PC 04-28-69 CITY OF CUPERTINO� St�te of California
10300 �orre Avenue Cuper�ino, Californi� 9501�
Phoneo 252-�5G5 PC-12
The meetin� was called to order at 8000 p.mo by Chairman Frolich, who call to order
subsequently l.ed the a�semblage in the flag salutea flag salute
Commissioners presents Ix°win, Buithenuth, Puetz, Fx°olich. Absent:
Commissioner Hi�^shon. Al�o presento City Attorney Anderson; Senior roll call
Planner Laus°in; As�istant Planner En�;; Director of Public Works Yar-
borough; R�cordin� S�cretary Luci� M. Matzley.
S�nio� Plann�r L�:urin reported tha� Commis�ioner Hirs�ion had contacted
his office to say �hat he was involvecl in a trial and might be del.ayed
if at a�.1. able to �ttend thi� meeting.
Plannin� Commi.s�ion Ch�,irman Frolich discussed minor chan�es in the
minu�es of March 31, 1969 all. of which were noted. Upon the request o
the City Attorney the last par�.graph of page 5 of those minutes shall deletion
be stricken.
Commis�ioner Bu�lnenrz+h nad �ome questions relative to the �pproval of
Application 6mUm69 under date of April 14 1g69 takin� specific ex-
ception to th� wordin� "strea�l.ined poles".
Director of Public Works Yarborou�h reported that he was in r�ceipt
of a communication from the Peninsula TV Power, Inc. with a request
for a change in �the original approval �iving det�ils of how the cables report on
would `be installed. For the benefit of the Commissioners, Mr. Y�r- 6-U-69
borou�h ask�d permi�sion to request th� developer to specifically state
the requested changes so that the Public Works Departmen�t could ma.ke
a repor� at the next meeting of the Plannin� Commission. The Commissi-
oners concurred.
Commissioner Buth�nuth s�id that in formulatin� his motion for �pproval
of that applic�.tion, he had no� intended the cables to be on �treamlined
poles. C�i�irman Frolich sug�ested that a minute order ch�.n�e might be
passed to clarify the mat City Attorney Anderson c�,utioned that discussions
it would be better to �et a report from the staff on the matter as the
application hacl been �hrou�h Ii Control and �pproved by the City Council;
however� t�hat �he City Co�ncil mi�ht be alerted throu�h the minutes �ut
not to upse� a Use Permit wh�.ch had been �ranted. It was decided to
�.irther d��cu�� the matter und�r 19 Unfinis�ed Business".
Commissioner Buthenut'h mov�d, Commi�sionez° Puetz seconded to approve the minutEs
minute� of March 31 and April 1�+ 1969. The motion pa��ed 3- 0 with approved
Commissioner I�ain ab�tainin�.
page 2 Minutes of t�e Pl�.nnin� Commission April 28, 1969 PC-12
10-Z-6 Senior Planner Lauz°in reported that Mr. Ward Cruinp ha.�' requ�sted a post-
continued ponement of the discussion of Application 10-Z-69. Commissioner Irwin
moved to authorize the postponement, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded
and it was passed unanimously.
There were no wz°itten co�ununications.
When Ch�,irmaxi Frolich called for os°�,1 communications, Mr. Samuel Bradlyn
of 2234�+ Riverside Driv� commented tha� the City of Cupertino would soon
cease to be a rural, a�ricultural crossroad but would become a large popu-
audience lation center and should have Ordinances that would afford its effective
comments functioning as a City and not as a rural outpost. Mr. Bradlyn thus re-
commended that applications for stables within the City of Cupertino receive
much �nd thorou�h discussions and hearings in an effort to protect home-
owners residin� in the vicinity of proposed stables.
City Attorney Anderson stated that Mr. Br�dlyn's remarks were out of order
in connection with the agenda, that there are sufficient Ordinances in
tBnis City to protect homeowners and that, should this statement be designed
for the Buck Norred application it be included in the recording of that
Mrs. Stella Kester wanted to talk about her forthcomin� Use Permit applic-
ation for a stable. Chairman Frolich commented that her remarks would
be out of order at this time �,s she would receive a hearin� of the Use
Permit matter at the time when the Y�earing is scheduled.
City Attorney Anderson, in referring to th� last meetin� of the Planning
Commission w�iich adjourned at 12:15 a.m., stated that there was an existing
problem in �iving all people a fair hearing. This, accordin� to Mr.
Anderson was hardly pos�ible when the recorder has been takin� shorthand
notes without interruption for periods of some tkzree hours, everyone on
the Commission and in the audience is tired, and people still keep talkin�.
comments on Mr. Anderson sug�ested that hearin�s be ti�htened to enable a more rapid
records movin� along the listed a�enda and not let the meetin�s continue as long
kept as they have in the past. Mr. Anderson sympathized with first-time applic-
ants as they have not been throu�h the process before and have a tendency
to duplicate statements and talk more than necess�,ry. Mr. Anderson contended
that a Commission cannot expect concise and correct minutes when a recorder
is required �o �ive a verbatim account of every word said for a period of
three hours.
For the �uidance of the Commissioners, City Attorney Anderson read two
rules in re�ards to the required records of public meetin�s applyin� both
to the Plannin� Commission as well as the City Council. To flzrther define
his request for shorter meetings Mr. Anderson read Section 65801 of the
State Plannin� Act which defined the necessary minutes inclusions.
Discussion ensued on the sub�ect and Chairman Frolich disa�reed that
reasons for votes should not be detailed in the minutes. He questioned
how else the City Council would know how the individual Commissioners
had arrived at their decisions.
Minutes of �he Plannin� Conuaiss�on April 28 1969 PC-12
Pa�e 3
City At�orney Anderson stated that nei�her Planning Commissions nor City
Couneils are cour�s of reco�d and that there was no existin� law which
specifies t��t a recorde� is present to record ev�ry word which is
spoken. �he law requires that applications� protests and the like must suggestion
be submit�ed in w�°iting so that, when an inclusion into the minutes is
desired, the reco�de� ma.y �v�il �erself of such written material without
havin� to reco�d it in open meet�n�.
Mr. Anderson further stated that, in cases where a Commissioner wishes
to define his reason� for a vote, such reasonin� be put in writing and
handed the recorder foa inclusion in �he minutes. This would eliminate
the recording of len�thy statements �,nd would shorten meetin�s. Attorney
Anderson ftiirther ��ated that he �ad repeatedly been asked why the government
meetin�s are a� len�tY�y at the Plannin� Commission level and do not move code cited
along as rapidly as those of the City Council, and that the authority
about whic� he was reporting was taken from the Government Code of the
State of Califomia.
Mr. Ander�on disavowed any intention to filibuster the matter but merely
pointed out that the publie is denied a fair hearing w�hen the meetin� statements
is permitted °to �o into sueh minute det�il anct that it is the responsibi-
lity of the Chaix° to rule �ha°� everyone shall be heaz°d bu�t for short
periods of time only.
Public Iiearing�
A. App�ication �.O=Z-69 h�.d previously been disposed of.
B. Applicat�ion 7mTMs690 Claude T. Linds�,y, Ir�c.; Tentative Map 7-TM-69
approximately 3.8 acres located east side of Bubb Road, north legend
of Re�rn�rt Creek. Firs� Iie�,ring continued.
Mr. Buzz ScY�ult,e of MacKay & Somps Civil En�ineer�, presented the
application and explained that certain solutions had been found to the
problems diseus��d at tk�e fir�t meeting. For example the cross
section of part of the Cul-de�Sac had been red�uc�d from 56' to 48'
ri�ht of way, accomplis�ing two thin�s 1} it would salva�e much of present-
the landscaping of `bo�h propertie� affordin� a more attractive entrance ation
into the de� elo�ment, and 2) to �,llow a 12 ° sicley�x°d setback of the
Brown proper�y. A].so, tha� there would be a monoli�hic sidewalk on
both sides of th� Cu].mde�Sae and that the City Council m��ht wish to
impose a"No Parking restriction in the street,.
Commissioner Buthenu°�h movecl Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was p. h.
passed unanimousl.y �to close t�e public heax°in�. closed
Commissioner But�ienuth moved to �pprove Application 7-TM-69 dated April 7-TM-6
28� 1969 revised with the additional recommendation of "No Parkin�" approved
provision within the narrow section of the Cul-de-S�c; "No Parking" with
si�ns to be in��alled at the discretion of the Public Works Depaxtment conditions
and that °�hese conditions be attached as exhib its to the Tent�tive Map.
Commissioner Puetz seconded.
Ayesa Commi�sioners Irwin Buthenuth Puetz, Frolich
Noesa None
Absente Commis�ioner Hirshon
page 4 Minu�es of th� Plannin� Gommission April 28, 1969 PC-12
7-U-6 C� Applicat�on 7-Um Buck Norred; Use Pez°mit fo� �iding stable
legend on approxim�.tely ��cre� located south of Deep Cliffe Golf
Cour�e ne�r the forme� Dorsa Gravel Pi�. First Hearin�.
Chairman �rolicn Noin��d ou� t��� �his w�s a new applic�ti�n �nd � new
proposal �nd did not �ave any �e���n� on the app�zcat�cn prev��usly
Mx°e Buck Nor�ed pre��nted the appli�at�on explain�n� *��� thE �i�e was
the Ka��er owned gr�vel pi� �ur�o�anded by Kaiser pr��perty on tY�°ee sides
present- and by the S��vens Creek Coun�y P��k on t�� fourth. �e �ontended that
ation there wou�d be no traffic problem� and that the horse� would be transported
in and out of t�e corra� ever� ni�ht,
City A��orney Ander�on asked Mro Norred if he would have �r�r objections
to having �he grevio�ly pr��en�ed protes� m�de a p�.rt of �he minutes
protest of this applica�fon, Mr. Norr�d welcomed the inclusion of �he protest
included a,nd stated� �n r�buttal �h�t effect�v� measures �ould be taken to control
insects �,nd odor and that the n��rby school bus stop would not interfere
w:i.th his opex°ation nor would the stable endan�er the �afety of anyone
on t.ie buses .
Mrs. St�lla Kes°�er qu�ried w�y Mx°. Nos�recl had two applications on the
listed agencia. G�airman Froli�h def�,ned the matter by which� upon approval
of the pr��en� appli��.tion a.ppli�at l�U- would be dismissed.
comments �, R�y �Tohnson of 22403 Riversade Dr�.v� questi�ned if an itemized list
of restrictions a�ainst this application was available, a list which would
make mandato�y suc� items �,s ��nitax°y, f1y and i.n�ect control and periodic
checks by t�e County He�.1�h Depar°tment.
Senior Planner Laux°in reported t�at tlhe Health Department did not make any
specific re�ommend�,t�.ons in connection with this application but had stated
that they would assist in enforeing w�.�,tever restriction� the P�anning
Co�ni�sion wou13 place again�t t�e application.
p. h� Commis�ione�° Iz°qain moved Commis�ioner Puetz seconded and it was passed
closed unanimously to �lo�e t�e publie he�rin�.
Cha�.rman Frolich su�gested that condit�on� 1 throu�h �+ placed on the
1-U- app�icat�on also be placed a�ainst t:his matt�r and in addition
t�e condition to remo�e �he '�orse� daily.
In answ�r to a question b�r Commi�sion�r Buthenuth who queried a previous
statement made by Mx°s o Kestex° 9 Mx°. Norx°ed commented t'hat it was true that
he had ins�r�.cted Nir��. Kest,er t�at access across his leased property
statements would no� b� permit�ed. Mr°. Nox°red expl�,in�d that t`he lease wit�i Kaiser
Cement specif°�ca].ly st�t�s and prohibits the use of Kaiser property by his
horses as we.11 as �.ny o�h�rs apart f'z°om t�� property �pecifically under lease.
Minutes of the plar.dning Commission April 2$, �96g PC-12
Applic�tion 7�U- cont pa�e 5
City Attorney Ander�on advi�ed the Commissioners �hat the Planning
Commission ha� ��e power �o require deed restrictions and that a copy a�reement
of the lease s�ould b� m�,de �v�il�ble to the City Clerk for reference
and safekeeping� Mr. Norr�d did not object to this request.
Commissioner Irwin reques�ed t�a� th� Sanitary Board review listed
in the condi�ions a� "periodic review" be chan�ed to "re�ularly request
scheduled review and approval of t�e Public Health Department".
Commissioner Iz°win moved to appx°ove Application 7�U- with the 12 7-U-
Standard Condition� with - the inclusion of the first foux conditions as approved
imposed upon Appli�ation 1-U-69 but with the words "regularly scheduled with
instead of '"Pex°iod�C' 5) �hat no horses shall be kept overni�ht; 6) conditions
that any chan�es in the lease shall necessitate a filin� of a copy
of such lease writh the City Clerk Office. Commissioner Puet2 se-
Ayes o Coirnnis�ioner �z°win Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noes; None
Absentm Commis�ioner Iiirshon
Commissioner Butnenu°�h moved to deny Application 1-U-69 because it is 1-U-
superseded by Applica�ion 7-U- Commi�sioner Puetz seconded. denied
Ayeso Commission�rs Ir°win� Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noeso None
Absento Co�nissioner Hir�hon
D. App�ica°tions 12-Z Claude fi. Lindsay, Inc.; Re- 12-Z-69
zonin� from single-f°a,mily Residential-Agricultural , .��-acre TM- 9
lots (Al-�+3) to �in�le-family Residential 7500 sq.fta lots legend
(R1-7.5), and Tentative Map� appro�imatei.,y 1+.5 acres located
east side of Blaney Avenue 800 feet scnzth of Junipero Serra
Freeway. Firs� Iieax°in�.
Commissioner Puetz moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed matters
unanimous].y to combine the hearing of both applications. combined
Mr. Buzz Schulte of MacKay & Somps presented the applications. Senior
Planner Laurin statecl that a commun�.ca�tion h�,d been received by the
Cupertino Sanitary District in connec�ior. wit'r� theTentative Map and present-
he sug�ested tha� thi� ma°tter be po�tponed so th�t the necessary changes �,tion
could be included �.n the tent�tive map.
There were no further comments from the staff on this matter. Mrs.
Juanit� MeLaren, Realtor stat�d tha,t the application should be given audience
favorable consideration �,s i°t wa,s attempting to construct a worthwhile comments
project on a mos� difficult site>
Commissioner Puet� moved, Com�issioner Irwin seeond.ed and it was passed p. h.
unanimously to cl.ose thF public he�rin�. closed
page 6 Minutes o� the Planni,ng �ommission Apr�l 28, 1969 PC-12
Applications 12�Z cont"d
12-Z-69 C��+��� �rA� Pue�z moved to �ppro�e Apglication 12-�-69 with the 12
approved 5tanc�ai�d t��nd�.tion� o Commi�s:�oner Buthenut� seconded�
I�y��s o Comm�s�:�oners 2rw�n� B�zt�Enu��, Fix�tz, Frolic�
Noeso None
Absento Comm:�ssioner H�rs�on
8-TM-6 Co�nissioner Fuetz moved to continue Applicat�ion 8�TM to the next
continued regul.ax° m�e�tingo Comm�.�sion�r° I�°win ��eonc�ed an� it wa� passed unani.mously.
Unfinishecl B�sines�
A. Applic�,tion 1-U-69 �ad pr�viously been disposed of,
recess ' C�aix°man �roli�lh c�,lled a�ecess �,t 9:�5 p.m.
The mee°�in� reconvened at 9 e35 P e��
81,00�+.122 B. 8].,004.1.22 a L�ght Indust�ial Ordinance
Co�nissione� Buthenuth mov�cl Conani�sioner Irw�n seconded and it was
inclusion pa�sed unanimously to include t�e r.�port by Co�nissioner Puetz as spoken
of report onto a tape r°ecorcier in the minute� of this meeting.
C. Di�ector of �xbli� Work� ��rborough pres�nted a report of a traffic
stuc�y �,t the Se�.r� & Roebuck s�.�� and �howed s��c���, p�a,ns a,nd renderings
staff indicating the proposed ch�„nneli�ation of S�evens Creek Boulevard and
report problems enco�.tntexed in connection t�ierewith.
D. Senior Planner L�.ur°in x°eported on certain matters to the Commissi-
oners: 1) the copies of r�sol.u�ion� wh�c�h are sent out to the Commissioners
after each me�t�,ng ar� dr�,f°ts and �t h�,� been as�umed that they can be amended
statements in �he �arae way a,� the minutes; 2) th� S�abdivision Ordinance states that
by staff a Fina1 Map shall be in �onfo2manc� wr�t� th� Tenta�ive Map as approved or
conditionally approvede In prac��.ce minor chan�es of lot lines �ce been
permittecl b�xt it �eem� th�� m�,or x°evi�ion� such �.s t,he chan�e of the number
of lots require� the submi�sion of° a. new Tentative Ni�,p to the Planning
New Business
chairman Commissioner But,h�nuth �ov�d �o nominate Co�nssioner Hirshon for the Chair-
elected manship of t�e Planning Commis�iono Commis�ioner Ir�ain s�condede
Ayes: Commi���oners Irwin� Buthenuth, Puetz Frolich
Noess None
Absento Commi�sioner Hirshon
vice- Comnnis�ioner Buthenuth moved to nominate Co�nissioner Puetz as Vice-
chairman Chairman. Commissioner Irwin secondedv
elected Ayesa Comm,i�sion�rs Irwin� Buthenuth Frolich
Noesa None
Absent a Comm�,s�ionez° Hir. shon
Abstaino Co�issienex° Puetz
Minu�es of th� PY�nning Commi��ion April 28 �969 PC-12
page 7
New Busin��s cont
Directo� of Pu�l�c Work� Y�rbo�ou�� a��in presented �he matter of
Peninsula �� Powe�, Inem
Commiss�one� Ba��enu�h moved� Commi��ioner Iz°win �econded and it was changes
passed unanimou�ly that ��e P��nnin� Commis�ion ha� �e�iewed the approved
chan�e� as �ubmitted for app�ov�l b� P�n�nsul� T� Po��r, Inc. �nd finds
no ob�eetion� �o sam�o
Co�ssioner �r°wrin moved fo� ���o�z�°nm�nt Commi�s2one� Puetz seconded
and it w�,s p�.���d un�.n�mou��y<
�he me�t�.ng �,djous°necl a� 10 �20 p vm, �,djournment
� j1 ��.
�`s/ Dona1.� A . Fro�.ich
; -�%l�� ���9'�.
sen�,ox° P1��r�nex�