PC 03-12-69 CITY OF CU�ERTINO� State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California
Phone: 252-4505 PC-8
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Hirshon,c�ll - �o or��r
who subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. fla� salut�
Commissioners presents Irwin, Buthenuth, Hirshon. Absente Commissi-
oners Puetz and Frolich. Also presento Senior Planner Laurin; City roll c�.11
Attorney Anderson; Recording Secretary Lucie M. Matzley.
Senior Pl�nner Laurin reported th�t he was in receipt of a written
communication directly related to Application 4�Z- The Commissi- �itt�n
oners ��reed t'h�t this cor►ununication be read in canjunction wi�h communic���on
the hearing of the m�tter.
There were no oral communications. no ora1�
Public Hea�rings
A. 3mZ- Claude T. Linds��r. Rezoning from Single�F�snily �m�m6
Agricultu�°al-Residential lm�cre lots (A1-�+3) �o �ingle legend
family Residential 7500 sqofto �ots (R1-7.5) �pproxim
mately 1.9 acres located west side of Bubb Road be�ween
Re�nar� Road and Conradi� Court. First Hearinge
Mr°s. Juanita Mc:Lar�n, Realtor, made the presentation and st�tec�. that present���.on
this w�.s a very small parcel of land.
A member of the �udience, Mr. Disser of Re�nart Road, voiced hi� �udience
objection� to wh��t he termed o 'wall to wall houses" that would ensue objec�ion
if �his app].ic�tion were approved.
Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissi�ner Irwin seconded and �t was p.h.
passed unanimously to close the public hearing. clo�ed
Commissioner Buthenuth moved for approv�l of Application 3-Z-69 with 3�Z-6
the 12 St�nd�,rd Conditionse Commis�ioner Iz°win secondedo �pproued
Ayes< Commiss�oners Irwin, Buthenuth Hirshon
Noese Non�
Absent o: �p�ri�i��ioners Puetz and Frolich.
B. �±mZ- o Russell T�. Holcomb; Rezonin� �mz
The �,pplican� w�.s no� in the audience. Mr. Don Bandley, Realtor,
stated that this applica,tion was directly related to the followin� expl�n�tion
listed agenda item and suggested its hearing.
page 2 Minutes of tr.P Fl�nnin� Commission March 1.2� �96g PC-$
Applicat�on �+-�Z�-69 cont�d
matter Commissioner But�nenuth moved, Co�i�sioner Irwin seconded and it was
deferred passed unanimou�ly to uaove on �o the next item listed �n t�e agenda.
5- z-69 C. 5 -z-69 0 Don 0 Bandley; Rezoning from Single�F�mi�y Re�z-
legend den�Gial 10,000 sq.ft� lot,� (R1-10� and Singlr:-family Resi�
dential Agr�cul�tural 10,000 5q�fto lots (Rl-l0ag� to Planned
Development (P) for eommercial u�e approx�mately 15 acres
loc�.ted northwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulev�rd and
S�elling Road. Fir�t He�,ring.
Mr. Bandley made the presentation rei�teratin� that t�is application
was to have followed Application �+mZm further, th�t time was of
present- the essence in connection w�.th the application he presenteci> According
ation to Mr. Banziley re�onin� �pproval af some 15 a�cre� was s�ugh� �t this
time, to be followed by a request for rezoning of some �3 �cres loc�.ted
in th� same vicinity.
Mr. Dennis Burrow, the architect far �he project e�cplained the proposal
by the use of architectur�l rer�derings stating t�a� the �°eq�zest w�s
being made on beh�.lf of the Saich family which �nvolved several indi-
architect vidual parties �o the 38 �cre� parc�l. Mr. Burrow sai� th�,t there was
explains a need fo�° addi.tion�.l Pl�nned Dev�lopment (P) �onin� and that a development
proposal had previo�u�ly been pre�en��d which had be�n unacceptable t� the Pl�nning
Commis�iono T�ie �,pplic�nt maintain�d °��at tY�e current application was
similar in size and d.e�i�n to ��hat p�°eviou�ly s�abmitted on b�ehalf of �he
Eup�rat family ��m�t�me in 19660
Mr. Burrow �xpl�ined the plans in deta�l and answer�ed que�t,ions a.s
questions posed by the Commissioners �.nd the S�nior Planner. �� was vointed
answered out that this plan w�s prelzminary in n�.�ure and was al1 that is
requested by the Planned Development Ordinance at t�iis ti.m�.
Senior Pl�.nner Laurin st�.��d t�h�t the control� �he C�,ty �xercise� are the
statement same in a Planned De�relopment zone fo�° commercial �z�� a� in a General
Commercial zone.
More di�cussion ensued among the Commis��i�n�r� an�. t�e S�nio�° F�anner.
Commissioner Bu�henuth fe1� �that t�� C�.��r wou�cl �a�r� 1.���`�.e to say
about the propo�ed use a� long �,s i� was comp��i.bl� to t�ne zoning
and re�t�ined a commercial u�ea City Attorne� Ander�on ��r�ed �1�ating
discussion that the Use Fermit precedes th� B�zilci�.n� Permit and that �tlh� real_
problem f�.ein� tlhe st�ff would be �o c�rreetly 1c�c�,te :�r�era�. Comm�� c��.l.
(CG) and Adm�ni�tr��,tive and Pr�ofes�ion�.l Off�ce� (OA) are�,� °w:����,n
the P�ann�d Development� (P� zone.
When V�c� CYiairm�.n H�,�°�hon called for �.u�li�nce comment�, Mes�rs m Norman
audience Stei,n of 209�+8 A1ve� Dritre and B�.11 Disser asked que�t�ons rElative to
questions the application �11 of° raY�.ich wer� an�wer�d by �he �,pplicant t,hrough the
Chair .
communica- Vice Chairman H��shon �.1so r�ad the written commlznication which wa� in
tion read opposition to �Ghe p�°opo�al.
Minutes of the Pl�nning Commission March 12� 1969 PC-8
5-Z-69 cont'd Pa�e 3
City Attorney And�r�on again ca�ationed that an approval of the
plan would con�titute the approval of the commercial zoning on that counsel
corner and th�t the applicant would only need to return for approval cautions
of a Use Permit if he so desired.
The applicant m�intained that this application w�s purely tentative
and that the Pl�nning Commission, if they approved the �pplication
would approve the commercial nature of �he corner but certainly not
the proposed uses for the individual parcels. Ci�y Attorney Ander- �tatement
son requested that this st�tement be included in the official r�quested
record and that, upon approval, the motion should be worded to the included
effect that the approval is not �n approval of any specific use and
not an approval of a Use Permit for a gas station.
Commissioner B�t�enuth moved, Commissioner Ir�vin seconded and it w�s 5�z-69
unanimously approved to close the first hearin� on Application first hearin�
5-z_69, closed
Vice Chairman Hi��hon advised the members of th� aud�ence �hat this
matter would be listed on the agenda for the next meetin� a� havin� expl�nation
been continued from tonight's meeting.
A recess w�s called at 9030 P•m• recess
The meeting reconvened �± 9:40 p.m.
B. 4mZ- Russell�,. Holcomb; Rezoning from Sin�le-family 4-Z-
Residential 10,000 sqaft. lots (R1�10) to Multiple Hi�h- legend
Densit,y Residenti�,l 2200 sq.ft. minimum (R3-2.2), approx-
imately 22 acres located west side of Stelling Road,
860 feet north of Stevens Creek Boulevard. First Iiearing.
Mr. Herman Chri�tiansen, Jr., member of° the firm owning the ��.rcel
of l�,nd, ma.de the presentation stating that ot�er are�,s in the same
nei�hborhood had been zoned for hi��-density residential, and that
the traffic �ene�°�,tin� from this devel.opment weuld not adversely presentation
effect the existing traffic. Also that the rezoning request wa� a
logical one as there would be no additional burdens placed on
existing fa,ci�ities in the area� and sanitar3r faciliti�es were ade-
quate fox° this type of development .
Mrs. Anne An�er� a member of the audience, stated that she was not
a�ainst the proposed development per �e� but questioned the guaran� audience
tees the City would impo�e in connection wi the proposed apartm comments
ments and their actual construction.
page �+ Minut,e� af t:n� .F°�.�,nri�g Co���:���o� Mar�� :�2� �969 PC-8
80 , 000 . �+
4mZ�6g cant � �1
ThA applican� ���,t,�� ��r�t �, �i�:�ral��rn�r�t, plan wo�;xl� b� �ubmit�teci �,�;
a �-�.t�x� �,a.m� a.nci �ugg���,�d t�:a�t Y�r� r��c��ng �-qu��f �� �.m�ncl�� w�th the
statem�n� con3ition '��h�,�t � d��r��opm�nt p��n b� ��zb��t����3 �����r to t:�� ��q�a��t
requested for �. bu��d.�n� permit. �xic� C�,�.srr,�.n �i::x���ior? z^�q tk��� t���4
inclucled st�temen� by 't�� �.pp�i,can�� `�� �n���a �n �T�.��v �r�eo��. so t'ha� no �
buildin� pe�n�.t ��all be �,����;z��1 �r��,�v�° ��� ��r�e �ubmi��ie�n of ��ie �e�relop-
ment p��.n .
p. �. Comm��sion�r B�z�,�ienu°�h mo�r�d� Coanm�.��ioner ��°�a�n s�ecn�i�d �.nd it w�,s
closed pa��ecl. unarb:�mmcu�ly �� �los� iG�e pu�li.c '���.rin�.
4_ z-69 Gommi���oner Bu���l�nut� mov��l io� �.ppr���.� of �,pp�ic�.t��n �+mZ�
approved with �he l� Sta�J.�,�°d Cond�ts�n� ws°��. °��� �.�3di�,ion�.1. c�ndi�i�n 13) that
with tk�e devel.apmera� p��..n be subm�t���. ta� �;�ie �lann�ng Comm���ion prior
conditions t� �he �,��u�nce of a bu%lclin� pex°mi� . Comm����one� Ir�a�n �econded.
Aye� o Comin�.��ione�°s I�ix� Buth�enut��� H3�°�non
No�so None
Abs�n� o Gomm�,���one�� Pu�tz �.nd F'x°��i.��.
There w�,� n� unfi,nish�d bu��n�s� � no:� �a�s - �Y��re �,ny n�w bu�in�ss .
adjournment The C�i�.ir de�c.l�.x°�cl °��h� m��t;ir�g a�ijournecl at 10aQ� p.m.
} �� �
� � � �._.._._,
ATTESTo r f�� Jack T. �iirsh�n
�Tice � Gh�irman
/� �i '
�/l <�C�1�- C� i�LV�vI �n
Senior� Pl�,nn�r