PC 03-24-69 CITY OF CUPERTIN0 St��� of Californ�a
10300 Torre Avenue� Cup�rtir�o� California 950��
Phone: 252-4505 �-g
MARCH 2�+ 196g �N �� cotrnTCZ� c�r��xs s CI� HALT�, CUPERfiZNO, CALIFORNIA
The meetin� was call�d to orde�° at 8;05 �.m. by Chairman �'�oli.ch� who call to order
subsequentl.y �ed the ass�mbl�,g� �n the f'lag salut�o flag salute
Commissioners pr�sen�to Irwin, Hir�hon� Bu���n�a�th, Puetz� Fro3�ch. Also
presento City A��o�°ney And�rson; S�nior Pl�nner L�urin; A�s�.stant ro11 c�ll
Planner Eng; Ci�y En�ineer Boyd; Recording Secr�tary Luc�� M> M�tzley.
Commissioner Irwin moved, Commi��ione�° Puetz seconded Commissioner
HirsY�on ab�t�.inecl� - to �,pp�ove the minutes of �h� F'�bru�r3r 24 196g minutes
meeting. approved
The minutes of t�he Ma�°ch 5 �.969 study �ession were sub�itted for the
pex°usal �f t,he Comm���ioners. submission
Commi�szoner Bu��nenuth m�ved - to approv� - the �nutes of March 10, 1969.
Commission�r� I�°win �econde�. anc� it was pa�sed �+ - a w�.th Commissioner approval
Frolich abs��.inin�. of m�nut�es
Commissioner But,h�nutY� mov��. to contin�z� approval of ithe minutes of
March 12� �969 to the next �°�g�zzlar meeting. Commi��ioner Pra.�°�� �econd�d �,pproval
and it w�,� p�,ssecl �.n�n�mmouslyo continued
S�nior P�.�nner Laurin ac�vi�ed th� Comr►iis�ioner� °chat Mr. Bu�k Norrecl h�d 1-U-69
submitted a lette�° reque�ting a continuance of the hearing of Applicm request for
ation 1-U- to the next meeting. Accordin� to Mx°. Lalzz�in, N1s°. Norred continuance
was nego�iating to 1e��� a different site for his opera�ion.
Commissioner But,henuth moved, Commis�ioner I�°win seconded a.nd it wa� request
passed unanimously t,o postp�sn.e the he�,rin� of Mr. Norrecl �,pplication granted
to the nex� r�gular m�e�ing.
Chairm�.n Frolich a3vi��d the members of the audience that� Application
1-U- had been pos°tponed to the nex+ me�ting.
There we�� no o�hex° wr°itten communications.
Senio�° Pl�.nner L�.urin �.clvi���. �he Commissioner that the join� meeting
with the City Counci�. h�� been �ch�du�.ed for Monday� Ma�°ch 3� ��969
�.t 7030 p.m. Mz°e I,�u�°�n ��ate�. tY�at the discussion of C�neral P1.an reminder
policie� for �he Foc��i�l Boule�rard and hil.l area� would not be in
the form of a public hearin�, bu� would be open to the publ�c.
Chairman Fr�olich �ug�e�ted that the meeting be �,clvertised as usual with
the statement th�,t this was not a public hearing� and that the staff
remind the Commissioner� of the meetin�, which will be �lone by the City
Clerk �ubmission of an agenda.
There were no or�,7. communications. no orals
page 2 Minutes of th� Plann�ng Gommission March 2� �969 PC-9
80, 000 . �'
Public H�ar�ngs
2- z-69 A. Applicat.ion 2-2m Ward Crump Developments, 2nc.
The applicant was not in �he audience. Senior Plannex° L�.urin advised the
no repre- Commissioner� t��,� Mr. Crump �ad intlica�ed t'.n�,1t, �e might �ubmit a new
sentative application in l��u of �,�e one list�do Howe�,rer� ��iis new application had
not yet b��n receiv�c� by the Pl�,nnin� D��S�rtment .
Commissioner Buthenuth moved to plac� �he hearing of Applica�tion 2-Zm69
agenda to the end of �,h� l.i�ted a�en da. Commi��ioner �rwin second�d and it w�.�
placement passed unanimously.
Chairman Frol.ich �t�ted th�,t he was in receipt of � letter from Senator
letter Alquist c�.l�ing a.ttention to certain l��i�lation which would permit fund�
cited for alloc�.tion fo� r���°�ational u�e of ar��,� su�h as the one previously
proposed fox° �on�tx°uct�.on by Mro Grump.
Chairman Frolich �equested that st�,ff contact, Sena Alquist's office
and obtain �t,he d�t�,��s in connection wi the �ypes of assistance avail-
abl� far °�he poss%b�.e puz°�h�,�e �.nd. subseq�zent, development of paz°ks in
t,he Cupertino ar�ae A].so ��hat Mz°. Crump b� conta.cted with a request
request for an indic�tion as to how thi� �lt�rnative might be received by him.
for data Further th�,t the �t�,�f r�qu�st that the le�i�l�,tion be specified and
perhaps axzt�.�.n�d. by m�.kin� °�h� bill or bills available �o the City of
Commissione�° F�xetz g�,ve minute ord�r �.pproval to the Chai�°ma.n's request.
Commi �s�oner Hirsk�on s�conded �nd it w�s p�.sse�l unanimously.
5- z_69 Be Applic�,t�.on 5�Z- Don O.Bandley; Rezoning from Single-
legend family Re�identi�,l. 10 �g,.f°t. lots (R1-10) and Sin�le-
fam�ly Residentia.l.-Agx°iCUltuz°�,l 10�000 sq.ft. lots (Rl-l0ag)
�,o Pl�,nned Development (P) zone for commerci�,l use, approx-
imately 15 acres located northw�st corne�° of Stevens Creek
Boulev�,rc� �nd Stelling Ro�d. Second Hearin�.
Mr. Bandley made �he p�°e�entation �,nc� re�.tex°�,ted what had transpired thus
far; he remstatecl the background of °the �,pplication which had been
explained in clet�.il at th� adjourned regular meeting of �the Planning
Commission uncle�° date of March 12� �969 M�°. Bandley and Mr. Burrow
present- the Con�ultant Pl�nn��°� e�l�,ined �the locale of �'he piece of property
ation stating °tha� 23 ac�°�� of multiple had previously received favorable
con�ideration by °�he Pl�.nnin� Com#nis�ion with �, remainin� l; acres
for whic� t�e Fl�.nned D�velopment (P) media was �hou�ht to be the best
po��ible u�ee
Mr. Burrow detailed tha,t the site woulcl. encomp�.ss a corner restaurant which
would �erv� �.s � buffer from the p�rk; � pedestri�.n mall which would lead
site to and from the pa�°k with �hops such as delicatessen, art shop�, musi�c'�
explained shops, a�ts & c�°aft shop� and with sufficient space for pedestrian walking
to provide open spaces in b�tween t�he buildings. Also, that much land-
scaping had been planned to give the site t�e �esthetic values which the
City of Cup�rtino d��ires.
Minute� of th� P�an�in� C��mi��i�n Ma�ch �4 �96g PC-9
Application 5�Zm6� cont pa�e 3
Commi.ssione� B��h�n��h �e��e����d �$�� ��a��men�� f�om the last meetin� opinion re-
by which he f�l� t��� som�t��ng ����� t��n cont�nuin� t�e comm�rcial iterated
us� west o� St��l�n� Ro�� coul.d b� ��g�e���do
Coiarni��ione� �ii��han fe�t� t����, tk�%� °w�.� ?�:�� b��t u�� fo�° that pi�c�
of l�,nd ��nce °�he col��g� �,� loe�,��d �,cress� �the way �,n� t�at �i� wou1�
r�,th�s° ��� �, c�mpl�x of �kaa� a����a.�� �o ��r-�ri�� �he g�op1� in �,he �.�°�� statements
than f�,c� a po��ibl� �°�rs.p �oarun�r��a�. �l�on� �t�v�n� Cr�ek Boul�v�.rd. He
pa�°ticulax��.y lik�d - t�� ma�11.��,yp� �.x°r�n��m�n°� af° �h� px°opo�al.
Co�iss�one�° Irwin agx°eed. bu� �t�t�� t`ha� �ii� go��ibl� vote would. cerm gas station
t,ainly not con��i�u�� an a�re��.ble �ro°t� c�� �cn��n�G to �nothe� ga� station excluded
Use Permit.
Commi�sione�° �a.e�� f°��t t�Zat °th��e �houl.d b� �, cess�.tion of commerci�l request for
uses somewher�� ��p�ci�,�ly ��nc� the�°e is �� muc`� comm�rci�l zoning in cessation
�k�e gener�,? �.��� �.lr��.c°iy a
Ch�,irman Frolich ��q,ue���d that� �hould �he wote b� favorabl.e, H Control
be �eque�t��i t� pay �pec�,al. at��ntion �o t�e lands��.ping of th� �it,e request by
�o �.� °�o ��ndex° �t mcst at to �h� �u��°ouncl�ng coll�ge and central chair
Wh�n G'hairman Frolich c�11.�c1 for arzdienc� enannl�n°��, MMz°°. R.D, Ko�ni��er
of �0660 ���,r Lap Dx°ive �t�tec� - �h�,t he w�,� t�ota.11y opposed to another
comtt�er�cial dev�lopm�nt as� in hi� opin�.on G'uper°�ino �a� enou�h of° tk�em audience
�.t this poin°t. Mr°o Koen�tzer �tate� th�t t�� p].�ns, when �ubmit°�ed, comments
�.re alway� wellaanc�i.�°ed �,ncl mo�t �ttracti�e but tha� after the d�velopment
is constx°uc�e�� °th� �ite �� u�ua�.ly cluttered with �°vnmof�the�mill
bu�lding� �h�.°t �,�°� nei�the�° �,t�t��,ctive n�r d��i�°ab1� e
Comm�.s�ion�r Iiir�hon mo�red� Gommi��ion�x° Irwin s�cond�d and �t �aa� p�.ssed p.h.
un�nimou�ly to �lo�� ��e public �ea,x°in�, closed
Co�runissionex° Pizet� mov�cl °�o �er�r Appl�c�,�ion 5sZm69. Commis�ioner But�e� motion to
nuth second�d, deny
Aye� o Comm��s�,onez° �i�°�z �.ncl �uthenut�h fails
Noe� o Co�i���,oner� ��°w�n� Hir�h�n� �'r��1.icl�
Commis�ion�r Hi�°�hon mo�r�d th��t App��c�,t;�on 5�Z �� �pg�°ov�d� subject 5-Zm
- �o the 12 S°��.ndard ConcT�ti.on�. C'T��.ix°m�.x� Fr�ol�.c� �ugge�ted that the motion to
following add�,tion�l cond�,t�,on� be incl�zd�� irs the mot�ono �) that, since approve
the applicant �.equ�,��ce� to °the x°eq�ue�t H Con�r�l be r�quested to pay detailed
part�.clzlar att�ntion to this appl.ic�,t�on in x°elation�h�.p to the vicinity
of De Anza Colleg� �nd �,he C�t�r's m�in public park next to it; 2) that
t�e approval of° �hi� applie�tion in no way �on�titutes an �,pproval of the
px°opo�ed �erwice �tat�on; 3) th�,t ��he applieant be on notic� that the
Planning Commi��ion wi�.� r�view �he �i�te s�tud�r in connection with the Use
Pex°mit and that i� �h�,ll be pa�°ticul��l.y cance�°necl with the px°operty
adjacent to the centr�.1 p�,rk in x°eg�,�°d� to ��� �ppear�,nce of tlze land�
scaping be�Gween �he builcl�ng� �,nd the pa,rk� thi� �,rea should not be
tux°necl into an a11.e� po��ibl.y wit1� ���°b�,�e cans .
page � Minutes of ��� Planning Gom����ion Ma�ch 2� 19�9 PC
Application 5mZ-69 cont°d
City Attorn�y c�ution�d �hat conditions �o have the greatest impact and
effectiven�ss, shou�d b� pr�ci�e �nd cle�r enaugh �o that they m�y be
followed. It �as M�. Ande�son opinion t�a� the Planning Commission
attorney shou�d not conce�n itself with m�tters tha� would have to be decided
cautions at ��ate� �im�o Mr�. Ande��on pointed out that a developm�n� plan for the
prc�posa� mu�� be submi�ted� p�°�.or to �he issuance of � bui�.ding pex°mit
and �that the cle�relopment plan a,pprou�,1 request would �ender ample opportunity
to pl�,ce addit�onal requix°ements upon t,he application.
CYhai�°man Fz°olich a�reed to delete r�que�t 1) for the request to H Control;
agreement retain requ��� 2� and modif`3r request 3) t,o st,ate that there will not be
an �,lley with garbage cans in the area �,'butting the central park.
5-z-69 Commissioner H�.rshcn agreecl ta thi� wording of his motion, Commissioner
approved Irwin secondede
A�reso Gommi�s�.oners Hir�hon, Irwin Frolich
Noeso Commi�sioner Buthenuth and Pue°tz
Absent: None
5- v-69 C. 1�pplication 5-U-690 Cupertino Sanitary District; Use Permit
le�end for pumping �tation at north end of Florence Drive. First
Heari.ng .
Mr. John Fl�ming� Man�,ger-En�ineer of t,he Cupertino Sanitary District,
explained tha°t a x°epor� had been �ubmitted to �he Planning Departments
of surroundin� ju�°isdic�fons in conn�ction with the Ma.ster Sewer Plan.
Mr�. Fleming exp�a�ned �h�.t, in order to implement the financing of the
present- Master Pl�n by Federal funds� app�°oval of the surrounding jurisdictions
ation was sought. Ii� pr�sented a pl.ot, p.��n which showed a small, residence-
like construction on the site which would hou�e the underground pumping
sta,�Gion. According to Mr. Fle�.ng, there would be no noise, no fumes,
�.nd no vibrat�ion �,nd that the pump w�,s electronically controlled from the
Cupertino S�,nitary Di�t�°ict with only �,n occa,sional need for servicing
by smal� pickmup tru�ks which would ente�° the building through any one of
the three garag�� loc�,ted to �h� rear of the constructi.on coinpletely
hidden from the �tr�e� an� �,butting the f°z°eeway.
no comments There were no �udience eomments.
p. h. Coramission�x° Buth�nuth moved, Comrnzssioner Pue seconded and it was
closed passed unan�.mou��y �� c.lose the public hea�°ing.
5-U-6 Commi.�sion��° B�zt�enuth moved for �,pprov�,1 of Applic�,tion 5-U-69, Commissioner
approved Puetz second�d.
Ayeso Commissionex°s Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noe�a None
Absenta None
Minutes of �h� Planni.n� G�:nm����on Max°c� 24 1969 C-9
age 5
D. Applic���on 3m�Mm�9; Cl�u�e T. �ind��ye Tentativ� Ma.p, approx-
ima,tely 1.9 ac�e� loc�t�d west sid� of Bubb Road between -TM-69
Regn�rt Road �nd Conr�dia Court. Fir�t He�ring. legend
Mr. Roger Laehr of McK�ymSomp� made �he pr��entation; �he app�ication was resent-
briefly discu�sed. tion
There wer� nd �udienc� commen��. o comments
Commissione� Bu�h�nu�h moved� Commis�ioner I�win �econded �nd it wa� . h.
passed unanimou�ly to clo�e �he public he�rin�. closed
Commissioner Irwin moved for approval of Application 3-TM-69, Commissi- 3-TM-69
oner Hirshon seconded, sub�ect to the 12 Standard Conditions. pproved
Ayesa Commissione�slrwin� Hir�hon� Buthenuth Puetz, Frolieh
Noe�: None
Absent: Non�
E. Appl�c�t�on 6�Zm Skaggs Pa� �e�� Drug Stores, N.A. Billa> -Z-6
w�1� and P,Wv Superma�ket�; Rezoning from singl�-family le�end
A�ricul�u�a�-Re�identi�l l��c�e lot� (A1m�3) �.nd Planned
Developm�n� (P) to Gener�l Commerci�l (CG), �pproximately
18 aer�� at �o��hw��t eorner o� �omestead Ro�d and Sunnyvale-
Sa��tog� Ro�d. �ir�t Hea�in�.
Mr.Donald J. E��on ���p�e�entin� �he applicants, s�ate� �hat he was not
a practicing �ttorney but a house coun��l and Vice President of Pay Less
Drug S�o�es� and cont�nued on to expl�ir that � t�orough study had been
undertaken by �is company which had ��own �,he need and ant�cip��ed success
for a Pay �e�� Drug Store in �he proposed are�. Ac�ordin� �o Mz°.Eaton, �resent-
the location w�� ide�ll� �ui��d for � proj�ct of thi� t�rpe and �hat� since ation
Pay Les� h�d � good reputati,on and owned the land the proposal would be
car�ie� ��°ou�h in the m�.nner in wh�ch �� wa� propo�edo
Mr. Eaton wen� �� �o expl�in the p1o� plan and architectuz°al renderin�
of �he Cuper�ino Pl�z� and poin�ed out �ec�ss to the lots, fuz°t�er st�tin�
that the Pl�nning Dep�rtm�nt who had been most cooperativ�, h�d suggested
the need�fo� �,n �dditional access tc p�o�id� en�rance/exit to � l�nd- �roposal
locked piece Qf 1�nd imm�d��t�ly �djac�nt. It was al�o poin�ed out that lexplained
this proposal was tentati�� �nd �h�t a development plan would be submitted
at � later t�me.
Commi�sion�r Hi�s�on w�� bot�ered by the additional servic� �t�tion as
shown on �� ���pos�� which �� ju�t a few yards away from �n ex�s�in� �as apprehension
station at �the corne� of �om�s��ad Road �.nd Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. voiced
When a�ked �or hi.� comment� S�nior P1�nn�r T�auz°in stated th�t a po�sible
approval should inc�ude 1) tha� there �hall be a public,�treet connectin�
Homestead �oad with �h� 1and�ocked area south of the project �pprox�mately
�t the loc�tion shown on the rendering; 2) that either the presented staff
developmertplan bE �pp�ou�d or th�t a n�w orie should be submitted prior suggestions
to �he building p�rmi�;
page 6 Minutes of �he Pl�nnin� Gommission March 24 �969 PC-9
Application 6-Zm cont"d
3) that a second�r.y emer�ency fire access be placed as required by the
�ire Depaxtmen�; 4) �.ny other condi�ions the Planning Commission might
wish to 3mpose, suc� as a possible approval of the zoning does not
constitute the approval of the proposed gas station.
audience When Ch�i�°man Frolich called for �udience comments Mrm R. D. Koenitzer
comment stated that he w�uld oppose � service �tation at that location.
Discussion ensued relative to �h� pl�c�ment of nursery articles on the
discussion outside of the proposed Pay Less store. Senior Planner Laurin pointed
out that outdoor sales is not a permitted use in a CG zone.
The applicant su�gested that display shrubs mi�ht lend themselves hand-
sug�estion somely to t�e site as an �ddi�ion to the proposed landscaping and that
the proposal woul� be carried out in the f��hion the Planning Commission
might sug�est.
p. h. Commissioner Buthenuth moved Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was
closed passed unanimously to close the public hearing.
6- z-69 Commissioner Pue�z mo�ved for approval of Application 6-Z-69 sub�ect to
approved the 12 Stand�,rd Condit�.ons with the additional conditions 13) that there
with shall be a public strzet connecting Homestead Road with the landlocked area
conditions south o�° the project approximately at the location shown on the rendering;
14} that either the presented development plan be approved or that a new one
should be submitted prior to the building permit; 15) that a secondary
fire equipment access be provided on the southerly boundary as dictated
by the Fire Department; 16) that this approval in no way constitutes the
approval of the proposed service station. Commi.ssioner Buthenuth seconded.
Ayeso Commis�ioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noese None
Absent: None
recess Chairman Frolich called a recess at 9e37 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9�55 P•m•
Chairman Frolich reiterated for the convenience of the audience that Ward
Crump Developments h�d indicat�d that a new application mi�ht be sub-
mitted and - that the matt�r had been dEferred from an earlier agenda
2-Z- listing. Since Mr. C�°ump was still not in the audience, Commissioner
continued Buthenuth moved that �Ize matter be continu�d to the next regular meeting.
Co�nissioner Trwin seconded and it was pas��d un�nimou�ly.
� 7- � Z-6 � F. Applications 7-Z- Joseph and Rose Evulich; Frezoning
-4 TM-69 from County Agricultural-Residential 40,000 sq.ft. lots (A1-�+0)
legend to Single-family Resident,ial 7,500 sq.ft. lots (�t1-7.5), approx-
imately 3 acres; and Tent�,tive Map, approxi.mately 2 acres located
west side of Rae Lane (also known as Linda Vista Drive) between
�rannisport Drive and Columbus Avenue. First He�.ring.
Mi.nutes of th� P�.ann�ng Comm���ion March 2�+ �g69 PC-9
80, 000 . �+
Applic�.tion� 7�Zm69,��+-TM>69 cont °d page 7
M�°. Joseph Evulich pre�en�ed t�he applic�,tiono
Commi�sioner �rwin mov�d �omm�s�ione�°Ii���hon �econded and it w�.� p�,ssed hearings
unanimously �o combi,n� the heax°ing� of b��� application�. combined
Discu��ion ensued �n wh�,t �,�� �,pp�ic�.nt %ntended to �lo wi�l� ��ie proposed
lot �split . The app�� cant stated ��at �e on�.y intended to c�evelop °��e
middle l�t f'�r h:�� own us� and th�.� he did not in��n3 ta sell any of
the ot,he.r 1�t� a� th�s ��m�.
When asked for hi� opinion� Senio�° Pl�nner Laurin �ug�es°�ecl. th�,t the
presen�ed c��velopm�nt pl�n which ��.d. b�en �°equestecl by tF�e Pl�.nning
Departmentbe fi��d wit,h the Tent�ts�re N1�p fo�° referenc�e and be kept �n
��e Pl�nning �epar�m�nt°s file�. Ci��r Eng�.neer �oyd �ugg�sted that
dedieation fo�° the p�blic x°igh of° �a�,� be �.ecepted but th�,t imp�ovemen�s staff
of the dedic�,ted stree�, be defex°x�eii un°ti1 t�e ultim�,te �e�re�opment of reports
the land �o th�,t th��� woul�l be a, r�cox°�ied lien on the property which
would ob�igat� th� apgl.�e�.nt in e�,�� h� wisheei to transfer title �o
the prope�tie� �r s���. ��aneo Al��� - t��.t t�e �,pprovefl Tent;ative Map show
the ��°tu�,1 de�ic�,t, i�n e
Chairm�n Fx°ol�c� sugg���ed �ha� t'�� zon�n� be vo��cl on and that the
Tentative Map ma�ter b� continued. so th�,t t�i� m�p cou�.d b� r�-cirawn to
include th� �tat�men� �hat i°t �s thi� Planning Commis�ion°� r�commend� suggestion
ation that a Gu1�d�mS�,� s�reet �e ��dicated but that impro�ements be by chair
defex°�°ed. until �uch °��,m� �s the �c�u�,]. �letrelopment take� plaee.
C��y Attorney Ande�°�on ���,t�d. th�°t � in th� event the annexation doe� not
mate�°ialize� �, �°��rex°�i�n�.ry �l.�use wo�u�d permit the land to revert back
to th� l�.nd. owner .
The�°e were no �.udi�nce comm�nt� . no comments
Comm%��ione�° I�°win moved� Com�nis�ioner Hir�hon �econc���1 �,nd it was p. h.
passed unanimously to close °the pub�ie he�,z°ing. closed
Commissionex° I�°win mov�d to continu� Applic�,�ion �+-TM to th�: nex� �+-TM�
regul�,r meeting. Commissionex° Puet� s�conded. and it was pa��e3 unani- continued
mousl .
Commis�foner Ix°win mov�d �o �ppro�re Appli.c�,tion 7-Z� subject �o the 12 7-Z-
St�,ndard Concli°tion� w�,th �he �,dditional condition that the proposed approved
str�e �.� s;h��rn on t�he u:ltim�.te devel.opm�n� plan i� d.edicated to th� City
of C�a.p�rtino sul� jec�, ta a r��r�x°��ona�°y elau�e �.f the �,nnex�tian doe�
not mat�ria�.ize. Commis�ioner Pue�,� �econd�d.
Ayes: Commi���on�r°s Ir�rin Hi�°�hon� Buthenut�, Fue°tz, Frolich
Noeso None
Absent: None
page 8 Minu�es of �th� Pl�nni.n� Go�niUsion Mas°ch 2�+ 1969 PC-9
8-Z- G. Appl�cation� 8 Gary G. Stokesa Rezoning from Single-
5-TM�9 f�nal.y R�sidenti.al 1.0,000 �q.f° lot� (R1-10) to Single-family
legend R��icle��ial 7�500 sq.fta lot�� (R1-7.5), and Tentative Map, eight
lots; �,pp�°�x�,m�.tely 1.84 acres located wes� side of Hillcrest
Road at G�°�s�en�t Road. First Hearing.
matters Commi�sioner P�z�t� mo�red Coirnnissiones° �rwin �econded �.nd it was passed
combined una.n�mou�ly �c �ombin� t�� he�rings of both mat,ters.
MY°. G�.ry G. S°�okes of 10199 Richwood Dx°ive made the prese�t�,tion, stating
present- that t�ere are ��v�n lots in exis�ence and that �pproval i� sought to
ation convert °t�e�e into eight lo��.
City En�ineer Boyd s�ta th�,t a 40 ` width of Hillcrest Drive had been
approved in an earl�e� subdivision because of the terrain. Senior Planner
L�.u�in stxgges�,ed th�.t the 40' width be specifically noted on the resolution
staff appr.oving �he Tent�ati�re Map. He also noted �hat the axra,n�ement with
repor�s interior l�t� i� not ideal, but tha� it i� a result of e�rlier rezonings and
subdi�ris ions .
no comments There we�°e no audience co�nent�.
p, h. Commiss�oner B�.thenu°th mo�red, Commi���oner Irwin seconded and it was
closed passed unanimously �o clos� the public hearing.�
$- z-69 Commi��ioner Buthenu�h moved for approv�,l of Application 8-Z-69 subject
approved to �he 12 S�andard Condition�. Commissioner Irwin seconded,
Ayeso Commiss�.oners Irwin Hirshon, Buthenuth, Pu�tz� Frolich
Noesm None
Absento None
S-TM-6 Commissioner Buthenu�h moved for �pproval of Application 5-TM-69 subject
approved to t�e 12 S�andax°cl Condition� with the additional condition that Hillcrest
D�°�ve be c�nte�°�d at forty fe�t. Comm�s�ioner Irwin seconded.
Ayeso Commi�sione�°s Irwin, Hirshon, B�.thenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noeso None
Absento None
Tliere was no unfini�he�l bu�iness� nor w�,s - �here any new business.
Commi��ioner Buthent�th moved, Commi�sioner Fuetz seconded and it was
passed unanimou�l�r �o adjouu�°n the m�etin�.
adjournment Th� meeting adjouz°ned at 10032 p.m.
�i�� � ; �
�s/ Donald A. Frolich
�C�� O�-r�(.,l M
Senior Planner