PC 04-14-69 C2TY OF CUPERTII�'0 State of California 10300 Torre Aver�ue, Cuper�ino, California 9501�+ Phone: 252 ��505 PC-11 80,000.4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANN.ING CONIMISSION HELD APRIL 1�+, 1969 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL� CUPERTINO, CALIFORI�TIA The meeting was called to order at 8e00 p,m. by Chairman Frolich, who call to order subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. flag salute Commissioners present: Hirshon, But3�enuth, Puetz, Frolieh. Absent: Commissioner Irwin. Also present: City Attorney Anderson; Senior Planner Zaurin; Assistant Planner Eng; Director of Public Works roll call Yarborough; Recordin� Secretary Lucie M. Matzley. Commissioner Bu moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and it was passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1969 minutes meeting as printed. approved Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was approval of passed unanimously that the minutes of Ma.rch 2�+, 1969 be approved. minutes Commissioner Fuetz moved, Commissioner Hirshon seconded and it was passed unanimously to continue approval of the March 31, 1969 �oint approval City Council Plannin� Commission meeting minutes to the next regularly continued scheduled meeting. Announcements of Postponements Senior Planner Laurin advised the Commissioners that he was in receipt of the following written communications: I l. Letter from Ward Crump Developments, Inc. withdrawing Applic- ation 2-Z- which application had already been deleted from the a�enda; � 2. Letter from Mr. Buck Norred pointing out that the postponement time �ranted for continuin� his operation on the present pro- perty would expire two weeks before a new application for a written different site could be presented, and asking for permission communications to continue his operation until the new permit is decided upon. Mr. Laurin stated that Mr. Norred has been negotiating with Kaiser Cement and Gypsum Corporation to lease in another location and has filed a new application for Use Permit at that location. I 3. Protest filed against the �ranting of a Use Permit and � Tentative Map for Applications 6-U It was agreed that this letter be heard in con3unction with the listed agenda item. City Attorney Anderson wanted the record to show that it h�d not been his intention to question the legality of procedures during the joint clarification meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Council in his remarks as shown in the minutes of that meeting. i page 2 Minutes of t�e Planning Commission April 1�+ lg6g PC-11 80,000.4 Oral Cormnunications Mr. Sam Bradlyn of 223�+�+ Riverside Drive submitted photos taken in the early morning �.ours showing horses grazing near a residence in comp�laint the area of the Buck Norred operatian. Accordin� to Mr. Bradlyn, this was in direct violation of the restrictions imposed upon this operation. City Attorney Anderson, when asked to d� so, expressed his opinion by which he was most in�erested in being assured that any operation within the City of Cupertino is not injurious to residents of the City, but that attorney this was a difficult ma,tter to decide a, it was changing from week to cites week. Mr. Anderson pointed out however, that the City Council had council granted Mr. Norred permission to continue his operation until such time decision as a Use Permit has been decided upon and that the matter should remain in the discretion of the City Council in order to avoid inconsistencies. 1-U-69 Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was continued passed unanimously to continue discussions of Application 1-U- to the next regular meeting to be placed under "Unfinished Business". Public Hearings �+- TM-69 A. Application 4-TM-69e Joseph and Rose Evulich; Tentative M�,p le�end approximately 2 acres located west side of Rae Lane (also known as Linda Vista Drive) between I�yannisport Drive and Columbus �venue. First Hearin� continued Senior Planner Laurin reported that the applicant had complied with the staff revision of the Tentative Map required by the Planning Commission, and report that approval of the application, including the suggested condition 13, was recommended. Discussion ensued on the necessity to secure the continuous control of a dedicated portion of land for roadway purposes after a certain period of time has lapsed. It was City Attorney Anderson's su�gestion that it would discussion be better to accept the dedication and, if necessary, initiate proceedings of abandonment rather than lose control over the dedication. In answer to a question by Commissioner Buthenuth relative to the access explanatio for tne parcel of land if no improvements on the cul-de-sac are required, City Attorney Ander�on explained the legalities of off-tract improvements. There were no audience comments. p. h. Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed closed unanimously to close the public h�earing. �+- TM-69 Corn�nissioner Hirshon moved to approve Application 4-TM-69 subject to the approved 12 Standard Conditions with condition 13 as suggested in the memorandum of the Senior Planner to the Commissioners, i.e. improvement of the cul-de- sac to be deferred until such time when further subdivision is made, etc. Commissioner Puetz seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich Noes: None Absent: Co�3.ssioner Irwin , MinuGes of tzd� Plann�.ng �"or,unission Apr�l ��+, 196q PC-11 80�000.4 Page 3 B. Appl�ca��on 9-Z-690 Rod��x° B. Woo�ey; Rezoning from Agri- 9-z-69 cu�turul�R�si�3en�ial Single-�'�.m�.ly 1�.cr� lots (A,1��+3) to legend Residen'���,�. Singl��family 15,000 �q.f°t, �.ots (R1-15), a�;proximat�ly 30 squ�re f�et locatecl a� south end of Mc�xr�t Cx°��� P1�.��. Firs� Hearingv Mr. Rod��r Wao3.ey p�°�s�n��d t�e �,p���e�,t�.on� �enior Planner L�.izz°in explained t�e zon�n� of �hi.� �r�� to b� A1-�+3 and t�a� a variance for seven lot� a�rer�,ging one-h�.lf acre had been granted previo�asiy because at tha� time Ord�n.anc� 22Q(f� was no�t enac whieh Ordinance pez°mits flexibilit in zonin�. Mr. La�ar�in al�o elaborated on the conditions explanations which ha.d b�en impo��d upon the �a�°i�,nce under Planning Gommission Resolu N�. 290 in �g65 There were no �,udience comments. Commi�sioner But��nuth moved Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was p. h. passed unanimous].y to clo�� the public hearinge closed Commissioner Buth�n�th ffioved �hat Appl.ication 9-Z-69 be d�nied on the 9-z-69 grounds tha.t �� wouild �°�quire too ��eep driveways and the f�.ct that denied tremen� ous �,mourits of grading wou�d be r�quired for the building sites. Commis�ioner Puetz �econc��do Ayesm Commis�ioners Hi�°shon But�enut�, Puetz Frolich Noeso None Absento Commis�ioner Irwin City Attorney Anderson ad.vi,�ed the applicar�t that h� had the right to appe�,l this d�ci�i.on� in wx�it�ng �,nd wi�thin five days, to the City Council. C. Applic�,°tion 10-Z-69 .Wa�°d �r�ump D�velopmen�ts 9 Inc v; Rezoning 10-Z-69 from Re�iclential Single-�'amily 7500 sq.ft. lots (R1-7.5) to legend Residenti�.l single-Fam�ly Cluster 6000 �q.ft. per dwelling unit (R1C-6) app�°oximately 11. acre� 1oca�ed e�,st encl of P�lm Avenue be�we�n Blackbe�°�yy Faz°m and the Horse Ranch. F�x°�� Hearing. Mr. Ward Cx°�zmp pxesented the �pplic�tion stating that �.ttempts had been made to ch�ng� the zonin� in ��is area to �, l.esser zonin� com- patible with the area,. Mr. Crump presented a lay-out showing the open spaces and expl�ined the amenities t`h�t had been dev3sed to pre- presentation serve the n�,tur�.1. terrain of the �rea and ta as�uage the strong opposition voiced �.gain�� his previous at°tempt to develop �this property. Mr. Goodw�n Steinb�rg� t�e architec� for the project, exp�ained th�.t this development had been planned for adult °tenants, peop�e without small children and °the nece��ity for frequent use of automobiles in and out of the �ubd��r�sion. Mr. Steinber� explained that there would structures be 66 units with �.n automobile path 1.eading into an underground mall defined parking fa,c�li°�y with two story struc�ures an�. much open space. page � Minutes of the PZanni.ng Commission April 14, 196� PC-11 80,000.� Application 10-Z-69 cont'd Mr. Steinberg pointed out the location of the swimming pool, tennis courts, club house, horseshoe gits and putting �reens and explained the units wauld contain twa bedroom apaz•tments with living and dining room and indi�zidual garages on the lower level just belo« the bedrooms. Mr. Crum.� ex�lained that these units would be individually owned wi+h the amenities owned in a co-op fas�iion by which each tenant would own one share of corporation stock entitling him to the use of the coope- rative ameneties. Mr. Crump then reiterated the problems encountered with the Flood Control District but was hopeful that they might be solved in due conrse. Mr. Crump stated, however, that the Flood Control District migh�t at some later time and against the wishes of the City and the developer decide to eliminate the existing trees and that his development had been planned in such a.fashion as to make the removal of the trees virtually impossible. Mr. Crump also stated that the Fire Department had made certain concessions but that he wou�cl be perfectly willing to adhere to whatever the Planning Co�nission might reasonably consider necessary in connection with this application. Director of Public Works Yaxborough concurred that the map as submitted staff was predicated upon the requirements of the Flood Control District who report are in the process of a possible re-alignment of the channel and that, at the next meeting, reports might be completed which would indicate what was specifically requested by the Flood Control District. City Attorney Anderson reported on the matter of C.C.& R.'s that, in the past, should anything be added to the covenants and further restrictions imposed, there be no amendment without prior consent of the City which method would give the City the right to review the requested changes. Commissioner Puetz queried if the City was fully aware of what the Flood Control District was requesting. Chairma.n Frolich pointed out that the staff had long since been fully involved in all negotiations in connection with this application and th� the resolution of problems was not in the purview of the Planning Commission. When G'hairman Frolich called for audience comments, Messrs. Kaster of Scenic Boulevard, Wilson of Palm Avenue, Paulsen of San Andrews Avenue and R. D. Koenitzer of Phar Lap Drive gave their individual views in audience connection with the application. The following considerations were comments discussedo more people in an apartment type building than in the pre- viously proposed R1-7.5 zoning, additional burdens on schools and traffic facilities, necessity to preserve the natural beauty of the terrain as well as that, because of the additional buxden that would be placed on the tax payer, this application should be denied. Further, that the existing roads could not possibly facilitate fire equipment with necessary turns. There was also a question relative to sufficient height of the underground parking spaces to facilitt�te hi�h automobiles, such as campers and the like. P�inutes c� �he Planning Commission April l� �96g PC-11 80,000.4 Application 10-Z-6G cont'd Pa�e 5 Mr. Camarda, a local developer, however stated tha� this proposal was the best one yet to construct cluster developments because of the terrain. Commissioner Buth�nuth felt that this application was still in- 10-Z-69 complete and that it should be continued to the next meetin� at continued which time all the missin� elements would be present upon which to base a sound decision, Commissioner Buthenuth moved to continued ppplication 10-Z to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Commis- sioner Puetz seconded and it was passed unanimously. Chairman Frolich called a recess at 9:50 p.m. recess The meeting reconvened at 10:00 p.m. Chairman Frolich reiterated that he had requested a report from the staff as to contacts made with Senator Alquist's office relative to the possibility of obtainin� State funding to develop this area into a public park. A memorandum had been submitted by Parks and Recre- ation Director Parham which showed certain discrepancies as it dealt mostly with the possibility of obtainin� Federal funds rather than request for State �.inds. Chairman Frolich reiterated his request that the staff contact re- contact the offices of Senator Alquist makin� specific reference to iterated the letter as addressad to the G'hairman by the Senator, attempting to secure specific information relative to the availability of such a program. Mr. Crump stated that, should such funds actually become available for the purposes outlined above� he would be ha�p� to withdraw any applic- statements actions now under discussion and free this portion of land for such park development. D. Applications 6- U -6g/6 - TM - 6gs Peninsula T.V. Power, Inc.; 6 Use Permit for Community Television Transmission facility, legend and Tentative Map, 0.813 acre locAted near the southern end of Regnart Road. First Hearing. Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was hearings passed unanimously to combine the hearings of both applications. combined Mr. Daniel Donovan, attorney for the applicant, made the presentation stating that the City Council at its last meeting had consented to authorize the cables along the telephone poles located within Cuper- tino. Mr. Donovan stated that his client was submitting not only a presentation request for a Use Permit but also one for a Tentative Map as he was most desirous of obtainin� the City's permission to operate with all necessary le�alities adhered to. Mr. Donovan explained the TV antenna to be 38' high and submitted two renderings which showed both the terrain and platform and actual specifications relative to site placement of the maintenance shed and the seven antennas which shall form a"L" shape. page 6 Minutes of tra� Plann?r�g Co�ur::���lon t�pr�l 1�+, ��69 PC-11 80, 000. �+ App:lic�tion� b�U- con� tri Mr. Donovan s�a�;ed �hat th� m��n��n�,r�� build�ng wou�.d be of a low design with a� i� e shingl.�s nip roaf y a�� f`�r�e p�°ocafe3, and would be subject �o Vh� �ond.ition� �,s 3mpo�e� �y H Cdn FF�:ccrther, that the shed would be u°�il:.z�� far �,bou� one-h�.lf �hazxz° a wee� by a technician site who would ch�;:k �k�� �q��.pmen�;. ��ex°� �ao�ul�l b� n� �be�, no l�ghts, no defined toilet or° wat�er f�.e�1i���� v�,n3 th� °�buil�in� �roulcl `be used only as � service shed. The entire cean�truct�.on w�.� sa�.� to be ��cl.osed by an 8' cyclone fence wi�� barbed wire on top �o ��s�our�.g� �randal�,sm �nd would be screened by landscapin� and veg�$ation. Discussion ensue3 on °�he pos�ibili��r of bringing f ire f°1.g��ing equipment to the site. Mr. D�nov�n s��,ted that th� Fire Department had consented that, discussion with certain modif°ica�i.ons �uggested b� t�e F'ire Department, t�e existin� roads woul.d b� sufficient to 'handle any �qu�pment necessary for fire fighting in t�m�s of need. When Chairm�,n Fx°olic� call.ed f°or audience c�mmen�ts c�r�ain members of the audience queried t�ie installa°�ion of clearin� li�hts for planes and the audience applicant sta�eci th�t he woulc� be �n 1�ouch with the proper authorities comments to secur� necessas°�r elear�,nce� and guidelin�� for their implementation. Mrs. Dorothy Wrigh� �+f 22303 Re�nart Ro�d was oppo�ed �o the application as she had be�n, by �er own ac�mission, opp�sed to the Regn�rt Road opposition Improvement Di��x°ic� ��ating ��a�� consid��a�ion� as the need for con- voiced tinuous maintenanc� of the roacls �,ncl in��zfficient turning radius for fire fighting equipmen�, po h. Commissioner Bu�henuth moved, Commi��ion�r Pu�t� seconded and it was closed passed unanimou�l.y to el.ose ��� g�abl�c hearing. 6-v-69 Commissioner Buthenu�'� mo�red to app�°�ve Apglica,tion 6-U-69 with the approved two condit�.on� �.s �u��es���. in th� mEmor�,ndum by the Senior Planner to the Planning Comm�ssion. Commis�ior��r Hir��on �econded, Ayes : Commi�si�ners Hir��on� B�z�lh�nu�h� P�.i�t�, Frolich Noes: None Absent: Commi.��ioner Irwin protest Commissioner Buthen�uth moved, Gomm�ssion�r Pgxe�z �econded and it was filed Passed unanimously ta �ce�pt �.nd f�l� tr�� l�tter oppos3ng this application. (_ TM-69 Commissioner Bu�henuth movec� t1�at Applicat�.on 6 -TM-59 be approved with the approved conditions stated in the Senior Pl�.nner m�morandum and to the revised requirements of th� Fire Depar�men�o Commi.ss�oner Puet� spvonded. Ayesa Commis��,on�x°s Hir��on, But�enuth Pue �'x°olich Noeso None Absent: Gommi�s�oner Irwin o L _ � . Ni1.Yli1�.['7 G� �:�E �''.'_�'t �.::ia;., t.�+`i]illT!����i:it''. ti� `;..:.. �-*. _'�Cy P�"�.l UO��DOs� P�.�� 7 ` 11-z-6g/7-TM-6� E. Ap��:������,�;�a,� :��_��.�,ry�"�r'����_b,�. �Iau-i� �� �ss��.��.�, �n�o; R��o��:�� �r� K��i�� gr�;�.�r�� fric�m �1�x:�eult�r�.1�R�s�€iential legend ��ngya�;-��.r«��r ����r� ? �;� �F:L��3r �o R���3er��;�,a:i �ingle- f�SC'� :s:�7 `p'� jir� aC], � �C� :. R�h�iy'�p �� � 2l.23:� �'��'�r:�"'"ai:l� �JTl �r'dWWrl pr���r�,y �rv� Agr� �u�.*�y,Ar�,i��U���,�:�����.i � in��.�-f�m�.I� 7s500 sqdz�:, ��r":," ��l-�?a5� ��,,:�;�. �'��z�.��t��v�� 2 � , �� �����,x��at��y 3�8 acr�;� ���:�.*.:�a ��,�� �i� ,�i� �3�a1�� �cac� n�:�°°�� �f R�gn�rt C�°eek� ����t �ie���ngA ' Mr. BSa� Sc�a°u�t�, ��F�°���n �:i���,� '� ������� �av ,� n� e�:��ini°t°�Ed the I pl�n� �rad �acp�a�.r��� ���a;� t��r�� �s� ���� `��°��.�n q���t���ns c�n ��� I ten�t�,ti��re ma,a,� �,nd ���� �.����t�n�� u� �;n� ����,ff° �i�3 b�en so�zght in so].ving p�o�:��m ������e C���o >fi�,� ��� ��p�i��an� w�� r°equ�sting t�he el�m�,n�,�ian of �'�a� r�q�.����� ������.�.k �r���:�n t;�� �u�-�.?_��,� a� not presentation , n��ded �.nd �,:il��r:�rag ta�� v����.��m3 ��z�°�,�. �:tmo�gh�r� �ea �7�r�yst o Mr. Sck�ul�e a1.�� �o.�.r*�� ��� ����� ��xM ��:�:�� ,��4���n ��;t�r�ex� ��i� twc propertie� w�.� ��a�� �Y�at �� �vo�� �� t,�� �a�°x°o� to �ra�r�.n� tSne con- str'uc�a,on c�f` �. f��:��r ci���:�.�pe� �r��e*• t� ��°��� �taridax°d�� Senio�° Pl�.�n��^ .L�.�z��n ���.�;�� �'�,�:+� #.�� �°�.��s?�n�, did r�o�t ����en°� any pro�al.em� � k��we�r�� *�a� �,�n�,�,�� �� �.g �3�,:i �a��� p�°a��em �.�°��,� in rega,rd to t,h� se��3:�n �f ?��a� cal���m��,�: �,� �r��I� a� t� tk�� °�wr� i��� "'no� a st�ff report part of th%� �u����ri�icn" a CYiaix°mar� F'rali��a n���d �"k��t� �;�!e ���°�.��i� �i ��,� of �1�� �;��.-r3���ac is t�e standa�d �6 f��°�9 �,�� p����.�� �� �rt�����e� �� �*�a,� �� f�. ��rips on each s:��ie of th� 3� f°� ��°��,�.way s�c��,x�� �� p.�,��a���� �,� pr�e��so�ed �;hex°e°by being questions �ri�u�lly i� nc�� ��g�.�� �. pa�� �� �������� 1��� 0� - �r��t1���� �c�me form of �iel�w�,1k ���i�a1�. be p������d �t �.����.��: �r ��rbe ����m Consid�r�,bl� �z,��u��:��z� �n��x�d ���b� �ra �E�� qu���i�n �f tl�� s��.ewalk and. on - th� ��°�`�1��°� c�° wh��h�� ��x'b�������.�� lr�t� cou:lc� L� �xci�xded from discussion the Tenta�z�r� �,po The ��p�������,� ;,��°� ��° th� �.p��.x,��.i�t, ��g��si���i �:��,t t�� '�'�r���,ti�re Map b� c�n°�in��.�d fc�� f`a����� ��.���y �a��,T ��� ���,�f o �ommi��i�n�r T�s.���a�n m����. �� :��.a��; ���: j��.b�::�: he�.rin� on �1pp�.ication p.h. closed 11,�Z-69. Ccs�a,����n�� ��t�l��n�t� ����r�.�� �,n� i.t w�a� p�.��ed Yananimousl.y. Comu�i�s%on�� �I�,�����n mo���� �t� ap�a�t��� Ap�l���,��.�n 11m�0�9s �ommissioner 11-TM-69 B�t�enuth ����r����.o approved Aye�o ���r,�����,�a���°� �I����.ea�� ��u�,����n�a��� Pe1����, F�°o���;;r� No�� e 1Vca�� Absent o �o�ari��� �o��� ���r�r� Commi�sione� Hi���l��n zno�r�cl� C�rr,mi��:��ne�° �u�.hen�th s�conded �nd it was 7-TM-69 passed �un�n�m��x��.;� �o �ont�n�u� �.�������on� of �lpplic�°��an 7m�M-�9 �o continued the neact m��� in� a Unfinished ���i���� Commis�ione� l�.iet� indic�.ted ���.t, �� mig�t ��ortl.y hav� r�eady lnforma�ion in regard t,� �tk�� �i��i� �nc19a��;� :.�,� ��: ��.nance wrhich could be formu�.ated � into Or�.inan�� �r��lb��� b;y �,h� ��r���° P�.�,nner. It wa� �greecl �o place statements the matt�r of t;�� ��g�.t I�d�x�� �s�,� �r�l�n�,n�e b�ck on t"�e agenda for the next me�°ting lznd�x° 14 Unf�n����e� �°asi�e�� I AZinutes o� the P�anr:iri� �orar�i,ssion Ap�il I� 196� PC-11 80,000e4 1V'ew Bus ine s s Senior Planner �,aur°�.n displayed �, map s�owing the powex� supply element of the Coun'�y Genez°al Plan and noted thalt �here is a substation planned on the lot oraned by PG&E between Jun:�pero Serra freeway and �Iomestead Road east of i31�n�y Avenu�. The Commis�ioners voiced no objections. It was a.gr��d t,o pl�,•4e t�� el��tion af C��irma.n and �ice-Chairman of the Planning Comm�.�sion �n the agenda �°or the next regul�,�°ly scheduled meeting. Mrs. Stella Kester gr�,ciously offered to donate three acres of land for a paxk site and invited �he Commi�sioner� to an inspection of the site. Chairman Frolic� e�cpressed gratitude an behalf of the Co�nission. The date of S�,turday, April 19 1969 was a,greecl upon as the choice for viewing the donated locationo The Chair c�eelare�d °the meetin� ad�ourned a� 12 al5 a.m. �,PPROVID : . '1 ����� ��� ATTEST: /s/ Donald A. Frolic�i Chairman PLANNING DEPARTMENT �c`,cc� �G�'� M Senior Plann�r