PC 02-10-69 CI7� �F C�1�E;l�i"��1�� L��,a�:�� o�° GaT�forni�
10300 T'�srs°� Av�rnze Crxpc�rtino C�.liforni€� 9�01�+
Phone� �5���+50� PC-4
Mi111�7��� �� 'fiFiE FtEEC�T�R �ET��N� t��' TI-3� 1'�,AP?1`TTN� (;OMM�SSION
�I�� F'EBFc°JA�7� ld 1969 �N ���t��l��� ct��ER Ci� IHALI� CtT1�ERTIDT�,
The meetin� wa� ca11ec1 ord�r �,t 8m03 pem. by Ch�irm�,n Frolich, who c�ll to order
�u��e�,uen�ly led th� a��emb�.�.�e in the fl�.� ��,lu�ee fl�g ��,lute
Commis�ioner� pr��ento Iz°Tain, �i�.r�hon But�ienuth, Pixe�� Froliche Al�o
presente ���ior Plann�e�° Laurin; As�ist�.nt Pl�.nner En�; Director of roll call
�.iblic Work� Finney; Recordin� Secret�,ry ��cie M. M�t�le�r.
Commi�sioner Irwin moved Commissioner Hir�fion �e�conde�d �.nd it w��
pa��ed �zn�.nimou�ly� to �,pprove th� minute� of the J�,nu�.r� 13 196g minutes
meetingo approved
Commi��ione�° ���� mo�r�d, Commi��ioner Irwin seconded �nd it w�s pa��ed
unani.moix�l� to �,pp�o��re �Ys� memor�.ndum of t,h� �tudy �e�sion af Jar�u�,ry memor�nd.�un
�2, �969 �pprovet3
Chaiz°m�.n Frolich ca�led �.��en�i.on to �, typo�raphic�.l error in the
minute� of ��,n�.�r� �( 1g69m On page 6, third line of th� l�,�t p�.r�.�
�r�,ph �o r��.�1 p ` o a incl.��.�lin� �t�e �d�e of the e." r�,t�i�r th�n "hedge" e corrected
Commi��ioner I�win mo��r�d Cammi�sioner B�xtFienuth seeonded. �,nc� it �r�� min�te�
p�,s�ed un�,n�mou�Y�* �o �,�prov� the minute� of Janu�,ry 27 19�9 a� a,pproved
�enior �'�ann�� ��,�a�°�n �.dvi�ed the Commis�ioner� th�.t he w�� in receipt 1m��69
of a, communication f�om �uc�. Norred reque��ing postponement of di�� po�tponement
cu�sions of Applic�tion 1m7Um�9 to ��YS� Nl�.rch 10, �.969 meeting, �s he was requesteti
�tt�mptin� to f°��d �,�noth�r loc�,tion for �ii� riding �table� o
Commi�sioner� ��i� m��recl, ComYna.��ioner �h.ietz seconded �.nd it w�.� p�.���d l�Um69
tzn�.n�.mou�].y �o �on�znue the �i�,tt�r to M�rch l�, �96g as �eques�ed, contgnued
Commi��ion�r Irwin commenelecl. th� �pplicant f'or his willin�n�s� to trans�
port� t�� �,nim�,�.� in �nd out o#' t,�� corr�.l daily and expr���ed hopes commendation
that th�.� m��t�iocl of p° good. nei��bor policy would contin��ze o
�her� w��°� no w�r°i�°��n comm��nic�.tions nor wer�e there any oral co�nentso no comments
Ch�irra�� Frol�ch �d���e� t�i� mem�ber� nf t�e au�i�nce ��h�� tl�� only i�,em
1i�ted on ��� ��end.� un�l�r ° 'Publ.ic ���rin� had. been pos�poned to the �dvic� to
M�,rc'� 10 lg6g m�et�.n� of° t�e Fl�nnin� Commis�iono �uc�ience
Unfin���e� Bu�ine�� unfa business
A. ��d�.n�nc� ��0(kd r��rzl�ting Zi�ht Indu� (N�) zone�, with Orcle 2�0(k)
p�r�ticrzl�,r �.tten�ion t�o performanee st�.ndardso legend
page 2 Minutes of �ch� Planning Coznmi�sion Februa�y 10, 196a PC-/+
80, 000 . �+
Ordiriance 2�O�k� cont"d
Discu�sion ensued on the possibility of postponing this matter again for
suggestion further study a� the Co�nissioners h�d been unable to complete the studies
for third which they had undertaken, Chairm�,n Frolich suggested that the Commis-
draft sioners read over the third draft �,nd, at the next session, make recommend-
ations for addition�, deletions, modific�tions or changes as they think
Con�iderable di�cussions ensued on various portions and para�raphs of
sections the suggested Ordinance in its third dr�.ft, particularly if an.y sections
discussed would be rec�undant after the �.doption of performance standards. Sections
95-6, 9602 and 97.2 �aere discussed and it w�.s c�ncluded that they should
be modified rather than eli.minated. Section 97e3 was considered redundant;
sections 95o1a and b should be rewritten.
It was agr�eed that uses outside of buildings should be specified but that
indoor use� m�y be sufficiently controlled by performance standards.
uses Commercial p�rking lots �,nd g�rages, bus terminals, etco (Section 95.1c)
defined should require �, Use Permit, considering traffic problems. Cold stora,ge
of flowers was di�cussed and found to be covered by Section 95o1g; meat
cuttin� w�,s que�tioned.
Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed
study unanimously to continue the ma.tter to a meeting in March, 1969 but the
session possibility of scheduling a study session should be discussed at the
requested February 2�+, 1969 meeting.
B. Location of Westx'idge Shopping Center
Senior Planner Laurin advised the Commissioners that he had been asked
to ascertain the loca,tion of the proposed Westridge shopping center which
m�,y be considerecl as a potential "downtown" for Cupertino. Mr, Laurin had
proposed no 'offici�l inform�,tion but inform�,7. information as well as geography in-
shopping dicated th�,t the only possible location of an 150-�,cre development would
center be south o�' Junipero Serra Freeway and west of Permanente railro�.d tracks,
inform- as shown on the presented map.Mro Laurin pointed out that a development
ation this large, with some 9,000 parking spaces, could not depend on access from
Foothill Boulev�,rd only. Mro L�.urin related that unconfirmed rumors
indicated that �, new freewa,y interchange w�,s contemplated, but there w�.s
no official word th�.t the State Division of Hi�hways had approved this.
Director of Pub lic Work� Finney st�ted that he had also heard rumors to this
staff same effect but �h�t the City had not been appro�,ched in any way. Further,
report that the City's policy is currently one of "no annexa,tion, no water", and
that the inve�tor� would not agree to the construction of �,nythin� unless
all possible prob].ems had previously been resolved to protect their
capital inve�tmento
Minutes of the Fl�nn�n� Commi��ion F�b�u�ry 1�� i96g PC-4
Unfinished Bu�ine�� con� Page 3
C, C,�ner�,l Pl�,n for "01d" Monta Vista �eneplan
Mr. T,�.urin �dv���d t��,t the Gener�.l Plan for "'�ld" �onta Vi�ta was
before the City �ouncil who�e members had asked th�t the Senior Planner
make a report at their next meeting rel�tive to an incre�se of the pre�ent-
commerci�,l. �.re�,. Senio�° Planner Laurin presented �. m�,p w�iich would ation
meet ob�ection� �nd petitions raised by property o�rners,
Commissioner Puetz moved to advi�e the City Council th�,t the Pl�,nnin� Resa 511
Commission i� in agreement with the presented revision and �,mends its �mended
previou� recommendation (P,C. Resolution No. 511) to include the re-
commend�,tion by the Senior Planner. Commissioner Irwin seconded.
Aye�o Commis�ioner� Irwin, Hir�hon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noeso None
Absen�m None
D. Intent to Ftezone rezoning intent
Senio�° Pl�.nner L�urin �,lso advised the Cornmissioners that, because of
an over�i�ht when tr�,n�ferring information from the County Zoning Map
to the City Zonin� Map in connection with an annexation one lot of
0.23 �,cres ea�t of Foothill Boulevard between Stevens Creek Boulevard oversi�ht in
and Ramona Aven�ue had been shown a� CG instead of ret�.inin� its R1-10 zoning cited
zoning. The owner of the �.ot h�d missed an opportunity to join his
nei�hbors in the recent applic�,tion for prezoning �,ncl the p�,yment of
the necessary fee� would now fall to him �s severaltyo
Mr. Laurin explained th�,t, as �, compens�tion, the City could initiate
a rezonin� without requir�ing �,fee. The first �tep would be a decl�,- method of
ration of Intent by the Planning Commission for re�oning from R1-10 correction
to CG9 public he�,rin�s would followe defined
Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Irwin �econded �,nd it was
passed unanimously to follow the procedure cited above �,� recommended declaration
by the City Senior Planner. �,uthorized
E. Conditions for Applic�,tion 25-Z�68 25-Z-68 cond.
Con�iderable di�cussion ensued on �, previou�ly submitted written memo-
r�,ndum by the Senior Planner on the conditions of rezonin�, and referrals
of chang�� in re�oning. The Commissioners paid. particular attention to �present-
the differences between Tentative Map �,nd Development Plan requirements. ation
Director of Public Works Finney expl�ined th�,t a Tent�,tive M�.p, by law,
must include the name of each property owner on the map, e�,ch owner has
to be cont�,ctecl and his subsequent approv�,l of the map h�.s to be indim differences
cated. A Development Pl�n, conversel�r, h�.� no such requirement �.nd c�,n defined
be filed by �nyone without �nyone else's consent.
page � Minutes of t�e Ci�y Council February 10, �g6g PC-4
Unfini�hed Bus�ness co�t
Senior Planner L�uz°in �tate� that the City Attorney was interested in this
attorney's matter �nd su��ested th�t the �eneral discussion be continued to a meeting
interest when Attorney Anderson could be presenta However, the Fl�nning Commissian'
indicated might wish to ��ke �n initiative in re�ard to prezoning 25-Z-68, in order
to safe�uard the intent of � condition impo�ed by the City Council.
Res 59 5 Com¢nissioner Buthenuth moved to �mend the Planning Commissian's Resolution
amended by No 595 to recommend a eondition 1�: The designation of the zone sh�ll be
additional CG-tm and it sh�ll be so indic�ted on the zoning mape Appendix A to Ordi-
condition nance 220(f) of the City of Cupertino shall be aznended by adding " tm = A Ten-
tative Map shall be submitted for the entire �rea rezoned, and no Building
Permit shall be issued until sueh map has been approved". Commissioner
Irwin seconded.
Ayese Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Frolich
Noes: None
Abstain: Commissioner Puetz
Absent: None
Res 596 Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded to let
remains Planning Commission Resolution No. 596 remain as is.
unchanged Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich
Noes: None
Absent: None
letter F. County Communication
Senior Planner Laurin advised the Commissioners that he was in receipt of
gas statio a communication from the County of Santa Claxa advising that the County
granted had previously �ranted a Use Permit for a gas station on the west side
of Foathill Boulev�x°d near Cupertino Road, but that the applicant had
since requested a change of location to the southwest corner of Foothill
Boulevaz°d and Saxon Way, the latter a paper street.
Commissioner Buthenuth reiterated his request for a�oint meeting of the
request County Planning Commission and this body to �rrive at a workable arrangement
for �oint by which the County does not �,rbitrarily approve applications inconsistent
meeting with Cupertino planning of its municipality.
meeting Commiss�.oner Buthenuth moved to schedule a joint meeting to discuss some
requested of the px°oposal� Commissioner Puetz secondeda
planner Commi�sioner Buthenuth a.mended hi� motion to �tate that the Senior Planner
to contact is directed to commence neg�ti�tion� with the County Planning staff and
county arran�e for an ultima,te wox Mable plan for this �,rea, much the same as
staff was done for "Old" Mont�, Vistae Commissioner Puetz seconded and the
amendment passed un�.nimo�xsly, after w�iich the original motion passed 5- 0.
ob�ections Commissioner Buthenuth moved th�.t the County be �,dvised that this Plannin�
defined to Commission ob�ect� �0 1) too many service st�,tions in this area; 2) the
county relocation; 3) the proposed S�,xon Way �.� it does not conform to the City's
General Plan nor to its street p�,tterno Commissioner Irwin seconded and
the motion passed un�nimouslys
Minutes of �he P��nni�� Comm���ion F�b�u�ry l�, Zgbg PC-4
Unfini���d ���in�s� con�°d Pa�e 5
Go Con�tr�uc�ion of �ppl�c�tion ��mUm�7 22mU-67
Director of Pfx���e Wa�k� Finn�y ���e a p�o��es� repo�t on t�� ��� Pe�mit
��arite� to i�°o A�er� �or Application ����m67o He ���� t��� Mro Av�ry
h�d vi����d �i� offie� for � coordina�ion conf�r�nce �nd �e was �eady
to comYn��c� con�t�����on o� the fi.��� h�lf of his proj�c� �it�in t�e
near f�����o Accor�in� to lvlr�o Fin��� if M�o A�ery p�oce��� �ith the construction
ori�in�l d�v�lopment pl�n wi�h al� eondition� �nd wit�ou� any c�an�e� foreseen
h� doe� nat have �o r�m�ppe�� b�f��� th� Pl�nn�n� Commis�iono �ow��er,
th�re ��e �ome qu��t�ons r�l�ti�� �o �he p�opo�ed park�ng sp�c�� a�
they we�e ��bmY�ted p�fo� to �nactm�nt of O�di��n�� OO���m1�o
Mro Finn�� ���te��te� �hat, som� �ime a�o, de�i�ion� had b�en m�de by
the �bl�c �t������� �ommis�ion in r�gard to c��nge from over�ead to
underg�o�nd ��il����� and th� �ity ��ou�d b� r�ceivin� cert�in fund� under�round
as r��m�u��emen�o Howev�r� befo�e th�� can �� u�i�i�ed � sched�le f�cilities
of gr�o���ie� fo� un�����oun� plaeem�nt of u�ilY�ties mu�t �e adoptede discussed
Mz°o Finney c��tion�� ��a� in ��� ����� ��� c��p���t�on of the property
owner� wo�l� ���d �o be o�t�inedo
Th�re �a� no n�w b��ine��e no new bus.
Commi��ion�� �u���n��� moved C�m�i��ion�r �rwin secon�ed �nd �� wa�
pas�ed ixn�nimou�ly to ��j�u�n v�e me�tin�,
The meeting ��jour�n�d �t 1�005 �om, �djournment
�P�R�`� �
� �����
ATTEST ° ���' Don�.�d A o Frolic�i
� Ch�,iz°m�n
����� �����
�enio�° P��,nn��°