PC 05-12-69 CITY dF CUPERT7N0, Stat2 v� California
10300 Tor�e A�enu� Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252�4505 � -13
HEI� MAY 12, �g6g zN � cotnvc�� ����xs � CIT� I3ALIL� CUPERTINO CAL.
The meetin� w�,s c�.11ed to order at 8�00 p.m. by Cha.irman Hirshon, who call to order
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. flag salute
Commissioners pre��nte �'rolich� Buth�nuth, Puetz, Iiirshon. Absentt
I Commissionex° Irwin. Also present: Gity Attorney Anderson; Senior Planner
Laurin; Assist�.nt Pl�.nner Eng; Director of Public Works Yarborough; roll call
Recording Secretary Lucie M. Matzley.
Commissuoner Puetz moved, Commi�sioner Frol�ch seconded and it was
passed by 3-J vate '�o appx°ove °�he minutes of April 28 lg6g Chairman minutes
H�rshon �bst�ined. approved
There were no �.r.:lo� ncL*nents of po�tponements .
no commu-
There we�e no or�,l or written communications. nications
Public Hea�°in�s
A. �1ppl.ication lOmZ-�9e Ward Crump Developments, Inc.; Rezoning 10-Z-6
from Single-family Residential 7,500 sq.ft. lots (R1-7.5) legend
�o Singlemfamily Clus�ter Resid.ential 6000 sq.f�. per dwelling
unit (R1Cm6) approximately 11 acres located e�,st end of
Palm Avenue betwe�n Bl�.ckberry Farm and the Horse Ranch.
Firs� Hearing continued.
Mr. David Smith of Goodwin Steinberg made the presentation on behalf
of the �pplica.nt st�ating tha.t certain modifications h�d been made in
the basic s�ze of the concept and tha these modifications had met with
the concuxrence of staff in a11 instances. Site plans drawings,
renderin�� elevation �.nd cluster plans were submitted for visual aids. presentation
According to M�°. Smith, much of th� open space had been preserved
which would have been unavailable if singl.e family dwellings had been
constructed. M�°. Smith explained the parkin� to be on the lower level
covered by a landscaped ma11 and cou.�°t with a11 the p�rking provisions
hidden beneath the mall. Mr. Smith contended that the architecture
was ad�,pted �to Cupe�°�tino �.nd �ts surroundings and would show shake
roofs and stucco �idings.
Senior Planner Laurin reported that the Clu�tez Ordinance specifies
that cert�in are�,: usable for recreation or adding to visual quality
may be included for the computation of total dwelling uni� permitted basis for
, and relayed what had been included, and excluded, to arrive at a computation
permissible 67 unit�, or 72 units under certain conditions. The applic-
ation which cal.ls for only 6 unit� is thus well within the limitations
of an R1C-6 zoning.
page 2 Minutes of the P1�xinning Commis�ion May 12, 196g PC-13
Application lOmZ-69 cnn�
Mr. Laurin ��o pointed ou� that problems of s�eep �rades, �elocation
of sewers and the bridging and channeliz�tion of Stevens Creek remained
problem but could be worked out. According to Mr. Laurin, the Flood Control
areas Distric� w�� �w�r� of t�e �xisting problems and would attempt to retain
the creek as a natural stream but that �t present, t�i cannot be
guaranteed; there might have to be an artifici�l channel.
Mr°. Lau�in continued th�t the Flood Control District had requested maintenance
roads alon� the b�nks but that they would not have to be paved and could
require- detour around trees, shrubs and other ve�etation as long as the site plan
ments would permi� access for the maintenance crews.
When Chairm�n Hirshon called for �udience comments, Messrs. Frank Purcell,
Richard Knight �nd Ron Kessler asked questions relative to st�tements
audience made by the �pp�ican�s, including provisions for erosion control, the
comments proposed street �bandonment �ccess to the site, steep grading and the
channeliz�tion of the ereek.
motion to Commissione� Puetz f�lt that there were too mar�y questions that needed
continue to be �,nswered at thi� po�nt and moued �hat the matter be continued to the
dies next meetin�o T�e mo�ion died for lack of a second.
M�°. Ward Crump owner�developer of the site contended that plans were completed
and volunteer�d to answe� any quest�on� the Commissioners might have. Corr�is-
sioner Buthenuth w�s concerned about the density created by sixty-four units.
Mr. Crump reminded the Commissioners that an ori�inal proposal had called for
developer 37 lots under R1m7.5 zoning; anoth�r �pplication fo� R3-2.2 had been submitted
answers and had received much oppo�ition. Now this application is being submitted
queries and this density was necessary in a cluster development where people own
a minimum of their own lot �� well as �he open spaces jointly with the rest
of the condominium dwellers. Mz°. Crump maintained that certain facilities
were planned for inclu�fon in the project which, in effect, would take the
burden of p�ovidin� recre�tional f�cilities for these people off the public
tax rolls.
Commissioner Frolich instructed Mr. Crump that the Sanita,ry District had
submitted a lett�r by whi.ch a problem existed in that the development
statements proposed building� over existin� sanitary sewer lines. Mr. Crump said
that he had been a developer long enough to know that no structures are
permitted ove: e�is�in� sanit�ry lines and that the plans for such
structure� woul.d be chan�ed to remove the objections.
Chaix°ma,n Hirshon qu�stioned the main access to the development as well as
who would be re�ponsible for the m�,intenance of such road which would paral-
responsi- lel the fl.00d easement. *�� Crump w�s most emphatic in pointing out that
bility the Flood Control Distriet requests 120' easement in which to operate
defined including two 15 maintenance easements, and that the ma.intenance of all
facilities would be the responsibility of the Flood Control District and
not the taxpayer� or the developers.
Commissioner Frolich questioned the open parking spaces replacing conventional
parking curb parking and wonder.ed �f they would be sufficient. MY°. Crump agreed
that the plans did not show sufficient guest parking and that he would be
willing to adhere to �, condition of the Planning Commission to increase
Minutes of the P�annin� Ccmmission May 12, �969 PC-13
Application 10-Z-69 cont�d page 3
When asked for his opinion, City Attorney Anderson stated that once the
Flood Control District �.ssumes the easement and jurisdiction over same,
the responsibility for the maintenancE wouZd fa11 to the Flood Control
Commissioner Puetz moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner p. h.
Buthenuth seconded and it was passed unanimously. closed
Chairman Hirshon agreed that there were ma.ny things that needed to be
answered and that the hearings should perhaps be continued. The Commis-
sioners gave their individual views on the matter.
Commissioner Buthenuth moved to deny Application 10-Z-69 on the grounds l�-z-69
that the densi�y is too high. Commissioner Puetz seconded. denied
Ayes: Commi�sioners Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noesa Commissioner Frolich
Absenta Commissioner Irwin
Chairman Hirshon advised the applicant of his privilege to appeal this
decision, in writing �nd within five days, to thE City Council.
B. App].ic�tion 8-TM-69< Claude T. Lindsay, Inc.; Tentative Map, 8-TM-69
approximately �+.5 acres located east side of North Blaney legend
Avenue. 800 feet south of Junipero Serra Freeway. First
Hearin� ccntinued.
Mr. Buzz Schulte presented the appl.ication stating that all problems to
which objections had previously been voiced, had been resolved; staff presentation
There were no audience comments. no comments
Com�nissinner Puetz moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was p. h.
passed unanimously to close the public hearing. closed
Commissioner Puetz moved to approve Applic ation 8-TM-69 with the 12
Standard Conditions and with Condition 13) as suggested by the Senior
Planner in his memorandum. Commissioner Frolich seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absenta Commissioner Irwin
The applicant reque�ted cl�,rification of Condition No. 13 and asked if
this would be a s�andard requiremerit.which would be placed upon all
future applications.
City Attorney Anderson sympathized with the applicant in his quest for request to
equal treatment and sug�ested that the City Council be requested to make council
this Condition 13 a standard requirement.
pa�e � Minutes of the Planning Commission May 12, �96g PC-13
Application 8-TM-69 cant
request Commissioner Buthenuth moved to give minute order instructions that the
authorize Senior Planner request tht City Council accordingly. Commissioner Puetz
seconded and it was passed unanimously.
-� U_6� C. Application 9-U-69: Cornelius F. Thomas; Use Permit fo� cocktail
legend lounge at 10095 Saich Way. First Hearin�.
Mr. Thomas made the present ation. No staff objections were voiced and
no audience comments were forthcoming.
p. h. Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Frolich seconded and it was
closed passed unanimously to close the public hearing.
- U-69 Commissioner Buthenuth moved for approval of Application 9-U Com¢nissioner
approved Frolich seconded.
Ayes: Commissioners Frolich, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: Commissioner Irwin
8-U-69 D. Application 8-U-69: Mrs. Stella M. Kester; Use Permit for stable
legend and riding acade�y for 30 horses in an agricultural-recreational
zone, 1085D ��vens Canyon Road, 18 acres. First Hearing.
. Mrs. Kester presented thE application. It was ascertained that Mrs. Kester
present- was not in possession of a copy of the suggested conditions to be placed
ation against this application as submitted and mailed by the Senior Planner.
City Attorney Anderson stated that the a?aplicant should be given an opportunity
to view the conditions and familiarize herself with same, and at the same
opinion time attempt to approach Kaiser Cement and Gypsum with a request to be given
by counse an easement over that portion of land which her horses would need for access
to the County Park.
8-U- Conunissioner Buthenuth moved to continue the hearing to the next regular
continued meeting to afford the applicant to familiarize herself with the conditions and
to make contact as above stated. Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was
passed unanimously.
recess Chairma.n Hirshon called a recess at 9:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m.
1 3-z-69 E. Application 13-Z-69: Leon Hayes; Prezoning from County General
legend Commercial (CG) to Light Industrial (ML) portion of Lot 109 located
on south side of Lomita Street, between Pasadena anc' Imperial
Avenues. First Hearing.
pre�ent- Mr. Hayes made the presentation ststing that he was seeking to �et a uniform
ation zoning for the two lots of his property with R3 zoning on one lot and ML
�oning on the other.
Senior Planner Laurin explained how the property division in 30 or 25 foot
staff wide lots had taken place in "Old Monta Vista" creating difficulties and,
report consequently, did not object to a uniform zoning. Minor deviations from
the General Plan may be createc" through zoning.
Minutes of the Planning Commission May 12, �.g6g �'��°�.�
Application 13-Z-69 cont"d Pa�e 5
Chairman Hir�hon read a letter submitted by Barbara (Mrs. Leslie A.)
Tribble which oppo�ed the granting of the application as same would opposition
be inconsis°�ent with the approved General Plan and because the re- letter
sidential �on�ng for the �rea should be retained and preserved.
Chairman Hi�°shon �,sked what the applicant intended t� do with the site
once appro�red. The �,pplicant repl.ied that he in�ended to construct a statements
small industrial wa,rehouse and utilize the rezoned lot for parking.
Mrs. �Ann Anger stated t'hat she was not in agreement with a possible
granting of the �,pplication �,s the area should be preserved as resident-
ial as much as possib�.e. Also, that the General Plan made no provision audience
for such continuous light industrial zoning. comments
Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was p. h.
passed un�,nimousl.y to close the public hearing. closed
Commissioner Puetz moved to approve Application 13-Z-69 with the 12 13-Z-6
Standard Condi�ions stating th�.t this action shall not set a precedent approved
fo� athers to att,empt �o change the revised General Plan as adopted
by the City Council. Co�nissioner Frolich seconded.
Ayes: Commissione�°s Frolich, Bu�i�enuth, Puet�, Hirshon
Noes< None
Absent: Commissioner I�°win
F.. Applic�,tion9-TM-69e James F. Koch; Tentative Ma.p, 15.85 acres -TM-►6
located south portion of West V�lley Industrial Park, north le�end
of McClellan Road, between �Jest Valley Freeway and Southern
P�,cific Railroad. First Hearing.
Mr. Ralph Ramona presented the application and stated that he had con-
tacted the Sen�or Planner and was in agreement with all conditions presentation
placed against this application with the exception of Condition #18.
The Senior Pl�,nner stated th�,t the suggested condition 18 is the same as
Condition No. 18 of the Planning Co�nission Resolution 476 approving
1-TM-67, which condition ac°tually is in effect at present. However, he
did not object to �he x°emov�.l of this condition through the Tentative condition
Ma.p procedure now before the Planning Commission provided that one could explained
safeguard ag�inst the pos�ibility that Bubb Road would be permanently
�ead-ended into tY�e Southern Pacific Railroad without connection via a
_ street to °the section south of McClellan Road.
After considerable discussion on the subject, Commissioner Frolich moved directive
to give minute order direction to staff to proceed with whatever is to staff
necessary to get the approval of the Public Utilities Commission after
the approval of the application by the City Council has �een obtained.
Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was passed unanzmot�.�i_y.
page 6 Minutes of th� Pl�nning Commission May 12, 1969 PC-13
Application 9-TM-69 cont
p. h. Commissione� Frolic� r.:oved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded an% it was
closed passed unanimously to �lose the public hearing.
- �t-69 Commissioner �ro�ich moved to approve Application 9-TM-69 subject to
approved the conditions �s �uggested by thc Senior Planner with thE exception
with that Cond�tion No. 19 should contain the alternate wording "accessible
conditions for all.traffic" and that Condition No. 18 be changed to read that
provisions be m�,de to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works
and the Senior Planner to assure that the connection through McClellan
Road east of the railroad tracks can be ma.de permanent should the City
be unable to obt�,in permission from the Public Utilities Co�runission to
let Bubb Road cr.°oss the track. Co�nissioner Puetz seconded.
Ayeso Commissioners Frol�ch, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon
Noes: None
Absent: Commissioner Irwin
Unfinished Business
81,00�+.122 A. 81,00�+.122s Li�ht Industrial Ordin�,nce
continued Commissioner Frolich moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was
passed unanimously to continue the matter to the next regular meeting.
6-U- B. Application 6-U-69e Report on roads for cables
report Director of Public Works Yarborough reported briefly on the matter of the
alignment of cables �,long Mary Avenue to serve the approved TV facility
near Regnart Road. '
New Business
There wa,s no listed new business; the Commissioners discussed several
items with the staff including the matter of study sessions for drafted
Ordinances as they have to be postponed if placed at thc end of long
Commissioner Buthenuth mc�ved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was
passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
adjourn- The meetin� adjourned at 1Ot20 p.m.
( :i-'_' I � (._�
- � . �� �� v a .
ATTESTe Jack E. Hirshon
� Chairman
a�c� .��-�
Senior Planner