PC 03-10-69 CITX 0� CUPERTINO, Stat� �f C�lifornia 10300 Torr� Aven�e, C�p�r�inoy C�lifornia 95014 PC-7 Phone° 252-4505 80,000.4 I�II1�1iJTES OF TI�iE REG�TLA�.t 1"1EETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD MAItCii 10 1�69 IN �E COLTI�CIL CHAMBERS, CITY H�►Ie1a, GUPEItTINO, CALIFORNIA The mee�iaag was �alled t� ordex at 8s00 pom. by Vice Ckaa�x�nan Hirsho�, fla� salute who subsequentl� lecl th� assemblage in the flag salute. g Co�ni�sioraexs pxes�nt: Irwisu, ��thenexth, Puetz, �x°shono Absea�t: Chairma�aa Frolich. Also preseant�: City At�orney Anderson; Seniox Planner roll call Lauring A��istaa�� PlanYaer Eng; City Engineer Boyci; Itecording Secre�ary I,ucie M. Matzley. Commissioaaer Irwiaa �noved C�nmissioner B�thenuth seconded and it was passed u�naxa.i�ou�ly to �pprove the �inutes of the February 10, 1969 �P�roved meeting. Co�nissioa�er Puet� m�ved, C��ni�sioner Irwin seconded �nd it was p�ssed unanianouslg to �rostpoxne �pp�'ov�l of the minutes of Febr�ary 24, 1969 �� P�s�poned the �ext regul�r �neetia�g. There were no aainouncements of postponements. Senior Pl�nner I�uxin advised the Commissioners tha� Ch�ir�an Frolickaraas unable to attend �nxaouncement becau�� of illness. Senior Plan�er La�rin acieised tkaat he was in receipt of one written co�nunication wh�ch w�s di�ectl� rela�ed to Application 2-Z-69. `The wz°itten Commissioners agre�d that �this coa�unication should be heard in con- comcnunic�tion juaictioaa with the �pplic�tfo� listed. 1°here we�e no oral co�nent s from tkae �udience . no co�naoents Public Iie�rings A� Appliea�foan 1-U-69: �ucic Norred; Use Percnit to �llow riding 1-U-69 sCabl� of 20 horses, located at 10850 Steven� Canyon Road. legend First Y�arin� co�atinued. It was ascert�i��d that Mr. Nox°red �ad not arrived in Chambers and �is �earing associate 1rlre 1rl�.lce Inaai.s, had �o ex��.anation for his absence. Com�nissioner Buthenuth �noved Co�amissioner Irwir� seco�ded and it was delayed passed �n�a�i�no�s�.y to pl.��e tkais ite� at the bottom of ttae agenda. Since there we�r� larg� aau��e�°� �f ��adiea�ce �e�ber� in C�ia�nbers for the > purpose �f d��cussing this $p�li�ation City Attorney Anderson suggested that th� �pplication �nggkat t�e k��ld off for one-half hour or earlier, if suggestion aPPlic�aat axrive� �� this ti�e. page 2 M:inutes of the P1a��ing Co�mission March 10, 1969 PC-7 80,000.4 Public Hearings co�t°d 28-TM-68 B. Applicatio� 28-1'I� 68: R, Cali & Bros,; Revised Tentative Map legend for Shopp�a�g Geratex, approximately 7011 acxes located north- west corner of McCl�llaxa Road and Sunaayv�le-Saratoga Roada 1�irst H��ringo The �pplican� for thb� matter had mot arrived ira Gh�ambex°s at the time hearing the heax°ia�g was cal�.ed, delayed Coa�issioner Irw�an mo�ed, Comtni�sioner Puetz secoaaded and it was passed unani�nously �o coantinu� the kaeariaag of tk�is applicataon for one-taalf hour. applicant At this p�int, M�°. N�rred laad �rrivedn Attorney Anderson advised that it arrives would be pxoper tc� he�� the �pplication at this ti�ne. 1-II-b� Mr, Fred DeKl�tz, tkae att�r�aey for Application 1-�J-69, presented a plot plan presented and sub�itted cogie� of �ame to the Co�nmissioaaer� and staff, Mr, DeKlotz explaiiaed tkaat Mr. N�rz°�d w�a�ld agxee to any and �11 reasonable demands in order to contiaxa�e his operation, �aut �dmitted tka�t there are certain problem �reas whicl� a�e�d assistammce fx°ocn the g��rera�i.ang bodies of the City. Tkie Vice Ckn�ir�an asleed f�r a staff r�port. Sen�or Plaxnaier L�urin stated staff that a ridiaag �cademy i� ��aerenitted �u�e and perhaps the most important report reasoan f�r �a� A-s�a zoaa,e. Al� aase� in this zoaae require a Use Per�nit, and strict control� could aaad stnould be exercised. Vice Gta�a�n�� Iiirst�on gav�e tkne floor to aaadience �omcnents. Mr. R�y Beasley of 2274 Riv�rs3de Drive; Mr. and Mr�o Sam Bradlyn of 2234 River�ide Dri�e9 rtx°, aa�d Mrs, Warx°ean Wefa�tr�ub of 2258 Itiverside Drive; a letter fro�n �s. Ev�lyn Bexa�stein who was uaaable to attend the meeting, whose le�ter ra�s r�ad by 1rlx�so Weisatraub; and Mr�o Joan Skianner of San Juan audience Road �Lb ia�dic�t�d tk�eir obje�tbotas individuslly amd collectively, to the comments existing oper��ioaa, cftiaag �uch considerata.ons as the pxevailin.g odors, insufficiesat aaad ianeffectiwe draiabag�, an existiaag chemic�l toilet, the problems that the o�er�tioaa �aapposedly has wbth ttae Health Depart�ent, the safety factors aaad �raffi� k��zards as rel��re to the xiding of horses while trucks aa�d schoob buses pask. nearby and, prim�rily, ttais operation within the immediate vic�aaity of a�esid�a�tial are�. Alb the above opposed a possible granti�g �f �i �dse E�ra�i� to this op�ration. Mrs. Jennie Ander�oaa �f b0�90 O�kville Avenue �nd an unidentified member proponents of the �udfence s�olc� iaa favor of the operatiox�, citing such coaasiderations speak as the need for x°ecreatioa��l £acilities within Ca�pertino as a major ob- jective aaad the lack thereofe Ther� ensued �onsid�r�ble discaxssion among the Commissioners on the subject; questions were asked of staff and applicantes representative. A number of discussion snapshots taken by v�x°ic��s aa�dfence members, were submitted to the Commissioa�ers, skaowing the ����tion of the pre�nises as well as a portion of the operation in �ctu�l f�xceo Minutes of the Pl��n��g Gomm��s��on Nlarch 10 1969 P� 80,000.4 1-U-69 con�"d page 3 When aslced to do �0 Mx. Nor�°ed reported that the horses axe preseaatly trucked in and o�t da�ly� ma�aa�re �� removed da�lq the area �.s sprayed statements with chemical� t� elim�a��t� or reduc� odors �a�d that he would be willia�g to adh�re to a�y �eq���eme�t� tkn� City �i,gka� wi�la to impose on tYae appli�at�os�o Mxs, Stelba I��tex, t�e pr�perty owr�r indic�ted tha� there were several areas which wos�ld a���ci �o tae s�ttl�d taefor� this o�eration could �ontinue ia� tka� p�e�ea�� fashiono City At��rney Aaadex°�o� que���.��a�d �he legality of utiliziaag a chemical toilet� fradicatia�� t,k��� this a��e was against exi�s�i�ag Ordi�ances. The applicant agreed �v �n�lo�� ox� relo�ate tkae toil�t in a�cordaaace with requests the Gi�y ° s��q�aes�s. C�mc�a�ssioaaer Irwin reque�ted th�it �kae conditions agreed upon as lis�ted oa� th�e Se�aior P��aa�ner ° s memo��andum tm the C�a��nis�io�ers be modified �.n certain ways, �� all of which the applicant agx°eedo Co�nmissioa�er I'a�et� �aovecl ��manissioner Irwiaa seconded and it was p.ha passed �aa��aimo�sAy t� ��ose t�� publ�c kaearia�g. closed The Co�aissi�ner� �t��ed tl��i� ixadiv�.dual �pinion� ; Co�n�.ssioa�er Pa�etz �aintaiaied �ha� th� r��eaat heav� xaia�� �aight t�ave h�d an i�tense effect on the opexation parti�N��,arl� in xegards t� *he od�r, and suggested commissioner"s that � iJs� Per�nit be graaa�ed for a tk�see-�noaa�hs period afte� which t�ae opinion applicant would r�-a���a�° before tha.s Comcni�sioan �t wknic�a ti�n� tt�e ob jection� co�ld ��ace agaia� be stated by tta� re�ide�ts surrounding the operatioaa. Co�ai�sio�zer Irw�n di��gx°�ed tta�t rain�, create od�rs, flf�s and masaure but that, in addition to tkae three li�ted problems� rains do create drainage p�°oblean�. Vice Ch�irmara Iiirshon fel� that there was a basic protale�n between the b��s�r and the lessee caf �h� property �aad there was also a px�oblem �f �c��s�. M�°, Iiirshon wa� gratified to see the con- poia�ts stresse� ditiose� placed �p��a tkai�s appla.c�tioaa h��t �aas of th� opianion that there would be an eaaf�rc��nexat �r�b�.em, Cow�ni�sioa�er Irur�n moeted that Applfcation 1-U-69 '�e denied on the basis 1-1�- of poor acces� probl��a� �f dx°ainage �a�d le�sor-lessee difficulties. tie vote Vice Ghaircnan I�x°sh�a� �ecoaad�do Ayes: Co�aiss��ner� arwin and I�.r�hon , Noe�o Co�nmis�a,oa��r� Puetz aa�d Buthe��ath Absent: C�ni�si�caex I^'rol��h City Att�rney Anderso� �dvised that the ��,e vote would have to be broken b� Chai�axa �ro�ich, absent frocn tkais mee�.ing, who, upon �he advice by need for further discus�ioa� on the �uattez° could reopen the hearing counsel or decide upon the is��e by virta�e of the recvrded �xoceed�ngs, Commissioner Buithea�u�h �noved to place this m�ttex° on the agenda for the 1-U-69 to be next xegula� meet�a�g. Co�i�sioner P��t�� s�conded and �t was passed placed on unasaimo�sly. next agenda page 4 Minutes �f the Planni�g Co�m�ssion March lp, 1969 PC-7 80,000.4 Public Hearings cont°d 28-TM-68 B. 28- TM-68: Rm Cali & Bros., as previously listed. Mr. Tim Sanders of 812 Castro Stre�t, Mountain View, the representative present- for the above app�ication, h�d now arrived in Chambers and submitted the ation revised Tentative M,ap. City Attor�ey Andery=1$� advised that the City Council had previously counsel's approved this apglication and that this body could only recognize the advice action by the Ci�y Co�nc�� without �ny furthex deliberation. <�iso, that this w�s �ot a pub�ic hearing beca�se of the City Coun��i.l'� previous approval. no comments There were �o �udience comme�ts, nor were there any further reports from staff, 28-TM-68 Commissioner Butkbenuth moved £or the record to show that the Planning council Gommission taas reviewed the action as taken by the City C�uncil and action recognizes same in connection witta Application 28-�°M-68 �s revised. recognized Co�nmissioner Irwi� s�conded. Ayes: Com�nissioa�ers �rwiaa, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noes: None ' Absent: Cosnmissioner Frolich 1-Z-69 C. 1�-';-69: City of Cugertino; Rezoning from Single-Family residential legend (R1-10� to Gener�]. Com�nercial (CG) , approxi�nately . 23 acre owned by N�axry W. Cka�w, located ea�t side of Foothill �oulevard, 305' south of Stevens Creek Boulevard, First Hearingo Senior Planner Laurin explained that when this property was annexed a explana- mistake had beea� made in trans£erring the County xoning. For that reason, tion the owner did not join oraners of adjacent properties when they applied for CG zoning. Satisf�ction would now be given by rezoning on the initiatiive of the City. no comments There were a�o audience co�nnents, p. h, • Commzssioner Buthenuth moved, Com�issioner Puetz seconded and it was closed passed unanf�nously �o close the public hear�ing. 1-Z-69 Commission.er Buthenutt� mvved that application 1-Z-69 be approved with the approved same conditions �s placed u�on Application 25-Z-68. Commissioner Puetz seconded. Ayes: Co�ni�sioners Irwi.E1 �uthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noe s : Noxie Absent: Co�omissioner Frolich Minu�es �f ti�e �lanni�� C����.s���� ���� �Q, 1��� P�-7 80,000.4 Public I�ea����� �����d page 5 D. Appl��a�io� �-�-��; �o Wv Mc��nn�11; �se Perm�t for a 48- 3-U-69 unit mot�� ��d ��ff�� s��p to be constructed �ear the legend �ort�we�� cor��r of 5������ ����� �o�l��a�d ��d �laney Ave���. �i�s� ����i�gm Mr. E» Wo �cCo�n�ll made �h� �rese�t�t�o� and sub�i�ted a re�dering of the p�opos�d co�s�r�ct���. Staff reported ���t a r���s�d pla� had b��� re�ue�t�d by t�e Plamnin Depart�emmt, whi�� kaa�d �us� ��e� ��ce��ed and tha� ��e �umber of parking spaces needed wer� now �� �x��te���� how�ve�, �hat th��e see�ed t� staff report be a� egress/�n�r��s p�oblem �� �l�ney Av�nue ��d �te���s Cr��k Boulevaxd. �'here wer� �o a�dience c�m���t�o no co�ments Di�cussiomm e�s�ed a�o�g t�� C���s�io�rs r�latb�e t� t�e entrance on B�ane� Aven�e �nd t�e �x�� ���o S�even� Cxeek ���l���rd. The app- lica�� vol�nte���d �o adh��� �� wha��ver r��tric�im�s t�e City would place upo� the �gre��/��g���� �at�e�o Co�nnis�ioner ���tz ��v�d ���ni��i�ne� ax�i� seco�d�d ammd i� was p. h. passed unanim�us�y to ��os� ��� p�blic hearing. closed City Engiaie�r Boyd ��i���i��d ���t ��e �r�ffic to b� gea� rat�d from the motel would be in��de���b �� ��y t�a�fic ��obbemo �tatement Commissioner �ut��n�th mm��d t��t Applica�ion �-�-69 �� app�oved, 3-U-69 subject t� xeview of t�e �raff�� problem� that might be created at approved with the time of compl��i�� of the co��tructiom by the Engineering De- conditions partment and th� Pl�xiaii�g Depa���en� a�d t�at these departments skaall have the �ut�o��ty t� re�iew the egress and angre�s at that ti�e. Co�mai�s�on�r P��t� �econded. Ayes: Co�cni�si��er� arwfn, ����e�ut�, Puetz, I�rs�on Noes: Nmne Abs�nt: Comgni��ioaber ����ic� E. 2-`T°TI-69/4°�Tm69: �'kI�A �m�rd of �ru�t�eesa Te�tative M,ap fox 2-TM-69/4-U-65 apprmxi�n���ly Sv9 �i�r�� and Us� Permit for construction legend of YMGA b�i�di�ngo Location: �o�ner Saick� Way �nd Parlc Aven�ae. �irst �aring. Mr. .Ti� Jacksoa� Cfla�ir�an of th�e B�cild�ing Com�ait�ee fox the applic- ation �nade t1a� px�sentati�n, eacpl�ia��.aag tha� th�s appli�ation had previou�ly be�a� gran�ed � U�e Pex�it k�ut that construction hacl not presentation been comEnenced beca��� of lacic of fundsa Mr. Jackson maint�ined that a YMCA £acili�y was aaeeded iaa C�pert�.tao and tlaat it would include, �mong others ��ch facil�ties �s h�aria�gs roosns �nd small and larger assembly rooms for req�e�t�d publi� us�. page 6 Min�t�s of t�e P�a��.ing C��c�a�s��on March �0 �969 PC-7 80,000.4 2-��6�/4-U-69 coa�t°d no comments There were �o staff co�nnents in addition to tkne previously submitted writ�en report. When Vice Cha�rman Ha.rshon aut�xox°iz�d �udiea�ce co�ents, Mr, Norman Stein of 2094� Alves Drive addz°�ssed the C�mcni�sio�ex°s, objecting to objection to the proposed tkarough �tz°ee� tk�at would provide for a drag strip in a street going her�tofor residea�t3�1 area. �Ix°, Steis� stated that �nost of the residents through on Alves Drive tnad lived ther� since �h� fnception of the street and are des�,rous of m�intaining the s�r��t as �trictly residential. Mr. Steir� was supported in his r�quest to deny the �hrough street on support Alves Drive by Nix°, L�oaa�rd Grey of 20913 Alves Drive; Mr. Harold I11�smey��° of 20900 A1ves Dr:�ve ��ad Mr. Ed Beyer of 20127 Alves Drive. Mr. Dasa�el P��lsea�, a m�mber of the audience, stated that the YM�A �was ne�ded in �lae �o�amuaaity and �hat, although he sympathized with audience the people on Ale�e� D�ive wtno axe desir°ous o� k.eeping their street comments �residen��al o�rh�r residential streets kaave been turned into through � stre�ts wittaoaa� any a.lb effect� on the imcnedi.ate ateighborhood. � Mr, Jim J�cksoaa explaiaa�cl that Mrm Stein and othe�� had discussed this matter with the Bo�rd c�f tk�e XrICA and tha�t that Board had not firmly explanation reque�ted tka� ��x��ugkx �tx°e�t. Howeder, it was �Ir. .Tacic�on°s understanding that �his street �a�is �Aann�d f�� a thxo�gh street by previovs action by the Cit� Cm�aacil. City Engin�e�° ��yd �g�°eed th�t �hisstz°eet was pr�pmsed �s a through street by �etion� of the City C�un�i� and tha� dedica�ior�s and necessary right of way ease�ents had pxeviousby be�� req�e�t�d and ae�ep�ed by the City. I� was Mr. �oyd°s opi�aio�a �.hat a thr�ugh �tre�t does not negate the staff report residea��fal ch�r��tex° �f a neighborho�d �nd ttaat the stxeet was required on through to �llevia�e �o�ae of th� t��ffic problems a�ow in existence on Stevens street Creelc �oa�bevard and S�el�.iaag R�ad aaaci that he, �n� good conscience could not r��o�nnend th� �li�niabatiomm of the proposed street. po h. Co�ni�sioner Paxe�z m��red �ommis�ioner Irwin seconded and it was closed passed ua�ani�noc�s�� to �lo�e ttae public he�x°i�ag, City Attorney Araderson cae�tioned that �he mattex° of City streets is a City Coa�ncil �natt�� �a�d �h�t ��t�reet exists once tlne improvements have caution been ac�epted. Ac�ording to 1rIY°. Anderson, the only reason why this by counsel s�ree� appears oa� tka� cna� i� be�aus� the YI�IGA ha�e to place the im- px°o�e�nes��� aaot ye� px�ei,ded fo�, altkaougka the rigk�t �f way has been dedic��ed ��ad tYa� stre�� is alre�dy legal�.y iaa �x�.�t�nce. 2-TM-6�9 Commissioner Bu�taenuth moved that Applicat�oaa 2-�'M-69 be approved with approved the 12 St�xadard Conditi�n�. Coanmissioner Pue�z seconded. Ayes o ComEnis�ionex°s I�°win Buthen�th, Puet�, �r�hon Noe s : Nfoa�e Absent: Co�issioner Fx°olich r�n�tes o� t�� Pl���i�s C�m��s�io� Ma�c� 1Q, �96� PC-7 80�000.4 2-'�'�1- 69/�- U` 62 ��n� ° d page 7 Vice Chairman Hirshoa� advised tl�e �udien�e me�nbers thai� this action ma� be appealed to �he City C�uncil, in writing and within five days �dvice f�om th�s act���a, �£ th� ho�neo�rners so desi,re, Commis�ioner ��tk��n��h mo��d fo�° �pproval of Application 4-U-69 - U - 69 Commissi.oner Paxe�z se�ond�d, ppraved Ayess C�n�.s��o�exs I;�wia�, Buthenuth Pue�z, Hirshox� Noes e Noxie Absent: �o�niss�.oa�er �r�lich Vice Chairmaaa �ir�hoaa c�lbed � rece�s at 9�35 p.mo ecess The �neetia�g r�canvex�ed at 9a4.5 p.�a� F'. Agpbic�tion 2-Z�690 Ward Crucnp Developments, �nc.; Rezoning 2-Z-69 fro� Single-Fa�ily l���idential 7500 sq.ft. lots (R1-7.5) to legend M�lti�le I3i.gta�demsit� lte�idential 2200 sqa ftm minimum (R3-2. 2) Approxim�t�ly 11 ac��s located east end of Palm Avenue between �l�ckla�r�y F�ir�a �ia�d �he Iiorse Ftanch. First iiearing. Mr. Ward Crump �nade the preseaatation stat�ng that he was before this Commis�ion because he �ought advice and guidance. He reviewed the facts leading to the m^�pos�ibil�.ty of constructing upon the premises presentation because of tkxe �lood Cont�ol Districtes req�irement�o According to Mr. Cru�np it was i�npossibl� �to a�low the �onstruc�fon of townhouses and leave the are� �equested b� Flood Gon�rol as well as leaving the open �pa�es res�uix°ed. Seaaior PlaaLaa�x I,a��ian suggest�d an It1C zoning in which the flood plain could be us�d �is a common area required by this zoning, credited toward the number of dwell�ng uaaits, provided that it was accessible as a planner's recreation ax�a during the day paxt of the year. suggestion When Vice Chai�naan Hf..�°shon called for audience cotmnents, Mr. RoE. Kester of 10� 5ceni� �ou�ev�xd stated that the proposal would not add to the retea�tion of the scenic beauty of the area, certainly not if apart�ent kaouses were �llo�aed, and that this was the reasor► why objections the petit�on the written co�a�►aexnication of which the Senior Planner to proposal had talk�d predio�sly w�s submitted at this timee It was Mr. Kester's, Mro 1Z. D. ICoenit��� ° s aa�d 1�Zx°. l�theos � opia�ion that this piece of land was unsu�table for de�elopme�at of any lc�.nd other than for recreat�.onal purpose� and tka�t it s�.ould be left this waya M�. Pete Ca�arci� of 20030 Forest A�enue told the Coanmissioners that he w�s �a� sy�n�aghy with the residents who wish to preserve the scenic beauty of the area b�t that he was alsfl aware that Mr. Crump was atte�npting to constr�ct something good and that, because of the restric- tions placed upon the construction by the Flood Control District, he audience was losing �aoney �nd w� �ryfa�g to xecover some of the funds. Also, support that it w�s this Co�n�a�ssionss dut� �o tr� and help Mr. Crump in his attempts. page 8 Minutes of �he �la�n�ng Commission March 10, 1969 PC-7 80,000,4 2-Z-69 cont°d City Engineer Boyd concurred with Mx°. Ward that the restrictions placed staff upon the applicatiox� by the Floo� Control Distxict ax°e untenable but concurs that all avenues of approach have been exhausted and noth�ng further could be done. Mr. Frank P�rcell of 10441 M�r� Vista Road and Mx°so Juanita McLaren of 22101 Lindy Lane �aotka stated tl�at this are� had bee� suggested for park a park some tim� ago �nd that �kae ia�bility to d�velop the land in any suggested other fashioaa migtat prove the catalyst for fia� lly developing the plans for a paric, City Attorney Andexson caa�tioned that the matter before this Commission is to either approve ox den� tkae application for a rezoning and that no other considexa�ion� �tao�ld be entertained. Also, that this Commis- attorney's sion caaanot and should not �ttempt to usurp the auttaority of the Flood comments Contxol District� no matter kaor� stringent, �nd suggested that th� hearing be contia�ued so that the zoning requests could be discussed further by Mr. Cxump and the Plaauling Department. 2-Z-69 Couronissionex° �uetz cnoved that the hearing be cantinued to the next regular hearing meeting and that the Planning Department submit a plan of the lay-out for continued the Flood Control requirements relative to this application. Commissioner B�thenuth seconded, a�?d it was passed unanimousl}�. motion to Because of the lateness of the kxour, Commissioner Butherauth moved that continue only Ite�ns G. and Ii y Applicatioat�:-2-V-69 a�d 25-�J-68, respectively, be items discussed n�w �nd that all �ther ite�ns be coa�tinued to the next meeting. Senior Plaaiazer I.aurin requ�sted that the adoption of the General Plan request for "Old Monta Vista" also be included. City Attoraiey Anderson advised that it had been suggested that the meeting statements be comtinued to the following day or the day �f ter because of the length of the agenda and that this method would be left to the discretion of the Co�nnissiorn. items Commiss�a�er �uthenuth included a.n his motion abave that items I., J. and continued K, on the listed agenda be continued to Wednesday, l�rch 12, 1969 at 8:00 p.�n. C�o�aroissioiaer P�etz se�onded and it was passed unanimously. 2-V-69 G. Applic��io�. 2-V-690 Stoneson Development Corporation; Variance legend in fenc� or walb �n front yard area from 3 feet to 5 feet and � 6°10). Southwest coraaer of Blaney Avenue and Lucille Avenue. ' Fi.rst Hearing. present- Irlr. John Itodrigues made the p�esentation stating that this application ation had been approved by H Control, the minutes of which meeting had been approved by the City Gouncil. Minutes of t�e Pl�n��ng �a��ission March 10, 1969 P� 80,000.4 2�V-69 co�t°d page 9 Staff st�ted no objections except suggesting a condition �'adherence staff to th� eactiib�t is a�ondition of the variance«. suggestion Commis�foner Bxx�he�'�u�h �moved Com�ni�sio�ex° Irwin sec�nded and it w�s p. ho passed �unanimou�ly �a close the public hearing, closed Commission�r Butkaexa�ath mao�ed fmr approval of Application 2-V-69 with 2-V-b9 the coaadition tha� th� re�.dering be made a part of the plans. Commis- approved sioner Puetz sec�aaded. Ayeso Co�n���io�,e�s Irwi�a, �uthenuth, Puetz, �ii.rshora Noe s o Noaae Absento Cocmtais�ioa�er F'rol�ckn H. Ap�licatioan 25-U-68o G�lf Oil Company; Use Pex°�it for 25-U-68 erect�,oa� of Gulf Oil Service station at ttae southe�ast legend cor�er of Ii�ne�te�d arad Stelling Roads. First Hearingm The Gox1f Oi� C�mp�aay �epreseaata��ve anade the presea�tation stating that this �tatioa� woaxld be the fix°st Ga�lf Oil station i� C�p�x°tino presentation and wo�ld be located diag�aa�lly fr�an the JRkiondda V�lley Shopping Cente�c off Iiomestead R�ad, Staff v�iced a�� ob ject�ons �nci m�de axm report ixc �ad�iition to the no report pxeviousl�r �ubmi�ted wx°ittea� report. There were no audiex�ce co�ents. Coa�ni�sioner Bu�h�n�th �oved Coanmissi�ner Irwin seconded and i.t was po ho passed e�nani�ou��y to clo�e th� �ubbic hearing. closed Comaoissioater Buthenuth woved for �ppx°oval of 25-U�68 with the coan- 25-�J-68 dition Lhat th� .�.�zb� bay do��°s be placed �raay from th� street. approved Gommissioner �a���� s�coa�cied. Ayes: Co�na.s�ioner� Irwa,a� B�xghenuth, Puet�, Hirsh�xa Noe s : N�a�� Absent: C��amis�ioa�er lF��bich Ua�finished �a��ine�s unf.business A. 81 Gean�ral Pban f�r "01d Monta Vista" (formal adopt- 81,003 ion mf plan ��a�p�°o�ed by tkae Planaaimg Gom�nission �nd the legend C�ty Co�ra�il) . Seaai�� �l�aaaa�r b.a�ra.n ea�alaiaaed tkaat �hree r�visions had been made, one an ex�eaasa,o�a �f �ta� �ocmnerci�l area approved by the Plaaialing Comma.�sioxa �aad t;ta� Ca.ty Goua�cil one a�onseq�ence �f a recent re- bacicground zoning arad one result�.ng fr�sn freeway coa�structioxa. The plan now explained needs for�nal ad�ption by ltesol�atfon by �he Planning Commission and the City �o�anca.bm page 10 Minutes of the Planning Commission March 10, 1969 PC-7 80,000.4 81,003 cont'd 81,003 Commissioner Irwin moved that the Planning Commission adopt the revised adopted General Plan for "Old Monta Vistar'. Commissioner Puetz seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Frolich There was no new business. motion to Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Commissir�ner Irwin seconded and it was adjourn passed unanimously that the meeting he adjourned to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 1969. adjournment The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. APPROVED: �� AT7.'EST: Vice-Chairman PLANNING DEPARTMENT ` I ����c� �� ��, Senior Planner