ��b.�� ��� a ��c�°�a�, ��an��. �,r�ea a� �t �on�������. ��gk� wolt�.ge
po�r�� ���a�.r� �.z�� pc�:���� �.z��l �:h�°�, $ ���:x�. �x�y basm�ai:�. �� ����edl :�n th�.t doubts
�s°�a, ti�� b��l� ��a�� �a�t n�t� c�al�r ���� �i�a��t���I.��:i�n� b�xt ��� �ailroad expressed
t�°��k� a� �r�Il �� adja��r:t x���i��n�^�� v
Co�ni���on�x� �'u�t� mo�r�.�� ��mm����on�r But�i�nix�,� ��:��r�de�. �.nci it w�,� po h.
pa�s�d una.nimou��� to �:�ca�� �:h� �Sa�.��.:.: he�.ring. closed
Commi��ion��� ��°�� n���v��� to �pg��o°�r��� ��p�i�a��on ��+=��69, su�j��t to 14-z-6g
th� 1.� �tan��.r� Con�i� ic��a� ,�o�i�ti i�or��� ��+z#:,:��.nut� s�c e approved
A�r�� o Corn�i����n�r�� �u�.���a�r�� � Pu.�#;z ��Yir��ic�n
Noe� a �T���
Absent o �'omm�s�:�c�n��� I���� a��. �°��:i���
Gommis�ion�r �'ue�� mo���d t� app���r�, �1pp:l���.t�c�� ����1�i�69� �ubjec� to 11-TM-69
the 12 S�an�a��i ';ondi�ion� �rit� �o�cl�.ti��, 13� *��,� t�� �,pp:iic�,n� s"har�e approved
in. t:�� ���t c��° ��ie �°�quir�� ��g����ting �*�,�i�n �o °�� �n���.11�d to �he with
s�.ti�fac�ion �i ��1�� �ub��.� �To��� ��p�.r°tmen�; l�+o t��,t� if° �t�� City cariditions
decicies �o ��zt��i���: ��'�� �� �.�.n� �.� �, publ.ic pa�°�� a�ce�� b� provi,d�d
as � pr�x�t e�f �h� ������,�i�r� map; l�� r_��,� t;he a�e condi°ti�ns �.ppl.y to
- t�hi� °�enta�ti�� map �,s tk�o�e for �1pp1�.c�.tion ��+-�'M�68 urader c��t,e of
Decem°bex �.6� 1968. �ommi��ic�ner �ut�h�nut�h .�ecand�d.
Ayes o �omm�.���on�r� B�z�;h�nut�i� P�.i��z� Hir,shon
Noes o 1Von�
Abser°1°� o C��m:�s�iar�er°s �r°win �a�. F'�°ol.ick�
page 6 Miru��� of° t�� Pl�.nnri�n� Camm��� ion May 2� � 1.96g PC-14
80, 000 . �+
Pub�.�� .He���i�.g� cont,°�
Eo Appli��.ti.�n :12m�M-69
post- �his app.lic��ion �au pr��rio�si�r b��n gr�..nte�d a p�stp�n�m�nt �.� �he request
ponemen� of �n� �.ppl�c�,rzt:.
Unfini�i��c! ��z�in���
81,00�+.122 A. 8� Li�n In3u�tr°i�� Ordinanc�
Commis�iora�r� Pu�t� ih�,e� x°��eax°ch�d pr�bl�m� connec�ed wi�h T�gh� intensity
and. h�,d c�ic�a��� �, m�mo copi�s �f �ahich �ad be�n �.istx°ibu �� the
Senior P1�.nn�r ��,uuz°in �ubm���te�l a�°evi�ec� d�aft f o� frzr�ther changes in the
proposed Lig�i� Industr��l O�dinance a� a�°��ix�t of p�°�viou� study sessions
and Comm�s��oner F�.�t� memo. Di�eussion �nsu�d.
hearing Commissi.one�° B�xt;h�nut� mo�ed th�.t �, four�rh draf`t be �ubmi°t�ed at the next
scheduled me�ting f°�r t�� ge�°u��.� of ��e Comm�.��ioner� �,nd th�.�. �he T�ig�it Industrial
Ordin�,nce b� ��1��d�a��d f or p�zb�ic he�ir�gs on June 23 ��969 o Commis�ioner
Fuetz s�cond�d �,n� :��, wa� p�,s��ri �un�.n�mmou�ly .
New Bu�in���
15sZ-69 Ao App�ic�,tion 15���69� Intent �o initiate� �°�zon�,ng in order to
legend c��,rify bouncl�,r�e� - Gen�:��,� Commercza� �.nd Re�idential zones
Commi���<�n�� B�a�'k��nut�a g�.ve min�z�� o���r� apg�o�ual �� initi�.te saifl rezoning
intent and to d.ir�ct t�� :P1�,nn:�ng D�par�tment t,o advert�se and post same. Commis-
approved sioner P�x�t� s��on�l�d �,nd it, wa,� p�.ss�d un�.nimously�
Senio�° P��,nn�r �,a��� �epox°�ed t��,� the Cup�r�in� tJnion C�ur�h w�nted to
lease �ertain p�c�,�r��r to *h� adj�.cent Po�t Off3ce �,s p�.rk�ng facili�ies,
w.hic�i ma�r or m�y� no� ��c���i��.i�� �, cY�ange in �oning to commercial zoning.
matter Commis�ione� Fu.��z mave�� Comm��sioner� Bu�h�nuth ��conded and �t was passed
to un�,nunou�l�r to x°efe� th�.� ma°���r to the Ci�y Attorney °�o r�esearch the
counsel 1ega� ��p�c�s,
Senio�° Pl�,n,nn��° T�aur�n �,��o �epo�°��d on a�Le��er r�ceived by the County on a
possible rezonin� mat�er ib�f�r�� th�t �ody� Ac�ording to Mr. ��.u�°in, the property
�nnexm loca���l �.� �k�� ��ut�� �id.� of Homest��.d Road �o �he ea�t of Stelling Road
ation would �� sPr?��d ��r°��� Ci�y �torr.. dxain �ystem; acco�^dingly annexation
:�i�ht be r�quir�ele
Minutes of t,ri� P�.�.nning C�mmis�ion Ma�r 2�, 1�63 PC-14
New B�x�in��� c�nt'� P�ge 7
Gommis��oner Pu��z mo�r�d� Commi��ione�° Bu���nu�h ��cond�d �ncl i� was con��,ct
pa�sed un�nim�u�l� �o commun�cat� wi�h t.h� C�unt� �equ��ting th�t this w�t,h
pr�pe�ty no� b� ��zon�d at ��e Coun�y l��r�:l but f or�w�,�°d�d tc� �th� Cit;� county
c.f Cuge��i�� f°or ����oning a� i� �.nvol�t�a Cupe�tino �t,o�°m �r�,ins �n� requested
gene�°�.1 f�,c�.�i�ti�s,
!�omr.. �.-� �;;n�r Buthenu�h �noved f°o� �d,�our.nm��t � Commiss%on��° �aetz
secondeci �nd %t was pas�ed unanimo�xsly.
The me�ting �a�.� �le�l�,red �,djourned �,t :LOo�+O p.m. adjournment
� �<< � �� '
ATTESTo Jack �, Hir�hon
' Chai�°man
� l��t� C��� M
Senior Plann��°